Just For Canadian Dentists 2014-09 September October

Page 1

september/ october 2014

life + leisure

win $50 Visa Gift Card page 45

+ dentist with a MISSION + EAST COAST flavour trail + rethink the FREEDOM 55 concept + sniff, swirl + sip WINE

Publications Mail Agreement #41073506

inside: Continuing dental Education Calendar where will you meet? k e l o w n a

/chicago / winnipeg / cancun /

pa n a m a


life + leisure

far off the beaten path in

east coast road trip in

nova scotia

Îles de la madeleine

adventure kick on the

British isles win

March/ aPril 2012

sePteMBer/ oCtoBer 2011

july/ august 2014

March/ aPril 2014

life + leisure

life + leisure


ALBERTA sail on the AEGEAN

a VISA gift card! PAGE 37


$400 in aD

creDit from rogers outrank sEE pAgE 4

+ $50 visa gift



+ MOROCCO magic + zesty ZAATAR + NEW ZEALAND road race + get HEART friendly

$50 Visa gift card

life + leisure


giddy up in

chill phoenix heat

a $100 gift certificate from Zebra Print Centre! See page 27

page 37

card sEE pAgE 45

+ madrid vs. barcelona + associate-to-owner

+ grassroots dentistry + cool canadian chic + the art of a good sale + drink in local flavour

a sensory feast in



+ STaFF appreciation + test your Wine iQ PuBLiCations MaiL aGreeMent #41073506

Publications Mail agreeMent #41073506

Publications Mail agreeMent #41073506

inside: Continuing dental eduCation Calendar

inside: Continuing dental eduCation Calendar

14-02-16 1:06 PM

sePteMBer/ oCtoBer 2012

JFCDentists-marapr2014-FIN.indd 1

life + leisure + the Concours







14-06-23 5:39 PM

Publications Mail agreeMent #41073506



















8/30/12 4:33:01 PM

life + leisure



$50 VISA gift card! SEE PAGE 31

Dear Just For Canadian Dentists Readers, Writers, Associates, Contributors and Advertisers,



+ BREW tour + advice for the





TIPS from our PRO









a VISA gift card!


PuBLiCations MaiL aGreeMent #41073506

where will you meet?










JFCDentists-novdec-CS6*.indd 1

A special thank you to all the contributing dentists who have shared their stories in our regular columns “Pay it Forward” and “Small Talk.” You provide a glimpse of life inside and outside the practice and the incredible contributions you make to the dental profession at home and abroad.


12-10-25 8:00 AM

life + leisure






a $100 gift certificate

We look forward to sharing our continued success with all of you.

from Zebra print Centre! see Page 29

+ cycle france + reminisce in


Motor city

+ san diego suds + R.O.I. on the office + traVeL Photo

Linh T. Huynh, Publisher Barb Sligl, Editor

tiPs from our Pro PuBLiCations MaiL aGreeMent #41073506

inside: CONTINUING DENTAL EDUCATION CALENDAR where will you meet? M O N T P E L L I E R / K A P A L U A / J A S P E R / D A N U B E / S O R RE N T O >> JFCDentists-mayjune2012-FINAL.indd 1

january/ february 2014

life + leisure

life + leisure



a VISA gift card!

PAGe 37

history + luxury on the rails in the

4/24/12 12:21:35 AM

life + leisure

different views of the


a visa gift card!


bay area



adventure + celebration in

a VISA gift card!




+ SWISS tracks + on the RALLY route + CASH management + patient LOYALTY


S T . J O H N ’S







decay in the PhiliPPines + go old-school in your practice + hot Picks for winter relief

12/15/11 11:32:54 AM

Publications Mail agreeMent #41073506

inside: Continuing dental eduCation Calendar where will you meet?

JFCDentists-janfeb2014-fin.indd 1





AMG Mercedes




+ fighting tooth

silence + snow in



+ the allure of the

culture in the




To our staff, writers and suppliers, thank you for making a difficult job seem easy.

life + leisure


life + leisure

To our readers, your subscription requests, story ideas and continued support motivates us to consistently produce a well-read magazine.

6/25/12 12:41:56 PM


JFCDentists-julaug-FINAL.indd 1


where will you meet? copenhagen / key biscayne / danube / bermuda / jasper >>

+ travel photography GEAR + holiday GIFT guide + BITTERS magic + get PRODUCTIVE

And a final thank you goes to our advertisers for their continued support. Without your support, Just For Canadian Dentists would not be able to deliver an anticipated, well-read and informative magazine.

+ TAX strategies + spinning wheels

inside: Continuing dental eduCation Calendar

8/22/11 2:05:00 PM

May/ june 2014


JFCDentists-sepoct-final copy.indd 1

JFCDentists-janfeb2012-fin.indd 1


JFCDentists-sepoct-wip2.indd 1

PuBLiCations MaiL aGreeMent #41073506


JFCDentists-julaug2014-FIN.indd 1


The Western Magazine Awards Foundation announced its list of nominees for 2014 and we are thrilled to share that Just For Canadian Dentists magazine is a nominee in the Best Trade Magazine category! Our “Pay It Forward” columnist Roberta Staley is also a nominee in the Science, Technology & Medicine category. We want to thank everyone associated with Just For Canadian Dentists for making this achievement possible.


$50 VISA gift card!

s e at t l e

JuLY/ auGust 2011

d’Elegance + gIN spin + advice on buying a PRACTICE + TRAVEL PHoTo TIPS from our PRo

where will you meet? w i n n i p e g / s t . a u g u s t i n e / k e n ya / o t ta wa /

MaY/ June 2012

where will you meet? g l a s g o w / wa l l a wa l l a / w i n n i p e g / s a n d i e g o / ta h i t i >>

noVeMBer/ deCeMBer 2012

+ top TAX deductions + helping in HondurAs + EAsT + WEsT in Mexico + cArs + coffEE in california


b e l fa s t


kea lani




13-12-20 11:28 AM

$50 visa gift card page 37

+ MAXIMIZE your miles + the WILD WEST of wine + manage OVERHEAD + 13 TIPS for practice owners

east on the west coast of

vancouver island

+ get a practice partner + giving back in guatemala + transatlantic crossing + targa Florio in sicily

PuBLiCations MaiL aGreeMent #41073506

Publications Mail agreeMent #41073506


inside: Continuing dental eduCation Calendar

where will you meet? OTTAWA / CHICAGO / LONDON / MEMPHIS / CANARY ISLANDS >> JFCDentists-julaug2011-fin.indd 1

6/29/11 11:47:31 AM

where will you meet? n a s h v i l l e / v i c t o r i a / p r o v o / v i e t n a m /

JFCDentists-mayjun2014-fin.indd 1

g a l a pa g o s


14-04-20 1:34 PM

Just for C








de nti sts life + leisure

september/october 2014


september/october 2014 Publisher Linh T. Huynh Editor Barb Sligl

Art Direction BSS Creative

Contributing Editor Janet Gyenes Editorial Assistant Adam Flint Contributors Timothy A. Brown Michael DeFreitas Dr. Holly Fong Janet Gyenes Alison Kent Manfred Purtzki Dr. Kelly Silverthorn Roberta Staley Catherine Tse Cover photo B. Sligl

19 33

Senior Account Executive Monique Nguyen Account Executives Lily Yu Wing-Yee Kwong Production Manager Ninh Hoang Circulation Fulfillment Shereen Hoang CE Development Adam Flint Sales, Classifieds and Advertising In Print Circulation Office 200 – 896 Cambie Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2P6 Canada Phone: 604-681-1811 Fax: 604-681-0456 Email: info@AdvertisingInPrint.com


19 the islands of Fiji are paradise-like + laid-back 33 the Okanagan Valley is a wine-soaked wonder COLUMNS


8 photo prescription

5 September/October mix 25 CE calendar 45 sudoku 46 small talk

Go low

Just For Canadian Dentists is published 6 times a year by Jamieson-Quinn Holdings Ltd. dba In Print Publications and distributed to Canadian dentists. Publication of advertisements and any opinions expressed do not constitute endorsement or assumption of liability for any claims made. The contents of this magazine are protected by copyright. None of the contents of the magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of In Print Publications.

clockwise from top left: b. Sligl

In Print Publications 200 – 896 Cambie Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2P6 Canada

13 pay it forward Dr. Tom Harle and his journeys to administer dental care

14 the thirsty dentist

Sniff, swirl, sip

17 the hungry dentist

with Dr. Farzin Ghannad

Last hurrah on the grill

23 motoring

cover photo

The colour of the fall harvest in the Okanagan, where BC’s wineries + farms offer a sensory feast. Pluck + partake. Now. Story on page 33.

The three-year itch

www.justforcanadiandentists.com Printed in Canada.

37 the wealthy dentist

The mirror test

43 practice management want to reach us? check out our website!

Forget “Freedom 55”

September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists


from the editor Scenes from Fiji, our “travel the world” feature, where you can hide out in a jungle, swim in some of the most beautiful coral-filled bays anywhere and sip on local rum cocktails. Bula, baby! Story on page 19. clockwise from top

fall fling

purples and verdant greens of big bunches of grapes. Everywhere. There’s a sense of ripeness and juiciness—of life at its fullest. It’s harvest season and there’s almost too much to feast on, whether you want to wine or dine. Follow our fall tour of just a few places to experience some of BC’s fall bounty (page 33). And while you’re planning your taste tour deep into the Okanagan, brush up on your wine tasting skills. Seems easy enough to indulge, but we have a few tips on how best to sniff, swirl and sip your way through all those wineries (page 14). And don’t forget to refuel with some locavore grub—and a side of stunning Okanagan Valley views—at Miradoro Restaurant at Tinhorn Winery (page 5). So. Good.

exotic escape!

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Just For Canadian dentists September/October 2014

If you’re still pining for summer’s hot-andsultry embrace, well, we’ve got you covered there too. Summer is just heating up big time in the southern hemisphere…so where better for an exotic escape than Fiji? From über-friendly locals, who greet you with a perma-smile whether you’re in the jungle or on the beach, to unreal waters and unspoiled reefs, these storied isles come just about as close to paradise as possible on this earth (page 19). Of course, reality eventually sets in and it’s back to work. But that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, it seems most of us these days are happy to work far past what was once the norm for retirement—for some part-time brain stimulation and funds. Keep working for the means for travel (hello Fiji!) while also achieving something akin to work/life balance (see page 37 for the “mirror test” on when you’re ready to let it go, and page 43 for why “Freedom 55” is obsolete). We here at Just for Canadian Dentists love what we do, and are happy to meld work and life in each issue. And we’re thrilled to be recognized for the package we present it all in…this magazine was named a nominee in the 2014 Western Magazine Awards. That’s, in large part, thanks to all of you, our readers— this recognition is yours too. Thank you. feedback@InPrintPublications.com

clockwise from top: B. Sligl


s summer really over? So soon? Our love affair with the hot-and-lazy days of summer seem to spark quickly and then fizzle just as fast. No matter…it’s easy to get over the fickle love of summer with a grand fall fling. Growing up in Ontario, fall was always my favourite time of year, with an overabundance of glorious colours. I’ll never forget hiking in Algonquin Park in early October, through the many gradations of reds, golds and yellows of deciduous trees, each one more other-worldly than the last. Alas, on the west coast, that intense burst of colour is harder to find. And yet there’s a different palette to behold and be enchanted by… In BC’s Okanagan region, from Kelowna (page 25) to Osoyoos, pops of red brush and yellow leaves are the backdrop for the deep

what/when/where > September/October style | food | shows | festivals | places | getaways | gear…

mmmmm miradoro For full immersion in the bounty of the Okanagan, dine at Miradoro, where you’ll be surrounded by valley views and aromas wafting from the kitchen, which features its own forno oven—essential for crisping the whisper-thin crust on its Neapolitan-style pizza. Executive chef Jeff van Geest fully embraces the region’s delectable offerings in his Mediterraneaninspired menu, from the heirloom tomato and stone fruit panzanella salad to the sustainable local char accompanied with delicate zucchini blossoms. Seasonality rules here, with the elegant menu of modern country cuisine adapting to celebrate earthy morel mushrooms foraged by Mikuni Wild Harvest or autumn squash from Covert Farms. With Tinhorn Creek celebrating its 20year anniversary this year, raise a glass to toast this milestone with guest chefs and communal table dinners at the restaurant and live performances, including Colin James, in the amphitheatre. tinhorn.com —Janet Gyenes

bc bounty

Local arctic char, served family style. / Sipping + sitting pretty in the vineyard. / The view from Miradoro’s dining deck. / Burrata appetizer.

B. Sligl

below, from left


September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists



fare with a view


east coast flavour trail


2 Travel 60 km westward to Baddeck Lobster Suppers, bring your appetite, arrive early in the evening to avoid line-ups, and choose the ‘All You Can Eat’ option of steamed mussels, seafood chowder, biscuits and salads, plus dessert and beverages. In between, choose from four mains—local lobster, snow crab, maple-planked Atlantic salmon or strip loin steak—served fresh and friendly as can be. baddecklobstersuppers.ca Must-try: Snow crab with drawn butter; potato salad; tea biscuits.


Snow crab at Baddeck Lobster Suppers.

With scenic coastal roads, picturesque towns and fresh local fare to sample along the way, the adage, ‘There’s no wrong turn on Cape Breton Island,’ rings true. Following a clockwise loop, here are six noteworthy spots to stop and nosh. Words + photos by Alison Kent

1 Located 20 km from Sydney, the husband/wife team of chef Richard Moore and manager Leslie Wilson churn out creative twists on local seafood at Lobster Pound Restaurant and Moore in North Sydney. Reservations are borderline essential at this quaint and oh-so-popular eatery. 9 02-79 4-29 9 2 Must-try: Lobster wontons; fish and chips; lobster ravioli.

our autumn

Taking in the view at White Point.

3 Continue due west, driving 75 km to the coastal town of Inverness. Check in at Cabot Links and head to Cabot Public House for a pint or wee dram accompanied by lively Celtic music. The next day, enjoy Lobster Eggs Benedict at Panorama overlooking the 18th hole and Atlantic Ocean before a round of golf to work off a few surplus calories. cabotlinks.com Must-try: Farmer’s breakfast sandwich with fried egg, bacon, cheddar, chive mayo and roasted tomato jam on toasted ciabatta. 4 Take in the breathtaking scenery heading north 95 km along the coastal Cabot Trail on the way to Pleasant Bay. Family-run Rusty Anchor restaurant boasts oceanfront views and a lovely, laid-back atmosphere, while the lobster roll drizzled with melted butter is a crowd-pleasing menu favourite. rustyanchor.org Must-try: Crab dip; freshly shucked oysters; lobster roll. 5 Keeping along the world-renowned Cabot Trail, drive eastbound and down

TACO TIME Keep the summer going with oh-so-good fish tacos (see page 17 for how to make your own steak version) from Tacofino Commissary in Vancouver or its fleet of food trucks in Tofino, Vancouver, Victoria and Kelowna (see page 25 for more on this Okanagan city). Repeat. Often. tacofino.com Just For Canadian dentists September/October 2014

about 75 km before checking in at the historic seaside Keltic Lodge Resort and Spa at Ingonish Beach. Hike, bike, golf and swim, then dine well at the picturesque Purple Thistle Dining Room. Full buffet breakfast is offered in the morning, complete with blueberry pancakes and maple syrup. kelticlodge.ca Must-try: Duck rillette on crostini; seared scallops with crisp pancetta and peas.

6 Meander the winding 120 km to Sydney, stroll along Charlotte Street, and marvel at the ‘World’s Largest Ceilidh Fiddle’ before reaching your dining destination at Governors Pub & Eatery. Chef Ardon Mofford’s fresh seasonal specials include grilled beef tenderloin topped with briny and sweet local Fourchu lobster claws—it’s the ultimate in surf ’n turf. After, head upstairs to the pub for a nightcap on the patio overlooking Sydney Harbour. governorseatery.com Must-try: Cold-water shrimp fritti; Cape Breton crab cakes.

Boulevardier Time to swap the Negroni’s gin for warming bourbon or whisky. A cocktail that’s the perfect counterpoint to fall’s oncoming chill…

bottom photos: B. Sligl

feast on Cape Breton Island

wind +dine

charitable chic

make a



show your beliefs


This fall, send the kids back to school in eco-chic style, support charity and boost your health while on the run Written + produced by Janet Gyenes

wrist reminder

Who wouldn’t want to improve the lives of a thousand people a day? wear That’s the ambitious goal the 1:Face watch company has set—and easily achieved—with its charity timepieces that each support a specific cause. The purchase of a bold black watch provides support for eight cancer patients; nine gutsy pink watches purchases a mammogram. Four yellowand-white watches? A lifetime of water for one person. The outsized mirrored-face watch serves as both conversation starter and daily reminders of how even small gestures can make a big difference. From $40; 1facewatch.com

editor’s super sipper

cool 4 school We’re so over clunky metal lunch boxes and too-big backpacks that weigh down wee ones. Send the tykes back to school in smart-sized and eco-chic style, sporting a retro-inspired dinosaur, rocket or fawn on their lunch box, backpack or cooler bag. Created by Toronto-based SoYoung, the linen-coated items, which come in a range tote of kid-friendly sizes, are free of nasty PVCs, phthalates and BPAs. Plus they sport smart touches like pockets, an insulated and leakproof insert (ideal for coping with yogurt seepage or leaky thermoses), adjustable straps and more. From $30; soyoung.ca

organic nuts, oats, berries + more


Superman may have drink been able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, thanks to his alien genes. Now, mere mortals attempting more mundane feats can keep up their energy and get their daily dose of nutrients by slugging back Ambronite, a drinkable “supermeal” created by a team of Finns. Think of it as the anti-Kryptonite. True, we prefer to chomp—not slurp—our veggies and grains, but when faced with airline food (business class excluded) or greasy roadside grub, bring us a straw! Ambronite, which is packed with 20 organic ingredients from black current and wild bilberry to spirulina and spinach, promises to meet 100% of an individual’s daily nutritional needs, plus it’s free of GMOs, soy and gluten. Mix with water, shake up, drink up. $80/10 supermeals; ambronite.com September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists


p h o t o p r e s c r i p t i o n m i c h a e l d e f r e i ta s Michael DeFreitas is an award-winning photographer who’s been published in a wide variety of travel publications. With his initials, MD, he’s been nicknamed “doc,” making his photography prescriptions apropos.

Getting down for more dramatic images


take it low, real low

Find another perspective. From below, dogs on the street, performers at a circus and wildlife in the Galapagos can produce interesting and riveting photographs. Instead of standard eye-level or from-above shots, you’ll reveal new angles and drama. In answer to “how low to go?” simply go as low as you can. And next time you see a dachshund on the sidewalk, go ahead and press your cheek and camera to the pavement right alongside your furry subject.


Just For Canadian dentists September/October 2014

aking travel images more interesting is a never-ending task. Each day dozens of beautiful travel images pop up on our TVs, Internet and cell phones, so creating images that stand out in the crowd can be challenging. That’s where shooting from a low angle can help. Except for a few glances up or down, we typically view life from eye-level and sadly most of today’s imagery lacks real interest because it tends to mimic that perspective. However, things start to get interesting when we stray from our normal perspective. For example, when we look down on subjects we usually look up at, like an aerial view of the Eiffel Tower, or look up at subjects we usually look down at, like a small dog (left), the unusual perspective makes those subjects more interesting. After all, you seldom see people with their cheek pressed to the sidewalk looking up at their dachshund. Now Milwaukee, Wisconsin, may not be the most photogenic city, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make it interesting. While on assignment there last summer, I took some time to grab a few shots at a circus. Now over the years, I have collected thousands of circus shots, so I decided to try to document this circus from a different perspective. Since chartering a helicopter for aerial views was not practical, I opted for a low perspective. The resulting low-angle shots of people waiting in line at the Ferris wheel, the camel riders and the acrobats practising behind the big top (far left), made for an interesting day of shooting. I was so impressed with my lowangle shots, I used the same technique to capture some of the city’s other attractions, including the most photographed building in town, the Quadracci Pavilion at the Milwaukee Museum of Art. The big question I get from students about this technique is, “how low to go?” And my answer is usually “as low as you can” depending on safety concerns for you and your camera equipment. I would hardly recommend positioning yourself and your camera at the surface of an icy cold river unless you and your equipment were in

michael defreitas

how low can you go?

Send your photos and questions to our photography guru at feedback@ inprintpublications.com and your shot may be featured in a future issue!

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photo prescription [continued]

PRO TIPS for shooting low > To capture more background and reduce the amount

of ground/table in the frame, raise the lens a bit off the surface.

> With lenses wider than 24mm you risk being “in” the

photo if you hold the camera, so preset everything and use the camera self-timer to take the photo.

> Vertical low-angle shots tend to work better because they produce a more “uplifting” perspective.

> A lens hood will help protect the front element of your

lens from dust and raindrops when shooting from a low angle.

> Incorporating leading lines help accentuate the upward perspective.

Ready to take it to the next level?

gear up Besides a wide-angle lens in the 20 to 35mm range there are a few gadgets that can make taking low-angle shots easier. I spend a fair bit of time on my knees when shooting low so I use a set of those volleyball kneepads. A small beanbag is great for raising the front of the lens off the ground and a mini/tabletop tripod like the Gorillapod by Joby or TT-100 by Oben ($40 -$60) will keep your camera off sandy, oily, dirty, etc. surfaces.

waterproof housings. The same is true for very hot, greasy or corrosive surfaces. Barring these concerns, I often rest my camera directly on the ground for most of my low-angle shots. While shooting stock in Switzerland, I came across four men blowing those huge wooden alphorns. After a few uninteresting shots from eye level, I placed my camera on the ground close to one of the big horns and got a more dramatic image. I used the same approach when shooting a couple of small dogs on a Paris street, the interior of Passau’s St. Stephan’s Cathedral in Germany, the exterior of the Dome of the Rock mosque in Jerusalem and sea lions on a beach in the Galapagos. However, you don’t have to use the ground for every subject to get the same effect. For example, if your main subject is a glass of smoked beer on a bar table in Leipzig, an Arab juice vendor in Israel’s Akko market or a coffee packer in Guatemala, you can place your camera on the table or bench top. As long as the angle you select is not one that people typically view from, you’ll probably create a more interesting image. Wide-angle lenses in the 20mm to 35mm range provide the ideal field of view and depth of field needed for great low perspective shots. For better results try to place your main subject in the foreground and include enough background to connect your subject with their surroundings. When I photographed spectators standing by the Ferris wheel in Milwaukee, the shot would have still worked without the wheel, but including it helped “place” the people at the fair or circus. Mastering low-angle shots takes practise, but it’s worth the effort. It also helps if you’re okay with getting down and dirty at “street level” and don’t mind the awkward glances you’ll get from onlookers.

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pay i t f o r w a r d

r o b e r ta s ta l e y

Roberta Staley is an award-winning magazine writer and the editor of the Canadian Chemical News, published by the Chemical Institute of Canada. She is also a magazine writing instructor at Douglas College and a graduate student at Simon Fraser University.

a capital dentist

From North Korea to downtown Ottawa, dentistry can be redefined as a helping enterprise

courtesy Dr. Harle


t the junction of Russia, China and North Korea, bleak plains and low mountains are intersected by the wide and slow-moving Tumen River. For North Koreans, the Tumen is the demarcation between freedom and continued oppression under a despotic regime. For Ottawa dentist Tom Harle, crossing the Tumen into North Korea from Russia to administer dental care was a journey he is not eager to repeat. “It’s as dark and oppressive as they say it is,” Harle recalls of the 2005 trip with his organization Health Team International (Canada). “We always had a guard with us,” says Harle, who gave dental care to both adults and children on the seven-day mission. “There was a guard watching our guard to make sure he didn’t leave with us,” Harle adds, referencing the continuous escape attempts across the Tumen into China by North Koreans fleeing hunger and tyranny. Despite the grim setting, the people of North Korea were “wonderful,” says Harle. “It was a joy to treat them and they were happy to receive service and happy to have someone look at their kids’ teeth.” The isolation imposed upon North Koreans had one benefit, says Harle. A lack of refined sugar meant the teeth of the children were in relatively good shape, in comparison to other poverty-stricken places Harle has gone where exposure to soft drinks and processed foods results in rampant decay. Upon his return to Ottawa following his North Korea sojourn, Harle reflected upon the dire need for dental care around the globe. Looking at Ottawa’s high rate of homelessness, Harle realized that the need in his own backyard was just as great—if not greater—than many nations he visited on dental missions. This planted the seed of what would become, just one year later, the Ottawa Mission Dental Clinic on Waller Street in the city’s downtown—a practice with a social mission. “Our philosophy and motivation is to be a force for good in the local community and abroad,” he says. “We are trying to do that by facilitating access to dental care to those who are poor and disadvantaged.” It is perhaps surprising to think that there

is dire need for dental care in our nation’s capital, which Harle says is directly linked to the city’s homelessness crisis. The Alliance to End Homelessness reports that, any one night in Ottawa, 1,300 people bunk down in shelters. Over the span of a year, 6,700 people are homeless, including people who, like some new immigrants, are experiencing temporary, or episodic, homelessness. (Harle estimates that severe addiction problems and mental illness is linked to homelessness in one third of cases.) Poor dental health exacerbates the Dr. Tom Harle vicious cycle of with a patient at homelessness, the Ottawa Mission says Harle, as a Dental Clinic—his healthy smile practice with a can be the key social mission. factor determining an individual’s employability. “About 90% of the people we see have untreated dental caries,” Harle says. “About half of the homeless without teeth don’t have dentures; they’re just gumming it.” The statistics are impressive. Harle’s team of volunteers have treated 7,200 patients since the Ottawa Mission Dental Clinic opened—a total of $1.7 million in free dental care. It also boasts the largest volunteer-based dental clinic in North America with 100 volunteers, including 56 dentists and 25 hygienists. “We don’t just do emergency extractions, we provide full service: cleaning, radiographs, extractions, root canals and fillings. I make dentures, too. It restores self esteem and makes a world of difference in helping the patients function properly,” Harle says. Harle has also established a volunteerbased program that gives free dental care to pregnant single teens and new moms living below the poverty line. The program, established in 2012, rotates through three locations in Ottawa: Youville Centre, St. Mary’s Home, and the Salvation Army’s

Bethany Hope Centre. Give a mom good dental care, says Harle, and their children’s teeth will benefit in the future, too. All Harle’s initiatives have received recognition for leadership and health promotion from groups like the Canadian Dental Association and Ontario Dental Association. Harle graduated from the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry and then specialized in prosthodontic dentistry before joining the Canadian Armed Forces, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel. Twenty

years as an army dentist introduced him to a peripatetic lifestyle that made him “fearless about international dental service later on.” Today, Harle continues to help those in the developing world, travelling to Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, China, Peru and India. Here, Harle has given dental care to the lepers of Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity, who have lost fingers to the infection and are unable to clean their own teeth. While some may view dentistry as strictly a business and for-profit enterprise, Harle considers it one of the helping professions. Poor dental health and poverty are linked, he says. “Dental care should be more universal so that it catches everybody.”

September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists


the thirsty dentist janet gyenes Janet Gyenes is a magazine writer and editor who likes to dally in spirits, especially when discovering something like corenwyn jenever (a gin-like Dutch spirit)—straight or in cocktails like the “bramble.” Have a boozy idea or question? Send it to feedback@inprintpublications.com

smart sipping

Decoding the art + science of wine tasting


{aroma appreciation}

you can feed your budding oenophile or y phone vibrates just as I’m putting down my glass of Merlot, simply cultivate some appreciation for what’s in your glass. still singing its praises to the Whether you’re at a tasting bar in winemaker. The text message—from my Napa or Niagara, sampling wine can be husband who is standing right next to intimidating. How do you discern which me—is just four words: This wine is awful. Our respective wine preferences diverge wines are worthy of their medal-winning status (and price tag if you decide to bring at the best of times and also in this instance. bottles home)? Which are diamonds Me: off-dry whites redolent of peaches; in the rough that will improve reds bursting with cherries. Him: with age? And which wines bone-dry whites; reds so are fool’s gold: all boozy, rustic you can practically WINE WISDOM sugary sparkle at the chew on them. “Beware of sweet and high alcohol winery and little When it comes to wines because they impress at the substance once you wine, one person’s tasting room but are much worse when you drink them at sublime sipper can try them at home,” says Craig Pinhey. “They home? be another’s swill. So stand out as having more impact (sweeter how do you find the and fuller bodied) when you taste a wines that please your line-up of wines. Look for elegance and palate? Deciphering complexity, not power and sugar.” the complexities of wine is part history lesson, art appreciation, science experiment and, if you’re so inclined, sojourns to wineries, where

WHITE WINE fruity >> citrus, stone fruits, tropical fruits floral >> orange blossom, rose, lemongrass earthy >> mineral, mushroom

RED WINE fruity >> cherry, plum, blackcurrant floral >> violet, lavender earthy >> coffee, spices, leather

Grape expectations Varietal—or blend? A wine labeled “Merlot” in BC must include, at minimum, 85% Merlot grapes. The remaining 15% can be comprised of other grapes.


“I go with the flow,” says Craig Pinhey, Atlantic Canadian wine writer, judge and consultant, certified by the International Sommelier Guild. Although Pinhey typically goes to tastings where there’s an underlying theme, he offers advice that makes sense for both neophytes and aficionados. “The visit might be all about Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, or it might be an all encompassing ‘what grapes and styles can be made well in this area’ angle. The key is to try to find what new things are happening, things that stand out.” Focusing on a single grape varietal, such as Pinot Noir or Chardonnay, allows you to compare various vintages and detect subtle

Just For Canadian dentists September/October 2014

differences from winery to winery. “Ask why,” says Pinhey. “Is it the winemaker’s style or is it the terroir?” So be open-minded. Don’t snub that Chardonnay; find out whether it has been fermented and aged in oak, which yields both those buttery vanilla flavours or sometimes aggressive woody notes people may find overpowering. On the flipside: unoaked (also called unwooded or “naked”) chardonnays fermented in stainless steel are crisper-tasting, not unlike a Pinot Gris. Some winemakers opt for a balance of both by lightly aging the wine in oak before finishing it in stainless steel. (Haters take note: Chardonnay grapes are considered a star in Champagne circles.)

50 shades of grapes Before you start sipping, hold up your glass and look at the wine’s colour, which offers some clues about the varietal and the winemaking method. Compare those two Chardonnays side by side, for instance: the unoaked will be more pale straw in colour; the oaked more golden. The ripeness of the grape also determines its colour, as does aging. Now tilt your glass on an angle: Can you see through the wine? A young Pinot Noir, one of the palest reds, is ruby and almost translucent, compared to a Syrah, which can be an opaque purple-black. When some red wines mature, they turn brick in colour.

Scent sensibility If you’ve ever sipped wine while suffering from a head cold, you know why taking a whiff of your wine is so important. So give your glass a twist of the wrist—it’s more science than ceremony—and inhale. Try to pick out at least one main fruit, floral or earthy aroma (see sidebar: aroma appreciation) to get some hint about the wine you’re about to sample.

Taste time Slurping your wine is definitely OK and encouraged. It lets you coat your entire mouth with the wine while mixing in some air so you can taste the fruit, acidity and tannins. Then swallow or spit the wine into

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Holly Fong

thirsty [continued]

a bucket. It hardly sounds elegant, but truly appreciating wine involves putting all your senses into action so you can evaluate what you’re sampling. And don’t be swayed by the winery’s tasting notes or whatever wisdom the person pouring the wine is offering—yet. “I think it is very important to taste on your own first and make your own observations,” says Pinhey. “The best thing to do is ask good questions. Buy now— When you notice something drink later about a wine, like How to buy perhaps it seems more heavily wines that are oaked than the cellar-worthy last one you tried, “For wines meant for you ask them aging you need to why. ‘Are you guys big believers in know the history and oak? Do you age pedigree of the wine/ longer in new winery/winemaker, barrels than other regardless of what wineries around you think you are here?’” tasting at the shop, You’ll only get before investing a lot a couple of sips of money,” says Craig from a sample, Pinhey. After all, you so do some detective work may not be able to rely to find out what on aroma and taste. characteristics you “New reds intended enjoy in a wine. for aging are often “It is a good closed (show no nose), idea to go back to tight (too tannic) and, a wine a second frankly, unappealing time, as first on release. But they impressions are may be the best wines strongly affected by the last thing in five years.” you tried,” says Pinhey. “Keep some in that glass and return to it later after you’ve tried the other wines. And again, if possible.” Start with dry whites, like Pinot Gris, before progressing to oaked chardonnay and rosé wines. Move on to lighter reds, like Gamay before finishing with a hefty Malbec. There’s no end to learning, says Pinhey, but avoid the temptation of sampling everything on offer, since your palate can become worn down. Pace yourself and you’ll enjoy your wine more—and avoid the need to plan your exit by text message.

the hungry dentist Dr. Holly Fong Dr. Holly Fong is a practising speech-language pathologist with three young children who’s always trying, adapting and creating dishes.

taco time Last hot-weather hurrah


hen summer’s heat continues into the fall, entertaining at my house usually entails patio barbecues; I get to minimize time in the kitchen and enjoy the outdoor season’s last hurrah. And when it comes to big gatherTacos and ings, tacos are all about crowd sangria are a fuss-free participation. Guests prepare combination. Mix up a batch of the Mexican-style red-wine and customize to their liking lime cooler using a dry fruity and can even help with the wine with little tannins, like prep of salsas and fixings. I just the 2012 Bouchard Aȋné et need to get things started. And, Fils Beaujolais. no, I don’t mean pouring sauces out of jars. At this time of the year, with the abundance of fresh tomatoes, corn, peaches and herbs, homemade salsas Less expensive than are far more flavourful then anything off the usual steakhouse cuts, shelf. Cooking corn kernels in brown butter marinated to tenderize and thinly sliced, and adding them to peaches and chipotles these are perfect for tacos. Serve the smoky creates a smoky sweet salsa. To contrast this meat on small tortillas that guests then top sweetness, tomatillos (a green to greenwith different salsas. Done. yellow papery, husked distant cousin of the Pair the tacos with a red-wine lime tomato) make a delicious grassy, herb-like cooler. Unlike its Spanish cousin, the sauce with a slight hint of sweetness. (When Mexican sangria is a simple and refreshing making salsas for a crowd, I make them mild limeade. The key is to use a dry fruity wine and have chopped chilis on the side for with little to no tannins, such as a Beaujolais. chili-heads like me.) It doesn’t need to be expensive; I like the Then I delegate the grilling. I use meaty easy-drinking 2012 offering from Bouchard flavoured cuts such as tri-tip, flank or flatiron. Aîné et Fils.

steak tacos (serves 6) 500g tri-tip steaks 2 tablespoons soy sauce ½ teaspoon ground coriander ¼ teaspoon ground cumin 4 sprigs of cilantro, rinsed, stemmed and roughly chopped 1 large garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped juice of 1 lime half half of a small can (7oz in the Mexican foods aisle) of chipotles in adobo sauce, roughly chopped 1 large ripe tomato, cored, halved, seeds scooped out and finely chopped 1 tablespoon finely, chopped red onion 24 soft 6-inch corn tortillas

Combine the soy sauce, spices, cilantro, garlic, lime and chipotles in a large sealable plastic bag and add the steaks to marinate overnight in the refrigerator. Heat the grill, either gas or charcoal so that the fire is hot with the rack 4 – 6 inches from the heat source. Sear for 2 minutes and turn steaks 90degrees for another minute to create grill marks. Turn over again. Grill for another 6 minutes for medium rare or 8– 10

minutes for medium depending upon the thickness. Remove steaks and let rest for 15 minutes. Lightly brush tortillas with olive oil. Place on hot grill to reheat. After 1 minute turn over and grill for another minute or so to create grill marks. Remove to a plate and cover to keep warm until ready to serve. Thinly slice the steaks across the grain. Return slices to the plate with the meat juices

to coat the strips. In a separate bowl, combine the chopped tomatoes and onion. Divide the meat and place on the 24 tortillas. Add some of the tomato mixture. Serve with salsa verde, smoky corn & peach salsa and guacamole, allowing each guest to top their taco as desired. Enjoy with a glass of Mexican sangria (recipes for sangria, salsa verde, smoky corn & peach salsa, guacamole at justforcanadiandentists.com).

September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists



Just For Canadian dentists September/October 2014

travel the world

Likuliku Lagoon resort.

September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists


travel the world Bula bula. It’s the happy catch-all greeting in the Fijian language and it means hello, beautiful day, what’s up, welcome, cheers, life is good…whatever. Double it, and it’s like twice the love. I’m embraced by it as soon as I land on these verdant islands that alternate between blue-lagoon and coral-strewn beach to thickand-teeming jungle with fragrant blooms (ahhh, frangipani and Tahitian gardenia) and towering trees (ahhh, those ubiquitous coconut palms and ancient Ivi sentinels). On the drive from Nadi airport on Fiji’s largest island, Viti Levu, my driver is all smiles and chatty. He tells me what to see and do and recommends I try the local gold-medal Bounty rum. He describes the sugar-cane spirit as strong but “lovely,” especially with a bit of Coke and ice—what he calls lemonade. But what’s really lovely is his delight. And the rather quaint road out of the airport that now meanders through the countryside. This is no resort-laden and over-run island. Some say Fiji is a glimpse of what Hawaii once was. Set in the South Pacific, between Tahiti and Australia, Fiji is a 30,000-sq-

km chain of some 330 volcanic islands on the 180th meridian. It’s isolated. And it has less than a million residents, few paved roads, no high-rises and one two-lane highway. Along that sole artery, I see a barefoot man brushing his teeth outside a tin shack. A farmer ploughs a field with oxen. A derelict pick-up truck passes with a load of six goats jostling in the bed. It’s almost as if Fiji is suspended in an earlier time. And yet this same road leads to some seriously posh resorts. My stay at Outrigger on the Lagoon on Viti Levu’s Coral Coast includes plenty of decadence, from the Frangipani Flow cocktail to traditional Fijian Bobo Massage at the Bebe Spa (bebe is the Fijian word for butterfly, so my cocoon-like state here makes perfect sense). But I’m content to just take in the enchanting view from my room, over masses of palm fronds to the ocean. I kick back and enjoy the scene with a Fiji Bitter brew in hand. Some people say the only words you’ll ever need here are bula, and then maybe Fiji Bitter. At dinner, I expand my tipple tour with a meke meke (that’s dance, dance in Fijian) mojito and hear from one

The many faces of bula in Fiji.


Just For Canadian dentists September/October 2014

local that there are three things Fijians love to do: sing, laugh and play rugby. I get full evidence of that as my jovial and rugby-built server at the Ivi Restaurant (named for the 100-year-old tree on the property) proceeds to sing in a surprising and stunning falsetto in between bringing me local lobster and kokodo (the Fijian take on ceviche, made with coconut milk, lime and fresh fish). Really. Moving to the Mamanuca Islands off the western coast of Viti Levu, I get pampered some more at Castaway Island resort, where the tiny sand-fringed isle could be the backdrop for the same-named film (which was indeed filmed nearby). Here, I hang in my bure or bungalow, quite literally from a hammock. I look out at the horizon—or lack thereof, as the water and sky meld into one—and indulge in South Seas fantasies. Stories of Captain Bligh come to mind…I imagine his escape from Fijian war canoes after the mutiny on the HMS Bounty as he plied the waters between Viti Levu and Vanua Levu (now known as Bligh Water, naturally). This is the true tropics. A land of plenty that is ripe and redolent with secret treasures. It still feels untrammeled, a place where one could subsist on coconuts, sleep under the stars and forget about anything fastpaced—rather happily. But despite my happy hammock haven, I have the urge to explore and immerse myself in that pristine water. Because these laidback Mamanucas are strung across the Malolo Barrier reef, they’re home to some of the best dive spots (like Big W and Gotham City) and sweetest snorkeling.…after all, Fiji is known as the soft coral capital of the world, with hundreds of types of coral and sponges and more than 1,000 species of fish. And so, from yet another resort retreat, I embark. At first, I’m content to spy manta rays sunning themselves from my perch on the walkway to Likuliku Lagoon resort’s (the apt name means calm waters) overwater bures. But observing from above isn’t enough, so I take the plunge. I swim past red coral that I’ve only previously seen (shamefully) in a necklace. The vivid vermillion fan flutters and almost shudders in the water—an adornment exactly where it’s meant to be. There’s purple and pale pink coral with white baubles at its tips as if jewel encrusted. Delicate tendrils alternate with bulbous, brain-like mounds— big bundt cakes of the sea. Black fronds with neon-yellow tips curl and unfurl with each swell of the water. Green cacti-like coral shares space with exquisite strands of fuschia that are like some ohia bloom in constant motion. There’s cluster upon cluster of coral. I’ve never seen anything like it before—an underwater kaleidoscope with fish

travel the world

Flying from Viti Levu to Vanua Levu.

Sunrise at Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort on Vanua Levu.

Enjoying kava in a jungle village.

Over-water bures at Likuliku Lagoon resort.

Kokoda or Fijian style ceviche.

The lush and verdant side of Fiji, accessed from the Sigatoka River on Viti Levu.

January/February 2014 Just For Canadian dentists


travel the world

The view from atop Castaway Island resort in the Mamanucas.

Bounty rum cocktail and welcome drink.

Thatched-roof bure at JeanMichel Cousteau Resort.

Frangipani blooms as decor at the Bebe Spa at Outrigger on the Lagoon resort.

In the jungle of Vanua Levu at the Koro Sun Resort & Rainforest Spa.

Just one element of the underwater kaleidoscope in Fiji…


tucked behind gyrating limbs, gazing up at me with puppy-dog eyes. I gape at a huge conch shell and come across an even more colossal clam with its zig-zag maw. Massive sea cucumbers move about sluggishly with tentacle-like feelers. I encounter a blue-spotted ray. And yet, back above the surface, drying off on a day bed under a palm, the calm surface hints at none of this drama below. My most daring feat, however, may be taking part in a kava ceremony. No real risk involved (it’s a welcoming and peacemaking tradition), except for losing myself forever in this Eden after multiple bowls…clapping with a cupped hand and exclaiming bula! before knocking back the milky liquid (the taste is akin to slightly bitter muddy water) and clapping three more times afterwards, comes all too easily. There’s an effervescent, tingly sensation with each bowl and a deep contentment that settles into every pore (or perhaps that’s just the kava talking). Yes, Fiji certainly instills bliss and bravado (remember, rugby is a national joy and pastime) in equal measure. And one fearless and fun-loving adventurer, JeanMichel Cousteau, the son of you-knowwho, has somewhat adopted these isles. The Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort on the far-less-touristy Vanua Levu, Fiji’s second largest island, is named for him and he’s actively involved in its dive programs and environmental initiatives, like replanting the mangroves that are essential to the local ecosystem. Oh, and it’s luxe too. Most tourists don’t make it to this north island. And that’s likely why locals call it a hidden paradise. Cousteau loves it here because of the people, and he laughs as he recounts once downing 27 bowls of kava. The kava ceremony is about making peace and friends, and this resort is very much about bringing locals and visitors together. But all of Fiji offers this same heart-felt experience. That beautiful, kaleidoscopic coral surrounding Fiji, with its haphazard shapes of reef that are notoriously difficult to navigate, is what has kept these islands isolated for so long. It’s what makes this a place of marine magic, and it’s also what has inadvertently sheltered and fostered the friendliest people—anywhere. And it’s time to meet these smiling, laughing, singing, dancing, rugby-playing folk. Bula.

if you go FLY FIJI Airways is the way to get to these magic islands. With a route network spanning 15 destinations in 10 countries, FIJI Airways provides easy access to Australia, New Zealand and other South Pacific islands through its hub in Nadi, Fiji. And its recently redesigned planes showcase Fijian culture, including tapa or barkcloth designs. Go to fijiairways.com or call 1-800227-4446. MORE Go to Tourism Fiji for the lowdown on where to stay and what to do while in Fiji. fiji.travel


D r . k e l ly s i l v e r t h o r n

Dr. Kelly Silverthorn is Just For Canadian Dentists’ automotive writer. He tries to keep one convertible and/or one track-day car in the family fleet.

the three-year itch How to indulge it…or not


wo of the cars in our family fleet have just passed their third birthday. My wife and I joke about us both having the “three-year itch” when it comes to cars. Who wouldn’t want something new and sexy…to drive, that is? One sly comment leads to another, and before you can say “warranty expired,” I’ve formed this storyline. Buying a new car can be a daunting and demoralizing task. But then you land the model and colour you want at a price you can live with and inhale that intoxicating new-car smell on the drive home. For the next few weeks, you learn all about your new ride…its road noise at speed, how the autodown window button works, where all the cubby-holes are. But all that novelty slowly wears off and the once-new car is just aging along with the rest of us. The first stone chip or curbed wheel causes a yelp and a cringe, but less so with each additional blemish— until you’re not even sure which, if any, are new, because you’re not washing it nearly often enough to be certain. And then the car’s third year anniversary is upon you, crystallizing everything that’s changed in your automotive relationship. Do you really want to own this complex beast off warranty? You haven’t spent much on wearable items like batteries, tires or brakes—at least not yet. It bugs you that you didn’t get the trailer hitch or the roof rack or the iPad connectivity from the get-go, but does it make sense to further invest in this car now?

We start to check out other cars. If you’re like me, you really didn’t look at or think about another car in the first year of possession. Then, something comes out in the same market segment, you start to wonder if your baby still stacks up. Or perhaps someone in your circle has bought the same car (and in a hotter colour) and now yours just isn’t that special any more. At some juncture, you fall head-overheels into infatuation for a newer, more

brake and auto-wipers… And lest you think this is a “guy thing,” my wife has an ad of the new Range Rover taped to the fridge door. It’s silver, but she says either black or white could work too. Which is exactly where the engineering, marketing, media and retailing arms of the automobile industry want CAR COVETING you. “Lest you think this is a ‘guy thing,’ my wife has an ad of the new Range Rover taped to the fridge door.” Her pick may be silver, but this blue will do quite nicely too…Some of the new Range Rover Sport SVR’s specs: 550PS and 680Nm, acceleration from 0-60 mph in 4.5 seconds and a top speed of 162 mph. Available October 2014 for early 2015 delivery. landrover.com/ca/en/lr/

expensive model and the psychic selfjustification really starts kicking in. You start picking dates or odometer readings to dump your present car. Attributes of your existing car that you once found endearing are now annoying idiosyncrasies. Soon, you’re online researching the new infatuation and wondering how you’ll exist another week without its auto-park, auto-

Yet a modern car should reliably and safely serve its owners for at least 10 years and 200,000 km. Owning just the first three years of that service life has you paying the lion’s share of the depreciation and sales taxes—the BIG costs of vehicle ownership, and the ones you have the most control over. If you must buy new, figure out the

September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists



Medical Space



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Allan Zivot or Kevin Morgans


motoring [continued]

latest platforms among reliable brands and models—particularly those with the bestpredicted residual values. Buy your new car with conservative ticking of the extra-cost option sheet and in a conventional colour (white, black, silver are safest). Buy and hold. Coddle this lasting relationship by finding an automotive detail shop to provide spring and fall fullspa treatments. She’ll look like a new showroom model every time, and you’ll feel great about your long-term strategy. My wife may pine for the new all-alloy Range Rover, but she mostly accepts the existing relationship with her boughtnew 2010 SUV. For her next automotive liaison, she may even adopt the courtship I engaged in for our summer fun car. It’s a used car bought near its third birthday.

With only one careful owner, I found it at the same dealership that’d sold and serviced it throughout its life. It looked and drove like new, although we paid ~50% of the new price tag, including half the taxes. Three years later this beauty is still worth 40% and, with regular spa days, looks and drives as if new. By this time next year the family fleet should have a “new” summer fun car. I already have several interested parties in the outgoing car, which will then be seven years old. The plan is to then search out a thankfully depreciated pre-owned new-style Porsche Boxster. Our latest crush. So yes, we’ll giddily indulge that three-year itch—fully researched, planned and aligned with all our automotive planets.

Who wouldn’t want something new and sexy… to drive, that is?


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14/08/2014 9:49:05 AM

kelowna / chicago / winnipeg / cancun / panama … | c a l e n d a r


A n intern ation a l guide to con tinuing denta l Education

fall 2014 + beyond









KELOWNA is an all-season getaway…summer lake lounging, winter skiing, spring blooms and, of course, the fall harvest for some serious sniff, swirl + sip action. (CE events in Kelowna are highlighted in blue.)

b. Sligl


elowna is one of those cities that glows in the autumn. The fields are in their final harvests, the water is warm from a season of sunshine 1 and the linger of smoke in the air transitions from barbecues to bonfires. It’s also the season of wine—harvesting wine, tasting wine and celebrating wine. fest The annual Okanagan Fall Wine Festival takes place every October and is a celebration of the region’s thriving wine industry. A couple of not-to-be-missed signature events in Kelowna are the Blind Wine and Cheese Soiree, where all labels are covered as guests try to identify what’s being served, and the Young Chefs Event, where the next generation of chefs compete to create the best food & wine pairings. {thewinefestivals.com} SAMPLE Smack dab on the shores of Okanagan Lake is the Manteo Resort and its restaurant, Smack DAB (get it?), which features re-invented classics with bold flavours 2 . Their bar boasts the largest selection of craft beer in

Kelowna, offering beer flights and an impressive bartender with a flair for some spectacular beer-based cocktails. 3 {manteo.com} For something decidedly more upscale, Old Vines restaurant at Quails’ Gate winery in West Kelowna serves delectable meals featuring ingredients sourced from nearby fields and pastures. 4 {quailsgate.com/restaurant} tour Arlo’s Honey Farm in south-east Kelowna will not only give you an up-close encounter with these small, fuzzy workhorses, but you’ll learn how their part in pollinating flowers, fruits, berries and vegetables keeps sustainable agriculture…sustainable. 5 {arloshoneyfarm.com} If you’d rather take to the road, Monashee Adventure Tours can customize any bike ride to your liking. They’re based in Kelowna but will happily take you farther afield, including along the historic and stunningly scenic Kettle Valley Railway, complete with charming trestles. 6 {monasheeadventuretours.com} see The pyramid at Summerhill Pyramid Winery is second

only to the Great Pyramid of Egypt in its precision and alignment. But don’t focus just on this. Their vineyard is an impressive organic and biodynamic operation, surrounded by lush wetlands, dry lands and a nature habitat. Whatever you may think of pyramids and biodiversity, their wines are spectacular, routinely winning international awards. 7 {summerhill.bc.ca} For a one-stop-shop, check out the BC VQA Store & Museum that sells over 600 wines from 90 local vineyards (at vineyard prices!). {kelownamuseums.ca/museums/ the-bc-wine-museum-vqa-wine-shop} Right next door is the Orchard Industry Museum, which is housed in the former Laurel Packing House. You’ll find displays showing the evolution of this area, first as cattle land then to rustic agriculture and now to picturesque orchards and vineyards. {kelownamuseums.ca/museums/the-bc-orchardindustry-museum} —Catherine Tse For more on what to do in KELOWNA this autumn, go to tourismkelowna.com. BC info: hellobc.com.

September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists


Dental Materials



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Oct 03

Ottawa Ontario

Category 1 - Local Anaesthesia & Medical Emergencies In The Dental Office

Western University



Nov 08-11

Victoria British Columbia

Local Anesthetics And Pain Control

University of Victoria



Oct 31Nov 02

Vancouver British Columbia

Inhalation And Oral Sedation

UBC Continuing Dental Education

877-328-7744 See Ad Page 29

dentistry.ubc. ca/cde

Through 2014

Western Canada

FOCUS Dental Education Series: Part II




Sep 2014 to June 2015

Vancouver British Columbia

AAID Vancouver MaxiCourse

Vancouver Maxicourse



Jan 25Feb 04 2016

Tahiti & French Polynesian Islands

Cementation Sanity – Eliminating Confusion & Problems With Indirect Restoration Placement

Kennedy Professional Education Seminars

877-536-6736 See Ad Page 4


Oct 03

Vancouver British Columbia

All-Ceramics: What’s New? What’s Proven? Controversies And Clinical Tips Dr. Damon C. Adams

Vancouver & District Dental Society

604-461-4171 See Ad Page 30


Nov 08-11

Victoria British Columbia

The Impact Of All-Ceramics On Contemporary Dental Practice: An Update

University of Victoria



Columbia University College of Dental Medicine

212-305-7124 See Ad Page 27



Gordon J. Christensen Practical Clinical Courses



Vancouver Course #1: Shaping, Cleaning, And Obturation 604 British - 681 - 0456 Of Root Canal Systems

North Shore Endodontics



Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy



Kennedy Professional

877-536-6736 See Ad Page 4




biomedglobal. com

CE Solutions


conedgroup. com


new CE to Just For Canadian Dentists Predictable Endodontics For The General New York be placed New York Practitioner: The State Of The Art

Issue: Oct

Sep Provo / Oct 2014 Creating Endodontic Excellence





Fax:Dec 05-06 Feb

13-14 Attn: 2015 Mar

13-20 Email: 2015


Mastering Your Endodontic Excellence: How Far

Foster City Advertising California Canin YouPrint Get? A Tailor-Made Course For Alumni Beaches

Endodontic Solutions: Strategies For Performing

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General Dentistry

Understanding Dementia Multiple Dates

Multiple Locations

Sep 25-27

Burnaby British Columbia

October 01 - Coquitlam, BC October 23 - Edmonton, AB October 24 - Calgary, AB November 05 - Calgary, AB November 06 - Red Deer, AB November 07 - Edmonton, AB November 18 - London, ON November 19 - Markham, ON November 20 - Vaughn, ON November 21 - Toronto, ON

9th Annual Pacific Rhapsody

For The Inquisitive, Not The Faint Of Heart” “Medical Myths: Baffled, Befuddled, Bemused”

PANAMA CANAL Ft. Lauderdale FL round-trip November 7 - 17 Comprehensive Dentistry


Ft. Lauderdale FL round-trip March 14-21 Dental Excellence

ALASKA GLACIERS Vancouver round-trip June 14 - 21, 2015 Oral Pathology in Dentistry

Spring break Canadian owned & operated

for current pricing & promotions 26


Just For Canadian dentists September/October 2014


General Dentistry










Sep 20

Vancouver British Columbia

UBC Dentistry 50th Anniversary Symposium And Bash

UBC Continuing Dental Education

877-328-7744 See Ad Page 29

dentistry.ubc. ca/cde

Sep 26-28

Edmonton Alberta

Restorative Design, Treatment Planning And Business Talk

The Manhattan Training Centre

780-428-2799 See Ad Page 9


Oct 04

Winnipeg Manitoba

1st Lethbridge Rhapsody

CE Solutions


conedgroup. com

Oct 23-25

Kelowna British Columbia

TODS Meeting - Thompson Okanagan Dental Society

Thompson Okanagan Dental Society


todsmeeting. com

Oct 24-25

Edmonton Alberta

Hands On Restorative Case Preparation And Insertion

The Manhattan Training Centre

780-428-2799 See Ad Page 9


Nov 07-17

Panama Canal Cruise

Comprehensive Dentistry

Sea Courses Cruises

800-647-7327 See Ad Page 26


Nov 14-16

Edmonton Alberta

Hands On Restorative Case Preparation And Insertion

The Manhattan Training Centre

780-428-2799 See Ad Page 9


Dec 12

Vancouver British Columbia

Annual VDDS Midwinter Clinic

Vancouver & District Dental Society

604-461-4171 See Ad Page 30


Dec 27Jan 03 2015

Eastern Caribbean Cruise

Dentistry At Sea / Dental Healthcare Delivery

Professional Education Society


Jan 27Feb 08 2015

Australia & New Zealand Cruise

new CE to Professional Education be placed Dentistry At Sea / Comprehensive Dentistry Society

877-737-7005 See Ad Page 45 877-737-7005 See Ad Page 45


Feb 24Mar 09 2015

Malaysia & Myanmar Cruise

Dentistry At Sea / Dental Healthcare Delivery Emerging Healthcare Issues

Professional Education Society

877-737-7005 See Ad Page 45


Feb 26-28 2015

Chicago Illinois

150th Midwinter Meeting

Chicago Dental Society

312-836-7300 See Ad Page 15


Mar 14-21 2015

Western Caribbean Cruise

Dental Excellence

Sea Courses Cruises

800-647-7327 See Ad Page 26


Mar 19-21 2015

Winnipeg Manitoba

Western Canada Dental Society Bonspiel

Western Canada Dental Society



May 07-10 2015

Nashville Tennessee

Music City Dental Conference

Tennessee Dental Association



Jun 13-20 2015

Alaskan Cruise

Dentistry At Sea / Comprehensive Dentistry

Professional Education Society

877-737-7005 See Ad Page 45


Jul 12-25 2015

Western European Cruise

Dentistry At Sea / Dental Healthcare Delivery

Professional Education Society



Aug 02-09 2015

Alaskan Cruise

Topic TBA

Kennedy Professional Education Seminars



The Wealthy Way - CARE To Take The Journey?



in Manhattan this autumn

COMPREHENSIVE IMPLANTOLOGY CONTINUUM Includes: 5th Annual Columbia University/ICOI Symposium, Dec. 12-13 Course Directors: Dr. Dennis Tarnow Dr. James Fine Additional Courses: Oct. 17 - Predictable Endodontics • Dec. 10 - Dental Lasers

Register: www.dental.columbia.edu Inquiries: (212) 305-7124 dentalce@columbia.edu

September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists



Medical / Dental Issues


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Sep 21-27

7-Day Intensive Live Surgical Training At The Gran Bahia Principe La Romana 5 Star Hotel Resort

Blue Sky Bio



Oct 03-05

Edmonton Alberta

Implants Module. 1: Basics, Complications And Live Surgery

The Manhattan Training Centre

780-428-2799 See Ad Page 9


Oct 21-30

Safari to Tanzania & Kenya

Principles Of Adhesion Dentistry

Mindware Educational Seminars

888-574-8288 See Ad Page 28


Nov 03

Vancouver British Columbia

Implant Excellence For The GP... Integrating Implants Into Your General Practice Dr. Joe Vassos

Vancouver & District Dental Society

604-461-4171 See Ad Page 30


Nov 09-15

La Romana Dominican Republic

7-Day Intensive Live Surgical Training At The Gran Bahia Principe La Romana 5 Star Hotel Resort

Blue Sky Bio



Nov 13-16

San Diego California

Advanced Hard And Soft Tissue Program With Cadavers Hands-On Training

California Implant Institute



Nov 11-16 & Feb 3-8

New York New York

Comprehensive Implantology Continuum, Part 1 (2 Weeklong Sessions)

Columbia University College of Dental Medicine

212-305-7124 See Ad Page 27


Nov 15-16 & more

New York New York

Comprehensive Implantology Continuum, Part 1 (6 Weekend Sessions) Nov. 15-16, Jan. 10-11, Feb. 7-8, Mar 14-15, Apr 18-19 & May 2-3

Columbia University College of Dental Medicine



Jan 22Feb 03 2015

Australia & New Zealand Cruise

Implants For GPs

888-574-8288 See Ad Page 28


Jul 13-25 2015

Cinque Terre Tuscany & Amalfi Coast

Profitable Implant Treatment; Make More Money Before You Get Out Of Bed Monday Morning Than You Do The Rest Of The Week!

Mindware Educational Seminars

888-574-8288 See Ad Page 28



Podcast and Online Based

Medical Emergencies




Through 2014

Cancun Mexico

The 2013-14 Medical-Dental-Legal Update

American Educational Institute


aeiseminars. com

Nov 08-11

Victoria British Columbia

Management Of Dental Patients With Medical Problems: How They Affect Your Treatment

University of Victoria



Nov 29-30

Vancouver British Columbia

The Use Of Oral Appliances For The Treatment Of Snoring And Obstructive Sleep Apnea

UBC Continuing Dental Education

877-328-7744 See Ad Page 29

dentistry.ubc. ca/cde

Through 2014

Western Canada

FOCUS Dental Education Series: Part I




Oct 16-18

St. Pete Beach Florida

Functional Occlusion – From TMJ To Smile Design

The Dawson Academy



Oct 17-19

Minneapolis Minnesota

Occlusion & Function - Postgraduate Program In Contemporary & Esthetic Dentistry: Level III

University of Minnesota


dentalce.umn. edu

new CE to Educational be placedMindware Seminars

Enjoy a Safari in Kenya & Tanzania October 21-30,2014 Zanzibar Beach Resort Speaker: Nancy Andrews RDH Topics: Emerging Diseases, Oral Pathology& Occupational Cumulative Trauma Disorders

MINDWARE EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS Contact us for details! 1-888-574-8288 1-514-344-8888 x232 elliot@gam.ca mindwareseminars.com



La Romana Dominican Republic

Cruise from Auckland, NZ to Sydney, AU on board the Diamond Princess January 22 to Feb 3, 2015

Speaker: Dr David Little Topics: Implants for General Practitioners

Just For Canadian dentists September/October 2014

2015 Conference Schedule Best of Italy : July 13-25 Cinqueterre, Florence, Tuscany, Amalfi Coast

Dr Milan Somborac-"How to make more money before you get out of bed Monday morning, than the rest of the week"; "Implant Treatment Planning"; "Prevent Decay, Prevent Obesity"

Pre-WFO Tour of Southwest England: Sep. 20-26

Dr. Robert Waugh on Clinical Systems for Contemporary Orthodontists; Ms. Rosemary Bray on The Top 10 Management Mistakes That All Orthodontists Make & How to Avoid Them!

Tour Machu Picchu & Cruise Galapagos: Oct. 16-29 Dr. Todd Snyder on Art of Aesthetics & Occlusion, Social Media Marketing and Branding

New Year’s Caribbean Cruise: Dec. 27-Jan. 5, 2016 Dr. Marty Zase on Cosmetic Pearls for the GP, from Miami, FL on board the Celebrity Eclipse

Subscribe to our mailing list Contact elliot@gam.ca


Pediatric Dentistry


Oral Surgery

Oral Pathology










Oct 04-11

New England Cruise

Oral Pathology In Dentistry

Sea Courses Cruises

800-647-7327 See Ad Page 26


Oct 04-11

Canada & New England Cruise

Oral Dermatology & Oral Pathology

Continuing Education, Inc./University at Sea



Oct 24

Sudbury Ontario

Category 1 - Oral Pathology & The Oral Exam

Western University



Jun 14-21 2015

Alaskan Cruise

Oral Pathology In Dentistry

Sea Courses Cruises

800-647-7327 See Ad Page 26


Nov 21-23

Vancouver British Columbia

Advanced Soft Tissue Surgery

Pacific Implant Institute



Feb 07-14 2015

Mayan Riviera Cruise

Oral Pathology & Oral Medicine

Kennedy Professional Education Seminars

877-536-6736 See Ad Page 4


Sep 19-20

Calgary Alberta

Level I Introduction To Orthodontics 1 Of 4 Session Series

Rondeau Seminars



Sep 19-20

Calgary Alberta

Level II Advanced Orthodontics Session 1 Of 2

Rondeau Seminars



Sep 25-26

Orange County California

Ask The Expert Orthodontic Study Group Session I

Henry Schein Dental Specialties Group



Oct 03-04

Carlsbad California



Feb 15-22 2015

Caribbean Cruise

Focus On Orthodontics

Mindware Educational Seminars



Sep 20-26 2015

Tour of Southern England

Clinical Concepts For Success In Orthodontics. The Top Ten Mistakes Made In Orthodontic Clinics, How To Avoid Them & How To Fix Them

Mindware Educational Seminars

888-574-8288 See Ad Page 28


Oct 24-26

Denver Colorado

Contemporary Sedation Of Children For The Dental Practice: Enteral And Parenteral Techniques

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry



Nov 14-15

Miami Florida

An Update In Pediatric Restorative Dentistry Symposium

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry



Dec 04

Minneapolis Minnesota

Clinical Grand Rounds For The Dental Team: Pediatric Dentistry

University of Minnesota


dentalce.umn. edu

Sep 20-27 2015

Western Caribbean Cruise

Pediatric Dentistry

Continuing Education, Inc./University at Sea

800-422-0711 See Ad Page 31


Dec 10

New York New York

Dental Lasers: What Wavelengths Are Right For Your Practice?

Columbia University College of Dental Medicine

212-305-7124 See Ad Page 27


Apr 10 2015

Seattle Washington

Update In Periodontics

University of Washington



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September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists



Radiology/ Imaging


Practice Management, Technology and Planning

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Sep 28Oct 05

Mediterranean Cruise

The Ultimate Opportunity To Optimize Your Practice – Cruise Into Semi-Retirement

Sep 30

Edmonton Alberta

Legals And Economic Aspects Of Your Dental Practice

The Manhattan Training Centre

780-428-2799 See Ad Page 9


Oct 17

Ottawa Ontario

What Your Dental Practice Is Worth Today And Why

ROI Corporation

905-278-4145 See Ad Page 10


Oct 30-31

Miami Beach Florida

The Best Seminar Ever

The Madow Brothers



Nov 07-17

Panama Canal Cruise

Comprehensive Dentistry And The Dental Team: The Pursuit Of Excellence

Continuing Education, Inc./University at Sea

800-422-0711 See Ad Page 31


Jan 23 2015

Vancouver British Columbia

Dental Team Day… “The Challenges Of Being A Boss (or Having One!)” And “How To Avoid Complaints” With Speakers From The College Of Dental Surgeons Of BC

Vancouver & District Dental Society

604-461-4171 See Ad Page 30


Mar 14-21 2015

Western Caribbean Cruise

Comprehensive Dentistry And The Dental Team: The Pursuit Of Excellence

Continuing Education, Inc./University at Sea

800-422-0711 See Ad Page 31


Oct 11-23 2015

Galapagos Islands & Tour of Machu Picchu

Social Media Marketing & Branding

Mindware Educational Seminars



Nov 07-14 2015

Hawaiian Cruise

Comprehensive Dentistry And The Dental Team: The Pursuit Of Excellence

Continuing Education, Inc./University at Sea

800-422-0711 See Ad Page 31


Sep 18-20

Montreal Quebec

CARDP 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting




Oct 03-17 2015

Mediterranean Cruise

Over 100 Tips To Make Prosthodontics More Fun & Profitable

Kennedy Professional Education Seminars

877-536-6736 See Ad Page 4


Nov 21-23

Vancouver British Columbia

Cone Beam CT (CBCT) A Hands On approach To Technique And Interpretation!

UBC Continuing Dental Education

877-328-7744 See Ad Page 29

dentistry.ubc. ca/cde

Jul 01 2014 Jun 30 2015

Gainesville Florida

Oral And Maxillofacial Radiology Internship

University of Florida




Kelowna British Columbia

Certified Dental Assistant Certificate

Okanagan College



Oct 18

New York New York

Let’s Grow Together: The Dental Hygienist’s Role In Regenerative And Implant Dentistry

Columbia University College of Dental Medicine

212-305-7124 See Ad Page 27


Nov 08-11

Victoria British Columbia

Embracing The “Doctor” In Dental Medicine: The Dental Team In Comprehensive Health

University of Victoria



new CE to be placed

ROI Corporation

905-278-4145 See Ad Page 10


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October 19, 2014 Predictable Treatment Planning: From the Seemingly Simple to the Worn Dentition ...and Everything in Between 14 CE Credits 7-Night Western Caribbean from Ft. Lauderdale Royal Caribbean's Allure of the Seas Course Fees: $850 for Dentists - $550 for Dental Staff November 7, 2014 Comprehensive Dentistry and the Dental Team: The Pursuit of Excellence 14 CE Credits 10-Night Panama Canal from Ft. Lauderdale Holland America Line’s ms Zuiderdam Course Fees: $695 for Dentists - $450 for Dental Staff February 8, 2015 American Academy of Dental Education Restoring Dental Implants: Current Prosthetic Options 9 CE Credits 7-Night Southern Caribbean from San Juan Royal Caribbean's Adventure of the Seas Course Fees: Dentists $495 - Dental Staff $395 March 14, 2015 Comprehensive Dentistry and the Dental Team: The Pursuit of Excellence 14 CE Credits 7-Night Western Caribbean from Ft. Lauderdale Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas Course Fees: $795 for Dentists - $550 for Dental Staff

All Activities are either AGD or ADA Approved For specific Continuing Education Program approval please visit www.ContinuingEducation.NET

June 14, 2015 Oral Dermatology and Pathology 14 CE Credits 7-Night Alaska Round-trip from Vancouver, Canada Celebrity Cruises’ Celebrity Infinity Course Fees: $795 for Dentists - $550 for Dental Staff September 20, 2015 Pediatric Dentistry 14 CE Hours 7-Night Western Caribbean from Ft. Lauderdale Royal Caribbean's Independence of the Seas Course Fees: $795 for Dentists - $550 for Dental Staff July 11, 2015 Happiness, Fulfillment and Success in Today’s Changing Dental Practice Environment 14 CE Hours 7-Night Greece and Turkey Athens to Istanbul Celebrity Cruises’ Celebrity Equinox Course Fees: $795 for Dentists - $550 for Dental Staff November 7, 2015 Comprehensive Dentistry and the Dental Team: The Pursuit of Excellence 14 CE Credits 7-Night Hawaiian Islands Roundtrip from Honolulu Norwegian Cruise Line's Pride of America Course Fees: $795 for Dentists - $550 for Dental Staff

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michel Bonato

Age: 23

travel at home

okanagan crush story by catherine tse | photography by barb sligl

clockwise from top left

Derek Uhlemann of Covert Farms gives a farm tour in the candyapple red pick-up. >> Lakeside in Kelowna. >> The Highland Shetland cows at Covert Farms. >> Grapes ready for the crush at Seven Stones Winery.

September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists



travel at home

rom the moment you arrive in the Okanagan and breathe in that dry, warm air, you know you’re in fertile land. Not just in reference to the rich terroir for the acres and acres of vineyards, but to a region lush in wildlife with residents whose love for

the land is steeped in respect and awe. But the Okanagan’s wildly successful vineyards are, admittedly, the region’s superstar industry. The annual Okanagan Wine Festival takes place every autumn, a celebration of another year of awards won, vintages corked and general recognition for this labour of love. This time of year, the smell of fermentation is heavy in the air as crush pads across the region are busy


working to stay ahead of the harvest. Many, like my visiting group, use this festival as a springboard for exploring the Okanagan’s many other facets.

Pyramid Power

At Summerhill Pyramid Winery in Kelowna, CEO Ezra Cipes, speaks with measured reverence about the symbiotic relationship they have with the land. He’s quietly but obviously proud of his family’s legacy of creating a biodynamic farm while preserving the natural wetlands and animal habitats that surround the property. And, yes, there really is a pyramid on this vineyard. Cipes’

parents moved from New York to Kelowna when he was five years old. At the time they were followers of a New Age mysticism that ultimately led them to “pyramid power.” Our tour inside the pyramid took us, within steps, into another world that was dark, cool, quiet and serene. The perfect place not only for personal reflection but for a wine cellar—you could see crates of wine lined against the inner perimeter once your eyes adjusted to the void.

Just For Canadian dentists September/October 2014

In south-east Kelowna, we put on beekeeper suits to protect us head-to-toe before getting up-close with a live, working bee colony. Under the supervision of Helen Kennedy, owner and beekeeper at Arlo’s Honey Farm, we take turns holding a frame and getting a close look at these small, furry bees and their amazing honeycomb. In such an agriculturaldependent region, there’s much respect for honeybees and their role in pollination. Helen nurtures 70 hives of Apis Millifera bees on her farm and also maintains an asparagus crop (the only one in the area) and over 30 varieties of garlic to

keep the bees busy and happy.

Summerhill Pyramid Winery: 4870 Chute Lake Road,

Kelowna, 250.764.8000; summerhill.bc.ca

Claim to fame: Organic and biodynamic vineyard, producing awardwinning wines in nearly every category. Must-try: Known best for their ice and sparkling wines, the bubbly Cipes Rose is a gold-medal winner made from 100% Pinot Noir cuvée ($26.95). Go for: Their four-storey high pyramid is not to be missed. Take a tour inside and learn how its significance is

holistically interwoven into this vineyard’s many successes.

Come back again: Stop for lunch or dinner at their Sunset Organic Bistro, with an outdoor terrace that overlooks Okanagan Lake.

Meritage Mixology

Further south in Penticton, we’re hosted by winemaker Bradley Cooper (no…not him) at Township 7 Winery who leads us around the facility, which is working at full capacity. Outside, the machines on the crush pad are methodically sorting and crushing grapes and inside, we’re invited to peer into the giant vats and help “punch down”

the “cap”—a thick mass of grape skins, stems and seeds that float up to the top during the fermentation process. “Punching down” re-distributes these particles that add colour, flavour and tannin structure to wine. Having spent a few days already drinking our way through the Okanagan, our palate is put to the ultimate test: can we create our own blend that mimics their Reserve 7 Meritage? We’re given all four varietals that went into their Meritage (Cabernet

travel at home

clockwise from top left The KVR (Kettle Valley Railway) trail. >> Pumpkin harvest at Covert Farms. >> Scenery stop on the KVR. >> Wine blending at Township 7. >> Rainbow-graced hike in the desert near Osoyoos. >> Shadow of one of KVR’s many trestle bridges. >> Charcuterie spread at Covert Farms. >> View from the pick-up truck bed at Covert Farms. >> Osoyoos country. >> A happy visitor at Covert Farms. opposite, from left Grape-laden vineyard at Hidden Chapel Winery near Osoyoos. >> Grapes in hand at Upper Bench Estate Winery near Penticton.

September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists


travel at home

At Aspen, owners aren’t on their own.

Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and a “field blend” of Malbec and Petit Verdot), a beaker and a notepad. After considerable blending, tasting and many adjustments, my partner and I love the blend we’ve created…but it tastes nothing like Township 7’s luscious Meritage and we lose to a formidable teammate who blended based on strategy rather than taste. Interesting. One of the prettiest stretches through the Okanagan Valley is the Kettle Valley Railway (KVR), an abandoned railway corridor that now serves as a scenic and dynamic cycling route. It stretches 600km, but we’re treated to a van-ride to our starting point on the Naramata Bench portion. Our bike ride takes us along some breathtaking scenery, including some charming trestle bridges. And since the slope is at a gentle 2% grade, we have plenty of opportunities to coast while admiring the stunning vistas of rolling fruit orchards, craggy mountains and shimmering waters (see more on biking here on page 25).

Township 7: 1450 McMillan Avenue, Penticton, 250.770.1743;


Claim to fame: Known for their production of high-quality wine in small lots, made from sustainably grown grapes.

Aspen Dental gives you all the rewards of owning a practice, without all the risks or hassles. • Guidance to enhance your clinical and leadership skills • Easier access to capital • High earning potential and the chance to own multiple practices Ready to take the next step? Call 877.248.8715.

Must-try: Their Merlot consistently wins awards and accolades in Canada and internationally ($25.99). Go for: Make sure to say hello to their very friendly vineyard dog and cat, Betsy and Gypsy, both rescue animals. If Betsy looks familiar it’s because she’s in the 2013 and 2014 SPCA Winery Dog calendar. Come back again: They often host cultural and culinary experiences, live music/theatre shows and charity fundraisers. As animal lovers, they host a lot of charity events in support of groups such as BC Guide Dogs and Small Animal Rescue Society.

World-class Cave

A little southwest, in the Similkameen Valley, Seven Stones Winery hosted a stellar winemakers’ dinner attended by some of the area’s most prominent vineyards: Orofino, Clos du Soleil and Robin Ridge. But equally as amazing as the company was the venue. Owner and host, George Hanson, had just completed Seven Stones’ brand new 3,000 ft2 world-class underground wine cave. This cave is equipped with a gourmet kitchen, elegant entertaining area and a built-in music system. We were treated to hours of exquisite dining—course after course, each paired perfectly with a different wine from the various winemakers’ own collection. Magnificent.

Seven Stones: 1143 Hwy #3, Cawston, 250.499.2144; sevenstones.ca Claim to fame: The winery is named after the legend of the seven

large stones that were deposited in this valley when the glaciers melted. Each stone was named by the Similkameen First Nations and retains great cultural significance.

Must-try: Row 128 Merlot ($30). This started as a small batch using grapes from George’s favourite row. It’s become so popular he’s planted more merlot vines. Go for: The view is stunning from here as the vineyard is built below highway level, so you’re looking up and out onto the surrounding lands.

Dr. Paul Pimentel and Dr. Jere Gillan

Come back again: Make an appointment for a tour of the caves, where you’ll hear about their wine-making process while touring this beautiful wine cellar (weekends only, $20/person).

Forage, Eat, Repeat

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In Oliver, Chef Derek Uhlemann toured us around organic Covert Farms on the back of a candy-apple red, refurbished vintage 1952 Mercury truck. He’s extremely passionate about biodynamic practices and is proud of what’s been accom-

Just For Canadian dentists September/October 2014

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travel at home plished at Covert Farms—it’s organic, they don’t need nets on their vines like most other vineyards to keep starlings away (this is because they maintain an ecosystem that attracts hawks that naturally prey on starlings), they’re certified Salmon-Safe (meaning their agricultural practices protect Pacific salmon habitats and enhance water quality) and the crops are un-manicured and unruly—by nature’s design. We pick some items, fresh off the vines, to contribute to our meal, which Derek prepares back at the tasting lounge. It’s served al fresco, naturally, and the food is exquisite, featuring mostly just-picked ingredients, all paired beautifully with their organic wines. The setting is quaint and charming, but the experience is profoundly visceral. This is the pinnacle of farm-to-fork dining and it’s a revelation of how soul-satisfying a meal can be… and a reminder of how oftentimes it isn’t. Coming to the Okanagan and especially to a place like Covert Farms seems to re-set the internal barometer with a focus on elevating and appreciating simple pleasures. Life here is good.

Covert Farms: Just north of Oliver on Hwy 97, 250.498.9463; covertfarms.ca Claim to fame: Biodynamic and organic orchards and vineyards. Fantastic food and wine, even better hospitality. They host events throughout the year such as the fall corn maze, harvest feasts and the Freak’n’Farmer Adventure Obstacle Race. Must-try: The MDC 2012 is a particularly delicious blend and a great bargain ($20.86). It’s named after Michael Dunham Covert, who established the farm in 1959. Go for: If you’re very nice and very lucky, Derek will whistle and his herd of Highland Shetland cows will come galloping over to greet you. They’re adorable—especially the furry calves—but shy, so be nice to them too. Come back again: Hop on the vintage truck for a one-hour farm tour, complete with field tastings and a charcuterie platter with wine pairings back at the tasting lounge ($40/adult).


if you go fest The Okanagan Wine Festival takes place every October (check for dates), but most vineyards are open year-round for tastings and tours. {thewinefestivals.com} And get the goods on how to sniff, swirl + sip beforehand… see page 14. more Discover more about the Thompson Okanagan region at totabc.org/ corporateSite and Kelowna at tourismkelowna. com (and see page 25). Farther south, check out Penticton at visitpenticton.com and Osoyoos at destinationosoyoos.com.

wealth y den tist m an fred pur tzk i Manfred Purtzki is the principal of Purtzki & Associates Chartered Accountants. You can reach him at manfred@purtzki.com.

plan your exit strategy

Boost the value of your dental practice and take the mirror test


f your bucket list is overflowing with things to do and places to see, it may be a sign that you should seriously start planning your practice transition. Saying goodbye to a rewarding career of looking after patients isn’t easy. Many practice sales are aborted at the last minute, not because of buyer’s remorse, but because the seller was just not able and/or ready to relinquish practising as a dentist. A client in his late 50s called me a couple of years ago to list his practice for sale. When I asked why he wanted to sell his thriving practice, he conceded that while he loved dentistry he could no longer handle the stress of dealing with a dysfunctional staff, which prompted his decision to sell the practice in the first place. Instead of selling, we discussed how to resolve the staff issue so he could continue practising until he was ready to retire. “How do I know when I am ready to quit?” he asked. I suggested he use the “mirror” test, in which you look at your reflection each morning and ask yourself: “If I had only a few days left on this earth, would I go to the office today?” If the answer is “no” five mornings in a row, you’re ready to transition to retirement without regret. I was reminded of our conversation a couple of weeks ago when he called to tell me that he passed the mirror test and was now ready to retire from dentistry. Ideally, you should start planning your transition five years in advance. The most important task is to maximize the sales value of your practice by upgrading your business systems. In the new dental economy, running the practice like a business is the foundation of financial success. Consider hiring a practice management consultant to help you analyze your dental practice and help implement systems to boost practice revenues and reduce overhead. The goal of upgrading business systems is to create a system of productivity and accountability, and provide an inspiring work climate that will attract the best and brightest staff members. The results will amaze you. With 75% of dental practices in urban areas experiencing declining revenues,

purchasers will flock to purchase well-run, growing practices and—best of all—are eager to pay a premium. To illustrate, if the gross revenue of your practice has been stagnant at $1 million with a 60% overhead, your practice may be worth $1 million. However, if you increase the revenue to $1.5 million over the next three years and reduce the overhead to 50%, a purchaser will likely pay $1.8 million for your practice. The next step in planning your retirement is to speak to your accountant to

“How do I know when to quit? ”

September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists


t h e w e a lt h y d e n t i s t [ c o n t i n u e d ]

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make sure you maximize the after-tax sales proceeds. Dentists crawl over broken glass to get access to the coveted $800,000 capital gains exemption for each shareholder. Each exemption saves about $170,000 of

Saying goodbye to a rewarding career of looking after patients isn’t easy personal income taxes. Many dentists miss out on this tax gift because they fail to plan the sale ahead of time. To benefit from the exemption, you need to “purify” your dental corporation. This means that you have to transfer any investments—or non-dental assets—to a holding company at least 24 months prior to a sale. Your financial planner can also assist you in determining if you are indeed monetarily ready to retire. As a rule of thumb, you need to have savings equal to 20 times your desired after-tax income.


Investments of $2 million should give you $100,000 per year after tax for the rest of your life, starting at age 65. Below are a number of additional steps you may consider implementing to boost the value of your dental practice. 1. If you have an associate, ensure that you have a solid associate agreement, specifically regarding the restrictive covenant and a non-solicitation of patients and staff. 2. Ideally, the purchaser wants to be able to practice in the location for 15 to 20years. If your lease is less than 15 years, obtain the landlord’s consent for additional renewal periods. Also, demolition clauses can be potential deal breakers, so make sure to reviewthese provisions with your lawyer. 3. Prior to the sale, give your practice a makeover to enhance the curb appeal, including recovering chairs, newcarpets etc. Even if you are in your mid-50s and still passionate about practising dentistry, it’s not too late to start planning for your retirement and optimize your financial gain on the eventual sale of your practice.


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Ruth Chatel 604-220-4830



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Al Heaps 604-644-6297

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Palm Springs Transition Seminar and Golf Tournament February 20 – 22, 2015 — Register early for complimentary spot — ruth@heapsanddoyle.com Upcoming Conferences/Conventions 2014 SOHP/CAPD Conference — Sept 11–13, 2014 — Saskatoon, SK Northwest Dental Expo —September 19, 2014 — Edmonton, AB TODS — October 23-25, 2014 — Kelowna, BC

Upcoming Seminars How to Prepare for your Dental Practice Transition and Sale — September 12, 2014 — Vancouver, BC October 1, 2014 — Hamilton, ON October 2, 2014 — Kitchener, ON October 24, 2014 — Mississauga, ON Please contact ruth@heapsanddoyle.com to register.

Please visit our website: www.HEAPSandDOYLE.com Practices are selling for the highest value in 25 years! Contact us for a complimentary consultation. Toll Free: 1-866-638-6194 Fax: 1-866-545-6759 BC: 300-1055 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 2E9 | Alberta: 2nd Floor 11210 107th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5H 0Y1 Ontario: 200-1920 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4S 3E2 | Quebec: 24 Floor, 1000 de La Gauchetiere St W, Montreal, QC H3B 4W5


Just For Canadian dentists September/October 2014

Special Advertising Feature

Strategically Speaking Value-added Solutions for Your Practice

PREVENTING FRAUD IN YOUR DENTAL PRACTICE for sale by owner where did it go wrong? it’s time to fire your ‘web guy” : 4 steps

Preventing Fraud in Your Dental Practice DARRELL TRACEY MNP LLP


Photo: MNP

o business is immune to misconduct, but many wonder why dental practices have a higher risk of experiencing fraud than other businesses. There are numerous factors that increase your exposure, including: • Dentists spend more time with patients, leaving less time to manage their practices • Dentists are highly trained in their profession, but do not typically have much business training. They rely significantly on a few staff to run the business aspects of the practice • Dentists are ethical and trusting and attribute these same traits to their employees • Typically, a lot of trust is placed in few people • Dental practices are generally quite profitable so they make attractive targets • Documentation of processes and procedures is often lacking • Anti-fraud controls and peer or management reviews are often lacking • Red flags of fraudulent activity are often missed • Employee turnover is often quite low. Long-term employees know the systems better and how to beat them. They are also inherently more trusted by the dentist

How Does Fraud Differ from Theft? Ultimately, theft is simpler than fraud. Theft is a crime of opportunity and is often not premeditated. Generally, it is a one-time event and is typically easier to detect. Fraud is much more involved as the perpetrators have the intent, form a plan and deceive others to cover up their crime. Fraud requires access to financial records that must be manipulated over a period of time—often measured in years. The strategy is to keep individual transactions small, to prevent detection. This means that in order to make it worthwhile, the perpetrator needs to repeat the behaviour many times. Who Commits Fraud? Unfortunately, it’s difficult to detect or predict who will commit fraud as 85% of perpetrators have no previous criminal record. Most are long-term, trusted employees. According to some statistics, 60% of people exercise situational ethics. In other words, good moral people will undertake aberrant behavior when they feel their personal circumstances are so dire that they have no other choice. Often, this is precipitated by financial troubles. There are many potential causes, ranging from a gambling or a drug problem to major health issues to the loss of family income from some other source to an unexpected tragedy in their personal lives. The Impact of Fraud on Your Practice Fraud hits dental professionals particularly hard, as dentists are not only the face of their business but also the anchor of the practice’s brand. So, while the practice absorbs most of the impact of the fraud, it spills over into the personal lives of the professionals and their families, making

prevention pivotal. According to the 2012 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) Report to the Nations On Occupational Fraud and Abuse, the average loss against professional practices from fraud schemes is $140,000 per year due to billing schemes, cheque or payment tampering, expense or payables fraud and skimming of cash. Prevention Strategies for Your Dental Practice There are many things you can do to prevent fraud and ways you can detect it and lessen the impact. Those strategies include: 1. Creating an internal culture that is intolerant of fraud 2. Knowing the history and background of all employees and require regular vacations be taken 3. Knowing where your strengths and weaknesses are and monitoring areas where you’re vulnerable 4. Appropriately segregating front office duties 5. Implementing software controls to track / limit access to financial data 6. Preparing and reviewing accounting reconciliations in a timely fashion 7. Knowing what your results should be and regularly monitor the accounts and reports personally 8. Implementing a system of management oversight to review the work of your support staff 9. Regularly assessing the personal and professional ethics of your personnel 10. Requiring two signatures or management oversight on all banking activities Darrell Tracey, CA is the regional leader for MNP for the provision of services to professional clients in the BC lower mainland area. Based in Surrey, he has 30 years’ experience serving professionals and owner-managers with their planning needs in the areas of tax, business, retirement and succession. T: 604.574.7211 E: Darrell.Tracey@mnp.ca

For Sale By Owner - Where Did I Go Wrong? HENRY DOYLE & AL HEAPS


ou’re a great dentist and practice manager. Selling your practice seems straight forward, right? After all, you know the practice and who better to explain it to a prospective buyer? It’s not quite that simple. Dentists are good at what they do— dentistry. Brokers are good at what they do—selling practices. Selling a business is unique. There is an expertise and process that brokers are familiar with. A third party also ensures it remains a business transaction. Keeping the emotional connection in check makes the process less draining on you and in turn, your practice. But let’s say you want to handle the sale…what can go wrong? Be Prepared Time is of the essence with all transactions. If the information needed is not readily available, the purchaser can begin to have second thoughts and doubts. Regardless of your relationship with the purchaser, there is always a level of skepticism. Being ill prepared can be costly and seriously affect the direction and timing of the sale. Confidentiality If you’re selling the practice yourself, the potential for exposure within the dental community is very high. Purchasers will call the office, speak to staff and colleagues and want to drop in to visit the practice. Your day will be disrupted, patient care will be interrupted and staff will become disgruntled. A practice broker qualifies potential purchasers. The process ensures that there is serious interest prior to anyone setting foot in your practice. All questions and inquiries are handled confidentially. Staff Long-term staff may feel insecure and pursue other positions. Fear of the unknown is unnerving as an employee. For you, losing key staff at this critical time is detrimental to the goodwill of your practice. Associates may leave if appropriate written agreements are not

already in place. Do you have a restrictive covenant? Premise Lease Is it up for renewal? Is there a demolition clause? Is it assignable? If your lease is up for renewal, it is best to begin the negotiation process. Landlords hold a lot of power and your lease has a great effect on your practice value. Know What You’re Selling and What It’s Worth One of the biggest drawbacks for dentists selling their own practice is being impartial when it comes to establishing the value of their practice. What’s included? Are you selling assets or shares? What impact does each have financially, both in terms of accounting and taxes? When the purchaser arrives for the chart audit is not the ideal time to determine that systems are lacking. A broker can complete a comprehensive evaluation which will highlight the deficiencies and strengths of the practice. Engaging Family & Friends Your favorite uncle may be a great lawyer, but unless his speciality is dental, you may want to think twice before engaging his services. It is imperative to engage an experienced dental lawyer. Their expertise will protect your interest while being instrumental in closing the deal smoothly. Disclosure & Liability When a purchaser and vendor are dealing face-to-face it is often more difficult for the vendor to be upfront with some of the more delicate issues of the practice. It is imperative that the emotional attachment to the practice is removed. You must provide full disclosure, with the true operational and financial picture of the practice. You’re liable for everything you, or your staff, say to the potential purchaser. Are there any problems regarding the practice that may complicate the transaction? What are you doing about the ‘collections’? What leases are outstanding? Are they better off to be assigned rather than take the penalties to cancel. When you’re emotionally invested, this can present problems. This is one more reason why selling your practice is better handled by a

third party, a dental broker who understands the industry. Have you disclosed to your purchaser the information you know about staff that they might not otherwise be privy to? For example, your CDA of 10 years just found out she’s pregnant and won’t be returning after maternity leave. That your receptionist’s husband has just been transferred and she will be moving after the sale? Does your highly paid hygienist of 3 years have the same value to a new dentist as they did to you? This information affects your goodwill and you do have a responsibility to disclose all information. Improvements So you decided to do some improvements to increase the practice value prior to selling it. While a fresh coat of paint can brighten the office, spending a lot on high end leaseholds, is very difficult to get back. In some instances these expenses have resulted in the practice being overpriced. Consult with a professional to see which ‘improvements’ actually increase the value of your practice in the eyes of the purchaser. While it may be important to you to have an aquarium and fireplace in the waiting room, the purchaser may see that as a waste that he is not prepared to pay for. After the Sale Have you discussed with the purchaser your intent after the sale? Negotiating an agreement has to be reasonable and is often easier arranged by a third party. Some vendors would like to leave right away. Others will assist with the transition. Maybe you want to stay on for a few days per week. Whatever your transition plans, they need to be conveyed to the purchaser and agreed upon. Can You Sell Your Practice on Your Own? Let’s be practical, your days are better spent maintaining practice worth; having good relations with patients and staff and maintaining your goodwill. In the same way that brokers don’t make good dentists, dentists don’t make good brokers. From establishing the fair market value and understanding your goals, a broker will get the best price for your practice and work toward your transition. Isn’t that really what you want?

It’s Time to Fire Your “Web Guy”: 4 Steps CARRIE SHAW


ou may have hired someone to handle your online presence, or you might be doing it yourself, but if you’re not generating a steady stream of patients from it, you’re probably missing out. The bottom line: if you’re in need of new patients, the local search volume of people seeking a new dentist online is far too high for you to ignore. Here are the 4 steps necessary to conduct online marketing effectively and efficiently. STEP ONE: Turn Your Website into a Conversion Machine Research indicates that you have only 15 seconds to woo a web visitor to take action (i.e., call you for an appointment) before they decide to leave and look at another website. Flashy animations and fun graphics are not the way to go here. The basics should be visible; you want to have a phone number in the top right, proper placement of your services, and clear, articulate content that speaks directly to your visitor’s search query. Your typical prospective patient won’t know the name of your dental practice, so they’ll be using a general keyword search; “dental implants” or “tooth extraction”, for example. When they click on your site from a Google search, and the 15-second countdown begins, they must land on a web page that answers their query precisely – not an ambiguous Home Page. These specialized pages are called “Landing pages” and they are critical to your success online. STEP TWO: Be Mobile Optimized Trends in mobile technology have moved well beyond fad status, with smartphones now in the hands of more than 1 in 2 Canadians. These devices are increasingly being used to conduct local searches because they are convenient and always at our fingertips. Having a website that’s optimized for smartphone use is critical if you intend to find new patients online; because that’s how they’re searching for you.

Figure 1 See figure. 1, notice that with this mobile website, your prospects can dial directly from the website, which is part of the reason that mobile clicks lead to phone calls to your dental practice more often. STEP THREE: Get Placed on Major Search Engines (Mostly Google) Now it’s time to drive quality traffic to your website (i.e., people searching online for a dentist). The only way to get found online on day one is to go the paid click route, and that means Google AdWords. Start by setting up a Google AdWords account and then research bidding strategies for the keywords you want to show up for. You’ll want to tailor your ad copy (the words that go in your ad) to your keywords, and direct clicks to landing pages that do the same. STEP FOUR: Measure, Assess, Repeat Now that you have a high-converting website, a smartphone optimized mobile site, and a Google AdWords platform that’s churning out traffic to your site, it’s time to figure out what’s working and what isn’t. For Step 4, it all comes down to implementing tracking - everywhere - so you can see the complete cycle; from

the initial search, to clicking on ad copy, browsing your website, taking action and, ultimately, converting that prospect into a new patient. You need to be able to see the entire system from top to bottom, so it would be a good idea to brush up on your data-mining skills in Google Analytics, monitor your AdWords performance and implement calltracking and email-tracking software, not to mention call-recording for quality and monitoring purposes… and make sure they’re all integrated. Or…don’t worry about any of this OutRank by Rogers is an intelligent online marketing solution for Dentists who recognize the importance of being online - and getting it right online - so they can focus on providing quality care for their patients. Contact us today and we’ll connect you with a senior sales representative who will research and present market insights related to your business, allowing you to make an informed decision about how you market your dental practice online. Call us toll free at 1-888-680-0274, or visit us at www.rogersoutrank.com. Carrie Shaw is the Director of Marketing at OutRank by Rogers, a division of Rogers Communications, Inc. created to deliver online advertising services to small and medium sized businesses throughout Canada (excluding Quebec). Part techie, part social maven, Carrie thrives on making technology easy to understand by everyone. She is thrilled to be helping small businesses get online and aspires to “be” a small business herself one day. Reach out to her at info@rogersoutrank.com.

practice management timothy brown Timothy A. Brown specializes in dental practice appraisals, brokerage, consulting, locum placements, associateships and practice financing across Canada. You can reach Timothy at timothy@roicorp.com.

freedom 55?

Canadian Owned & Operated since 1981

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Who are we kidding?


he term, Freedom 55™, was introduced by the London Life Insurance Company in the 1980s. It more or less suggests that we will exit our full-time careers at the age of 55 and enjoy an exotic lifestyle or maybe a second, parttime career and, either way, live happily ever after. A client recently joked that “Freedom 55” was the age of his last-born child—when he finally moved out of the house! While there are many opposing views about what early retirement really means and when it should occur, I predict that the concept of retirement will become a defunct lifestyle option for the baby-boomer generation. I have consulted with hundreds of dentists over the past 30 years about what they plan to do with their lives. The most interesting and emerging trend is that retirement is not relevant to many baby-boomer dentists. And I believe there are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, and most importantly, baby boomers are a generation of lifestyledriven people with some rather expensive lifestyle habits. Retirement is a word that is usually equated with the immediate cessation of paid work. No longer. It’s an obsolete concept, and today most professionals recognize that they’ll continue to work long after the age of 55—willingly. You may choose to exit full-time work, but there’s always work part-time, sometimes for life, without actually “retiring.”

Witness the emerging trend towards part-time dentistry for life, which I have observed now for several years. More and more dentists think that complete and full retirement is a thing of the past. And, on the flipside, full-time work is also a fading concept, as more and more dentists seek a part-time career. Over the next 10 years I predict an increase in the number of dentists working part-time, with fewer dedicating a full-time effort to a dental practice. That may have been the norm in the past. But who wants to work long hours and endless days when a better work/life balance is possible? The term retirement will fade away and baby boomers, as a generation, will simply continue working—just less. Let’s reconsider Freedom 55™ for a moment. What would you do if you actually quit dentistry, immediately, and let your dental licence lapse? Do you have a plan? What hobbies will you indulge in from the age of 55 for the rest of your life? Most dentists can’t answer these questions, and so they return to work for lack of anything else to motivate them. I propose a shift in thinking to part-timefor-life and freedom-from-ownership. Enjoy both a modified lifestyle and income, and work as long as you can! After all, you love what you do, right? I believe that I’ll live to 100—thanks to the advances of medicine—and that my career has another 60 years to go. I turned 50 in 2013. I will never retire. What an absurd and out-dated concept that is!

Retirement is an obsolete concept, and today most professionals recognize that they’ll continue to work long after the age of 55—willingly

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September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists



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Dentists Without Borders In each issue of Just for Canadian …like Dr. Aaron Kim, or where: Costa Rica Dentists we feature a dentist doing “Uncle Tooth,” as the when : 9/29/14 – 10/8/14 good somewhere in the world, and children nicknamed we hope these volunteer opportunities contact: dentistswithoutborders.org@shaw.ca him in Zambia (left). inspire some new subjects for our Operation Smiles “Pay it Forward” column (page 13). 1 where: Madagascar, Tamatave >> when: 9/10/14 – 9/20/14 2 where: Rwanda, Butaro >> when : 9/15/14 – 10/3/14 cultiva 3 where: Ethiopia, Abraminch >> when : 10/10/14 – 10/18/14 ting gra ssroots dentistr 4 where: India, Kottayam, Kerala >> when : 10/11/14 – 10/19/14 A y 5 where: DRC, Lubumbashi >> when : 10/17/14 – 10/26/14 6 where: Bolivia, Santa Cruz >> when : 10/23/14 – 10/31/14 of experie 7 where: Russia, Grozny >> when : 10/25/14 – 11/2/14 nce and c ounting 8 where: China, Lincang, Yunnan >> when : 10/29/14 – 11/4/14 contact: operationsmile.org/mvac



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just For


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CUPS Health & Education Centre where: Calgary, AB, ongoing (long-term, 6+ months) needs: registered dental hygienists (RDA) >> RDA Level II (dental assistant) >> volunteer dentist contact: Deanna Holt 403-671-6564; deannah@cupscalgary.com or Dr. Kuen Chow; kuenchow@yahoo.com

5:31 PM

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1. Entry form must be accompanied with solved puzzle. Only correctly solved puzzles entered into random draw. 2. Send puzzle + entry form to Just For Canadian Dentists, 200 – 896 Cambie St., Vancouver, BC, V6B 2P6 or fax 604-681-0456. Entries must be received by October 10, 2014. 3. Prize: $50 VISA Gift Card. 4. Contest can be changed and/or cancelled without prior notice. 5. All entries become property of In Print Publications. 6. Employees of In Print Publications and its affliates are not eligible to participate.

September/October 2014 Just For Canadian dentists


dr. Farzin Ghannad moved to Canada without speaking a word of English. A testament to his determination, which makes sense knowing that his motto is to give everything—work or pleasure—a 110%. And yet most important to this dentist is spending time with his young daughter and teaching her how to be a human being, which, after all, is the most important lesson any of us can learn. That and then maybe enjoying some good music by Queen while driving… The gadget or gear I could not do without: Cell phone My favourite room at home: Family room My car: Lexus My last purchase: Car My last splurge: Buying a watch My most-frequented store: Harry Rosen My closet has too many: What would Suits and Dr. Farzin Ghannad ties change about himself?

He’d work less and spend more time with family. Here, he’s working on that goal, vacationing with his wife and daughter.

My fridge is always stocked with: Greek yogurt and berries

My medicine cabinet is always stocked with: None; I hate taking medication My guilty pleasure is: Watching TV Favourite exercise/ sport: Skiing My name: Farzin Ghannad I live and practise in: Live in Vancouver and practise in Vancouver, Kamloops, Yellowknife My training: DDS, MSc, Dip. Perio, FCDS(BC), FRCD(C) Why I was drawn to dentistry: I wanted to become a dentist since I was in grade 8. Dentistry offers both evidence based knowledge in combination with hands


on intervention. Once exposed to surgical training/implant dentistry in my 3rd year, I developed the passion for surgical dentistry. My last trip: Mexico The most exotic place I’ve travelled: Egypt A favourite place that I keep returning to: Spain Dream vacation: Bali

If I could travel at any time, I’d go to: ‘70s Favourite book: Oliver Twist Favourite film: The Great Escape and Father of the Bride Must-see TV show: Friends Favourite music or song: The Show Must Go On by Queen My first job: Fastfood chain in Germany (Kockloeffel)

Just For Canadian dentists September/October 2014

Favourite sport to watch: Soccer Celebrity crush: Charlize Theron I’d want this with me if stranded on a desert island: A picture of my family, my sunglasses and a few books My secret to relaxing and relieving tension: Driving while listening to nice music A talent I wish I had: Playing piano My scariest moment: Flying on a small plane

which couldn’t land due to a heavy thunderstorm My fondest memory: See my daughter win the gold medal in Taekwondo A big challenge I’ve faced: Immigrating to Canada without speaking a word of English One thing I’d change about myself: Work less and spend more time with family The word that best describes me: Energetic I’m inspired by: Individuals who help the less fortunate communities for a better life. Such as Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer My biggest ego boost: When I hear positive comments from my patients about their dental experience My biggest ego blow: Seeing unsatisfied patients I’m happiest when: When spending time with my little girl My motto is: Always give 110% in whatever I do, whether this is for pleasure or work, and stay positive all the time A cause close to my heart: Teaching my daughter to be a human being Something I haven’t done yet that’s on my must-do list: Learning how to play a musical instrument If I wasn’t a dentist I’d be: Medical doctor or pilot

courtesy Dr. Farzin Ghannad

s m a l l ta l k

dentists share their picks, pans, pleasures and fears

CdnDentists-fullpg-Aug13_RobinsonGroup 13-08-22 6:49 PM Page 1

100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE DENTISTRY FACT...did you know Patients can 100% tax-deduct all dental expenses, fees, healthcare, vision costs... and so can you? Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Federal Legislation allows business owners to fully tax deduct 100% of their healthcare costs as a business expense using a Private Health Services Plan. Who qualifies? Anyone who owns a business of any size, employees and dependents. No health questions or age limits. This is not insurance. What’s covered? 100% of virtually all dental and medical expenses. Visit our website www.trustedadvisor.ca for a complete list. What’s the cost? There is a one-time set-up fee plus applicable taxes. The additional cost is 10% administration fee plus applicable taxes, depending on which province you live in.

A partial list of qualified expenses: Acupuncture Alcoholism Treatment Ambulance


Attendant Care Birth Control Pills Blood tests


Chinese medicine Chiropractor

Crowns Dental Treatment Dental Implants Dental X-rays Dentures Dermatologist Detoxification Clinic

Diagnostic Fees Dietitian Eyeglasses Fertility Treatments Guide Dog Hearing Aid and Batteries Hospital Bills Insulin Treatments Laser Eye Surgery

Lodging (away from home for outpatient care) MRI Naturopath Optician

Oral Surgery Orthodontist

Orthopedist Osteopath Out-of-Country Medical Expenses Physician Physiotherapist Prescription Medicine Psychiatrist Psychologist Psychotherapy Registered Massage Therapy Renovations & Alterations to Dwelling (for severe & prolonged impairments) Special School Costs for the Handicapped Surgeon Transportation Expenses (relative to health care) Vitamins (if prescribed) Wheelchair X rays

Note: This is a partial list. All allowable expenses must qualify as outlined in the Income Tax Act

JFCDentists-mayjun2013(48p)-FINAL.indd 48

Who uses a Private Health Services Plan? Business owners who: > do not qualify for group insurance or find it too expensive > find group insurance coverage too restrictive; i.e.; orthodontics > have sick child or spouse > want front of line treatment > want to write-off child support relating to healthcare expenses > large groups who have been struggling with significant cost increases each year.

Why are your patients doing this with dental expenses?

Healthcare Costs $1600

When they could be doing this!

Healthcare Costs $1600

(3% of net income) Deduct $1500

Admin Fee (10%) $ 160

Available for credit $100

Tax-deductible total $1760

Tax Credit* $25

Tax Deduction $1760

EXAMPLE: Net income of $50,000 per year with family medical expenses of $1600 *Based on a combined Federal and Provincial rate of 25%.

Advise your Patients today!

The John Robinson Group Inc. June Borlé: 604.874.4429 Fax: 604.873.5600 Toll Free: 1.888.880.2266 Email: june@trustedadvisor.ca


8/23/13 11:46:25 AM

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