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CD / LP / DVD • Stoner & more........................................47
Solvhjerneskaller‘ is the second album from Måneskjold following the critically acclaimed ‚Kometen Kommer‘ from 2016. The record is heavily inspired by the space rock sounds that characterized the first album but has a bigger emphasis on the heavier stoner rock sound of the band. Ranging from acoustic psych rock over droning, hypnotic jams to almost prog rock sounding epics, ‚Solvhjerneskaller‘ is a far more varied and more mature album than its predecessor. Måneskjold pays more attention to song writing while spending a little less time on jamming. The result is a more focused album firmly rooted in the old sound of the band but with plenty of new ideas realized throughout.
LP 33010 MANESKJOLD - Solvhjerneskaller LP black .............24,99 LP 33011 MANESKJOLD - Solvhjerneskaller LP silver .............26,99 CD 32952 MYTHIC SUNSHIP - Wildfire ..........................................15,99
14.05.2021 Die mittlerweile sechste Studioplatte der Psychedelic-Rocker aus Kopenhagen erscheint am 2. April via Tee Pee Records. ‚Wildfire‘ wurde im RMV Studio in Stockholm in nur vier Tagen aufgenommen und von Per Buhl Acs gemischt. Die Musik pendelt dabei wieder zwischen Psychedelic Rock der den Bogen spannt vom klassischen Heavy Riff zur Free Jazz-gefärbter Improvisation.
CD 33201 RED FANG - Arrows CD...............................................15,99 CD 33199 RED FANG - Arrows Limited CD Boxset ....................19,99
04.06.2021 Including Exclusive Patch and Sticker - RED FANG kehren mit ihrem mit Spannung erwarteten neuen Album „Arrows“ zurück. Jedermanns liebste Bier-zerquetschende, Zombie-tötende, Luft-Gitarren-Wettbewerb-abhaltende Metal-Helden sind zurück und tun das, was sie am besten können! Für Fans von: Queens of the Stone Age, Melvins, Mastodon, Baroness, Kyuss, The Sword, Clutch, Ghost
LP 33200 RED FANG - Arrows LP Neon Magenta .....................22,99 CD 31114 SMOKE MOUNTAIN - Queen Of Sin..............................15,99
Florida- based occult fuzz rockers, Smoke Mountain release their hotly anticipated debut album! The trio featuring band and family members Sarah, Lee and Brian Pitt, combines a sound of the vintage fuzz rock with the heavyweights of doom in a very unique and own way; Queen of Sin is a juggernaut of a record and will surely leave a massive stamp in the current heavy, doom and stoner rock scene, and earning its place in many Best-Of 2020 lists.
Highly recommended to fans of JEX THOTH and ACID KING..
25.06.2021 Stöner is: Brant Bjork - guitars/vocals, Nick Oliveri - bass and Ryan Güt - drums. Brant Bjork‘s desert vibe meets the punk attitude of Nick Oliveri and creates an explosive mix and a particular branch of rock. The sound is mellow, but these are the same guys who created the legend of Kyuss, and the desert/stoner rock movement which is alive now more than ever. This album is a celebration of the sound of the desert, driven by the spirit of these incredible musicians and artists. 7 original tracks for this incredible debut album which describes how to ride into the dusty roads of the Mojave Desert where it has all begun. Brant‘s vocals give a classic color to the hypnotic-bluesy riffing background. Recorded at The Rad Cabin, Joshua Tree, CA on October 12, 2020 by
Yosef Sanborn this is going to be your 2021 summer soundtrack!! Rad cover art by the mighty Branca Studio. Warning: this studio album has the same songs as the ‚Live In The Mojave Desert‘ album, but the tracklist is slightly different and also sound similar because they had the same enigineer for mixing and mastering. It has been recorded one day before the live performance.
LP 33232 STONER - Stoners Rule LP black ...............................21,99 LP 33231 STONER - Stoners Rule LP clear green .....................24,99 CD 32758 SULA BASSANA - CV Sessions....................................14,99 LP 33353 SULA BASSANA - CV Sessions 2LP col. ..................26,99
09.07.2021 ‚CV Sessions‘ are a combination of the time of the coronavirus and the equipment Sula used in these times, which is analog gear connected and modulated with CV cables (control voltage). Double meaning. Sula used a bunch of small analog synthesizers, drummachines, sequencers, a polyphonic synth, a string ensemble, a casio SK 1 & SK 60, Stylophone x1, guitars, a bass, Mellotron and whatever. Recorded simply and never spending much time on it. The first track was recorded late March 2020, others followed until December. All music composed, performed, recorded and mixed by Sula Bassana (Dave Schmidt) in his bedroom. Mastered by Eroc. Coverdesign by Sula. Limited to 400 copies on voodoo vinyl, includes the track ‚What is Reality‘ which is missing on the CD.
LP 25267 THULSA DOOM - A Keen Eye For The Obvious ..........15,99 LP 28690 TRIBU - Circulo LP yellow/green ................................21,99
The LP will be a limited hand numbered edition of 150 copies on yellow-greenmarbled 180g high quality vinyl.
There is an awful lot to process on Círculo, the debut album from Peruvian experimentalists Tribu, as the record digs into native instrumentation and folk influences, psychedelia, progressive rock and minimalist atmospherics, all the while employing a wide range of guests around the core multi-instrumentalist/vocalist duo of Richard Nossar (Matus) and Yazmin Cuadros.
CD 33234 V/A - Heavy Psych Sounds Records Sampler VII..........7,99
11.06.2021 The friendly priced seventh sampler from the Rome-based Heavy Psych Sounds label, available on CD!
LP 25103 VAGO SAGRADO - Vol. II LP black ............................19,99
LP im schwarzen Vinyl - lim. auf 222 Stück. This album is a dense, heavy, earthshuddering expression of the trippier side of alternative. I really love how the sound engineering exemplifies the massive reverberating guitar chords and subterranean rumbling bass; in a droning, shoegazing way, the effervescent sound waves linger in the air, encompassing your brain in a thick aural miasma that‘s simultaneously crunchy and dreamlike.
LP 30957 VIBRAVOID - Im Zeichen Des Zwilling + 3 2LP col. + 12 S. booklet .................................................24,99 CD 28199 VIBRAVOID - Intergalactic Acid Freak Out Orgasms....9,99 LP 30958 VIBRAVOID - Mushroom Mantras 2LP col. 30th Anniversary Edition...............................................24,99 CD 30054 VIBRAVOID - Out Of Tune In Rosenheim: Triptamine Vol. 6............................................................. 11,99 LP 32943 WORMHOG - Yellow Sea LP blue marbled.................24,99
23.04.2021 Wormhog is a stoner prog band based in Athens, Greece. The band‘s first EP, ‚Mother Worm Father Hog‘, was released in 2014 and was recorded live at D Studio in Athens. Being loyal supporters of everything that‘s heavy, Wormhog draws inspiration from bands such as Black Sabbath, Mastodon, Alice In Chains and Blue Oyster Cult. Clearly influenced by their musical background, the band‘s main direction in songwriting is retro grooves merged with progressive twists and swirling guitar solos. After years of steady presence in the Athens underground music scene, the band released their first LP, ‚Yellow Sea‘ which was once again recorded, mixed and produced at D Studio,
Athens by Mihail Karpathiou. „A trip through space, a strange eclipse of the sun, the birth of a monster, it‘s fall from the sky and into the Yellow Sea“. This album vaguely unveils the origins and nature of the wormhog beast while also exploring other themes concerning the journey of life. Blue marbled vinyl version.
LP 32942 WORMHOG - Yellow Sea LP yellow............................22,99 LP 33324 ZEMENT - Schleifen ltd. LP black ...............................22,99
18.06.2021 Limited edition. 300 copies, black, poly linen innersleeves, download code! || Als Vorgeschmack für ein im Juli 2021 kommendes neues Studioalbum erscheint wenige Wochen zuvor ein Livealbum des Würzburger Duos Zement mit dem Titel Schleifen. Mitgeschnitten wurde es bei einem Konzert in Kiel am 15. Februar 2020, also kurz vor dem Lockdown. Das Duo erweist sich auf Schleifen wieder als würdiger Nachfolger der legendären Düsseldorfer Formation Neu!, man könnte ohne weiteres meinen, einer verschollenen
Session der Herren Dinger und Rother zu lauschen. Das Schlagzeug produziert die typisch motorische Rhythmik, die in ihre Monotonie die Musik unerbittlich voran treibt, darüber liegen allerlei Patterns der Gitarre. Diese bestehen meist aus kurzen, permanent wiederholten Tonfolgen, aus denen gerne mal ein krautig-psychedelisch jaulendes Solo ausbricht. Hin und wieder kommt ein bisschen
Synthie dazu. Die minimalistische Struktur der Musik verweist dabei auch immer wieder auf Kraftwerk; ebenso wie bei diesen hat man auch bei Zement häufig den Eindruck der musikalischen Beschreibung einer Industrielandschaft, als würde hier das Treiben einer Maschine in Töne umgesetzt. Dazu bilden die krautigpsychedelischen Freakouts einen schönen Kontrast, insbesondere in C3S, das sich zum Ende hin in eine wahre Noise-Orgie steigert. Gerade diese Ausbrüche heben die Liveversionen von den Studioversionen (soweit vorhanden, es gibt nicht von allen Stücken welche) ab und Durchbrechen deren monotone Strenge.
Die Klangqualität ist sehr gut (vom Publikum hört man allerdings nicht viel), so dass Schleifen Lust macht, das Duo wieder live zu erleben. Und es macht Appetit auf das angekündigte neue Studioalbum! Jochen Rindfrey/BBS - 12/15 Punkten
LP 31311 KIKAGAKU MOYO - Forest Of Lost Children LP clear black splatter + DLC........................................29,99
Kikagaku Moyo klingt hier alles andere als verloren, ihre kindliche Verwunderung manifestiert sich in einer selbstbewussten, mutigen Erforschung des Sounds. Schubladen wie ‚Psychedelic, Folk, Progressive-Rock und Psychedelic-Folk gemischt mit Prog-Rock‘ spiegeln kaum die genaue Bandbreite dieser Einflüsse wider, geschweige denn die wirkungsvolle Umsetzung von Kikagaku Moyos Songs.