November 15, 2012
Issue 042
Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369
Martial artists to participate in world event
by Gosford Council media
our athletes from Central Coasts Magnus Martial Arts have been selected to compete at the world Pankration Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) titles in Sparta, Greece from November 16 to 18.
Jamie Mullarkey, Ben Games, Ben Hansen and Noah Magnus have been sponsored by Gosford Council’s youth entertainment venue, The Hub, to attend the event, which will be contested over three days, with 100 countries invited and over 450 athletes expected to attend. Pankration meaning ‘all powers’ is both an ancient and modern full contact MMA contest which includes, but is not limited to, the techniques of combat sports including boxing, tae kwon do, wrestling and judo. Team member and internationally recognised sixth Dan Black Belt Noah Magnus said he was confident in his team’s abilities. “Our team members have
Team members Ben Hansen, Jamie Mullarkey, Ben Games, Noah Magnus. proven time again that we are among the best in Australia and we are honoured to represent both the Central Coast and our country at
the 2012 Pankration MMA World Titles in Greece. “We are confident in our ability and we are aiming to bring home Gold from
Sparta,” said Noah. Youth Centre coordinator Mr Steve Knee said The Hub, in partnership with Magnus Martial Arts, has
offered free martial arts training over the past nine years with much success. “We have produced a number of champions
across several disciplines, however, producing a World Pankration MMA Champion will be our biggest achievement to date. “We are also looking to further develop this free program in 2013, with an MMA Rising Stars event series to sponsor and develop young martial artists and build on our current and past success. “We wish the team all the best at the World Titles and look forward to continuing to develop the skills and abilities of our future champions,” Mr Knee said. Jamie Mullarkey is the current 70kg Gold Medallist and Australian Pankration MMA champion. Ben Games is the current 78kg Silver Medallist and is ranked second in Pankration MMA in Australia. Ben Hansen at 66kg is a former Australian MMA Champion and has prequalified for the Australian Team. Noah Magnus at 78kg has been champion across several martial arts disciplines and was the original Pankration MMA Champion 12 years ago.
Craig O’Neill wins judo gold at World Games by Lindy Simmons
oy Woy judo club competitor Craig O’Neill, who is also a member of Kariong Rural Fire Service, has returned from the World Fire Fighters Games with a gold
Criag with head coach Danny Simmons
medal. In the competition held on October 27, Craig fought competitors from Brazil and Sweden to win the U81kg combined age category. In his first fight against the eventual silver medallist, Craig broke his Brazilian opponent’s guard late in the
fight and threw him using his signature shoulder throw, ippon seio nage. In his second fight, Craig capitalised on his opponent’s defensiveness to throw him backwards twice for the win. The World Fire Fighters Games is in its 12th year and saw fire fighters from around the globe compete in
more than 71 events around Sydney, including many of the Sydney Olympic venues. The judo event saw competitors from as far afield as France, Norway, Sweden, Hungary, Romania, South Korea, Brazil, and Australia compete at the tournament venue in Bomaderry, south of Sydney.
P2 - GRANDSTAND - November 15, 2012
Your Directory of services, contacts and support groups C Sexual Assault Resource 1800 199 888 Gay and Lesbian Counselling 1800 184 527 Gay and Lesbian Support 1800 249 377 Youth Sexuality Network 4320 2856 Vietnam Veterans 1800 043 503 Victims Support Services 1800 633 063 Translation and Interpreting Service 13 14 50
Emergency Ambulance, Police, Fire 000 Police Assistance Line 131 444 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Energy Australia 13 13 88 Gas Emergency 131 909 Gosford City Council 4325 8222 Marine Rescue NSW - Central Coast 4325 7929 SES - Storm and Flood Emergency 132 500
Legal & Financial Help Financial Counselling Service 4334 2304 Central Coast Legal Centre 4353 4988 Legal Aid Commission of NSW 1300 888 529 Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Service 4353 5515 NSW Aboriginal Legal Service 8842 8000 Consumer Credit Legal Centre 1800 808 488 NSW Ombudsman 1800 451 524 Community Justice Centre 1800 990 777 Family Law Court 1300 352 000 Law Access NSW 1300 888 529
Accommodation Dept. of Housing Gosford 4323 5211 Dept. of Housing Wyong 4352 4400 Cassie4Youth 4322 3197 Coast Shelter 4324 7239 Pacific Link Com Housing 4324 7617 Rumbalara Youth Refuge 4325 7555 Samaritans Youth Services 4351 1922 Youth Angle • Woy Woy 4341 8830 Youth Accom Hotline 1800 424 830 Woy Woy Youth Cottage 4341 9027 Temporary Accommodation 1800 152 152
Family and Relationships Parents Helpline 132 055 Centacare Gosford 4324 6403 Wyong 4352 1311 The Entrance 4382 9500 Gosford Family Support Service 4340 1099 Horizons (Families or single parents) 4333 5111 Interrelate - Family Relationships 1300 736 966 Uniting Care Burnside Wyong 4352 3222 Gosford 1800 067 967
Crisis Services and Helplines
Lifeline - 24 hr. 13 11 14 Suicide Helpline 1800 191 919 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Parents Helpline 13 20 55 Indigenous Call Centre 136 380 Family Relationship Advice Line 1800 050 321 Family Drug Support 1300 368 186 G-line - Gambling Helpline 1800 633 635 Credit Helpline 1800 808 488 Child Support Agency 13 12 72 Australian Injury Helpline 1800 223 363 Veteran Affairs Network 1300 551 918 Mens Domestic Violence 1800 000 599
Edition 304
Mensline - talk with a bloke 1300 789 978 Lifecare Family Services 1300 130 225 Centacare: 4324 6403 Relationship Australia: 1300 364 277 Interrelate: 1800 449 118
The frame is valued at $179 with the winner able to choose a personalised word with up to six letters. Word Art’s collection showcases a selection of over 500 photographs of the urban environment, architectural structures, corners and elements of buildings, fragments of nature and slivers of city skylines. Each photographed image uniquely resembles a letter of the alphabet from which a special word or name can be chosen and stylishly presented in a choice of designer frames. To win the World Art Studio frame write your name, address and phone number
entral Coast Grandstand covers sports news on the Central Coast at all levels. It is published fortnightly and distributed to all clubs, taverns, shopping centres, libraries, service stations, sporting venues, newsagents, sport related retail outlets and anywhere else, from Morisset to Mooney Mooney, where large
numbers of people are likely to be. A list of distribution points can be found on our website. 14,000 copies are printed and it is published and distributed every second Thursday. Central Coast Grandstand contains all sports news, senior, junior and school, where it relates to any part of the Central Coast.
Deadline: November 27 Publication date: November 29 Contributions Letters to the editor and other contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to: Central Coast Grandstand PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250. Contributions should be in Word format sent via email to: mail@gosfordnews.org, on disks or by handwritten letter if these facilities are not available to you. Contributions must Include the date, your name, address and phone numbers. Name and Suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in edited form. ISSN 1839-9037 Printed by New Age Printing, Rydalmere
Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369
November 15, 2012
Each year the Bouddi Society donates a junior and senior woodwind scholarship to the Conservatorium. The winner of the senior award was Alyse Faith who played the first movement of Christoph van Gluck’s concerto in G for flute and piano to prolonged applause with her conservatorium tutor Lyn Brislan. Winner of the junior award was Ellora Srivatsava who played Mozart’s Andante in C Major, K315. The Conservatorium also
Community bank to pay first dividend Ettalong Beach Community Bank has announced its first dividend to shareholders, through its franchise holding company Ettalong Beach Financial Services Limited. company chairman Mr Mick Gage thanked loyal shareholders at the company’s annual meeting on Thursday, November 8, for their patience as the branch dealt with its start-up phase and then the effects of the global financial crisis on the financial community. Mr Gage said that without the support of the community who rallied together and provided the capital needed, Ettalong Beach would have been without a bank. “History shows that when basic services are not available in small
communities the follow on effect to other businesses can be crushing,” said Mr Gage. In announcing a 2.5 cents per share dividend to be paid in December, Mr Gage noted that although a small dividend, it was in line with the Community Bank’s charter and allowed the board of directors to manage the company’s financial position to the benefit of all stakeholders. “With increased business levels and community support, it is hoped that dividend payments will be able to be made annually” said Mr Gage. Media release, 9 Nov 2012 Peter McKeon, Ettalong Beach Community Bank
presents an encouragement award each year with this year’s award presented to Charlotte Boyd for playing Mozart’s Papageno Aria and Bailey’s rhythmical Scooby Du Wup on her saxophone. Other finalists were Taryn Shaw, Luca Kovak and Jasper Wand. Central Coast Conservatorium principal Mr Patrick Brennan compered the event and tutors David Dallinger and Patrick Brislan assisted him in the judging of the winners. Bouddi Society secretary Mr Mike Chitty, himself a mature age student of the Conservatorium, handed over a cheque for $1000 for next year’s scholarship. Email, 1 Nov 2012 David Dufty, Bouddi Society
Jobs lost as hospital closes heart unit Brisbane Waters Private Hospital has closed its Cardiac Care Unit and Angiography suite after cardiologists decided to take their work to North Gosford Private Hospital. Forty employees have lost their jobs as a result. Their positions were made redundant on Tuesday, November 6. Brisbane Waters Private Hospital general manager Ms Annette Czerkesow said the changes were made following a strategic review, after a decision by interventional cardiologists to consolidate their work at North Gosford Private Hospital. “This decision was not easy, and was only reached after all other possible alternatives had been explored,” said Ms Czerkesow.
She said that staff who were affected by the redundancies were offered support and assistance to plan for the future. Ms Czerkesow said that where possible, redeployment options would be explored for all staff whose jobs had been impacted by the changes. “Brisbane Waters Private Hospital has a long history on the Central Coast, where we have provided quality care since 1978. “This month Brisbane Waters Private Hospital was recognised by HCF, Australia’s largest not for profit health insurer, as being in the top two hospitals across the country in terms of patient satisfaction in relation to the hospital and the medical team. “We are very proud of this achievement and this announcement does not change our commitment to our patients
and our community. “Our specialists will continue to offer a range of surgical specialties including, general surgery, obesity services, orthopaedics, ENT, plastic surgery, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, dental, vascular surgery and other day surgery. “Complementing these surgical services are geriatric and medical care. “Our High Dependency Unit will continue to provide excellent monitoring and specialist nursing care and the hospital has in place 24-hour medical coverage to support surgical and medical patients. “We also have the only dedicated mental health unit on the Central Coast with 30 beds,” said Ms Czerkesow. Media release, 8 Nov 212 Yvette Wright, Brisbane Waters Private Hospital
Jamie Mullarkey, Ben Games, Ben Hansen and Noah Magnus have been sponsored by Gosford Council’s youth entertainment venue, The Hub, to attend the event, which will be contested over three days, with 100 countries invited and over 450 athletes expected to attend. Pankration meaning ‘all powers’ is both an ancient and modern full contact MMA contest which includes, but is not limited to, the techniques of combat sports including boxing, tae kwon do, wrestling and judo. Team member and internationally recognised sixth Dan Black Belt Noah Magnus said he was confident in his team’s abilities. “Our team members have
Team members Ben Hansen, Jamie Mullarkey, Ben Games, Noah Magnus. proven time again that we are among the best in Australia and we are honoured to represent both the Central Coast and our country at
the 2012 Pankration MMA World Titles in Greece. “We are confident in our ability and we are aiming to bring home Gold from
Sparta,” said Noah. Youth Centre coordinator Mr Steve Knee said The Hub, in partnership with Magnus Martial Arts, has
offered free martial arts training over the past nine years with much success. “We have produced a number of champions
across several disciplines, however, producing a World Pankration MMA Champion will be our biggest achievement to date. “We are also looking to further develop this free program in 2013, with an MMA Rising Stars event series to sponsor and develop young martial artists and build on our current and past success. “We wish the team all the best at the World Titles and look forward to continuing to develop the skills and abilities of our future champions,” Mr Knee said. Jamie Mullarkey is the current 70kg Gold Medallist and Australian Pankration MMA champion. Ben Games is the current 78kg Silver Medallist and is ranked second in Pankration MMA in Australia. Ben Hansen at 66kg is a former Australian MMA Champion and has prequalified for the Australian Team. Noah Magnus at 78kg has been champion across several martial arts disciplines and was the original Pankration MMA Champion 12 years ago.
Criag with head coach Danny Simmons
In the competition held on October 27, Craig fought competitors from Brazil and Sweden to win the U81kg combined age category. In his first fight against the eventual silver medallist, Craig broke his Brazilian opponent’s guard late in the
fight and threw him using his signature shoulder throw, ippon seio nage. In his second fight, Craig capitalised on his opponent’s defensiveness to throw him backwards twice for the win. The World Fire Fighters Games is in its 12th year and saw fire fighters from around the globe compete in
Ph: 4325 7369
Issue 45
November 8, 2012
he new Laurie Maher Coast Community Centre in Gosford was officially opened on Friday, November 2.
The Coast Community Centre is a community partnership that involves government departments, welfare agencies, businesses, churches, schools and volunteers working together to provide support and meals to those in need. The facility enables peoples to connect, build friendships, feel part of their community and either obtain or provide assistance. The Centre provides access to a range of
more than 71 events around Sydney, including many of the Sydney Olympic venues. The judo event saw competitors from as far afield as France, Norway, Sweden, Hungary, Romania, South Korea, Brazil, and Australia compete at the tournament venue in Bomaderry, south of Sydney.
THIS ISSUE contains 71 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info
support services and help to those doing it tough to maintain their tenancies and mortgages. Much of this assistance works towards what the Federal Government refers to as “turning off the tap” in addressing homelessness. It focuses on intervening early and providing a wide range of support to help people overcome their crises. The Coast Community Centre is an energy efficient building and includes solar
panels to reduce energy consumption and generate renewable energy credits to be fed back to the grid, a water tank to reuse rainwater for toilets and gardens, energy efficient air conditioning, energy saving lighting throughout the building, water saving showers for clients and a laundry fitted with energy and water efficient machines for clients. It provides five consultation offices to deliver services, a disability
lift, which will provide access to the restaurant, offices and meeting rooms from street level, administrative offices to manage Coast Shelter’s various programs, security-intercom system to provide added safety to volunteers serving meals, a large meeting and conference room available to community groups, computer and telephone networking and a 70 seat restaurant where free meals will be provided by volunteers. Services provided by Coast Shelter and other agencies include tenancy
advice and advocacy, No Interest Loans (NILS) for people on low incomes to purchase essential household items, free legal advice every Monday by Central Coast Community Legal Centre, regular visits from Centrelink community engagement officer, energy vouchers (EAPA) to help people having difficulty paying gas and-or electricity bills, pharmaceutical assistance to fill prescriptions for clients experiencing financial hardship, food hampers made up from donated items, Rentstart kiosk
providing a link to Housing NSW via fax and phone for rent assistance, shower and laundry facilities available every day, fresh towels, toiletries and clothes, free shampoo and haircuts every week, free podiatry checkups every three months, visits from Mobile Oral Health Van, assistance with furniture and whitegoods from donations and a Men’s Shed which operates Monday and Friday each week. Media release, 29 Oct 2012 Vicki de Carle, Coast Shelter
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he first sod of soil was turned on Thursday, November 1, for the Planning Panel approved to allow Woolworths to the development of the start work within Tall $20 million Woolworths Lake Munmorah shopping centre. centre in September last Timbers Rd, meaning year. the development could Woolworths is planning site and medical centre by Wyong Council mayor In July, Council get underway on land Cr Doug Eaton said he on opening the shopping the end of next year. proposed to issue a over which Council has was “delighted” that centre, specialty shops, a The Hunter and Central Construction Certificate control. work had begun on the Caltex Woolworths Petrol Coast Joint Regional development following two years of liaison between Wyong Council and Woolworths. “The focus of this Council is on economic development and creating jobs for our residents and this development ticks every box. “Besides the 100 jobs during construction, there will be in excess of 150 retail related jobs upon completion. “The development also aligns with the North Wyong Structure Plan, which is the State Government’s regional strategy identifying the northern area of our Shire and will accommodate the majority of our region’s new greenfield development to 2031. “This new shopping centre will not only serve existing residents, but caters for planned growth in the area,” said Cr Eaton. The construction period for the new centre, located on the corner of Pacific Highway and Tall Timbers Rd, is expected (L-R) Lindsay Rowles, Greg Best, Garry Edwards, Michael Durie and Michael Witts to be around 12 months.
The Peninsula
02 4325 7369
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
Issue 8
Work begins on Lake Munmorah shopping centre
Coast Shelter’s Vicki de Carle, Laurie Maher, Prime Minister Ms Julia Gillard, Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill, Gavin Shepherd, and Penny Williams of Coast Shelter
by Lindy Simmons
Craig O’Neill wins judo gold at World Games oy Woy judo club competitor Craig O’Neill, who is also a member of Kariong Rural Fire Service, has returned from the World Fire Fighters Games with a gold
Your independent local newspaper
Prime Minister opens community centre
Issue 042
Martial artists to participate in world event our athletes from Central Coasts Magnus Martial Arts have been selected to compete at the world Pankration Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) titles in Sparta, Greece from November 16 to 18.
November 6, 2012
by Gosford Council media
Six woodwind students from the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music performed for an audience at Wagstaffe Hall on Sunday, October 28.
Graphic Design: Justin Stanley Sales Manager: Val Bridge Sales: Mark Ellis - Sean Shanks Peter Smith
Publisher: Cec Bucello Journalists: Kaitlin Watts Sub Editor: Lachlan Snell
12 November 2012
Students perform at Wagstaffe
This includes federal, state and local government sport news, academy and association news, club news, events, scoreboard, tides, school sport and anything relevant to sport on the Coast. It is a true newspaper and advertising content is restricted to a maximum of 40% of content. Contributions are welcomed.
Next Edition: Central Coast Grandstand 043
Gosford Hospital 4320 2111 Wyong Hospital 4394 8000 Cancer Hotline 131 120 Mental Health info Service 1300 794 991 Sexual Health @ Gosford Hospital 4320 2114 Beyond Blue (Depression) 1300 22 4636
News Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
on the back of an envelope and send to Central Coast Grandstand Word Art Studio competition PO Box 1056, Gosford, NSW, 2250, by the close of business Tuesday, November 27. The winners of last edition's Central Coast Grandstand Gas Safety Gauge competition were RB Schofield of Erina, Ian Brandon of Chain Valley Bay and Leonie Martin of Narara.
G-Line Telephone Counsel 1800 633 635 Gamblers Anonymous 9564 1574 Alcoholics Anonymous 4323 3890 Narcotics Anonymous 4325 0524 Quitline 131 848
Donnison St. Restaurant 4325 3540 Gosford Family Support 4340 1585 Horizons Family Services 4333 5111 Meals on Wheels Gosford 4363 7111 Woy Woy 4341 6699 Tuggerah 4382 9444 Department of Community Services Gosford - 4336 2400 Wyong - 4352 6500 The Salvation Army 4325 5733 Samaritans Emergency Relief 4393 2450 St Vincent De Paul Society HELPLINE 4323 6081
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entral Coast Grandstand and Word Art Studio are offering one reader the chance to win a custom made word art frame.
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Woolworths was still required to seek approval from the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) for works to be undertaken within the Pacific Highway road reserve. All issues have now been resolved and work is underway on delivering residents a brand new shopping centre and retail precinct. “We have worked hard as a Council with Woolworths to ensure we could do everything we can to get to this stage, when the soil could finally be turned for the start of construction,” Cr Eaton said. “By the end of next year, jobs will be created for people seeking full time and part time work as well as apprentices, and casual staff.” The official sod turning was attended by Member for Swansea Mr Garry Edwards, Cr Greg Best, Woolworths development manager Mr Lindsay Rowles, Lake Munmorah Precinct president Mr Stuart Durie and Mainbrace Builders business development director Mr Michael Witts. Media release, 1 Nov 2012 Wyong Council Media
The Central Coast
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November 15, 2012 - GRANDSTAND - P3
Yokoyama brings home gold
Griffiths and Simmons to compete in world events
by Pete Acciari
ido Mingara Judo Academy competitor Liam Yokoyama took home two gold medals from the 2012 South Australian International Open Championships held in Adelaide on Saturday, October 13.
Liam, who lives in Morisset, was the sole entrant from the Tuggerah club, fighting in both the junior and senior men’s 60kg division where National senior ranking points were up for grabs. In the U20 junior men’s division, Liam won his preliminary matches by full point scores, throwing his first opponent for a wazzari [half point] score with a sode tsurikomi goshi and finishing him off by holding him down for the win. His second match lasted only a short time before his superior grip fighting and stand up judo resulted in his opponent being thrown with a well-executed high shoulder throw for ippon and an instant full point win. In the finals, he again
showed the crowd a glimpse of his potential by winning with a morote seio nage in the first few seconds of the match to take the Junior Men’s 60kg gold medal. Liam faced off against a much older opponent from Victoria in the final beginning with some good grip, fighting to establish who would be the more dominant of the two players. Again showing his superior skills and a mature ability to fight above his years, Liam took the fight to his opponent attacking with foot sweep combinations and scoring with minor points. In the next exchange and attacking with confidence, Liam again put together a string of foot sweep combinations that led to a throw with his signature sode tsuri komi goshi for a wazzari half point, transitioned into ground work with a hold down. Determined to succeed, Liam again put together a flourish of combinations to place his opponent in jeopardy which culminated in a well-executed shoulder throw for the full point ippon win.
Marital Arts
by Lindy Simmons
wo of Woy Woy Judo Club’s senior competitors, Mike Griffiths [Shodan] and Daniel Simmons [Shodan], will represent Australia this month in the 2012 World Masters and 2012 Oceania World Cup, respectively.
Mike is headed to Miami in the USA to compete in the 2012 World Masters in the U66kg category. He has been in steady training and said he is looking forward to heading to his third world masters, after competing in Hungary in 2010 and Germany in 2011. The actual 2012 games were to be held in Brazil but were cancelled in September. The USA Judo Federation put its hand up to take over the competition and hold it at the same venue as last year’s US Open at the Doral Golf Resort, Miami. Mike entered this competition with the hope of matching, if not bettering his performance, in January this year at the 2012 Commonwealth
Mike Griffiths and Daniel Simmons
Championships in Wales where he placed second. Daniel will compete in the 2012 Oceania World Cup in Apia, Samoa, in the U73kg category, a selection event for the 2014 Commonwealth Games and 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil. This will be Daniel’s second appearance in the OJU World Cup, having been selected in the team in November last year. “Last year was always going to be hard, as there was a very strong European contingent chasing points
for this year’s Olympics,” Simmons said. “This year has been up and down due to injury, but I have recovered to make the team once again for the World Cup and I’m hoping for a better result this time around,” he said. Prior to both events, Mike will head to London for some final preparations to the world masters, and Daniel is off to the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra with the Australian Judo Team for National Elite Training Camp, where they will spend a week
doing four hours of judo a day, cardio and strength training. Woy Woy Judo Club chief instructor Danny Simmons, himself an Australian representative and 1968 Oceania Silver Medallist said he was very happy and proud of both Daniel and Mike. “To represent your country is a great honour, and to have two players from the Peninsula represent is fantastic. “Now it’s time for them both to make sure they have a good final preparation and fight hard,” he said.
It’s time to have
Future planning for the place where you live:
What your rates can pay for:
How much your rates will be.
Council's aim is to provide the best possible services to our community while remaining financially secure into the future. Three options have been developed for the community to vote for.
We need you to have YOUR say on the way forward for OUR community.
OPTIONS Reduce Services - Maintain Rates
Maintain Assets - Increase Rates
New Assets - Increase Rates
Ÿ Visit Council's Consultation Hub at http://consultation.wyong.nsw.gov.au Ÿ Pick up a brochure at Council's libraries (and vote while you are there!), civic centres and child care centres Ÿ Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for updates Ÿ Read our information sheets and frequently asked questions Ÿ Take part in online discussions at http://engageme.wyong.nsw.gov.au
SPEAK TO COUNCIL STAFF Council staff will be at the following shopping centres from 3pm – 6pm so you can ask questions and have your say: Lake Haven Shopping Centre – Wed 21 Nov and 28 Nov Tuggerah Westfield – Thurs 22 Nov and 29 Nov Bateau Bay Centre – Fri 23 Nov and 30 Nov
COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS: Council will also be holding three workshops to consult with the community about the options that we have to go forward. These will be held from 6:30pm – 9:30pm at: Ÿ Mon 19 Nov at Colongra Bay Community Hall, Lake Munmorah Ÿ Wed 21 Nov at Blue Haven Community Centre Ÿ Thur 22 Nov at Tuggerah Lakes Community Centre, Bateau Bay
P4 - GRANDSTAND - November 15, 2012
Academy basketball program launched by Ray Sandell
he Central Coast Academy of Sport’s 2012-13 BBX Basketball Program commenced at the Central Coast Adventist School on Wednesday, November 7, with an Orientation Ceremony followed by the first training session of the Program.
Twelve boys and 12 girls were welcomed into the Academy and issued with their dress and training uniforms. Head coach Drew Fenton then addressed the athletes and outlined the requirements for the Program. He immediately commenced a warm up and training session putting the boys and girls in no doubt about his expectations for the next six months.
The program will run from November until April next year and will conclude with the ClubsNSW Regional Academy Games to be held in Illawarra. The Program will include guest coaching, sports science testing, Noah shooting sessions, group fitness sessions, pre-game opportunities with the Sydney Kings and Sydney Flames and a squad tour to Wollongong. The selected athletes are Connor Arthur, Luke Cassidy, Douglas Clark, Austin Clarke, Sam Cracknell, Harry Groves, Matthew Kenyon, Isike Kippaya, Hammish Loader, Jordan McLennan, Tyson Rowe, Nathan Willer, Isabelle Brierley, Taylor Ferris, Maddison Goddard, Paris Gurton-Edkins, Bianca Khoury, Muffi Loader, Georgia Mann, Jamei Pate, Brianan Shipley, Taylah Tomas, Ashleigh Tyson and Kaylee Walker.
Superannuation – SMSF Update We have had an increase in clients setting up their own Self Managed Super Fund of late. The reason is simple. Over the last few years, industry and retail funds have performed extremely badly. Most clients have had enough. They are sick of fund managers charging huge fees when their balance has declined. If you have any doubts, we encourage you to look at your super fund statement. You need to take back control. Don’t leave your future financial welfare in the hands of others who may not have your best interest in mind. NRAS Many people are not aware of this scheme. In 2008 the government created the National Rental Affordability Scheme to assist the provision of rental property for low income earners. The scheme provides a tax free payment of approximately $10,000 per year, for 10 years, if you provide rental property to persons registered with the scheme at 20% below market rent. Strict rules apply on both the property and the tenants. We are promoting this scheme to high income earners as a way of reducing their tax, building a property portfolio and at the same time pay off their home loan sooner. Give me a call if you want more information on the above or you want to know if a self managed fund is right for you. You can also view our FAQ’s on our web site. What do others say about us? “I contacted Allan Mason at Broadview Accounting on whether self managed super was right for me. Following his advice, I now have complete control over where I invest my superannuation without the ongoing dilemma of outrageous management fees charged by industry and retail funds. I would recommend Allan Mason and Broadview Accounting to anyone seeking advice in relation to Self-Managed Superannuation or indeed any matter where professional accounting advice is required.” Chris O’M
Ettalong participates in rugby enrichment day
by Colin Wallis
ear 6 students from Ettalong Public School participated in an enrichment day on Wednesday, October 31, for boys talented in rugby league or union.
The day was run by Brisbane Water Secondary
College’s Umina Campus for students who were keen to try out for the 2013 Selective Rugby League Team. Coordinator Mr Patrick Crouch said the calibre of talent coming to Brisbane Water Secondary College was exceptional and he was keen to work with the boys that make the team.
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November 15, 2012 - GRANDSTAND - P5
Green Point wins League State Final by Stephanie MCarthy
n the second last week of third term, the Senior Primary boys’ team from Green Point Christian College won the State Final of the Catholic and Independent Schools Rugby League tournament, when they beat St Joseph’s from Leeton 44-0.
It was the last game in a season, a score which Head of Junior School Matthew Drennan said may never be replicated by anyone again. The same team won every local schoolboys’ competition including the Central Coast Primary All Schools Rugby Sevens, Central Coast Primary Catholic-Independent
Rugby Tens ,Central Coast Primary All Schools League Sevens, Central Coast Primary All Schools Rugby League and the Central Coast Primary CatholicIndependent Rugby League. The side went on to represent the Coast at four state carnivals and were NSW champions on three occasions in the All Schools Rugby Sevens, All Schools Rugby League and the Catholic and Independent Rugby League. The school’s two strongest players, Jordan TeWani and Mackenzie Kay, both went on to earn selection in the CIS rugby team with Jordan then being chosen for the NSW side which recently played Victoria, ACT, South Australia and NZ.
Sports federation awards
by Ray Sandell
entral Coast S p o r t s Federation will hold its awards ceremony at Mingara on Saturday, November 17, to celebrate the achievements of the Central Coast sporting community.
The 2012 finalists have been announced in the categories of ClubAssociation of the Year, Official of the Year, Team of the Year, Coach of the Year, Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability, Junior Sportsperson of the Year, Masters Sportsperson of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Sportsperson of the Year and Event of the Year. Woy Woy Water Polo Club, Umina Surf Life Saving Club and Terrigal Surf Life Saving Club are finalists in the Club-Association of the Year while Kim Taylor, Graham Arnold and Michaela Pendelton are finalists in the Coach of the Year category. Finalists in the Official of the Year category are Shirley Hillman, Kate Thomson and David Unger while finalists in
the Team of the Year category are the Terrigal U19 Board Rescue Team, Mingara Athletics U20 800m team and the U14 Boys Central Coast Oztag representative team. Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability finalists are Liesl Tesch, Teigan van Roosmalen and Rae Anderson and Sportsperson of the Year finalists are CobieJane Morgan, Mat Ryan, Karina Lee, Tom Slingsby and Timothy Schofield. Finalists in the category of Volunteer of the Year are Jeff Vilenksy, Paul Zaia and Greg Ashe while Event of the Year finalists are the NSW U13 State Softball Championships, Athletics NSW State Road Relays and the Bay to Bay Fun Run and Half Marathon. Junior Sportsperson of the Year category finalists are Connor Watson, Jack Cogger, Amber Tauroa, Jake O’Brien and Matthew Graham and Masters Sportsperson of the Year finalists are Paul Lemmon, Neil Fowler and Sandra English. Last year's Sportsperson of the Year Amy Nurthen
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Academy Awards
P6 - GRANDSTAND - November 15, 2012
Jai Opetaia is Male Athlete of the Year by Ray Sandell
he Central Coast Academy of Sport Scholarship Graduation and Awards Night was held at Mingara Recreation Club on Monday, November 5.
The Central Coast Academy of Sport has been providing training and development programs since January 2004 and, since that time, over 1,700 people have progressed through a variety of sports, events and programs specific to athletic endeavour. The CCAS has provided 20 different sporting programs during that time across a multitude of sports. At the ceremony, the Male Athlete of the Year award was presented to boxer Jai Opetaia, who at 17 years of age, was Australia’s youngest ever boxer at an Olympic Games for London 2012. At 16 years of age, Jai won the national heavyweight title in February when he travelled to Tasmania. He backed up the win with victories at the Oceania Olympic Selection event held in Canberra. As part of his Olympic preparation, Opetaia travelled to the United States to train with some of the best fighters in the world at the gym of multiple world champion Floyd Mayweather Junior. It was then a matter of weeks before the Central Coast teenager was walking into the Olympic stadium for the Opening Ceremony alongside the likes of Sally Pearson, Leisel Jones and Steve Solomon. Drawing gold medal favourite, Teymur Mammadov from Azerbaijan, in the first round of the tournament was far from ideal, but provided an
opportunity for Opetaia to show off his talent against one of the most favoured contenders and possibly cause an upset. With his family, friends and sports lovers alike all watching the fight back home in Australia, Opetaia did not disappoint. After two rounds, the fight was drawn at nine points each and, with only one round to go, it looked as though one of the biggest upsets in Olympic boxing history was on the cards. However, it was not to be. In controversial circumstances, Opetaia lost the final round by one point. Many boxing experts, competitors from other countries and Australian coach, Don Abnett, all thought Opetaia had done enough to win the final round and claim victory, but not according to the five ringside judges. Showing great maturity in his post-match interview, Opetaia outlined his ambition to win gold at the 2016 games in Rio, putting all other boxers around the world on notice. The Female Athlete of the Year was awarded to Brittany Tait who has been
playing water polo for the Woy Woy Wombats for six years. She has represented the Central Coast since she began playing at the age of 12. Brittany joined the Central Coast Academy of Sport earlier this year as a member of the Academy’s Future Stars program. Since her inception into the squad, she has produced some outstanding results in the pool, culminating in her selection as a member of the Australian Country
Water Polo team, which toured Hawaii in August. Her selection in the Australian Country team came off the back of dominant performances at the Country Clubs and Country Districts tournaments earlier in the year, which led to her selection in the NSW Country team and then her selection for the green and gold. Tait’s commitment in and out of the pool has led to her securing a four year lucrative US Scholarship at Hartwick College in New York. She will be following in the footsteps of Australian Olympians Bronwan Knox and Sophie Smith who also trained in America prior to making the Olympic team. With the US claiming its first Olympic women’s title, Brittany said she was expecting a fast skilful and physical competition. Her first competition will take place in early February on the East Coast where she will compete in California for two weeks. For the next four years, Brittany will compete every weekend playing at least two games.
She will leave Australia on December 27. The Chairman’s Award was awarded to Oliver Robilliard, who over the past two years, has shown his versatility in playing all five positions in his chosen sport of basketball. Oliver has also been named as captain of this year’s NSW Country U16 Men’s State Team. At the National Championships, Oliver ranked second in scoring and led the team in rebounds, assists, steals and free throws. His representative achievements include 2011 NSW Country Development Tour Waratah’s (Albury), 2011 CCAS Basketball Athlete of the Year Award, 2011 NSW Country U16 Australian Championships (Melbourne) [only bottom aged player selected], 2012 NSW Country Development Tour Captain Waratah’s (Albury), 2011-2012 National Intensive Training Program and 2012 Captain NSW Country U16 (Tamworth) Australian Championships. Oliver is acknowledged as one of NSW’s most gifted players for his age and is on the National Talent
Depth chart with Basketball Australia. The Ray Sandell Award for Exceptional Service was awarded to Mr Reg Delaney who has been involved in the post for well over 40 years. He first became involved with rugby at the Parramatta Rugby Club in Sydney, as a Two Blues player. “Reg is a fellow who played inside backs (5-8th and inside centre), he was as skinny as a rake, and like me didn’t commit to too many tackles, but he loved the world of the game of rugby,” said close friend and rugby stalwart Peter Fenton. “He enjoyed what happened on and off the field. “He is a true giver in every meaning of the word and therefore Reg would be a great recipient of an exceptional services award,” said Fenton. Reg has made contributions to the Academy of Sport for the past seven years, where he has volunteered his time to the CCAS Rugby Program, a regular contributor to the Academy Games and a supporter of the organisation in all it does.
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November 15, 2012 - GRANDSTAND - P7
Wyong Council gives Mingara athletics a grant by Wyong Council media
i n g a r a Athletics Club has received an $18,000 community grant from Wyong Council to purchase electronic timing equipment for the club.
The electronic timing equipment would allow the Tumbi Umbi based club to host special athletic events which would attract athletes from across the state to track meets. Local athletes would also be able to register national qualifying times at their home track rather than travelling to athletic events outside the region. Mingara Athletics Club president Mr Greg Ashe said the purchase of the equipment was a joint community effort and Council’s Community Matching Fund grant helped the Club and its supporters to realise their goal. “Council’s contribution capped off five years of working with local businesses such as Halley and Mellowes and Mingara Recreation Club to raise the target amount,” said Mr Ashe. “We were also able to purchase the equipment from Brook Group, a local Ourimbah supplier, so there was a really strong sense of the local community supporting the Club and our
athletes.” The grant is part of Council’s Community Matching Fund program, which is aimed at bringing community groups together to realise goals and benefit community-driven initiatives. Council mayor Cr Doug Eaton, who will officially launch the new equipment on Saturday, November 10, said the Club and its local supporters should be proud of working together to achieve its goals. “It is important to remember and appreciate that the process of bringing together a community to complete a project is as important as the project itself,” said Cr Eaton. “This is a great example of what can be achieved when community members come together to realise goals and initiatives within their neighbourhood. “I look forward to seeing the first Central Coast athlete post a qualifying time for international competition with this new timing equipment.”
Academy starts archery program
by Ray Sandell
he Central Coast Academy of Sport (CCAS) launched its new archery program on Monday, October 28, at Gosford Indoor Archery Centre.
Fifteen athletes, made up of six girls and nine boys, along with many parents and other family members, attended the Orientation Ceremony. CCAS managing director Mr Ian Robilliard introduced program coaches Peter and Lynne Fairhall, who spoke to the athletes regarding their expectation for the program. The archery program will be a 12 month intensive
program with training every Monday evening at the Gosford Indoor Archery Centre. It will also include many sports science and associated lectures to assist the athletes to attain their ambitions in the sport at an elite level. The selected athletes are Oliver Behling, Hayley Boyd, Kyla Breheny, Jessica Daley, Taryn Dorrough, Tristan Hair, Jack Markham, Fletcher Milthorpe, Marco Monteiro, Rene Monteiro, Jakob Moulds, Jasmine Rybie, Charlie Scriggins, Ellen Stockwell and Callan Vassilopoulos.
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P8 - GRANDSTAND - November 15, 2012
Wyong students play in tennis gala days
Rabbitohs to play home game at Bluetongue
by Ian Liney
yong Christian Community School had six representatives in the Primary CSSA Tennis Gala Day in Gosford on Monday, October 22.
Lauren Brown reached the semi-finals and was well supported by her teammates and fellow competitors Deekan Whalan, Lachlan Knight, Joshua Holmes, Ryan Ginbey and Malachi Knight. The school also had four representatives compete in the secondary CSSA Tennis Gala Day. Bailey Viset, Jack Long, Nathan Brown and Taylor Cornwell didn’t make it to the final round but displayed good sportsmanship.
Nathan Brown, Jack Long, Taylor Cornwell and Bailey Viset
PCYC challenge encourages personal development by David Cole
he National Indigenous 3on3 Basketball and Hip Hop Challenge will be held at Bateau Bay PCYC on Friday, November 23.
The Challenge, which is a free day for indigenous and non-indigenous school students of Wyong and surrounding regions, encourages sportsmanship, teaches new skills and builds self-esteem, as well as promotes healthy lifestyles and personal responsibility. The Vibe 3on3 has toured all over Australia this year,
including locations such as Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, Broome, Kununurra and Fitzroy Crossing. Hosted by former Rabbitoh and basketball player Mr Claude Williams, the event will feature a 3on3 basketball tournament, rapping and break dancing lessons, art workshops, a dance competition, a free barbecue and a health expo. It will also feature a host of indigenous role models to inspire students, including NSW Waratahs rugby union player Trent Lake, actor Luke Carroll, dancers Darren Compton
and Juanita Duncan, rapper Yung Nooky and DJ James Alberts AKA Jimblah. Executive producer Mr Gavin Jones said excitement was building in the lead up to the event. “Planning is well underway for the Wyong Vibe 3on3. “We’re aiming to teach some new skills, celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and give young people all the latest information so they can build a better future for themselves and their communities,” said Mr Jones. “The Vibe 3on3 really is a
community based event that Vibe Australia is proud to be associated with. “Its grassroots focus through entertainment and the positive activities such as a health expo involving local health services, the role models who promote those positive messages about staying strong, taking personal responsibility and attending school, mean that the young people of take away positive experiences,” said Mr Jones. To participate in the Vibe 3on3, young people need to pre-register in teams of four through their schools.
by Monique Marks
he South Sydney Rabbitohs have announced that they will be returning to Bluetongue Stadium for one of their home games for the 2013 NRL premiership season.
The Rabbitohs will also play one home game in Perth and Cairns; with the majority of home games to be played at ANZ Stadium in Sydney throughout the home and away season. “The Rabbitohs continue to show support for the Central Coast region; in fact, excluding 2006, the club has committed at least one home game every year since 2002,” said Bluetongue Stadium managing director Ms Monique Marks. “We are so excited to welcome them back as I am sure their thousands of Central Coast fans will be. “With so many other venues in Australia and New Zealand bidding for NRL matches, it’s the support we get from fans attending the games that attributes to the Clubs returning. “South’s have such a strong following up here and it’s a great reward for those Central Coast supporters being able to watch their club return to play in their local area,” said Ms Marks. This announcement coincides with the Rabbitohs launching their goal of 25,000 plus members for 2013. “We have been the leading Club in terms of membership in the NRL for many years now, and our members have shown they are the most passionate set
of supporters in the game with over 22,000 taking up memberships last season,” said Rabbitohs CEO Mr Shane Richardson. “In previous years, we’ve managed to attract over 20,000 members without finals appearances. “In 2012, our players and coaches have given us a taste of the success we are after as a Club, and as we strive to hit even higher targets on the field in 2013, there is no better time for our supporters to make the transition to becoming a member and making a real difference to the Club. “We have membership packages to suit everyone, whether they live in Sydney, the Central Coast of NSW, Western Australia, Queensland, or overseas. “In fact, you can become a member and make a difference no matter where you live or where you come from. “We’re looking forward to our membership campaign kicking off this week and making sure that all of our supporters have the chance to take the ride with us as a member. “If the ride is anything like 2012, then it’s one not to be missed!” Mr Richardson said. The Rabbitohs will be able to confirm dates and opponents for their home games once the 2013 NRL Draw is released later this year. Ms Marks also advised that the stadium is in negotiations with a number of other NRL clubs in relation to securing more games for the 2013 NRL premiership season.
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November 15, 2012 - GRANDSTAND - P9
Deborah O’Neill MP Member for Robertson
Working for the Peninsula ADVERTISEMENT
National Disability Insurance Scheme More support for people with a disability and their families. What has Labor delivered? The Australian Government is continuing to boost investment in care and support for people with disability, their families and carers around the country including: $8.7 billion from 2009-10 to 2015-16 under the National Disability Agreement to increase and improve specialist disability services. a further $3 billion from 2011-12 to 2014-15 in Disability Employment Services to strengthen links to training and skills development for job seekers with a disability. an extra $200 million from 2011-12 to 201314 for support for school students with a disability; and providing more than $118 million from 201112 to 2015-16 for access to early intervention services for children with vision or hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome or fragile X syndrome. in excess of $220 million for early intervention services for children with autism under the Helping Children with Autism initiative.
Why an “insurance“ scheme?
How will the NDIS work? When the time comes that the NDIS is available on the Central Coast, governments and service providers will discuss how best to transition people with a disability into the new scheme. There will be local NDIS offices, and that is where people with a disability and their families will be able to meet to discuss their goals and aspirations to see if there is anything more needed to support them. This is about providing wrap-around support for an individual and their unique circumstances.
Under an insurance approach, the costs and risks of severe disability for a person is distributed among the wider community as a shared responsibility. People’s needs will be carefully assessed and regularly re-assessed so they get the support they need. An insurance approach means that: t QFPQMF XJUI EJTBCJMJUZ EPO U OFFE UP CFBS UIF costs of their disability on their own, t JG TPNFPOF ZPV MPWF JT CPSO XJUI B EJTBCJMJUZ PS JG you aquire a disability at any age, you will be able to get the care and support that you and your family needs. Taking a long term view of people’s care and support needs ensures that people with disability get the right support earlier, rather than waiting until they reach crisis point.
Can I have my say? The expert advice of people with disability, their families and carers, service providers and community groups will be essential in designing the ongoing stages of the NDIS. This input will be actively encouraged and supported at both the national and launch site levels. The Australian Government have established an Advisory Group and four Expert Working Groups to engage with people with disability and their families and carers, and to work through the detail of the policy design. The Australian government has also funded the National Disability and Carer Alliance to conduct detailed grassroots engagement across the country with people with disability, their families and carers, and with service providers. The Alliance can be contacted at:
Deborah O’Neill Authorised by Deborah O’Neill 91 Mann Street, Gosford
If I can assist you with any Federal Government matter, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 91 Mann Street, Gosford NSW 2250 PO Box 577 Gosford NSW 2250 Phone: 4322 1922 Fax: 4322 2066 Email: Deborah.O’Neill.MP@aph.gov.au
P10 - GRANDSTAND - November 15, 2012
entral Coast Academy of Sport Rugby Sevens team member Lianna Parahi has been selected by the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers as a recipient of the organisation’s Certificate IV in Fitness - Complete Personal Trainer.
The award was announced at the Central Coast Academy of Sport’s eighth Scholarship and Awards Presentation evening held on Monday, November 5. Lianna’s award encompasses elements of both the Certificate III and IV in Fitness and will enable her to enter the Fitness Industry as a personal trainer. The Australian Institute of Personal Trainers specialises in delivering this qualification to ensure its students are industry ready, and provides her with a blend of relevant theory and real world practical experience creating genuine
career opportunities upon graduation. The Central Coast Academy of Sport Awards evening was selected as a suitable event to make the Certificate presentation which was carried out by Australian Institute of Personal Trainers’ Erina Campus director Ms Alison Gibson. Lianna was selected for this award following recommendation from Central Coast Sevens tournament director Mr Craig Morgan after her exceptional performances during the Central Coast Sevens tournament where she was selected as the “Players Player” by her peers. This was the first rugby competition that Lianna had competed in following a five year hibernation from the sport. “The continued growth of the fitness industry means this scholarship provides a sustainable and real career path for athletes. “The Australian Institute of Personal Trainers provides
Boxing classes in Umina
by Gosford Council media
by Ray Sandell
he Hill Youth Centre, in partnership with the Umina Beach PCYC, is now holding Boxing for Fitness classes on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30pm to 5:30pm,
for young people, their parents and the wider community. The classes will be held at the Hill Youth Centre in Kariong. Cost is $5 per person, per week, excluding the first week which is $6 to cover membership to Umina Beach PCYC.
Photo: Michael Amendolia
Lianna receives training accreditation
real experience with a hands-on practical course in the local community and is a strong start to an exciting career in fitness. “This is a valued partnership with the Central
Coast Academy of Sport and we are excited Lianna will be starting her career in fitness with us,” said Australian Institute of Personal Trainers CEO Ms Kylie Fahey.
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November 15, 2012 - GRANDSTAND - P11
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P12 - GRANDSTAND - November 15, 2012
Mariners climb to top of the table by Central Coast Mariners media
entral Coast Mariners are at the top of the table after they made it six wins from their last six games against Wellington Phoenix with a 1-0 triumph at Westpac Stadium on Sunday, November 11.
The victory was the Mariners’ third in a row this Hyundai A-League campaign, and was secured by Daniel McBreen’s 68th minute strike. MidďŹ elder Tomas Rogic unleashed the in form marksman from the left side, and McBreen made no mistake in guiding the ball past Wellington custodian Mark Paston with just over 20 minutes to play. The ďŹ rst 45 minutes of the ‘Cake Tin’ contest proved entertaining, despite neither side being able to break the deadlock. With the game being played at a high intensity, the ďŹ rst clear-cut opportunity of the contest fell to former Qantas Socceroos attacker Mile Sterjovski 29 minutes
in. Dutch defender Patrick Zwaanswijk sent a precise pass to the former FC Basel man, however, after neatly cutting inside Tony Lochhead and Andrew Durante, Sterjovski steered his shot wide. Soon after, consistent ‘Nix contributor Manny Muscat sent a sighter at Mathew Ryan’s goal. Muscat’s strike from 20 yards possessed power, but lacked accuracy. Ten minutes before the break, Ricki Herbert’s side had a chance to go one up. MidďŹ elder Alex Smith timed his interception in midďŹ eld to perfection before eventually ďŹ nding the feet of Belgian striker Stein Huysegems. With plenty of goal to aim at, Huysegems sent his right foot effort high and wide of the Mariners’ goal. Shortly after the interval, young midďŹ elder Rogic had a chance to net for the away side. Josh Rose burst through before cutting the ball back to the Canberra born youngster.
Nevertheless, the Qantas Socceroos squad member’s strike failed to trouble Wellington gloveman Paston. The Mariners were making the better of the attacking in-roads and just before the hour mark nearly went ahead. Rogic made a great run forward and despite being tugged back by Ben Sigmund, sent a good shot goalwards. Paston saved and after the Phoenix defence failed to clear their lines McBreen sent a follow up shot over the bar. But McBreen wouldn’t have to wait long to claim the game’s only goal and his ďŹ fth of the season. Rogic tricked his markers before prodding the ball forward for the former Scunthorpe United man. After taking one touch, McBreen poked the ball past the advancing Paston to net the decisive goal of the round six clash. While the Phoenix endeavoured to get themselves back into the ďŹ xture with a few late attacking raids, in reality Ryan had little to do throughout the intense 90 minutes of football played in the New Zealand capital. The clean sheet is Ryan’s fourth of the 201213 Hyundai A-League campaign. Speaking after the contest Central Coast Mariners boss Graham Arnold praised his side’s ability to grind out a win against their respected A-League opponents. “It is a great result for us,â€? Arnold said. “I am very happy with the gritty performance. “You can’t always play like you did last week, and that is what is so good about our side.
“In tough, windy conditions that made it hard to play, we got our defensive structure spot on and managed to ďŹ nd a way to win the game. “We crafted three or four more chances to score, however, unlike last week we didn’t take those chances. “We love coming to Wellington.â€? Arnold also praised match winner McBreen not only for his hot run of scoring form, but his work rate for the team. “‘Macca’ (McBreen) is having a great run of form scoring goals but also a great run of form in the way he’s playing,â€? he said. “He’s bringing others into play and doing a lot of work that goes unnoticed. “I am very, very happy with the way he’s performing at the moment,â€? Arnold
concluded. Central Coast Mariners play their next match away to Melbourne Victory at Etihad Stadium on Saturday, November 17. The Hyundai A-League round seven game promises to be a ripper, with Arnold’s men sitting pretty in the league and Ange Postecoglou’s outďŹ t enjoying their own run of winning form of late. Wellington Phoenix 0 Central Coast Mariners 1 (McBreen 68’) Westpac Stadium, Wellington Wellington Phoenix: 1. Mark Paston (Gk), 2. Manny Muscat, 3. Tony Lochhead (17. Vince Lia 73’), 6. Alexander Smith, 7. Leo Bertos, 8. Paul IďŹ ll (12. Tyler Boyd 86’), 10. Stein Huysegems (9. Benjamin Totori 72’), 11. Jeremy
Brockie, 16. Louis Fenton, 18. Ben Sigmund, 22. Andrew Durante (c) Substitutes not used: 20. Glen Moss (Gk) Yellow cards: Sigmund 59’, Muscat 67’ Red cards: Nil Central Coast Mariners: 1. Mathew Ryan (Gk), 2. Daniel McBreen, 3. Joshua Rose, 4. Pedj Bojic, 6. Patrick Zwaanswijk, 7. John Hutchinson (c), 10. Tomas Rogic (12. Troy HearďŹ eld 88’), 14. Michael McGlinchey, 16. Trent Sainsbury, 18. Nick Montgomery, 21. Mile Sterjovski (9. Bernie Ibini 64’) Substitutes not used: 20. Justin PasďŹ eld (Gk), 5. Zachary Anderson Yellow cards: Ibini 80’ Red cards: Nil Attendance: 6,568 Referee: Lucien Laverdure
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Peninsula Community Access 15 October 2012
Council approves fast food store Gosford Council has voted 9-1 to permit a fast food store in Ocean Beach Rd, Umina. The controversial McDonalds proposal faced opposition from more than 2000 signatories to petitions objecting to the development. Mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna said although he understood there were a lot of residents upset about the McDonalds development in Umina, “it was very hard for the councillors to reject the proposal because the development ticked all the boxesâ€?. “It will bring 120 jobs, mostly casual and part time, to the area and this helps with the huge youth unemployment on the Central Coast plus the 50 jobs it will create in building of the development,â€? he said. Only new Greens Cr Hillary Morris opposed the application at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 2. “Whilst I understand the rezoning of this particular parcel of land made the refusal of the McDonalds development application impractical in terms of litigation challenges, I remain unconvinced that trafďŹ c movement is not going to be compromised,â€? said Cr Morris. The site was previously zoned Residential 2(b) until the LEP 471 was made which rezoned the site to General Business 3(a). Cr Morris said she was aware that the development had received sanction from both the Roads and Maritime Service and the police in relation to trafďŹ c movement, but said she knew trafďŹ c on the road was of concern because it was raised in Council’s own DCP 159 Character Statement for Umina. “Ocean Beach Rd is a major local thoroughfare that provides high levels of accessibility but also generates peak hour trafďŹ c congestion, extending eastwards from a gateway intersection with an arterial intersection. “I feel with the added burden of trafďŹ c entering and exiting McDonalds, coupled with a bus stop and cycleway, it could become even more problematic. “I would like to praise those councillors who endeavoured to ďŹ nd solutions to the concerns
raised by the community such as reducing trading hours, trafďŹ c safety measures to stop children running directly across the road to the McDonalds entrance and who genuinely expressed sympathy to the surrounding residents. “It is never easy to make decisions when there has been such community disquiet,â€? said Cr Morris. Deputy mayor Cr Bob Ward said employment was a big contributor to his decision. “With a Central Coast unemployment level of around 6.7 per cent compared with the state average of 5.5 per cent and youth unemployment of around 35 per cent, I was particularly impressed with this commitment to provide over 100 casual and part time jobs.
“The restaurant will provide employment for not only young unemployed people but also students, both of whom will beneďŹ t not only from the wages but also from the excellent training, which McDonalds provides,â€? said Cr Ward. A total of 160 separate submissions and petitions containing over 2000 signatures were received in reference to the development. The council staff report in the council meeting agenda claimed most of the objections were made from individuals who did not reside in the immediate locality. Cr Craig Doyle said that the number of signatures objecting against the proposal warranted an answer as to whether or not
the development was in the public interest and, added to a host of other concerns, it could have been grounds for refusal. “However, on its own, it is insufďŹ cient to support a refusal,â€? said Cr Doyle. “Issues such as trafďŹ c, trading hours, signage, Coles’ access, and parking were considered and addressed through conditions. “The residents’ concerns were very valid, and to breeze over them would have been a huge mistake,â€? he said. Cr Vicki Scott, however, said that she voted for approval because there “was no other viable option. “I really do appreciate that there were a high number of objections, and agree with some of the
objectors’ issues,â€? said Cr Scott. “However, in the end, the only matters we could deal with in the determination were those that would stand up in a court of law, compliance issues, and in this case all of those issues complied. “Whether we like it or not, food choices, the name of the company which applied for the development application, the fact that this business is best suited in a shop front in West St, the health issue and other factors do not stand up in the Land and Environment Court in defending a decision. “They are issues that are beyond the boundary of local government. “We had no choice but to approve the development application because it complies with the requirements. “I realise that many people will be disappointed, and I’m sorry about that. “On the positive side, I am pleased there will be about 120 jobs available. “Jobs for unemployed young people and students are important,â€? said Cr Scott. Cr Gabby Bowles said she too was also excited about the 100 plus jobs it would create. “I understand that some residents didn’t want McDonalds at all, but I believe that the conditions will result in a more positive development for the area,â€? she said. The site of the development, which will require the demolition of ďŹ ve houses, adjoins the redeveloped service station to the south on the corner of West St and Ocean Beach Rd and a physiotherapy clinic to the north. The refurbished supermarket and adjacent car park is located to the east of the development. The business will trade from 6am until midnight seven days a week and will have a oor area of 412.29 square metres. The building will have a standard McDonalds corporate visual appearance. It will include 50 internal seats, 25 external seats and 12 seats in a party room. Gosford Council Agenda ENV.84, 2 Oct 2012 Kaitlin Watts, 10 Oct 2012
THIS ISSUE contains 53 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info
The Peninsula
Edition 303
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Peninsula Community Access 29 October 2012
Edition 304
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12 November 2012
Students perform at Wagstaffe
City keys for Liesl Tesch Paralympic gold medallist Liesl Tesch of Woy Woy was presented with the Keys to Gosford City by mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna on Wednesday, October 17, in a surprise ceremony at the Erina Leagues Club Liesl had been invited to address the Erina Chamber of Commerce at their monthly luncheon and said she was totally unaware that she would be awarded the Keys to the City. Mayor Cr McKinna said that the presentation of the Key to the City was kept secret. “We wanted this award to be a surprise for Liesl. “She has had a wonderful couple of years since beginning her sailing career and hopefully this can be the cherry on top of a very successful 2012. “Following her retirement from wheelchair basketball, she took up sailing in January 2011 and had a rapid rise to success. “Liesl placed third in the 2011 and 2012 World Championships and has taken out multiple
international World Cup meets with her partner Daniel Fitzgibbon in the SKUD 18 Class. “Her strive for Paralympic gold was achieved in London 2012, an effort that both Liesl and the entire Central Coast community should be proud of,� said Cr McKinna. “Liesl has had an international career across two sports, captaining the Australian Women’s Wheelchair Basketball team, picking up silver medals in Sydney and Athens as well as bronze in Beijing. “Her recent success on the water demonstrates her versatility and wide ranging skills as an elite athlete. “She is a fantastic representative of the Central Coast and role model within our community. “Her success at the highest level is the result of hard work and dedication and I hope this award can go some way to show how proud we are of Liesl,� he said. Media Release, 17 Oct 2012 Lawrie McKinna, Gosford Council
Six woodwind students from the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music performed for an audience at Wagstaffe Hall on Sunday, October 28. Each year the Bouddi Society donates a junior and senior woodwind scholarship to the Conservatorium. The winner of the senior award was Alyse Faith who played the ďŹ rst movement of Christoph van Gluck’s concerto in G for ute and piano to prolonged applause with her conservatorium tutor Lyn Brislan. Winner of the junior award was Ellora Srivatsava who played Mozart’s Andante in C Major, K315. The Conservatorium also
Mayor McKinna and Key to the City recipient Liesl Tesch
High voltage electricity to go underground Gosford Council has agreed to allow the installation of underground electricity cables in an existing electricity easement in
Australia Ave, Umina. Under the proposal, the existing overhead 66kV transmission feeder main and a new high voltage 11kV cable would be placed
underground to improve reliability and switching in the network. When installed, the 11kV feeder would be underground from the Umina Zone Substation to the
existing underground development in Australia Ave. The project would also remove about 600 metres of overhead high voltage 11kV mains in the vicinity of McEvoy Ave, Bapaume Ave and Priestman Ave. The site of the easement is a drainage reserve and Council has agreed that the terms of the easement be drafted to allow for any underground works on the eastern side of the existing easement to allow for maximum widening of the drain on the western side should the need arise. According to Gosford Council’s director corporate services Mr Nic Pasternatsky, the surface drain is currently at its limit in containing peak ows and would need widening in the future to contain
additional ows and to allow for climate change impacts and possible rock lining. “It is recommended that the underground cable be laid as close as possible to the outer boundaries of the drainage reserve, which is the eastern side under the access track to allow for maximum widening of the drain on the western side,â€? Mr Pasternatsky stated in the report to Council. Ausgrid has advised that the cable would be laid on the eastern side of Lot 3 within the existing eight metre wide overhead easement which would leave approximately 22 metres from the property on the western side of the drainage reserve to the edge of the existing easement. Gosford Council agenda COR.106, 23 Oct 2012
THIS ISSUE contains 54 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info
The Peninsula
Community bank to pay ďŹ rst dividend Ettalong Beach Community Bank has announced its ďŹ rst dividend to shareholders, through its franchise holding company Ettalong Beach Financial Services Limited. company chairman Mr Mick Gage thanked loyal shareholders at the company’s annual meeting on Thursday, November 8, for their patience as the branch dealt with its start-up phase and then the effects of the global ďŹ nancial crisis on the ďŹ nancial community. Mr Gage said that without the support of the community who rallied together and provided the capital needed, Ettalong Beach would have been without a bank. “History shows that when basic services are not available in small
communities the follow on effect to other businesses can be crushing,â€? said Mr Gage. In announcing a 2.5 cents per share dividend to be paid in December, Mr Gage noted that although a small dividend, it was in line with the Community Bank’s charter and allowed the board of directors to manage the company’s ďŹ nancial position to the beneďŹ t of all stakeholders. “With increased business levels and community support, it is hoped that dividend payments will be able to be made annuallyâ€? said Mr Gage. Media release, 9 Nov 2012 Peter McKeon, Ettalong Beach Community Bank
presents an encouragement award each year with this year’s award presented to Charlotte Boyd for playing Mozart’s Papageno Aria and Bailey’s rhythmical Scooby Du Wup on her saxophone. Other ďŹ nalists were Taryn Shaw, Luca Kovak and Jasper Wand. Central Coast Conservatorium principal Mr Patrick Brennan compered the event and tutors David Dallinger and Patrick Brislan assisted him in the judging of the winners. Bouddi Society secretary Mr Mike Chitty, himself a mature age student of the Conservatorium, handed over a cheque for $1000 for next year’s scholarship. Email, 1 Nov 2012 David Dufty, Bouddi Society
Jobs lost as hospital closes heart unit Brisbane Waters Private Hospital has closed its Cardiac Care Unit and Angiography suite after cardiologists decided to take their work to North Gosford Private Hospital. Forty employees have lost their jobs as a result. Their positions were made redundant on Tuesday, November 6. Brisbane Waters Private Hospital general manager Ms Annette Czerkesow said the changes were made following a strategic review, after a decision by interventional cardiologists to consolidate their work at North Gosford Private Hospital. “This decision was not easy, and was only reached after all other possible alternatives had been explored,� said Ms Czerkesow.
She said that staff who were affected by the redundancies were offered support and assistance to plan for the future. Ms Czerkesow said that where possible, redeployment options would be explored for all staff whose jobs had been impacted by the changes. “Brisbane Waters Private Hospital has a long history on the Central Coast, where we have provided quality care since 1978. “This month Brisbane Waters Private Hospital was recognised by HCF, Australia’s largest not for proďŹ t health insurer, as being in the top two hospitals across the country in terms of patient satisfaction in relation to the hospital and the medical team. “We are very proud of this achievement and this announcement does not change our commitment to our patients
and our community. “Our specialists will continue to offer a range of surgical specialties including, general surgery, obesity services, orthopaedics, ENT, plastic surgery, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, dental, vascular surgery and other day surgery. “Complementing these surgical services are geriatric and medical care. “Our High Dependency Unit will continue to provide excellent monitoring and specialist nursing care and the hospital has in place 24-hour medical coverage to support surgical and medical patients. “We also have the only dedicated mental health unit on the Central Coast with 30 beds,� said Ms Czerkesow. Media release, 8 Nov 212 Yvette Wright, Brisbane Waters Private Hospital
THIS ISSUE contains 71 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info
The Peninsula
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November 15, 2012 - GRANDSTAND - P13
Ryan and Rogic selected for Socceroos
by Central Coast Mariners media
entral Coast Mariners duo Mathew Ryan, 20, and Tomas Rogic, 19, were selected in the Qantas Socceroos squad for the international friendly against Korea Republic which was played in Hwaseong on Wednesday, November 14.
Ryan has kept three clean sheets in five Hyundai A-League appearances so far this season, while Rogic dazzled in Central Coast’s 7-2 win over Sydney FC on Saturday, November 3. The pair flew to Korea Republic following the Mariners’ round six A-League clash with Wellington Phoenix in New Zealand. For Ryan, the call-up to the Qantas Socceroos marked the second time he
had been selected for the full national team. Ryan sat on the bench as cover for Fulham FC stopper and Qantas Socceroos great Mark Schwarzer when the Socceroos faced Saudi Arabia in Melbourne in February. The trip to Korea Republic was the first time Rogic had been called up for the Qantas Socceroos, however, like goalkeeper Ryan, midfielder Rogic had previously donned the green and gold at youth level. Central Coast Mariners are one of only two Clubs to contribute two players to this Qantas Socceroos squad. FC Utrecht of the Dutch Eredivise had midfielder Tommy Oar and Adam Sarota chosen for the game. The game against Korea Republic, which was played at the time Central Coast Grandstand went to press, was the 25th match between Qantas Socceroos and the Taeguk Warriors at senior
men’s international level. The two sides last met at the Al Gharafa Stadium in Doha, Qatar, in the group phase of the AFC Asian Cup Qatar 2011. On that occasion, the two teams played out an enthralling 1-all draw. Prior to the game, the Qantas Socceroos were ranked 34th in the FIFA World Rankings while the Korea Republic were 25th. The Qantas Socceroos were in second position in Group B with a win against Iraq (2-1), draws against Oman (0-0) and Japan (1-1) and a loss to Jordan (1-2) at the half way point of the final round of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Asian Qualifiers. Korea Republic was at the top of Group A with wins against Qatar (4-1) and Lebanon (3-0), a draw against Uzbekistan (2-2) and a loss to Iran (0-1). Matthew Ryan Photo: ValsPix
Mariners Youth defeat Sydney FC Central Coast Mariners media
entral Coast Mariners Youth team defeated Sydney FC Youth 4-2 in round three of the National Youth League played in Tuggerah on Sunday, November 4.
A brace by senior striker Adam Kwasnik combined with Oliver Bozanic’s opener and an own goal from junior Sky Blues defender Aaron Calver ensured John McLafferty’s men continued their perfect start to the 2012-13 NYL campaign. Sydney’s goals came via a double to skipper Peter
Triantis It took Mariners Youth three minutes to take the lead. Bozanic unleashed a left foot drive from just inside the box that gave Sydney custodian Anthony Bouzanis no chance. McLafferty’s boys extended their advantage 25 minutes in. Adriano Pellegrino’s inswinging corner was met purposefully by Kwasnik and the marksman made no mistake in heading home from the edge of the sixyard box. Brian Dene’s Sydney team got a goal back less than 60 seconds later.
Captain Triantis fired a strong drive past Luke Turnbull to bring his side back into the contest. Mariners Youth restored their two goal buffer just moments before half-time when Calver inadvertently directed the ball into the back of his own net following strong Mariners play down the right. McLafferty’s men were up 4-1 when Kwasnik scored his second goal on 56 minutes. Combining with midfielder Anthony Caceres who was making his competitive return from injury, Kwasnik skipped through the heart of the
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junior Sky Blues defence before sliding a finish past Bouzanis. Sydney scored another from 12 yards through Triantis after referee Adrian Arndt pointed to the spot following Aaron Peterson’s foul just inside the area on 71 minutes. But Triantis’ second proved to be the last goal scoring moment of the match as the junior Mariners secured a victory at the Central Coast Mariners Centre of Excellence. Central Coast Mariners Youth play their next match away to Adelaide United Youth on Saturday, November 10.
Central Coast Mariners Youth 4 (Bozanic 3’, Kwasnik 25’, 56’, Calver (OG) 43’) Sydney FC Youth 2 (Triantis 26’, 71’ (pen)) Central Coast Mariners Centre of Excellence, Tuggerah Central Coast Mariners: 1. Luke Turnbull (Gk), 2. Nikola Stanojevic (c) (10. Dillon Vorster 60’), 4. Kieren Paull, 7. Adam Jenner, 8. Adriano Pellegrino, 9. Aaron Peterson, 11. Olver Bozanic, 12. Patrick Dixon (6. Daniel Bragg 58’), 15. Brad McDonald, 17. Anthony Caceres (3. Louis Bozanic 60’), 18. Adam Kwasnik
Subs not used: 20. David Bradasevic (Gk) Yellow cards: Nil Red cards: Nil Sydney FC Youth: 20. Anthony Bouzanis (Gk), 2. Keifer Dotti, 3. Aaron Calver, 4. Roberto Speranza (6. Christian Calderan 60’), 7. Joshua McDonald, 8. Peter Triantis (c), 10. Christopher Naumoff, 11. Tom Slater (15. Luke Clifford 60’), 12. Lukas Stergiou, 16. Alec Urosevki, 17. Theo Kofinas (14. Luke Jenner 60’) Subs not used: 1. Ryan Norval (Gk) Yellow cards: Nil Red cards: Nil Referee: Adrian Arndt
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P14 - GRANDSTAND - November 15, 2012
Mariners dominate Sydney at Bluetongue by Central Coast Mariners media
well-oiled, m e r c i l e s s Central Coast Mariners outfit destroyed an under manned Sydney FC side 7-2 at Bluetongue Stadium on Saturday, November 3.
The scoreline sent a serious statement to the entire competition with Daniel McBreen earning himself a piece of Club history with the Mariners’ first ever Hyundai A-League hat-trick, midfielder Tomas Rogic netting a brace, Michael McGlinchey thundering home a left footed shot, and Sebastian Ryall inadvertently finding the back of his own net. Sydney’s strikes in the nine goal thriller came via Yairo Yau and Ali Abbas in the ninth and 55th minutes respectively, however the Sky Blues were largely outclassed by a Mariners team urged on by a vociferous, impressive crowd of 15,686. Undeterred by Sydney opting against playing their injured marquee man Alessandro Del Piero, Central Coast fans turned out in great numbers and were rewarded with a classy display of attacking football. Graham Arnold’s team didn’t get off to an ideal start as a crucial error in the back line resulted in a mouthwatering chance for Yau. The frontman took full control of his opportunity, cleanly chipping into the net
Photo: ValsPix
to give Ian Crook’s team the lead. However, the fans at Bluetongue didn’t have to wait long for the Mariners to kick off their seven-goal extravaganza. Rogic pounced after a rebounded Mile Sterjovski strike in the 16th minute to put the yellow and navy on level terms. The Mariners took the lead in the 30th minute courtesy of a Ryall own goal. A low, long-range Rogic strike troubled Necevski who popped the ball out to McBreen. The goal-getter worked hard to get a touch on the ball and then in attempting to clear and under extreme pressure from McBreen,
Ryall bundled the ball into his own net. In the 39th minute, the Mariners continued their attacking domination and made the score 3-1 with a penalty converted by McBreen. Former Mariner Trent McClenahan bundled over McGlinchey in the box before McBreen clinically sent his side 3-1 up. Sydney FC started the second half with confidence and intent. Having changed their shape in an attempt to find a way back into the game, Abbas gave the Sky Blues hope with his 55th minute goal. The former Newcastle Jet did well to lob Ryan following
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October 11, 2012
Issue 6
Height restrictions eased to support Key site development ne of Wyong Council’s Iconic Development Sites will proceed to public exhibition following a determination from the State Government to allow a Planning Proposal for the site.
SW police, on behalf of fraud and extortion squad detectives from Victoria, searched the home and electoral office of Federal Member for Dobell, Mr Craig Thomson on the morning of Wednesday, October 24.
Victorian police, with the assistance of NSW police, executed two search warrants, one on Mr Thomson’s Bateau Bay home at 7am and the other on his electoral office at Tuggerah at approximately 10:15am. The searches were in relation to the ongoing investigation, Operation Vespine, by fraud and extortion squad detectives in conjunction with NSW Strike Force Carnarvon. Mr Thomson spoke to the media outside his home on the same day at
“We are currently working with the Department of Planning to address the conditions imposed and consult with the nominated government agencies. “Having said that, we expect to have a proposal for the Key site on exhibition later in the year,” said Mr Bowditch. Part of the incentives in terms of the relaxation
of height restrictions for developers means the proponents have also had to factor in significant public benefits in their plans along with the need to provide a building that embraces the concepts of design excellence and green building design. In this case, the public benefit comes to $1.55 million worth of improvements to the
Issue 7
Thomson has home and office raided by police N
gone through numerous owners over the past three decades. The site has also been the subject of proposals that have never progressed. Council has established a strong relationship with the current land owners and developers to the point where they have submitted a proposal that includes retail and food outlets, 93 apartments, and almost 400 jobs including 120 on completion. In June, Council voted to initiate a planning proposal and forward it onto the State Government, seeking permission to vary Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP) in order to relax height restrictions for the development to proceed. The State Government put Council’s request through a Gateway Process, and the proposal was endorsed subject to conditions. “This is the first of our Iconic Development Sites to go through this process and reach this stage,” said Mr Bowditch.
forward not just for The Entrance, but for all of our other identified Iconic Development Sites in the Shire,” said Mr Bowditch. “This is a win for our process and a win for The Entrance community. “We look forward to being able to announce further good news in the future in regard to our Iconic Sites across the Shire and the community and developers can have confidence that our process is working and the State Government is being very supportive of our work,” said Mr Bowditch. At the end of 2010, Council identified 28 iconic development sites around the Shire as having the potential to provide an economic stimulus to the Shire and create jobs. One of those was the Key site in The Entrance, and Council set a process in motion that could eventually see a $45 million development built on the site creating around 100 fulltime jobs. The Key site has long been vacant and has
The move by the State Government opened the door to develop the Key site on the corner of Marine Pde and The Entrance Rd at The Entrance. The Planning Proposal seeks to amend Council’s zoning instrument to permit additional building height on the site. “This is not a Development Application and it doesn’t mean the applicants will start building tomorrow,” said Cr Bob Graham. “I look forward to the Development Application actually coming into Council and the first sod being turned, but that timeframe is completely up to the proponent,” said Cr Graham. Council’s manager of place management Mr Paul Bowditch said the move by the State Government was extremely positive for the future of Council’s Iconic Development Sites program. “What this proves is that the State Government has further endorsed Council’s Iconic Sites process, which is a step
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
October 25, 2012
10:30am. “This morning we had the police come and execute a search warrant in relation to the broader inquiry into the national office of the Health Services Union,” said Mr Thomson. “They took a couple of documents; I volunteered a couple of documents. “Can I say that the police acted in a thoroughly professional manner, they showed great courtesy and acted in a way that I think we would all expect.
public domain in The Entrance, which will be determined in due course. The State Government will assess the final planning proposal and, if they are happy with it, arrange for a legal document to be drafted and the LEP officially amended. Media release, 26 Sep 2012 Wyong Council Media Police removing items from Craig Thomson’s home
The Central Coast
“Can I say at the outset, that I’ve done nothing wrong, that we are fully cooperating with the police in relation to this investigation. “We think there is still some time for this investigation to go before it’s concluded, but we are very much looking to it concluding, hopefully before the end of this year. “Can I also say that there isn’t that much more that I can add, given that this is an investigation that’s ongoing by the police, other than confirming that today was in relation to the national office of the union and that the police were here. “I would like to reiterate that I have done nothing wrong, and I’m very confident that at the conclusion of this investigation, that will be the conclusion that the police reach as well,” said Mr Thomson. The two raids come in the wake of a statement released on Monday, October 15, by Fair Work Australia, confirming
proceedings had been commenced in the Federal Court of Australia against Mr Thomson. The Federal Court action is a result of the general manager of Fair Work Australia, Ms Bernadette O’Neill’s investigation into the national office of the Health Services Union (HSU), which concluded in March 2012. Ms O’Neill confirmed that the claim included 37 alleged breaches of general duties imposed on officers of registered organisations and 25 alleged breaches of Health Services Union rules.
“I have not taken this action lightly. I am satisfied that it is in the public’s interest to pursue the allegations in the documents filed in the Federal Court today and consider that there is a reasonable prospect of success,” said Ms O’Neill. “If successful, I will be seeking the imposition of pecuniary penalties relating to each of the 37 alleged contraventions where penalties are available. “I will also be seeking orders which require Mr Thomson to pay compensation for loses allegedly incurred by
the HSU by reason of the alleged breaches of general duties should they be proven,” said Ms O’Neill. The maximum pecuniary penalty that can be imposed by the court in respect to each contravention of the general duties is $6,600 for an individual. Pecuniary penalties are not available for breaches of union rules. Media statement, 24 Oct 2012 Victorian Police Media Media statement, 24 Oct 2012 702 ABC Sydney Media release, 15 Oct 2012 Bernadette O’Neill, Fair Work Australia
The Central Coast
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
November 8, 2012
Issue 8
Work begins on Lake Munmorah shopping centre Woolworths was he first sod of soil was turned on Thursday, November 1, for the Planning Panel approved to allow Woolworths to the development of the start work within Tall still required to seek $20 million Woolworths Lake Munmorah shopping centre.
Wyong Council mayor Cr Doug Eaton said he was “delighted” that work had begun on the development following two years of liaison between Wyong Council and Woolworths. “The focus of this Council is on economic development and creating jobs for our residents and this development ticks every box. “Besides the 100 jobs during construction, there will be in excess of 150 retail related jobs upon completion. “The development also aligns with the North Wyong Structure Plan, which is the State Government’s regional strategy identifying the northern area of our Shire and will accommodate the majority of our region’s new greenfield development to 2031. “This new shopping centre will not only serve existing residents, but caters for planned growth in the area,” said Cr Eaton. The construction period for the new centre, located on the corner of Pacific Highway and Tall Timbers Rd, is expected to be around 12 months.
Woolworths is planning on opening the shopping centre, specialty shops, a Caltex Woolworths Petrol
site and medical centre by the end of next year. The Hunter and Central Coast Joint Regional
centre in September last year. In July, Council proposed to issue a Construction Certificate
Timbers Rd, meaning the development could get underway on land over which Council has control.
approval from the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) for works to be undertaken within the Pacific Highway road reserve. All issues have now been resolved and work is underway on delivering residents a brand new shopping centre and retail precinct. “We have worked hard as a Council with Woolworths to ensure we could do everything we can to get to this stage, when the soil could finally be turned for the start of construction,” Cr Eaton said. “By the end of next year, jobs will be created for people seeking full time and part time work as well as apprentices, and casual staff.” The official sod turning was attended by Member for Swansea Mr Garry Edwards, Cr Greg Best, Woolworths development manager Mr Lindsay Rowles, Lake Munmorah Precinct president Mr Stuart Durie and Mainbrace Builders business development director Mr Michael Witts. Media release, 1 Nov 2012 Wyong Council Media
(L-R) Lindsay Rowles, Greg Best, Garry Edwards, Michael Durie and Michael Witts
The Central Coast
Yau’s neat chipped pass. Sydney’s joy was short lived though as the Mariners struck back immediately through the consistent McGlinchey. Showing his class, the New Zealander dribbled past two would-be defenders on the right before driving the ball into the Sydney FC goal to send Central Coast 4-2 up. McGlinchey’s ripper was the beginning of a 10 minute goal frenzy. In the 62nd minute, Rogic found himself in front of an open goal after some fancy footwork, and made no mistake in slotting the ball home in front of a rapt Yellow Army. Eager to punish their rivals, McBreen added to his, and the Mariners’ tally, in the 65th and 67th minutes. McBreen’s second goal was a simple finish after the ball came off the upright following a well-worked Sterjovski shot, while his third was a brilliant header
after Rose sped down the left before crossing accurately into the box. McBreen’s hat-trick propelled him up the Hyundai A-League goalscoring chart on a historic night on the banks of the Brisbane Water. The hard-working, tough marksman ensured he took home the match ball post match. The triumph delighted Central Coast boss Graham Arnold. The former Qantas Socceroos mentor said he saw a strong performance coming at training on Thursday. “I felt that performance was coming on Thursday. “The way they trained Thursday was nearly the best I have seen since I have been at the Club and you could see the focus was there,” he said. “It’s a new system and still a work in progress. “I think that we can better in transition to attack. “We worked hard on that this week. “The way I tried to build our new system is always about our defensive structure and our defensive structure is always about transition to attack.” Arnold said he was also ecstatic for hat-trick hero McBreen. “It’s fantastic for Macca,” Arnold said. “We have changed his training loads and how we work with him because he is such a hard worker. “Even at training he gives 110% and he has been guilty himself of working that hard at training that when Saturday comes he is a little bit down. “We have lightened up the training loads enormously to keep his feet fresh and his mind fresh. “I think you can see he is
getting the rewards from it.” Central Coast Mariners play their next Hyundai A-League fixture away to Wellington Phoenix on Sunday, November 11, in New Zealand, before venturing to Melbourne to face Ange Postecoglou’s Victory in round seven. The team’s next home game is at Bluetongue Stadium on Sunday, November 25, against Brisbane Roar. Central Coast Mariners 7 (Rogic 16’, 62’, McBreen 39’ (pen), 65’, 67’, Ryall (OG) 30’, McGlinchey 56’) Sydney FC 2 (Yau 8’, Abbas 55’) Bluetongue Stadium, Gosford Central Coast Mariners: 1. Mathew Ryan (Gk), 2. Daniel McBreen, 3. Joshua Rose, 4. Pedj Bojic, 6. Patrick Zwaanswijk, 7. John Hutchinson (c), 14. Michael McGlinchey (12. Troy Hearfield 82’), 16. Trent Sainsbury (5. Zachary Anderson 85’), 17. Nick Montgomery, 21. Mile Sterjovski (9. Bernie Ibini 66’) Subs not used: 20. Justin Pasfield (Gk) Yellow cards: Sainsbury Red cards: Nil Sydney FC: 1. Ivan Necevski (Gk), 2. Sebastian Ryall, 7. Brett Emerton (c), 9. Paul Reid (24. Hagi Gligor 71’), 14. Mitchell Mallia, 18. Trent McClenahan, 19. Kruno Lovrek (12. Blake Powell 46’), 21. Yairo Yau, 22. Ali Abbas, 23. Rhyan Grant, 25. Daniel Petkovski (15. Terry McFlynn 46’) Subs not used: 20. Vedran Janjetovic (Gk) Yellow cards: McClenahan, Yau, Ryall Red cards: Nil Referee: Strebre Delovski Attendance: 15,686
November 15, 2012 - GRANDSTAND - P15
Young Socceroos qualify for FIFA U20 World Cup
by Adam Mark
he Qantas Young Socceroos team, in which Central Coast Mariner Hayden Morton was a squad member, has qualified for next year’s FIFA U20 World Cup in Turkey after winning the quarterfinals of the AFC U19 Championship against Jordan on Sunday, November 11.
The Young Socceroos got off to the perfect start with a goal in the 10th minute after Adam Taggart was fouled in the box by Monther Raja. Corey Gameiro stepped up to take the resulting penalty and placed his shot low and hard into the bottom right corner of the goal, past the Jordanian goal keeper Noureddin Bani Ateyah who had guessed the right way. Midway through the first half Jordan had a chance to equalise when Belal Qwaider found space inside the box, but Qantas Young Socceroos goal keeper Paul Izzo closed him down well and blocked the shot with his legs. Jordan continued to try their luck from range, shooting from outside the box, but none on target to trouble Izzo. Young Socceroos captain Curtis Good had a chance to extend his team’s lead in the 40th minute when he found himself unmarked at the far post in Terry Antonis’ corner but his header went marginally wide of the goal. Two minutes later Gameiro chanced his luck with a very long range shot
from about 35 yards out that just went over the cross-bar. The second half saw the Young Socceroos continue to apply the pressure with their possession based game. Adam Taggart seemed to have doubled the Young Socceroos lead in the 52nd minute when he broke free from his defender and tapped in from inside the box, but the referee and his assistant adjudged him to be offside and denied the goal. Taggart had another chance a minute later when he had a header from inside the box, but Bani Ateyah was well positioned to make an easy save. The Young Socceroos doubled their lead in the 55th minute when a cross from Antonis on the right found Gameiro on the left who dribbled into the box and expertly placed his shot inside the far post. The next 30 minutes were a tense affair with Jordan counter attacking at every opportunity putting plenty of pressure on the Young Socceroos’ defence. To their credit, the Young Socceroos maintained their discipline and composure and didn’t allow the Jordanians back into the match with any real goal scoring chances. In the 76th minute, Qantas Young Socceroos head coach Paul Okon brought on Ben Garuccio for Adam Taggart and four minutes later swapped Reece Caira for Mustafa Amini. Garuccio’s and Amini’s fresh legs helped re-vitalise the Young Socceroos for the remainder of the match
and it paid dividends in the 83rd minute when Amini played a perfect through ball to Gameiro who again went one-on-one with Bani Ateyah and found the back of the net to complete his hat-trick. Speaking after the match, Okon was ecstatic with the result and his team’s performance throughout the tournament. “It is an incredible feeling to qualify for the FIFA U20 World Cup,” said Okon. “As a group we have only been together for 30 days as 10 of the players are based in Europe and the UK and the remaining 13 are based in Australia. “The training camp in Portugal in October was the first time we had been together as a group. “From the first minute we got together in Portugal the players believed in their ability and the philosophy of the team and how we wanted to play. “Not only have we qualified for Turkey but we have also shown by our football that we have played that Australia is a very good footballing nation. “The match this evening was not easy, we always respect our opponents and this evening was no different where we had some difficult times against a good team like Jordan. “We will enjoy the victory and world cup qualification and then tomorrow we will focus on the semi-final where we will face a very tough opponent in Iraq and we will be doing everything possible to go on and try and win the tournament,” concluded Okon.
Match Details Qantas Young Socceroos 3 (Corey Gameiro 10’(pen)/55’/83’)
Jordan 0 Sunday 11 November 2012 Fujairah Stadium, Al Fujairah City, United Arab Emirates Referee: Faghani ALIREZA (I.R. IRAN) Assistant Referees: Abolfazli MOHAMMADREZA (I.R. IRAN) & Ramzan Saeed M A AL-NAEMI (QATAR) Fourth Official: Banjar Mohammed AL-DOSARI (QATAR) Crowd: 2,500 Qantas Young Socceroos line-up: 1.Paul IZZO (gk), 2. Joshua BRILLANTE 3.Connor CHAPMAN, 4.Curtis GOOD (c), 6.Reece CAIRA, 7.Corey GAMEIRO, 8.Terry ANTONIS, 9. Adam TAGGART, 14.Ryan WILLIAMS 15.Jason GERIA, 16.Jackson IRVINE. Substitutes Not Used: 10.Jamie MACLAREN, 11.Ryan EDWARDS, 12.Liam JACOB (gk) 13.Tom KING, 17.Hayden MORTON 18.Jack DUNCAN (gk) 19.Benjamin GARUCCIO 20.MuSTAFA AMINI 21.Mitchell OXBORROW, 22.David VRANKOVIC, 23.Travis COOPER Not Eligible: 5.Corey BROWN Yellow Cards: Corey Gameiro 51’, Adam Taggart 52’, Reece Caira 54’, Ben Garrucio 82’. Jordan line-up: 1.Noureddin Zaid Khaleel Bani ATEYAH (gk), 3.Mohannad Khair Alla ALSOULIMAN, 4.Amer Omar Mohammad ABUHUDIEAB, 6.Asem Sharaf Mahmoud ALQUDAH, 7.F.AWAD, 8.Laith Subhi Drzi ALBASHTAWI (20.K AL ABED 80’), 10.Moath Mahmoud Mohammad MOSLEH (9.Ahmad Mousa
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Ahmad ALESSAWI 58’), 14.Munther Yousef Raja HASAN (13.Saleh Ibrahim Ratib SALEH 54’), 17.Rajaei Ayed Fadel HASAN (C), 18.Omar Khalil Ismail AL HASANI, 23.Belal Ali Hussein Qwaider Substitutes Not Used: 2.Y RAED, 5.Yazan Suhil Mahmoud TANNOUS, 11.Mohammad Sameer Yousef ALAMLEH,
12.Yazeed Moien Hasan ABULAILA (gk), 15.Ali Yaser Ali AL RTHOOM, 16.Sameer Maher Raja SULEIMAN, 19.Ahmad Nawaf Abdel Aziz ISRAIWAH, 21.Feras Zeyad Yousef SHILBAYA, 22.Mohammad Zeyad Mahmoud ABUNABHAN (gk) Yellow Cards: Belal Ali Hussein Qwaider 63’, K AL ABED 84’
Mariners get new front-ofshirt sponsor by Central Coast Mariners media
entral Coast have confirmed that long-term major partner Mars Food Australia have increased their support of the Club by becoming the Mariners front-ofshirt sponsor with their Masterfoods brand for the 201213 Hyundai A-League season.
Mars Food Australia pledged their support to the Central Coast Mariners for the very first Hyundai A-League season and have been an integral and valued sponsor of the Club since. Directly employing over 300 local Central Coast people in a variety of roles, Mars Food’s state of the art factory is based just kilometres from the Mariners’ training and administrative headquarters in Tuggerah. Central Coast Mariners chairman Mr Peter Turnbull said Mars Food Australia’s decision to increase their sponsorship leading into the most anticipated Hyundai A-League season on record represents a major coup for the Club. “Mars Food Australia through their Masterfoods brand have been a principal major sponsor of the Central Coast Mariners since the Club’s foundation,” Mr Turnbull said. “We are understandably delighted and proud to have
a local, recognisable and wellestablished company on the front of our kits for the 2012-13 Hyundai A-League season. “We are coming off arguably our most successful season in history, and with the A-League currently experiencing unprecedented exposure and appeal, we envisage being able to achieve strong exposure for the Masterfoods brand this season.” Mars Food Australia’s chief financial officer Mr Andrew Poll said the Mariners’ unique culture and commitment to the community ensures the two organisations are a strong fit. “Mars Food Australia is a family owned business based on the Central Coast and we are passionate about helping Australians eat great tasting food that is good for them,” Mr Poll said. “We believe in the wellbeing benefits of bringing families and friends together to share a great meal, or in this case to watch the Mariners play great football at Central Coast Stadium. “When the Mariners first began, we saw a strong connection between our principles and the Clubs values and have supported them ever since. “We look forward to another successful year on the field and wish ‘Arnie’ (Graham Arnold) and the boys all the best for the upcoming 2012-13 season,” he said.
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P16 - GRANDSTAND - November 15, 2012
Rose Bowl returns after nine year absence
by Lesley Swales
entral Coast District Women Bowlers have broken a nine year drought and won back the Rose Bowl when they travelled to Heaton Birmingham Gardens Bowling Club on Friday, November 9.
Coast juniors win at Asquith by Michael Peck
Twenty-eight selected bowlers were greeted by Heaton Birmingham Gardens president Ms Jan Kyle and Newcastle district president Ms Helen Abbott. Each District had seven teams of four players with 21 ends to be played. The winners were determined by total aggregate shots. The final result was 156 shots to Central Coast and 142 shots to Newcastle. Central Coast won on five out of the seven rinks.
Judi Spano is Bateau Bay Minor Singles champion B by Betty Polson
Pam Bosden and Judi Spano
ateau Bay W o m e n ’ s Bowling Club (BBWBC) held the final of the Minor Singles competition on Thursday, November 1.
The final was between Pam Bosden and Judi Spano with Judi setting the first score to 4-0. Judi’s first bowl stopped inches from the jack, however, Pam proceeded with an on-shot for her second bowl and moved it. Judi also drew her second close to the jack, however, a measure by the umpire moved Pam to 8-11. An excellent game of draw bowls continued with Pam 21-19, 21-20. Judi took the lead with 2221, 26-22, 29-22, however, Pam then drew four which took her to 26. With a few wins Judi soon put the score to 30-26. The final end saw the umpire, Helen Lewis, having to measure for a win, and
Judi gained her single shot to win the Minor Singles 3126.
Calib Peck and Jacob Caswell
ateau Bay Bowling Club’s Calib Peck and Ettalong Bowling Club’s Jacob Caswell won the Asquith
Junior Pairs Carnival Division One on Sunday, October 7. They were the only team to win all of their four games to take out first place.
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Issue 43
Twin towers on Henry Parry Drive
October 23, 2012
An artist’s impression of the 12 storey building
The proposal, which would have a total area of 3,965 square metres, would see the demolition of the existing two storey flats on the site and the construction of a 12 storey building above
four levels of underground parking. The building would consist of 88 residential units comprising 11 one-bedroom units and 77 two-bedroom units, business and office
suites totalling an area of 1,467.8 square metres and car parking for 145 cars, 107 of which would be allocated to residents, 18 to visitors and 20 for commercial use. The initial application for
a residential flat building which was granted consent on May 2005, consisted of 105 residential units in eight storeys with two levels of car parking. A further application was then lodged on December 21, 2007. This was assessed against the Gosford City Centre Plan 2005, but had consideration to the provisions of Gosford
City Centre Plan 2007. On August 15, 2008, consent was granted to demolish the existing residential flat building and erect a new building that would contain a supermarket, medical centre, commercial floor space, 101 residential units and 328 car parking spaces in an 11 storey building above five levels of basement car parking.
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Issue 44
November 6, 2012
The present proposal was brought back to Council as a S96 application with further amendments that resulted in a reduction in the extent of excavation, commercial floor space and the number of residential units and car parking spaces. Planning report S96, 21 Feb 2012 Gosford Council
he Land and Environment Court has declared that the consent given by Gosford Council for an 800-seat meeting hall in Macdonalds Rd, Lisarow, was invalid.
The decision, which resulted from action taken by Lisarowraid Inc. was delivered on Friday, October 12. The development plans were approved in May of this year by Gosford Council despite recommendations for refusal by Council’s town planners on two occasions over the last two years. Both planning reports had concluded that the development was inappropriate for the area, with town planning principles highlighting that the proposed building and intended scale of usage were out of character for the area designated scenic protection rural (conservation). “Councillor approval not only ignored those two recommendations but dictated increased changes of rural streetscape with additional works including major road reconstruction of urban style, the removal of and threatened damage to trees, all compounded by heavier traffic in the area,” said Lisarowraid secretary Mr Stanley Crellin. “State planning law does not allow objectors to challenge such planning
decisions on ‘merit’ grounds, despite the community having clearly expressed major concern
that Lisarowraid Inc. commenced class four proceedings, challenging the validity of the consent.
plans of review are uncertain. “Council is armed with thorough and detailed reports from its officers recommending refusal, and we see no reason for the current councillors
flawed approval. “If the councillors are not inclined to act in accordance with their officers’ recommendations, we urge that they take advantage of this
The site for the proposed development
regarding impacts of the proposal, and reluctance of some then councillors to seriously address the issues. “Objectors can seek only ‘judicial review’, and it was for that reason
“The court, with Council and the developer’s agreement, accepted that the approval process was deeply flawed and declared the consent to be invalid. “At this stage Council’s
to move away from that recommendation. “Certainly Council could not feel comfortable, given the history of the application, simply acting to rubber-stamp the
opportunity to fully reconsider the proposal in accordance with council policies and law. “This mandates either allowing council officers to determine the application
under full delegation, accepting and acting in accordance with the officers’ recommendation or, should Council wish to act contrary to recommendation, seeking IDEP (Independent Development and Environment Panel) or external expert review. “It should be recognised that the ‘additional works’ that had been proposed were outside the parameters of the original proposal and therefore not accorded full and proper assessment. In seeking that approach, we acknowledge our current Council’s gracious readiness to accede to the decision of the court, and trust our further negotiations are met with an understanding of a constructive approach. “With a desire to protect environment and amenity for all, Lisarowraid Inc. appeals for continuing involvement and support from all who have seen this proposed development as a threat, not just to the immediate neighbourhood, but one that could easily be replicated in many other valued rural residential areas of our city of Gosford,” said Mr Crellin. Media release, 15 Oct 2012 Stanley Crellin, Lisarowraid Inc.
Your independent local newspaper
Ph: 4325 7369
Issue 45
Prime Minister opens community centre
Land and Environment Court overrules Council consent T
lanning is well underway for the commencement of major multimillion dollar residential and commercial buildings on the corner of 150 Henry Parry Dr and 7 Watt St which were approved on May 21 this year, following amendments to the proposal initially submitted in 2005.
Your independent local newspaper
October 9, 2012
Coast Shelter’s Vicki de Carle, Laurie Maher, Prime Minister Ms Julia Gillard, Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill, Gavin Shepherd, and Penny Williams of Coast Shelter
he new Laurie Maher Coast Community Centre in Gosford was officially opened on Friday, November 2.
The Coast Community Centre is a community partnership that involves government departments, welfare agencies, businesses, churches, schools and volunteers working together to provide support and meals to those in need. The facility enables peoples to connect, build friendships, feel part of their community and either obtain or provide assistance. The Centre provides access to a range of
support services and help to those doing it tough to maintain their tenancies and mortgages. Much of this assistance works towards what the Federal Government refers to as “turning off the tap” in addressing homelessness. It focuses on intervening early and providing a wide range of support to help people overcome their crises. The Coast Community Centre is an energy efficient building and includes solar
panels to reduce energy consumption and generate renewable energy credits to be fed back to the grid, a water tank to reuse rainwater for toilets and gardens, energy efficient air conditioning, energy saving lighting throughout the building, water saving showers for clients and a laundry fitted with energy and water efficient machines for clients. It provides five consultation offices to deliver services, a disability
lift, which will provide access to the restaurant, offices and meeting rooms from street level, administrative offices to manage Coast Shelter’s various programs, security-intercom system to provide added safety to volunteers serving meals, a large meeting and conference room available to community groups, computer and telephone networking and a 70 seat restaurant where free meals will be provided by volunteers. Services provided by Coast Shelter and other agencies include tenancy
advice and advocacy, No Interest Loans (NILS) for people on low incomes to purchase essential household items, free legal advice every Monday by Central Coast Community Legal Centre, regular visits from Centrelink community engagement officer, energy vouchers (EAPA) to help people having difficulty paying gas and-or electricity bills, pharmaceutical assistance to fill prescriptions for clients experiencing financial hardship, food hampers made up from donated items, Rentstart kiosk
providing a link to Housing NSW via fax and phone for rent assistance, shower and laundry facilities available every day, fresh towels, toiletries and clothes, free shampoo and haircuts every week, free podiatry checkups every three months, visits from Mobile Oral Health Van, assistance with furniture and whitegoods from donations and a Men’s Shed which operates Monday and Friday each week. Media release, 29 Oct 2012 Vicki de Carle, Coast Shelter
November 15, 2012 - GRANDSTAND - P17
Avoca Classic Lakes Anglican School draws international goes bowling bowling teams
by Bob Bourke
by Mark Rayner
he Avoca Beach Men’s Bowling Club played host to the Avoca Classic held from September 5 to 7.
The event, which was a two-bowl triples with eight games played over the three days, was contested by players from Australia, New Zealand and Fiji Prior to the start of play the Avoca Beach Men’s Bowling Club unfurled the number one Zone 15 Pennant Flag.
This Flag was won during the 2012 Pennant Season. This was the first time in the over 50 year history of the club that a number one Zone Pennant flag had been won. Sponsor of the pennant team, B-Mac Constructions’ director Dave MacMillan, proudly unfurled the flag on behalf of the Avoca Beach Bowlers. The Carnival, which was sponsored by the Wyong Leagues Club Group and Jacobs Creek Wines, was
organised by Dick Love from Avoca with the assistance of Dave Thomson. After the three days of battle between the 34 teams there were no eight game winners but one team did emerge from the pack with seven games and a handy margin to take first prize. Congratulations to the Composite team of Brett Pritchard (Skip) with Paul Harper (second) and Garry Macfadygen (Lead) picking up three thousand dollars of the overall prize money.
Umina win October Triples Carnival
by Ian Jarratt
wenty-two teams from across the Central Coast competed in Umina Beach Bowling Club’s October Triples Carnival.
The game was won by Umina team Ron Fitzgerald, Leila Gilmour and Fay Edwards, followed by Mal Dodds, Mark Speerin and
Lee Patterson also from Umina. In third place was The Entrance team Neil Pombari, J Todal and G Canobie. “With three games of two bowl triples over 12 ends, players needed to be on their game from the first end and this month proved no exception with some of the more fancied teams falling by the wayside during the
course of the afternoon,” said Umina Beach Bowling Club publicity officer Mr Ian Jarratt. Bendigo Bank Ettalong branch manager Mr Peter McKeon presented the winners with their prize money and advised that the bank was happy to continue to sponsor the monthly carnival.
Smo king Dra go n
he Lakes Anglican School in Warnervale is the first school to take advantage of an eight week instruction course in lawn bowls devised by Wyong Bowling Club coaches Carol McCleer, Arthur Barker and Bill Brook.
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morning at Wyong, the course is attended by 34 students from Lakes Anglican School who are taught the basics of lawn bowls. They are then split into teams to compete against each other. Coaches Arthur Barker and Carol McCleer would like to hear from other schools in the Wyong area with a view to offering the program and to assist
those who are interested in pursuing bowls outside of the program. Lakes Anglican teacher Darren Beecroft has identified at least six students who are keen to progress further in bowls. “The Wyong coaches have been fantastic and have shown the pupils a lot and an appreciation of what’s involved in lawn bowls,” said Mr Beecroft.
P18 - GRANDSTAND - November 15, 2012
Ahern and White win Pelican Pairs
Handicap Pairs Final at Umina
by Joyce Coopers
by Ian Jarratt
he Umina Beach Men’s Bowling Club Handicap Pairs Final was played by Lloyd Pakai and Rob Anderson against Paul Watson and
Mal Dodds with both leads playing their first final. The game was tight, with Dodds’ team having the upper hand for the majority of the game.
Rob and Lloyd managed to keep their cool to triumph over the last three ends and snatch victory by two shots, finishing with a score of 2321.
Terrigal win Pre Cup Triples
by Lorraine Murphy
he Pelican Pairs Carnival was held on November 12 and 13 with teams from all over the Central Coast competing.
Clubs competing were Avoca Beach, Bateau Bay, Belmont, Charlestown, Everglades, Gosford, Grandview, Halekulani,
Lemon Tree Passage, Stockton, Swansea, Tamworth, Terrigal, The Entrance, Umina, Valentine and Wyong. First place went to J Ahern and A White from Avoca on 24 points, 40 ends. Second was P Stephens and A Moxley from Stockton) with 20 points, 42 ends. Third was H Wurd and G Gannon from Charlestown
on 20 points, 41 ends. Fourth was K Croker and I Croker from Terrigal on 18 points and 42 ends. Fifth was S Grahame and J Hiron, a composite team from Bateau Bay and the Entrance, on 18 points, 39 ends. Sixth was J King and M Smith from Everglades on 16 points, 42 ends.
errigal Women’s Bowling Club held the Pre Cup Triples recently which was won by Terrigal team Phyl Stuart, Margaret Ardill and skipped by Mary Colley with three plus 57.
The format of play was three games of 11 ends and the prize money was distributed amongst the only three game winners on the day. Second place getters were Umina Beach team Sue Clarke, Yvonne Gordon and Dawn Burrows with only one shot the difference.
Third place was a composite team of Julia Silvia of Terrigal, Margaret Morris and Lesley Aarson from Avoca Beach on three plus 54. Fourth place was the only other three game winner comprising Elaine Gould, Julie Haigh and Lyn Kennedy on three plus 53.
Where do you get it? Following is a list of all good outlets on the Central Coast where you can get your free copy of Central Coast Grandstand Avoca Avoca Bowling Club Avoca Hotel Avoca Surf Club Bateau Bay Bateau Bay Bowling Club Bateau Bay Village Newsagent Shopping Centre Chemist Community Centre Golf Driving Range Bateau Bay Hotel PCYC Red Rooster Ten Pin Bowling The Entrance Leagues Club The Footy Shop The Men’s Shed McDonalds Bellevue Road Caltex Service Station FBI Swim Centre Budgewoi Budgewoi Hotel Budgewoi Soccer Club Halekulani Bowling Club Newsagent Service Station at Budgewoi shops Swim Centre Chittaway Chittaway Service Station Chittaway Tavern Davistown Davistown RSL Doyalson North BP Service Station
Caltex Service Station Doyalson Golf Driving Range Doyalson RSL Metro Service Station Shell Service Station East Gosford Gosford Sailing Club East Gosford Hotel East Gosford Olympic Pool Empire Bay Bottle Shop Empire Bay Real Estate Empire Bay Tavern Liberty Service Station Newsagency The Entrance Bowling Club Bowls Shop Centrelink Diggers RSL Newsagent Seven Eleven Service Station The Entrance Hotel Erina Erina Fair Library Erina Leagues Club Football Shop Erina Fair Information Centre Erina Fair Jacks Bar and Grill Organic plus Service Station Erina Mall Woodport Inn Singos Meats Erina Heights Glee Ettalong
Edge bike shop Ettalong Bowls Ettalong Physiotherapist Hotel Mantra Resort Newsagency Senior Citizens Club Ettalong Memorial Club Cinema Paridiso Forresters Beach Swingers Golf Driving Range Gorokan Caltex Service Station Charm Haven Indoor Sports Centre Northlakes Tavern Tunkuwalli Newsagency Sports Club Community Centre Lake Haven shopping Centre Fitness Centre Library Newsagency Wallarah Bay Club Gosford Central Coast Leagues Club Ducks Crossing Publications Gosford Bowling Club Gosford Council Gosford Court House Gosford Hospital main entry Gosford Hospital emergency Gosford Hotel Gosford Library Imperial Centre
Liquorland Littles Surf-Imperial Centre Mannings Sports Newsagent-Manns St Police Headquarters Tourism Information Centre Gwandalan Service StationKanangra Dr/Orana Rd Takeaway shop Orana Rd Gwandalan Bowling Club Kariong Kariong Liquor Shop Kariong Service Station Kariong Tavern Kariong Tourist information Centre Shell Service Station Kincumber Golf Range & Sports Club Gym Kincumber Hotel Kincumber Library Kincumber swim centres Killcare The Point Cafe Lake Munmorah Lake Munmorah Bowling Club Lisarow Lisarow Service Station Niagara Park Community Centre Niagara Park Library Niagara Park Tavern Long Jetty Caltex Service Station
Falcon Service Station Long Jetty Hotel Metro Service Station Newsagency Service station Squash Courts Mingara BP Service Station KFC McDonalds Mingara Sports Bar Recreation Club Subway Norah Head Norah head Bowling and Sports Club North Gosford North Gosford Private Hospital The Ultimate Brew Shop North Avoca General Store and Takeaway Ourimbah Department of Sport and Recreation Metro Service Station Newcastle University Ourimbah Campus Newsagent RSL Tall Timbers Hotel Terrigal Crown Plaza Hotel Gosford City Sports Stadium Terrigal Bowlo Terrigal Hotel Terrigal Surf Club Toukley Aquatic Centre Beachcomber Hotel
Canton Beach Bowling Club Newsagent Service Station Metro Toukley RSL Toowoon Bay Toowoon Bay Service Station Tuggerah Anytime Fitness BP Service Station Hogs Breath Hungry Jacks Lone Star Tavern McDonalds Metro Service Station Newsagents Rebel Sport Subway The Foot Locker Tuggerah Lakes Shelly Beach Golf Course Umina Caltex Sevice Station Library Ocean Beach Surf Shop Paws on the Coast Peninsula Village Shell Service Station Umina Bait & TackleUmina Bowling Club Umina Caravan Park Umina Hotel Umina Newsagency Umina Surf Shop Wamberal Newsagent Caltex Service Station Breakers Country Club Lotus Cafe The Green Room
The Village Emporium The Point Cafe West Gosford Anaconda Bait and Tackle Shop Bunning’s Warehouse Golf club Golf shop Golf range Gosford Tennis Centre Honda Bikes KTM Bikes Master Builders Association Newsagent Caltex Service Station Seven Eleven Service Station Show Ground West Gosford RSL Club Woy Woy Bay View Hotel Boulevard Pub Bourke road shop Campbells Hardware Courthouse Deepwater Plaza Liquorland Everglades Country club Peninsula Community Centre Peninsula Leisure Centre Shell Sevice Station Repco TAB Woy Woy bottle shop Woy Woy Bowling Club Woy Woy Hospital Woy Woy Leagues Club Woy Woy RTA
Ya Local Bait shop Wyoming Ten Pin Bowling Wyoming Fitness Centre Woolworths Service Station Wyoming shopping Centre Wyong Canteen TakeawayNorth Wyong Dam Hotel Golf Range Hotel Pacific Hwy/ Robley Lane KFC Newsagency - Village Central Oasis Youth Phyllus UP Service Station - Amy Close Service Station Wyong Rd Seven Eleven Service Station Subway-Village Central Wyong Bowls Club Wyong Council Wyong Hospital Wyong Hotel -Pacific Hwy/Church St Wyong Leagues Club Wyong Racecourse Wyong RSL Wyong Tennis Club Wyong Golf Course
If you would like your outlet added to this list please let us know - see contact details Page 2
November 15, 2012 - GRANDSTAND - P19
Coast representatives selected
Mixed results in junior rep cricket
by Aidan Cuddington
he U16 Central Coast District Cricket Association team went down by five wickets in a close game against Georges River over the weekend of November 10 and 11.
The U15s had their first win of the season over Georges River thanks to solid batting from Baker Denneman, Rhiley Carr and Oliver Thompson and three wickets to Shaun Byfield and two to Oliver Thompson. The U14s went down to North Shore by two runs.
Chasing 156, Jake Slee with 48 and Jordan Vilensky 23 couldn’t quite get the team home. Darcy Dunlop led the bowlers with three wickets. The U13s lost to Sutherland, despite a battling 53 from Nathan Doyle and 21 from Kyle Johnston. Jack Harris was the best of the bowlers with two for 39. The U12s continued their winning streak with a comfortable win over Fairfield Liverpool. Lachlan Bayliss (54) and Jeremy Belcher and Callum
Rainger (both with 48) led the batting to amass 7-233 and Fairfield gave up the chase with 5-86. Logan Humphries and John Connolly both took two wickets and Zach Peters followed up his four wickets against Penrith with one wicket. The U11s also had a comfortable win over Camden thanks to Jordan Liddle with 58, Jamal Shoaib with 39 and Jack Heuston’s 30. Brock Hardy took three and Joshua Watt took two wickets in Camden’s unsuccessful run chase.
Open Lisarow makes water 4th round of swim Country Cup at Umina
by Aidan Cuddington
by Sonny Hinwood
isarow Ourimbah Cricket Club has qualified for the fourth round of the SCG Country Cup after a low-scoring win over Mountains on Saturday, November 10.
oy Woy Swim Club will hold its second annual open water event at Umina Beach on Saturday, November 24.
After holding a successful Open Water event last year, Woy Woy Swim Club junior vice president Ms Sonny Hinwood said the club was confident that the number of entries should increase this year. “This is a major fund raising event for the Club and it is exciting to see increased interest in the annual open water meet,” said Ms Hinwood. The day will consist of a 400m swim that can be used as a practice for younger competitors. Other events on the day will include a 1km, 2km and a 5km swim.
Computer Guy
Lisarow set a target of 88, and lost seven wickets in achieving the required score of 30 overs in a 50 over game which coincided with
the local competition. Lisarow is hoping to emulate Kincumber’s performance last season when they made it through to the quarter finals. On Sunday, December 9, Lisarow will take on Helensburgh at Sohier Park with the winner progressing to the quarter finals which will be held on the Central Coast on December 27.
by Aiden Cuddington
he Central Coast team for the NSW Country Cricket Championships, to be held at Raymond Terrace from November 16 to 18, has been selected.
Scott Atkinson Mountains-Kariong
from was
past achievements. If you would like your sport, club, school or team included and have information and photographs, please send them to us for consideration. Contact details are on page 2.
selected as the team as captain, and fellow club mates Dave Mitchell and Ben Sunshine were also selected. Lisarow Ourimbah players Matt jones, Blair Lindsay, Ryan Fenning, Chris Archer and Scott Birkinshaw were also selected with Mitchell Coombes on standby.
Terrigal Matcham player Ryan James was selected along with Narara-Wyoming players Dane Hokin and Mark Smith. Kincumber Avoca player Dylan Robertson was selected, as was Umina’s Jordan O’Donnell.
Green Point beat Berowra in 20-20
by Michael Matthews
reen Point C h r i s t i a n College’s Senior Boys’ cricket team played a 20-20 game against Berowra on Thursday, October 18, and finished with a score of 9-112 to Berowra’s 6-68.
The team, which comprised Kade Ashton, Michael Carson, Tom Dufficy, Logan Jones, Isaac Read, Harry McDiarmid (c), Ben Francis, Harry Walker, Michael Houssenloge, Chad Shipton and Daniel Drennan, has moved into the second round of the knockout competition. Green Point batted first and found themselves reeling at 7-15 in the eighth over before a mighty fight back was staged by Harry Walker (45 n.o.) and Michael Houssenloge (14). Chad Shipton (7 n.o.) chipped in at the end and the team finished at 9-112.
Central Coast Sports History Central Coast Grandstand will include articles on the history of various sports on the Coast, with photographs where possible, subject to space available in each edition. Many of our readers have shown a great deal of interest in having historical information included in our papers and while sport is usually about here and now, we should not forget
There are no restrictions but we would prefer to start with material prior to 1970. Where appropriate and space permits, we will also try and use some of this material in our other newspapers.
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P20 - GRANDSTAND - November 15, 2012
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November 15, 2012 - GRANDSTAND - P21
Marlins win in Springfield
Marlins dominate Vikings at home
by Michael Ashton
entral Coast Marlins shut out Canterbury Vikings 4-0 in its State Baseball League clash at Baseball Park, Springfield, on Sunday, November 4.
Marlins were boosted by the return of Central Coast ex-Major Leaguer Chris Snelling, who returned to the line-up for the first time
since 2009. Paul Anderson started on the mound for the Marlins and cruised through his four innings of work without allowing a hit or walk and striking out four. It was the second inning that the marlins offence exploded, pounding out four runs off hits to Sam Brown, Pat Maat, Jason Rees and Tom Joughin. Canterbury’s pitchers
then settled down to minimise any other scoring opportunities for the Marlins. Geoff Brotherton had taken over the Marlins’ pitching duties, he threw the remainder of the match, giving up only three hits in five innings for the win. Chris Ings was the offensive standout, collecting four hits. Maat, Joughin and Rees all had two apiece.
by Michael Ashton
he Central Coast Marlins turned the tables with an offensive explosion with a dominating 16-1 victory against Canterbury Vikings in their first home game of the season at Wattanobbi Oval in Wyong on Wednesday, October 31.
The Marlins opened the scoring in the bottom of the first inning after consecutive
Marlins defeated by Ryde Hawks
doubles from Sam Brown and Dan Smith to lead 1-0. The Marlins scored again in the bottom of the second after a double to Tom O’Gorman who later scored on a hit to Todd Bowden. The Marlins continued to dominate offensively, scoring three runs in the bottom of the third capped off by a home run by O’Gorman which took the home sides lead out to 5-0. The marlins busted the game wide open in the fourth, plating four runs
taking the score out to 9-0. They then added another seven runs in the bottom of the fifth inning blowing the score out to 16-1 in a mercy rule performance. Meanwhile Marlins’ starting pitcher Kurt Eden kept the Vikings hitter off balance in a strong five inning pitching performance allowing just the lone run. Eden gave way two debutants, Kieran Johnson and Justin McFann, who closed out the remaining two innings.
Marlins lose at Blacktown
by Michael Ashton
by Michael Ashton
entral Coast Marlins were defeated 9-4 by the Ryde Hawks on Saturday, November 10, at ELS Hall in Ryde.
The Marlins started out the scoring in the top of the first inning when Jason Rees hit safely, stole second and was driven in by Chris Snelling. Ryde then countered in the bottom of the first, plating
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a run off marlins starting pitcher Paul Anderson. Anderson struggled to settle into his groove and Ryde came out swinging in the second innings, and with some hits and luck, jumped out to a 5-1 lead. Marlins continued to hit balls hard, but struggled to find the holes. They did have their chances offensively at times, however, failed to get the big hit when needed. Geoff Brotherton had
taken over the pitching duties, and in the sixth inning the Marlins scored a run to bring it to a 5-2 ball game. That was as close as the Marlins would get though, as Ryde then scored a further two runs off both Brotherton and reliever Scott Harrison. Pat Maat and Harrison were the offensive standouts with two hits each.
he Central Coast Marlins baseball team went down 7-3 in a tough loss to Macarthur Orioles on Wednesday, October 24, at Blacktown Olympic Sports Park.
The Orioles opened the scoring in the second inning plating two runs but the Marlins hit back in the top half of the third inning after a two-out hit from Sam Brown put the visitors within one run. The Orioles further added to their lead scoring five runs in the fourth inning after capitalising on some poor defence from the Marlins side taking their lead to 7-1. The Marlins had some great opportunities to get back into the contest but failed to convert their opportunities until the seventh inning when they added two runs with a two-out loaded bases hit that scored two taking the score to 7-3 where it would stay for the remainder of the match. Pat Maat was a standout offensively collecting four hits for the game.
Sports reports wanted If you’d like to see news on your sport in Central Coast Grandstand, then send it to us, with photographs if possible. See contact details Page 2
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On the Water
P22 - GRANDSTAND - November 15, 2012
Umina’s Braddish and Smith win Junior Ironperson
by Peter Talty
mina Beach Surf Life Saving Club members competed in the Kracka Junior Ironperson on Saturday, November 10, at Swansea.
Around 280 competitors from all over the east coast were greeted by cold winds
(Fort Denison)
LAT 33° 51’ S - LONG 151° 14’ E - TIME ZONE - 1000 Times and Heights(m) of high and low waters Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m) THU - 15 0217 - 0.27 0847 - 2.00 1525 - 0.08 2127 - 1.47
FRI - 16 0309 - 0.31 0939 - 1.99 1620 - 0.10 2223 - 1.43
SAT - 17 0402 - 0.37 1032 - 1.93 1716 - 0.16 2320 - 1.38
SUN - 18 0459 - 0.44 1127 - 1.83 1815 - 0.24
MON - 19 0020 - 1.34 0559 - 0.52 1223 - 1.71 1913 - 0.31 THU - 22 0326 - 1.37 0924 - 0.63 1531 - 1.38 2155 - 0.46 SUN - 25 0553 - 1.57 1223 - 0.51 1813 - 1.30
TUE - 20 0122 - 1.32 0703 - 0.58 1323 - 1.58 2011 - 0.38
WED - 21 0225 - 1.33 0813 - 0.62 1428 - 1.46 2105 - 0.43 SAT - 24 0509 - 1.50 1132 - 0.56 1725 - 1.30 2323 - 0.47 TUE - 27 0039 - 0.47 0709 - 1.67 1345 - 0.41 1936 - 1.30
WED - 28 0115 - 0.48 0745 - 1.71 1421 - 0.38 2014 - 1.31
FRI - 23 0420 - 1.43 1032 - 0.61 1631 - 1.33 2242 - 0.47 MON - 26 0002 - 0.47 0632 - 1.62 1306 - 0.45 1856 - 1.30 THU - 29 0149 - 0.49 0820 - 1.73 1457 - 0.36 2052 - 1.30
APPROX. TIME LAG AFTER FORT DENISON Ettalong 40 min, Rip Bridge 2hrs - Wisemans Ferry 2 hrs 30 min, Koolewong 2 hrs 10 min
In view of the variations caused by local conditions and meteorological effects, these times are approximate and must be considered as a guide only. They are not to be relied on for critical depth calculations for safe navigation. Actual times of High and Low Water may occur before or after the times indicated
and Lily Perry placed 15th in the U11s. Bronte Smith came in at 15th in the U12s and Kieran Braddish eighth in the U14s, Umina will be hosting the second round of the Newcastle Permanent Iron person series on Saturday, November 17.
Killcare SLSC gets three year sponsorship
Lachlan Braddish and Jemma Smith
and rough seas. As an indication of the tough conditions, the double iron man event took 30 minutes to complete. Winners from Umina were Lachlan Braddish in the U11s and Jemma Smith in the U14s. Kirsten Miller placed ninth
by Allan Wilson
illcare Surf Life Saving Club has received a three year sponsorship package from global commodities broking organisation, Tradition, which will amount to $12,000 per annum over three years.
Killcare Surf Life Saving Club president Ms Leah Fotofili said the sponsorship package was “fantastic news� as it would allow the club to establish development programs for the nippers and senior members. “We currently employ a professional board trainer who comes every Monday.
“This has been going so well and we have had a great response from our members, with attendance being consistently high at all sessions. “The younger ones, teenagers, have enthusiastically attended these sessions and train on the boards on additional days as well. “Pleasingly, all of this means that our members are upping their skill levels which, vitally, makes for a safer beach,� said Ms Fotofili. The sponsorship offer came about thanks to surf club member Julian Hofer who had been a business colleague of Tradition executive Adrian Bell.
“When Adrian recently purchased a home on the waterfront at Wagstaffe, Julian thought it could be an excellent opportunity to ask him if he would be interested in sponsoring the club,� Ms Fotofili said. “Adrian, had, in fact, hired the club for a conference, and obviously knew the facility, so it was timely for Julian to move in and explain in detail what the members’ activities amounted to, including the patrols and nippers program. “Consequently, Adrian went back to Tradition and secured for us this wonderful three year sponsorship,� she said.
November 15, 2012 - GRANDSTAND - P23
Ocean Beach rowing team win Swansea series by Therese Carroll
On the Water
Denise awarded NSW Life Membership
by Donna Wishart
cean Beach Surf Life Saving Club member Denise Lees was one of four Surf Life Saving NSW members who were recognised for a lifetime of volunteer service by being awarded Life Membership at the organisation’s annual meeting on Friday, November 2.
he Ocean Beach U19 boys rowing team competed in the Peters Surf Boat Series at Blacksmith’s Beach in Swansea on Sunday, October 28, winning all three of their races and coming out on top at the end of the day.
The team was using new oars for the first time in competition, which were provided through the sponsorship of Ugly Stik. “The boys are showing early in the season that they have what it takes to win the series,” said rowing assistant Therese Carroll.
The team will compete in upcoming events including Battle of the Boats, ASRL Open, Young Guns and the remainder of the Peters Series. They will also compete in the State Titles which will be held at Ocean Beach in March next year and the Aussie Titles held at Tugun
Beach in Queensland in April. The Ocean Beach Open Men’s A Team also performed well on Sunday and finished the day in first place. The U23 girls team finished third on the day in their first event for the season.
Denise has made both a distinguished and sustained contribution to Surf Life Saving NSW during her 35 year membership. She has worked tirelessly and continuously behind the scenes, particularly through her involvement with the junior activities section of the organisation and as a Surf Sports official for the Central Coast Branch. Denise’s commitment to the Central Coast Branch has been demonstrated through her position on the Board of Examiners as an official for 19 years.
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P24 - GRANDSTAND - November 15, 2012
Coasties in Sydney T-Ball Gala Day by Megan Morgan
oaches Brett Corrigan and Scott Murray ďŹ elded two U9s Coasties teams, Coasties Red and Coasties Green, to compete at the inaugural Sydney Blue Sox T-Ball Gala Day held at Blacktown International Sports Park on Sunday, October 21.
All teams play at least ďŹ ve 35 minute games with some of the playoff teams playing a total of six games on the day. The Coasties Red team, under the stewardship of Brett Corrigan, was 3-2 in the tournament losing 15-10 to Dapto Chiefs, defeating St Mary’s Saints 24-16, losing to Quaker’s Hill Sea Dogs 14-11, beating the Rangers 26-15, and then beating the Winston Hills team 20-16. “Every Coasties Red player hit at least one home run, some of them hitting four or more,â€? said Corrigan. “The team only just lost to
Winston Hills Warriors in the ďŹ rst semi-ďŹ nal after ďŹ nishing top of their group,â€? he said. Scott Murray’s Green team started slowly but the boys got back into it to show their experience. Rookie Tim O’Connor played his ďŹ rst ever Coasties tournament and showed promise as catcher and at bat. “Skill with the bat provided numerous home runs throughout the day and the boys all did well taking turns at all ďŹ eld positions,â€? said Murray. “They ďŹ nished the round games with only one loss, then went into semis against Warriors in a very exciting and close game to narrowly miss out on progressing through.â€? In total, 58 games were played over the course of the morning and afternoon, with 17 games decided by two runs or less. The event attracted 23 teams from across Sydney and the regions with over 1,700 people in attendance on the day.
120c Erina St, Gosford 2250 PO Box 1056
Peninsula Peninsul Peni P enin nsula nsul sula C ommunity Community y Access A ccess ss Edition 303
News Ne N ews ws Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
EE REE FRE FRE FR 29 October 2012
City keys for Liesl Tesch Paralympic gold medallist Liesl Tesch of Woy Woy was presented with the Keys to Gosford City by mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna on Wednesday, October 17, in a surprise ceremony at the Erina Leagues Club
NSW Central Coast
Liesl had been invited to address the Erina Chamber of Commerce at their monthly luncheon and said she was totally unaware that she would be awarded the Keys to the City. Mayor Cr McKinna said that the presentation of the Key to the City was kept secret. “We wanted this award to be a surprise for Liesl. “She has had a wonderful couple of years since beginning her sailing career and hopefully this can be the cherry on top of a very successful 2012. “Following her retirement from wheelchair basketball, she took up sailing in January 2011 and had a rapid rise to success. “Liesl placed third in the 2011 and 2012 World Championships and has taken out multiple
he ďŹ rst sod of soil was turned on Thursday, November 1, for the $20 million Woolworths Lake Munmorah shopping centre.
High voltage electricity to go underground Australia Ave, Umina. Under the proposal, the existing overhead 66kV transmission feeder main and a new high voltage 11kV cable would be placed
underground to improve reliability and switching in the network. When installed, the 11kV feeder would be underground from the Umina Zone Substation to the
existing underground development in Australia Ave. The project would also remove about 600 metres of overhead high voltage 11kV mains in the vicinity of McEvoy Ave, Bapaume Ave and Priestman Ave. The site of the easement is a drainage reserve and Council has agreed that the terms of the easement be drafted to allow for any underground works on the eastern side of the existing easement to allow for maximum widening of the drain on the western side should the need arise. According to Gosford Council’s director corporate services Mr Nic Pasternatsky, the surface drain is currently at its limit in containing peak ows and would need widening in the future to contain
additional ows and to allow for climate change impacts and possible rock lining. “It is recommended that the underground cable be laid as close as possible to the outer boundaries of the drainage reserve, which is the eastern side under the access track to allow for maximum widening of the drain on the western side,â€? Mr Pasternatsky stated in the report to Council. Ausgrid has advised that the cable would be laid on the eastern side of Lot 3 within the existing eight metre wide overhead easement which would leave approximately 22 metres from the property on the western side of the drainage reserve to the edge of the existing easement. Gosford Council agenda COR.106, 23 Oct 2012
THIS ISSUE contains 54 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info
Coast Shelter’s Vicki de Carle, Laurie Maher, Prime Minister Ms Julia Gillard, Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill, Gavin Shepherd, and Penny Williams of Coast Shelter
he new Laurie Maher Coast Community Centre in Gosford was ofďŹ cially opened on Friday, November 2.
The Coast Community Centre is a community partnership that involves government departments, welfare agencies, businesses, churches, schools and volunteers working together to provide support and meals to those in need. The facility enables peoples to connect, build friendships, feel part of their community and either obtain or provide assistance. The Centre provides access to a range of
support services and help to those doing it tough to maintain their tenancies and mortgages. Much of this assistance works towards what the Federal Government refers to as “turning off the tapâ€? in addressing homelessness. It focuses on intervening early and providing a wide range of support to help people overcome their crises. The Coast Community Centre is an energy efďŹ cient building and includes solar
panels to reduce energy consumption and generate renewable energy credits to be fed back to the grid, a water tank to reuse rainwater for toilets and gardens, energy efďŹ cient air conditioning, energy saving lighting throughout the building, water saving showers for clients and a laundry ďŹ tted with energy and water efďŹ cient machines for clients. It provides ďŹ ve consultation ofďŹ ces to deliver services, a disability
lift, which will provide access to the restaurant, ofďŹ ces and meeting rooms from street level, administrative ofďŹ ces to manage Coast Shelter’s various programs, security-intercom system to provide added safety to volunteers serving meals, a large meeting and conference room available to community groups, computer and telephone networking and a 70 seat restaurant where free meals will be provided by volunteers. Services provided by Coast Shelter and other agencies include tenancy
advice and advocacy, No Interest Loans (NILS) for people on low incomes to purchase essential household items, free legal advice every Monday by Central Coast Community Legal Centre, regular visits from Centrelink community engagement ofďŹ cer, energy vouchers (EAPA) to help people having difďŹ culty paying gas and-or electricity bills, pharmaceutical assistance to ďŹ ll prescriptions for clients experiencing ďŹ nancial hardship, food hampers made up from donated items, Rentstart kiosk
Issue 8
Work W kb begins i on L Lake k Munmorah shopping centre
community centre
Mayor McKinna and Key to the City recipient Liesl Tesch
Gosford Council has agreed to allow the installation of underground electricity cables in an existing electricity easement in
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369 Y
November 8, 2012
international World Cup meets with her partner Daniel Fitzgibbon in the SKUD 18 Class. “Her strive for Paralympic gold was achieved in London 2012, an effort that both Liesl and the entire Central Coast community should be proud of,� said Cr McKinna. “Liesl has had an international career across two sports, captaining the Australian Women’s Wheelchair Basketball team, picking up silver medals in Sydney and Athens as well as bronze in Beijing. “Her recent success on the water demonstrates her versatility and wide ranging skills as an elite athlete. “She is a fantastic representative of the Central Coast and role model within our community. “Her success at the highest level is the result of hard work and dedication and I hope this award can go some way to show how proud we are of Liesl,� he said. Media Release, 17 Oct 2012 Lawrie McKinna, Gosford Council
providing a link to Housing NSW via fax and phone for rent assistance, shower and laundry facilities available every day, fresh towels, toiletries and clothes, free shampoo and haircuts every week, free podiatry checkups every three months, visits from Mobile Oral Health Van, assistance with furniture and whitegoods from donations and a Men’s Shed which operates Monday and Friday each week. Media release, 29 Oct 2012 Vicki de Carle, Coast Shelter
The Peninsula
Wyong Council mayor Cr Doug Eaton said he was “delightedâ€? that work had begun on the development following two years of liaison between Wyong Council and Woolworths. “The focus of this Council is on economic development and creating jobs for our residents and this development ticks every box. “Besides the 100 jobs during construction, there will be in excess of 150 retail related jobs upon completion. “The development also aligns with the North Wyong Structure Plan, which is the State Government’s regional strategy identifying the northern area of our Shire and will accommodate the majority of our region’s new greenďŹ eld development to 2031. “This new shopping centre will not only serve existing residents, but caters for planned growth in the area,â€? said Cr Eaton. The construction period for the new centre, located on the corner of PaciďŹ c Highway and Tall Timbers Rd, is expected to be around 12 months.
Woolworths is planning on opening the shopping centre, specialty shops, a Caltex Woolworths Petrol
site and medical centre by the end of next year. The Hunter and Central Coast Joint Regional
Planning Panel approved the development of the centre in September last year. In July, Council proposed to issue a Construction CertiďŹ cate
to allow Woolworths to start work within Tall Timbers Rd, meaning the development could get underway on land over which Council has control.
Woolworths was still required to seek approval from the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) for works to be undertaken within the PaciďŹ c Highway road reserve. All issues have now been resolved and work is underway on delivering residents a brand new shopping centre and retail precinct. “We have worked hard as a Council with Woolworths to ensure we could do everything we can to get to this stage, when the soil could ďŹ nally be turned for the start of construction,â€? Cr Eaton said. “By the end of next year, jobs will be created for people seeking full time and part time work as well as apprentices, and casual staff.â€? The ofďŹ cial sod turning was attended by Member for Swansea Mr Garry Edwards, Cr Greg Best, Woolworths development manager Mr Lindsay Rowles, Lake Munmorah Precinct president Mr Stuart Durie and Mainbrace Builders business development director Mr Michael Witts. Media release, 1 Nov 2012 Wyong Council Media
(L-R) Lindsay Rowles, Greg Best, Garry Edwards, Michael Durie and Michael Witts
The Central Coast
Barbarians are the new champions of the Fitness First Central Coast Sevens after a comprehensive 41-17 victory over Sunnybank on Saturday, October 27. The Fijians ran riot over the defending champion to claim the $20,000 ďŹ rst prize, showing exceptional speed across the park to score several long-range tries. Filipo Nakosi, Setefano Rasekaia, Asaeli Vula and captain Pio Tuwai took the Nadi-based club out to 24-0 early doors but Sunnybank hit back with Junior LaloiďŹ also turning on the afterburners to score twice. Down 12-24 at haltime, LaloiďŹ very nearly went in again, however, a turnover led to a Nakosi try at the other end of the ďŹ eld and a comfortable 29-12 lead. Waisea Nacuga and Samu Saqiwa got in on the act for WestďŹ eld before LaloiďŹ was rewarded with his hat-trick. WestďŹ eld’s Maika Tuinasavusavu was named the MVP for the tournament. Despite the loss, it was an exceptional effort from Sunnybank who are also ďŹ elding a team in the Borneo Sevens this coming weekend and both ďŹ nalists will now head to the Fiji Coral Coast Sevens on November 15-17. Elsewhere, Samurai were too strong for Iconz winning the Plate 36-12, with NaďŹ Tuitavake and Pita Ah-Ki scoring twice, Island Breeze won the Boot (Bowl) 33-17 over Kwaussie and number eight All Stars took home the Shield 52-14 over Sid Vaka. Meanwhile, the Dragons Women tasted success with a 26-15 win over Parramatta.
The interstate affair was physical and energysapping and Sunnybank’s greater ďŹ tness saw them claim the $5000 ďŹ rst prize and the Jobs on the Coast Cup. Nareta Marsters and Tallisha Harden scored to give Sunnybank a 14-0 lead
before Patricia Raikadraka narrowed the gap to 14-5 at halftime. Unaiasi Biau opened the scoring in the second spell for Sunnybank but a nice break from Losa Fangupo made the score 21-10. When Kirby Sefo ran outside her marker and
sprinted to the line it was all over at 26-10 although Jasmine Sio had the ďŹ nal say for Parramatta. Sunnybank had scored three tries to beat Te Whanau 15-7 in their semi ďŹ nal while Parramatta also crossed three times as they beat Hunter 21-12.
Sunnybank’s Cheyenne Campbell was named the tournament’s MVP. Earlier, in the men’s semis WestďŹ eld beat fellow Fijians Nabua 19-10 after leading 14-10 at halftime and Sunnybank rallied from 0-10 down against Wardens to win their semi ďŹ nal 19-
match. Henry Taefu scored the try and kicked the winning conversion while Nigel Ah Wong and LaloiďŹ scored Sunnybanks’ other tries. Fijian internationals Alipate Ratini, Ilai Tinai and Joji Ragamate crossed for Wardens. WestďŹ eld had been untroubled in pool play with rising star Josua Tuisova scoring in every match, in contrast to Sunnybank who lost 15-21 to Island Breeze. However, Sunnybank went through to the semis courtesy of the bonus point they collected for ďŹ nishing within seven points while Island Breeze were left to rue the default to Central Coast for arriving late at the Morrie Breen Oval. The tournament featured 16 men’s and 12 women’s teams in the strongest ďŹ eld in the four-year history of the event. Other past or present international players on show included Orene Ai’i, David Raikuna, Kylem O’Donnell, Belgium Tuatagaloa and Iopu Iopu and Sosene Anesi (New Zealand), Waisale Beci (Fiji) and AJ Gilbert and Dan Yakapo (Australia). Australia coach Michael O’Connor was an interested spectator at the event. Results: Men’s Cup WestďŹ eld Barbarians 41 Sunnybank 17 Plate Samurai 36 Iconz 12 Boot (Bowl) Island Breeze 33 Kwaussie 17 Ball (Shield) No 8 All Stars 52 Sid Vaka 12 Women’s Cup Sunnybank 26 Parramatta 15 Plate La Pa Lovelies 27 ACT 24 Boot (Bowl) South Australia 46 Waverley 0 More Photos Pages 3 and 16
Photo: LookPro/Paul Barkley
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