1 minute read

Commercial Business Operations within the Tahoe Keys

By TKPOA Security

At their June 21st, 2023, Regular Monthly Board Meeting, the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association (TKPOA) Board of Directors approved a change to the 2023 TKPOA Fee and Fine Schedule to add a fine of $1,000 for operation of commercial businesses within the Tahoe Keys.

The TKPOA CC&Rs, Article VIII Use of Properties and Restrictions, Section 8. Business Activities strictly prohibits the operations of commercial businesses within the Tahoe Keys, this includes, but is not limited to renting of boats, jet skis, paddleboard, etc. from a dock within the Tahoe Keys, mooring of boats within the Tahoe Keys that are used for commercial purposes, home daycare centers, vehicle repair and maintenance, transitional living facilities, and other business activities not compatible with residential use.

TKPOA’s Enforcement Procedures include potential hearings with the Board of Directors for consideration of alleged violations and issuance of fines. Based on the severity and frequency of violations, the Board has the discretion to issue fines on daily, monthly, and/or a per incident basis each time a violation occurs.

The purpose of TKPOA’s Enforcement Procedures is to obtain compliance with all TKPOA CC&R and Operating Rule provisions for the benefit of all TKPOA Members and protection of each member’s right to quiet enjoyment of their property. The TKPOA Board of Directors, Management, and Staff are committed to working constructively with our members to obtain compliance with these CC&R and Operating Rule provisions before getting to the Board hearing and consideration of fines step.

For questions on TKPOA’s CC&Rs, Operating Rules, and Enforcement Procedures, please contact Operations Manager Heather Blumenthal at Heather.Blumenthal@ fsresidential.com or (530) 542-6444 ext. 228.

TKPOA Security can also be reached at (530) 545-0847 for assistance.

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