3 minute read

Boating Season has Arrived

By: Joe Sherry, Boating and Waterways Committee

O Buoy! Boating Season is finally here. The TKPOA Boating Safety and Waterways Committee had their first meeting and are excited to reach out to our members. The committee is tasked with Boating Safety and Waterways Management of the Tahoe Keys waterways and are in need of more members. Future Eblast to follow seeking additional volunteers for the next August 2022 meeting. This boating season is upon us and as you prepare to float through our beautiful and unique TKPOA waterways, please remember TKPOA has several boating rules to ensure the safe and efficient flow of vessels throughout our narrow channels.

Owners allowing non TKPOA members access to their private docks, should notify their guest/renters of the rules to ensure compliance. Unfortunately, many of our past incidents involved guests who were not versed in the TKPOA waterway rules.

Operating a marine vessel or watercraft within TKPOA lagoons or waterways, causing a boat wake, which could cause damage to other vessels, docks, or adjacent properties is a violation of both TKPOA rules and the Harbors and Navigation code. An important part of erosion control is minimizing wakes, let’s all do our part.

Loud music from a watercraft, while in the TKPOA lagoons or waterways, is always prohibited and is both a violation of TKPOA rules and various law enforcement codes. Please, if your neighbor can hear music from a boat inside their homes, it's too loud. The towing of persons on the surface of the water on tubes, floats, rafts, surfboards, or water skis constitutes a navigational hazard and is prohibited. Our waterways are just too narrow for this type of fun.

The use of a vessel as a place of abode upon the Tahoe Keys waterways is prohibited. The anchoring of a vessel in the navigable waters of the Tahoe Keys is prohibited as well as attaching/tying any vessel to a TKPOA buoy or TKPOA bulkhead.

The operation of commercial boating activities inside the Tahoe Keys is prohibited. Private home owner docks shall not be used for commercial business. No person shall dump, throw, allow, any oil, fuel product, sewage, garbage, or any other substance from any vessel, into the Tahoe Keys waterways. This includes washing your boat with any soap product that may find its way into our waterways. Report any spills or water contaminants immediately to TKPOA Security or TKPOA Water Quality Department. TKPOA will make the required notifications and immediately implement containment and or clean up procedures.

This year, we will again have our “Back Up” station located in the Tahoe Keys West main channel. Our goal is to have all vessels leaving the Tahoe Keys waterways to utilize our back up station. Upon reaching the backup area, vessels are requested to;

STOP your vessel; make sure you have some space from boats around you. BACK: Reverse your prop, if any weeds are tangled in the propeller or caught on the keel or rudder, this will help shake them. DROP: Back up 10 feet, give the propeller long enough to drop any weed fragments. Proceed onward and enjoy your day on the water knowing you’ve done your part to stop the spread of aquatic invasive weeds.

Please be aware of certain waterway closure through mid-July to allow for Invasive Aquatic Removal work. Driving through or over a floating closed area barrier can constitute a violation of law as well as civil penalties.

Again, for our members who utilize their residences as vacation rentals, long term rentals, dock slip rentals, or have invited guests, please share the TKPOA rules with them so everyone is aware.

TKPOA will be working closely with the South Lake Tahoe Police Department Marine Unit, the El Dorado County Sheriff Marine Unit, and the United States Coast Guard. Our goal is to make this season a safe and enjoyable one.

Anchors Away!

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