1 minute read
Complaints to the Ombudsman and the
Mozambican justice and the rights of the communities affected by the activities of Jindal Mozambique Minerais, Ltd DAL started to mine coal without resettling the community living in the area, who suddenly found itself surrounded by JINDAL’s fence and stripped off it’s territories in favour of the mining company. Today, the people of the community are forced to coexist with the mine’s constant explosions and it’s resulting clouds of dust, with polluted waters and have even had their right to free movement restricted, because in order to go anywhere, they have to pass through a security gate controlled by JINDAL.
Finally, in June 2018, in response to an appeal submitted by JA to the First Section of Litigation of the Administrative Tribunal, JINDAL was sentenced to resettle the communities of Cassoca before the end of December 2018. The resettlement process only began in March 2019. The resettlement site did not provide minimum conditions for housing, such as access to water, energy and basic public services such as a school, an health centre, a market, etc. Most of the houses for resettlement are still under construction.
The many difficulties and challenges faced in the course of this six-year process deserve serious consideration, since they demonstrate that justice is not available to all Mozambicans and is clearly not within the reach of the most vulnerable.
The rights of the community of Cassoca have been systematically violated over the last six years and it was necessary to appeal to the courts to uphold them, despite the numerous complaints made to several government institutions, which have done nothing to defend the community.
What, then, is the role of these institutions? And what is the responsibility of the State when the relevant institutions are aware of the violations and do not act to restore justice? How will the community be compensated for the damages?
Is this the “development” the government aims to promote?
And finally, how can we ensure that justice is accessible to the people?
A luta Continua
Anabela Lemos