By: Jeff Matity
y son, Benjamin, has had a life-long fascination with fishing and the live baits we have always grown for fishing. He knows that when nothing else can get a fish to bite, one of our home-grown, superior live baits can often save the day. This has proven true many times during the ice fishing season. Unfortunately, live bait can be hard to find when you live in rural Saskatchewan. For that reason, I’ve learned to grow my own and, after 30 years of culturing my own supply, I have tried many methods for many species of invertebrates.
itself. Put about 4 inches of wheat bran in the bucket and add your mealworms. Purchase 4-5 dozen worms to get started.
PROPER HYDRATION – is the fundamental
key to the health and wellbeing of your colony: Most folks add a slice of potato or apple on top of the bedding and replace it ever week or so. With all due respect, I don’t like this option since this practice has been the single-greatest mistake I have made since this strategy has cost me the loss of entire colonies.
the Kingworm or Superworm; and Tenebrio molitor– yellow mealworm. Both are Darkling beetle species. The one you want is the Kingworm, commonly called, Superworm. Why? Well, simply put, they get big and are easy to grow. The yellow mealworm can be grown as well. However, Many times, seeing multiple failures. However, after decades of trial-and-error, the Superworm has a few life-cycle features I now can offer several tips that will make that make it a slam dunk for easy production. you a success in supplying yourself and your friends with a terrific, 4-season fishing UNDERSTAND THE LIFE CYCLE OF worm! Ben took advantage of his mealworm DARKLING BEETLE FAMILY know-how to successfully place very high in many Science Fair Projects when he was LARVAE – are your bait or worm phase just a little tyke, which I will share in the of the Superworm. This stage is what you want to buy in order to get your photos and verbiage within this article. colony started. They require a well Mealworm species have proven easy to aerated container with dry wheat bran domesticate, house and achieve successful and a moisture source. Many mealworm breeding. There are two main mealworms farmers use an ice cream bucket with you’ll find at the tackle pro shop or pet shop. holes in the top of the lid and, perhaps, These would be: Zophobus morio– aka around the periphery of the container
You see, the hydration protocol must actually err on the side of dryer than wetter and any excess moisture works directly to propagate mold, spoil your bedding and asphyxiate your worms. The absolute best method for hydration is the prudent use of WaterBeads, which I order online with little expense.
WaterBeads are used to hydrate worm colony with before hydration size (1 mm) & fully hydrated (12 mm)
If not eaten, the moisture of the WaterBead will evaporate into the air and shrink into a tiny, hard, dry bead. The wheat bran does not absorb any of the moisture and keeps from spoiling. With this TIP alone, you will be miles ahead on your own worm project! PUPAE – Healthy worms are vigorous and grow fast. They will get plump and shed their skin multiple times. These growing stages are called in intars and the number of instars in the larvae stage depends on (Continued on page 29.)
Just Fishing . 28
Winter 2024