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2021 Board Actions Summary

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TKPOA Calendar

TKPOA Calendar



By Heather Blumenthal, Operations Manager



• Reviewed nine personnel matters. • Reviewed eight member disciplinary matters, including three hearings. • Reviewed 12 legal matters, including ongoing issues with the Tahoe Keys Marina. • Reviewed nine contracts, no new contracts were approved.



• Approved the November 2020 Financial Statements. • Approved Garcia Construction for the Cove 5 Unit #77 Post Replacement Project for $3,931.14 plus a $392 contingency for a total of $4,323.14 to be funded out of the Cove 5 Reserve Fund. • Approved the record date for the Cove 3A Architectural Cove Standards Property Owners Vote based on the December 23rd, 2020 mailing date. • Appointed Pat Disney as the Inspector of Elections for Cove 3A Architectural Cove Standards Property

Owners Vote. • Appointed Dave Peterson, Rick Lind, Jeff Flairity, and a South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District

Management staff member (to be determined) to a panel to review and determine the best course of action for the Water Company Long Term Facilities Plan. • Approved recording a lien against APN #022-195-015-000. • Approved the Fourth Draft of the amended and restated TKPOA CC&Rs for posting on the website for membership review. • Approved the Summary of Key Changes and current voting and communications timeline for the amended and restated CC&Rs voting ballot. • Approved Sierra Ecosystems and Associates (SEA) Revised Consulting Services Agreement to provide support services for the TKPOA’s Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) Permit and Integrated

Management Plan for the Tahoe Keys Lagoons Restoration project 2021–2022 for February 1st, 2021–

January 31st, 2022 at a not to exceed cost of $34,731 to be funded by the Water Quality Expense

Account #59300 Professional Service WDR. • Approved the contract for Lynn Barnett and Associates for the Lake Tallac Options Real Estate

Appraisal with addition of the exclusive use option for an additional amount of $1,000 for a total not to exceed amount of $8,000 to be funded from the 2020 Common Reserve Fund Account 67753-Eliminating Lake Tallac Encroachments. • Accepted Dennis Pratt’s resignation as the Cove 3A Co-Advisor. • Appointed Keiron McCammon to the El Dorado Community Foundation – Tahoe Keys Waterways

Restoration 501(c)(3) Committee. • Accepted Bonnie Halleran’s resignation from the El Dorado Community Foundation – Tahoe Keys

Waterways Restoration 501(c)(3) Committee.

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