on the Coast Edition 11
Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
July 11, 2013
Chrome Fest nominated for tourism award
Erika Hanratty, NSW-ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards
entral Coast event, Chrome Fest, has been nominated in the Specialty Press Events and Tourism Award Category for the 2013 NSW-ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards to be announced on Saturday, October 26. The annual awards program, initiated by PRIME7 and the Commonwealth Bank, provides an opportunity for communities to showcase their events and festivals and be recognized state-wide. Chrome Fest is a three day event held in October at The Entrance which pays tribute to American classic cars, hot rods, low-rider bicycles, rock and roll and rockabilly of the 1950s and 60s. Since its establishment in 2009, Chrome Fest has grown in popularity. Last year was its most popular year with over
600 cars on display and over 50,000 people in attendance. It is estimated that Chrome Fest injected over $8.5 million last year into the local community, with strong support from local community groups and organizations. This year, the Chrome Fest Committee hopes to increase attendance at the festival, as well as the number of cars to 800 and to spread the event over five days. With new attractions, including a drive-in cinema and more dance, makeup and hair competitions, the committee hope to bring the 60s back to the Coast once more. The winner of this year’s Events and Tourism Award will win TV advertising exposure courtesy of PRIME7. Winners will be announced at a Gala Presentation held at the Newcastle Leagues Club on Saturday, October 26.
P2 - Out&About - July 11, 2013
Your chance to win
Directory of services, contacts and support groups Emergency Ambulance, Police, Fire 000 Police Assistance Line 131 444 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Energy Australia 13 13 88 Gas Emergency 131 909 Gosford City Council 4325 8222 Marine Rescue NSW - Central Coast 4325 7929 SES - Storm and Flood Emergency 132 500
Accommodation Dept. of Housing Gosford 4323 5211 Dept. of Housing Wyong 4352 4400 Cassie4Youth 4322 3197 Coast Shelter 4324 7239 Pacific Link Com Housing 4324 7617 Rumbalara Youth Refuge 4325 7555 Samaritans Youth Services 4351 1922 Youth Angle • Woy Woy 4341 8830 Youth Accom Hotline 1800 424 830 Woy Woy Youth Cottage 4341 9027 Temporary Accommodation 1800 152 152 Donnison St. Restaurant 4325 3540 Gosford Family Support 4340 1585 Horizons Family Services 4333 5111 Meals on Wheels Gosford 4363 7111 Woy Woy 4341 6699 Tuggerah 4382 9444 Department of Community Services Gosford - 4336 2400 Wyong - 4352 6500 The Salvation Army 4325 5733 Samaritans Emergency Relief 4393 2450 St Vincent De Paul Society HELPLINE 4323 6081
Crisis Services and Helplines Lifeline - 24 hr. 13 11 14 Suicide Helpline 1800 191 919 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Parents Helpline 13 20 55 Indigenous Call Centre 136 380 Family Relationship Advice Line 1800 050 321 Family Drug Support 1300 368 186 G-line - Gambling Helpline 1800 633 635 Credit Helpline 1800 808 488 Child Support Agency 13 12 72 Australian Injury Helpline 1800 223 363 Veteran Affairs Network 1300 551 918 Mens Domestic Violence 1800 000 599
Community Access Edition 321
Legal & Financial Help Financial Counselling Service 4334 2304 Central Coast Legal Centre 4353 4988 Legal Aid Commission of NSW 1300 888 529 Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Service 4353 5515 NSW Aboriginal Legal Service 8842 8000 Consumer Credit Legal Centre 1800 808 488 NSW Ombudsman 1800 451 524 Community Justice Centre 1800 990 777 Family Law Court 1300 352 000 Law Access NSW 1300 888 529 G-Line Telephone Counsel 1800 633 635 Gamblers Anonymous 9726 6625 Alcoholics Anonymous 4323 3890 Narcotics Anonymous 4325 0524 Quitline 131 848
Family and Relationships Parents Helpline 132 055 Centacare Gosford 4324 6403 Wyong 4352 1311 The Entrance 4382 9500 Gosford Family Support Service 4340 1099 Horizons (Families or single parents) 4333 5111 Interrelate - Family Relationships 1300 736 966 Uniting Care Burnside Wyong 4352 3222 Gosford 1800 067 967
Graphic Design: Justin Stanley Sales Manager: Val Bridge Sales: Peter Smith, Kate Sinclair
Next Edition: Central Coast Grandstand 059
Deadline: August 6
Publication date: August 8 Contributions
Letters to the editor and other contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to: Central Coast Grandstand PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250. Contributions should be in Word format sent via email to: editorial@duckscrossing. org, on disks or by handwritten letter if these facilities are not available to you. Contributions must Include the date, your name, address and phone numbers. Name and Suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in edited form. ISSN 1839-9037 Print Post Approved - 100001844 - Printed by New Age Printing Rydalmere
July 2, 2013
Your independent local newspaper
Ph: 4325 7369
$4.90 Issue 85
Vol.12 No.6
Issue 61
8 July 2013
The giant rat-like creature was examined by local environmental activist Mr Jake Cassar and has been described as similar to a brush tailed possum. Mr Cassar said he wasn’t sure it was a brush tailed possum, as it was “a little bit different”. “It has a very elongated skull, very, very long ears, very sharp teeth, much like a rodent and very humanlike hands and a long tail. ‘It is a very powerful, large creature. “I would love to think it’s something unusual or not
An artist’s impression of the proposed Woy Woy Oval grandstand and amenities
Council may expand oval redevelopment The issue was deferred at Council’s ordinary meeting of Tuesday, July 2, for two weeks to give council staff time for their investigation. Cr Gabby Bowles said there was a canteen and amenities block on the eastern side of the ground that
news, club news, events, scoreboard, tides, school sport and anything relevant to sport on the Coast. Out&About on the Coast contains all non sport out of home news including all forms of entertainment, events and activities likely to interest any reader. It is a true newspaper and advertising content is restricted to a maximum of 40% of content. Contributions are welcomed.
editorial@duckscrossing.org - 4325 7369
Gosford Hospital 4320 2111 Wyong Hospital 4394 8000 Cancer Hotline 131 120 Mental Health info Service 1300 794 991 Sexual Health @ Gosford Hospital 4320 2114 Beyond Blue (Depression) 1300 22 4636
hub with the ability to host regional sporting events. This would involve the relocation of the car park from Oval Ave into the existing car park which would create additional parking spaces and timed parking for CBD users. The Oval Ave car park would be transformed into a boulevard space allowing seating for the proposed cafe, a meeting space and an area that can be used for events such as markets. Council has allocated $750,000
through the Capital Works Program and $1 million through the Infrastructure Reserve for the demolition and redevelopment of the grandstand. A further $130,000 was allocated through the Capital Works program for the demolition and redevelopment of the Woy Woy Rugby Clubhouse. Gosford Council Agenda ECO.11, 2 Jul 2013
Woy Woy Oval grandstand as it stands todsy
Photo: Naomi Bridges Photography
THIS ISSUE contains 58 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
July 4, 2013
Issue 24
Ausgrid works depot at Ourimbah recommended
an 800-seat grandstand, change rooms, referees’ room, first aid room, media box and kiosks. If adopted, it would also have a barbecue area, club house, storage areas, sportsground amenities, scoreboard and a commercial area for potential leases. Landscaping features would include spectator mounding, shade areas and retractable fencing. A major focus of the Masterplan is the integration of the facility with the CBD and creating a Woy Woy CBD
numbers of people are likely to be. A list of distribution points can be found on our website. 13,000 copies are printed and it is published and distributed every second Thursday. Central Coast Grandstand contains all sports news, senior, junior and school, where it relates to any part of the Central Coast. This includes federal, state and local government sport news, academy and association
Publisher: Cec Bucello Journalist: Kaitlin Watts Assistant Journalist: Laura Bradley
n unidentified creature that washed up on Wamberal beach on Tuesday, June 25, is currently being studied by Quarantine in an attempt to identify it.
is currently being used by Woy Woy Football Club and Woy Woy Cricket Club. Cr Bowles asked council officers to look into opportunities to incorporate an upgrade of this facility with the plans to replace the dilapidated referees’ facilities. Cr Bowles said this would see a “better multi-use facility that could accommodate more codes”. Through the Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment Masterplan, the staged development aims to provide
entral Coast Grandstand and Out&About on the Coast together cover all out of home activities on the Coast at all levels in the one publication. It is published fortnightly and distributed to all clubs, taverns, shopping centres, libraries, service stations, sporting venues, newsagents, sport related retail outlets and anywhere else, from Morisset to Mooney Mooney, where large
Mensline - talk with a bloke 1300 789 978 Lifecare Family Services 1300 130 225 Centacare: 4324 6403 Relationship Australia: 1300 364 277 Interrelate: 1800 449 118
Unidentified creature still a mystery
Gosford Council staff are investigating the possibility of expanding the proposed Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment Masterplan.
Prize winners may be required to pick up their prize from our Gosford office. Entries may be passed on to prize providers for marketing purposes.
Australia’s No.1 monthly traditional and contemporary folk, blues, roots, alternative, bluegrass and world music magazine
News Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
Sexual Assault Resource 1800 199 888 Gay and Lesbian Counselling 1800 184 527 Gay and Lesbian Support 1800 249 377 Youth Sexuality Network 4320 2856 Vietnam Veterans 1800 043 503 Victims Support Services 1800 633 063 Translation and Interpreting Service 13 14 50
Winners can choose a family pass for either the Manly V Warriors match on Sunday, August 11, or a family pass for the Souths V Manly match on Friday, August 16. The Manly V Warriors match will begin at 2pm and the family pass, valued at $40, would admit entry for two adults and two children. The Souths V Manly match will begin at 7:30pm with the $50 family pass also admitting two adults and two children. To win one of the family passes, write your name, address and phone number on the back of an envelope and send to Out&About on the Coast Bluetongue competition PO Box 1056, Gosford, NSW 2250, by the close of business Tuesday, August 6. The winners of last edition's Out&About on the Coast MotorEx competition were Dennis Yeo of Booker Bay, A Mastroianni of Blackwall and J Hackett of Toukley.
Problems, Habits & Addiction
Welfare Services
ut&About on the Coast and Bluetongue Stadium are giving two readers the chance to win a family pass to an NRL match on either Sunday, August 11, or Friday, August 16.
known, but I’m just really not sure. “There are many different views out there, but whatever happens, I have had a heap of fun and this thing has captured the attention and imagination of thousands,” said Jake. An answer from Quarantine was expected to be received on Monday, July 1, however, it was not available at the time Coast Community News went to press.
Media release, 21 Jun 2013 Susan Davis, National Parks and Wildlife Service
Photomontage of the proposed development as viewed from the corner of Ourimbah Creek Rd and the Pacific Highway.
Source: SHA
yong Council has recommended the Joint Regional Planning room, service facilities Creek Rd and the Pacific news for the Shire, and Panel (JRPP) approve a $16.8 million application for a new including showers and Highway, while the site for employees and job lockers for field staff, will be secured by a three seekers. Ausgrid works depot to be constructed at Ourimbah.
Council is unable to completely sign off on the development because the value is more than $5 million, which means the JRPP will ultimately determine the application. Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton said the development would serve as Ausgrid’s base for the entire Central Coast. “The development will
be home to 288 full time staff and be in operation seven days a week, and 24 hours a day during times of emergency such as a natural disaster,” Cr Eaton said. The site covers 3.9 hectares and is on the corner of Ourimbah Creek Rd and the Pacific Highway, on the F3 side. It has frontages on
both the Pacific Highway and Ourimbah Creek Rd. The application describes the proposed development as a regional works depot, comprising a total floor area of more than 8,300 square metres. There are four main buildings proposed including an administration facility with a conference
a vehicle servicing area with a wash bay, warehousing and storage and a recycling and waste collection facility. Car parking spaces have been provided for 188 general spots and 215 service vehicle spots. The administration building will be located on the most prominent area of the site, at the front of Ourimbah
metre fence. “The 288 jobs will be broken down into 74 office staff and the rest being field staff,” Cr Eaton said. “This again proves that council is working hard to attract this type of job creating investment to the Shire. “To have the regional base for Ausgrid located at Ourimbah is fantastic
“Council has overwhelmingly supported this development and recommended it for approval by the JRPP. “We will continue to work hard to create jobs for our residents, and bring this type of million dollar investment into the Shire.” Media release, 27 Jun 2013, Wyong Shire Council
The training camp was part of the Qantas Socceroos preparation for the upcoming EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 in Seoul. It was the first of three camps in Australia to be held in the lead up to the East Asian Cup. The Cup will take place in the Korean Republic from July 20 to 28. At a reception held by Gosford Council, Minister for Sport Senator Don Farrell and Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill congratulated the players on their World Cup qualification.
“The next eighteen months represents a very exciting time for football in Australia,” said Mr Farrell. “With Australia qualifying for its third successive World Cup, an outstanding achievement in itself, and
Australia hosting the Asian Football Confederation Asian Cup in 2015, there is a lot for football fans to be excited about. “Focusing on the current challenge of the East Asian Cup, I’m sure the head
Athletics NSW Gosford Council media
Championships which will be held in the Ukraine from July 10 to 14. Georgia, 17, broke the NSW U18 and U20 800 metre records in February this year to qualify for the World Youth Championships. The qualifying win also
saw her become the second fastest U18 Australian runner ever, and number 10 in the U20s list. The record was previously set 44 years ago by Cheryl Peasley, who went on to win a Commonwealth Games medal and become an Olympian.
coach, Holger Osieck has the team primed to impress as they did at the recent World Cup qualification matches. “I wish the team the best of luck when they head to South Korea for the East
Asian Cup later this month.” Ms O’Neill said she was delighted that the facilities on the Central Coast had been chosen for the training camp. “Having members of the Socceroos squad training
here is exciting for the local community, and I can see the positive influence on our local young sporting stars – inspired to work hard so that they may have similar opportunities in the future,” Ms O’Neill said.
The annual awards program, initiated by PRIME7 and the Commonwealth Bank, provides an opportunity for communities to showcase their events and festivals and be recognized state-wide. Chrome Fest is a three day event held in October at The Entrance which pays tribute to American classic cars, hot rods, low-rider bicycles, rock and roll and rockabilly of the 1950s and 60s. Since its establishment in 2009, Chrome Fest has grown in popularity. Last year was its most popular year with over
600 cars on display and over 50,000 people in attendance. It is estimated that Chrome Fest injected over $8.5 million last year into the local community, with strong support from local community groups and organizations. This year, the Chrome Fest Committee hopes to increase attendance at the festival, as well as the number of cars to 800 and to spread the event over five days. With new attractions, including a drive-in cinema and more dance, makeup and hair competitions, the committee hope to bring the 60s back to the Coast once more. The winner of this year’s Events and Tourism Award will win TV advertising exposure courtesy of PRIME7. Winners will be announced at a Gala Presentation held at the Newcastle Leagues Club on Saturday, October 26.
Duke and Sainsbury selected for Socceroos’ training camp Football Federation Australia
wo Central Coast Mariners players were selected to participate in a Socceroos training camp in Sydney which began on Monday, July 8, and will continue until
Friday, July 12. The camp is part of the Socceroos’ preparations for the upcoming EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 which will be played in the Korea Republic from July 20 to 28. Mitchell Duke and Trent Sainsbury were two
of 20 players selected to participate in the training camp, which was the last chance for players to impress head coach Holger Osieck before the final Socceroos squad for the EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 is named on Friday, July 12.
The Central Coast
Get the most out of your advertising dollar. www.duckscrossing.org
July 11, 2013
Erika Hanratty, NSW-ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards
entral Coast event, Chrome Fest, has been nominated in the Specialty Press Events and Tourism Award Category for the 2013 NSW-ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards to be announced on Saturday, October 26.
Georgia Wassall off to World Athletic Championships eorgia Wassall of Wamberal has received a $1,000 sponsorship from the Developing and Recognising Talent (DART) program to attend the IAAF World Youth Athletic
Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
Chrome Fest nominated for tourism award
Kaitlin Watts, 1 Jul 2013
Coast. “We will engage bush regeneration contractors to undertake work to remove the weed,” Mr Henderson said. This will involve hand removal of the weed species and include measures to prevent the weed spreading or recolonising. The dumping of garden refuse into natural areas is one way that weeds can disperse, particularly close to waterways. The community is reminded to ensure they use appropriate methods for the disposal of garden refuse including green bins supplied by council.
Edition 11
Richard Mehrtens, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP
antas Socceroos head coach Holger Osieck held a training camp in Gosford and Tuggerah from Monday, July 1, to Friday, July 5, which included Central Coast Mariners’ Joshua Rose, Mitchell Duke and Trent Sainsbury.
on the Coast
Issue 058
Football Federation Australia
new exotic weed has been discovered on Saratoga Island Nature Reserve in Brisbane Water near Davistown. its escape into natural bushland is devastating to environment and it has now become an invasive weed causing problems on the island,” Mr Henderson said. Coastal saltmarsh is listed under the Threatened Species Conservation Act as an endangered ecological community and provides important habitat for marine and terrestrial animals such as crabs, molluscs, insects and spiders. Fish species also use the area during tidal flooding and many migratory wading birds use the areas for roosting and feeding. “Our priority is to rid the island of this weed to help the saltmarsh areas recover and ensure this important habitat is maintained for native species of the Central
Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369
Official reception for Socceroos
New weed endangers threatened species The invasive weed known as Sicilian Sea Lavender (Limonium hyblaeum) has been known to displace native species in both South Australia and Victoria, but this is the first time it has been found invading natural environments on the Central Coast. National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) acting regional manager, Mr Alan Henderson said that the weed was invading the important saltmarsh vegetation communities on the island. “The weed is displacing native plant species and it can lead to the loss of biodiversity and impact on these fragile and important communities. “Sea lavender is used in cultivated gardens, but
July 11, 2013
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Advertise in a Ducks Crossing publication for maximum exposure at a realistic price. Multiple booking and multiple publication discounts apply to all display advertisements. Enjoy the benefits of being in a well-read publication with relevant news content. Contact us now for more information or visit our website.
Office: 120c Erina Street, Gosford - Phone: 4325 7369 Fax: 4321 0940 - Mail: PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 - E-mail: editorial@duckscrossing.org - Website: www.duckscrossing.org
July 11, 2013 - Out&About - P3
News Trio take on Flaming Ron to raise money Brad Martin
hree Central Coast men have raised over $1,000 for White Ribbon after they each ate a Flaming Ron pie from Bremen Patisserie in Umina. “I must say it was definitely an experience,” said participant Brad Martin from Wattanobi. “The pie smelt like death even before I opened the casing and it just got worse from there on in. “The smell has literally been burnt into my mind; it’s something that you don’t forget. “The taste initially was quite nice, however, seconds later the spice kicked in along with the extreme chilli taste. “The temperature was set at 70 degrees from the beginning, so you can imagine the extremity of the heat from this thing. “Adam (Turner) managed to finish his in one minute and 30 seconds, followed by me in three minutes and 30 seconds. “Jaye (Hennes) finally came over the finish line at nine minutes and 10 seconds. “I can assure you we all
paid for it in the end. “I found myself rolling around on the floor all Saturday afternoon having ‘contractions’ as the chilli twisted my inners. “No milk, no ice cream, no cinnamon, no yoghurt, no cucumber, no bread, no nothing could save you and there is no way you could prepare yourself for something like this,” said Mr Martin. The Flaming Ron is made from the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Pepper which has 1,463,700 scoville heat units. It is the hottest in the world according to the Guinness world records, replacing the Naga Jolokia’s with 1,382,118 scoville heat units by the laboratory test conducted in March 2011, which is almost 300 times hotter than a jalapeno. One seed from the Trinidad Scorpion Butch can produce sustained intense pain sensation in the mouth for up to 30 minutes before subsiding which leaves customers gasping for air and having to sign a special paper waiving the Patisserie of any responsibility for reactions.
Brad Martin, Ron Bruns, Adam Turner & Jaye Hennes
Gorokan Pharmacy GOROKAN PHARMACY has a care clinic in the pharmacy. It is a health experience concept to manage and improve the long term health of customers. Gorokan care clinic has health professionals that includes pharmacists, naturopath, dietician, baby nurse and a beautician to provide a holistic remedy for customers. Gorokan care clinics does health assessment checks and one of the topic to be discussed this edition is cholesterol. Elevated cholesterol levels are a very important indicator of risk of heart attack and stroke. For this reason Gorokan care clinic is able to monitor levels of cholesterol and ensure they are at a safe level. Our pharmacists are able to discuss your cholesterol medications and collaborate with our very own naturopath to manage your cholesterol. Gorokan care clinic's naturopath Danielle will discuss the different kinds of food to lower cholesterol. She will also provide herbal remedies and tips on enhancing elimination of cholesterol through bile, modifying lipid ratios and protecting your blood vessels. Therefore come to Gorokan care clinic in Gorokan Guardian pharmacy and let our pharmacist and naturopath guide you to the best ways of lowering your cholesterol.
Guardian for health, Guardian for beauty and Guardian for you. 70 Wallarah Rd Gorokan. Mon to Fri 7.30am to 8.30pm Sat and Sun 8.30am to 7pm
70 Wallarah Road Gorokan
P4 - Out&About - July 11, 2013
Gosford City to be brightened
Scout group to hold open day
Jenna Trostle, Whimsy Brigade
group of volunteers have been working on warming up Gosford city and will unveil their yarn bombing project on July 12 and 13 where various parts of the city will be covered with brightly coloured crafting projects. The Whimsy Brigade, in conjunction with Gosford Business Improvement District (GBID), Frankenstein’s Fabrics and New Horizons, have chosen to put some love and colour into Kibble Park, William St Mall, Mann St, and Burns Park with the aim of livening the areas up for two weeks. “I formed the Whimsy Brigade to encourage people to bring a bit of magic into Gosford,” said team leader Ms Jenna Trostle. “It’s my hope that our efforts will make people feel more welcome in the city and see that there are people that are willing to volunteer their time and effort to make Gosford a special place once again. “The point of this project wasn’t just to get people to knit things, it was to connect people to their community, and foster a sense of hope. “We also tried to make it as inclusive as possible, so that people who don’t know how to knit could still get involved, so there are also people making little presents for others to find and take home, a bit like a scavenger hunt for people of all ages. “We hope the colour and joy that we introduce
to the city will inspire others to also contribute to putting positive energy into Gosford. “This is only the start of
a much greater movement to bring art, culture, and love into Gosford’s CBD,” said Jenna.
Paul Brasch, Broken Bay Scout Group
he Broken Bay Scout Group will hold an open day at the Ettalong Scout Hall on Sunday, July 28, with a free barbeque from 11am to 2pm.
The open day is for anyone who would like to know more about Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers or Rovers. Applications are open for children from six years of age (Joeys) through to adults up to 25 years (Rovers) and scouting is open to boys and girls. There are currently almost 100 members now actively participating in the Broken Bay Scout Group.
The Group has two halls, one in Umina for Joeys and Cubs and the other in Ettalong. The open day and sausage sizzle will be held in conjunction with a State wide recruitment drive. Leaders and members of the Broken Bay Scout Group will be on hand to answer questions, give tours of the hall and displays and will have application forms available for those interested in signing up. The Scouting movement was founded by Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, England in 1907. Scout membership now has over 25 million members spanning across
the world. In NSW, more than 20,000 boys, girls and adults from wide cultural or religious backgrounds and with a range of abilities enjoy an almost unlimited range of activities. The aim of scouting is to encourage the physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual development of young people so they may play a constructive role in society as responsible citizens and as members of their local and international communities. This aim is achieved through a strong and active program that inspires young people to do their best and to always be prepared.
Day of Action Against Sexual Assault Kate Bradfield, Peninsula Women’s Health
Day of Action Against Sexual Assault will be held in Kibble Park, Gosford, on Thursday, August 29, from 11am to 1:30pm. The day, which is being organised by the Central Coast Community
Women’s Health Centre, will commemorate both victims and survivors of sexual assault and all those who have worked with and for survivors. The event will include a number of activities and entertainment including live music, a free picnic lunch, guest speakers and information stalls.
Film Global to celebrate Turkish culture Jennie Dias, Gosford Council
ilm Global is on again on Friday, July 12, at the Hub, Erina Fair, from 6:30pm with this month’s event
celebrating culture.
Film Global offers the opportunity for the diverse community groups living on the Central Coast to
red by
showcase their culture to an intimate audience. This month’s screening is Entelköy Efeköy’e karsi which sees a group of environmental intellectuals abandon the big city and return to nature. The environmental group want to rescue a village from a nuclear power station, however, some villagers support the nuclear This film reflects the opposing support with some love stories encapsulated too. Film Global is a partnership programme between Gosford Council Youth Services and Northern Settlement Services, embracing cultural diversity and the rich fabric that culture brings to the Central Coast community.
July 11, 2013 - Out&About - P5
Water quality training session T
NAIDOC Week celebrated in Kariong
Lucy De Jong, Community Environment Network
he Community Environment Network’s (CEN) Waterwatch program will conduct a Waterwatch Water Quality Training Session at Cochrone St, Kincumber, on Thursday, July 18.
The Water Quality Training Session involves people from the Kincumber community coming together to learn about the Waterwatch program and how they can get involved by becoming a Waterwatch volunteer and help monitor water quality in Kincumber Creek. Participants will learn about the various parameters measured using a Waterwatch kit and why they are important in helping to determine if the water in the catchment is healthy. “The day will involve lots of hands on practical
experience and will be a great opportunity to chat with likeminded members of the community,” said Waterwatch assistant coordinator Ms Lucy De Jong. “Kincumber Creek is an urban creek, a tributary of Brisbane Water, which is mostly bordered by urban and industrial developments. Poor landuse management within the Kincumber area can have a large impact on the water quality of the creek,” said Ms De Jong. The Waterwatch Training Session is open to those who live, work or have an interest in the Kincumber area. It will run from 10am to 12pm with a free morning tea provided. No experience is necessary and all training and equipment will be provided!
Flash Mob at Erina
William Ho, RYSS
egional Youth Support Services (RYSS) performed its first Central Coast Youth Flash Mob on Saturday, July 6, at The Hive, Erina Fair. Over the 10 weeks prior to the launch, young people from all over the Central Coast aged 12 to 25 engaged in the project. RYSS partnered with Jessie Byrne of JB Dance to teach the pool of young people an originally choreographed 10 minute dance routine. Both RYSS and JB Dance have so far continually engaged with over 150 young people with the Flash Mob project, through face-to-face dance workshops and online tutorials.
Funded under the State Government’s Youth Opportunities funding, the Central Coast Youth Flash Mob project is one of several projects currently running through RYSS. The projects are designed to engage young people with their local communities. “Through this Flash Mob, RYSS and JB Dance are providing a platform for young people to engage with the community, to give young people a voice and express themselves, showing that young people can give back and contribute to the community in a creative and celebrative way,” said project leader Mr William Ho. Media release, 9 Jul 2013 William Ho, RYSS
Gabrielle Tawyer, Youth Connections
AIDOC Week will be celebrated by youthconnections.com. au’s Koori Connect unit with a Flag Raising Ceremony and art project at Green Central in Kariong on Friday, July 12. Koori-Connect is a program that involves young Aboriginal people in a range of cultural activities and events aimed at improving community connection, school retention and vocational learning opportunities. The program aims to promote Aboriginal youth leadership through activities such as the 2011 Freedom Ride, similar to the 1965 Freedom Ride, a major event for indigenous peoples’ struggle for equality, civil liberty and the right to vote. The work of Koori Connect continues to raise awareness of Aboriginal issues through the Aboriginal Youth Reference Group, whose achievements are highly recognised during NAIDOC week. The annual NAIDOC Week runs from July 7 to 14 and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. That
Computer Guy
Koori Connect manager Ms Denise Markham said that the Green Central Indigenous Skills Centre and Indigenous cafe, The Coolamon, were both places where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people could come together. “The surrounding
environment is significant to Aboriginal people and these beautiful areas are places that Aboriginal people feel comfortable using as meeting places,” Denise said. Koori Connect also offers Aboriginal Cultural Tours and Education Training which aim to
educate Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people on the culture, history and issues faced by Aboriginal people. For more information contact youthconnections. com.au on 4346 1111 or visit the Freedom Ride 2011 Facebook page.
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Chris Holstein MP
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P6 - Out&About - July 11, 2013
Equestrian Ball to raise funds for charities
Marg Abbott, 2013 Equestrian Ball
he 2013 Equestrian Ball will be held on Saturday, August 10, at Mingara Recreation Club to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation, Cancer Council and Riding for the Disabled.
This year’s event follows on from the success of the Inaugural Equestrian Ball last year, which was held to raise funds for local equestrian rider Amy Blackwood. Ms Blackwood was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in October 2010. After five months of chemotherapy and nine months in Gosford Hospital, Ms Blackwood’s options for treatment in Australia were exhausted. Her friends in the Central Coast equestrian community rallied together to raise funds to pay for treatment in Germany for six months.
The Inaugural Equestrian Ball raised over $36,000 for the cause. With the initial ball a success and the recovery of Ms Blackwood to good health, this year’s event will support the charities of Ms Blackwood’s choice. “I chose the Leukaemia Foundation and Cancer Council for their wonderful support Brett [her partner] and I received over the past two years and Riding for the Disabled because I know the liberating feeling
that being on a horse can give you, especially when you are too weak or unable to walk yourself,” Ms Blackwood said. The evening will commence at 7pm and will include a three course buffet dinner, silent auctions, raffles, an Elvis appearance, The Peter Beck Band and dancing. Tickets cost $85 per person or $800 for a table of 10, and are available for sale until Sunday, July 28, or when sold out.
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PAUL GRABOWSKY IN CONCERT NAIDOC Week flag raising cermony at Wyong
Wyong Council kicks off NAIDOC celebrations
Wyong Council Media
yong Council kicked off NAIDOC celebrations on Monday, July 8, with a Flag Raising Ceremony, followed by guest speakers and a morning tea at the Wyong Civic Centre. NAIDOC Week is held from July 7 to 14 and marks a significant event for indigenous Australians, celebrating their history, culture and achievements. This year’s theme is ‘We Value the Vision: Yirrkala Bark Petitions 1963’, marking 50 years since the Yolngu people of Yirrkala in northeast Arnhem Land
sent two bark petitions to the Australian House of Representatives. “After the flag raising, we heard from Sean Gordon, Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council CEO, and our indigenous community development worker Matt Sonter on the importance of NAIDOC Week to the community and the historic significance of the bark petitions and how the period has shaped our modern society,” Council’s community and cultural development manager Ms Julie Vaughan said. “With Wyong Shire being the fastest growing
Aboriginal community in Australia, NAIDOC Week gives us an opportunity to obtain a greater understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their culture.” Celebrations will continue across the week with the annual Community Gathering at Gosford Showground including the Kikupa touch tournament, Family Fun Day at Baker Park in Wyong, NAIDOC Mini Olympics at Colongra Bay Oval in Lake Munmorah, Family Golf Day at Wyong and Koori-oke at Wyong RSL.
One of Australia’s most distinguished performing artists, acclaimed
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July 11, 2013 - Out&About - P7
Jenny Markwell entertains bush poets Vic Jefferies, Gosford Bush Poets
osford Bush Poets held its most recent meeting on Wednesday, June 26, at the Gosford Hotel. “Despite the inclement weather, despite the NRL staging the second State of Origin football match on the same night and despite the shenanigans in Canberra between Kevin and Julia, 35 very sensible and ardent supporters of bush poetry attended,” said Gosford Bush Poets president Mr Vic Jefferies. “They were rewarded with a smashing night of great poetry, much fun and a stellar performance by our guest artist Jenny Markwell. “Jenny presented a wonderfully eclectic selection of traditional,
original and contemporary poetry and demonstrated why she has been so successful in so many poetry competitions. “From Henry Lawson’s marvellous old poem ‘Black Bonnet’ through to George Essex Evan’s classic ‘The Women of the West’, Jenny thoroughly entertained and enchanted her audience. “A great performance by a very skilled reciter and we hope to see Jenny return to the Gosford Bush Poets. “During the evening we also heard from Kevin Gee, Fran Bush, June Hilton, Arch Bishop, Ken Tough, Brian Bishop, Keith Patrech, Annie Collins, Bob Markwell and Peter Mace,” said Mr Jefferies.
Pamper night raises funds for physie club
Lyndall Hubbard, Woy Woy Rec Physie Club
Ladies Pamper Night will be held from 7pm on Friday, July 19, at the Peninsula Community Centre to raise funds for the Woy Woy Rec Physie Club.
The event, which costs $5, will include psychic aura readings, mini beauty treatments, handmade crafts, homewares, and a new and preloved clothing and accessories stall.
16th birthday celebration at Brackets and Jam
Noel Plummer, Brackets and Jam
rackets and Jam will celebrate its 16th birthday on Friday, July 19, at Kincumba Mountain by hosting a concert featuring three local acts.
Ash Wednesday, Dennis Aubrey and The Chiefs will headline the concert, with performances commencing at 7:30pm and finishing at 11pm. Ash Wednesday is a Central Coast band comprising Ash Johnson, lead singer of the Irish string band Shona, and Hayden Maskey of blues band Johnny Devilseed. Armed with only a guitar and banjo, this duo specialize in ‘old timey tunes’ and have received rave reviews from all over the country since their formation this year. Ash Wednesday will commence their performance at 7:30pm. Dennis Aubrey is a Sydney-based songwriter who has been playing the ukulele for almost 50 years. His humorous songs detail the amusing ways we all think and behave, and pay tribute to musical heroes by mixing folk,
blues, ragtime and other elements on his guitar and ukulele. Dennis Aubrey will commence his performance at 8:10pm. The Chiefs are a local folk trio from Toukley and are renowned on the Central Coast for their unique ‘dirty folk’ style which sees a fusion of blues rock and folk come together. The band is fronted by Shane Shepherd and Cm Gill who have written enough songs for four albums during their five month partnership. Backing the two frontmen will be Frank Golt, a legend in Central Coast drumming circles who has developed his own sound and style, noticeable during the band’s rendition of Cahon Tubanos. The Chiefs’ performance will begin at 9:30pm. Two drum jams will also feature during the concert, the first of which will commence at 9:10pm and the last at 11pm. The cost of the concert is $10 for adults and is free for supervised children under 16.
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P8 - Out&About - July 11, 2013
Event to raise money for local family Jeanette Holst, Team Lee
community car boot sale will be held in Kariong on Sunday, July 28, to raise money for Kariong resident Lee Forman and her family. ADVENTURE TRAVEL & TOURIST INFO CENTRE
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Thursday July 11
Tuesday July 30
Concert, Long Jetty and District Senior Citizens Club, 1pm Central Coast Conservatorium Children’s Music Program demonstration class, 9:45am and 10:30am, Robert Knox Hall, Gosford, free Breakfast with Bill Shorten MP, Lisle De France, Terrigal, 7:15am Central Coast Community Energy Association meeting, Business Incubator, Ourimbah Campus, University of Newcastle, 6:30pm
Schools as Community Centres seminar, Woy Woy Public School, 10:30am12pm, free
Friday July 12 Lah-Lah’s Big Live Band performance, Davistown RSL NAIDOC Week flag raising ceremony, Green Central, Kariong YDrive community stall, Erina Fair Film Global, The Hub, Erina Fair, 6:30pm
Saturday July 13 Bays Community Group Wine, Cheese and Art Night, Woy Woy Bay Community Hall, 7:30pm-10:30pm Trivia Night fundraiser, Shelley Beach Golf Club, 6pm-10pm Italian class, The Red Lime Café, Woy Woy, 10am, free Gosford City Markets, Kibble Park, 8am-1pm Central Coast Blues Society fundraiser, Breakers Country Club, Wamberal, 12pm
Tuesday July 16
Lee, a 39-year-old single mum to three young boys, has recently been diagnosed with malignant melanoma. She works full time to support her boys while trying to juggle specialist visits, treatments and being a mum. A few local mums have banded together, along with the Kariong community to create Team Lee, a fundraising effort to support the local family in need.
The community car boot sale will be held from 8am to 2pm at Kariong Oval and will feature a range of goods to buy and sell including trash and treasure, books and plants. A chocolate wheel will also be held with raffles, prizes, a barbecue, barista coffee and Devonshire tea available along with live music and a kid’s zumba class. A Team Lee Benefit Night will also be held on Saturday, September 7, at Gosford RSL Club which will feature a sit down dinner, live auctions, raffles, coin toss and a live band.
Friday August 2 Brisbane Water Historical Society meeting, West Gosford Museum, 1pm Noel and Gertie, Laycock St Theatre, 8pm
Wednesday July 17 Tai Chi class, Erina Community Centre, free Noel and Gertie, Laycock St Theatre, 8pm
Thursday July 18 Guide Dogs NSW fundraising stall, Chittaway Shopping Centre Noel and Gertie, Laycock St Theatre, 2pm Waterwatch Water Quality Training Session, Cochrone St, Kincumber
Friday July 19 Battle of the Bands U18 heat three, The Hub, Erina Brackets and Jam birthday concert, Kincumber Mountain, 7:30pm-11pm Ladies Pamper night, Peninsula Community Centre, 7pm Dial M for Murder, Peninsula Theatre
Saturday July 20 French class, The Red Lime Café, Woy Woy, 10am, free Destash Market, The Entrance Community Centre, 10am-3pm Arts Day, The Entrance Community College, 10am3pm
Sunday July 21 Flute Gala Day, Central Coast Conservatorium, 2pm Introduction to the Internet seniors course, Central Coast Community College Davistown RSL Markets, 9am-2pm
Wednesday July 24 Tai Chi class, Erina Community Centre, free Resilient Teens Workshop, Evolve, East Gosford, 6pm-7pm
Friday July 26 Another Pair of Shoes staged play reading, Uniting Church Hall, Gosford, 7:30pm, free
Saturday July 27
The Reunion Announcement Woodport Inn, 8pm
2013 Party,
Sunday August 4 Central Coast Blues Society jam session, Breakers Country Club, Wamberal, 6pm-9pm
Monday August 5 Building Resilient Workers, Kariong Neighbourhood Centre
4325 7369
Tuesday August 6 Focus on Strengths Based Practice, Kariong Neighbourhood Centre
Thursday August 8 Gosford RSL Max Potential Showcase, Gosford RSL Club, 3-5pm Guide Dogs NSW fundraising stall, Imperial Shopping Centre Gosford
Central Coast Potters Society Pinch Pots and Beyond Workshop The Impact Centre Markets, Erina, 9am-2pm Indigenous Mural Project opens, Gosford Regional Gallery
Guide Dogs NSW fundraising stall, Imperial Shopping Centre Gosford Zoo and Snooze Sleepout, Australian Reptile Park,
Sunday July 28
Saturday August 10
Breakfast in the Bays, Woy Woy Bay Community Hall Community car boot sale, Kariong Oval, 8am2pm Broken Bay Scout Group open day, Ettalong Scout Hall, 11am-2pm
If you would like your Community Organisation listed here, see duckscrossing.org/publications.html for the forms or contact Ducks Crossing on
Friday August 9
Equestrian Ball, Mingara Recreation Club
Wednesday August 14 Central Coast Potters Society committee meeting, 6:30pm, East Gosford
Thursday August 15 Guide Dogs NSW fundraising stall, Erina Fair
Hospital Art Australia (25-49)
Meets Wednesdays 10am Tall Trees Studio - Tumbi Umbi - Painting and Canvass Drawing Volunteers Needed 4341 9920 Central Coast Prostate Cancer Support Group (Gosford) Meet last Friday Month Terrigal Uniting Church Hall 380 Terrigal Drive, Terrigal 9.30am to 12 noon 4367 9600 www.pcfa.org.au Central Coast Prostate Cancer Support Group (Wyong) Meet last Monday Month Wyong Golf Club Pacific Highway Wyong 10.30am to 12 noon 4356 9300 www.pcfa.org.au
Community Care Services - Central Coast Memory lane - Doing things together Café For people with memory loss & their carers to enjoy a relaxing coffee morning with others experiencing similar circumstances Caroline Bay Brasserie - East Gosford 2nd Wednesday Rocky Point Café - Ettalong Beach Memorial Club 3rd Wednesday Wallarah Bay Recreational Club 4th Tuesday 4324 4244 I AM LOST Deep Conversations and systematic exercises for understanding my self and my place in life Gurdjieff Society Ancient and modern knowledge 6pm every 2nd Thu 0425 296 783 www.gurdjieff.org.au
July 11, 2013 - Out&About - P9
Ashfield Musical Society exhibition at Patonga
Zumba at retirement village Jason Millers, Tarragal Glen Retirement Village
Jocelyn Maughan, Bakehouse Gallery Patonga
he Patonga Bakehouse Gallery will host an exhibition in mid-July which will feature photographs, art work and memorabilia from Patonga resident John Twiner’s long association with the Ashfield Musical
Society. Twiner, an 87-year-old WWII veteran, has been the president and creative power of the society for many years, painting the back drops and creating all the props for the theatre from his home in Patonga. He, his wife Shirley and their daughters Carol and
Wendy, have been involved in the performance of musicals such as Pirates of Penzance, Sweeny Todd, South Pacific and Anything Goes. The family manages promotion, finance and ticket sales and donates all of their profits to charity each year.
Sleepout at the zoo to raise money for Coast Shelter Vicki de Carle, Coast Shelter
he Zoo and Snooze Executive Sleepout will be held at the Australian Reptile Park on Friday, August 9, in aid of Coast Shelter. The event, which will see participants sleep at
the Reptile Park overnight, aims to raise funds and awareness for homeless people on the Central Coast. A minimum fundraising target has been set at $1,000 per person, which
can be obtained through individual sponsors, two raffles provided by the organization, and the creation of individual fundraising websites, Facebook or Twitter pages.
Arts Day at The Entrance
arragal Glen Retirement Village at Erina now hosts its own Zumba class at the village’s Country Club once a week.
Zumba Gold, which was specifically designed for senior citizens, was
formed by the residents in response to the collective desire to take part in Zumba dancing. “The Zumba Gold class has been especially modified for over 55s,� instructor Kate Lusted said. “It is a low impact, safe and effective total body
workout.� The Zumba Gold group have begun to demonstrate their salsa routines to other retirement villages, and have also featured on a TV advertisement. The class is open to over 55s as well as residents.
28th Y A D N SU 13 JULY 20
b red
STAR 8.00a TING m-2p m
Ellen Bridge, Wyong Council
yong Council will hold an Arts Day at The Entrance Community Centre on Saturday, July 20. Kicking off at 10am, the event is free to the public and will include a vintage
craft and art supplies market, a pop-up theatre, craft demonstrations and live music. It will also feature a community cafe, playground, sausage sizzle and garage sale.
The day’s activities are expected to wrap up at 3pm. Over the next year, the Arts Day will become a quarterly event supported by Wyong Council.
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120c Erina St Gosford NSW - 4325 7369
Huge array of goods to buy and sell Chocolate wheel / Trash and Treasure BBQ Books and Plants .....and lots more
STALL OPTIONS ! " " # $ % & ' $ ()* Sell your own: - Art and Craft, Handmade Wares or Trash and Treasures. " % & + ! Invite your friends/ neighbours to get together and set up their own stall with all proceeds going directly to the Team Lee Fundraiser. " & - $ We welcome any (New or Nearly New only), items or prizes for donation to our TEAM LEE STALL.
KARIONG OVAL, MITCHELL DRIVE KARIONG For More Info or to book a car spot Contact:
01 !2! 3 41 5678 986 *)8 :1 !3
New location for markets
Markets on the Coast Irregular Markets Sunday July 14 Althings Handcraft Winter Markets Terrigal Scout Hall 10am-2pm Saturday July 20 The Old School: Art Day & De-stash Market The Entrance Community Centre 10am-3pm
Sunday July 21 Davistown RSL Markets Davistown RSL 9am-2pm Saturday July 27 The Impact Centre Markets 19 Chetwynd Road, Erina 9am-2pm Sunday July 28 Community Monster Car Boot Sale Kariong Oval 8am-2pm
he Impact Centre in Erina will be the venue for a new monthly market which will commence on Saturday, July 27, from 9am to 2pm. The market will be held inside the foyer and flow out onto the undercover veranda to accommodate dozens of stalls which will be selling items such as arts and crafts, baby items, toys, jewellery, confectionary and cakes, clothing and accessories, candles,
cosmetics, homewares, giftware and plants. The Impact Centre is supporting local charity, Fairhaven, by providing its complex for this new market to raise funds for residential and supported employment programs to local people with disabilities. The Impact Centre offers two cafes, a fitness centre and a play centre for kids aged zero to 10 as well as facilities for conferences and functions.
Guides celebrate fifth birthday
Regular Markets EVERY WEEKEND Ettalong Markets Cnr Schapper & Oceanview Roads, Ettalong Beach 9am4pm EVERY Saturday The Entrance Waterfront Art & Craft Markets Waterfront Plaza 9am– 4pm EVERY Sunday The Entrance Lions Club Markets The Entrance Cinema car park 8:30am–12:30pm Toukley Sunday Markets Coles car park off Yaralla Rd 7am –1pm Saturday July 13 Central Coast Craft Sale Art Studios, Gosford Regional Gallery 9.30am- 4pm Gosford City Markets Kibble Park Gosford 8am -1pm Niagara Park Market Day Niagara Park Shopping Centre 9am– 1pm Wyee Community Markets Wyee Hall Grounds 7am- 1pm Sunday July 14 Mangrove District Markets Corner Wisemans Ferry Road and Waratah Road 8am- 2pm Peninsula Waterfront Art & Produce Market Anderson Reserve 10am- 3pm Saturday July 20 Green Point Monthly Market Day and Car Boot Sale Green Point Baptist Church 9am-2pm
Terrigal Market Day 92 Serpentine Road 9am-1pm The Handmade and Boutique Market The Hive in Erina Fair 9am- 5pm The Entrance Farmers Markets Memorial Park, The Entrance 9am– 1pm Saturday July 27 Church on the Hill Markets Anglican Church The Entrance 8am- 1pm Shelly Beach Markets Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College, The Entrance Campus 8am– 2pm Sunday July 28 Avoca Beachside Markets Heazlett Park Foreshore 9am-2pm Lions Club of Woy Woy Peninsula Monthly Markets Dunban Road Car Park 9am-1pm Mangrove Mountain Country Markets Cnr Wiseman’s Ferry Rd & Waratah Rd 9am- 2pm Saturday August 3 Kincumber Car Boot Markets Kincumber Uniting Church 7am-12noon Morisset Showground Markets Morriset Showground 8am-1pm The Entrance Farmers Markets Memorial Park, The Entrance 9am– 1pm Sunday August 4 Terrigal Wamberal Lions Club Car Boot Sale Terrigal Lagoon Reserve 9am-1pm
Sue Chidgey, Fairhaven Services
Ronnie Joyce, Blackwall District Girl Guides
lackwall District Girl Guides will celebrate its fifth birthday on Monday, July 22, between 5pm and 7:30pm. Past and present members are invited to attend the party which will be held at the old Girl Guide Hall in Ettalong. Blackwall District Girl
Guides currently has two units at the hall, both of which meet on Monday nights during school terms. Blackwall Junior Guides, which is for girls aged six to 10, meet at 4pm to 5:30pm while the Blackwall Guide Unit, which is for girls aged 10 to 14, meet at 6pm to 8pm.
Proudly announcing
The Impact Markets 19 Chetwynd Road, Erina - (off Terrigal Drive) Green Point Baptist Church invites you to a Market Day and Car Boot Sale to be held in the Green Point Baptist Church carpark, along Avoca Drive in Green Point
Saturday 20 July 9am to 2pm Come and enjoy a morning out and you may even find
is printed on 100% recycled paper products, even the ink is made from vegetable matter. So when you’re done reading this paper please recycle it or give it to someone else to read
yourself a bargain There will be fresh produce, tea, coffee and cold drinks available as well as a BBQ sausage sizzle If you would like more information please contact Sponsored by
Saturday, July 27 Saturday, August 24 Saturday, September 28 9am-2pm Enjoy dozens of undercover market stalls… Enjoy ultra modern facilities with easy parking… Enjoy a coffee & a bite to eat in the café… Enjoy the kid’s play centre for 0-10 year olds… All-weather fun for the whole family! Proudly supporting Fairhaven Services, a local charity supporting local people with disabilities
Sponsored by
P10 - Out&About - July 11, 2013
For more info please contact Sue at Fairhaven 43233566 or 0407757866 or email sue.chidgey@fairhavenservices.org.au www.facebook.com/FairhavenServices
July 11, 2013 - Out&About - P11
Second heat of Discovered competition held
Jennie Dias, Gosford Council
he second heat of the SeaFM Discovered competition was held on Friday, July 5, at the Hub, Erina Fair. The event saw two double acts, Just Between Us comprising Delaney Boschuetz and Chelsea Berman, and Jessica King and Michael Moses along with Teaghan Pugsley make it through to the cover-version semifinal heat to be held on
November 1. Each artist performed two cover version vocal acts, with encapsulating interpretations of their chosen songs. SeaFM Discovered offers the opportunity for emerging vocalists and singer-songwriters to make their way through a series of heats, for the chance to perform in the Grand Final and become the 2013 “Discovery”.
Murder mystery at Woy Woy
Noel and Gertie at Laycock St Theatre
David Wicks, Woy Woy Little Theatre
oy Woy Little Theatre will continue its annual classic play tradition by performing Dial M for Murder from July 19 to August 4. The murder mystery play will feature an ensemble cast including Greg Eccleston as Tony, Sierra Phillips as Margot, Greg Buist as Max, John Lusty as Lesgate and Tony Burke as Inspector Hubbard. The play, which centres around Tony who married for love and plans to kill for it, includes elements of danger, forbidden love and suspense. Written in 1951 by threehit-wonder playwright Frederick Knott, the play initially failed to find a producer to finance it on
Gosford Council Media
entral Coast audiences will have the opportunity to enjoy the elegance, wit and glamour of Noel and Gertie playing at the Laycock St Community Theatre from July 16 to 18.
stage. Instead, it was adapted to a 90 minute BBC TV production and, following its success, was then staged by Warner Brothers. Noted film director Alfred Hitchcock also directed a film adaption of the play in 1954, starring
Ray Milland and Grace Kelly. Woy Woy Little Theatre’s production of Dial M for Murder is directed by Brendon Flynn with 10 performances to be held at the Peninsula Theatre in Woy Woy from July 19 to August 4.
Noel and Gertie features two rising stars of Australian musical theatre, James Millar and Lucy Maunder, and transports audiences back to the heyday of the legendary duo, playwright Noel Coward and actress Gertrude Lawrence. Gosford Council’s manager arts and entertainment Mr Chris King said the performance
would offer audiences a rare insight into one of the most charismatic theatrical partnerships in history. “Noel and Gertie captures the unique and enchanting lives of two quintessential figures in 20th century theatre. “Crafted from the diaries and letters between Coward and Lawrence, Noel and Gertie is a nostalgic, entertaining and musical trip through songs, sketches and scenes from Coward’s best loved works including Private Lives, Bittersweet, Blithe Spirit and Brief Encounter. “Devised by Coward’s biographer and godson, Sheridan Morley, and directed by showbiz
legend Nancye Hayes, this production captures Coward’s dry wit to perfection. “The production has been delighting audiences in Sydney and we are thrilled to be welcoming it to Gosford. “If you enjoy shows like Downton Abbey and The Great Gatsby then you’ll love Noel and Gertie for its glitz, glamour and old world theatrical charm,” Mr King said. Noel and Gertie is showing at the Laycock St Community Theatre on Tuesday, July 16, at 8pm, Wednesday, July 17, at 8pm and Thursday, July 18, at 2pm.
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Contact: 0403 934 842
The multi-instrumental trio will play a variety of styles, from jug band to jazz infused New Orleans shake, Chicago blues bellow and bluegrass bounce.
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1 Year (25 editions) to Out&About/Central Coast Grandstand $50
Tuition - Music
Phone Lachlan
Terrigal Scout Hall
Their sound encompasses pre-WWI tunes matched with post WW2 blues and modern time roots-a-billy. The band will play both plugged and unplugged on a number of different instruments, including guitars, gobrions, mandos, banjos, the big bull fiddle and washboard wailing. Entry to the concert is free.
4388 2253
Public Notice
Althings Handcraft Market
coustic folk blues band BluesAngels will perform at the Avoca Beach Hotel on Friday, July 12 from 8:30pm.
Contact Janice on
• Affordable • Suit beginners • All ages
Tickets $12 Concession $10 Members $8 Tickets available at the door. See
hold a regular class every Wednesday from 7 to 10 pm at the Church of Christ Hall, Henry Parry Drive Wyoming
Private Guitar Lessons
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4341 4060 Antennas
meets at the
July 26
Love & Lust Adult Shop
Tom Flood
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P12 - Out&About - July 11, 2013
1 Year (25 editions) to Wyong Regional Chronicle $50
1 Year (25 editions) to Gosford Central News $50
Peninsula Community Access
1 Year (25 editions) to Peninsula News $50
Phone: 4325 7369 - Fax: 4321 0940 120c Erina Street, Gosford To order online
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July 11, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P12
Swampies present cheque to local vet
Guy Robins scoops trifecta
Bruce Medhurst, Swampies Golf Group
Rex Brown, Gosford City Bowling Club
osford City Bowling Club’s Guy Robins teamed up with Craig Stevens on Saturday, July 6, to narrowly win the major pairs from two previous club champions
of Selvarajan Panchadcharam and Lex Lamont. “Guy Robins is having a great run in this year’s club championships,” said Gosford City Bowling Club’s Rex Brown. “Earlier he skippered a team of Craig Stevens,
Graeme Norris and Dennis McDivett to win the major fours and was crowned club champion when he won the Major Singles. “Guy is a devoted bowler and club member holding down the position of chairman of selectors.”
Dianne is Bateau Bay champion Betty Polson, Bateau Bay Women’s Bowling Club
ianne Edwards is the new Bateau Bay Women’s Bowling Club Major Singles winner for 2013 after she won the final that was played on Sunday,
May 19. Dianne began bowling in 1999 at Blacktown City Women’s Bowling Club and transferred to Bateau Bay in June 2008. She has had numerous achievements since joining the Club, winning the 2012
Club Fours and Club Triples. She also won the 2010 Minor Singles and was a member of the successful Grade Three Pennant side in 2009 and best performed Pennant team in 2009 and 2011.
he Swampies Golf Group of Everglades Country Club presented a cheque for $500 to local vet Naomi Lessels on Tuesday, July 2.
Ms Lessels has registered for the Ride to Conquer Cancer in order to raise funds for the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse at RPA.
The donation from the Swampies was mainly raised from raffles. The purpose built Lifehouse facility will cater to all aspects of cancer diagnosis and management including counselling for patients and their families. By participating in this ride, Naomi has committed herself to raise a minimum of $2,500 with a personal goal of $3,000 for the
organisation. She will also take part in a 200km bike ride over two days in October, camping near Camden overnight. Last year this ride became the single biggest fundraising event in Australia’s history generating $5.3 million. This year the organisation is hoping to exceed that amount.
Where do you get it? Following is a list of all good outlets on the Central Coast where you can get your free copy of Central Coast Grandstand Avoca Avoca Bowling Club Avoca Hotel Avoca Surf Club Bateau Bay Bateau Bay Bowling Club Bateau Bay Village Newsagent Shopping Centre Chemist Community Centre Golf Driving Range Bateau Bay Hotel PCYC Red Rooster Ten Pin Bowling The Entrance Leagues Club The Footy Shop The Men’s Shed McDonalds Bellevue Road Caltex Service Station FBI Swim Centre Budgewoi Budgewoi Hotel Budgewoi Soccer Club Halekulani Bowling Club Newsagent Service Station at Budgewoi shops Swim Centre Buff Point IGA Chittaway Chittaway Service Station Chittaway Tavern Davistown Davistown RSL Doyalson North BP Service Station Caltex Service Station
Doyalson Golf Driving Range Doyalson RSL Metro Service Station Shell Service Station Pacific Hydroponics P/L East Gosford Gosford Sailing Club East Gosford Hotel East Gosford Olympic Pool Empire Bay Bottle Shop Empire Bay Real Estate Empire Bay Tavern Liberty Service Station Newsagency The Entrance Bowling Club Bowls Shop Centrelink Diggers RSL Newsagent Seven Eleven Service Station The Entrance Hotel Erina Erina Fair Library Erina Leagues Club Football Shop Erina Fair Information Centre Erina Fair Jacks Bar and Grill Organic plus Service Station Erina Mall Woodport Inn Singos Meats Erina Heights Glee Ettalong Edge bike shop Ettalong Bowls Ettalong Physiotherapist
Hotel Mantra Resort Newsagency Senior Citizens Club Ettalong Memorial Club Cinema Paridiso Forresters Beach Swingers Golf Driving Range Gorokan Caltex Service Station Charm Haven Indoor Sports Centre Northlakes Tavern Tunkuwalli Newsagency Sports Club Community Centre Lake Haven shopping Centre Fitness Centre Library Newsagency Wallarah Bay Club Gosford Central Coast Leagues Club Ducks Crossing Publications Gosford Bowling Club Gosford Council Gosford Court House Gosford Hospital main entry Gosford Hospital emergency Gosford Hotel Gosford Library Imperial Centre Liquorland Littles Surf-Imperial Centre Mannings Sports Newsagent-Manns St Police Headquarters
Tourism Information Centre Gwandalan Bowling Club Corner store Service StationKanangra Dr/Orana Rd Takeaway shop Orana Rd Gwandalan Service Centre The Vegie Pot Kariong Kariong Liquor Shop Kariong Service Station Kariong Tavern Kariong Tourist information Centre Shell Service Station Kincumber Golf Range & Sports Club Gym Kincumber Hotel Kincumber Library Kincumber swim centres Killcare The Point Cafe Lake Munmorah Lake Munmorah Bowling Club Lisarow Lisarow Service Station Niagara Park Jenny Gee Uniform Shop Community Centre Niagara Park Library Niagara Park Tavern Long Jetty Caltex Service Station Falcon Service Station Long Jetty Hotel Metro Service Station
Newsagency Service station Squash Courts Mingara BP Service Station KFC McDonalds Mingara Sports Bar Recreation Club Subway Norah Head Norah head Bowling and Sports Club North Gosford North Gosford Private Hospital The Ultimate Brew Shop North Avoca General Store and Takeaway Ourimbah Department of Sport and Recreation Metro Service Station Newcastle University Ourimbah Campus Newsagent RSL Tall Timbers Hotel Summerland Point Tennis Club News agency Triple Lakes Real Estate office Terrigal Crown Plaza Hotel Gosford City Sports Stadium Terrigal Bowlo Terrigal Hotel Terrigal Surf Club Toukley Aquatic Centre Beachcomber Hotel
Canton Beach Bowling Club Newsagent Service Station Metro Toukley RSL Toowoon Bay Toowoon Bay Service Station Tuggerah Anytime Fitness BP Service Station Hogs Breath Hungry Jacks Lone Star Tavern McDonalds Metro Service Station Newsagents Rebel Sport Subway The Foot Locker Tuggerah Lakes Shelly Beach Golf Course Umina Caltex Sevice Station Library Ocean Beach Surf Shop Paws on the Coast Peninsula Village Shell Service Station Umina Bait & TackleUmina Bowling Club Umina Caravan Park Umina Hotel Umina Newsagency Umina Surf Shop Wamberal Newsagent Caltex Service Station Breakers Country Club Lotus Cafe The Green Room The Village Emporium The Point Cafe
West Gosford Anaconda Bait and Tackle Shop Bunning’s Warehouse Golf club Golf shop Golf range Gosford Tennis Centre Honda Bikes KTM Bikes Master Builders Association Newsagent Caltex Service Station Seven Eleven Service Station Show Ground West Gosford RSL Club Woy Woy Bay View Hotel Boulevard Pub Bourke road shop Campbells Hardware Courthouse Deepwater Plaza Liquorland Everglades Country club Peninsula Community Centre Peninsula Leisure Centre Shell Sevice Station Repco TAB Woy Woy bottle shop Woy Woy Bowling Club Woy Woy Hospital Woy Woy Leagues Club Woy Woy RTA Ya Local Bait shop
Wyoming Ten Pin Bowling Wyoming Fitness Centre Woolworths Service Station Wyoming shopping Centre Wyong Alberts Cafe Canteen TakeawayNorth Wyong Dam Hotel Golf Range Hotel Pacific Hwy/ Robley Lane KFC Newsagency - Village Central Oasis Youth Pizza in the Pan Phyllus UP Service Station - Amy Close Service Station - Wyong Rd Seven Eleven Service Station Subway-Village Central Wyong Bowls Club Wyong Council Wyong District Museum Wyong Hospital Wyong Hotel -Pacific Hwy/Church St Wyong Leagues Club Wyong Racecourse Wyong RSL Wyong Tennis Club Wyong Golf Course
If you would like your outlet added to this list please let us know - see contact details Page 2
P11 - GRANDSTAND - July 11, 2013
Ocean Beach wins three Awards of Excellence
Woy Woy Swimming Club wins 21 medals Sandra Wood, Woy Woy Swimming Club
Nigel Fitzgibbon, Ocean Beach Surf Lifesaving Club
cean Beach Surf Life Saving Club won three awards at the Central Coast Surf Lifesaving Annual Awards of Excellence held on Saturday, June 15.
Ocean Beach Surf Life Saving Club won the Club
of the Year award which was determined by governance, accountability, engagement with the community, attendance at meetings and fundraisers, patrolling strength and the amount of awards achieved. The Club also won the Patrol Marking Competition award and club member
Jane Davis won the Trainer of the Year award. Jane coordinated the training of over 200 senior awards and oversaw the proficiencies of all the junior members from Ocean Beach as well as mentoring trainers and assessors from Killcare Surf Life Saving Club. For winning these awards Ocean Beach received a brand new Malibu rescue board, an IRB fuel tank, a computer and a first aid kit.
(Fort Denison)
LAT 33° 51’ S - LONG 151° 14’ E - TIME ZONE - 1000 Times and Heights(m) of high and low waters Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m) THU - 11 0408 - 0.39 1011 - 1.36 1548 - 0.55 2211 - 1.71
FRI - 12 0444 - 0.40 1050 - 1.37 1630 - 0.57 2248 - 1.65
SAT - 13 0520 - 0.42 1132 - 1.39 1716 - 0.60 2329 - 1.58
SUN - 14 0600 - 0.44 1218 - 1.41 1808 - 0.64
MON - 15 0014 - 1.49 0642 - 0.46 1308 - 1.44 1907 - 0.66 THU - 18 0323 - 1.30 0925 - 0.49 1606 - 1.64 2245 - 0.51 SUN - 21 0048 - 0.27 0642 - 1.41 1224 - 0.35 1900 - 1.97
TUE - 16 0107 - 1.41 0730 - 0.48 1403 - 1.48 2015 - 0.65
WED - 24 0320 - 0.10 0922 - 1.55 1509 - 0.29 2134 - 1.98
THU - 25 0407 - 0.14 1012 - 1.56 1602 - 0.33 2223 - 1.87
WED - 17 0211 - 1.34 0824 - 0.49 1503 - 1.55 2132 - 0.60 SAT - 20 0542 - 1.35 1127 - 0.41 1805 - 1.87 TUE - 23 0231 - 0.11 0830 - 1.51 1415 - 0.28 2045 - 2.03
FRI - 19 0435 - 1.31 1027 - 0.46 1707 - 1.76 2350 - 0.39 MON - 22 0141 - 0.17 0737 - 1.47 1320 - 0.31 1953 - 2.03
Ettalong 40 min, Rip Bridge 2hrs - Wisemans Ferry 2 hrs 30 min, Koolewong 2 hrs 10 min
In view of the variations caused by local conditions and meteorological effects, these times are approximate and must be considered as a guide only. They are not to be relied on for critical depth calculations for safe navigation. Actual times of High and Low Water may occur before or after the times indicated
oy Woy Swimming Club won 21 medals at this year’s 12 and Under Development Meet on Sunday, June 30, at the Peninsula Leisure
Centre. In its third year, the carnival attracted clubs from all over the state, including the Sydney and Hunter regions, and received an extra 300 entries on last year’s meet. Twenty-one swimmers
represented Woy Woy, and the club came away with 21 medals between them, with at least six racers racing in their first ever carnival. The 12 and Under Development Meet is designed to help young swimmers compete in a fun and relaxed environment. As well as developing their racing techniques, partakers are enabled to qualify for higher level meets. The Woy Woy Swimming Club meets every Friday night at the Peninsula Leisure Centre at 7pm.
Photo: Michael Amendolia
On the Water
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July 11, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P10
Seven Central Coast AFL players selected for Swans team
Killarney Vale defeats Newcastle in round 13 AFL match
Courtesy of James Gardiner and Newcastle Herald
even Central Coast Black Diamond AFL players were selected in the Sydney Swan’s team that won 15.19-109 to 7.7-49 against ACT Eastlakes on Saturday, July 6, at No.1 Sportsground.
Black Diamond AFL was represented by James Webster, Kurt Flemming, Josh Polglase, Will Delahunty and Jay Lewis from Terrigal Avoca and Max Mumford and Daniel Lloyd from Killarney Vale, along with Jacob Dawes and Josh Avis from Newcastle City, Matt Spinks from Warners Bay and Blake Erickson from Nelson Bay. Swans’ reserve grade coach Jared Crouch said he had no doubts that the Black Diamond competition would produce more AFL footballers in the near future. Jesse White, Tim Membry
and Tony Armstrong led the way for the Swans, who led at every break to strengthen their place at the top of the ladder. But Crouch said the contribution of the local players should not be underestimated. “You saw how well the local boys fitted in with what we wanted to do,” Crouch said. “They had a crack and played the game simple. “That is why we recorded such a comprehensive win because of those guys. “Not only us, I think teams like Eastlakes who are playing in our competition, sometimes they try and scout around for ex-AFL players. “There is clearly some talent here that would bolster them. “Who knows, in time, we might even have a Newcastle side in the NEAFL, which would be a
good thing. “It is hard in a leaguedominated town. “It is great for the Swans to come up here and I hope it becomes an annual thing. “James Webster, who was a scholarship player at Essendon for a couple of years, was strong. “Jay Lewis too, even big Jacob Dawes. “They were all good,” said Crouch. A carnival-type crowd of about 1,200 attended the game that Crouch said could become an annual fixture. “There is definitely a push for it,” he said. “It is a fantastic ground. “It would be nice if it was 10 metres longer at either end. “Then it would be perfect and you would play a lot more games here. “Thanks too for Eastlakes in allowing the game to be played up here.”
Garry Burkinshaw, Black Diamond AFL
ith Singleton forfeiting to Terrigal Avoca and three teams having the bye, there was only one Black Diamond AFL Black Diamond Cup Premier Division round 13 match played on Sunday, July 7, which was between Killarney Vale and Newcastle City at Adelaide St Oval.
The match result was somewhat of an upset with Killarney Vale proving too strong for Newcastle City winning 13.13.91 to 6.6.42. It was the third time this year that these two teams had met and on the previous two occasions, Newcastle City had come out on top reasonably easy, albeit both matches were played at Newcastle. Back at home, the
Bombers entered the match with something to prove and they matched the ladder leaders right from the first bounce and were able to lead by two points at the first change. The second quarter saw the Bombers take control of the match with Dane Amidy and Hugh Wells leading the charge up forward, Killarney Vale were able to kick six goals to one and open up a decisive 34 point lead at the long break. With a lot of work to do, Newcastle City were expected to make a charge in the third quarter and, while star midfielders Anthony Stewart and Luke Rawsley were trying their hardest, they were unable to break down the Bombers’ defence which was being marshalled by veteran Corey Shackleton. At the final change, Killarney Vale had increased their lead to 52 points.
The final quarter was a bit of an arm wrestle with both sides kicking two goals each, which meant that Killarney had recorded a confident boosting 49 point victory. For the Bombers, Shackleton, Josf Mifsud, Daniel Lloyd and Alex Wells were their best with Hugh Wells and Amidy both kicking four goals. In a disappointing outcome for Singleton AFC, they were unable to muster sufficient players to make the trip to the Central Coast to play Terrigal Avoca and as such had to forfeit. This result saw Terrigal Avoca return to the top of the ladder. Cardiff, Lake Macquarie and Warners Bay had the bye. In First Division, an undermanned Wyong Lakes side proved no match for league leaders Nelson Bay.
Killarney Vale to meet Terrigal Avoca in AFL blockbuster Garry Burkinshaw, Black Diamond AFL
or the second time this season Killarney Vale and Terrigal Avoca will meet in a blockbuster at Adelaide St Oval in round 14 of the Black Diamond AFL competition on Saturday, July 13.
Killarney Vale will be looking to add Terrigal Avoca
to the list of their scalps for 2013. The Bombers recorded a surprise win over Newcastle City in round 13 making the Panthers the only side they have not beaten this year. The task will not be easy, however, as Terrigal Avoca have hardly put a foot wrong all year and defeated Killarney Vale by 72 points at this ground earlier in the year.
For the Bombers to beat the Panthers they will need to be able to break down their defence which will mean their forwards will have to be at the top of their game. Veteran Dane Amidy has been a consistent avenue to goal and Hugh Wells has popped up in recent weeks with handy goals. Terrigal Avoca has not played for almost three
weeks after their round 13 forfeit from Singleton following the bye and, as such may be a little bit off their best. However, with players
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such as Jimmy Webster, Jay Lewis and Kurt Fleming running the midfield, it should ensure that the Panthers’ forwards get plenty of opportunities.
In First Division, Wyong lakes make the trip to No 1 Sportsground to take on Newcastle City in what is arguably their final throw of the dice.
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June 4, 2013
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Meals for the hungry
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the Kariong Interchange and upgrading the Weakleys Dr intersection. The staged delivery of these projects could begin as soon as next year and will be jointly funded by the Federal and NSW governments, with each contributing $195.8 million. The extensive upgrade of the road corridor between Sydney and Central Coast is part of the much larger Federally-funded capital works program currently being rolled out across the State. Media Release, 30 May 2013 Office of Julia Gillard PM
he $13 million upgrade to the Central Coast Highway and Wisemans Ferry Rd intersection was fully opened to traffic on Friday, May 24, two months ahead of schedule and on budget.
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Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill and Department of Infrastructure and Transport representative Ms Lyn O’Connell
$13 million upgrade officially opened T
Minister for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Mr Chris Hartcher said the intersection upgrade funded by the NSW Government would benefit motorists by improving safety, reducing delays and lessening congestion. “This key intersection provides a major road link
between suburbs of the Central Coast and the F3 to Newcastle and Sydney,” Mr Hartcher said. “Importantly the upgraded intersection improves safety for motorists and cyclists by separating traffic movements and minimising merges. “The upgrade has
extended the existing right turn lane and provided a second right turn lane from the Central Coast Highway into Wisemans Ferry Rd. “And in another benefit to road users, the intersection has opened two months ahead of schedule.” Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein said work on
Ph: 4325 7369
the intersection upgrade commenced in June last year and was carried out by Roads and Maritime Services. “Minor finishing work including improved street lighting, building shared paths, final line marking and median upgrades is expected to be completed in late July,” Mr Holstein said. “Traffic control and reduced speed limits will
be in place where needed to ensure the safety of workers, motorists and other road users.” Further features of the upgrade included an additional left turn lane from Wisemans Ferry Rd into the Central Coast Highway controlled by traffic lights, a continuous lane on Wisemans Ferry Rd for southbound vehicles exiting F3, removing the need to merge, a right turn
bay from Wisemans Ferry Rd onto the northbound on ramp of the F3 to separate traffic and an off road cycle path. “I thank motorists and nearby residents for their ongoing patience throughout the upgrade and while this essential finishing work is carried out,” Mr Holstein said. Media Release, 24 May 2013 Caroline Hutcherson, Office of Chris Hartcher MP
Issue 60
Springfield Quarry discussions postponed osford Council has agreed to postpone discussions on the future of the Springfield Quarry until a detailed report addressing community concerns can be provided.
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rime Minister Julia Gillard joined Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese and Member for Robertson Ms Deb O’Neill in Kariong on Friday, May 24, to reaffirm Federal Labor’s $600 million plan to ease congestion and cut travel times along the F3. delivered in partnership with the NSW Government, which will provide the same amount of upfront funding. The balance of the required funding will come from the private sector, with the project expected to go to market within months. In addition to making the F3 to M2 Link a reality, Federal Labor’s plan also funds targeted improvements to tackle congestion and improve safety along the existing F3, including widening the section between Tuggerah and Doyalson, widening the section between Kariong and Somersby, upgrading
Your independent local newspaper
June 18, 2013
Prime Minister in Kariong to reaffirm F3 upgrade The corridor is used by some 75,000 cars and 7,000 trucks a day, with freight volumes predicted to nearly double within the next two decades. The centrepiece of Federal Labor’s plan is $405 million to bring forward the construction of the “missing link” between the F3 and M2. As well as delivering smoother, quicker driving conditions, this new 7.7km dual two lane road tunnel beneath Pennant Hills Rd would also greatly reduce traffic congestion through Sydney’s northern suburbs. The project will be
Issue 59
A report will come back to Council outlining options for alternative sites for a resource recovery facility, options for the gradual rehabilitation of the site and the ownership of the land and adjacent parcels. Council will explore a number of alternatives for the use of this site, now and into the future, balancing the financial impact of resource recovery activities and ensuring the environmental concerns of residents are addressed. The quarry was initially purchased by Council in 1997 and operated as a sandstone quarry supplying materials for some of Council’s road works. More recently, Council lodged a planning proposal for a Resource Recovery Facility on the site which caused wide spread community disquiet.
Cr Ward echoed Cr Morris’s views and said he didn’t understand why the quarry had to be located in a residential area. “It was very isolated in 1971, it is now very built up,” said Cr Ward. Cr Gabby Bowles said she understood the issue was an emotional one for a lot of people. “It’s fair enough that they’d like to move on with their lives and get back some of their tranquillity,’ said Cr Bowles. “But there is work that will need to take place on this site to remediate it. “That land as it is now is not in a position as it stands to be turned back over to our community. “It’s quite overgrown,” said Cr Bowles. The report on rehabilitation, alternative sites and ownership of adjacent land will come back to Council no later than September. As a result of the deferment, the site will be inactive, with the exception of the removal of the current won materials and storage of material, until a final decision is made. The decision to postpone
the discussion was not unanimous, with Crs Bob Ward, Hillary Morris and Vicki Scott opposing the amendment moved by Cr Chris Burke. Cr Morris, who starred the Notice of Motion, said
Springfield Quarry had been around since 1971 and Springfield “is obviously a very different place now”. “The purchase of Springfield Quarry was negotiated specifically for inclusion in the Coastal
Open Space Scheme (COSS) and the purchase price reflected this. “I would like to see the return of the quarry to COSS and the community and put an end to this,” said Cr Morris.
Kaitlin Watts, 11 Jun 2013 Email, 11 Jun 2013 Gosford Council Media Gosford Council Agenda NM.2, 11 Jun 2013
Nine Gosford residents receive top award
ine residents of the Gosford area were recognised on the 2013 Queen’s Birthday Honours List released on Monday, June 10.
Terrigal resident Mr Clifford Smith received an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for service to medicine, particularly in Papua New Guinea, while fellow Terrigal
resident Mr Anthony Collins was awarded an OAM for significant service to dentistry and to the community. Ms Evelyn France of Kulnura was awarded an
OAM for service to art and Ms Peggy Docksey was awarded an OAM for service to veterans and their families. Mr Bob Fraser of Holgate was presented with an OAM
for service to the community of the Central Coast and Narara resident Mr John Moriarty was awarded an OAM for service to cricket and the community of the Central Coast. Gosford resident Mr Raymond Southern was awarded an OAM for service to the community of Gosford
and Mr David Williamson, of Erina Heights, was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for service to the communities of Terrigal and Erina. Marine Rescue Central Coast unit commander Ms Patricia Fayers, of Wyoming, was one of 11 people to be awarded an Emergency
Services Medal (ESM). Email, 3 Jun 2013 Susan Fischer, Honours Secretariat
See pages 4 to 6 for full details
July 2, 2013
Your independent local newspaper
Ph: 4325 7369
Issue 61
Unidentified creature still a mystery A
n unidentified creature that washed up on Wamberal beach on Tuesday, June 25, is currently being studied by Quarantine in an attempt to identify it. The giant rat-like creature was examined by local environmental activist Mr Jake Cassar and has been described as similar to a brush tailed possum. Mr Cassar said he wasn’t sure it was a brush tailed possum, as it was “a little bit different”. “It has a very elongated skull, very, very long ears, very sharp teeth, much like a rodent and very humanlike hands and a long tail. ‘It is a very powerful, large creature. “I would love to think it’s something unusual or not
known, but I’m just really not sure. “There are many different views out there, but whatever happens, I have had a heap of fun and this thing has captured the attention and imagination of thousands,” said Jake. An answer from Quarantine was expected to be received on Monday, July 1, however, it was not available at the time Coast Community News went to press. Kaitlin Watts, 1 Jul 2013
New weed endangers threatened species
new exotic weed has been discovered on Saratoga Island Nature Reserve in Brisbane Water near Davistown.
The invasive weed known as Sicilian Sea Lavender (Limonium hyblaeum) has been known to displace native species in both South Australia and Victoria, but this is the first time it has been found invading natural environments on the Central Coast. National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) acting regional manager, Mr Alan Henderson said that the weed was invading the important saltmarsh vegetation communities on the island. “The weed is displacing native plant species and it can lead to the loss of biodiversity and impact on these fragile and important communities. “Sea lavender is used in cultivated gardens, but
its escape into natural bushland is devastating to environment and it has now become an invasive weed causing problems on the island,” Mr Henderson said. Coastal saltmarsh is listed under the Threatened Species Conservation Act as an endangered ecological community and provides important habitat for marine and terrestrial animals such as crabs, molluscs, insects and spiders. Fish species also use the area during tidal flooding and many migratory wading birds use the areas for roosting and feeding. “Our priority is to rid the island of this weed to help the saltmarsh areas recover and ensure this important habitat is maintained for native species of the Central
Coast. “We will engage bush regeneration contractors to undertake work to remove the weed,” Mr Henderson said. This will involve hand removal of the weed species and include measures to prevent the weed spreading or recolonising. The dumping of garden refuse into natural areas is one way that weeds can disperse, particularly close to waterways. The community is reminded to ensure they use appropriate methods for the disposal of garden refuse including green bins supplied by council. Media release, 21 Jun 2013 Susan Davis, National Parks and Wildlife Service
P9 - GRANDSTAND - July 11, 2013
Roos lose to North Sydney Bears Andrew Stark
wo tries in the final seven minutes guaranteed North Sydney a hard fought 26-14 victory over the Wyong Roos rugby league team in front of a bumper Morry Breen crowd on Sunday, July 7.
A second half struggle saw the Bears cling perilously to a two point advantage for a full 25 minutes until a heady piece of play from former Test centre Matt King saw the hirsute flier gallop down a vacant blindside from deep within his own half; a burst that ultimately led to the game breaking try scored by second rower Bennett Leslie. Matt King bookended this game with decisive plays, for he also opened the scoring after 12 minutes with a forceful surge out of dummy half that enabled him to cross the Roos’ line from 20 metres out. Six minutes later, Wyong were back on level terms when skipper Mitch Williams threaded a precisely placed grubber kick down the blindside for the barrel chested Brad Bennett to pursue and pounce.
An enthusiastic crowd cheered on the Roos against the Bears on a sunny Sunday at Morry Breen Oval
The packed northern hill erupted in high applause seven minutes before the break when big Leivaha Pulu scored Wyong’s second try, scooping up another deft grubber kick on the last, this time poked through by the lanky halfback Jono Ford. Wyong were ahead 10-6 and, despite fluffing the conversion, an ever so light scent of an upset began wafting the Kanwal outer. Norths, however, were having none of it and the Bears reclaimed the lead
late in the half when the Roos couldn’t get under a towering Luke Keary mid field bomb. A wicked bounce eluded all the defenders, landing flush in the hands of a fast trailing Mitchell Buckett. The Norths’ left winger
dived over between the sticks for a well taken, opportunistic try. Four seconds before oranges, Wyong lock Brock Molan dragged three defenders over the Norths’ line but couldn’t get the ball down and the visitors took
a skinny 12-10 lead into the sheds. Wyong coach Paul Stringer barely had time to resume his seat following the mid game natter before the home team’s deficit had drifted from two out to six. Norths’ fullback Chris
Centrone bustled over in the right corner after Shaun Boss had had the misfortune of coughing up the kick-off return. A huge tackle by Allen Malau on Mitchell Buckett earned Wyong a repeat set and the Roos’ brains trust of Williams and Ford did the rest. Etu Uaisele fed the ball in space down the right edge to touchdown near the corner post. Matt Nelson’s conversion floated wide and, after 47 minutes, the Bears led yet again. The following 25 minutes saw the game ebb and flow magnificently as both sides strove manfully to gain the upper hand. It wasn’t until Matt King sparked Leslie’s late try, followed shortly thereafter by a 45 metre solo effort from dummy half Apisai Koroisau, that the two competition points were wrapped securely in a grizzly shade of black and red.
Terrigal Sharks back on top
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Andrew Stark
he Wyong Roos leapfrogged Kincumber into the top five following a hard fought 18-10
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win over the Colts during Round 12 of the Central Coast Rugby League competition on
Sunday, July 7. Kincumber led 10-6 at half time and the result remained in doubt until Wyong prop Sam Foini was able to barge his way over beside the posts seven minutes from fulltime. The competition’s giant killers of recent weeks, Umina, held competition leaders Berkeley Vale to a 22-all draw at Berkeley Vale Oval. The Bunnies have hit
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a purple patch of form in recent times having knocked off the previously undefeated Terrigal prior to the wash out in Round 11. Despite snaring a valuable competition point, Umina would consider themselves somewhat unlucky having crossed for five tries to the Panthers’ four, with the Bunnies managing to slot a single goal. The draw at Berkeley Vale left the door open for Terrigal to reclaim the competition lead; the Sharks accommodating this opportunity courtesy of a 26-16 victory over the fourth placed Erina. In the other games, Woy Woy, Ourimbah and The Entrance all ran up big scores on a dry, free flowing afternoon of running football. The Roosters belted Toukley 62-12, Ourimbah were too good for Central Wyong 62-6 while The Entrance eclipsed Northern Lakes 60-12 racking up an even 30 points in each half.
July 11, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P8
Kariong to take on Terrigal in match of the day Larry Thomson, Central Coast Rugby Union
ound 14 of the Central Coast Rugby Union competition will see some interesting games on Saturday, July 13.
The Match of the Day will see Kariong take on Terrigal at Kariong Oval. In some ways this match is almost the last throw of the dice for these two teams. The loser would find it almost impossible to make the semi-finals this year. Terrigal are currently a win, and Kariong two wins, outside the Top Four so a win is essential for either team to keep in touch of the leading teams. Kariong have played well in recent weeks and have clawed themselves back into semi-final calculations with some good results. Terrigal have also played well but have not got the results they probably deserved. Kariong have a combination of youth and
experience, with NSW Country prop Shannon Beavan leading the way. With the return of Scott Hanley, and also the good recent form of Mitchell Clay, Kariong have the midfield strength to make an impact. Terrigal are good right across the paddock. They will rely heavily on players such as Ryan Metcalfe, Joe Taylor, Doug Angus, Dylan Calabria and Todd Atkins to lead from the front. Both coaches, Kariong’s’ Tod Wills and Terrigal’s Mark Grills, will have their troops primed for a big effort. Warnervale are at home to The Entrance at Woongarah Oval. Warnervale will go into this clash freshened up after their bye in round 13. After the previous week’s washout, Warnervale have not played a game for quite a few weeks. Warnervale are playing at home and, being in fourth spot, they will want to stay there.
The Entrance have had their moments this year and on their day can push any of the teams in the competition. However Warnervale, with so much to play for, should prove too strong on Saturday. Much the same can be said for the Avoca Beach versus Woy Woy match. Avoca Beach are at home to Woy Woy at Heazlett Park and have much to play for in this clash. Avoca Beach are currently in second spot and will want to maintain their surge to the Finals. They have the home ground advantage and, with Woy Woy struggling to get the good results in recent weeks, the home team would be expected to win this match. Woy Woy have also had their moments this year but will find things most difficult on Saturday. Gosford and Northlakes meet in second and third Grade at Gosford Showground on Saturday.
Ashley-Cooper plays pivotal role in Wallabies’ win Australian Rugby
ormer Ourimbah Rugby Union Juniors’ player Adam Ashley-Cooper played a pivotal role in the Qantas Wallabies’ victory over the British and Irish Lions on Saturday, June 29, at Melbourne’s Ethiad Stadium.
the only try of the match, with outside centre AshleyCooper crossing over in the 75th minute to give his side the one-point lead they maintained for the rest of the match. The final score was Qantas Wallabies 16 to British and Irish Lions 15. Christian Leafi’ifano converted Ashley-Cooper’s try and was also responsible for the Wallabies’ three
Gosford outlast Ourimbah in narrow win Larry Thomson, Central Coast Rugby Union
osford outlasted Ourimbah to score a narrow 2625 win at Ourimbah Rugby Park in the Central Coast Rugby Union round 13 Match of the Day on Saturday, July 6.
Ourimbah scored three tries to two but a good first half by Gosford saw them gain a handy lead at the halftime break. Gosford opened the scoring with an early penalty goal to take a 3-0 lead. However a good period of rugby by Ourimbah saw them soon take the lead. They scored a try then followed it up quickly with a second try. Ourimbah had jumped to a 12-3 lead at the midway point of the first half, and things appeared to be going all their way. Gosford responded with some excellent rugby in the second quarter of the match. They responded with two tries themselves and also kicked a penalty goal just before the break. Gosford had suddenly jumped to a 20-12 lead and seemed to be in control of proceedings at this stage of the match. The first 40 minutes saw both teams throw the ball around and, as a result, were both able to cross for two tries apiece. Penalty goals were the only difference.
penalty goals. A crowd of 56,771 attended the match, the second game in the Lions’ tour of Australia. Ashley-Cooper then played in the final match of the tour at ANZ Stadium in Sydney on Saturday, July 6, against the Lions. The Wallabies went down 41-16 in front of a record crowd of 83,702.
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Although Ourimbah scored the only try of the second half, and outscored Gosford by 10-6 during this time, it was Gosford who were able to hang on for the one point victory. Ourimbah were not helped in their cause by having players in the sin bin so the home side did play the last stages of the match with players missing on the paddock. Gosford had several outstanding players on the day but none were better than centre Tim Hill who had a barnstorming match and was dangerous every time he touched the ball. He was well supported by flankers Andrew Moseley and Hugo Pike, while prop Shanon Hardgrave had one of his best games in his newly found position. Ourimbah were best served by lock Tyler Jones, who scored a try, and by outside back Ryan Pike. The win by Gosford cemented their position at the top of the competition ladder but both teams proved they would be close to the action at finals time in September. Kariong scored a most convincing win over Woy Woy at Woy Woy Oval, running out winners by 6215. Kariong were in total control from start to finish and never allowed Woy Woy into the match. Kariong scored 10 tries to two, which was an accurate
indication of the flow of the match. Best players for Kariong were centre Jason Briot, who crossed for three individual tries, Blake Silvester and Mitchell Clay. Best for Woy Woy were Brendan Lacey and Alex Moore. Avoca Beach also had a comfortable win over The Entrance at Joseph Banks Oval, winning by 49-0. Avoca Beach ran in nine tries to nil and were never in doubt of victory. They controlled possession and territory from start to finish and showed they would definitely be in the middle of the action later in the season. Avoca Beach had several good players, but their props Luke Sheridan and Ric Veitch were strong, and backs Josh Davies, Dave Gee and Mitch Graham all played well. The Entrance gave it their all, and their best players were fullback Adam Williams and Frank Munroe. Terrigal were too strong for Northlakes in Second and Third Grade, and recorded good wins in both matches. Round 12 of Central Coast Rugby Union was postponed on Saturday, June 29, due to the wet weather. This entire round of matches is now set down to be played on Saturday, July 27.
A Peninsula Peninsula newspaper newspaper A with in-depth in-depth with Peninsula area area news! news! Peninsula Peninsula Community Access Edition 319
News Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
Future of Hardys Bay RSL Club to be discussed The future of the Hardys Bay RSL and Citizens Club will be discussed at an extraordinary general meeting from 10am on Sunday, June 16. The meeting will provide an update on the current negotiations to sell the property of the club and enter into an agreement which would allow it to continue to trade at its present location. Should these negotiations be unsuccessful, it is highly likely that the club would be forced to close, according to Hardys Bay Residents Group spokesman Mr Allan Wilson. Whatever the outcome of the meeting, the club will require funds to meet its own current liabilities, including entitlements to the staff who are presently working, he said. The club was built in 1983 and houses an 80-plus seated restaurant, lounge bar, gaming room with 15 poker machines, a covered barbecue area, verandas and car parking for over 40 vehicles. “Over the years, a number of fine chefs have graced the club’s restaurant and added
Hardys Bay RSL Club
their individual imprimatur to their respective menus,” said Mr Wilson. “These have included, for instance, highly respected names such as Alex Herbert, Brian Lizotte and Michael Stride. “In more recent times, the Bay Leaf Bistro, as it is now known, has benefited from a cosmetic makeover, giving it a fresh new appearance,” he said. A fundraising function is also being planned for the club for Saturday, June 29, which will feature a performance from a well-known band.
“It will provide the guests with an opportunity to enjoy the excellent food provided by the restaurateur, Dorothee Meyer, who has injected new flavours acquired from her French background,” said Mr Wilson. “It will also enable the patrons to dance the night away and drink a toast to the health and future well-being of this local symbol which has provided so much relaxation for the public for so long,” he said. Email, 6 Jun 2013 Allan Wilson, Hardys Bay Residents Group
Peninsula Community Access 11 June 2013
The Woy Woy Peninsula Community Garden will celebrate its first birthday with a Winter Solstice Workshop on Saturday, June 22, from 1.30pm to 3.00pm. “The group started work on clearing the site just over a year ago, and our first official plantings in the raised garden beds took place on the winter solstice last year,” said garden coordinator Ms Jill Meredith. Thanks to a community builders grant from Gosford Council, the group has been able to build more raised garden beds, build
Edition 320
News Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
Peninsula Community Access 24 June 2013
Edition 321
News Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
8 July 2013
Sports camp parking to be monitored The NSW Government has announced it will monitor visitor parking locations for the Broken Bay Sport and Recreation Centre at Little Patonga and implement changes if necessary. The Brooklyn Community Association had asked the Member for Hornsby Mr Matt Kean “to take steps to relieve parking congestion at Brooklyn” by moving the centre’s adult pick-up point from Brooklyn to Patonga. Announcing the monitoring plan, Mr Kean said the centre had been hosting school and community groups for 75 years. “These visitors are important for the local Brooklyn community as they bring much-needed business to local shops and cafes. “The Centre is an asset to the village’s tourism industry and we’re happy to work together with the community so everyone can enjoy this beautiful part of the Hawkesbury region. “We don’t believe our clients are causing any problems with parking in Brooklyn – the majority are school children who arrive by bus.” However, Brooklyn Community Association president Mr Robert Arnold said there was a “major parking problem in Brooklyn”. “We have a range of people
who utilise parking for a holiday or multi-day holidays. “We want to look at how the longer term parking can be better handled,” he said. Mr Arnold said conversations had taken place with Mr Kean about a study into Brooklyn’s parking issues and a plan was in place to perform the study. “The Broken Bay Sport and Recreation Centre in Patonga is just one of the parking issues of about half a dozen different parking requirements that we have. “We want to provide parking for people who are catching the train as well. “Our goal is that if we have medium-term, long-term parking then we move that off what is now our best short-term visitor parking place. “The parking for people travelling to Patonga is right in the centre of Brooklyn so I understand why it is a big issue for the people involved. “These issues have been in Brooklyn for many years and parking has been an issue for many years and there are quite a few people who are passionate about these issues.” Media Statement, 5 Jun 2013 Matt Kean, Member for Hornsby Kaitlin Watts, 23 May 2013 Interviewee: Robert Arnold
Community garden celebrates first year
a sensory herb circle, provide seating and a colourful mural for the shed. “Our workshop will be on organic and permaculture principles and how to improve the soil,” said Ms Meredith. “It will be led by local horticulturist Adam McCall, who helped design the garden layout,” she said. The workshop is available by gold coin donation, but enquiries and bookings should be made to Jill Meredith on 4344 2704. Email, 3 Jun 2013 Jill Meredith, Woy Woy Peninsula Community Garden
THIS ISSUE contains 60 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info
An artist’s impression of the proposed Woy Woy Oval grandstand and amenities
Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein, Minister for Health Ms Jillian Skinner, Central Coast Local Health District Board chair Mr Paul Tonkin, Woy Woy Hospital Auxiliary president Ms Phyllis Thomas, Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill and Woy Woy Hospital Alliance president Mr Ivan Kinny at the official ribbon cutting of the Woy Woy Rehabilitation Unit
Rehabilitation unit is officially opened Woy Woy Hospital’s new $11.6 million 30-bed Rehabilitation Unit was officially opened on Tuesday, June 11, by Minister for Health Ms Jillian Skinner. Ms Skinner was joined by Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein, Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill, Woy Woy Hospital Auxiliary president Ms Phyllis Thomas, Woy Woy Hospital Alliance president Mr Ivan Kinny and Central Coast Local Health District Board Chair Mr Paul Tonkin. The facility was joint-funded with the NSW Government investing $5 million into the project and the Australian Government, under the COAG New Subacute Beds Guarantee contributing $6.6 million. Ms Skinner said she was pleased to deliver on their preelection commitment to restore rehabilitation services to Woy Woy Hospital, which were relocated to Wyong Hospital in 2008. “It is with great excitement that I can be here today to celebrate the fulfilment of a pre-election commitment to provide enhanced rehabilitative care for patients on the Central Coast. “It’s no secret that this area has a growing and ageing population
Woy Woy Rehabilitation Unit gym
and to meet this demand we must continue to invest in these services to deliver quality care to the community,” Ms Skinner said. The new unit comprises 30 patient beds including two inpatient rooms, multiple courtyard therapy areas, a gymnasium and a dining room that includes a self-serve beverage bay. The facility also features new kitchen areas, staff facilities, linen
holding areas and waste collection facilities as well as additional parking. Mr Holstein said he was proud to deliver much-needed services for Woy Woy and Central Coast communities. “The NSW Government is delivering on the commitments it has made to the community and our new rehabilitation unit is a wonderful example of this,” Mr
Holstein said. “The Rehabilitation Unit is designed to provide support for patients including coordinated medical, psychological and rehabilitative care tailored to individual needs. “We want to see these patients recover so that they are able to return to the community and live with optimal independence while being supported by communitybased health services. “Provision has also been made for bariatric patients with a specially designed room with a ceiling mounted hoist that also provides access to the ensuite, helping to ensure the safety of both patients and staff,” Mr Holstein said. Ms O’Neill said bringing back the Woy Woy Rehabilitation Ward would make a real and practical difference to local residents needing care and support on the Peninsula. “Anyone can have an accident or a stroke or an illness that puts them in need of rehab services in a dedicated facility,” said Ms O’Neill. “Being near family and friends is part of that healing journey. “I’m very proud to be a part of the Federal Government that has delivered this great new building, and brought this service back to life
here in Woy Woy.” Ms O’Neill also thanked the strong community campaign that made bringing this facility back possible. “This is truly a win for the community. “I want to thank people like Ivan Kinney, Marj Cleere and their dedicated team who, alongside the Woy Woy Hospital Ancillary, kept up their petitioning to make this possible. “We are committed to ensuring that all Australians have access to the right health care, at the right time and in the right place – and better integrating it across public hospitals, primary care and aged care. “By investing in the availability of subacute care services, the Government is improving the capacity of our health system to meet the challenges of an ageing population.”
Council may expand oval redevelopment Gosford Council staff are investigating the possibility of expanding the proposed Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment Masterplan. The issue was deferred at Council’s ordinary meeting of Tuesday, July 2, for two weeks to give council staff time for their investigation. Cr Gabby Bowles said there was a canteen and amenities block on the eastern side of the ground that
is currently being used by Woy Woy Football Club and Woy Woy Cricket Club. Cr Bowles asked council officers to look into opportunities to incorporate an upgrade of this facility with the plans to replace the dilapidated referees’ facilities. Cr Bowles said this would see a “better multi-use facility that could accommodate more codes”. Through the Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment Masterplan, the staged development aims to provide
an 800-seat grandstand, change rooms, referees’ room, first aid room, media box and kiosks. If adopted, it would also have a barbecue area, club house, storage areas, sportsground amenities, scoreboard and a commercial area for potential leases. Landscaping features would include spectator mounding, shade areas and retractable fencing. A major focus of the Masterplan is the integration of the facility with the CBD and creating a Woy Woy CBD
hub with the ability to host regional sporting events. This would involve the relocation of the car park from Oval Ave into the existing car park which would create additional parking spaces and timed parking for CBD users. The Oval Ave car park would be transformed into a boulevard space allowing seating for the proposed cafe, a meeting space and an area that can be used for events such as markets. Council has allocated $750,000
through the Capital Works Program and $1 million through the Infrastructure Reserve for the demolition and redevelopment of the grandstand. A further $130,000 was allocated through the Capital Works program for the demolition and redevelopment of the Woy Woy Rugby Clubhouse. Gosford Council Agenda ECO.11, 2 Jul 2013
Media release, 11 Jun 2013 Samantha Day, Office of Jillian Skinner Media release, 10 Jun 2013 Richard Mehrtens, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP
THIS ISSUE contains 58 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info
Woy Woy Oval grandstand as it stands todsy
Photo: Naomi Bridges Photography
THIS ISSUE contains 58 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info
P7 - GRANDSTAND - July 11, 2013
Mariners team up with International Football School Central Coast Mariners Media
he Central Coast Mariners have joined forces with the International Football School through a landmark agreement signed on Friday, June 28.
(‘The Future’) Academy and FC Barcelona’s La Masia system. The alliance will enable the Mariners and IFS to streamline elite youth players into the Club’s Academy structure, providing an aligned pathway from the grassroots level to the Hyundai A-League, Westfield W-League and beyond. Central Coast Mariners head of youth and community football Patrick Zwaanswijk said that the opportunity for kids to balance daily football training with their schooling – what will now be known as International Football
The partnership, which aims to revolutionise the standard of Australian youth players, will see the two organisations, with the backing of Central Coast Football (CCF), combine to provide a raft of youth development programs. Programs will be based on the principles of Ajax Amsterdam’s De Toekomst
School Mariners Campus (IFSMC)- has the scope to significantly improve the level of Australian youth footballers. “This partnership is an exciting development not only for our Club and IFS but for the kids of the Central Coast and Australian football,� Mr Zwaanswijk said. “It begins to put the Central Coast Mariners’ pathway on par with the Academies of major European and South American clubs. “In Europe, a key focus each day is on ball mastery and technique, as well as attaining 10,000 hours of
high quality training by expert coaches by the time the player turns 18. “We are replicating European best practice by combining daily training at the International Football School Mariners Campus with our thorough Academy pathway and high intensity of games.� In a significant boost for the Club, the partnership will place former Central Coast players Andre Gumprecht and Brad Porter under the Mariners’ coaching umbrella Foundation Mariners’ player and current youth development coordinator Damien Brown will also
Bojic terminates contract with Mariners
take a hands-on role at the school as the Mariners expand their community and development programs and introduce after school care clinics. “This is the first major development at the Mariners in my time as majority owner and I am proud that it is one that is unique to Australian football and will be a game changer for the sport,� Central Coast Mariners majority owner Mr Michael Charlesworth said. “We are implementing a world class model that will be the envy of every other Hyundai A-League club, and we’ve set some ambitious 10-year targets for the project which include developing kids from the campus to play for the Qantas Socceroos and Westfield Matildas.� “It says a lot that Fox Sports’ Robbie Slater, the
first Australian to win an English Premier League title with Blackburn Rovers, took time out of his schedule today to join us in endorsing the model.� International Football School Mariners Campus CEO Mr Paul Chapman launched the School earlier this year. By 2015 the School is expected to cater for kids from Years 3 to 12. “By working together we can now provide a pathway that allows a player as young as five to begin a Mariners Development Program and then become an IFS student in a full time program from age eight until they’re 18,� Mr Chapman said. “Training is age specific with highly credentialed coaches ensuring individual players receive the right attention and information for their level of development.�
Central Coast Mariners Media
entral Coast Mariners have confirmed that defender Pedj Bojic has been granted a release from the Club.
Bojic approached management in recent weeks wishing to terminate the final year of his contract. The Club held talks with Bojic in a bid to having him remain with the Mariners. However, Bojic’s release was activated upon the team’s return to Australia on Friday, May 24. Bojic joined the Mariners in 2008 and has been a constant figure in the Club’s first team over the past five years.
Bogic on the move Photo: ValsPix
In Australia, over 44,000 young people are homeless.* Young people under 25 make up almost 45% of the overall homeless population. ‥
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Youth Off the Streets is a registered charity helping the nation’s most disadvantaged youth to turn their lives around.
Gala day fun for soccer fans Dean Knibbs, Wyong Christian Community School
unior and senior primary school soccer teams from Wyong Christian Community School competed in their respective gala days at Valentine Soccer Fields on Wednesday, June 12.
The senior team won their first two games and
led 1-0 at the time their third game was cancelled, hence placing first overall. The junior team placed fourth overall and were able to complete their games despite poor weather conditions. The team will now progress to the Christian Schools Sport Association (CSSA) State Soccer Gala Day which will take place next term.
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July 11, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P6
Marcel signs for three seasons
Roux and Slater confirmed for Mariners squad
Central Coast Mariners media
he latest piece of Graham Arnold’s 2013-14 squad jigsaw puzzle has fallen into place with experienced Dutch defender Marcel Seip signing on with the reigning Hyundai A-League Champions for the next three seasons.
Seip, 31, played in the Dutch Eredivisie for VVV Venlo last campaign and has enjoyed a distinguished playing career in the United Kingdom with clubs including Plymouth Argyle, Blackpool, Sheffield United and Bradford City. During his brief loan spell at Bramall Lane with Sheffield United in 2010, Seip became close friends with combative Mariners’ midfielder Nick Montgomery. Upon discovering the Mariners’ interest in him, Seip contacted his former Blades teammate who in turn provided a glowing report regarding life with the Club and on the Central Coast. “This is a major decision in my life as I have to move my whole family over to Australia,” Seip said. “But it was quite an easy decision to make. “I spoke to (Nick) Montgomery and he said life is amazing, that football in Australia is on the up, and that the Mariners are the current A-League Champions. “My wife is also close friends with Nick’s wife and we have been in contact since talking about Australia. “We know a lot about the Club and the area already, and that’s why it was so easy to make the decision.” Right footer Seip has been signed to fill the role vacated by his countryman, the recently retired Patrick Zwaanswijk, at left stopper.
And, although it may seem unorthodox to play a predominately right footed player on the left, Seip said that is where he feels most comfortable on a football pitch. “If I am signing for a new team, I always ask if I can play on the left side,” he said. “I’m used to it now, it’s where I do my best defending and I think I am very strong in that role. “I’ve played my whole career on the left side even though I am a right footer. “I am a tough defender, and I don’t shy away from a tackle.” The lure of participating in the AFC Champions League throughout his time with the Mariners is also of interest to the former SC Heerenveen man. “I love adventures and new challenges,” he said. “It sounds amazing going to China and Japan and playing the best teams over there. “I am always curious to know what the level is over there.” Central Coast Mariners head coach Graham Arnold said he believed Seip possessed the attributes required to contribute strongly to the Club’s Hyundai A-League Championship defence. “I have a number of knowledgeable scouts in Europe and they gave Marcel the thumbs up,” Arnold said. “He is a strong defender, and someone I believe will add steel to our backline which can already be selected from Joshua Rose, Trent Sainsbury, Zac Anderson, Brent Griffiths, Hayden Morton, Michael Neill, and Storm Roux.” Seip will join his new teammates in Australia in late July.
Central Coast Mariners Media
raham Arnold’s Central Coast Mariners squad for season nine of the Hyundai A-League continues to take shape with precocious youngsters Storm Roux and Tom Slater confirmed for the club’s Championship defence.
Right-back Roux, 20, recently played in all three of New Zealand’s group matches at the 2013 FIFA U20 World Cup in Turkey, and joins the Mariners on a two-year deal. While he is one of New Zealand football’s brightest prospects, Roux won’t take up one of the Mariners’ foreigner spots by virtue of the fact he also holds Australian citizenship. Having made his Hyundai A-League debut for Perth Glory last season, Roux
arcos Flores, the 2011 Johnny Warren Medal Winner, has signed with Central Coast Mariners FC on a one-season deal.
Flores was released from Melbourne Victory FC on Friday, July 5, where he played as the Club’s marquee throughout the 2012-13 Hyundai A-League season. The former Newell’s Old Boys and Adelaide United attacker will arrive on the
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knowing full well that many youngsters have been given opportunities for the men from Bluetongue Stadium in the past. “Hopefully if I train well I’ll get a shot,” Slater said. “I can see that he’s (Arnold) done that with young players before.” Mariners’ mastermind Arnold said he believed the signings of Roux and Slater were in line with the club’s successful philosophy of grooming elite young talent for the big stage. “It’s about getting some good young players in and giving the opportunity to young players,” Arnold said. “I watched him (Roux) play against the Australia U20 side down in Wollongong and he was excellent. “Young Tommy (Slater) comes in from Sydney FC. “Sydney were interested in offering him a deal, but luckily we got him up here. “It’s a good opportunity to
develop him, educate him, and hopefully he’ll end up a good product. “Obviously Tom is the son of Robbie Slater, who is my good mate. “I went and watched Tom on numerous occasions without his father around to make sure he has the qualities, and he does have the qualities,” Arnold concluded. Central Coast Mariners Group general manager Mr Peter Turnbull said: “We believe Storm and Tom will develop immensely during their time with us and on behalf of the staff, our members and fans, I would like to officially welcome them to the Mariners.” “I know both players had other options for their football pathway, with Tom in fact receiving interest from a leading French club. “It is testament to Graham Arnold, his staff and our Club that they have both chosen to play for us.”
Central Coast Mariners Media
said he felt flattered when he learnt of the Mariners’ interest in him. “I got a big confidence boost when I found out a big Club like the Mariners and a coach like Graham Arnold wanted me,” Roux said. “I am obviously very excited to be joining the Champions. “I’m aiming to establish myself as an A-League player during my time at the Club.” Meanwhile, left-winger Slater, 16, has penned a three-season contract with Central Coast having last season turned out for Sydney FC’s National Youth League side. With the Mariners returning to pre-season training on Monday, July 8, the day marked Slater’s first day as a full-time professional footballer. Slater will be looking to make giant strides under the tutelage of Arnold and his astute coaching staff,
Flores signs with Mariners
Central Coast within the next fortnight once he finalises his relocation from Victoria. Central Coast Mariners head coach Graham Arnold said: “We are excited to have signed such a talented player as Marcos Flores.” “It is well known that Marcos was Victory’s marquee player last year, so for us to not only sign him but fit him inside the salary cap is a fantastic coup for the Club. “We are sure Marcos will be a great addition to the team.”
Speaking over the phone to Mariners’ management, Flores said he believed he could play his best football at the Club. “I am so happy to be able to play again with a smile on my face,” he said. “I am ready to eat the world for the Mariners. “They are the Champions, they are always successful, and it is exciting to join ‘Arnie’ (Graham Arnold) as he wants me to be his number 10. “I feel happy now and I have so much energy and
enthusiasm for the Mariners. “I have been good in the A-League before, but with the Mariners I will be better.” Central Coast Mariners Group general manager Mr Peter Turnbull said: “We are excited as a Club to have Marcos Flores sign with us because we know his talent, but we also wanted to demonstrate to our members and fans that we are determined to give the team every chance to defend the Hyundai A-League Championship.”
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P5 - GRANDSTAND - July 11, 2013
Spicer is National Netball teams receive Sports Turf Graduate sponsorship of the Year T
Gosford Council Media
Wyong Council and Central Coast Group Training
yong Council apprentice Andrew Spicer has been named the National Sports Turf Graduate of the Year.
Mr Spicer was one of three apprentices in the country in the final running for the top award after he became the NSW Sports Turf Association Graduate of the Year in April. As the winner of the national award, Andrew will have the chance to travel to Melbourne and the United States to check out the quality of some of the top sporting fields to further develop his skills and knowledge. This opportunity was the result of the longstanding partnership between Wyong Council and Central Coast Group Training (CCGT). The CCGT apprentice works in council’s open space section and helps
maintain a range of sporting fields across the Shire. Council’s organisational development partner Ms Linda Sutton said Mr Spicer, who has been with council for three years, should be very proud of his achievements. “This is a great acknowledgement of Andrew’s hard work,” Ms Sutton said. “It’s also great recognition
for our council staff who work with Andrew and provide day to day coaching for him. “Council and CCGT strongly support apprenticeships as a great opportunity for young people to start their careers. “We look forward to offering more training and career opportunities to our local youth as we continue our partnership with CCGT,” said Ms Sutton. CCGT manager Ms Alison Cook said Mr Spicer is a fine example of the high standard of enthusiastic young apprentices and trainees that work with CCGT and Council. “Andrew is exceptionally talented in his chosen field of horticulture,” Ms Cook said. “He epitomises what the youth of the Coast can do when given the support and guidance that come through industry partnerships and the Central Coast Group Training model.”
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he Woy Woy Peninsula Netball Association’s U15s team and the Gosford Netball Association’s U13s Team were each awarded $1, 250 by Gosford Council’s Developing and Recognising Talent
Program (DART).
The sponsorship was used to fund both teams’ attendance at the Netball NSW State Age Championships held in Campbelltown from June 29 to July 1. The teams were selected for the championships after strong results at selection trials.
The State Age Championships saw the Woy Woy Peninsula Netball Association U15s team be crowned the division two champions for their age, and Gosford Netball Association’s U13s team take out ninth place for their age division.
Woy Woy Oval redevelopment deferred Gosford Council Agenda ECO.11, 2 Jul 2013
osford Council has deferred consideration of the Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment Masterplan to give council officers time to look into the possibility of incorporating the upgrade with another facility close by.
The issue, which was deferred at Council’s ordinary meeting of Tuesday, July 2, will now be discussed at the Tuesday, July 16, meeting. Cr Gabby Bowles said there was a canteen and amenities block on the eastern side of the ground that is currently being used by Woy Woy Football Club and Woy Woy Cricket Club. Cr Bowles asked council officers to look into opportunities to incorporate an upgrade of this facility with the plans to replace
the dilapidated referees’ facilities. Cr Bowles said this would see a “better multi use facility that could accommodate more codes”. Through the Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment Masterplan, the staged development aims to deliver an 800 seat grandstand, change rooms, referees’ room, first aid room, media box and kiosks. If adopted, it would also have a barbeque area, club house, storage areas, sportsground amenities, scoreboard and a commercial area for potential leases. Landscaping features would include moving the playing field across, spectator mounding, shade areas and retractable fencing. A major focus of the Masterplan is the integration of the facility with the CBD and creating a Woy Woy CBD hub with the ability
to host regional sporting events. This would involve the relocation of the car park from Oval Ave into the existing car park which would create additional parking spaces and timed parking for CBD users. The Oval Ave car park would be transformed into a boulevard space allowing seating for the proposed cafe, a meeting space and an area that can be used for events such as markets. Council has allocated $750,000 through the Capital Works Program and $1 million through the Infrastructure Reserve for the demolition and redevelopment of the grandstand. A further $130,000 was allocated through the Capital Works program for the demolition and redevelopment of the Woy Woy Rugby Clubhouse.
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Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
June 6, 2013
Issue 22
Wyee rezoning to deliver 1,250 new dwellings he NSW Government has approved a rezoning in the Lake Macquarie local government area with the potential to deliver 1,250 new dwellings.
The rezoning at Wyee, which was approved on Friday, May 24, is a step towards establishing a framework to progress the long-standing “paper subdivision” in the town, which dates back to the early 20th century. The Department of Planning and Infrastructure’s Hunter and Central Coast regional director Mr Michael Leavey said the decision was in line with an aim of the 2006 Lower Hunter Regional Strategy to support housing supply in the Wyee area. This regional strategy is currently under review. The Department has approved the local environmental plan rezoning amendment proposed by the Lake Macquarie City Council for about 164 hectares of land adjoining the existing township and its railway station. The land in the rezoning area is owned by the Wyee Development Fund, Lake
Macquarie Council, NSW Government or individual owners of about 200 lots in a “paper subdivision”. The rezoning will create about 117 hectares of residential land, with higher densities encouraged closer to the railway station. It also sets aside
another 45 hectares for environmental or conversation purposes, 1.6 hectares for open space and 0.5 hectares for infrastructure purposes. The site incorporates a “paper subdivision” dating back to 1914. This area had been subdivided into urban
sized blocks but homes were not able to be approved because of the lack of infrastructure services and formed roads. Mr Leavey said development applications to begin home construction across the site, including the “paper subdivision” area, would
need to show that adequate arrangements had been made for the co-ordinated provision of essential infrastructure, including water supply, electricity, telecommunications and sewerage. The option exists for future development of the area to take advantage
of a NSW Government regulation to unlock paper subdivisions which was finalised earlier this year. “This rezoning is an important step towards providing additional housing and services for the township of Wyee and the Lake Macquarie local government area,” Mr Leavey said. Lake Macquarie City Council Strategy Director Tony Farrell said Council was pleased with the decision, which facilitates the expansion of Wyee in line with the Wyee Structure Plan. “The plan aims to integrate residential development with access to public transport and open space, while conserving our natural environment,” Mr Farrell said. “Infrastructure, including sewerage, is vital to the future development of Wyee, and the Council will continue to work with residents to overcome issues in the paper subdivision.” Media release, 31 May 2013 Mark Skelsey and Danielle Nelson, NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure and Lake Macquarie City Council
The Central Coast
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
June 20, 2013
Issue 23
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
July 4, 2013
Issue 24
Ausgrid works depot at Ourimbah recommended
intersections Wyong Council Major to be upgraded restructured M A
ember for the Entrance Mr Chris Spence and Member for Mr Wyong Darren Webber have announced that the NSW government will deliver a complete upgrade of Wyong Rd.
Mr Spence said this t its Ordinary Meeting of Wednesday, June 12, Wyong Council adopted a revised organisational structure which builds upon was a great win for the people of the Central major changes adopted in November last year.
The restructure aims to achieve an equitable distribution of responsibilities across the organisation. It also attempts to support council’s strategic priorities, in particular, a renewed focus on stimulating local economic development. Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton said the changes would allow council to maximise the community’s value for money. “It clearly shows our increased focus on commercial activities and functions, as opposed to a traditional public service provision role,” he said. In terms of Infrastructure and Operations, the new structure will allow resources to be dedicated to the areas of major concern raised through recent community consultation. These are roads, lakes - natural areas and drainage. The new waterways group will be in a position to dedicate resources to
lake improvements and put a concerted effort into drainage issues that previously have been of a lower priority. The changes also mean there will be no unit dealing specifically with the environment. Instead, Wyong Council general manager Mr Michael Whittaker said the environment would become entrenched in the roles of 1,200 council staff members. “Having [the environment] in one area makes people think it’s only one person’s job,” Mr Whittaker said. “We need everyone to understand that they have responsibility for the environment.” The Sport, Leisure and Recreation Unit will become Community, Business and Tourism under the restructure and will focus on those community services that are a business. This will incorporate pools, recreation centres, childcare and in future, cemeteries. The unit will also
provide a central focus on tourism, identifying and assisting in grasping opportunities that will impact the Wyong Shire. Open Space will be renamed Open Space and Recreation to more accurately reflect its function. Council has also adopted a reduced target for total full time staff equivalent numbers of 1,000 by the end of 2016 2017, while resolving that no existing permanent award staff member would be impacted by the change. The restructure continues the trend to decrease middle management with the number of service unit managers reducing from 20 in 2011, to 26 in 2012, and 19 from the adoption of the latest structure. Staff and staff representation groups now have the opportunity to comment on the restructure.
Coast. “The NSW Government has committed to funding the upgrades of the four pinch-point intersections on Wyong Rd in full, totalling over $100 million,” he said. Mr Webber also said that day after day, motorists sat bumper to bumper on Wyong Rd. “The intersections at Pacific Highway, Enterprise Dr, Mingara Dr and Tumbi Rd have long been identified as problematic, and we are excited that this budget has delivered the funding
Wyong Road - Tumbi Road Intersection
to get them underway,” he said. “This year we have a total of $5.6 million allocated, including $800,000 in progress planning for the
Wyong Council Agenda 4.6, 12 Jun 2013 Wyong Road - Pacific Highway Intersection
intersection upgrades at Tumbi Rd and Mingara Dr, a further $800,000 in progress planning for the Enterprise Dr intersection, and $4 million for Pacific Highway.” Construction funding will be allocated in the 2014/2015 budget and will begin in the same year. “The Liberal members across the Central Coast have made sure that the needs of the region continue to be a priority and today we see evidence that the NSW government is listening,” Mr Spence said. Media release, 18 Jun 2013, Laurie Alexander, Office of Chris Spence MP
The Central Coast
Photomontage of the proposed development as viewed from the corner of Ourimbah Creek Rd and the Pacific Highway.
Source: SHA
yong Council has recommended the Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP) approve a $16.8 million application for a new Ausgrid works depot to be constructed at Ourimbah.
Council is unable to completely sign off on the development because the value is more than $5 million, which means the JRPP will ultimately determine the application. Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton said the development would serve as Ausgrid’s base for the entire Central Coast. “The development will
be home to 288 full time staff and be in operation seven days a week, and 24 hours a day during times of emergency such as a natural disaster,” Cr Eaton said. The site covers 3.9 hectares and is on the corner of Ourimbah Creek Rd and the Pacific Highway, on the F3 side. It has frontages on
both the Pacific Highway and Ourimbah Creek Rd. The application describes the proposed development as a regional works depot, comprising a total floor area of more than 8,300 square metres. There are four main buildings proposed including an administration facility with a conference
room, service facilities including showers and lockers for field staff, a vehicle servicing area with a wash bay, warehousing and storage and a recycling and waste collection facility. Car parking spaces have been provided for 188 general spots and 215 service vehicle spots. The administration building will be located on the most prominent area of the site, at the front of Ourimbah
Creek Rd and the Pacific Highway, while the site will be secured by a three metre fence. “The 288 jobs will be broken down into 74 office staff and the rest being field staff,” Cr Eaton said. “This again proves that council is working hard to attract this type of job creating investment to the Shire. “To have the regional base for Ausgrid located at Ourimbah is fantastic
news for the Shire, and for employees and job seekers. “Council has overwhelmingly supported this development and recommended it for approval by the JRPP. “We will continue to work hard to create jobs for our residents, and bring this type of million dollar investment into the Shire.” Media release, 27 Jun 2013, Wyong Shire Council
The Central Coast
July 11, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P4
Brandan Biddle in world ranking junior golf tournaments
Academy joins forces with ClubsNSW
Everglades Country Club Gosford Council Media
Central Coast Academy of Sport Media
he Central Coast Academy of Sport (CCAS) has joined forces with ClubsNSW to support a growing number of sporting programs on the Central Coast.
The partnership will see ClubsNSW provide a combined $12,000 in funding to assist the Future Stars program and the Basketball program at the Central Coast Academy of Sport. Central Coast Academy of Sport managing director Mr Ian Robilliard said that ClubsNSW was a peak industry body that contributed enormously to the goodwill of the communities in which they work. “The CCAS is delighted to have secured the support
of ClubsNSW to assist both the Future Stars and Basketball programs”, Mr Robilliard said. “These two programs will benefit significantly through the support now provided by ClubsNSW and I am extremely confident of building the ongoing robustness of these programs. “On the Central Coast there are 44 clubs who are members of ClubsNSW and the Academy is certainly delighted to have strengthened our partnership with the Club industry. “Having recently attended the ClubsNSW Community Awards it was very rewarding to witness the fantastic work clubs are doing within their regions and the Central Coast was certainly well represented during the awards evening.”
ClubsNSW CEO Mr Anthony Ball said the club industry was proud to support Central Coast athletes. “Central Coast clubs support thousands of sporting teams and athletes across a vast array of sports at all levels,” he said. “In fact, one of the prime focuses of the club industry is our support for local sport, which is why this partnership between ClubsNSW and the Central Coast Academy of Sport makes sense. “I’m looking forward to witnessing the ongoing success of these programs and indeed, to seeing some future national sporting stars who’ve come through the ranks of the Central Coast Academy of Sport.”
eveloping and Recognising Talent (DART) recipient Brandan Biddle from Woy Woy has been awarded $1,000 to participate in three world ranking junior golf tournaments to be held in Taiwan, China and Korea this month.
Locals to go to TaekwonDo World Championships
Brandan, 14, qualified for the tournaments after excellent performances at the Hills Golf Academy of Queensland. Brandan has been playing golf since he was 11, and has already competed against other junior golfers from across the world. Since moving from Sydney to the Central Coast, Brandan has been a two year member of
the Everglades Country Club, and a member of the ‘Encouraged Shield’ and ‘Junior Pennants’ side. Last year, Brandon was selected among an elite group of junior golfers to travel with the Hills International Golf Academy Junior Asia Tour 2012, which incorporated three tournaments to be played in Korea, China and Taiwan.
Gosford Council Media
our members of Authentic T a e k w o n - D o Central Coast have been awarded
$4,000 from the DART sponsorship program to attend the Taekwon-Do World Championships to be
held in London from July 31 to August 6.
The team qualified for the championships after great results at a number of state and national competitions.
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Presents UMINA vs WOY WOY 14/7 UMINA vs NTHN LAKES 21/7 UMINA vs TOUKLEY 28/7 UMINA vs CNT WYONG 4/8 At Umina Oval sored
Photo: Andrew Stark
P3 - GRANDSTAND - July 11, 2013
New car for Steel following crash Peter Hawkes
Cricket clubs merge Aidan Cuddington, Central Coast Cricket Association
our Central Coast cricket clubs have merged to become two, following a vote by the members of the four clubs.
Brisbane Waters Cricket Club is the result of the merger between Gosford and Kariong-Mountains Cricket Clubs, and the Northern Power Cricket Club is the result of the merger between the Toukley and Doyalson-Wyee Cricket
errigal’s Steel Guiliana is awaiting the rebuild of a replacement vehicle following a car destroying crash at the Australian Driver’s Championship in Hidden Valley, Darwin, on Saturday, June 15.
Guiliana stole the show in F3 practice by soaring to the top of the round. Guiliana’s R-Tek Motorsport machine was quickest overall for the day with his 1:06.14 second lap
within striking distance of the lap record at the 2.9km circuit near Darwin. Steel was sitting second in the championship with three fastest laps to his credit, when in lap four of race one, under a Safety Car restart, Steel in third position, ducked down the left side of the track in an effort to take the lead at 227km. Unexpected early breaking from the lead car caused Steel to clip the back wheel of the lead vehicle which caused an end to Steel’s weekend and destroyed his R-Tek Dallara
Racing Machine. Steel emerged from the carnage unscathed but the car is being replaced, with the only usable parts being the engine and gearbox. Live footage of the crash can be viewed at www. steelguiliana.com . Steels Sponsor and the R-Tek Engineers are working around the clock to have a replacement vehicle built, tested and ready by Friday, July 12, for round four at Eastern Creek.
Smoki ng Drag on
Clubs. Members of the Gosford and Mountains-Kariong Cricket Clubs got together at the end of last season and formed a steering committee to plan the way forward. Both clubs held meetings at which their members voted that a merger would benefit cricketers of all ages and standards. The club’s first annual meeting was held on July 1 at which a committee was elected. The committees of both
the Toukley and Doyalson Wyee RSL cricket clubs have been working together over the past few months to reach the merger. Both clubs voted independently on Friday, June 28, for the merger and a committee has since been formed. The Central Coast Cricket Association will be working closely with both clubs to manage and improve the game on the Central Coast and provide developmental pathways for cricketers.
Brent Griffiths signs extension with Mariners
Central Coast Mariners Media
ersatile defender Brent Griffiths will remain with the Central Coast Mariners for another campaign after he signed a one-season extension with the Club on Monday, May 27.
called upon five times throughout the Club’s 2012-13 Hyundai A-League season, and was also deployed in the 2013 AFC Champions League Group Stage. With veteran stopper Patrick Zwaanswijk retiring from professional football in order to take up a coaching role with the Club, Griffiths
will be looking to stake his claim for a regular starting place in the team when the Mariners reconvene for preseason training in July. Brent Griffiths is the younger brother of former Mariner Rostyn Griffiths, who now plies his trade in the Chinese Super League with Guangzhou R&F.
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July 11, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P2
U15 netball team crowned division two champions
$8,500 DART sponsorship
Nicole Steed, Woy Woy Netball Association
Gosford Council Media
The DART sponsorship program supports residents of the Gosford LGA to represent the city in sporting and cultural
pursuits, both nationally and internationally. DART offers funding for individuals and teams attending sporting and cultural events where selection is merit based and of regional or greater significance. In return for sponsorship, recipients promote the Central Coast in the local, interstate and international arenas. Woy Woy Peninsula Netball Association’s U15s team, Gosford Netball Association’s U13s team, Woy Woy golfer Brandan Biddle, Wamberal track runner Georgia Wassall and four members of Authentic Taekwon-Do Central Coast were recipients of the DART sponsorship.
The 6th
he Woy Woy Peninsula Netball Association’s U15 team was crowned division two champions for their age at the NSW State Age Championships held from Saturday, June 29, to Monday, July 1.
The Association’s U12s, 14s and 15s teams competed at Campbelltown in division two over the
Watch Top Bowls Action
three day event, and the U13s team competed at Bankstown in division three. The U15s team was crowned champions in their age division following 14 wins, one draw and one loss. After day one of the competition, the team was placed just below the ladder leaders, Inner-West and Dubbo, but won against both teams on the second day. The team placed second at the end of day two and
continued on to win both of their games on the third day and be crowned champions. The State Age Division victory followed the team’s place as runners up in the Hunter State League competition in the beginning of the year. The team consisted of Alison Meany, Ebony Millgate, Claire Gaffney, Annaliese Harrod, Nicola Adams, India Paff, Alexis Nelson, Clare Mukherjee and Sala Harrington.
The U14s team also achieved fifth place in their age division.
The 6th 6th Annual Annua The
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osford Council’s new Developing and Recognising Talent (DART) Program has provided $8,500 in sponsorship for three sporting teams and two Gosford City residents.
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July 11, 2013
Issue 058
Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369
Official reception for Socceroos Football Federation Australia Richard Mehrtens, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP
antas Socceroos head coach Holger Osieck held a training camp in Gosford and Tuggerah from Monday, July 1, to Friday, July 5, which included Central Coast Mariners’ Joshua Rose, Mitchell Duke and Trent Sainsbury.
The training camp was part of the Qantas Socceroos preparation for the upcoming EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 in Seoul. It was the first of three camps in Australia to be held in the lead up to the East Asian Cup. The Cup will take place in the Korean Republic from July 20 to 28. At a reception held by Gosford Council, Minister for Sport Senator Don Farrell and Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill congratulated the players on their World Cup qualification.
“The next eighteen months represents a very exciting time for football in Australia,” said Mr Farrell. “With Australia qualifying for its third successive World Cup, an outstanding achievement in itself, and
Australia hosting the Asian Football Confederation Asian Cup in 2015, there is a lot for football fans to be excited about. “Focusing on the current challenge of the East Asian Cup, I’m sure the head
Georgia Wassall off to World Athletic Championships Athletics NSW Gosford Council media
eorgia Wassall of Wamberal has received a $1,000 sponsorship from the Developing and Recognising Talent (DART) program to attend the IAAF World Youth Athletic
Championships which will be held in the Ukraine from July 10 to 14. Georgia, 17, broke the NSW U18 and U20 800 metre records in February this year to qualify for the World Youth Championships. The qualifying win also
saw her become the second fastest U18 Australian runner ever, and number 10 in the U20s list. The record was previously set 44 years ago by Cheryl Peasley, who went on to win a Commonwealth Games medal and become an Olympian.
coach, Holger Osieck has the team primed to impress as they did at the recent World Cup qualification matches. “I wish the team the best of luck when they head to South Korea for the East
Asian Cup later this month.” Ms O’Neill said she was delighted that the facilities on the Central Coast had been chosen for the training camp. “Having members of the Socceroos squad training
here is exciting for the local community, and I can see the positive influence on our local young sporting stars – inspired to work hard so that they may have similar opportunities in the future,” Ms O’Neill said.
Duke and Sainsbury selected for Socceroos’ training camp Football Federation Australia
wo Central Coast Mariners players were selected to participate in a Socceroos training camp in Sydney which began on Monday, July 8, and will continue until
Friday, July 12. The camp is part of the Socceroos’ preparations for the upcoming EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 which will be played in the Korea Republic from July 20 to 28. Mitchell Duke and Trent Sainsbury were two
of 20 players selected to participate in the training camp, which was the last chance for players to impress head coach Holger Osieck before the final Socceroos squad for the EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 is named on Friday, July 12.