Just For Canadian Doctors Fall 2018

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fall 2018

life + leisure


into South


on tundra in


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inside: Continuing medical Education Calendar where will you meet? c h i cag o


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The new I-PACE. Jaguar’s first all-electric performance SUV. 378km range.* Up to 80% charge in approximately 40 minutes.** Groundbreaking, aerodynamic design. AWD. And 394hp offering 0-100km/h in 4.8 seconds with zero tailpipe emissions. Electric, but a Jaguar through and through. jaguar.ca


European model shown.*EV Range: Up to 378km. Fuel consumption: N/A. CO 2 Emissions: 0 (g/km). EV range fi gures are based upon production vehicle over a standardized route. Range achieved will vary dependent on vehicle and battery condition, actual route and environment and driving style. **Using 100kW DC fast charger. Actual charge times may vary according to environment and battery condition and available charging installation. Š 2018 Jaguar Land Rover Canada ULC

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DOCTORS life + leisure


fall 2018

fall 2018

Publisher Linh T. Huynh

Editor Barb Sligl

Art Direction BSS Creative

Contributing Editor Janet Gyenes

Editorial Assistant Adam Flint

Contributors Crai S. Bower Carrie Clark Michael DeFreitas Tim Johnson Lisa Kadane Dr. Chris Pengilly Manfred Purtzki Dr. Michael Roberts Dr. Kellen Silverthorn Barb Sligl Roberta Staley Cover photo Carrie Clark

13 23

Senior Account Executive Monique Nguyen Account Executives Janice Frome Wing-Yee Kwong

Production Manager Ninh Hoang CE Development Adam Flint

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clockwise, from top left: carrie clark; crai s. bower; carrie clark

Just For Canadian Doctors is published four times a year by Jamieson-Quinn Holdings Ltd. dba In Print Publications and distributed to Canadian doctors. Publication of advertisements and any opinions expressed do not constitute endorsement or assumption of liability for any claims made. The contents of this magazine are protected by copyright. None of the contents of the magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of In Print Publications.


13 Culture + adventure awaits in South Africa 23 On the tundra in northern Manitoba COLUMNS


7 photo prescription

5 fall mix 17 CME calendar 29 sudoku 30 small talk

On the Silk Road

9 pay it forward Bringing medical tech to Uganda

10 motoring The Big One calls for a Big Automotive Adventure

12 the thirsty doctor Cider houses rule

In Print Publications 200 – 896 Cambie Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2P6 Canada

26 the wealthy doctor


28 doctor on a soapbox

Printed in Canada.

Dr. Danielle Martin

Two great tax shelters Retirement comes…for everyone

cover photo A leopard languishes after a kill…as seen on a safari in South Africa, where the wildlife astounds (page 13).

Fall 2018 Just For Canadian doctors


from the editor


hile in South Africa, our writer was woken up one morning by the rustling of his (rather luxurious) tent dwelling on a private game reserve. He emerged to discover baboons jockeying for position atop the roof. His wife managed to capture one of the baboons in repose atop the tent, silhouetted as the sun rose. Such is the journey into South Africa’s Limpopo region where a safari (led by a six-foot-seven-inch Afrikaner guide, no less) takes one farther than anticipated (page 13). And that’s a good thing. In the words of one of South Africa’s renowned citizens (there are many), “you cannot take the life of your times further than you have taken yourself.” So said Bishop Desmond Tutu, and it’s something we all should remember. In that spirit, travel to be immersed.


Just For Canadian doctors Fall 2018

At the southernmost tip of South Africa, in Cape Town, immersion comes through a reviving and thriving arts-and-culture scene in which a past industrial icon is reimagined as a wellspring for creativity (page 5). For another kind of safari, go north into the Canadian tundra, where the wildlife also appears aplenty. In fact, the three-day spectacle never stops outside Churchill Wild’s Nanuk Lodge in Manitoba, says our writer in his version of a Farley Mowat experience (page 23). Wolves, polar bears, moose, aurora borealis…oh my! Then there’s the always go-to city of Chicago (page 17), plus a Canadian cider revolution going on (page 12). It’s autumn, so pour and partake…and journey far. Any ideas, comments or questions? Reach us at feedback@InPrintPublications.com.

i nto the


carrie clark

Get immersed

In South Africa, the wildlife gets close, very close, and the scenery is far reaching (page 13).

what/when/where > fall

style | food | drink | festivals | places | getaways | gear…

arts & culture


A renaissance in Cape Town


nce the tallest building crowning Cape Town’s skyline, the 42 concrete tubes of the Grain Silo Complex—each silo 33 metres in height and 5.5 metres in diameter—were an eyesore and an icon, all in one. Falling into disrepair and occupying prime Table Bay waterfront land, hot debate surrounded these now-disused agricultural relics. But a decision was made—to create a firstof-its-kind museum inside these grain silos. “They used diamond-cutting tools to sculpt the interior spaces,” says guide and assistant curator Kimberly Jacobs, noting that it was a rather monumental task. But Zeitz MOCAA opened last year, just in time for this year’s centenary of Nelson Mandela’s birth—a milestone that’s being marked by celebrations across the country. The largest (and most significant) museum of contemporary African art in the world, its one hundred galleries over nine floors tell important stories through various mediums, from animation to avant-garde sculpture, and everything in between. >>

Wianelle Briers

new vision

The iconic industrial design of these silos was reimagined as a cultural institution that now houses contemporary African art zeitzmocaa. museum

Fall 2018 Just For Canadian doctors


go + see


Cape Town


the new cape

The art scene in this city is becoming as big as its scenery

he O n t n ti p her s ou t A fr i c a of

>> After wandering the galleries for a solid

View from Lion’s Head in Cape Town, with Table Mountain in the background

arts & culture

morning, I decide to get a little closer to the artists in their own spaces, heading out to one of the post-apartheid hotbeds for creativity, a township outside of the city proper called Langa. Once a site of segregation, now the Langa Quarter marshals the artistic talents of its local residents, actively bringing in visitors in a once-overlooked part of town, says Tony Elvin, the CEO of the initiative. “We’re bringing together art and music and food and hospitality,” he says, noting that they’ve even opened an Airbnb. “To get a sense of the place, you really need to be able to sleep there.” Elvin leads our small group through the streets, lined with little homes, which teem with life, a place not so different from another township, Soweto, where Mandela himself found his intellectual and leadership footing. As we move from block to block, happy kids ride by on the bikes or follow along behind us on foot, seeing what’s up, while smiling stoop-sitters wave at our little convoy. We meet a number of artists in their studios, which often double as their place of residence—a man who makes glass mosaics, another whose living room is lined with his striking portraits, a pottery workshop where anyone can come in and fire for free, most (or all) of them training another generation of artists to follow them. We finish on a square covered in graffiti. “Langa has now become a magnet for very cool street art,” Elvin smiles. Hungry, we head to 4Roomed, in the nearby township of Khayelitsha. It’s a sunny space that seats just 40, a place that inspires hope and resurgence. In this case, chef Abigail Mbalo turned a televised run on South Africa’s version of Top Chef into a food truck, and now a bright bricks-andmortar restaurant in a carriage-house space that resembles the four[stay] room homes of her childhood. At the five-star Table And the food draws on that Bay Hotel. Located on the legacy, too, culinary art Victoria & Albert Waterfront, inspired by traditional it’s within walking distance recipes, with a fresh, local of the Zeitz MOCAA and twist when it comes to the other top attractions. ingredients. I tuck into a the-table-bay.hotelssalad made with greens from capetown.com backyard gardens, fresh-baked bread paired with vegetable curry, and orange and lemon cake. Sated after a delicious meal, I’m ready to go ahead—more artists to meet, more galleries to explore. — Tim Johnson


Just For Canadian doctors Fall 2018

Explore South Africa further on page 13 >>

Room with a view at Ashford Castle

Silo structure inside the Zeitz MOCAA

Street scene in Langa

Art by Mary Sibande in Zeitz MOCAA

Street art in Langa

if you go Give yourself at least half a day to spend at Zeitz MOCAA, Africa’s largest and most significant museum of contemporary art: zeitzmocaa.museum. Plan your trip at southafrica.net.

clockwise from top: south Africa Tourism; Mark Williams; tim johnson (3)


p h o t o p r e s c r i p t i o n m i c h a e l d e f r e i ta s Michael DeFreitas is an award-winning photographer who’s been published in a wide variety of travel publications. With his initials, MD, he’s been nicknamed “doc,” making his photography prescriptions apropos.

Xi’an hits the spot

destination photography

Explore a UNESCO site, the Silk Road and Muslim culture in China’s Xi’an

The Silk Road left its mark on China’s culture, especially in its terminus city Xi’an

food fix

michael defreitas


s I stepped onto the observation deck overlooking the immense 250-metre-long and 100-metre-wide Pit 1 vault with its 11 separated trenches packed with life-like warriors, chariots and horses, I had to remind myself to breathe. After the Great Wall, the Terra Cotta Warriors Museum and its adjoining Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor is China’s secondmost popular attraction. It’s truly one of the world’s greatest spectacles and so unique that UNESCO designated it a World Heritage site in 1987. Large skylights help to light the massive enclosure with its 6,000 life-sized terra cotta warriors, horses and chariots, but you’ll still need a tripod and wide-angle lens to capture the entire scene. I opted for a 14–24mm zoom set at 14mm and shutter speed of two seconds to capture the entire pit then switched to a 70–200mm zoom lens to capture sections of the army (shutter speed of 3 seconds at f11). Established in 200 B.C., Xi’an or Chang’an, was China’s first capital and eastern terminus on the Silk Road. The Road prospered under Emperor Qin (221–206 B.C.) who standardized China’s currency exchange and instituted a system of standard trading weights and measures. By 700 A.D., the city had become the world’s largest city and remained China’s capital for 11 dynasties. Unfortunately, the Silk Road’s great success eventually led to its downfall. By the late 13th-century, China’s 5,000-year-old silkmaking secret was smuggled to the west, and trade along the route fell to a trickle, prompting Kublai Khan to shift the country’s capital to Dadu (Beijing) in 1271. Xi’an is also the birthplace of Islam in China. While exploring the ancient manicured gardens, expansive courtyards, ornate arches and stone stele of Xi’an’s Great Mosque, I tried to imagine life in this small community back in the 700s. Unlike Arab mosques with their traditional domes and minarets, this mosque has a more traditional Chinese architectural style. After shooting the beautiful gardens, I selected the mosque’s great gate, with its Arabic writing above, to frame the central pagoda using a wide f16 depth of field.

Shooting food is challenging. Imagine asking people to wait to eat so you can take a photo. So don’t be that kind of “foodie.” Make sure you preset everything so you can capture a shot quickly. I used a medium telephoto (70–80mm), 1/15 second with f5.6 and cropped to include only a few dumplings instead of the entire basket, concentrating on the shapes.

if you go

Tourism info on China: cnto.org Tours with China Spree: chinaspree.com

Fall 2018 Just For Canadian doctors


photo prescription [continued]

Today, China’s oldest mosque is a focal point for the city’s Muslim Hui or Uyghur community, descendents of early Arab merchants and religious figures who spread the religion to China along the legendary

Silk Road. The network of narrow alleys and aisles that fan out from the mosque is home to the eclectic Muslim market. Although much of the silk products are now geared to tourists, the entrepreneurial ambience, enchanting aromas and ancient culture shaped by Silk Road commerce have changed little over the centuries. Most food vendors still prepare their popular Halal delicacies, such as sweet-and-sticky

Xi’an Huanggui persimmon cakes or bing (fried dough flatbread stuffed with meat) using ancient techniques and ingredients. Not far from the mosque is the 200-foot-tall Giant Wild Goose Pagoda. Completed in 704, during the Tang Dynasty, the pagoda is home to Buddhist sutras and figurines that the Buddhist monk and translator Xuanzang brought back to China from India. Due to faulty construction and a 1556 earthquake, the structure leans perceptibly to the west resulting in its affectionate nickname, “the leaning tower of Xi’an.” I used f16 and 1/60 second for a wide depth of field and composed a shot with an ornate cast-iron pot in the foreground and the pagoda in the background for a more dramatic effect to show the leaning. No visit to Xi’an would be complete without attending the classic Tang Dynasty Dinner Show at the Grand Theatre. The riches from Silk Road trade during the Tang Dynasty (618 to 907) created 300 years of peace and prosperity for Xi’an. Chinese historians refer to this period as China’s Golden Age, a time when the arts soared and the blending of cultures and religions peaked.

Luckily my table was fairly central to the stage making it easier to record the show. I used a slow shutter speed so I could shoot at f8 (with ISO setting of 400) to render the performers in focus during peak moments when the action briefly halted (to reduce the amount of movement blur). One hundred performers wowed me with traditional dances, acrobatics and music, while chef Sang Hua Rung dazzled with an artistic and tasty dumpling banquet throughout the show—all part of the cultural journey back in time to China’s most influential era. Local legend says that an Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220) doctor from Xi’an named Zhang Zhongjing returned to his hometown to find the villagers suffering from typhoid and weak with starvation. The doctor prepared a mixture of mutton, cayenne and special medicine, wrapped the concoction in pieces of ear-shaped dough and boiled it so that his patients could swallow. His dumplings saved the sick villagers and became a staple in the Chinese diet. Today, many regard Xi’an as the birthplace of the dumpling banquet. By the end of my Xi’an adventure I was genuinely surprised that, despite the dramatic changes and modernization sweeping China today, there are still places, even in large cities like Xi’an, where the diversity of enduring Chinese traditions, cultures and Silk Road history still thrive.

ancient army

michael defreitas

6,000 life-sized warriors, horses and chariots line 11 trenches within the 250-metrelong and 100-metre-wide Pit 1 vault at the Terra Cotta Warriors Museum, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and China’s second-most popular attraction after the Great Wall


Just For Canadian doctors Fall 2018

pay i t f o r w a r d

r o b e r ta s ta l e y

Roberta Staley is a Vancouver-based magazine writer, editor and documentary filmmaker.

Building bridges

Via equipment—and education—to bring better health and maternal care to Africa

courtesy of Dr. William Cherniak


n the West, ultrasound equipment is a key diagnostic tool. In other parts of the world, such as Africa, this basic technology has been largely unavailable at healthcare centres because of high cost and limited training. However, the increasing use of portable ultrasounds is beginning to revolutionize health and maternal care on the continent, saving, in one recent case, the life of a 14-year-old Ugandan who, at the time, was a patient of Dr. William Cherniak of Markham, ON. Cherniak first met the young man while in the east-Africa nation with his charitable organization Bridge to Health Medical and Dental, which undertakes missions in Uganda and Kenya three times a year with diverse teams of medical and dental professionals. When Cherniak examined the teenager, he complained of years of illness, lethargy and fevers. Cherniak did an ultrasound of the teen’s chest. (An ultrasound machine is one of many pieces of medical equipment Bridge to Health transports to Africa on each trip.) It revealed an enlarged heart and possible growth on the heart valves, indicating congestive heart failure and possibly a heart infection. The patient had been on several strong drugs for many years that can cause severe side effects, with little relief of the underlying disease. A month later, Cherniak, who works at Markham Stouffville Hospital’s emergency department, returned to Uganda, accompanied by another ER physician with specialized ultrasound training. Cherniak’s colleague took additional images and sent them via internet to a paediatric cardiologist and infectious disease specialists, who determined that the teenager was suffering from lesions on his heart valve, or infective endocarditis. Cherniak was able to pinpoint a cause: the boy had developed rheumatic heart disease from a Streptococcus bacteria infection several years ago. As a result, the patient was taken off the heart medications entirely and put on intravenous antibiotics for six weeks. The result? The teen was cured. “It stopped his heart from getting worse,” while the fevers and weight loss disappeared, Cherniak says.

The care that the boy received is an child on the ultrasound screen always example of how successful global publicsparks a delighted smile, says Cherniak. health initiatives can be when organizations (Bridge to Health also works with partner regularly visit certain regions and take vital Kigezi Healthcare Foundation to help train equipment for diagnosis and treatment, midwives, and in Uganda, the moms-to-be says Cherniak, who has been involved with are given a maternity kit from the NGO to health care in “low-resource” nations since ensure safe and clean delivery of the infant.) his first year of medicine at the University Education initiatives are proving fruitful of Calgary, when he visited medical centres in the battle against severe paediatric in Tanzania. In his fourth year, Cherniak malnutrition. Bridge to Health and KIHEFO travelled to Uganda to work with local have implemented basic education doctors, a trip that inspired the creation of programs for mothers in southwest Uganda Bridge to Health, based upon the concept about nutrition, resulting in an uptick in of “structured international rotation”—when children’s health. medical students and physicians from the West undertake excursions to countries of A trip to need. (Bridge to Health Uganda, during partners with the which Dr. William University of Toronto Cherniak worked with Faculty of Dentistry local doctors, inspired the and the University of “structured international Southern California’s Keck rotation” concept of School of Medicine.) Bridge to Health Since its creation in 2013, Bridge to Health has treated nearly 30,000 patients across Uganda and Kenya. The two-week missions are endeavours that take a year to organize, says Cherniak, involving the transport of enough equipment and drugs to create a mobile hospital. When a mission is finished, nearly all the equipment remains behind with a local government office or NGO that Bridge to Health partners with. Local clinical healthcare providers are trained to use the equipment, fulfilling part of Bridge to Health’s mandate: education and training to build capacity and sustainability. The success of Bridge to Health through Educating the patients is another the nurturing of local partnerships has priority, says Cherniak, who has found the drawn interest from the governments of portable ultrasound machines, once again, Rwanda and Namibia. The charity is also in to be especially useful. In order to entice discussions with northern Ontario’s Sioux pregnant women into the mobile hospitals Lookout First Nations Health Authority to for important prenatal care, Bridge to Health see if they can assist with programming. advertises free ultrasounds on local radio, “We’re constantly trying to do things in an stating that the mothers will be able to see innovative and sustainable way while trying their unborn baby. When the women come to grow the organization,” says Cherniak. in, they are checked for a variety of diseases, The one innovation that seems to be including HIV, their blood pressure is tested, making the biggest long-term impact, he they’re given vitamins like folic acid and adds, is the training of “locals, so that they are also vaccinated. Seeing their unborn can work throughout the year.” Fall 2018 Just For Canadian doctors



D r . k e l l e n s i lv e r t h o r n Dr. Kellen Silverthorn is Just For Canadian Doctors’ automotive writer. He tries to keep one convertible and/or one track-day car in the family fleet.

The Big One(s)


y social circle now features super-sizing any birthday celebration ending in zero or five. A neighbour had 70 costumed guests at his 70th birthday party. Our financial advisors had 65 friends at their 65th b-day bash in Tuscany. Growing up, I remember my 16th, 18th and 21st birthdays being special. Stepping stones to adulthood. Now, on the other side of adulthood, have Boomers made big X0 and Y5 birthdays indulgent—or have they always been, but I’d never peered behind the 49-and-older veil? Still, osmosis multiplied by duration of exposure is a persuasive combination. I’m starting to warm to the idea of having extra special birthdays every five years. Our savvy travel agent now robo-sends custom planning offers for big-occasion birthdays. Both my wife and I have an X0 birthday upcoming in 2019. Official festivities planning is underway. “Regular” birthdays have been birth-weeks in our household for eons. It seems extra special birthdays could now last a month, or even a whole season. Jeez, my wife’s and my specialness mandates could even overlap—and then who would take out the garbage or make the bed? I take some satisfaction in that I thought about her X0 birthday before I thought about mine…but then hers comes earlier in the year. My wife’s favourite trip to date has been an African safari. I’m guessing for her X0 birthday a trip to the Galápagos will win out over a Mekong River cruise, but what if she thinks this birthday’s specialness justifies both trips in 2019? Logically, I then thought about what specialness I’d want for my own X0 birthday. Confession: My immediate go-to thoughts were, “Would the planets align to see the Isle of Man motorcycle races and the Monaco Grand Prix on back-to-back May weekends?” Mr. Google tells me the planets are indeed aligning in 2019. Those are two


Just For Canadian doctors Fall 2018

indulgent halo events I’d likely never attend without a “Big X0” mission egging me on. As I mulled over my (okay, indulgent) first reaction, some ambivalence set in. For me both the Isle of Man and Monaco GP are spectator events; I’d be watching others doing what I would love to do. Being world-class events in Europe they’d be crowded and expensive. Jet-lag of epic proportions would be another penance. Maybe my first reaction was misguided? Should I instead opt for a ParticipAction-style Plan B? Surely I have bucket-list items I’d also likely never do without the halo of an X0 b-day specialness

th d a y H a ppy Bir e . . . to m

mandate. Perhaps Mexico’s Carrera Panamericana seven-day road race? Or is that event a bit too ambitious for me at the age of X0? What’s the worst that could happen? Maybe I shouldn’t answer that, but instead move onto a Plan C. I’m also observing that my social circles now include gentlemen road racers who’ve managed to intrigue their adult children into the sport. Whether the racing bug ultimately bites them or not, how cool

would it be for my Big X0 birthday to have our two adult children share a second Targa New Zealand entry? That event is an annual addiction for me and 100+ Kiwi motorhead friends. I’ve even come to manage Kiwi jetlag in both directions. Of course I can visualize my accountant’s reaction to any of this…that look where said accountant sits up taller, chin moves up and forward, forehead wrinkles and eyeballs bulge ever so slightly. Maybe you too know the accountantscolding look? So I’ll need to develop a more cost-conscious Plan D…more of a beer-and-brats approach. NASCAR’s Daytona 500 isn’t really my thing, but it is an iconic Americana spectator event writ large that I’ve yet to attend, and February in Central Florida beats…well it beats anywhere in Canada in February. Still, it’s (again) watching other people do what I’d rather be doing, and I have actually raced on the Daytona “roval” in CrapCans. A ParticipAction Plan D on a beer budget could be more CrapCan racing too. I’ve wanted to check-off more East-of-theMississippi must-do tracks on my bucket list. In no particular order: Watkins Glen, Virginia International, Barbour in Alabama, Road Atlanta. I could just eke out that track list relying on Big X0 and Y5 birthdays alone, but I’d have to be the equivalent driver of septuagenarian Paul Newman by the time I finish. Procrastination will be the enemy here. Spoiled by choice, damned by inaction. Fortunately, I can rely on everyone else’s X0 and Y5 birthdays between now and late 2019 to motivate me forward. That, and I’ll forever regret (is forever that long once you hit X0?) if I let sloth carry the day. So yes, I’m going to embrace this evolving cultural norm of my generation’s super-sized X0 and Y5 birthdays. I’ll let you know how mine works out. Now, tell me, what’s your first-reaction answer for your next Big X0 or Y5 indulgent birthday mandate?


Planning milestone birthdays is getting more frequent…and elaborate

the thirsty doctor lisa kadane Lisa Kadane is a newspaper and magazine writer who likes to travel and partake in the destination’s preferred tipple, whether it’s rum, wine, a margarita or whisky sour. She’s been sharing her thoughts on spirits and cocktails since 2010.

Cider houses rule

Fermented apple juice is becoming the next craft darling


producer on Salt Spring Island. “Not just in BC but all over North America.” From BC to Nova Scotia, and from California to Virginia, apple-growing provinces and states are reclaiming and reinventing cider. The English and French originally brought the alcoholic beverage, made by pressing apples and fermenting the juice, to the New World when they settled in the colonies and New France (now Québec). Evidently, the Puritans put apple seeds in the ground a mere nine days after making landfall in 1607; a decade later, in 1617, the first apple tree was planted in Canada near Québec City. In those days, no one ate apples to keep the doctor away, but they did drink cider, which—thanks to fermentation—was considered cleaner than water. Prohibition effectively put a cap on cider production, and it’s taken the better part of a century to make a comeback. While this “secret history” is interesting and makes a compelling narrative, the reasons why people are taking a shine to cider are less esoteric. As I can attest, it just tastes good. With so many styles, there’s one for every palate. People also like that cider is gluten-free and all natural with no added sugars, explains Anna Relvas, owner of Faustino Estate Cidery in Osoyoos. “That’s what sets craft cideries apart from the big producers,” she says. For other cider drinkers, it’s a gateway beverage that stands on its own.

[primer] cider styles

plunged my nose into a glass of Vanilla Plum cider from The BX Press Cidery and inhaled. It smelled of ripe fruit and fall baking, and invited me to sample its liquid layers that tasted like an apple and plum tart—not too sweet, spicy and with a crisp finish. My curiosity piqued, I wandered over to a neighbouring booth and tried a cider aged in rum-soaked bourbon barrels. I sipped a cherry cider made from apples and juice from the Okanagan’s best-loved fruit for an encore. The bottles lined up at Ward Ciders in Kelowna during BC Cider Week weren’t your typical sweet, mass-produced hard ciders. Rather, the province’s craft cider makers had gathered together with a view of Okanagan Lake—adjacent to an apple orchard, no less—to showcase what’s possible in the growing world of cidercraft. I was blown away. Like beer brewers before them, cider makers are experimenting with cider styles and methods, with complex and delicious results. They’re hopping ciders that have been fruit-infused, making dessert ciders from late-harvest apples, steeping apple juice with botanicals during fermentation to make spiced ciders, and growing heirloom apples to produce single-varietal or blended heritage ciders. Fuelling this creativity is an insatiable thirst for North America’s original alcoholic beverage. “Cider is blowing up,” says Mike Lachelt, co-founder of Salt Spring Wild, a cider

“Cider fits very nicely into the category somewhere in between wine and a beer. It’s not as heavy as some of the craft beers, and the alcohol percentage is lower than wine. So cider fills that gap,” says Chris Haworth, cider maker and co-owner with West Avenue Cider House near Hamilton, ON. Because cider appeals to both beer and wine drinkers, there’s a lot of crossover. Haworth says wine tourers often stop in for a tasting en route to Niagara from Toronto. And locals have started heading to the cider house (rather than a pub) for happy hour. This shift is evident in the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia, where breweries, wineries and now cideries all serve a clientele eager for small-batch, local products along what’s been coined the Good Cheer Trail. In fact, Jill Delaney, general manager at Annapolis Cider Company in Wolfville, attributes the burgeoning interest in cider to the growth of craft in general, and interest in locally sourced ingredients for both drink and food. “It has become a real movement here,” she says. Judging from the number of people who were out sampling cider during BC Cider Week—and buying bottles to bring home for later consumption—cider is still gaining momentum. With any luck, a modern history with fermented apple juice is in the making.

There are many variations on cider, including single varietal, blended, rosé (made from red-fleshed apples) and even perry, which is “cider” made exclusively from pears. Here are a few styles garnering a lot of attention. Hopped Hops, the bitter, hipster beer ingredient, have made their way into ciders to add acidity and a piney or citrus quality. try: 4 Hopped Apricot from Salt Spring Wild


Spiced Add in spices and other botanicals during or after fermentation to steep the cider with aromatic intensity. try: 3 Cranberry Cinnamon from The BX Press Cider & Orchard

Barrel-aged Ageing cider in former wine or bourbon barrels pulls those flavours from the wood to add complexity and up the alcohol content. try: 1 Barrett Fuller’s Secret from West Avenue Cider House

Just For Canadian doctors Fall 2018

Fruit-infused Apples form the base of all ciders, but mixing in the juice of fruits that complement apples, such as pears, plums and cherries, is delicious. try: 2 Sour Cherry from Annapolis Cider Company





travel the world

INTO [south] africa

Wandering and wondering in the new South Africa from Limpopo to Soweto story by

Dr. Michael Roberts | photography by Carrie Clark

September/October 2018 Just For Canadian dentists


travel the world


dream of an Africa that is at peace with itself.” So said Nelson Mandela, perhaps the best-known name of the continent. And his home country, South Africa, evokes other famous African names of the 20th century: Bishop Desmond Tutu (a Nobel Peace Prize winner, like Mandela), John Coetzee and Nadine Gordimer (both awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature). But besides all those Nobel laureates, South Africa has sublime natural beauty, wildlife and vast, unexpected diversity. It’s a country of magnificent and turbulent history, from the dawn of mankind to the inhumanity of apartheid to the hope of a successful African future for all. From winery to safari, this region and subcontinent is both a cultural and natural adventure. And so my journey began with a glass of wine on the tip of Africa at the Cape of Good Hope. Here, with Cape Town as my base, I sampled Pinotage in the wine country of Franschhoek, amidst the arid beauty of the Little Karoo in funky

Montagu and the ostriches of Oudtshoorn. Dazzled by the fabled 1,000-km expanse of Indian Ocean on the Garden Route, I travelled from the rugged beaches of Wilderness (the apt name of an actual town) to the untamed turbulent sea at Storms River, then flew from the Western Cape to journey east into the province of Limpopo. It’s this fabled region on the edge of Swaziland and Mozambique that drew me into its fold of grand proportions: waterfalls and canyons, gold fields and wild animals. Limpopo is the home to Kruger National Park, the largest game reserve on the African continent. Larger than Switzerland, Kruger is home to the Big Five: elephant, rhino, lion, leopard and cape buffalo. And on the edges of Kruger are private game reserves that allow the visitor a glimpse of undisturbed primeval South Africa.

Once the small plane I took from the Western Cape landed at Hoedspruit air strip, I continued on land to Timbavati and Idube private reserves in pursuit of the fabled white lions and those Big Five. As soon as the jeep entered the dry, dusty road of the reserve, I was greeted by the gentle swaying of giraffes gracing the route. I couldn’t stop grinning as my pulse began to quicken and I pondered what further wonders await me. At basecamp, a luxury lodge of eight tent-like villas by a river, I was welcomed by a personal butler and discovered that my spacious (and air conditioned!) tent was on the edge of a waterhole. From the wooden veranda I could see and hear the sound of water spouting. Minutes after my arrival, I was gazing upon surprisingly nimble hippos emerging from the pool. Over the next few days, as I sat here, by the water in the quiet, I became a part of nature’s daily rhythm: hippos, egrets, herons and gazelles in the early evening; the thrashing of a frolicking family of elephants refreshing themselves in the equatorial heat of midday. At dawn, there was a giddy feeling of excitement and awe in the air as I joined a group with guide and tracker on an all-terrain Land Rover to follow footprints and spoor. Our first encounter of the morning emerged quietly from the bush, an adolescent elephant who “discovered” us. Then we came upon a herd of gazelles and dashing springboks. We also crossed paths with a massive black rhino mired in cooling mud, who simply stared at us. One afternoon, the safari group silently hung out with a pride of lions, mother and aunties chaperoning playful cubs only slightly curious about our human presence. Sitting stationary with full, deep awareness of breath, all my senses were aroused and attuned to the subtleties of the pride’s movements, scent and sounds. I felt initiated as a true tracker. And I quickly came to realize that the humans here are only visitors to this magnificent ongoing primeval pageant of life. But the best was still to come. As evening fell after another transcendent African sunset and toast of gin and tonic, we tracked a male leopard on his way back to his lair and then, just before we returned to the lodge, a hyena welcomed us from atop the front gates. The next morning, yet another remarkable phenomenon: a toddler leopard learning how to negotiate walking with mother at her side, tenderly overseeing. And the bush walks—past termite hills, baobabs and whitened elephant tusks to a pool teeming with hippos and crocodiles—were led by another exotic creature of sorts. Ranger Rob, a six-footseven-inch Afrikaner guide with gigantic rifle in hand. I looked up

previous page Twilight descends on Timbavati Plain opposite page, top row from left Spectacular Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve is the third highest on

penguins at Boulders Beach, Simons Town, Table Mountain National Park bottom row from left Tusked male elephant makes an appearance in Timbavati

Languishing leopard after a recent kill


the planet; Male baboon atop a tent-framed villa at Simbavati Hill Top Lodge middle row from left A gaping hippo emerges out of a pool; Frolicking African

Just For Canadian doctors Fall 2018

Private Nature Reserve, part of Greater Kruger Park; Bourke’s Luck Holes, potholes and plunge pools of the Treur River along the Panorama Route

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if you go

For more info on South Africa go to southafrica.net and check out the private game reserves that the author stayed at: Idube Game Reserve Lodge (idube. com) and Simbavati Safari Lodges (simbavati.com).

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Just For Canadian doctors Fall 2018

at him like I did the giraffes. With his thick Afrikaner’s accent, Ranger Rob had remarkable and sometimes spine-tingling tales to tell. We’d listen, rapt on quiet evenings around the campfire, sharing our own tales of exploration as well. Mornings were always another discovery, like being awakened by intense scratching and jostling of my luxe tent to discover families of baboons staking territory for dwellings on the rooftop. This was their place. We were just visitors. It became a mantra that I repeated, experience after experience in South Africa. Bittersweetly, I left Kruger to discover other wonders of Limpopo. From a tented eco-boutique hotel at Summerfields, an organic passionfruit and macadamia-nut farm, I feasted riverside on fresh fare— exotic starfruit and mango smoothies, quinoa and coriander salad, parmesan and spinach risotto—punctuated with hikes into the bush and followed by an evening brei or South African bush barbecue. I journeyed to the plateau in discovery of ancient prospecting gold-rush towns, waterfalls, along the Panorama route with views from Gods Window, Pilgrims Rest and Blyde River Canyon, the second-highest rainforested canyon on the planet. As hard as it was to depart from Limpopo, there were still other natural and cultural domains to discover in South Africa. From Nelspruit, Limpopo’s gateway, I took another plane to Johannesburg and into the sprawling heart of South Africa, where I was awed by the cultural resilience of the past 20 years. Joburg has an emerging and vibrant post-apartheid integratedmiddle-class community, and the kindness and warmth of the people—pleased to showcase their newly evolving country— struck me. And after I made a pilgrimage to this cradle of civilization, its Apartheid Museum, Constitution Hall and Vilkazi Street in iconic Soweto (the home of Nelson Mandela and Bishop Tutu), I appreciated this diverse and amazing country even more, if possible. I thought again about how we were only visitors to this land. I remembered the words both of Ranger Rob, “Don’t move, you are in the presence of a magnificent lion,” and Desmond Tutu, “You cannot take the life of your times further than you have taken yourself.” Here, in South Africa, I felt as if I had come very far.

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fall 2018 + beyond

On the Loop’s elevated “L” train circuit


Deepdish pizza from Lou Malnati’s

Architectural cruise on the Chicago River

Cloud Gate (also known as “The Bean”) in Millennium Park

Lobby ceiling of the Palmer House Hotel Seurat at the Art Institute of Chicago

Crown Fountain, public art and video sculpture

Lyric Opera House


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(CME events in Chicago are highlighted in blue.)

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his is my kind of town, Chicago is…” So go the lyrics of the famous Frank Sinatra song, his paean to the city and its character, architecture, music, people… And with more than 5,195 restaurants (25 of which have Michelin stars!), 250 theatres (hello Hamilton, the must-see musical that’s on an extended run in Chicago until January 2019), 200 dance companies, iconic opera house, some 56 museums and 700-plus public artworks, Chicago entertains and charms as much as the so-called Sultan of Swoon. Start and stay in the Loop, Chicago’s business district and downtown core, where the historic Palmer House Hotel is the longest continually running hotel in the US (since 1873, when it reopened in grand fashion after the Great Chicago Fire). Step out onto State Street (“… that great street”!) and into the buzz of the city amidst iconic architecture. Better yet, take a ride on the “L” train’s elevated circuit through the Loop and marvel at the cornices and columns here, the glass and steel there, and how it all comes together in this cityscape created by the likes of Mies van der Rohe. After the train, take a

boat on the Chicago River for another perspective on the birthplace of the skyscraper. The towers that skirt the snaking river also seem to embrace Chicago’s go-to gathering spot, Millennium Park. Here, you’ll be wowed by yet more cool structures and art: amphitheatre by Frank Gehry, Cloud Gate sculpture by Anish Kapoor (simply known as “The Bean”) and Crown Fountain by Jaume Plensa. On a hot late-September day, this interactive artwork’s two giant spouting video sculptures become a spontaneous waterpark, filled with families and foodies taking a break from the Chicago Gourmet fest (September 28-30). More art is just steps away at the Art Institute of Chicago, voted number-one museum in the world (TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Awards). Its permanent collection has 300,000 works, including Seurat’s A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, which has a famous cameo in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Stand and stare like Ferris and his crew did (and everyone else). And then, just across the river, there’s the Magnificent Mile (900 stores within eight blocks) and

another set of iconic buildings that induce neck craning: the Wrigley Building, Tribune Tower (its façade dotted with stones from historic buildings around the world, including the Taj Mahal), John Hancock Center (now called 875 N Michigan) and Willis Tower (where you can step out over the city on a glass-bottomed ledge—103 floors up). To the south is the Museum Campus, made up of Adler Planetarium, Shedd Aquarium and Field Museum (home of “Sue,” the world’s largest, most extensive and best preserved T. Rex). Also in the South Loop: Soldier Field, the stadium of the Chicago Bears (da Bears!), and McCormick Place, the largest convention centre in the US. Walk back towards the Loop with football fans after a Sunday-afternoon game, along “Chicago’s front yard” of Grant Park, for one other must-stop. Lou Malnati’s classic deep-dish pizza. The debate is fierce over Chicago’s best pizza, but you won’t be disappointed with an order of the “Lou” (spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, mozza, romano and cheddar in a garlic buttercrust). You’re welcome. And, yes, Frank was right. Chicago is “One town that won’t let you down. It’s my kind of town.” — Barb Sligl

Fall 2018 Just For Canadian doctors








Alternative Medicine

Aesthetic Medicine

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Oct 26-27

Toronto Ontario

CAAM 15th Annual Conference

Canadian Association Of Aesthetic Medicine

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Nov 07-09

Orlando Florida

Level 1 Course In Aesthetic Medicine

American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine



Jan 18-21 2019

Miami Florida

2019 Orlando Derm Aesthetic & Clinical Conference (ODAC)

Creighton University Health Sciences

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Oct 10-14

Las Vegas Nevada

2018 SCEH Annual Conference

Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis



Nov 14-15

Tokyo Japan

13th International Conference On Frontiers In Alternative & Traditional Medicine

Conference Series LLC


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Nov 15

St. Petersburg Florida

Blended Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks For The Emergency Physician

Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute



Nov 17-18

Schaumburg Illinois

Anesthesia Quality Meeting

American Society of Anesthesiologists



Feb 02-09 2019

Aspen Colorado

Aspen Anesthesia Seminar

Holiday Seminars


holiday seminars.com

May 19-21 2019

Chicago Illinois

Topics In Anesthesia

Northwest Anaesthesia Seminars



Oct 03-05

Paris France

12th International Symposium On Catheter Ablation Techniques




Nov 05-08

Las Vegas Nevada

VIVA 18 (Vascular InterVentional Advances)

VIVA Physicians


vivaphysicians. org

Jan 06-20 2019

Valparaiso Chile

Update On Cardiology, Palliative Care And Primary Care CME Cruise

Sea Courses


seacourses. com

Oct 12-26 2019

Japan, Korea & China Cruise

Essential Topics In Cardiology And Pulmonology: 2019 Update

Continuing Education, Inc./University at Sea

866-456-9464 See Ad Page 31

continuingedu cation.net

Oct 20-21

Rosemont Illinois

Essentials Of Cosmetic Dermatology

American Academy of Dermatology



Jun 27-29 2019

Calgary Alberta

CDA 94th Annual Conference

Canadian Dermatology 800-267-3376 Association

dermatology. ca

Dec 01-04

Cape Town South Africa

18th International Congress Of Endocrinology: 53rd Annual Society For Endocrinology, Metabolism & Diabetes Of South Africa Congress

Scatterlings Conference & Events



Oct 30Nov 02 2019

Boston Massachusetts

ISPAD 2019 - 45th Annual Conference

International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes



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General & Family Medicine



Emergency Medicine

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Oct 24-27

Oahu Hawaii

34th Annual Fall Conference On Pediatric Emergencies

Symposia Medicus


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Feb 16-23 2019


Emergency Medicine Review ACT V

CME Travel

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Oct 17-20

Wrocław Poland

18th European Neuroendocrine Association Congress

EndoScience Service GmbH



Oct 19-21

Anaheim California

Clinical Endocrinology Update

Endocrine Society



Nov 26-27

Dublin Ireland

13th European Diabetes And Endocrinology Congress

European Diabetes And Endocrinology Association


endocrine conferences. com

Oct 05

Glasgow Scotland

Glasgow Gastro Conference 2018

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow



Oct 20-24

Vienna Austria

26th United European Gastroenterology Week

United European Gastroenterology



Nov 07

Toronto Ontario

International HBV Cure Workshop 2018

Virology Education

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Oct 21-24

Las Vegas Nevada

17th Annual National Family Medicine Board Review


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Oct 21-28

Southern France River Cruise

Needs / 7-Night Uniworld River Cruise Avignon To Lyon

Professional Education Society



Nov 08-11

Miami Florida

19th Annual Fall Scientific Meeting Of Sexual Medicine Society Of North America (SMSNA)

Sexual Medicine Society of North America



Dec 01-08

Ocho Rios Jamaica

Cannabinoids, Fundamentals Of Medical Cannabis, Dosage And Drug Interactions And Cannabis Prescribing

CME Travel



Jan 17-31 2019

New Zealand & Australia Cruise

Current Medical Health Issues And Updates In Travel Medicine / 14-Night Cruise On Celebrity Solstice

Professional Education Society

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Mar 09-16 2019

Cancún Mexico

Fatal Rashes, Syncope, Fatal Headaches, Office Hypertensive Crises, ACLS + BLS

CME Travel

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May 17-27 2019

Croatia & Montenegro

The Balkans 2019 Medical Conference

Unconventional Conventions


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Oct 30Nov 02 2019

Vancouver British Columbia

Family Medicine Forum 2019

The College of Family Physicians of Canada



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Internal Medicine

Infectious & Chronic Diseases




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Feb 06-09 2019

Vancouver British Columbia

UBC Care Of The Elderly Intensive Review Course

University of British Columbia



May 02-04 2019

Halifax Nova Scotia

The Canadian Geriatrics Society Annual General Meeting

Canadian Geriatrics Society


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Oct 24-26

San Diego California

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound In Hemophilia

UC San Diego



Feb 25-27 2019

Paris France

TAT 2019 - International Congress On Targeted Anticancer Therapies

European Society for Medical Oncology



Mar 21-23 2019

New York New York

HemOnc Today New York




May 31Chicago Jun 04 Illinois 2019

ASCO Annual Meeting

American Society of Clinical Oncology



Oct 24-27

Hollywood Florida

NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, Single Topic Symposium And Postgraduate Course

North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology



Feb 25-26 2019

London England

Global NASH Congress



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Oct 11-14

Bangkok Thailand

2018 Joint Congress Of The Asia Pacific Association Of Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology

Kenes Group



Nov 12-14

London England

Immunology Short Course For Clinicians & Scientists: From Basic Immunology To The Latest Advances In Clinical Research

Imperial College London



Feb 11-24 2019

Australia and New Zealand Cruise

Infectious Diseases: 2019 Update

Continuing Education, Inc./University at Sea


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Oct 10-13

Banff Alberta

CSIM Annual Meeting

Canadian Society of Internal Medicine



Oct 18-21

Cape Town South Africa

34th World Congress Of Internal Medicine

Paragon Group


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Nov 29Dec 02

Los Angeles California

Update CME - Internal Medicine & Primary Care




Mar 27-29 2019

Hamilton Ontario

11th McMaster University Review Course In Internal Medicine

McMaster University Department of Medicine


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Dec 27-29

Disney World (Yacht Club Resort)

Medical CBT Tools: Ten-Minute Techniques For Real Doctors

CBT Canada

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Mar 18-20 2019

Whistler British Columbia (Fairmont Chateau Whistler)

Medical CBT Tools: Ten-Minute Techniques For Real Doctors

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Apr 13-27 2019

French Polynesia Cruise (m/s Paul Gauguin)

Medical CBT For Stress And Anxiety: Ten-Minute Techniques For Real Doctors

CBT Canada

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Aug 04-15 2019

Japanese Festivals Cruise (Diamond Princess)

Medical CBT For Depression (And Happiness): Ten-Minute Techniques For Real Doctors

CBT Canada



Oct 10-13

Bologna Italy

53rd Annual Scoliosis Research Society Meeting & Course

Scoliosis Research Society



Nov 17

Chicago Illinois

Update In Headache 2018

Diamond Headache Clinic

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Feb 15-18 2019

Carlsbad California

The 32nd Annual Practicing Physician’s Approach To The Difficult Patient

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Oct 03-06

San Diego California

(NAMS) Annual Meeting

Menopause Society


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Oct 06-09

Amsterdam Netherlands

Joint Meeting Of The Congress Of The International Society For The Study Of Hypertension In Pregnancy And The International Society For Obstetric Medicine

Groningen Congres Bureau



Dec 04-08

San Antonio Texas

San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium




Jan 20Feb 01 2019

Rio to Buenos Aires Cruise

Updates In Medicine & Women’s Health / Brazil, Uruguay & Argentina On Regent Explorer

Professional Education Society



Oct 19-23

Munich Germany

2018 European Society For Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress

European Society for Medical Oncology



Mar 20-23 2019

Vienna Austria

St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference: Primary Therapy Of Early Breast Cancer - Evidence, Controversies, Consensus

St.Gallen Oncology Conferences


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Jun 19-22 2019

Montréal Québec

Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting And International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS)

Canadian Orthopaedic Association

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Oct 03-05 2019

Dubai United Arab Emirates

Dubai 2019: AAOS Regional Meeting

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons




South America Cruise on Regent

Alaska & Inside Passage on Princess

Grand Japan Cruise on Windstar

Circle Iceland Cruise on Ponant

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Wilderness and Travel Medicine


Psychiatry/ Psychology

Primary Care


Pain Management

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Oct 02-05

Montréal Québec

22nd International Congress On Palliative Care

O’Donoughue & Associates Event Management


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Nov 19-23

Victoria British Columbia

Palliative Care: Medical Intensive Course 2018

Victoria Hospice Society


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Aug 06-15 2019

Blue Danube River Cruise Conference

Topics In Family Medicine, Palliative Care, And Pain Management

Continuing Education, Inc./University at Sea

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Type 2 Diabetes In Children And Adolescents With Obesity: Screening, Diagnosis, And Management

National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners



Dec 07-09

Scottsdale Arizona

Practical Pediatrics

American Academy of Pediatrics



Oct 24-27

Lihue Hawaii

Meeting The Challenge Of Primary Care

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA


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Feb 04-08 2019

Naples Florida

7th Annual Essentials In Primary Care Winter Conference

Continuing Education Company


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Apr 06-16 2019

Japan Cruise

Medical Advances In Japan And Updates In Primary Care / 10-Night Cruise On Windstar Star Legend

Professional Education Society

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Nov 07-08

Vancouver British Columbia

Lights, Camera, Action! CBT For Anxiety

Cognitive Workshops


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Nov 14-15

San Antonio Texas

21st World Congress On Psychology And Human Behaviour

Pulsus Group


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Oct 02-04 2019

Kauai Hawaii

Live Kauai CME

University Learning Systems


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Nov 25-30

Chicago Illinois

RSNA 2018: 104th Scientific Assembly And Annual Meeting

Radiological Society of North America



Dec 17-21

New York New York

NYU’s 37th Annual Head To Toe Imaging Conference

New York University Department of Radiology



Oct 21Nov 01

Bangkok Thailand

Bhutan For The Active Traveller Wilderness Medicine CME Conference

Bio Bio Expeditions



May 24 2019

Nanaimo British Columbia

Rural Locum Forum

Rural Coordination Centre of BC

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Just For Canadian doctors Fall 2018

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travel at home

Into the eyes of wolves And other Churchill wild adventures


+ photography by Crai S. Bower

Fall 2018 Just For Canadian doctors


travel at home


ou’re never prepared for your first face-to-face encounter with a wolf. No matter how many times I’ve heard that wolves are not the creatures in childhood tales of wandering girls in red capes or Prokofiev symphonies, that they are a shy predator who would rather turn tail and run than stalk a human, standing 15 feet from a black wolf in the subarctic bush leaves me stunned and, yes, a little anxious. Wolves stare. I avert my eyes. This particular young male, three years old, our guide suggests, is part of a pack encamped near Churchill Wild’s Nanuk Lodge, about an hour’s flight northeast of Churchill, Manitoba. I visited the outfitter’s Seal River Lodge a couple of years ago, where I watched juvenile polar bears frolic and then I swam with beluga whales. Both amazing experiences, but when I learned about the prospect of wolf encounters at Nanuk I became obsessed with travelling north again. It may sound absurd, but the other Nanuk

amenities—potential polar bear sightings, including sows with cubs, moose and even wolverines—were merely a bonus. I craved my Farley Mowat moment and that meant one predator: wolves. Of course, finding wolves in the wild is totally unpredictable, given that a pack will routinely travel 30 miles a day in search of food. I’d also watched Yellowstone’s Lamar Valley pack but that alpha female is radiotagged, so it felt like cheating. The wolves were also so far away, tearing into an elk on the ridgeline, that I only saw them through a spotting scope. The Nanuk Lodge outfitters would make no excuses for elusive wildlife. They were quite surprised this pack was still “sticking around.” Having spied the pack upon descent a group of us head out the gate just 30 minutes after deplaning from the Piper. We’d also spotted 16 polar bears in and around the Hudson Bay estuary during our flight. Now, rumbling west along the runway and onto ATV trails, we come to a stop along the stream bed.

A pair of pups tussles with each other on a shallow bench in the distance. Older individuals in the 14-wolf pack step through the brown-and-brittle tundra grasses, their sable coats blending easily with the enveloping brush. I’m thrilled just to see any wolf, but also happy that I brought my telephoto lens. Each wolf pauses at nearly the exact same point, looks in our direction, and continues its wide swath. I assume this distance will be maintained wherever and whenever we see more wolves. I am wrong. Churchill Wild founder Mike Reimer takes a tracker’s approach to his lodges, believing that with careful consideration and respect, one can enter the habitat of storied predators without disruption. He’s honed these skills while traversing over 100,000 square kilometres of the subarctic. Be it polar bear, rutting moose or wolf, the individual knowledge of guides and a steady, deferential approach propels the Churchill Wild safari experience beyond any other tours I’ve taken in North America. With deep understanding comes mutual trust.

travel at home

this page, opposite and previous The three-day spectacle never stops outside Churchill Wild’s Nanuk Lodge in Northern Manitoba: wolves, polar bears, moose and aurora borealis

Our guides discuss this relationship as we bounce along the tundra trails in open wagons en route to our first bear encounter: a sluggish young female who, we learn, has mostly slumbered for the past three weeks, an indication she may be pregnant. We walk in a jagged path toward her, stopping several times to fan out silently, place our tripods in the permafrost and start snapping. We come within 100 metres but, although she sniffs the air to establish our coordinates, she remains a white fur puddle without a ripple of care. Like the snow geese that vacillate over the tundra in flocks numbering in the hundreds, this somnolent bear awaits the coming change of season. Within one month from our mid-September visit, Hudson Bay will freeze over and the bear’s brain will ignite with the desire to hunt. The frigid air will also bring lessons in survival for the sow and cub we approach the following morning; in short, how to hunt seals and other pinnipeds while staying equally vigilant of aggressive and hungry adult male bears.

We again approach deliberately, taking almost 45 minutes to reach our final spot 150 metres away, watching the youngster restlessly move about his napping mother. I keep my anthropomorphizing to a minimum even if, as the parent of three boys, I well remember the toddler days when lazing about was the last notion on their minds. Eventually, after we’ve retreated to the ATVs for cups of hot chocolate, the cub cajoles his mother to take a stroll. Noses in the air, the pair turns toward us in equally measured passage. “They’re curious about the chocolate,” says the guide as mother and cub cross a creek 100 metres away. The approach continues, eventually coming within 25 metres, at which point a couple of claps and a stern word encourage them to stop and stake their territory in typical ursine fashion. As we depart they continue to survey us and, given the posture of their snouts, our sweet beverages. Unlike bears, who are often discouraged with an audio outburst, a call—made with

the vibrations of string that’s attached to a plastic bottle—will encourage a moose to approach. That, and a well-timed water pour into the stream in imitation of a urinating female. Somehow our guides have also divined a mist-covered canvas for when this 13-point bull steps free of the willow-lined bank to investigate the source of all this calling and peeing. Perhaps it’s the evening’s silence, even the aurora borealis will crackle later tonight, that compels me later, back at the lodge, to linger beside the fence that surrounds Nanuk. I’m hoping for one more canine encounter. They’d howled the previous night from the airstrip before bedding down in the adjacent sedge. Perhaps I’m being greedy, considering that just yesterday I had encountered that black male staring from behind a sapling not 15 feet from my lens. And then there he was, grey as gravel, staring me down from just behind a fire-red shrub, with gentle almond eyes and a smirk that conveyed his confidence, knowing who would look away first.

if you go

Churchill Wild offers safaris based at one of its three lodges throughout much of the year: churchillwild.com. For more info on Manitoba: travelmanitoba.com.

t h e w e a lt h y d o c t o r M a n f r e d p u r t z k i Manfred Purtzki, CPA, CA, is a principal in the Vancouver office of Purtzki Johansen & Associates. He can be reached at: Manfred@purtzki.com or 604-669-7558.

Plan now for later Saving up for your retirement


60-year-old doctor who’s retiring after 30 years of practising will likely spend the same number of years in retirement. That’s another 30 years that create enormous financial pressure on a doctor, who must have enough investments saved up for those years of retirement. To live comfortably for the rest of their lives, many doctors figure they need about $100,000 of inflation-adjusted after-tax annual income. For $100,000 of retirement income, that’s about $3 million of investments. For many doctors, it’s impossible to put aside enough of their annual practice cash flow to reach the $3-million investment target. One easy solution to supplement retirement income is to tap into the equity of the principal residence. Here’s an illustration. You arrange for a line of credit (LOC) of $1.4 million, at 4%, on your $1.7 million debt-free residence. To supplement your retirement income, you want to draw an additional $60,000 annually from the LOC starting at age 65 for 10 years. At age 75, you will reduce the draws to $30,000 per year until age 85, at which time you plan to move into a smaller home with less maintenance and yard work. Your LOC of $1.4 million— consisting of your draws and accumulating interest—will be fully drawn by age 85. Real

estate has been the best hedge against remain at age 85 by subtracting the inflation and, assuming a 2% annual growth LOC of $1.4 million from the projected rate, your $1.7 million home will be worth value of $2.5 million. about $2.5 million in 20 years. The The other crucial tool to bottom line is that after drawing build your retirement nest $900,000 of equity out of your egg is the use of the home, you still have a residual corporation, as per this equity of $1.1 million available example. for that next for the purchase of another Suppose you are inevitable (and home. a 35-year-old doctor welcome!) The home LOC earning $250,000 before chapter of life arrangement is particularly income tax. You need suited for doctors because: $100,000 of after-tax income for personal and 1 They are preferred bank living expenses. You invest the customers and should therefore remaining income in a stock portfolio with qualify for a LOC at an interest rate of an annual growth rate of 7% for 30 years. bank prime, which is currently 3.7%. If you are not incorporated, your after2 The draws on the LOC are not tax savings will have grown to $4.6 million at considered income, avoiding the age 65. If you use the corporation, your corporate savings will have grown to $9.3 million at age 65. If you draw all the funds from the corporation, you pay income potential clawback of the Old Age taxes of $3 million, leaving you $6.3 million. Security income. This also avoids By incorporating, you generate $1.7 pushing the RRSP income into a higher million more in retirement savings than tax bracket. the unincorporated doctor. If you are not 3 The growth in real estate values has incorporated you’ll have to work another traditionally outpaced the rate of five years—until age 70—to make up the inflation, so doctors are likely to retain shortfall. Those five years are better put a substantial equity in their homes. towards this new chapter of your life (for Based on the illustration above, the more on retirement see page 28). residual equity of $1.1 million will



Just For Canadian doctors Fall 2018

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solution from Summer 2018 contest

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solution from page 29


For $100,000 of retirement income, that’s about $3 million of investments

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e mploy me n t

o p p o r t u n i t ies

The municipal-operated Keyanow Medical Centre in the community of Wabasca is located 1.5 hours NE of Slave Lake and 3.5 hours north of Edmonton. Living in the heart of the boreal forest means enjoying year round recreation such as hunting, fishing, snowmobiling quadding and boating. Nestled between two large lakes, Wabasca has a population of approximately 5,000 and is growing. There are amenities such as Lakeview Sports Centre, Eagle Point Golf and Country Club, a bank and a registries office.

This opportunity is a contract position, not a fee for service, with a guaranteed annual income of $360,000. The on call ratio is currently 1:4 with hospital billings going to the physicians, RRNP eligible to max of $60,000. Accommodation in a newer three-bedroom, two bath home is included in the contract!

Your opportunity awaits‌.

Contact us by email or telephone for more details

Bill Kostiw, Chief Administrative Officer Tel: (780) 891-3778 Email: CAO@mdopportunity.ab.ca Michelle Grach, Clinic Manager Tel: (780) 891-2847 Email: mgrach@mdopportunity.ab.ca

LOCUM TENENS (INPATIENT PSYCHIATRIST) IWK Health Centre / Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS We are currently recruiting a full time (1.0 FTE) child and adolescent psychiatrist for a 12 month locum in general inpatient psychiatry. The IWK is an academic tertiary care health centre for children, women and families in the Maritime Provinces. It has a large Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Addictions Program in which the IWK Department of Psychiatry conducts its clinical work. The IWK opened the Garron Centre, a state of the art inpatient psychiatric unit for youth up to 19 years of age, in 2014. The unit has 14 beds and two inpatient psychiatrists working with a strong multidisciplinary team. The division is one of the largest academic groups in Canada, providing teaching and research opportunities through its affiliation with the Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, although Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University is committed to fostering a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness. The university encourages applications from qualified Aboriginal people, persons with a disability, racially visible persons, women, persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, and all qualified candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For provincial licensure information please consult the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia website www.cpsns.ns.ca. Applicants should send an electronic CV and the coordinates of three references who may be contacted at a later date to: Dr. Alexa Bagnell, professor and head, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at alexa.bagnell@iwk.nshealth.ca.



Fall 2018 Just For Canadian doctors


d o c t o r o n a s o a p b o x d r . c h r i s p e n g i l ly Dr. Chris Pengilly is Just for Canadian Doctors’ current affairs columnist. Please send your comments to him via his website at drpeng.ca.

The “R” word

In praise of retirement…and planning properly for it


at your


etirement. This single word is a hugely significant one. It is a phenomenon that’s, yes, as inevitable as death and taxes. It is a change that requires as much planning as other major choices in life: career, life partner, having a family… Like these choices, it takes consideration and planning well ahead. I hope younger readers are not abandoning reading this essay, saying “well, retirement is a long way away for me, and I will get around to thinking about this later.” Even at medical school—and definitely during residency—is the time to start lobbying and negotiating for a governmentindexed pension. This will not be easy for two reasons. First of all, the government will be reluctant to undertake such a financial commitment. Furthermore, older physicians will be reluctant to negotiate this because of the erroneous belief that physicians are an autonomous profession. This, in my opinion, is a belief that has cost us dearly over time. How can we possibly be “autonomous” when, for the vast majority, payment comes from the government and comprises at least 90% of our total income? RRSPs have facilitated the setting up of private pension funds for each physician, but these are still vulnerable to global fiscal instability (as in the recession of 2008) and now a looming world trade war. This is a vulnerability that I think could be better weathered by the breadth and depth of a government scheme.


Just For Canadian doctors Fall 2018

I write this as I go through the process of retiring myself. And I do think physicians pose a special case. Most physicians over the age of 50 have historically worked 100hour weeks for many years of their career. Physicians still tend to be busier than most other professionals. I know of few doctors who take a formal lunch hour—most grab a sandwich at the desk while filling forms and returning phone calls. Many physicians also work in the evenings—one of the (dis) advantages of the electronic medical record. So, to go from this to complete retirement too quickly will lay physicians open to physical and, more likely, mental problems. One analogy is landing an airplane. Physicians should be emulating a pilot aiming for a “soft landing.” Even 40 is not necessarily too early, but 50 is definitely a time to start planning a strategy for the future. My point of view is that of a family physician, but much of this is still relevant to other specialties. All physicians should consider a program in which they reduce office hours to begin to learn how to use free time (and adjust to a reduced income). Physicians, when compared to their professional peers, are chronically underpaid. The result is that many want to continue earning just enough so that they can avoid drawing on their RRSP until the mandatory age of 72. For surgeons and surgically adept family physicians, a gradual step into dedicated sur-


gical assistants could can mean be explored. For physicians freedom interested in geriatric medicine, sessional work as the Medical Director of long-term-care facilities will offer some paid and interesting sessions. The demand for locum physicians is ever present and unlikely to decrease any time soon. While working as a locum might be less fulfilling than regular family practice, it is certainly less demanding—if only for no more medicolegal reports. Provincial licensing colleges may also offer some options with regard to paid and unpaid committee work. Then, of course, there are options on the periphery of medicine. Such as writing columns for Just for Canadian Doctors. For the less aged, fitter and bolder physicians, there is the opportunity of volunteer work in developing nations. There is also skilled volunteer work closer to home with the current homeless and opioid crisis. Or this may be an opportunity to go back to university and get a Masters or PhD. Retirement is daunting but should be embraced in a positive frame of mind; it can be a great opportunity to do the things that you have deferred over a long, and usually fulfilling, career. It’s a time to take advantage of newfound freedom. To do so, however, it is essential to plan well ahead, even as much as a decade or two. Start now.



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Blanca Miller Kobisher, MD Rob Miller, MD, FRCPC Sean Rice, BA(Hons), MD, MSc, FRCSC Mandy Wong, MD

- A Potpourri of Aesthetic Knowledge - The Rise and Rise of the Intense Pulsed Light -

Jack Kolenda, MD, FRCS (C)

Sandy Skotnicki, MD, FRCPC

- Erbium Laser for Facial Deep Resurfacing - Medicolegal Aspects of Aesthetic Medicine -

Kate Goldie, MBChB Mitchel P. Goldman, MD, Dermatologist


- Advances in Cosmetic Dermatology: Skin Rejuvenation, Skin Tightening & Body Shaping -

- Scar Management: Surgical vs Dermatological Approach -

- The Skin Microbiome, Skin Barrier and the Effects of Modern day Grooming - Surgical Procedures in Aesthetic Gynecology -

CAAM Annual Conferences - future dates 16th Annual Conference 17th Annual Conference 18th Annual Conference October 25-26, 2019 October 23-24, 2020 October 22-23, 2021 The Face of Aesthetic Medicine in Canada CAAM | T: 604.239.CAAM (2226) | info@caam.ca | www.caam.ca

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Fall 2018 Just For Canadian doctors


s m a l l ta l k

doctors share their picks + pleasures dr. danielle martin is a Toronto-based physician, VP Medical Affairs & Health System Solutions at Women’s College Hospital and author of Better Now: Six Big Ideas To Improve Health Care For All Canadians, which was longlisted for British Columbia’s National Award for Canadian Non-Fiction 2018. When she’s not treating her family-practice patients or writing award-worthy books, you might find her relaxing with a glass of red wine while watching The Knick (an early1900s medical drama about a groundbreaking NYC surgeon; on our must-see list too), reading Gabriel García Márquez, listening to This American Life, indulging in dark chocolate and driving a yellow Vespa… Our kind of doctor.

I live, practise in: Toronto, ON My training: BSc (Mcgill, Biochem); MD (UWO); CCFP (Toronto), Masters of Public Policy (Toronto)

Best meal anywhere: My kitchen on a Monday night

My jet-lag cure: Power through I always travel with: An allpurpose scarf: wrap, blanket, head cover, face wipe

Gadget or gear I could not do without: My iPhone I’d describe my home as: The gathering place for our extended circle of friends and family

with: Dark chocolate My guilty pleasure: Cooking shows on TV My go-to exercise/sport: Super-slow, high intensity interval training

A favourite place that I keep returning to: The dock at my mother’s cottage

Favourite city: Istanbul, Turkey Favourite book: Love in the

My car: Yellow Vespa 150 LX scooter

Favourite spectator sport:

Why I was drawn to medicine: The relationships with my family practice patients

Can’t believe I’ve never been to: London, England

Time of Cholera (Gabriel García Márquez)

Last purchase: New jogging shoes

US politics

Don’t need to go to: Outer space

Must-see TV: The Knick

My last trip: Palm Springs, California

Dream vacation: The Inca Trail… followed by the beach!

My first job: Customer Service, Toronto YMCA

Dr. Martin, her book, Better Now: Six Big Ideas to Improve Health Care for All Canadians, and a few of her favourite things: Love in the Time of Cholera, red wine, The Knick and her Vespa


Most exotic place I’ve travelled to: Bali, Indonesia

Just For Canadian doctors Fall 2018

Last splurge: Another pair of heels I have too many: Unanswered emails My fridge is always stocked

I’d want this with me if stranded on a desert island: This American Life podcast series My secret to relaxing and relieving tension:

Red wine A talent I wish I had: Playing pool A big challenge I’ve faced: Balancing career and motherhood One thing I’d change about myself: My thin skin

The word that best describes me: Determined A cause that’s close to my heart: Education for girls If I wasn’t a doctor, I’d be: An architect

photo courtesy of Dr. danielle martin

My name: Danielle Martin

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