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The Power of Philanthropy
Enjoy strolling the East Shore Trail? Like to see the views from the Incline Flume Trail without having to hike up a steep trail? Appreciate the clear waters running through 3rd Creek? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have the Tahoe Fund and its many partners to thank.
The Tahoe Fund’s mission is to use the power of philanthropy to improve the Lake Tahoe environment for all to enjoy. Transformational, collaborative projects that will build a balance between the human and natural environments. In the past few years, the organization has leveraged $3 million in private funds to help project partners secure more than $50 million for environmental improvement projects.
The Tahoe Fund has built its reputation as an action-oriented organization managed by the thoughtful, dedicated leadership of its deeply committed board. Perhaps most impressive, this team has fostered public-private collaboration in a way that successfully supports what it set out to do — fund environmental projects around the Lake Tahoe Basin that improve forest health, lake clarity, sustainable recreation, transportation and stewardship. The organization has collaborated with more than 20 partners to make these projects possible.
The Tahoe Fund’s ability to offer financial support to key projects has been achieved through the generous contributions of members of its Stewardship Circle, the Green Bucks guest donation program that invites local business patrons to contribute $1 for Tahoe, and contributions from local businesses and individual donors in support of specific projects.
The organization is currently focused on a new singletrack trail at Tunnel Creek, and is working with partners on the next section of the East Shore Trail that will connect Sand Harbor to Spooner Summit.
Ready to help make an impact? Learn more about the Tahoe Fund and how to become a supporter at tahoefund.org. Amy R. Berry, CEO