Central Coast Grandstand 046

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January 24, 2013

Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369

Issue 046

Community recognises sportsmanship by Gosford Council Media

2013 Category Winners (L-R) Brad Cardis representing Avoca Beachside Markets (Community Event), Rebecca Bennett (Sport), Rhys Zorro (Youth), Gosford City Australia Day Committee chairman Cr Jim Macfadyen, Liesl Tesch (2013 Gosford City Citizen of the Year), Gosford mayor CrLawrie McKinna, Pauline Wright (Volunteer – Individual), Jason van Genderen (Arts, Culture and Entertainment) and Christine Lavers representing Umina Beach Surf Life Saving Club (Volunteer – Group)

he annual Gosford City Australia Day Community Awards ceremony was held at the Erina Centre on Saturday, January 19, which saw two local sportspeople and one local sporting o r g a n i s at i o n recognised.


Liesl Tesch was awarded Citizen of the Year for her contribution to the sporting sector while Rebecca Bennet was awarded the Sport award for achieving great results in her chosen field of physical culture. Umina Surf Life Saving Club won the Volunteer (group) award for providing crucial surf lifesaving services to the community for the past 53 years.

Mayor of Gosford Cr Lawrie McKinna congratulated all winners and nominees at this year’s event. “Nominees across all categories in this year’s Awards have worked hard for causes they believe in which have significantly contributed to our local community. “These Awards give us a chance to say thank you

for making Gosford City a better place to live and work and let them (the nominees) know their hard work and passion has not gone unnoticed,” said mayor Cr McKinna. Featuring young local performers and proceeded over by Gosford City Town Crier Mr Stephen Clarke as Master of Ceremonies, the Awards have become an integral event on the

Gosford City calendar. Australia Day Committee chairman Cr Jim Macfadyen said winners at this year’s Awards excelled in their respective fields. “Judging is always a difficult task for the Panel as so many people have done so much. “Winners of the 2013 Australia Day Community Awards have helped to enrich our community in a

number of ways and this is a small way the citizens of Gosford City can say thank you,” said Cr Macfadyen. Nominations for Sport were Rebecca Bennett, Liesl Tesch and Laura Vilensky and nominations for Volunteer (Group) were Peninsula Women’s Health Centre Volunteers, Matcham Public Hall and Umina Surf Life Saving Club.

P2 - GRANDSTAND - January 24, 2013


Your Directory of services, contacts and support groups C Emergency Ambulance, Police, Fire 000 Police Assistance Line 131 444 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Energy Australia 13 13 88 Gas Emergency 131 909 Gosford City Council 4325 8222 Marine Rescue NSW - Central Coast 4325 7929 SES - Storm and Flood Emergency 132 500

Accommodation Dept. of Housing Gosford 4323 5211 Dept. of Housing Wyong 4352 4400 Cassie4Youth 4322 3197 Coast Shelter 4324 7239 Pacific Link Com Housing 4324 7617 Rumbalara Youth Refuge 4325 7555 Samaritans Youth Services 4351 1922 Youth Angle • Woy Woy 4341 8830 Youth Accom Hotline 1800 424 830 Woy Woy Youth Cottage 4341 9027 Temporary Accommodation 1800 152 152 Donnison St. Restaurant 4325 3540 Gosford Family Support 4340 1585 Horizons Family Services 4333 5111 Meals on Wheels Gosford 4363 7111 Woy Woy 4341 6699 Tuggerah 4382 9444 Department of Community Services Gosford - 4336 2400 Wyong - 4352 6500 The Salvation Army 4325 5733 Samaritans Emergency Relief 4393 2450 St Vincent De Paul Society HELPLINE 4323 6081

Crisis Services and Helplines Lifeline - 24 hr. 13 11 14 Suicide Helpline 1800 191 919 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Parents Helpline 13 20 55 Indigenous Call Centre 136 380 Family Relationship Advice Line 1800 050 321 Family Drug Support 1300 368 186 G-line - Gambling Helpline 1800 633 635 Credit Helpline 1800 808 488 Child Support Agency 13 12 72 Australian Injury Helpline 1800 223 363 Veteran Affairs Network 1300 551 918 Mens Domestic Violence 1800 000 599

Community Access Edition 309

Legal & Financial Help Financial Counselling Service 4334 2304 Central Coast Legal Centre 4353 4988 Legal Aid Commission of NSW 1300 888 529 Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Service 4353 5515 NSW Aboriginal Legal Service 8842 8000 Consumer Credit Legal Centre 1800 808 488 NSW Ombudsman 1800 451 524 Community Justice Centre 1800 990 777 Family Law Court 1300 352 000 Law Access NSW 1300 888 529

Is it time to give your home a fresh new look? Would you love having an art piece that takes you and your guests on an amazing journey of the senses? Do your walls seem a bit bare or are your current pictures looking faded or dated?

Family and Relationships Parents Helpline 132 055 Centacare Gosford 4324 6403 Wyong 4352 1311 The Entrance 4382 9500 Gosford Family Support Service 4340 1099 Horizons (Families or single parents) 4333 5111 Interrelate - Family Relationships 1300 736 966 Uniting Care Burnside Wyong 4352 3222 Gosford 1800 067 967

Counselling Mensline - talk with a bloke 1300 789 978 Lifecare Family Services 1300 130 225 Centacare: 4324 6403 Relationship Australia: 1300 364 277 Interrelate: 1800 449 118


entral Coast Grandstand covers sports news on the Central Coast at all levels. It is published fortnightly and distributed to all clubs, taverns, shopping centres, libraries, service stations, sporting venues, newsagents, sport related retail outlets and anywhere else, from Morisset to Mooney Mooney, where large


This includes federal, state and local government sport news, academy and association news, club news, events, scoreboard, tides, school sport and anything relevant to sport on the Coast. It is a true newspaper and advertising content is restricted to a maximum of 40% of content. Contributions are welcomed.

Graphic Design: Justin Stanley Sales Manager: Val Bridge Sales: Sean Shanks - Peter Smith Charlie Burns - Steve Booth - Jo Turner - Shery Stinton

Deadline: February 5 Publication date: February 7 Contributions Letters to the editor and other contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to: Central Coast Grandstand PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250. Contributions should be in Word format sent via email to: mail@gosfordnews.org, on disks or by handwritten letter if these facilities are not available to you. Contributions must Include the date, your name, address and phone numbers. Name and Suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in edited form. ISSN 1839-9037 Printed by New Age Printing, Rydalmere



January 15, 2013

Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369

In preparation for the expected conditions a preemptive emergency, under section 44 of the Rural Fires Act, was declared for the Gosford Local Government area. The emergency declaration provided the incident management team with the ability to coordinate interagency resources and have access to support agency resources and funding if it was required. An Incident Management Team (IMT) was established at the Fire Control Centre at Kariong, representing the various coordination agencies. IMT’s are generally set up once an incident develops to

Liesl Tesch was awarded Citizen of the Year for her contribution to the sporting sector while Rebecca Bennet was awarded the Sport award for achieving great results in her chosen field of physical culture. Umina Surf Life Saving Club won the Volunteer (group) award for providing crucial surf lifesaving services to the community for the past 53 years.

Mayor of Gosford Cr Lawrie McKinna congratulated all winners and nominees at this year’s event. “Nominees across all categories in this year’s Awards have worked hard for causes they believe in which have significantly contributed to our local community. “These Awards give us a chance to say thank you

for making Gosford City a better place to live and work and let them (the nominees) know their hard work and passion has not gone unnoticed,” said mayor Cr McKinna. Featuring young local performers and proceeded over by Gosford City Town Crier Mr Stephen Clarke as Master of Ceremonies, the Awards have become an integral event on the

Gosford City calendar. Australia Day Committee chairman Cr Jim Macfadyen said winners at this year’s Awards excelled in their respective fields. “Judging is always a difficult task for the Panel as so many people have done so much. “Winners of the 2013 Australia Day Community Awards have helped to enrich our community in a

Issue 49

The strike team and catering personnel on standby over the weekend

a significant or major level. In this case, the weather conditions and fire activity across the State resulted in a pre-emptive IMT being established.

In addition, a Rural Fire Service strike team consisting of five heavy tankers and crew remained on standby at the Fire Control Centre for quick response.

Fire and Rescue NSW also had a Strike positioned on the Central Coast. These were in addition to the normal availability of fire crews.

Support crews, including communications personnel, catering, bulk water and aviation specialists were also placed on standby and assisted behind the scenes

to bolster the fire fighting capabilities. Fire spotting air craft was also deployed across the region in addition to the local trail bike squad doing their regular patrols. “The preparation and readiness of the fire fighters and support personnel ensured there was an immediate response capability to incidents on the Central Coast,” said NSW Rural Fire Service community safety officer Mr Rolf Poole. “Spot fires are likely to spread fires kilometres in front of the main fire front. “Accordingly, it is vital that fires are detected and reported as quickly as possible so that crews can respond immediately,” said Mr Poole. A similar approach was taken for the heat wave on Tuesday, January 8, with a pre-emptive emergency declared, however, the fire fighting resources were not required. Email, 14 Jan 2013 Rolf Poole, NSW Rural Fire Service

1462 homeless persons on the Coast

2013 Category Winners (L-R) Brad Cardis representing Avoca Beachside Markets (Community Event), Rebecca Bennett (Sport), Rhys Zorro (Youth), Gosford City Australia Day Committee chairman Cr Jim Macfadyen, Liesl Tesch (2013 Gosford City Citizen of the Year), Gosford mayor CrLawrie McKinna, Pauline Wright (Volunteer – Individual), Jason van Genderen (Arts, Culture and Entertainment) and Christine Lavers representing Umina Beach Surf Life Saving Club (Volunteer – Group)

he annual Gosford City Australia Day Community Awards ceremony was held at the Erina Centre on Saturday, January 19, which saw two local sportspeople and one local sporting organisation recognised.

Ph: 4325 7369

he NSW Rural Fire Service undertook a number of strategies on the Central Coast over the weekend of January 12 and 13 in preparation for expected heat wave conditions.

The Rawson Rd railway crossing




Council seeks comments on rail underpass plan bottom of Bulls Hill was adjusted to minimise impact to vegetation and the wetland in Correa Bay. Consultation with registered Aboriginal Interest Groups has also commenced with a report currently being prepared. Recommendations of the report will be considered in the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement. Concept road design has commenced with the first milestone reached for the project’s design development. Comments received from the community will be collated and reviewed by Council and the project team. Where possible, ideas and suggestions will be incorporated in to the design. Community Update, December 2012 Gosford Council

Your independent local newspaper

Pre-emptive emergency declared in Gosford LGA

Issue 046

by Gosford Council Media

The questionnaire asks questions such as what aspects of the project the person likes and dislikes and whether the person believed any modifications should be added to the project to improve it. The questionnaire is part of the continuing investigations being undertaken by Gosford Council with funding from the State Government. The project is aimed at addressing safety concerns at the existing level crossing at Rawson Rd. The proposed works extend for approximately 3.1km from the

February 5. To view the Tropical Gaze collection, visit www. tropicalgaze.com.au. The vouchers are not redeemable for cash and no change will be given. The winner of last edition’s Central Coast Grandstand Liam Burrows competition were Mrs D Mathews of Kanwal and Mr Ron Schofield of Erina.

Next Edition: Central Coast Grandstand 047

Gosford Hospital 4320 2111 Wyong Hospital 4394 8000 Cancer Hotline 131 120 Mental Health info Service 1300 794 991 Sexual Health @ Gosford Hospital 4320 2114 Beyond Blue (Depression) 1300 22 4636

Community recognises sportsmanship

intersection of Rawson Rd and Railway St, along Railway St and Nagari Rd, pass under the railway line, realignment of the Bulls Hill section of Woy Woy Rd and finish at the intersection of Banyo Close. The project is expected to benefit road and rail users with improved safety and efficiency. The design would be developed to minimise environmental and local heritage impacts and would integrate input from the community and other stakeholders. The majority of site investigations to develop the concept design have been completed. Such investigations included geotechnical works, environmental investigations and mapping for the Environmental Impact Statement. Subsequent to these investigations and following discussions with various stakeholders, the alignment of the proposed road upgrade near the

numbers of people are likely to be. A list of distribution points can be found on our website. 13,000 copies are printed and it is published and distributed every second Thursday. Central Coast Grandstand contains all sports news, senior, junior and school, where it relates to any part of the Central Coast.

Publisher: Cec Bucello Journalists: Kaitlin Watts Sub Editor: Lachlan Snell

21 January 2013

January 24, 2013

Gosford Council is seeking comments and opinions from the community on the Rawson Rd Railway Level Crossing Replacement Project in the form of a questionnaire.

You have the chance to make your room look stunning and feel invigorating. To win one of the two $75 gift vouchers, write your name, address and phone number on the back of an envelope and send to Central Coast Grandstand Tropical Gaze competition PO Box 1056, Gosford, NSW, 2250, by the close of business Tuesday,

G-Line Telephone Counsel 1800 633 635 Gamblers Anonymous 9564 1574 Alcoholics Anonymous 4323 3890 Narcotics Anonymous 4325 0524 Quitline 131 848

News Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

entral Coast Grandstand and Tropical Gaze are giving two readers the chance to win a $75 gift voucher to be used on any purchase from the Tropical Gaze website.

Problems, Habits & Addiction

Welfare Services


Sexual Assault Resource 1800 199 888 Gay and Lesbian Counselling 1800 184 527 Gay and Lesbian Support 1800 249 377 Youth Sexuality Network 4320 2856 Vietnam Veterans 1800 043 503 Victims Support Services 1800 633 063 Translation and Interpreting Service 13 14 50

chance to win


number of ways and this is a small way the citizens of Gosford City can say thank you,” said Cr Macfadyen. Nominations for Sport were Rebecca Bennett, Liesl Tesch and Laura Vilensky and nominations for Volunteer (Group) were Peninsula Women’s Health Centre Volunteers, Matcham Public Hall and Umina Surf Life Saving Club.

he Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has, for the first time, released a detailed Census report for the Central Coast on homelessness.

“There is still a need for further refinement of these figures, however, it is of great assistance to Central Coast Charities to allow us to better forward plan,” said Coast Shelter executive officer Mr Laurie Maher. “The very nature of homelessness means it will always be difficult to obtain exact figures.

“In this Census the ABS have made a genuine attempt to collect more accurate figures which is very helpful. “They have quite properly included people staying temporarily with other house holders, couch surfers, and those living in severely crowded dwellings in the total of 1,462 homeless persons on the Central Coast.

“While we accept that there is still the possibility of underestimation, it is great to have some hard data to assist with forward planning,” Maher stated. “With the help of our volunteers, other agencies and Government funding, Coast Shelter has been able to assist increasing numbers of our fellow citizens doing it tough,”

said Mr Maher. Compared to last financial year, Coast Shelter has been able to provide accommodation to 553 homeless persons compared to 490 persons in the year before. “We were able to provide other assistance to 1,983 persons to help them retain their accommodation, find other options or at least help them cope better with their homelessness. “From our new Coast

Community Centre, Coast Shelter is able to provide numerous services including legal advice, no interest loans, meals, showers, assistance with gas and electricity bills, tenancy advice and even haircuts and podiatry checkups,” Maher stated. “With the increased cost of living, higher rents and energy costs, more and more people are having trouble meeting every day expenses. “In winter, many families are forced to choose between

heating or eating, and unfortunately at Christmas time, it is a choice between gifts or food. “As a result of the wonderful generosity of the Central Coast community, Coast Shelter distributed special food hampers and gifts to make Christmas a little more enjoyable for families doing it tough,” said Maher. Media Release, 21 Dec 2012 Heidi Blyth, Coast Shelter

THIS ISSUE contains 43 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info

The Peninsula

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Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369

January 17, 2013

Issue 12

$30 million worth of developments approved in a week yong Council signed off on more than $30 million worth of development applications in the week leading up to Christmas.


Council’s development assessment manager Mr Peter Fryar said his team worked overtime in an effort to determine a range of applications. D e t e r m i n e d applications included an indoor recreation facility at North Wyong, a $14 million senior’s development at Hamlyn Terrace and the $5.1 million Lake Haven Mega Centre Development that is expected to create more than 100 local jobs. “It is a credit to the staff that they were able to determine a number of applications prior to Christmas that will certainly help to stimulate the local economy,” said Wyong Council mayor Cr Doug Eaton. “The steps Council is taking to attract

business and investment to the Shire are certainly starting to pay off. “We have been saying we are open for business here in Wyong Shire for quite a while and the number of applications that were determined prior to Christmas by our Development Assessment Unit proves this. “Council will continue to work very hard to make Wyong Shire an attractive place to relocate or set up a business. “Because with local development comes local jobs and we make no secret of that being one of our major focus areas,” said Cr Eaton. “These developments will create employment either directly upon completion or indirectly during the construction


stages. “For example, Council has long identified areas such as aged housing close to Wyong Hospital as a major market for development and employment. “The good news is there will be further development announcements that will create more local jobs coming very soon in both industrial developments and entertainment. “But to sign off on $30 million worth of development in one week is a clear indication of what we are starting to achieve here in Wyong Shire.

Artist’s impressions of the proposed indoor recreation facility at North Wyong

Media release, 15 Jan 2013 Wyong Council Media

The Central Coast

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Advertise in a Ducks Crossing publication for maximum exposure at a realistic price. Multiple booking and multiple publication discounts apply to all display advertisements. Enjoy the benefits of being in a well-read publication with relevant news content. Contact us now for more information or visit our website.

Office: 120c Erina Street, Gosford - Phone: 4325 7369 Fax: 4321 0940 - Mail: PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 - E-mail: editorial@duckscrossing.org - Website: www.duckscrossing.org


January 24, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P3

Rebecca Recognised


Tesch named Citizen of the Year

by Gosford Council Media

by Gosford Council Media

aralympic Gold Medallist Liesl Tesch was named 2013 Citizen of the Year for her contribution to the sporting sector in Gosford City and beyond.


Mayor of Gosford City, Councillor Lawrie McKinna with Rebecca Bennett

ebecca Bennett is a highly talented athlete who has achieved great results in her chosen field of physical culture.


Rebecca’s discipline and skill saw her place first in the Ladies National Titles in 2011 and place second in the 2012 Zone and National Novice Ladies category. Her exceptional

performances have helped to make her local club at Woy Woy the most successful club on the Central Coast and one of the most successful in the Country. She is an excellent role model for her peers at the Club, exhibiting dedication and a positive demeanour at all times which both motivates and inspires members of all ages to reach their goals.

“Liesl is a passionate and skilled sportsperson who has not only excelled in her own right but is also dedicated to helping others reach their potential,” said Australia Day Committee chairman Cr Jim Macfadyen. “Her determination and ‘have a go’ attitude exemplify what it means to be Australian and provide inspiration for us all to follow.” After becoming a paraplegic at the age of 19 following a bike accident, Liesl turned to wheelchair basketball. Two years after her accident, Liesl made her national debut at the Wheelchair Basketball World Championships and was consequently named World All-Star two years in a row.

Mayor of Gosford City, Councillor Lawrie McKinna with 2013 Gosford City Citizen of the Year Liesl Tesch and Gosford City Australia Day Committee chairman Cr Jim Macfadyen.

She has been described as one of the most positive and driven players on the Australian women’s wheelchair basketball team. She piloted the Gliders to silver medals at Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004 and bronze in Beijing 2008 and was invited to play professionally in a men’s team in Europe. In 2011, Liesl changed sports and took up sailing. Proving to be as adept at her new sport as she was at her old, the six-time paralympian joined forces

with Beijing sailing silver medallist Daniel Fitzgibbon. They won their first ever competition in the 2011 World Cup meet and took home bronze in the 2011 World Championships. To cap off her first year of sailing, both Liesl and Daniel were named the 2011 Australian Sailors of the Year with a Disability. Last year, Liesl went on to win gold at the London Paralympic Games. Never one to focus on the negative, Liesl said she believed she has been given the opportunity to

promote and encourage others to take an interest in wheelchair sports. She co-founded Sport Matters, a non-government organisation that believes everyone should have access and opportunity to participate in sport and physical activity in their community. She has also established several basketball clinics for wheelchair users in third world countries in an effort to see those who would not necessarily have the opportunity reach their potential.

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P4 - GRANDSTAND - January 24, 2013

Jason Annear League 7s

Umina SLSC wins Australia Day Award

erkeley Vale Rugby League and Sports Club will hold the inaugural Jason Annear Invitational Rugby League 7s Tournament on Saturday, January 26, in honour of the late Manly Sea Eagles player and former Berkeley Vale Junior.


The tournament will be held at Berkeley Vale Oval with a total of $7,000 in prize money to be won. Winners will take home $5,000 and runners up $1,000 with semi-finalists receiving $500. The teams participating are the Berkeley Vale Panthers, Manly Sea Eagles, Wyong Roos, The Entrance Tigers, Northern Lakes Warriors, Terrigal Sharks and Natural Talent (Moore Park, Sydney). “Jason was a Berkeley Vale Junior and played all his Junior League for the

by Gosford Council Media

by Shayne Hayne

he Umina Surf Life Saving Club has been providing crucial surf lifesaving services to the community for the past 53 years.


The Club has grown from its 10 founding members into over 890 members today with ages ranging from five to over 65 years. In the 2011-12 year, the Club’s 258 patrolling

Berkeley Vale Panthers before moving on to be a member of the Manly Sea Eagles Club where Jason played in the Toyota Cup U20s and the Manly Premier League side,” said Berkeley Vale Rugby League and Sports Club’s operations manager Mr Shayne Hayne.

“We are looking for as much support and promotion for this event as possible and there is no better way than to remember a great young Australian then to hold a sevens tournament in his honour on Australia Day,” said Mr Hayne.

members gave 7,137 hours of their time to patrol the beach with 138 rescues completed. In the same year, the Club was named the Central Coast Surf Life Saving Club of the Year and nominated for the NSW State Club of the Year award. The Umina SLSC recognises the positive impact that education in surf and lifesaving skills has on the community.

It has been responsible for shaping many of its members into becoming active, responsible citizens who utilise their skills to serve and protect those visiting Central Coast beaches. The Club also helps the community by sharing its knowledge and expertise with other community groups through regular training and education courses.

Marlins game washed out he Central Coast Marlins baseball game against Cronulla was washed out on Sunday, January 20.


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The Marlins currently sit fifth on the competition ladder. They played the MacArthur Orioles on Wednesday, January 23,

by Michael Ashton

at Blacktown International Sports Park but at the time Central Coast Grandstand went to press, no results were available.

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January 24, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P5


Matthews gets 7th Dan Black Belt in Tokyo

Richard Sharpe has Honourable Mention

by Ron Matthews

by Pete Acciari

hree Kido Mingara Judo Academy members who started a Kata training group last year, participated in the Oceania Judo Unions (OJU) Spring Kata Courses and Kata Championships in Sydney recently.


The students were taught five Katas (formal sequence of judo skills) comprising Goshin Jutsu No Kata, Katame No Kata, Nage No Kata and Ju No Kata. The seminar was well received with more than 70 participants filling both mats to capacity. The participants from Kido Mingara, Richard Sharpe, Vadim Butov and Garry Zimmerman, said they came away with a greater knowledge of the Kata. Instruction was given by three Kata Japanese eighth and seventh Dan experts from the Kodokan, the home of judo. “Their knowledge is without peer and we all look forward to the follow

up, as this instruction will be available every two years,” said Kido Mingara Judo Academy coach Pete Acciari. “It is essential for all judoka to learn and more importantly, understand the Kata as this provides perhaps the best means of understanding on the guiding principles of judo. “The climax was the OJU Kata Championships where the standard was very high and the judges were impressed, awarding Richard Sharpe with an Honourable Mention. “The start in January is equally challenging with lessons by visiting Japanese instructor Ysue Fujita, Junior World Champion and the technical advisor to the Italian National Judo Team, Master of European Union Judo, sixth Dan, Sandro Piccirillo. “Our players have much to learn and are learning from the best. “Kido will continue bringing top line instruction and international experts to the Coast,” said Acciari.

rina karate head instructor Ron Matthews has returned from Tokyo where he spent four days testing for his seventh Dan Black Belt with Grand Master Suzuki Seiko ninth Dan Japan Shitoryu Karatedo Seikokai.


He then travelled to Tokushima in Kokoku to compete in the all Japan Seikokai International Championships. After being defeated in the third rounds of the individual Kata (forms) and Kumit (fighting), Matthews entered the three man Team Kumite and gained third place after Japan and Canada. “Having gained my seventh Dan in Japan this would now make me the highest graded instructor of authentic Japanese Karate in Gosford and possibly the entire northern Coast,” said Matthews. “I am keen to pass on the things I have learnt from this trip to Japan when I resume teaching my regular Karate classes at Erina Fair on February 5.”

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P6 - GRANDSTAND - January 24, 2013

Fitzgerald returns to Mariners

Rogic signs with Celtic FC

by Central Coast Mariners media

by Central Coast Mariners Media

ttacking utility Nick Fitzgerald will play the next two Hyundai A-League seasons with the Central Coast Mariners after he agreed to re-join the club from Brisbane Roar.


Photo by ValsPix

eltic Football Club has confirmed the signing of Tomas Rogic on a four-anda-half year contract.


Subject to appropriate authorities approving Rogic’s work permit, the attacker will be officially transferred from Central Coast Mariners Football Club to the Glasgow giants. Rogic made 28 competitive appearances for the yellow and navy in just over 12 months on the Central Coast. The Canberra-born star scored five goals in 24 Hyundai A-League appearances for Graham Arnold’s team and also represented the Club in its second foray into Asia’s premier Club competition, the AFC Champions League. Moreover, Rogic earned his first four appearances for the Qantas Socceroos during his time with the Club. With the transfer edging closer to completion, Central

Coast Mariners chairman Mr Peter Turnbull said Rogic’s move to the Scottish powerhouse highlighted that the Mariners provided an elite environment for Australia’s top young football talents to flourish. “We are delighted with the news that Tom Rogic has agreed to personal terms with Celtic Football Club,” Turnbull said. “For us it is a proud day to have played a pivotal role in his development. “But Tom Rogic’s transfer to a Club of the magnitude of Celtic also underlines that we at the Mariners are developing talent exceptionally well. “The systems we have in place from youth development through to the first team under the astute guidance of Graham Arnold, who did a tremendous job with Tommy, provide the best opportunity in Australia for young players to take the next step in their careers. “Fundamentally, this is why we are the Club of choice for many of Australia’s

best young players, and we are confident our production line, and subsequently our first team, will continue to prosper. “Central Coast Mariners have now helped launch the international careers of a number of players in Asia and Europe, and we will continue working hard to ensure we can provide the right environment so more of Australia’s best young players can prosper at the Mariners. “Here they are our first priority,” said Mr Turnbull. Turnbull also thanked agent Lou Sticca for his assistance in facilitating the deal. “Lou was engaged to assist in the negotiation process with Celtic Football Club,” he said. “With the assistance of Lou, as well as constructive cooperation between Celtic, the Mariners and Tom’s management team, we have ensured all parties, and especially the player himself, are satisfied with the deal.”

Fitzgerald, 20, made one appearance for the Mariners in the 2009-10 A-League campaign, and is a former National Youth League player with the Central Coast. Having spent the past two seasons of Australia’s top flight in the Queensland capital, Fitzgerald said the time was right to commit to the yellow and navy in a bid to further his career under the guidance of Graham Arnold and his staff. “The most important thing for me is to be playing

regular, high quality football,” Fitzgerald said. “After some recent discussions with Graham Arnold, I am confident that I will be given that opportunity at the Mariners.” Fitzgerald was a regular contributor in Brisbane’s 2011-12 season, however, found game time somewhat harder to come by this campaign. Nevertheless, the attacking ace is rated as one of Australia’s emerging young stars and Arnold said he believed the Australian youth international would slot seamlessly into his squad. “With Nick, we know exactly what we are going to get,” Arnold said. “He is a player of enormous potential. “We believe we can help Nick take his game to the next level and for us he ticks

all of the boxes when we look to sign a player. “He’s a good, Australian kid with great ability, but perhaps more importantly he’s driven to succeed in his professional career.” Central Coast Mariners chairman Mr Peter Turnbull welcomed Fitzgerald back to the Club. “Everyone at the Mariners is excited that Nick Fitzgerald is coming back to the Club,” Turnbull said. “Undoubtedly he has learnt a lot in his time at Brisbane Roar under Ange Postecoglou, Rado Vidosic and Mike Mulvey, and we look forward to him wearing the Central Coast kit again next season under Graham Arnold. “We are always keen to give young Aussie players opportunities and Nick actually started with us, so it is good to get him home.”

Ibini takes on Jupiler League A

by Central Coast Mariners media

ttacker Bernie Ibini travelled to Belgium on Sunday, January 13, for a trial with Jupiler Pro League heavyweights Club Brugge.

Club Brugge extended the trial invitation to Ibini and the Mariners on Wednesday, January 9, and Ibini expressed his eagerness to explore the opportunity. The pacey Australian youth international missed the F3 Derby contest with Newcastle Jets at Bluetongue Stadium on Saturday, December 19, but is due to return prior to the Mariners’ round 18 meeting with Adelaide United. Ibini is under contract

with the Central Coast Mariners until the end of the

2013-14 Hyundai A-League campaign. Photo by Paul Barkley-LookPro

Bowls is all about enjoying the outdoors, having fun and enjoying the company of others. It is a friendly sport played by men and women of all ages and can be as social or as competitive as you wish to make it. Clubs offer an excellent range of facilities and will help you get started. You will be pleasantly surprised Clubs on the Central Coast – Avoca Beach, Bateau Bay, Davistown RSL, Diggers @ The Entrance, Ettalong Memorial, Everglades, Gosford City, Golden Hind, Gwandalan, Halekulani, Mingara, Mooney Mooney, Morisset, Munmorah United, Norah Head, Ourimbah-Lisarow RSL, Terrigal, The Entrance, Toukley District, Toukley RSL. Umina Beach, Wamberal, Woy Woy, Wyong, Wyong RSL

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P8 - GRANDSTAND - January 24, 2013

Mariners still unbeaten at home by Tyson Scott Photos: Look Pro www.lookpro.com.au

entral Coast Mariners and Newcastle Jets played out a 0-0 draw at a rain-soaked Bluetongue Stadium on Saturday, January 29.


The draw consolidated the Mariners position as Hyundai A-League leaders over second-placed Adelaide United who are three points adrift of top spot. The stalemate also ensured Graham Arnold’s team remained unbeaten at Gosford’s arena in season eight of Australia’s top flight. The gloomy conditions made it tough for both sides but it was debutant Anthony Caceres who had the first chance of the match, glancing his header at goal from a Pedj Bojic cross. Unfortunately for the yellow and navy, Caceres couldn’t find enough power to trouble Jets’ gloveman Mark Birighitti nine minutes in. Both teams found chances hard to come by in the first 45, however, Craig Goodwin managed a shot on target for Newcastle, while Oliver Bozanic struck a powerful shot a metre over the woodwork from long range. Jets’ striker Emile Heskey proved a handful in the box as he leapt above the pack on two occasions. Nevertheless, the former England international couldn’t direct either opportunity at goal. In the 36th minute, Jets’ skipper Ruben Zadkovich brought Daniel McBreen down. Zadkovich was already sitting on a yellow card after a tackle in the 27th minute and was lucky to escape with a lenient talking to from referee Alan Milliner. Michael McGlinchey

showcased some individual talent just five minutes later to craft himself the chance of the half and possibly the match as he broke down the right side, dancing past three defenders. McGlinchey shot from well inside the area but was denied by a leaping Birighitti who pulled off a one-handed save to keep the score level. On 44 minutes Joshua Brillante made Ryan work as he cannoned a powerful shot from distance at goal. The Mariners custodian reacted sharply to palm the ball over the crossbar. Much like the first stanza, both sides struggled to create many clear-cut opportunities to open the scoring after the break. A scuffle broke out after Joshua Mitchell received

a yellow card in the 65th minute for a bad tackle on Mariners substitute Nick Montgomery. Tempers started to flare and determined tackles from Trent Sainsbury, Mile Sterjovski and Scott Neville highlighted the derby spirit on display with just 20 minutes to play. Sainsbury produced a well-timed sliding challenge on Jets’ attacker Ryan Griffiths who would otherwise have found himself one-on-one with Mariners’ custodian Ryan with 10 minutes left. The Mariners probed the Jets down either flank as the minutes expired and just lacked the final, killer ball to put their northern foes to the sword. As the game wound

Mannings Sports

down both sides had setpiece opportunities in their respective attacking third of the field, however, execution let both teams down as the sides were forced to leave the pitch at full-time goalless. Central Coast Mariners assistant coach, Phil Moss, who stood in for the suspended Arnold for the clash, said the Mariners could be satisfied with their efforts in the 29th edition of the F3 Derby. “Arnie’s (Graham Arnold’s) philosophy since day one has been to keep clean sheets and to be hard to beat and be hard to break down, and I think we did well on that front tonight,” Moss said. “It was a scrap, it wasn’t the prettiest game of football. “I thought it could have gone either way, but our players’ determination to keep a clean sheet was fantastic tonight and the senior boys led by example.” Moss said his preparation for his first Hyundai A-League game at the helm of the Mariners was relatively routine thanks to how closely he, goalkeeping mentor John Crawley, and strength and conditioning coach Andrew Clark, work with the astute Arnold. “The defensive discipline and structures were in place. “The fight and determination not to give the game away had Graham Arnold written all over it,” he said. “I had great support from Arnie during the week and today during the day leading up to the game, and also from John Crawley and Andrew Clark. “As a staff we do a lot of things together, we think very similar, and we shared the load tonight so it was no problem,” said Moss. Arnold was suspended after he engaged in debate

with the referee during the first half the Mariners Round 16 match with Melbourne Victory. Arnold will return for the Mariners’ home match against Adelaide United on Friday, January 25. Central Coast Mariners: 1. Mathew Ryan (Gk), 2. Daniel McBreen, 3. Joshua Rose, 4. Pedj Bojic, 6. Patrick Zwaanswijk, 7. John Hutchinson (c), 11. Oliver Bozanic, 14. Michael McGlinchey, 16. Trent Sainsbury, 17. Anthony Caceres (17’ Montgomery 55’), 21. Mile Sterjovski (23. Adam Kwasnik 75’)’ Subs not used: 5. Zachary Anderson, 20.

Justin Pasfield (Gk) Yellow cards: Sterjovski Red cards: Nil Newcastle Jets: 2. Scott Neville, 4. Josh Mitchell, 7. James Brown, 8. Ruben Zadkovich (c), 9. Emile Heskey (17. James Virgili 61’), 11. Connor Chapman, 12. Joshua Brillante (16. Jobe Wheelhouse 89’), 13. Samuel Gallaway, 15. Craig Goodwin (26. Andrew Hoole 84’), 20. Mark Birighitti (Gk), 23. Ryan Griffiths Subs not used: 1. Ben Kennedy (Gk) Yellow cards: Zadkovich, Brown, Mitchell Red cards: Nil Attendance: 11,249 Referee: Alan Milliner


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January 24, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P9

Seven a Side football at Budgewoi

Hicken and Cahill are national Futsal champs

by Ray Sandell

he Central Coast chapter of Men of Football will hold its second Annual Seven a Side football competition at Budgewoi Soccer Club on Saturday,


March 23. “This year we will be adding an O50 competition to the current O35 and O45 competitions,” said Men of Football secretary Mr Ray Sandell. “The inaugural competition held at the


by Louise Hicken

same venue in March 2012, raised nearly $5,000 for the funds of the local charity, most of which was spent during 2012 assisting local talented junior players and former local football players and administrators in times of need,” said Mr Sandell.

Mariners to take part in Street Football

by Football Federation Australia media

entral Coast Mariners players are participating in The Big Issue Street Football Festival which was launched on Friday, January 18, in Sydney.


Between January 18 and 28, more than 1,000 football enthusiasts are expected to participate in the third annual festival, playing on a purpose-built floating pitch at Cockle Bay in Darling Harbour. Football Federation Australia (FFA) CEO Mr David Gallop has praised the format of the festival, which brings together elite players with those who are turning their lives around through the game. “FFA is a great advocate and community partner of The Big Issue’s Street Soccer program because we can see the difference playing football makes to people,” said Mr Gallop. “This festival showcases football’s enduring strength as an inclusive and accessible sport for all. “I’m delighted that our Hyundai A-League Clubs and the AIS have arranged an inaugural National Youth League tournament to be part of the festival for the That

Computer Guy


first time.” Recently retired national team legends Sarah Walsh and Thea Slatyer will lead a team including current Westfield Matildas star Servet Uzunlar. “I’m really excited to be involved with The Big Issue Street Football Festival and look forward to getting out on the floating pitch tomorrow to help launch what will no doubt be an excellent 11day festival,” said Walsh. “The Street Football Festival is a fantastic initiative and brings together disadvantaged men and women from all around the country; once again proving football’s power to unite people from all walks of life.”

The 11 day festival includes competitions for junior players, corporate and government agency teams, players from The Big Issue’s Community Street Soccer program and for the first time will include players from the Australian Institute of Sport, Brisbane Roar, Sydney FC, Western Sydney Wanderers, Central Coast Mariners and Melbourne Heart National Youth League teams. The festival is run by The Big Issue, a not-for-profit organisation that tackles homelessness through initiatives including a street magazine and a soccer program for disadvantaged men and women.

liver Hicken of Empire Bay and Matt Cahill of Green Point were the only two Central Coast boys to compete at the National Futsal Championships this month as part of the U12s NSW Futsal Representative team.


The team competed against state teams from across Australia and New Zealand. After four days of fast action games in over 45

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degree temperatures, the team beat NSW City North 5-2 in the grand final to become the Australian Futsal Association National Champions.

An offshoot of football, Futsal is a fast indoor game played with a heavier ball and is designed to improve technique and skill.

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P10 - GRANDSTAND - January 24, 2013


Eight times Bowler of the Year ttalong Memorial Bowling Club’s Aron Sherriff was named the Bowls Central Coast Bowler of the Year for 2012 at the Bowls Central Coast (BCC) presentation night held at The Bay Sports Club, Bateau Bay on the night of Thursday, January 17.


Ettalong bowlers took out the first four places with runner up going to Harley McDonald and third and fourth places going to Lee Trethowan and John Roberts respectively. The Bowler of the Year award, and the Wal Rainbow Shield that goes with it, is for success in winning Central Coast - Zone15 and Club championships during the year. Aron has now won this prestigious award a creditable eight times since first winning it in 2003. John Roberts was also presented with an award for being selected for the NSW Seniors Team.

Bowler of the Year runner-up, Harley McDonald, on left, with winner Aron Sherriff. A new innovation saw a 20 year Merit Award Merit Award to Ray Vetter asked Aron Sherriff to introduced this year which presented to Col Bray (Mingara). share with the delegates recognises officials who (Toukley Dist.), a 10 year During the Presentation and officials some of his BCC State experiences at the World have achieved outstanding Merit Award to Kevin Dring Ceremony Championships service to bowls in the Zone (Wamberal) and a five year Councillor, Kevin Dring Bowls

by Bob Bourke

held at Lockleys Bowling Club, South Australia from November 24 to December 9 where Aron won a gold medal skipping the Mens Fours, a silver medal in the Mens Pairs and a Gold Medal for being part of the most successful Mens Side “During the three weeks of the World titles I played 27 games over 14 days straight,” said Sherriff. “Every three or four nights we had a massage by a physiotherapist and we had to make sure we were well hydrated and ate proper meals. “I knew that to keep up my program at the World Titles I had to be fit, so I needed self-discipline to stick to my diet and exercise routine. “The result was I’ve lost 22kgs and my goal is to lose another 15kgs. “I set myself goals such as the next Commonwealth Games, plus I’ve got massive support from my family and my club Ettalong and I’ll keep trying to do my best for as long as I can,” said Sherriff.

Where do you get it? Following is a list of all good outlets on the Central Coast where you can get your free copy of Central Coast Grandstand Avoca Avoca Bowling Club Avoca Hotel Avoca Surf Club Bateau Bay Bateau Bay Bowling Club Bateau Bay Village Newsagent Shopping Centre Chemist Community Centre Golf Driving Range Bateau Bay Hotel PCYC Red Rooster Ten Pin Bowling The Entrance Leagues Club The Footy Shop The Men’s Shed McDonalds Bellevue Road Caltex Service Station FBI Swim Centre Budgewoi Budgewoi Hotel Budgewoi Soccer Club Halekulani Bowling Club Newsagent Service Station at Budgewoi shops Swim Centre Buff Point IGA Chittaway Chittaway Service Station Chittaway Tavern Davistown Davistown RSL Doyalson North BP Service Station

Caltex Service Station Doyalson Golf Driving Range Doyalson RSL Metro Service Station Shell Service Station East Gosford Gosford Sailing Club East Gosford Hotel East Gosford Olympic Pool Empire Bay Bottle Shop Empire Bay Real Estate Empire Bay Tavern Liberty Service Station Newsagency The Entrance Bowling Club Bowls Shop Centrelink Diggers RSL Newsagent Seven Eleven Service Station The Entrance Hotel Erina Erina Fair Library Erina Leagues Club Football Shop Erina Fair Information Centre Erina Fair Jacks Bar and Grill Organic plus Service Station Erina Mall Woodport Inn Singos Meats Erina Heights Glee Ettalong Edge bike shop

Ettalong Bowls Ettalong Physiotherapist Hotel Mantra Resort Newsagency Senior Citizens Club Ettalong Memorial Club Cinema Paridiso Forresters Beach Swingers Golf Driving Range Gorokan Caltex Service Station Charm Haven Indoor Sports Centre Northlakes Tavern Tunkuwalli Newsagency Sports Club Community Centre Lake Haven shopping Centre Fitness Centre Library Newsagency Wallarah Bay Club Gosford Central Coast Leagues Club Ducks Crossing Publications Gosford Bowling Club Gosford Council Gosford Court House Gosford Hospital main entry Gosford Hospital emergency Gosford Hotel Gosford Library Imperial Centre Liquorland Littles Surf-Imperial Centre

Mannings Sports Newsagent-Manns St Police Headquarters Tourism Information Centre Gwandalan Bowling Club Corner store Service StationKanangra Dr/Orana Rd Takeaway shop Orana Rd Kariong Kariong Liquor Shop Kariong Service Station Kariong Tavern Kariong Tourist information Centre Shell Service Station Kincumber Golf Range & Sports Club Gym Kincumber Hotel Kincumber Library Kincumber swim centres Killcare The Point Cafe Lake Munmorah Lake Munmorah Bowling Club Lisarow Lisarow Service Station Niagara Park Community Centre Niagara Park Library Niagara Park Tavern Long Jetty Caltex Service Station Falcon Service Station Long Jetty Hotel Metro Service Station Newsagency

Service station Squash Courts Mingara BP Service Station KFC McDonalds Mingara Sports Bar Recreation Club Subway Norah Head Norah head Bowling and Sports Club North Gosford North Gosford Private Hospital The Ultimate Brew Shop North Avoca General Store and Takeaway Ourimbah Department of Sport and Recreation Metro Service Station Newcastle University Ourimbah Campus Newsagent RSL Tall Timbers Hotel Summerland Point Tennis Club News agency Triple Lakes Real Estate office Terrigal Crown Plaza Hotel Gosford City Sports Stadium Terrigal Bowlo Terrigal Hotel Terrigal Surf Club Toukley Aquatic Centre Beachcomber Hotel

Canton Beach Bowling Club Newsagent Service Station Metro Toukley RSL Toowoon Bay Toowoon Bay Service Station Tuggerah Anytime Fitness BP Service Station Hogs Breath Hungry Jacks Lone Star Tavern McDonalds Metro Service Station Newsagents Rebel Sport Subway The Foot Locker Tuggerah Lakes Shelly Beach Golf Course Umina Caltex Sevice Station Library Ocean Beach Surf Shop Paws on the Coast Peninsula Village Shell Service Station Umina Bait & TackleUmina Bowling Club Umina Caravan Park Umina Hotel Umina Newsagency Umina Surf Shop Wamberal Newsagent Caltex Service Station Breakers Country Club Lotus Cafe The Green Room The Village Emporium

The Point Cafe West Gosford Anaconda Bait and Tackle Shop Bunning’s Warehouse Golf club Golf shop Golf range Gosford Tennis Centre Honda Bikes KTM Bikes Master Builders Association Newsagent Caltex Service Station Seven Eleven Service Station Show Ground West Gosford RSL Club Woy Woy Bay View Hotel Boulevard Pub Bourke road shop Campbells Hardware Courthouse Deepwater Plaza Liquorland Everglades Country club Peninsula Community Centre Peninsula Leisure Centre Shell Sevice Station Repco TAB Woy Woy bottle shop Woy Woy Bowling Club Woy Woy Hospital Woy Woy Leagues Club Woy Woy RTA Ya Local Bait shop

Wyoming Ten Pin Bowling Wyoming Fitness Centre Woolworths Service Station Wyoming shopping Centre Wyong Alberts Cafe Canteen TakeawayNorth Wyong Dam Hotel Golf Range Hotel Pacific Hwy/ Robley Lane KFC Newsagency - Village Central Oasis Youth Pizza in the Pan Phyllus UP Service Station - Amy Close Service Station - Wyong Rd Seven Eleven Service Station Subway-Village Central Wyong Bowls Club Wyong Council Wyong Hospital Wyong Hotel -Pacific Hwy/Church St Wyong Leagues Club Wyong Racecourse Wyong RSL Wyong Tennis Club Wyong Golf Course

If you would like your outlet added to this list please let us know - see contact details Page 2

January 24, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P11

Coast men’s bowls championships underway

so did The Entrance, gaining a match winning break of 2011 after 13 ends and going on to take out the Major Fours Championship title in convincing style 25-15. It was a significant victory for The Entrance team, winning their first Bowls Central Coast title and breaking the stranglehold that Ettalong Memorial has had on this title in recent years. The President Reserve Championship for Pennant Grade Five players and below attracted a strong field of 33 teams with the sectional knockout rounds hosted by Halekulani, Diggers, Umina Beach and Bateau Bay. The Entrance team of T Bridge, A Russ and F Fowler, skipped by R Whitfield

113 bowlers at club luncheon by Betty Polson

ateau Bay W o m e n ’ s Bowling Club held its end of year Christmas Luncheon on Thursday, December 6, which saw 113 bowlers in attendance.




provided by Emily Hamill as Shirley Temple and Val Freeburn as Marilyn Munroe who sang and danced in costumes made by Shirley Stanford. Father Christmas (John Huskstepp), and his helpers Elf (Sue Ryan) and Mrs Claus (Nancy Truran) then went from table to table

making sure everyone received a Christmas present. Twenty-two hampers were put together by vice president Rema Cremen with donations of goods bought in over many weeks by bowlers. “This is our main

fundraising effort each year and the money raised goes towards subsidising our members throughout the year at various functions and bowling events,” said Bateau Bay Women’s Bowling Club publicity officer Ms Betty Polson.

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won Section One while the Woy Woy combination of C Crawford, P Dunn, D Bowman and K Blake had a series of convincing wins to take out Section Two. Likewise J Perry, A Morris, F Prendergast and J Dowling of Wyong strung together solid wins to win Section Three as did the Wamberal team of T Hilliard, D Hooper, B Abrahams and P Morris to stitch up Section Four. The Entrance team had a big win over Woy Woy in their semifinal to move into the final as favorites against Wamberal who were in search of their Club’s first team Zone title. The final was played concurrently with the Major Open final and commenced in adverse weather

conditions. A half hour rain delay was called after eight ends with Wamberal leading 10-4. When play restarted Wamberal continued to grow in confidence and stature as the sky cleared and were playing like ultimate winners with a 10 shot break (16-6) after 14 ends. They sealed victory at 21-7 with two ends remaining. At the presentation after the game Wamberal skip Phillip Morris acknowledged the magnificent team effort and support of his players in registering such an outstanding win and it was Phil’s first championship title in the sport of bowls.

Woy Woy Roosters JRLFC 2013 rego days Date: Saturday 2nd February Who: 2012 Woy Woy players only Time: 2pm to 5pm Venue: Easts Woy Woy (Leagues Club)) Date: Sunday 10th February Who: All players Time: 11am to 3pm Venue: Easts Woy Woy (Leagues Club) Fees: U6 to U9's - $95-00 - U10 to U16's - $115-00 Fees cover / include: rego, all insurances, club polo, playing shorts and socks.

For more info please contact: Rachael Harrington - treasurer - 0418 230 304 rachael.harrington1@bigpond.com Melissa Moore - registrar - 0425 324 956 melissalmoore@optusnet.com.au


Foster, M Johnson, T Leslie and G Maier of Ettalong scraped home by just one shot over a strong Terrigal team to win Section Four. The semi-finals produced some top quality bowls with The Entrance and Ettalong Memorial winning their way into the coveted final. The final got under way in testing drizzly rain with Graham Maier’s Ettalong boys jumping out of the blocks to lead 6-1 after three ends. However, The Entrance combination under John Ellison with Mick Gibbons substituting for Graham Canobie, responding over the next four ends to lead 10-6 but then dropped a telling four for 10-all after eight ends. As the weather improved,

Community Access

The prestigious titles were played over two weekends under extreme weather conditions with the early rounds being played in sweltering heat wave conditions and the first half of the finals played at The Entrance in steady rain. Fifty two teams contested the Major Fours played over four sections hosted by

The Entrance and Ettalong Memorial Bowling Clubs. Section One was won by The Entrance combination of N Pombart, J Wilton, G Canobie and skipped by J Ellison. The Entrance knocked out Michael Stead’s Halekulani team who had earlier accounted for the tournament favorites from Ettalong skipped by the recent World Four’s Champion Aron Sherriff. Section Two was wrapped up by B Burland, G Dawson, R Spek and R Kelley from Munmorah United while W Smith, S Winslade, K Collins and P Villata from Halekulani had a close encounter against Avoca Beach to win Section Three. In another photo finish K

BCC Zone 15 Presidents Reserve Winners (L to R) Trevor Hilliard (lead), Darren Hooper (2nd), Brett Abrahams (3rd) & Phil Morris (skip) Wamberal Bowling Club

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eams from The Entrance and Wamberal Bowling Clubs were the first winners of Bowls Central Coast Championship Titles in 2013 when they won the Zone 15 Major Fours and the Presidents Reserve Fours titles respectively.


by Kevin Dring


BCC Zone 15 Major 4's Winners (L to R) John Ellison (skip), Michael Gibbons sub for Graeme Canobie (3rd), Joshua Wilton (2nd) & Neil Pombart




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P12 - GRANDSTAND - January 24, 2013

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January 24, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P13

Allan Denham moves to Wyong Race Club

by Wyong Council media

eading racehorse trainer Allan Denham has established 28 stables at Wyong Race Club after he relocated from Rosehill.


Denham, along with his late father Jack, trained horses such as Melbourne Cup winner Might and Power and Cox Plate winner Marscay. With funding support from Wyong Race Club, the $500,000 stables were quickly approved by Council, who realised the importance of having another Group I winning trainer based at Wyong. “Wyong race track is an integral part of Wyong Shire and we are working closely with the Race Club and looking at opportunities to develop the area,� mayor Cr Doug Eaton said. “We want Wyong to rival the likes of Randwick and Rosehill in the future and

to have people travel from all over the place to our big race days. “To have a trainer like Allan wanting to base himself at Wyong is a great coup and a boost to local employment. “It can only improve the reputation of Wyong Race Club and hopefully work to entice other notable trainers here in the future,â€? said mayor Cr Eaton. Denham, who resides at Dooralong, has described his new facilities as a “horse paradiseâ€?. The facility is not only equipped with modern stables but pools for horses, sand rolls and walkers. “It’s really a state-of-theart complex and I’d like to thank Wyong Race Club and Wyong Council for their assistance in helping to establish these stables,â€? Mr Denham said. “I travelled to Sydney for about 25 years and it’s nice to ďŹ nally be based at home and employ about 10 people

on my books. “It’s a great location because we’re only an hour away from Sydney and Newcastle and able to travel anywhere else in the state quite easily from here. “A win at a provincial track for me is just as good as a win at a metropolitan track. “It’s all a win for the owners,â€? he said. Wyong Race Club CEO Mr Tony Drew said Mr Denham joined fellow Group I trainers Kim Waugh, Stephen Farley and Tracey Bartley who also operate out of Wyong. “This is a very signiďŹ cant coup to have Allan now operating out of Wyong,â€? Mr Drew said. “I would like to thank the Council and Council staff for their support. “It’s been marvellous. “This all helps to ensure the Wyong Race Club becomes a real destination for trainers and the public.â€?


Marlins take out Cronulla in late comeback by Michael Ashton

he Central Coast Marlins ďŹ rst game of the year ended in dramatic fashion on Wednesday, January 16, with a come from behind walk-off victory against the Cronulla Sharks at Blacktown International Sports Park.


The Marlins took the lead early after a triple from Adam Howe was scored on an error from the Cronulla side. Cronulla hit back and took advantage of poor defence

from the Marlins, scoring three runs to take the lead. Cronulla scored two more runs to give them a stranglehold on the game with a score of 5-1 and the Marlins running out of innings. A change of pitcher saw the Marlins threaten without success. The Marlins were down to their ďŹ nal three outs, still trailing 5-1. Jake Phelps started the inning reaching on an error which was followed by a hit to Chris Ings and a hit by pitch to Adam Howe, loading the bases with nobody out. This gave the Marlins a

sniff of victory and Danny Smith started the scoring with a hit to score a run which was followed by a hit to Dan Smith, a sacriďŹ ce to Pat Maat. With the winning run now on second base, a walk to Michael Ashton once again loaded the bases for Tom O’Gorman who came up with the winning hit on his return from injury as Smith scored from second giving the Marlins a 6-5 walk-off win. Adam Howe was the stand-out for the Marlins offensively collecting three hits.

120c Erina St, Gosford 2250 PO Box 1056 Peninsula Peninsul Penin nsula n sula C ommunity Community mmunity Access Edition 308

News Ne N ews ws


Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

Houses make way for fast food store Demolition of houses in Ocean Beach Rd, Umina, has been completed in preparation for the construction of a fast food store.

NSW Central Coast


The work follows consent granted by Gosford Council in November. Construction of the new McDonald’s outlet is expected to begin in February and the store is expected to be operational midyear. “Whilst the development was the focus of much debate, the Chamber is of the view that national operators such as McDonald’s will bring substantial beneďŹ ts to the Umina Beach retail centre including the creation of over 100 part time and casual jobs for young people and the injection of over $1 million in wages into the local economy,â€? said Peninsula Chamber of Commerce president Mr Matthew Wales.

“With over 35 per cent youth unemployment, these jobs are vitally important for our local young people. “The construction process will also see over $3 million worth of capital investment with Central Coast ďŹ rms gaining contracts during the build program. “It is important to note that over the last few years nearly 350 local jobs have been created with the upgrading of the Coles Supermarket, the construction of the new Woolworths, the completion of the Aldi Supermarket, the looming opening of Bunnings on the corner of South St and McDonalds. “These anchor businesses create foot trafďŹ c, attract shoppers and create opportunities for small retailers to feed off the growing popularity of the Umina Beach retail centre,â€? said Mr Wales. Newsletter, 20 Dec 2012 Matthew Wales, Peninsula Chamber of Commerce

Man charged with identity theft A man has been charged with a number of identity theft offences after an investigation by Gosford detectives led to the execution of a search warrant at a Umina address on Wednesday, December 19. Police alleged a 49-year-old man obtained credit cards, personal loans and mortgages fraudulently. The total alleged value of the frauds was estimated to be in excess of $270,000, with alleged attempts to obtain a further $900,000. OfďŹ cers arrested the 49-year-old

man at the address. He was later charged with 14 offences including dishonestly obtain ďŹ nancial advantage by deception (nine counts), possess identify information to commit indictable offence, use false document to obtain ďŹ nancial advantage, make false statement to obtain ďŹ nancial advantage, publish false misleading material to obtain advantage and make false document to obtain ďŹ nancial advantage. Media Release, 19 Dec 2012 NSW Police

on the Central Coast over the weekend of January 12 and 13 in preparation for expected heat wave conditions.

Crime drops in past year The incidence of crime on the Peninsula has fallen over the last year, the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce has been told. Police Superintendent Danny Sullivan spoke of local crime statistics at a chamber meeting late last year. Chamber president Mr Matthew Wales said: “In a

refreshing exchange of views, the superintendent has said that crime statistics across the board have been lower over the last 12 months and that he is very pleased with his policing numbers. “Like the Chamber, he has acknowledged that the CCTV cameras in our town centres have made a big difference in reducing anti-social behaviour

and graffiti and boosted security. “He has also given a firm commitment to greater interaction between his office and the local business community so we are looking forward to seeing more of Superintendent Sullivan and his officers in the New Year,� said Mr Wales. Newsletter, 20 Dec 2012 Matthew Wales, Peninsula Chamber of Commerce

THIS ISSUE contains 30 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info

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January 17, 2013

In preparation for the expected conditions a preemptive emergency, under section 44 of the Rural Fires Act, was declared for the Gosford Local Government area. The emergency declaration provided the incident management team with the ability to coordinate interagency resources and have access to support agency resources and funding if it was required. An Incident Management Team (IMT) was established at the Fire Control Centre at Kariong, representing the various coordination agencies. IMT’s are generally set up once an incident develops to

The strike team and catering personnel on standby over the weekend

a signiďŹ cant or major level. In this case, the weather conditions and ďŹ re activity across the State resulted in a pre-emptive IMT being established.

In addition, a Rural Fire Service strike team consisting of ďŹ ve heavy tankers and crew remained on standby at the Fire Control Centre for quick response.

Fire and Rescue NSW also had a Strike positioned on the Central Coast. These were in addition to the normal availability of ďŹ re crews.

Support crews, including communications personnel, catering, bulk water and aviation specialists were also placed on standby and assisted behind the scenes

region in addition to the local trail bike squad doing their regular patrols. “The preparation and readiness of the ďŹ re ďŹ ghters and support personnel ensured there was an immediate response capability to incidents on the Central Coast,â€? said NSW Rural Fire Service community safety ofďŹ cer Mr Rolf Poole. “Spot ďŹ res are likely to spread ďŹ res kilometres in front of the main ďŹ re front. “Accordingly, it is vital that ďŹ res are detected and reported as quickly as possible so that crews can respond immediately,â€? said Mr Poole. A similar approach was taken for the heat wave on Tuesday, January 8, with a pre-emptive emergency declared, however, the ďŹ re ďŹ ghting resources were not required. Email, 14 Jan 2013 Rolf Poole, NSW Rural Fire Service

1462 homeless persons on the Coast T

he Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has, for the ďŹ rst time, released a detailed Census report for the Central Coast on homelessness.

“There is still a need for further reďŹ nement of these ďŹ gures, however, it is of great assistance to Central Coast Charities to allow us to better forward plan,â€? said Coast Shelter executive ofďŹ cer Mr Laurie Maher. “The very nature of homelessness means it will always be difďŹ cult to obtain exact ďŹ gures.

“In this Census the ABS have made a genuine attempt to collect more accurate ďŹ gures which is very helpful. “They have quite properly included people staying temporarily with other house holders, couch surfers, and those living in severely crowded dwellings in the total of 1,462 homeless persons on the Central Coast.

“While we accept that there is still the possibility of underestimation, it is great to have some hard data to assist with forward planning,� Maher stated. “With the help of our volunteers, other agencies and Government funding, Coast Shelter has been able to assist increasing numbers of our fellow citizens doing it tough,�

said Mr Maher. Compared to last ďŹ nancial year, Coast Shelter has been able to provide accommodation to 553 homeless persons compared to 490 persons in the year before. “We were able to provide other assistance to 1,983 persons to help them retain their accommodation, ďŹ nd other options or at least help them cope better with their homelessness. “From our new Coast

Community Centre, Coast Shelter is able to provide numerous services including legal advice, no interest loans, meals, showers, assistance with gas and electricity bills, tenancy advice and even haircuts and podiatry checkups,� Maher stated. “With the increased cost of living, higher rents and energy costs, more and more people are having trouble meeting every day expenses. “In winter, many families are forced to choose between

heating or eating, and unfortunately at Christmas time, it is a choice between gifts or food. “As a result of the wonderful generosity of the Central Coast community, Coast Shelter distributed special food hampers and gifts to make Christmas a little more enjoyable for families doing it tough,� said Maher. Media Release, 21 Dec 2012 Heidi Blyth, Coast Shelter

The Peninsula

Issue 12

$30 million worth of developments approved in a week yong Council signed off on more than $30 million worth of development applications in the week leading up to Christmas.


Council’s development assessment manager Mr Peter Fryar said his team worked overtime in an effort to determine a range of applications. D e t e r m i n e d applications included an indoor recreation facility at North Wyong, a $14 million senior’s development at Hamlyn Terrace and the $5.1 million Lake Haven Mega Centre Development that is expected to create more than 100 local jobs. “It is a credit to the staff that they were able to determine a number of applications prior to Christmas that will certainly help to stimulate the local economy,� said Wyong Council mayor Cr Doug Eaton. “The steps Council is taking to attract

business and investment to the Shire are certainly starting to pay off. “We have been saying we are open for business here in Wyong Shire for quite a while and the number of applications that were determined prior to Christmas by our Development Assessment Unit proves this. “Council will continue to work very hard to make Wyong Shire an attractive place to relocate or set up a business. “Because with local development comes local jobs and we make no secret of that being one of our major focus areas,� said Cr Eaton. “These developments will create employment either directly upon completion or indirectly during the construction


stages. “For example, Council has long identiďŹ ed areas such as aged housing close to Wyong Hospital as a major market for development and employment. “The good news is there will be further development announcements that will create more local jobs coming very soon in both industrial developments and entertainment. “But to sign off on $30 million worth of development in one week is a clear indication of what we are starting to achieve here in Wyong Shire.

Artist’s impressions of the proposed indoor recreation facility at North Wyong

Media release, 15 Jan 2013 Wyong Council Media

The Central Coast

by Central Coast Mariners media Photo: Geoff Turner

brace from Daniel McBreen on his return from suspension secured the Central Coast Mariners with three vital Hyundai A-League points against Western Sydney Wanderers on Sunday, January 6.


McBreen netted in the 41st minute and again deep into added time nearing the end of the contest to ensure Graham Arnold’s men consolidated their place atop the A-League standings with a 2-0 triumph. Parramatta Stadium was packed with 16,387 vociferous fans for the early evening kick-off and the two teams didn’t disappoint the masses, putting on a superb show of attacking and enterprising football despite the hot conditions. The ďŹ rst 45 provided enthralling action for the strong crowd to savour, with the ďŹ rst shot of the game coming from the boot of Jason TriďŹ ro. TriďŹ ro was later sent off for picking up two yellow cards. McBreen and Pedj Bojic both missed the target with difďŹ cult chances soon after before Japanese creative Shinji Ono nearly crafted an opportunity for Joey Gibbs with an incisive pass from the right side. Ono’s delightful delivery just missed the onrushing Gibbs in the Mariners’ penalty box. Wearing the captain’s

armband for the second match in a row, Michael McGlinchey was looking dangerous for the yellow and navy and the New Zealand international midďŹ elder nearly handed his team the lead in the 37th minute. After breaking down the right, McGlinchey cracked a shot from the edge of the area centimetres past Ante Covic’s right post. Just four minutes later, the competition’s top goalgetter, McBreen, ďŹ red home his 11th goal of the campaign. Combining intelligently with Adam Kwasnik, McBreen weaved his way through the Wanderers’ defence before sending a clinical ďŹ nish beyond Covic.

Tony Popovic’s team returned from the sheds after the interval clearly motivated to prove themselves against the A-League’s top-placed team and, to their credit, the home side managed to make a number of forays into the Mariners’ ďŹ nal third. Ono went close just ďŹ ve minutes after the restart, his ferocious effort from close range blocked away by the perfectly position Bojic on the goal line. But the men from ‘Wanderland’ were reduced to 10 in the 54th minute when referee Chris Beath sent TriďŹ ro for an early bath following a dangerous foul on Nick Montgomery, making their task of overturning the one-goal deďŹ cit a more

difďŹ cult proposition. Arnold introduced Bernie Ibini into the match for Kwasnik with 30 minutes remaining and instantly Ibini nearly helped Central Coast double their advantage. Ibini’s endeavour helped fashion a chance for McBreen, however, the former Falkirk striker’s shot was deected away for a corner. The game was beginning to stretch considerably with Wanderers hunting for an equaliser and Arnold’s team seeking to punish the red and blacks for sending too many men forward. Despite creating a series of half chances to restore parity to the clash, Popovic’s men couldn’t manage to

force Coast custodian Mathew Ryan into a save of any remarkable note, with their ďŹ nishing in front of the red and black bloc letting them down. Deep into injury time, McBreen made the most of an opportunity that fell kindly into his path, sending a curling left foot shot beyond a Covic for his 12th goal of what is proving to be a remarkable season for the 35-year-old. The victory over Wanderers consolidated Central Coast’s place atop the Hyundai A-League table, generating a four-point buffer over second-placed Adelaide United. Central Coast Mariners play their next match

away to Melbourne Victory on Saturday, January 112, at Aurora Stadium, Launceston. The team returns to Bluetongue Stadium on Saturday, January 19, against Newcastle Jets. Western Sydney Wanderers 0 Central Coast Mariners 2 (McBreen 41’, 90+5’) Parramatta Stadium, Parramatta Western Sydney Wanderers: 1. Ante Covic (Gk), 2. Shannon Cole (15. Reece Caira 80’), 4. Nikolai Topor-Stanley (c), 6. Jerome Polenz, 10. Aaron Mooy, 13. Joseph Gibbs (7. Labinot Haliti 67’), 14. Kwabena Appiah-Kubi (11. Tarek Elrich 67’), 18. Iacopo La Rocca, 19. Mark Bridge, 21. Shinji Ono, 23. Jason TriďŹ ro Substitutes not used: 20. Jerrad Tyson (Gk) Yellow cards: Polenz, TriďŹ ro x2, La Rocca Red cards: TriďŹ ro Central Coast Mariners: 1. Mathew Ryan (Gk), 2. Daniel McBreen, 3. Joshua Rose, 4. Pedj Bojic, 5. Zachary Anderson, 11. Oliver Bozanic (13. Brent GrifďŹ ths 90’), 14. Michael McGlinchey (c), 16. Trent Sainsbury, 18. Nick Montgomery (7. John Hutchinson 75’), 21. Mile Sterjovski, 23. Adam Kwasnik (9. Bernie Ibini 62’) Substitutes not used: 20. Justin PasďŹ eld (Gk) Yellow cards: Sainsbury, Bojic, Montgomery Red cards: Nil Attendance: 16,387 Referee: Chris Beath

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P14 - GRANDSTAND - January 24, 2013

On The Water

Radio yacht Australian Titles

by Marilyn Russell

Woy Woy swimmers succeed at State event

by Sonny Hinwood

oy Woy Swim Club has started the year on a high with great results at the Stage Age Swimming Championships held at Sydney Aquatic Centre, Homebush.


(inset) - Phil Page, Mark Paterson, Phillip PagePhoto: Marilyn Russell

he Australian Titles for radio yachting were held


at Emerald Lakes on the Gold Coast, Queensland, from

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January 7 to 19. The local Northern Mariners club was well represented with skippers entering in all four classes. Phil Page from Umina placed second in both the 10 rater class and the Marblehead class, while Frank Russell, also from Umina, came third in the 10 rater class. In the 10 Rater class, Phil led the series up until the last day when Scott Condie from Kogarah Bay Club in Sydney took the lead leaving Mr Page in second place. Frank held third place throughout the three days, slipping briefly to fourth place on the final day, but managing to regain third place on the last race. Five out of the six Northern Mariners Skippers placed in the top 10 for the state. The Marblehead class was held from January 13 to 15. The results of day three showed a tie for second place, with Phil winning by a count back of placings throughout the series. Frank took the opportunity to check out many of his designed boats currently in production while at the nationals and said he was very impressed with their performances. It has been a very successful year for Frank’s

newly designed boats with two new designs released last year in the IOM class and further releases due this year for both the Marblehead and IOM classes. Northern Mariners sail on the second and fourth Saturday of each month at Mount Penang Dam, Kariong.

The first event was the NSW Stage Age Championships for 10 to 12 years held on January 5 and 6. Woy Woy Swim Club was represented by Lachlan Braddish, Myles Bailey, Corey Kerr, Charlie Polson, Regan Champley, Olivia McParlane, Jasmine Darwin and Kaylah Holmes who swam a total of 37 events between them. The majority of their swims were personal bests with some Top 10 finishes. Stand out performer was Myles who came first in the 200 metre backstroke, second in the 100 metre freestyle, second in the 100 metre backstroke and third

in the 50 metre freestyle. Another highlight was the Girls U10 four by 50 metre freestyle relay, consisting of Kaylah Holmes, Tasha Oberlander, Josie Burraston and Jade Vadala. The girls finished ninth in the State in a strongly contested event, three of them at their first NSW Championships. The following week saw the NSW Stage Age Championships for 13 to 18 years held from January 8 to 13. The Club was represented by Rachel Wood, Laura Ghali, Mimi Henderson, Ethan Dodd and Sienna Inglis. Highlights were Rachel who came third in the 200 metre freestyle, second in the 400 metre freestyle and second in the 800 metre freestyle. A string of personal best times and Top 10 finishes rounded off what proved to be a successful month for the club.


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January 24, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P15

On The Water

Killcare wins branch masters

Largest annual competitor event in Australia set for the Coast

by Allan Wilson

by Kaitlin Watts

he largest annual competitor event in Australia will be held at Umina Beach and Ocean Beach from Friday, March 1, to Sunday, March 10.


The NSW State Surf Lifesaving Championships, which will also be held at Umina and Ocean Beach next year, is expected to attract over 4,000 junior participants, 5,000 open – masters competitors, 600 officials and 15,000 spectators. The Championships are open to all Surf Life Saving members Australia wide and is the third largest competitor event held in Australia, second to the Olympics and the Commonwealth Games. As well as the increase in visitors, Tourism Australia has calculated that the event will bring in over $18 million in additional revenue to the local area. “It’s going to increase the exposure of the Peninsula to the wider NSW population,” said NSW Surf Life Saving Championships Local Organising Committee chairman Mr Brett Harrod. “I was chairman in 2005

and the number of people that actually came back for holidays after that was quite surprising. “The Peninsula is a bit of a hidden treasure; people don’t expect to see all the walkways and waterways and national parks that we’ve got. “It will certainly expose the area and that will bring more tourism in,” he said. Mr Harrod said that despite the difficulty in preparing for such a large

event, preparation was “well advanced”. “We have had really good support from local rotary clubs and the local community at large so it’s been pretty positive. “When you’re running an event of this size it’s always hard work but when you’ve got a committee in place like we’ve got it helps. “They’ve been fantastic to work with. “We’re ready to go,” said Mr Harrod.

Boardriders’ comp changes day

by Verity Roser

mina Beach Boardriders held its annual meeting on Tuesday, January 15, which saw a decision made to change the Club’s competition days to


the second Sunday of each month with the third Sunday as the backup date. The Club will hold its first competition on Sunday, February 10.

Mal Cooper, James Fraser, Katrina Jungnickel, Leah Fotofili, Angus McKay, Joanne Edwards, Greg Linnert

illcare Surf Club claimed the major honours in the Branch Masters Carnival at Killcare on Saturday, January 12.


Competing against 14 clubs in the Central Coast network, the Killcare team secured 13 first placings and finished with 205 points, comfortably ahead of minor placegetters Avoca on 159 and North Entrance on 149. Phil Tubby, a gold medallist in the World Surf Life Saving Championships held last November in Adelaide, recorded a trio of victories in the 50 to 59 years section of the male beach sprint, the beach flags and as a member of the 170 years combined ages beach


From 6am Weekends and 7.30am Weekdays

relay team with James Fraser, Moses Fotofili and Tony Hester. Other carnival winners for Killcare were the 130 years male surf team of Bryce Cameron, Angus McKay and John O’Malley, the 110 years female surf team of Leah Fotofili, Michaela Hofer and Laura Washington, the 130 years male taplin, the 130 years male ski relay, the 110 years female board relay, the 140 years female beach relay team of Leah Fotofili, Laura Washington and Tegan Spackman, the 170 years female beach relay team of Katrina Jungnickel, Jacqui Payne and Yvonne Hayter, the world silver medallist Michaela Hofer in the 30 to

39 years female beach flags and Steve McCoombe in the 30 to 39 years male beach flags. Club coach John Bourne said he was proud of his team’s second successive points score victory in this year’s Masters Carnival which has been a feature event on the Surf Life Saving Australia calendar for almost 20 years. “We are delighted with the wonderful depth of talent which exists in our club and our increasing membership ranks justify the huge upsurge in interest where public safety on our beach is of paramount importance,” said Bourne.

TIDE CHART (Fort Denison)

LAT 33° 51’ S - LONG 151° 14’ E - TIME ZONE - 1000 Times and Heights(m) of high and low waters Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m) THU - 24 0620 - 1.60 1305 - 0.47 1856 - 1.24

FRI - 25 0030 - 0.53 0701 - 1.66 1342 - 0.41 1934 - 1.29

SAT - 26 0110 - 0.49 0740 - 1.71 1416 - 0.36 2011 - 1.34

SUN - 27 0149 - 0.45 0815 - 1.75 1449 - 0.32 2046 - 1.38 WED - 30 0349 - 0.42 1006 - 1.71 1630 - 0.29 2240 - 1.48 SAT - 2 0009 - 1.51 0616 - 0.51 1218 - 1.44 1831 - 0.42

MON - 28 0228 - 0.43 0852 - 1.76 1522 - 0.29 2122 - 1.42 THU - 31 0433 - 0.44 1046 - 1.64 1706 - 0.32 2322 - 1.50 SUN - 3 0102 - 1.52 0719 - 0.55 1315 - 1.34 1924 - 0.48

TUE - 29 0307 - 0.42 0929 - 1.75 1556 - 0.28 2200 - 1.45

TUE - 5 0311 - 1.58 0955 - 0.51 1548 - 1.23 2138 - 0.52

WED - 6 0421 - 1.65 1109 - 0.43 1705 - 1.26 2247 - 0.48

THU - 7 0526 - 1.75 1213 - 0.32 1809 - 1.34 2350 - 0.41

FRI - 1 0522 - 0.47 1130 - 1.55 1746 - 0.36 MON - 4 0202 - 1.54 0833 - 0.55 1427 - 1.25 2027 - 0.52

APPROX. TIME LAG AFTER FORT DENISON Ettalong 40 min, Rip Bridge 2hrs - Wisemans Ferry 2 hrs 30 min, Koolewong 2 hrs 10 min

In view of the variations caused by local conditions and meteorological effects, these times are approximate and must be considered as a guide only. They are not to be relied on for critical depth calculations for safe navigation. Actual times of High and Low Water may occur before or after the times indicated

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