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“We think that saints are people who do extraordinary things….we make sainthood unattainable! The thing is…saints are not perfect people. Saints are like you and me…choosing to live their very ordinary lives in what we call an ALLHEART way! Saints, before entering the gates of heaven, live normal lives with joys and griefs, struggles and hopes. They run the exact same race that we are running! It is not about the amazing things that they do. It is about how they do them. Mother Theresa said it best when she said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”


Let us set aside what holds us back and focus on the race before us! Let us set aside our faults and our failures and focus on what we can do now to do God’s will.

Let us allow today to be a reminder that we, too, hope to someday be part of the communion of saints in heaven, to walk hand in hand with Jesus himself, surrounded by those who have gone before us and who are cheering us through the gates!” -excerpted from Megan Dominici ’92 Opening Prayer at the All Saints Day Mass

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