Issue 063 of Out&About and Central Coast Grandstand

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School Holiday P6 - P11 Feature Edition 16

on the Coast Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

October 3, 2013

Barbara and Laurie Smith have champion garden W

inners of the 2013 Gosford City Garden Competition were announced on Thursday, September 19, at an awards ceremony held in the Erina Room, the Erina Centre. Barbara and Laurie Smith’s garden at Mount White edged out stiff competition to win the Champion Garden over 1,000 square metres while Point Clare’s Val and Terence Taylor took out the Champion Garden under 1,000 square metres. Best Waterwise Garden went to Brendan Gulson, The Coast Christian School received the Best Eco Friendly School Garden and Best Commercial Garden was won by Somersby Gardens Estate. Gosford mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna said that the 2013 Gosford City Garden Competition uncovered some truly spectacular outdoor spaces in our city. “I am continually amazed by the dedication and talent of our local gardeners and this year’s competition was no exception. “It was wonderful to see a large number of new competitors right across Gosford City entering a diverse range of gardens, from large manicured acreages to small and colourful courtyard displays. “The 2013 competition was fierce and the calibre of entries was stronger than

Barbara and Laurie Smith (inset) with their award winning garden

ever, prompting judges to include an additional three encouragement awards in recognition of this high standard. Mayor Cr McKinna added that the popularity of Gosford City Garden Competition had not wavered in over three decades. “The garden competition has been ingrained in Gosford City’s history for over 30 years and is showing no signs of

slowing down with entry numbers continuing to grow each year. “As always, the support from our local community has contributed to another successful competition and I hope to see this support continue well into the future. “Congratulations to all of this year’s entrants, finalists and deserving winners. “Your hard work and dedication is to be

commended and serves to create a more beautiful and interesting landscape for the whole city to enjoy,” said mayor Cr McKinna. Winners of the 2013 Gosford City Garden Competition were: Champion Residential Garden over 1,000 square metres – Barbara and Laurie Smith of Mount White Champion Residential Garden under 1,000 square metres – Val and Terence Taylor of Point Clare

Best Eco Friendly Garden (Residential) – Brett Hardacre of Narara Best Eco Friendly Garden (Commercial-Industrial) – Brentwood Retirement Village in Kincumber Best Eco Friendly Garden (Preschools-Primary Schools-Tertiary) – The Coast Christian School in Bensville Best Residential Front Garden – Val and Terence Taylor of Point Clare Best Residential Rear

Gosford Council Media

Garden – Alva Bell of Umina Best Commercial Garden – Somersby Gardens Estate Best School Garden (Primary SchoolsPreschools) – Lisarow Public School Best School Garden ( S e c o n d a r y - Te r t i a r y schools) – Central Coast Grammar School in Erina Heights Best New-Renovated Residential Garden – Peter and Dell Campbell and Ryan Howard in Peats Ridge Theme or Specialty Garden (Residential) – Paul Wise of Forresters Beach Theme or Specialty Garden (Commercial) – Living Choice Broadwater Court in Kincumber Theme or Specialty Garden (Children’s) – Kariong Public School Best Feature in a Domestic Garden – Val and Terence Taylor Best Patio or Balcony Display – Wendy Travers of Kincumber Best Nursing HomeRetirement VillageOver 50’s Village Garden (Maintained by Professionals) – Wood Glen Retirement Village in Erina Best Nursing HomeRetirement Village-Over 50’s Village Garden (Maintained by Residents)Veronica Aged Care in Kincumber Best Waterwise Garden – Brendan Gulson of Ettalong

P2 - Out&About - October 3, 2013


Your chance to win

Directory of services, contacts and support groups Emergency Ambulance, Police, Fire 000 Police Assistance Line 131 444 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Energy Australia 13 13 88 Gas Emergency 131 909 Gosford City Council 4325 8222 Marine Rescue NSW - Central Coast 4325 7929 SES - Storm and Flood Emergency 132 500

Accommodation Dept. of Housing Gosford 4323 5211 Dept. of Housing Wyong 4352 4400 Cassie4Youth 4322 3197 Coast Shelter 4324 7239 Pacific Link Com Housing 4324 7617 Rumbalara Youth Refuge 4325 7555 Samaritans Youth Services 4351 1922 Youth Angle • Woy Woy 4341 8830 Youth Accom Hotline 1800 424 830 Woy Woy Youth Cottage 4341 9027 Temporary Accommodation 1800 152 152 Donnison St. Restaurant 4325 3540 Gosford Family Support 4340 1585 Horizons Family Services 4333 5111 Meals on Wheels Gosford 4363 7111 Woy Woy 4341 6699 Tuggerah 4382 9444 Department of Community Services Gosford - 4336 2400 Wyong - 4352 6500 The Salvation Army 4325 5733 Samaritans Emergency Relief 4393 2450 St Vincent De Paul Society HELPLINE 4323 6081

Crisis Services and Helplines

Edition 327

Sexual Assault Resource 1800 199 888 Gay and Lesbian Counselling 1800 184 527 Gay and Lesbian Support 1800 249 377 Youth Sexuality Network 4320 2856 Vietnam Veterans 1800 043 503 Victims Support Services 1800 633 063 Translation and Interpreting Service 13 14 50 Financial Counselling Service 4334 2304 Central Coast Legal Centre 4353 4988 Legal Aid Commission of NSW 1300 888 529 Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Service 4353 5515 NSW Aboriginal Legal Service 8842 8000 Consumer Credit Legal Centre 1800 808 488 NSW Ombudsman 1800 451 524 Community Justice Centre 1800 990 777 Family Law Court 1300 352 000 Law Access NSW 1300 888 529

Family and Relationships Parents Helpline 132 055 Centacare Gosford 4324 6403 Wyong 4352 1311 The Entrance 4382 9500 Gosford Family Support Service 4340 1099 Horizons (Families or single parents) 4333 5111 Interrelate - Family Relationships 1300 736 966 Uniting Care Burnside Wyong 4352 3222 Gosford 1800 067 967

The study, which aimed to prioritise upgrades and identify sites for added infrastructure, has now been adopted by council. One submission nominated improvements to the Blackwall Point boat ramp facility. These improvements included the need for toilets, a longer slipway for low tide launching, double ramp width and the extension of the manoeuvring area to allow for more vehicle waiting capacity. In his report, Council’s director of city services Mr Stephen Glen stated that the site was unsuitable

for upgrading to a regional facility due to difficult road access and site limitations. “The Blackwall Point facility is considered difficult for vehicular access and would require significant improvement before this site would be considered suitable for improvement to a regional facility,” stated the report. Another submission stated that the study should be extended to include commuter user ferry needs and a hierarchy of wharves requiring higher standards. The submission also recommended the relocation of the existing Ferry Rd wharf to the alternative Bangalow St site when the Ferry Rd wharf had reached its useful life and required replacement. Mr Glen responded and said the submission had been noted

regarding the relocation of the wharf, however, the Better Boating Program grant conditions for the study applied only to the assessment of public recreational maritime facilities and could not be extended to commercial activities. One submission identified the need to upgrade Empire Bay’s Kendall Rd wharf as well as the need to improve the Empire Bay Reserve area. Mr Glen reported that this had been identified as a priority to be upgraded. However, grant funding from the Better Boating Program was restricted to providing maritime infrastructure and other funding sources would be required to improve the public reserve area. The report stated that Council was responsible for 23 boat ramps

and 43 public wharves within Brisbane Water. The study, which was publicly exhibited between February 20 and March 20 this year, found most maritime facilities within Brisbane Water were in an average condition. The replacement value of existing maritime assets in the study area was estimated at $6.9 million. A total of 22 wharves and boat ramps were identified as priority for replacement in the near future, at a total cost of $2.7 million. These included Woy Woy Town Centre wharf, Ferry Rd wharf, Kendall Rd wharf and boat ramp, Killcare wharf, Woy Woy cargo wharf, Hardys Bay wharf, Wagstaffe wharf, Lions Park wharf No.2, Woy Woy Bay wharf, Phegans Bay wharf, Oroo St wharf, Pier St wharf and Rawson Rd wharf.

Graphic Design: Justin Stanley Sales Manager: Val Bridge Sales: Peter Smith, Gary Mason

Deadline: October 15 Publication date: October 17 Contributions Letters to the editor and other contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to: Central Coast Grandstand PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250. Contributions should be in Word format sent via email to: editorial@duckscrossing. org, on disks or by handwritten letter if these facilities are not available to you. Contributions must Include the date, your name, address and phone numbers. Name and Suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in edited form. ISSN 1839-9037 Print Post Approved - 100001844 - Printed by New Age Printing Rydalmere

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$4.90 Issue 87

Vol.12 No.8 September 24, 2013

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Issue 67

in helping could contact the committee by email at Media release, 27 Sep 2013 Danny DeMoreta, Gospel Garden Sanctuary

Mr Glen said the need for replacement of public wharves and boat ramps should be given to high priority facilities only, due to the limited funding allocations. “Any decision to replace low priority works or create new infrastructure should be considered against the priority of other capital works items which will result in already identified projects being deferred,” stated Mr Glen’s report. The council was successful in receiving grant funding under the 2010-11 Better Boating Program to undertake a detailed investigation of the existing maritime infrastructure, boat usage patterns and fishing amenities within Brisbane Water. A total of eight submissions were made in response to the study. Gosford Council Agenda CIT.28, 17 Sep 2013

THIS ISSUE contains 76 articles - Read more news items for this issue at

September 26, 2013

Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369

Issue 30

Spence and Webber’s offices raided as part of ICAC inquiry

osford Council has assumed management of the Central Coast Youth Club (CCYC) at Niagara Park, prior to the development of a new multi-million dollar Community Facilities Hub in the area.

Sixty years ago, the Central Coast Leagues Club (CCLC) formed and sponsored the CCYC, an arrangement which continued until some 20 years ago when the sponsorship of the CCLC ceased. A grant/loan allowed a new facility to be built at Terrigal and CCYC split with 2,000 members joining the new Gosford Basketball Club located at Terrigal.

For the following few years, a dedicated small group aided by councillors of the day pushed forward to see council build a new $3 million stadium at Niagara Park. CCYC became the operator of this facility and from 2005 paid a small percentage of commercial rent to enable the services to flourish. Former board member Mr Chris Holstein said he

only hoped that “council has given all due consideration in making their decisions”. “I am not privy to the reasons or rationale on why they have made that decision and can only hope that that decision was made on the best interests of not only the centre but the community as a whole,” he said. According to the report to council by economic and community development

director Ms Colleen WorthyJennings, the costs of running the facility and dwindling income had seen the Board of CCYC unable to meet their financial obligations in recent times. “Council is not convinced that the Board, whose directors are as hardworking and well-meaning as they are, have the capacity and resources to alter the current situation and council must protect this facility and services that need to be provided by this facility for the communities of Narara, Niagara Park, Lisarow and Wyoming,”

said the report to Council by Ms Worthy-Jennings. “After careful consideration of the facts and the latest CCYC Business Plan, council is not confident that protection is afforded by the current lessees”, she said. When contacted by Coast Community News, an official of the CCYC said the club did not accept the cancellation and was seeking further advice and cited lack of assistance from Council and its officers over many years as the reason for the club being in its present situation.

School Holiday on the P6 - P11 Feature Coast Edition 16

Mr Spence, who is the state member for The Entrance, and Mr Webber, the state member for Wyong, had their offices searched on Friday, September 20, with investigators seizing computers and documents. Ms Karen McNamara, who is expected to be declared federal member for Dobell in the coming days, has also been dragged into the controversy due to her role as Mr Webber’s campaign manager in the 2011 state election. The Age has reported that Ms McNamara significantly overstated the amount of funds she had raised for Mr Webber’s campaign. It was revealed that Ms McNamara, during her

pre-selection interview for Dobell, said she had raised up to $100,000 in her role as campaign manager. However, a member for the NSW Liberal state executive Ms Hollie Hughes has said she was advised party records indicated official receipts totalled as little as $50,000. The Sydney Morning Herald has also reported that the ICAC raids are believed to be linked to allegations that two staff members for NSW Energy Minister Mr Chris Hartcher funnelled political donations through a front company prior to the 2011 state election. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, a $5,000 donation was

made by a Wyong building company, LA Commercial, owned by a Mr Lusted, to the benefit of the Liberal Party’s Central Coast candidates shortly before the March 2011 election. The donation is believed to have been made through Eightbyfive, which is the trading name for a trust fund connected to Mr Tim Koelma, a senior policy adviser to Mr Hartcher. Mr Koelma has since resigned from his position and Mr Lusted unsuccessfully contested Liberal pre-selection for the federal seat of Dobell. It has been reported that Mr Lusted has said that at the time, he believed he was entitled to make the donation as he was not a property developer for the

have been banned from making political donations in NSW since 2009. Neither Mr Webber nor Mr Spence were able to respond to enquiries from the Wyong Regional Chronicle for legal reasons. ICAC also could not comment on its operational matters. However, Ms McNamara has issued a statement and has denied the allegations against her. “The allegation made in today’s news story is a baseless lie,” Ms McNamara said of the media report. “A donation was made to attend a fundraising dinner and was properly receipted and declared. “As I have said

obligations in that role. Ms McNamara also said that if it was deemed she could assist in any way with current inquiries involving other persons named in recent news stories, she would be more than happy to assist. NSW premier Mr Barry O’Farrell has said he had not been contacted by the ICAC about the raids on Mr Spence and Mr Webber’s offices. “I don’t believe the ICAC has ever made it a practice to advise premiers of visits by its staff in investigations,” Mr O’Farrell said. “I have never been contracted by the ICAC about such activity. “As I previously said, the Liberal Party referred matters concerning

“It has been previously reported the ICAC is investigating that issue. “But I have not been advised of any such investigation, nor would I expect to be. “It is an offence for someone to confirm formal contact with them by the ICAC. “As I said in Parliament again this week, I am a strong supporter of the ICAC. “It has and continues to do a great job for the people of NSW.” Media release, 23 Sep 2013 Olivia Suzanski, Office of Barry O’Farrell Media statement, 25 Sep 2013 Alicia McCumstie, Office of Karen McNamara Website, 23 Aug 2013 The Age Website, 21 Sep 2013, Sydney Morning Herald

Sources within the club also stated that a loss of income brought on by two major tenants vacating the club’s premises was seen by Council as a reason to take over the running of the club before the Board had had the opportunity to replace those tenants. The matter was discussed at a strategy and policy meeting at Council with members of the public and the media excluded. Gosford Council Agenda SF.21, 17 Sep 2013 Kaitlin Watts Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber


Ms Karen McNamara, who is likely to become the Federal Member for Dobell

Member for The Entrance Mr Chris Spence

October 3, 2013

Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940


inners of the 2013 Gosford City Garden Competition were announced on Thursday, September 19, at an awards ceremony held in the Erina Room, the Erina Centre. Barbara and Laurie Smith’s garden at Mount White edged out stiff competition to win the Champion Garden over 1,000 square metres while Point Clare’s Val and Terence Taylor took out the Champion Garden under 1,000 square metres. Best Waterwise Garden went to Brendan Gulson, The Coast Christian School received the Best Eco Friendly School Garden and Best Commercial Garden was won by Somersby Gardens Estate. Gosford mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna said that the 2013 Gosford City Garden Competition uncovered some truly spectacular outdoor spaces in our city. “I am continually amazed by the dedication and talent of our local gardeners and this year’s competition was no exception. “It was wonderful to see a large number of new competitors right across Gosford City entering a diverse range of gardens, from large manicured acreages to small and colourful courtyard displays. “The 2013 competition was fierce and the calibre of entries was stronger than

Barbara and Laurie Smith (inset) with their award winning garden

ever, prompting judges to include an additional three encouragement awards in recognition of this high standard. Mayor Cr McKinna added that the popularity of Gosford City Garden Competition had not wavered in over three decades. “The garden competition has been ingrained in Gosford City’s history for over 30 years and is showing no signs of

slowing down with entry numbers continuing to grow each year. “As always, the support from our local community has contributed to another successful competition and I hope to see this support continue well into the future. “Congratulations to all of this year’s entrants, finalists and deserving winners. “Your hard work and dedication is to be

commended and serves to create a more beautiful and interesting landscape for the whole city to enjoy,” said mayor Cr McKinna. Winners of the 2013 Gosford City Garden Competition were: Champion Residential Garden over 1,000 square metres – Barbara and Laurie Smith of Mount White Champion Residential Garden under 1,000 square metres – Val and Terence Taylor of Point Clare

Best Eco Friendly Garden (Residential) – Brett Hardacre of Narara Best Eco Friendly Garden (Commercial-Industrial) – Brentwood Retirement Village in Kincumber Best Eco Friendly Garden (Preschools-Primary Schools-Tertiary) – The Coast Christian School in Bensville Best Residential Front Garden – Val and Terence Taylor of Point Clare Best Residential Rear

Gosford Council Media

Garden – Alva Bell of Umina Best Commercial Garden – Somersby Gardens Estate Best School Garden (Primary SchoolsPreschools) – Lisarow Public School Best School Garden ( S e c o n d a r y - Te r t i a r y schools) – Central Coast Grammar School in Erina Heights Best New-Renovated Residential Garden – Peter and Dell Campbell and Ryan Howard in Peats Ridge Theme or Specialty Garden (Residential) – Paul Wise of Forresters Beach Theme or Specialty Garden (Commercial) – Living Choice Broadwater Court in Kincumber Theme or Specialty Garden (Children’s) – Kariong Public School Best Feature in a Domestic Garden – Val and Terence Taylor Best Patio or Balcony Display – Wendy Travers of Kincumber Best Nursing HomeRetirement VillageOver 50’s Village Garden (Maintained by Professionals) – Wood Glen Retirement Village in Erina Best Nursing HomeRetirement Village-Over 50’s Village Garden (Maintained by Residents)Veronica Aged Care in Kincumber Best Waterwise Garden – Brendan Gulson of Ettalong

Issue 063


Courtesy of America’s Cup website

wo sailors hailing from the Central Coast were among the Oracle Team USA crew who recently took out sailing’s biggest trophy, the 34th America’s Cup.


Tom Slingsby and Darren Bundock both grew up on the Central Coast, where

their passion for sailing began. Their sailing careers recently hit another highlight when their crew, Oracle Team USA, managed to create what has been labelled one of the greatest comebacks in the history of sport, when they defeated their challenger Emirates Team New Zealand by 44 seconds in the final of 17

America’s Cup races. Tom Slingsby joined Oracle Team USA in October 2011 as a tactician and currently serves as strategist onboard with the race crew. His sailing career has skyrocketed in the past 12 years with six world championships under his belt, as well as winning the 2012 Australian Institute of

Sport Co-Athlete of the Year. Slingsby also won gold in the Laser class at the 2012 Olympic Games. Gosford-born Darren Bundock started sailing at the age of eight and joined Oracle Team USA in 2011 as a coach and helmsman. His sailing career has seen him win two Olympic medals in the Tornado catamaran class, 14

world championships, five European championships and four Australian Male Sailor of the Year awards. Oracle Team USA is made up of 24 members from various international countries, eight of whom are Australian and seven who come from New Zealand. Surprisingly, only two

crew members on the Oracle Team USA crew were from the United States. Other Australian crew members include captain James Spithill, Will McCarthy, Sam Newton, Joe Newton, and Kyle Langford, the youngest sailor of the crew who grew up in Lake Macquarie.

the Wyong Shire

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Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369

Slingsby and Bundock help to win America’s Cup

October 3, 2013

Barbara and Laurie Smith have champion garden

he Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has purposes of the Election before, to the best of donations to the Electoral my knowledge, I have Funding Authority in raided the offices of Liberal MPs Mr Chris Spence and Mr Funding Act. Property developers always complied with my May 2012. Darren Webber over an alleged fundraising scandal.


Central Coast Youth Club (CCYC) at Niagara Park


Submissions made about wharves study Three submissions have been received about local maritime facilties after Gosford Council exhibited its Brisbane Water Public Wharves and Boat Ramps Usage Study.

news, club news, events, scoreboard, tides, school sport and anything relevant to sport on the Coast. Out&About on the Coast contains all non sport out of home news including all forms of entertainment, events and activities likely to interest any reader. It is a true newspaper and advertising content is restricted to a maximum of 40% of content. Contributions are welcomed.

Next Edition: Central Coast Grandstand 064


1 October 2013

been worth it too. “The Gospel Garden Sanctuary has become a unique open-door social centre in the heart of Umina Beach, where people can come and feel free to enjoy events and social activities.” He said people interested

numbers of people are likely to be. A list of distribution points can be found on our website. 13,000 copies are printed and it is published and distributed every second Thursday. Central Coast Grandstand contains all sports news, senior, junior and school, where it relates to any part of the Central Coast. This includes federal, state and local government sport news, academy and association - 4325 7369

Gosford Hospital 4320 2111 Wyong Hospital 4394 8000 Cancer Hotline 131 120 Mental Health info Service 1300 794 991 Sexual Health @ Gosford Hospital 4320 2114 Beyond Blue (Depression) 1300 22 4636

Gospel Garden sets $400,000 target not be able to help,” said Mr DeMoreta. “For two years now, dedicated volunteers have run the Gospel Garden Sanctuary in Umina Beach, without the aid of any government grants or assistance. “It’s been hard work and it’s

entral Coast Grandstand and Out&About on the Coast together cover all out of home activities on the Coast at all levels in the one publication. It is published fortnightly and distributed to all clubs, taverns, shopping centres, libraries, service stations, sporting venues, newsagents, sport related retail outlets and anywhere else, from Morisset to Mooney Mooney, where large



The Gospel Garden Sanctuary in Umina

Gospel Garden Sanctuary founder Mr Danny DeMoreta said the committee had asked Gosford Council for assistance to buy the building for Umina. “The talks aren’t over. “However, all we’ve received so far are reasons why they may

Prize winners may be required to pick up their prize from our Gosford office. Entries may be passed on to prize providers for marketing purposes.

Publisher: Cec Bucello Journalist: Kaitlin Watts Assistant Journalist: Madalaine Waters, Rebecca Wallisch

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Council takes over youth club under controversial circumstances

The Gospel Garden Sanctuary committee is attempting to raise $400,000 by Christmas to buy the Umina building to avoid it being torn down for commercial development.

close of business Tuesday, October 15. The winner of last edition’s Out&About on the Coast Four Island Cruise competition was Alicja Perovic of Wyoming.

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Each pass will permit entry to the Park for two adults and two children. At Australia Walkabout Wildlife Park you can visit the friendliest wild Aussie animals. Kangaroos, emus, wallabies and lots of other animals slide, fly and hop happily through the bush. This is home to most

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Community Access


of Australia’s wildlife, from dingoes to devils, and wombats to flying foxes, and so many more. With daily animal interactions and bush lessons like boomerang throwing, why not come and visit the ancient Aboriginal sites and learn how to connect with the land? To win one of the two family passes to the Australia Walkabout Wildlife Park, write your name, address and phone number on the back of an envelope and send to Out&About on the Coast Australia Walkabout Wildlife Park competition PO Box 1056, Gosford, NSW, 2250, by the

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ut&About on the Coast is giving two readers the chance to win a family pass valued at $62 to the Australia Walkabout Wildlife Park.

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October 3, 2013 - Out&About - P3

The Vampires on at the Rhythm Hut T

he Rhythm Hut in Gosford will host a workshop and performance from new Australian music icons The Vampires on Thursday, October 17, as part of their Garfish tour. The workshop and performance event offers a great opportunity for budding musicians to work with some of Australia’s finest contemporary jazz musicians. Saxophonist, composer and winner of the 2009 Bell Award for Young Australian Jazz Artist Jeremy Rose is joined by Nick Garbett on trumpet,

Alex Masso on drums, and 2012 Bell Award for Young Australian Jazz Artist winner and bass player, Alex Boneham, to form the band The Vampires. The band combine a unique, soulful blend of jazz, old-school reggae and Afrobeat which promises to entertain and please audiences. Prior to their evening performance, The Vampires will host a two hour workshop at The Rhythm Hut to participants wanting to learn musical techniques and tips to help fine tune their creative intuition.


Kevin and Carol win garden competition

Wyong Shire Council


evin and Carol Styles of Mardi have taken out the top prize in Wyong Council’s 40th annual Wyong Shire Garden Competition. With around 60 entries in this year’s competition, Mr and Mrs Styles faced strong competition for the Champion Garden prize. They also won the Springtime Festival Central Coast Champion Award in the competition. “I’m in such shock I’m shaking,” Mrs Styles said of the win. Mr Styles was originally disappointed with the judging being brought forward to the beginning of September, but it ended up being the perfect week for his garden. “I didn’t think my garden would be ready in time for judging but our hard work finally paid off and the weather was perfect during August,” Mr Styles said. “I usually say a great garden comes down to planning, preparing

and growing, but I think this time around luck accounted for about 70% of our success.” Garden Competition Committee president Ms Daphne Bradford said the Champion Garden won because of its simple magnificence. “It was just an absolutely brilliant garden,” Ms Bradford said. “It was lush, the positioning was ideal and

the flowers were at their peak the week of judging.” This year the judging was brought forward as to not occur during the school holidays. Ms Bradford said she believed this was the reason there were less entries than previous years. “The entrants we received were of a very high quality, but unfortunately we didn’t receive any entrant for

Native Residential Garden or Residential Business Premises,” Ms Bradford said. “I would encourage people to start working on their gardens now for next year’s competition and to make a note that applications will be open from June until August, with judging occurring during the first week of September.”

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P4 - Out&About - October 3, 2013

Fundraiser for the Vansprossen family

Bavarian themed beer hall at Kariong T

he Toukley Lions Club will host a fundraising event entitled The Power of One at Warnervale Community Hall on Saturday, October 12, to raise much needed funds for the Vansprossen family.

Kim Vansprossen was diagnosed with narrowing of the cerebral venous sinus, cranial nerve

damage and venous sinus thrombosis approximately 12 months ago. During the last 12 months, Kim's husband Steve has been caring for their two young children Makayla, five, and Isaac, three, as well as being the main carer for Kim. At present, Kim uses a wheelchair to move around, but is unable to carry out simple tasks and heavily relies on Steve to

help her. As a result of Kim’s diagnosis and current condition, the Vansprossen family have experienced significant financial strain. In an effort to assist, the Toukley Lions Club will host a fundraiser event which will include food, stalls, a silent auction and kids’ activities, and is set to run from 10am to 2pm with all profits going to the Vansprossen family.

Passionfruit set to wow audiences T

he electro-acoustic trio Passionfruit is set to wow audiences at Laycock St Theatre on October 12 with their spontaneous jazz meets Afro-Brazilian rhythms.


t Penang Parklands at Kariong will Willkommen (welcome) the 2013 Oktoberfest Central Coast on Saturday, October 26, for another year of the popular German festival. The Oktoberfest event will once again bring together German beer, food, dance and a mix of both traditional and modern entertainment and music to the Central Coast. A centerpiece of the festival will be a Bavarian themed Beer Hall which includes a completely decked out 40 metre long

bar. Two Oompah Bands will get audiences into the Oktoberfest spirit by performing all the famous Oktoberfest songs, and a mix of Bavarian Polkas, waltzes and drinking songs. Both bands have performed at many venues throughout Australia, celebrating the Oktoberfest culture and entertaining audiences for over 20 years. Internationally acclaimed slap dancers will present their energetic and humorous performances to spectators on the day, and a performance from the Yodelling Queen,

whose highly energetic and huge vocal range has entertained audiences from all over the world, will help get attendees in the singing mood. One of Oktoberfest Central Coast’s most popular team events, the Barrel Races, will also return and participants are encouraged to pull up their Lederhosens or don their Dirndls for a chance to win Best Dressed on the day. An array of German food vendors supplying traditional delicacies will also be available, including bratwurst with sauerkraut and mustards, kranskys, pretzels, and sweets.

The guitar-pianopercussion group renowned for crossing musical boundaries is

known for its electrifying performances and includes multi awardwinning guitarist and composer Guy Strazz, renown pianist-composer Matt McMahon and percussionist-composer, Fabian Hevia, whose credits include Wanderlust and The Catholics. The creative ensemble

draws in the attention of the audience creating an intimate and captivating bond. Ticket prices start at $15 for children and students, $20 for concession, $25 for seniors and $30 for adults with the show beginning at 8pm.

Help, Help, the Globolinks! T

he Central Coast Conservatorium of Music will present a quirky opera produced by vocal tutor and soprano extraordinaire, Lilija Sile on November 15 and 16. Help,



Globolinks! is a four-scene opera with a cast of over 25 singers and dancers. When the aliens, the Globolinks, overtake a school bus on a country road it appears that the only thing that will save the bus driver and children is the Globolinks' fear of

music. Shows start at 7pm on November 15 and 1pm and 7pm on November 16. Tickets start at $15 for student and children and $30 for adults.

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October 3, 2013 - Out&About - P5


Monster Trucks at Gosford



Tour. Four of the best Australian drivers and four of the best American drivers will battle it out to be crowned the King of the Hill. The Show will offer a firsthand look at the all

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new Australian Bigfoot, built just for the fans of Australia. The Monster Truck World Series will also comprise of attractions such as eight monster trucks including Outback Thunda, Scooby Doo and

Crusty Demon, a back flipping snow mobile, jet quads, Crusty Demons Magazine FMX stars, Crasharama Demolition Derby and a huge fireworks display.

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special performance titled Competitive Tenderness will take place at the Peninsula Theatre Woy Woy from October 25 to November 10. The story introduces Dawn Snow, a tenacious women running a successful chain of weight loss clinics and reforming the Ugandan prison

system, Brian, the Mayor of Greater Burke, Kel, Trevor and Piggy, your average Aussie blokes, Delia and Amelia , two well-meaning secretaries and Dragi Smilevski, a megalomaniac smallgoods magnate. The crazed bunch is all entangled in a brilliant performance showcased only by the Peninsula Theatre.

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he 2013 Monster Truck World Series will hit Gosford Showground on Saturday, October 12, as part of the Extreme Monsters and FMX Legends Unleashed

P6 - Out&About - October 3, 2013

School Holiday Activities Sept 21-Oct 7

Coastal Cruising

by Val Bridge

Photos: ValsPix

Devils, wombats and wallabies I

f you have not visited the Australia Walkabout Wildlife Park, not to be confused with the Reptile Park, then you should ask yourself, why? Taking the Calga turnoff from the F3 [now known as the M1] freeway and following the signs will take you to a bush setting like no other. The Australia Wildlife Walkabout Park is, as its name suggests, a walkabout with the friendliest wildlife imaginable. And yes, the staff are also friendly and informative. The park’s activities are broad and have plenty of choice. The Aboriginal sites walk takes between 30 to 50 minutes to complete with much of the walk shaded from the sun.

Out&About on the Coast will now bring a fortnightly column to its readers on the many activities and tourist attractions available on the Central Coast. Each fortnight the column will focus on a different attraction and aims to give readers an insight into the entertainment options available on the Coast. There is an animal loop walk where time evaporates depending on the amount of time spent looking at the animals en route. You can even take a fairly decent walk to the Mount White lookout and gaze across miles of natural bush land and waterways. This walk will take you around 50 minutes to complete but there are not many animals to see. Within the park there is a huge variety of animals to see. There are Kangaroos wandering around a whole bunch of emus, dingoes, wombats, echidnas, bilbies,

Let your community know about: • Weddings • Engagements • Special Birthdays • Special Anniversaries • New Born Babies • Special Achievments Send a photo and details to: editorial@ editorial

tassie devils, quolls, quite honestly the list goes on and on. Birds are in abundance and the feeling of being totally at one with the bush is evident as you wander around the park. Feeding the animals is not permitted and their welfare is utmost in the friendly staff’s psyche, a policy the park has adopted, and I must say, a good one. An exciting overnight camp-over program is an ideal soft adventure for those who want to enjoy an authentic overnight Aussie bush experience, but don’t really want to head out into the outback. A unique opportunity to get up close and personal with some of Australia’s iconic wildlife and other fascinating animal friends, as well as a chance to spot wild nocturnal creatures in the trees and feeding along the tracks.

By way of comparison to the nearby Australian Reptile Park. The Reptile Park has a greater variety of animals in enclosures, but at the Walkabout Wildlife Park you can get very close to live kangaroos, wallabies and emus and more. There are some free roaming kangaroos at the Reptile Park, but not as many as at the Walkabout Wildlife Park, and are often hard to find (as there are more visitors and the roos seem to seek out the “off limits” areas at the Reptile


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Park to get a little peace and quiet). The cafe facility at the Reptile Park has the edge if you want to buy food to eat, but it’s mainly standard takeaway. Picnicking at the Walkabout Park is recommended. The paths, gift shop, and other facilities are comparable at both, although the Walkabout Park has some great trails to explore. Currently with fewer visitors at the Walkabout Wildlife Park it enables

you to get closer to the animals and presenters at the displays and demonstrations. These can get very crowded at the Reptile Park. So, in summary, the Walkabout Wildlife Park is worth a visit (two to three hours) if you want to get up close to kangaroos, wallabies and emus and see some other Australian animals in enclosures. It is certainly not to be confused with the Reptile Park. They are very different. Park owner, Tassin Barnard, has kindly donated two family passes to visit the park and you will see on page two our competition to win them. Be in it to win it!


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October 3, 2013 - Out&About - P7

School Holiday Activities Sept 21-Oct 7 Roller Derby Smackdown at Niagara Park

Craft exhibition and sale celebrates 10th anniversary Lynne Lillico, Pearl Beach Craft Group

Bev Lapacek, with artist Mary Cottom and Yvonne Stanger with the painting of the Pearl Beach Waterfall


he Pearl Beach Craft Group will celebrate its 10th anniversary at the Pearl Beach Biennial Craft Exhibition and Sale to be held over the long weekend of October 5 and 6. The exhibition and sale will be held between 10am and 4pm each day in the Pearl Beach Memorial Hall. The event will present a number of local artisans who will be exhibiting and selling a variety of hand crafted items. Charities to benefit from proceeds over the weekend are Mercy Ships Foundation and the Leukaemia Foundation. Pearl Beach Craft Group member Ms Bev Lapacek said: “Mercy Ships is an international charity that was founded in 1978 and currently operates the largest non-governmental hospital ship in the world,

providing free health care.” “Operating in more than 70 developing countries, it brings hope and healing to the forgotten poor by mobilizing people and resources worldwide, and serving people without regards to race. “The current focus is on the countries of West Africa. “In choosing the Leukaemia Foundation, the craft group wanted to support a charity that was founded in 1975 in Queensland and now has offices in all states. “Each year the Leukaemia Foundation invests millions of dollars in blood cancer research to improve treatments and find cures. “The Leukaemia Foundation receives no ongoing funding and relies on the generosity of corporate and community

supporters,” said Ms Lapacek. Central Coast artist Ms Mary Cottam has donated a painting of the Pearl Beach waterfall which will be raffled with all proceeds going to the Mercy Ships Foundation. “Mary came to Australia from the UK in 1987 and has exhibited in many art shows, as well as teaching pottery and art; we are delighted to have her generous support,” said longtime member of the Pearl Beach Craft Group Ms Yvonne Stranger. A variety of handcrafted items will be on display and for sale including patchwork, silver jewellery, Christmas decorations, stoneware, pottery, driftwood artifacts, clothing, knitwear and a selection of other handcrafted Items, with homemade cakes and jams also for sale.

A free newspaper with in-depth Wyong Shire news! FREE


Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369

August 29, 2013

Issue 28

New youth and community centre for San Remo he Rudd Labor government has announced it will provide $2.7 million to build a new youth and community centre at San Remo.


Minister for Human Services Senator Jan McLucas and member for Shortland Ms Jill Hall made the announcement on Monday, August 26, at the site where the new centre will be built in Brava Ave. “This is an excellent project for young people in the northern part of Wyong Shire,” Senator McLucas said. “It will be a worthwhile centre which will provide real and tangible services to help young people get the support, training and mentoring they need. “Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council submitted the proposal in partnership with the San Remo Neighbourhood Centre, Central Coast Medicare Local, Youth Connections, ET Australia and the local advisory group of Better Futures, Local Solutions. “Shortland MP Jill Hall has been a strong supporter of the project. “I congratulate Darkinjung and the other community partners on the excellent proposal and I thank Jill Hall for making sure these federal government funds

From left, Minister for Human Services Senator Jan McLucas, Chairman of Regional Development Australia Central Coast Mr David Abrahams, Federal Member for Shortland Ms Jill Hall, Darkinjung Aboriginal Land Council CEO Mr Sean Gordon, and San Remo Neighbourhood Centre Manager Ms Jillian Hogan.

become available.” Ms Hall said the new centre will be a major boost for young people in the area. “The new centre will be an innovative learning hub for the area,” she said. “It will deliver community-based health care, training and skills


development, and also community and cultural engagement. “There will also be an arts precinct to encourage local artists and cultural presentations, and also an iDialogue Cafe to help with digital connectivity. “Importantly, there will be broad consultation with youth groups

during the design and construction phase of the project. “A development application could be lodged with council by early next year. “The Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council made an excellent submission to government for this

project and I thank them for their vision and their work.” The new centre will be known as Gulgul Barang Youth and Community Centre. Gulgul Barang is from the Darkinjung language meaning “strong tomorrow”. It reflects the ethic of

supporting young people into employment through structured support, health, education, training and mentoring. The centre will be strategically located in Brava Ave near the San Remo Neighbourhood Centre and opposite Northlakes High School. It is within easy access of public transport and other local infrastructure. The land is owned by Darkinjung Aboriginal Land Council. The Wyong local government area has one of the lowest school retention rates in NSW and one of the highest youth unemployment rates. About 54% of 25-34 year olds have completed year 12, compared to the national average of 75%. “This is therefore a much needed service in the northern area of Wyong Shire,” Ms Hall said. “Federal Labor is serious about investigating in local communities and helping people meet their full potential.” The funds for Gulgul Barang are from the Regional Development Australia Fund and are already included in the budget. Media release, 26 Aug 2013, Lisa McDermott, Office of Jill Hall MP

the Wyong Shire

September 12, 2013

Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369


Issue 29

September 26, 2013



s of Wednesday, September 11, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has declared the Federal seat of Dobell as a “close seat”.

According to the AEC, a “close seat” is declared when the Two Candidate Preferred result is between 49.50% and 50.50%. At the time the Wyong Regional Chronicle went to press, the latest AEC figures showed the Liberal candidate for Dobell Ms Karen McNamara had a total of 50.42% of the Two Candidate Preferred votes. Dobell’s Labor candidate Ms Emma McBride had 49.58% of the Two Candidate Preferred votes. With 18.2% of the vote yet to be counted, only 626 votes separate the candidates. Ms McNamara, who so

far has received 41.02% of first preference votes, ran an election campaign which spanned over a year. Ms McBride, who currently has 35.67% of first preference votes, ran a much shorter campaign and was only endorsed as the Labor party’s candidate for Dobell four weeks prior to the election. Neither candidate responded when contacted by the Wyong Regional Chronicle for comment. The Federal seat of Dobell was previously held by Mr Craig Thomson, who became Member for Dobell in 2007.


Mr Thomson currently has 3.99% of first preference votes. Mr Thomson said he was looking forward to spending more time with his family. “On election night, I became a private citizen,” Mr Thomson said. Greens candidate for Dobell Ms Sue Wynn has so far received 4.72% of first preference votes. Ms Wynn said she was proud to have represented the Greens in Dobell and to have presented her party’s evidence-based policies to the electorate. “We used every means available to us with our extremely limited campaign funds to get our message out to voters

so they could make an informed decision,” Ms Wynn said. Ms Wynn thanked her stalwart members and supporters for their assistance in her campaign. “They all volunteered so that we could work towards achieving a caring society that looks after and protects the environment for us all,” she said. “The Greens will continue to be active on the Central Coast as a positive voice for a cleaner economy and a more caring society.” Palmer United candidate Ms Kate McGill, who currently has 3.40% of first preference votes, said her party faced strong competition from high profile parties and independents in

the electorate. “I think the result in Dobell proved what many of us have known for a long time – that is, the people of Dobell fear Coalition policies which is why the ALP still has support,” Ms McGill said. “I think the job for me over the next three years will be to lift the profile of the party and provide the people of Dobell with the information they need to distinguish Palmer United Party as not the new kid on the block, but the best alternative for Dobell next time around. “Once the people of Dobell take time to look at our policies and digest the fact that they are not self-centred and indeed are policies that seek to benefit all Australians rather than just lobby

or fringes groups, then we will get the people behind us. “I look forward to keeping a close eye on whoever does win, as I suspect very little will change for the often forgotten and even more marginal seat of Dobell.” Prior to September 7, the status of the Dobell seat was undefined. Of the votes counted so far, 7.52% of votes were informal votes.

Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369

Issue 30

Spence and Webber’s offices raided as part of ICAC inquiry

Dobell still too close to call

he Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has raided the offices of Liberal MPs Mr Chris Spence and Mr Darren Webber over an alleged fundraising scandal.

Mr Spence, who is the state member for The Entrance, and Mr Webber, the state member for Wyong, had their offices searched on Friday, September 20, with investigators seizing computers and documents. Ms Karen McNamara, who is expected to be declared federal member for Dobell in the coming days, has also been dragged into the controversy due to her role as Mr Webber’s campaign manager in the 2011 state election. The Age has reported that Ms McNamara significantly overstated the amount of funds she had raised for Mr Webber’s campaign. It was revealed that Ms McNamara, during her

pre-selection interview for Dobell, said she had raised up to $100,000 in her role as campaign manager. However, a member for the NSW Liberal state executive Ms Hollie Hughes has said she was advised party records indicated official receipts totalled as little as $50,000. The Sydney Morning Herald has also reported that the ICAC raids are believed to be linked to allegations that two staff members for NSW Energy Minister Mr Chris Hartcher funnelled political donations through a front company prior to the 2011 state election. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, a $5,000 donation was

made by a Wyong building company, LA Commercial, owned by a Mr Lusted, to the benefit of the Liberal Party’s Central Coast candidates shortly before the March 2011 election. The donation is believed to have been made through Eightbyfive, which is the trading name for a trust fund connected to Mr Tim Koelma, a senior policy adviser to Mr Hartcher. Mr Koelma has since resigned from his position and Mr Lusted unsuccessfully contested Liberal pre-selection for the federal seat of Dobell. It has been reported that Mr Lusted has said that at the time, he believed he was entitled to make the donation as he was not a property developer for the

purposes of the Election Funding Act. Property developers have been banned from making political donations in NSW since 2009. Neither Mr Webber nor Mr Spence were able to respond to enquiries from the Wyong Regional Chronicle for legal reasons. ICAC also could not comment on its operational matters. However, Ms McNamara has issued a statement and has denied the allegations against her. “The allegation made in today’s news story is a baseless lie,” Ms McNamara said of the media report. “A donation was made to attend a fundraising dinner and was properly receipted and declared. “As I have said

before, to the best of my knowledge, I have always complied with my obligations in that role. Ms McNamara also said that if it was deemed she could assist in any way with current inquiries involving other persons named in recent news stories, she would be more than happy to assist. NSW premier Mr Barry O’Farrell has said he had not been contacted by the ICAC about the raids on Mr Spence and Mr Webber’s offices. “I don’t believe the ICAC has ever made it a practice to advise premiers of visits by its staff in investigations,” Mr O’Farrell said. “I have never been contracted by the ICAC about such activity. “As I previously said, the Liberal Party referred matters concerning

donations to the Electoral Funding Authority in May 2012. “It has been previously reported the ICAC is investigating that issue. “But I have not been advised of any such investigation, nor would I expect to be. “It is an offence for someone to confirm formal contact with them by the ICAC. “As I said in Parliament again this week, I am a strong supporter of the ICAC. “It has and continues to do a great job for the people of NSW.” Media release, 23 Sep 2013 Olivia Suzanski, Office of Barry O’Farrell Media statement, 25 Sep 2013 Alicia McCumstie, Office of Karen McNamara Website, 23 Aug 2013 The Age Website, 21 Sep 2013, Sydney Morning Herald

Website, 11 Sep 2013 Australian Electoral Commission Email, 10 Sep 2013 David Gardiner, Office of Craig Thomson Email, 10 Sep 2013 Sue Wynn, Greens candidate for Dobell Email, 10 Sep 2013 Kate McGill, Palmer United candidate for Dobell

the Wyong Shire


Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber

Ms Karen McNamara, who is likely to become the Federal Member for Dobell

Member for The Entrance Mr Chris Spence

the Wyong Shire


he Central Coast Youth Club at Niagara Park will host the 2013 Eastern Regions Roller Derby Smackdown Tournament on Sunday, October 6.

The Smackdown will feature 18 teams from 14 leagues that span across the state, in 30 bouts of high level Roller Derby to determine who reigns

supreme in Eastern Region Roller Derby. Local team the Central Coast Roller Girls will compete against the best in the region, including defending champions Vice City Rollers from Canberra. Other leagues represented this year include the Blue Mountains Roller Derby League, Coffs Coast Derby Dolls, Hawkesbury-Hills

Area Roller Derby, Inner West Roller Derby League, Newcastle Roller Derby League, Port Macquarie Roller Derby League, South Side Derby Dolls, South West Sydney Rockets, Sydney Roller Derby League, Varsity Derby League, Western Sydney Rollers, and Wollongong Illawarra Roller Derby.

Marina Prior at Laycock St M

arina Prior will make an appearance at Laycock St Theatre this year on Thursday, October 3.

The award-winning entertainer is regarded as being one of Australia’s 100 Entertainers of the Century and rose to stardom when she played Christine in The Phantom of the Opera. See Marina as you have never seen her before in an intimate appearance, singing her favourite songs and telling stories of her career. Her vast repertoire includes musical theatre, jazz, contemporary and light opera and in accompaniment to her favourite songs from such shows as The Phantom of the Opera, Cats and Les Miserables she will also perform songs from her new albums, Both Sides Now and Encore. Marina will also be

accompanied by the multitalented David Cameron on piano.

Ticket prices start at $60 for concession and groups over 10 and $70 for adults.

P8 - Out&About - October 3, 2013

School Holiday Activities Sept 21-Oct 7

Oktoberfest at Hardys Bay

Spring art show O

ktoberfest is heading to the Bay Leaf Bistro at Hardys Bay RSL on Saturday, October 5, from 11:30am. The Oktoberfest event aims to be a celebration of food, friends, beer and

a place for the community to meet. The car park area will host a German barbecue with great German inspired food, a kids' jumping castle, market stalls, food stalls, face painting, beer and music until 3pm.

From 6pm Bay Leaf will open its doors to entertain attendees with live music from The Ambiguous, who will perform songs from the 60s, 70s, 80s, rock and blues.

Johnny Cash at Laycock St F J

acqui’s Art Studio and Gallery in Buff Point will launch a Spring Art Show on October 5.

including paintings, porcelains, silkwork, timberwork, jewellery and more. Wyong Council Cr Doug Vincent will officially open the exhibition from

The exhibition will feature artwork by more than 20 local artists

he Coast Community Connections Dance Studio in Woy Woy will once host a Sunday FreeForm Dance Meditation event on October 6.


illcare Wagstaffe Rural Fire Service will hold an open day on Saturday, October 5, on the Hardys Bay Waterfront from 9am to 1pm. The open day will see a static display, bookings for property inspections and to review the Bush Fire Survival Plan, and fire truck and hose demonstrations. The open day is one of 300 NSW Rural Fire Service station open days being held.

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made Johnny Cash’s live shows something special. June Carter and The Carter Family, The Statler Brothers, Carl Perkins and Cash’s Gospel greats will be featured in the first half of the show with the second set showcasing Cash’s biggest hits.

NSW Rural Fire Service

with a compilation of uplifting global rhythms and evocative melodies designed to take you on a journey to embody your innate freedom and creative flow. The sessions are set to run from 10:30am to 12pm and cost $15.

The Dance Meditation aims to provide a sacred space to just dance,

Marking the 50th anniversary of the release of one of Cash’s biggest

hits, Ring of Fire, Australia’s own ‘Man in Black’, Daniel Thompson, returns with an award-winning ensemble featuring Golden Guitar Winner and Australian Guitar Legend Stuie French. The two-hour show will feature all the hits that

Rural Fire Service open day

Free-Form Dance Meditation T

12pm with refreshments provided. The Spring Art Show will open daily from 10am to 3pm, and is set to run until October 18.

resh from their successful 2012 national tour, Johnny Cash the Concert is back and celebrating at Laycock St Theatre on Friday, October 4.

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NSW RFS Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons said the Service’s annual open day was the ideal opportunity for families to meet the volunteers who protect their local community, and learn how to be better prepared in the event of a bush fire. “NSW RFS Open Day is about connecting with communities and helping people prepare themselves, their families and their properties for bush fires. “It is an opportunity for the community to discover more about the role volunteers play in all types of emergencies, talk to firefighters and see the equipment they use,” said Commissioner Fitzsimmons. “We have more than 2000 volunteer brigades across the state made up of members who are extremely proud of the service they provide to the community. “There’s nothing more rewarding than interacting with the people they’re committed to protecting and assisting in times of

emergency. “I’d encourage all local residents to come along to their local NSW RFS Open Day, join in the fun and thank our

NSW RFS volunteers for the invaluable work they do,” said Commissioner Fitzsimmons.

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October 3, 2013 - Out&About - P9

School Holiday Activities Sept 21-Oct 7 Photographers band together for phoTTex

Psychic Fair at Mingara

Jeremy Linton-Mann, Killcare


ight photographers from the Peninsula have joined together to present their local, national and international landscapes and portraits in the inaugural


ingara Event Centre will be transformed into a spiritual centre of discovery for the Central Coast’s biggest Psychic and Alternative Fair on Sunday, October

6. The popular event will boast over 100 attractions including readers of all types, masseurs, stalls, live guests and seminars. The Psychic and Alternative Fair aims

Tuesday October 22

Vibes First Birthday Bash, Grand Hotel Wyong, 5:30pm-10:30pm, free Gosford Politics in the Pub, Dutton’s Tavern, Gosford, 6pm-7:30pm

Getting Ready workshop, Everglades Country Club, Woy Woy

Espressivo Ensemble, Ettalong Beach Club, 7:30pm

Saturday October 5 100 game Bingo Marathon, Peninsula Community Centre, 1:30pm Book Bonanza Fair, Umina Beach PCYC, 9am5pm Lateral Stitchers Group exhibition, Woy Woy CWA Hall, 9am-5pm Pearl Beach Biennial Craft Exhibition and Sale, Pearl beach Memorial Hall, 10am-4pm Killcare Wagstaffe Rural Fire Service open day, Hardys Bay Waterfront, 9am-1pm Espressivo Ensemble, Ettalong Beach Club, 8:30pm

Sunday October 6 Central Coast Blues Society jam session, Breakers Country Club, Wamberal, 6pm-9pm Market Day, Point Clare Community Hall Walk to Cure Diabetes, Davistown RSL Open Garden, Somersby Gardens, 10am4:30pm Pearl Beach Biennial Craft Exhibition and Sale, Pearl beach Memorial Hall, 10am-4pm

The exhibition will be launched on Friday, October 4, at 7pm at the Hardys Bay Community Church. Photographers involved in the launch are Ben

Canty, Paul Kelly, Fiona Lambell, Jeremy LintonMann, Dale Montgomery, Brendon Weston and Terry Wilson. All visitors are welcome and all works are for sale.

to give people the opportunity to discover an alternative approach to physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing on the Central Coast.

Thursday October 3

Friday October 4

phoTTex exhibition.

Friday October 25 Espressivo Ensemble, Ettalong Beach Club, 9pm

Rocktober, Kibble Park, Gosford, 8am-1pm

Tuesday October 8

Sunday October 13

English as a second language conversation classes, Woy Woy Presbyterian Church, 9:15am

Festival of flowers, music and craft, Anglican Church, Gosford Mini Woytopia, The Boulevard, Woy Woy

Wednesday October 9

Wednesday October 16

Central Coast Potters Society committee meeting, 6:30pm, East Gosford

Bays Community Group annual meeting, Woy Woy Bay Community Hall, 7:30pm

Thursday October 10

Friday October 18

Youth Week Stars Event, The Erina, 4pm-6pm Brisbane Historical Society stall, William St, Gosford

Battle of the Bands U24 semi final, The Hub, Erina

Rising Hub, Water street Plaza

Friday October 11 Festival of flowers, music and craft, Anglican Church, Gosford

Saturday October 12 Central Coast Potters Society coil throwing, texturing, sprigging, slip and dry glaze application demonstration Market Day, St Luke’s Anglican Church, Toukley, 9am-2pm Festival of flowers, music and craft, Anglican Church, Gosford Long Jetty Hospital Fete, Long Jetty Healthcare Centre, 9am12pm

Saturday October 19 Country Fete and Market Day, Holgate Public School Antique and Vintage Fair, Terrigal Scout Hall Mangrove Mountain and Districts Country Fair, corner of Wisemans Ferry and Waratah Rds, 10am Point Clare Spring Markets, 9am-2pm

Sunday October 20 Ourimbah Public School 150 year anniversary celebration, Ourimbah Public School, 10am-3pm Antique and Vintage Fair, Terrigal Scout Hall

Monday October 21 Getting Ready workshop, Everglades Country Club, Woy Woy

Hardys Bay Annual Pink Day Luncheon, Bells at Killcare, 12pm Susan Duncan author event, Erina Library, 10:15am Krzysztof Malek performance, Ettalong Beach Club, 8:30pm

Saturday October 26 Bush Safety Workshop, Bucketty and District Rural Fire Brigade, 9:30am3:30pm, free Market Stall Day, Point Clare Community Hall, 9am-3pm Ovarian Cancer Fundraising Luncheon, Halekulani Bowling Club, 11:30am

Sunday October 27 Breakfast in the Bays, Woy Woy Bay Community Hall

Wednesday October 30 Gosford Bush Poets meeting, Gosford Hotel, 7pm

Saturday November 2 Family Fun Day – Maori Culture, Watanobbi Community Centre, 10am2pm

Sunday November 3 Central Coast Blues Society jam session, Breakers Country Club, Wamberal, 6pm-9pm Bouddi at Bells, Bells at Killcare

If you would like your Community Organisation listed here, see for the forms or contact Ducks Crossing on

4325 7369 Hospital Art Australia (25-49)

Meets Wednesdays 10am Tall Trees Studio - Tumbi Umbi - Painting and Canvass Drawing Volunteers Needed 4341 9920 Central Coast Prostate Cancer Support Group (Gosford) Meet last Friday Month Terrigal Uniting Church Hall 380 Terrigal Drive, Terrigal 9.30am to 12 noon 4367 9600 Central Coast Prostate Cancer Support Group (Wyong) Meet last Monday Month Wyong Golf Club Pacific Highway Wyong 10.30am to 12 noon 4356 9300

Community Care Services - Central Coast Memory lane - Doing things together Café For people with memory loss & their carers to enjoy a relaxing coffee morning with others experiencing similar circumstances Caroline Bay Brasserie - East Gosford 2nd Wednesday Rocky Point Café - Ettalong Beach Memorial Club 3rd Wednesday Wallarah Bay Recreational Club 4th Tuesday 4324 4244 I AM LOST Deep Conversations and systematic exercises for understanding my self and my place in life Gurdjieff Society Ancient and modern knowledge 6pm every 2nd Thu 0425 296 783


P10 - Out&About - October 3, 2013

Country Fair at Mangrove Mountain

Markets on the Coast

Shane Eastman, Mangrove Mountain and Districts Country Fair

Irregular Markets Saturday October 12 Long Jetty Hospital Fete Long Jetty Healthcare Centre 9am-12pm Saturday October 19 Point Clare Spring Markets Fairhaven 209 Brisbane

Water Drive 9am-2pm Saturday October 19 & Sunday October 20 Terrigal Antique & Vintage Fair Terrigal Scouts Hall 8am4pm

Photo: Peter Clark

T Regular Markets EVERY WEEKEND Ettalong Markets Cnr Schapper & Oceanview Roads, Ettalong Beach 9am4pm EVERY Saturday The Entrance Waterfront Art & Craft Markets Waterfront Plaza 9am– 4pm EVERY Sunday The Entrance Lions Club Markets The Entrance Cinema car park 8:30am–12:30pm Toukley Sunday Markets Coles car park off Yaralla Rd 7am –1pm Saturday October 5 Kincumber Car Boot Markets Kincumber Uniting Church 7am-12noon Morisset Showground Markets Morriset Showground 8am-1pm The Entrance Farmers Markets Memorial Park, The Entrance 9am– 1pm Sunday October 6 Terrigal Wamberal Lions Club Car Boot Sale Terrigal Lagoon Reserve 9am-1pm Saturday October 12 Central Coast Craft Sale Art Studios, Gosford Regional Gallery 9.30am- 4pm Gosford City Markets Kibble Park Gosford 8am -1pm Niagara Park Market Day Niagara Park Shopping Centre 9am– 1pm Wyee Community Markets

Cnr Forest Rd & Wyee Rd 9am - 2pm Sunday October 13 Mangrove District Markets Corner Wisemans Ferry Road and Waratah Road 8am- 2pm Peninsula Waterfront Art & Produce Market Anderson Reserve 10am- 3pm Saturday October 19 Green Point Monthly Market Day and Car Boot Sale Green Point Baptist Church 9am-2pm Terrigal Market Day 92 Serpentine Road 9am-1pm The Handmade and Boutique Market The Hive in Erina Fair 9am- 5pm The Entrance Farmers Markets Memorial Park, The Entrance 9am– 1pm Saturday October 26 Church on the Hill Markets Anglican Church The Entrance 8am- 1pm Shelly Beach Markets Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College, The Entrance Campus 8am– 2pm Sunday October 27 Avoca Beachside Markets Heazlett Park Foreshore 9am-2pm Lions Club of Woy Woy Peninsula Monthly Markets Dunban Road Car Park 9am-1pm Mangrove Mountain Country Markets Cnr Wiseman’s Ferry Rd & Waratah Rd 9am- 2pm

he next Mangrove Mountain and Districts Country Fair will be held on Saturday, October 19, from 10am at the corner of Wisemans Ferry and Waratah Rds. The Country Fair will feature livestock displays including cattle, alpacas, horses, sheep, goats, chickens and birds, all which live on the Mountain, as well as a petting farm and Guess the Weight of the Farm Animal competition. The Mangrove Cup will also run throughout the day which will see local

piglets racing against each other. A shearing demonstration will be held and a nostalgic historical display will be set up to celebrate the Fair’s 50th anniversary. “The Mangrove Mountain and Districts Country Fair is a great kids’ day out with face painting, sand art and plaster casting, a reptile display, a jumping castle, a giant slide and our very special Scouting Country Decathlon, which is a chance to test your physical skills on our fun-filled course,” said publicity officer Ms Shane Eastman.

“The local produce display in the hall is always truly spectacular. “You will be amazed at the variety and quality of both native and exotic flowers, and beautiful vegetables and fresh produce that is cultivated on the mountain. “Check out our fascinating selection of arts and crafts including woodwork, paintings, and a great array of photographs from some very talented photographers in the area. “This year we are lucky to have Golden Guitar Winner Bill Chambers entertaining us on the

main stage. “We also have local duo Kazaray, and local band Dr Goodvibe, along with much more music, singing and dancing performed by talented local school children and adults.” The Mangrove Mountain Country Fair has been running every year since 1963 as a community fundraiser when locals needed to find funding for the bush nurse, a valuable source of comfort for Mountain families. Although the bush nurse has long gone, the event has continued as fundraiser for local community groups.

Males encouraged to grow a Mo G

osford Business Improvement District (GBID) and the Gosford City Markets are calling for local males to get behind Movember this year. During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of millions of moustaches around the world. With their Mo’s, men raise vital funds and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer and mental health. “Movember’s vision is to have an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health,” said GBID manager Mr Paul Brasch. “ M o v e m b e r challenges men to grow a moustache for the 30 days of November, thereby changing their appearance and men’s health.

“We are calling on people to register their interest by calling GBID on 4322 7726 so that we can list your names on the official Movember website. “I will personally do this challenge and we would like about 50 others in our community to do the same, forming our team of “Mo Mates”. “This is just one way that

we can have some fun and raise much needed funds for this worthy cause. “On the first day of ‘Movember’, those registered will start with a clean-shaven face and then at the Gosford City Markets on Saturday, November 9, we will call on all of our ‘Mo Mates’ to gather on the main stage in Kibble Park, Gosford, to get a group photo of their

mo’s in the making. “This group photo will then be turned into a 2014 calendar to be sold to friends, family or the public with proceeds going to Men’s Health. “After Saturday, November 30, the Mo can come off. “Many people even throw a Mo Party at the end,” said Mr Brasch.

lose the booze to help Aussie kids Sign up today at Ocsober is a fundraising initiative of Life Education Australia. © 2013

Paul Brasch, GBID

October 3, 2013 - Out&About - P11

Seaside Fair raises over $15,000

RockTober at Gosford

Louise Hoyle, Pretty Beach Public School


retty Beach Public School’s Seaside Fair, held on Sunday, September 15, raised over $15,200 for the school. The Seaside Fair committee met every Monday evening since May to plan, organise and discuss the fair. “Our dedicated committee are to be congratulated for all their hours, numerous phone calls, meetings and the list just goes on,” said Pretty Beach Public School P and C president Ms Rose Mackay. “I mentioned to them all that my Monday nights will not be the same. “This was our second Seaside Fair and despite the little bit of rain we could not have asked for a

better day on Sunday. “The morning setup for everyone went smoothly and everyone was ready to go at 9am for their first customers. “The event attracted people from all over the Coast, with cars parked from the RSL Club to Turo Park. “It was wonderful to hear the children perform their first concert in front of many eager parents, grandparents, friends and community members. “I hope that everyone had the opportunity to hear HG Nelson run our celebrity auctions; he had many people in the crowd laughing and bidding for the auction items. “At closing time, 3pm, we still had many people walking around not wanting our Seaside Fair

to finish. “It’s amazing to see that such a small school can achieve such fantastic results. “I would like to acknowledge the people that baked yummy cakes and jams, assisted with the barbecue, donated items to the white elephant, Tombola, side show alley and drinks to the canteen. “There was also an amazing amount of people who gave their time, to set up and pack down stalls, assist with the White Elephant and provided chairs and tables. “Many of these people were current and past students, teachers and staff just willing to lend a hand,” said Ms Mackay.

Mini Woytopia to be held at market day

Paul Brasch, Gosford Business Improvement District


arket goers to the October Gosford City Markets will be in for a treat as October is turned into RockTober on Saturday, October 12.


The Peninsula Environment Group has teamed up with market organisers to give the monthly markets a greenthemed festival feel for the day. The day will feature a

bushtucker show from Jake Cassar at 10am, followed by a drumming circle with Drumbala, Indian dancing and Ecopella and an aCapella choir with a green twist. There will be workshops and talks on composting, worm farms and renewable energy as well as green living stalls and all the regular market stalls. The Peninsula Waterfront Market, formerly known as the Woy Woy Art Market,

takes place on the second Sunday of every month on The Boulevard in Woy Woy. The change of name reflects the fact the market has now expanded to include stalls selling a wider range of produce, including local and organic plants and food. The day will finish with a child-friendly family bike ride around the Woy Woy cycle path which will depart at 2:45pm at the market.

60s, 70s, 80s and 90s as the morning progresses. The Gosford City Markets are held on the second Saturday of each month from February to December in Kibble Park, Gosford, commencing at 8am and running through to 1pm. A range of handmade, homemade items and fresh produce including honey,

From 8am to 1pm, the 2 Shot Classic Rock Band will take to the main stage and perform a number of Rock Revival of songs from the

breads, meat, fruit and veggies, arts, home wares, plants, great gift ideas and more will be available for purchase. Little market goers are entertained with two jumping castles, zorb balls, a free giant chess set and a free children’s playground right in the heart of Kibble Park.

Art and craft show held at Woy Woy

Mark Mann, Peninsula Environment Group

mini Woytopia day will be held at the Peninsula Waterfront Market on Sunday, October 13, in lieu of the Peninsula Environment Group’s annual Woytopia festival.


Christine Burge, Mary Mac’s Place


oy Woy’s Mary Mac’s Place held an art and craft show and fashion parade over the weekend of September 21 and 22.

their works, and Umina Rotary cooked a sausage sizzle. The Hidden Courtyard Cafe and Woolworths also provided goods and services to support the weekend. The fashion parade was held on Saturday, September 21, and was opened by newly elected member for Robertson Ms Lucy Wicks. All those who attended the event enjoyed food

The weekend was a community event, with Mary Mac’s Place supported by other community groups and local businesses. Members from the Ettalong Beach Arts and Crafts Group exhibited

prepared by Mary Mac’s volunteers, as well as the summer fashions from Victoria Black Boutique. Both events were held to raise funds to continue the work of Mary Mac’s Place. Mary Mac’s Place assists people in need on the Peninsula by serving a nutritious hot lunch each week day and providing referrals to other local services.

Second Saturday of each month - 8am to 1pm in Kibble Park, Gosford - Rain, hail or shine! For all stall enquiries phone: 43227726 or email: Proudly sponsored by

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P12 - Out&About - October 3, 2013


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Chromefest to return in October O

ver 550 classic American autos, hot rods, dragsters and low rider bicycles will return to The

Tuition - Dance

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Entrance from Friday, October 25, to Sunday, October 27, for the 2013 Chromefest.

food stalls, plus an array of classic cars for everyone to see and enjoy. Entertainment will include old favourites and new groups such as DJ Vinne, DJ George Galea, Rave On, Matchbox, Sydney Swing Katz, Flattrackers, DJ John Ryan, Aaron Elvis, Jumpin Kuje Box, Atomic High Tones and Coop Deville. Attendees will also be given the chance to compete in a Dance Com, Vintage Glamour Fashions Comp and Hula Hoop Comp. An estimated 55,000 visitors are expected for the weekend.

The three-day event will include a street cruise, three stages of free entertainment, music, over 50 retro market stalls,

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October 3, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P12

Entrance Bateau Bay to join Black Diamond AFL competition

Girls participate in Auskick demonstration at SCG

Wyong Christian Community School

tudents from Wyong Christian C o m m u n i t y School took part in an Auskick demonstration at half-time of the Sydney Swans versus Carlton Blues match at the Sydney Cricket Ground on Friday, June 28.


Eighteen girls from Years 5 and 6 travelled down to the game and were allowed to bring one parent along with them for the evening. The girls split themselves into two teams to play against each other and, despite wet weather, competed with a sense of fun. The girls who competed on the night were Rebekah Cardwell, Lucinda Atkinson,

Lara Crocombe, Renee Harris, Amy Smith, Gabrielle Finlayson, Grace Kirkland, Alana Deas, Leilani Jones, Gabi McGoldrick, Mikaela Hopkins, Tanaysha Carr, Taylah Samways, Rhiannon Deas, Alexandra Sidiropoulous, Mia Kordic, Reme Mawere and Emma Atkins.

Monkeys are winners in AFL competition

Garry Burkinshaw, Black Diamond AFL

he Entrance Bateau Bay AFL will join the Black Diamond AFL (BDAFL) competition next year after the club’s application was formally approved by the BDAFL Board of Management.


The intention was for the club to field a team in Second Division in 2014 with the prospect of fielding

yong Christian Community College’s AFL team The Monkeys, made up of students in Years 3 to 6, were crowned the inaugural winners of the Zone AFL competition held on Thursday, September 5

The winners of the final, The Monkeys, and runnersup, The Indescribables, went on to compete at the Zone AFL competition. Both teams performed well on the day with The Monkeys finishing first in their pool and The Indescribables finishing third The Indescribables went on to play in the fifth versus sixth playoff in which they

were successful. The Monkeys dominated their semi-final to qualify for the grand final against the Maitland Bulls which they won 30-17. Andrew Hocking, Brock McLean, Lachlan Liney and Callum Rainger scored more than 10 goals over the course of the day.

another side in the future. The Entrance Bateau Bay AFC was formed in 1983 as a senior club in the Central Coast competition, however, in 1995 the club fielded its first juniors side with eventually the senior club coming to an end in 1999. The club continues to grow with nearly a 51% increase in players since 2010, a year that saw them win premierships in three of four competitions.

The club also has an excellent home ground in the Bateau Bay Sporting Complex. The playing list for the competition will be made up of a variety of players, some from the junior club as well as from the successful U17s team this year. The club will be formally introduced at the BDAFL AGM and Planning Day on November 10.

Floodlights for Saratoga Oval

Ian Liney, Wyong Christian Community College



Gosford Council Agenda ECO.18, 6 Aug 2013

osford Council has agreed to the lodgement of development and construction c e r t i f i c a t e applications for


new sports ground floodlighting at Saratoga Oval. All council fees associated with DA and Certificate totalling $3,232 for the installation of

new floodlight towers, luminaires and associated infrastructure will be waived. The new floodlights will facilitate mid-week training sessions for the Saratoga Junior ALF Club members.

Where do you get it? Following is a list of all good outlets on the Central Coast where you can get your free copy of Central Coast Grandstand Avoca Avoca Bowling Club Avoca Hotel Avoca Surf Club Bateau Bay Bateau Bay Bowling Club Bateau Bay Village Newsagent Shopping Centre Chemist Community Centre Golf Driving Range Bateau Bay Hotel PCYC Red Rooster Ten Pin Bowling The Entrance Leagues Club The Footy Shop The Men’s Shed McDonalds Bellevue Road Caltex Service Station FBI Swim Centre Budgewoi Budgewoi Hotel Budgewoi Soccer Club Halekulani Bowling Club Newsagent Service Station at Budgewoi shops Swim Centre Buff Point IGA Chittaway Chittaway Service Station Chittaway Tavern Davistown Davistown RSL Doyalson North BP Service Station Caltex Service Station

Doyalson Golf Driving Range Doyalson RSL Metro Service Station Shell Service Station Pacific Hydroponics P/L East Gosford Gosford Sailing Club East Gosford Hotel East Gosford Olympic Pool Empire Bay Bottle Shop Empire Bay Real Estate Empire Bay Tavern Liberty Service Station Newsagency The Entrance Bowling Club Bowls Shop Centrelink Diggers RSL Newsagent Seven Eleven Service Station The Entrance Hotel Erina Erina Fair Library Erina Leagues Club Football Shop Erina Fair Information Centre Erina Fair Jacks Bar and Grill Organic plus Service Station Erina Mall Woodport Inn Singos Meats Erina Heights Glee Ettalong Edge bike shop Ettalong Bowls Ettalong Physiotherapist

Hotel Mantra Resort Newsagency Senior Citizens Club Ettalong Memorial Club Cinema Paridiso Forresters Beach Swingers Golf Driving Range Gorokan Caltex Service Station Charm Haven Indoor Sports Centre Northlakes Tavern Tunkuwalli Newsagency Sports Club Community Centre Lake Haven shopping Centre Fitness Centre Library Newsagency Wallarah Bay Club Gosford Central Coast Leagues Club Ducks Crossing Publications Gosford Bowling Club Gosford Council Gosford Court House Gosford Hospital main entry Gosford Hospital emergency Gosford Hotel Gosford Library Imperial Centre Liquorland Littles Surf-Imperial Centre Mannings Sports Newsagent-Manns St Police Headquarters

Tourism Information Centre Gwandalan Bowling Club Corner store Service StationKanangra Dr/Orana Rd Takeaway shop Orana Rd Gwandalan Service Centre The Vegie Pot Kariong Kariong Liquor Shop Kariong Service Station Kariong Tavern Kariong Tourist information Centre Shell Service Station Kincumber Golf Range & Sports Club Gym Kincumber Hotel Kincumber Library Kincumber swim centres Killcare The Point Cafe Lake Munmorah Lake Munmorah Bowling Club Lisarow Lisarow Service Station Niagara Park Jenny Gee Uniform Shop Community Centre Niagara Park Library Niagara Park Tavern Long Jetty Caltex Service Station Falcon Service Station Long Jetty Hotel Metro Service Station

Newsagency Service station Squash Courts Mingara BP Service Station KFC McDonalds Mingara Sports Bar Recreation Club Subway Norah Head Norah head Bowling and Sports Club North Gosford North Gosford Private Hospital The Ultimate Brew Shop North Avoca General Store and Takeaway Ourimbah Department of Sport and Recreation Metro Service Station Newcastle University Ourimbah Campus Newsagent RSL Tall Timbers Hotel Summerland Point Tennis Club News agency Triple Lakes Real Estate office Terrigal Crown Plaza Hotel Gosford City Sports Stadium Terrigal Bowlo Terrigal Hotel Terrigal Surf Club Toukley Aquatic Centre Beachcomber Hotel

Canton Beach Bowling Club Newsagent Service Station Metro Toukley RSL Toukley Senior Citizens Toowoon Bay Toowoon Bay Service Station Tuggerah Anytime Fitness BP Service Station Hogs Breath Hungry Jacks Lone Star Tavern McDonalds Metro Service Station Newsagents Rebel Sport Subway The Foot Locker Tuggerah Lakes Shelly Beach Golf Course Umina Caltex Sevice Station Library Ocean Beach Surf Shop Paws on the Coast Peninsula Village Shell Service Station Umina Bait & TackleUmina Bowling Club Umina Caravan Park Umina Hotel Umina Newsagency Umina Surf Shop Wamberal Newsagent Caltex Service Station Breakers Country Club Lotus Cafe The Green Room The Village Emporium

The Point Cafe West Gosford Anaconda Bait and Tackle Shop Bunning’s Warehouse Golf club Golf shop Golf range Gosford Tennis Centre Honda Bikes KTM Bikes Master Builders Association Newsagent Caltex Service Station Seven Eleven Service Station Show Ground West Gosford RSL Club Woy Woy Bay View Hotel Boulevard Pub Bourke road shop Campbells Hardware Courthouse Deepwater Plaza Liquorland Everglades Country club Peninsula Community Centre Peninsula Leisure Centre Shell Sevice Station Repco TAB Woy Woy bottle shop Woy Woy Bowling Club Woy Woy Hospital Woy Woy Leagues Club Woy Woy RTA Ya Local Bait shop

Wyoming Ten Pin Bowling Wyoming Fitness Centre Woolworths Service Station Wyoming shopping Centre Wyong Alberts Cafe Canteen TakeawayNorth Wyong Dam Hotel Golf Range Hotel Pacific Hwy/ Robley Lane KFC Newsagency - Village Central Oasis Youth Pizza in the Pan Phyllus UP Service Station - Amy Close Service Station - Wyong Rd Seven Eleven Service Station Subway-Village Central Wyong Bowls Club Wyong Council Wyong District Museum Wyong Hospital Wyong Hotel -Pacific Hwy/Church St Wyong Leagues Club Wyong Racecourse Wyong RSL Wyong Tennis Club Wyong Golf Course

If you would like your outlet added to this list please let us know - see contact details Page 2

On the Water

P11 - GRANDSTAND - October 3, 2013

Council wins its own tender

Gosford LGA surf clubs receive annual subsidy Gosford Council Media

Wyong Shire Council

ifeguards will remain under the control of Wyong Council after council was selected as the successful tenderer of its beach safety services on Wednesday, September 11.


o commence the 2013-14 summer season, Gosford Council held its annual cheque presentation recently to Central Coast Surf Life Saving to help keep beaches safe this summer.


Nine surf lifesaving clubs in the Gosford LGA

have received a subsidy of $5,000 by Gosford Council to offset the cost of providing lifesaving services and equipment. It is now 29 years since council began its annual contributions to the nine surf lifesaving clubs within the Gosford LGA. Gosford mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna said the subsidy to each club was one of the many contributions council makes to the surf lifesaving

TIDE CHART (Fort Denison)

LAT 33° 51’ S - LONG 151° 14’ E - TIME ZONE - 1000 Times and Heights(m) of high and low waters Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m) THU - 3 0042 - 0.34 0652 - 1.46 1253 - 0.39 1901 - 1.57

FRI - 4 0115 - 0.30 0728 - 1.55 1333 - 0.32 1940 - 1.59

SAT - 5 0149 - 0.27 0804 - 1.64 1415 - 0.27 2021 - 1.58

SUN - 6 0225 - 0.26 0843 - 1.70 1500 - 0.24 2104 - 1.55 WED - 9 0430 - 0.38 1058 - 1.73 1732 - 0.30 2335 - 1.33 SAT - 12 0146 - 1.23 0729 - 0.56 1400 - 1.58 2054 - 0.38

MON - 7 0302 - 0.28 0924 - 1.74 1546 - 0.24 2150 - 1.49 THU - 10 0521 - 0.45 1151 - 1.68 1834 - 0.35

TUE - 8 0345 - 0.32 1009 - 1.75 1637 - 0.26 2240 - 1.41

TUE - 15 0507 - 1.42 1103 - 0.44 1721 - 1.60 2345 - 0.27

WED - 16 0557 - 1.52 1201 - 0.36 1814 - 1.60

SUN - 13 0301 - 1.25 0845 - 0.56 1514 - 1.56 2159 - 0.35

FRI - 11 0036 - 1.26 0619 - 0.51 1252 - 1.62 1944 - 0.38 MON - 14 0409 - 1.32 0958 - 0.51 1621 - 1.58 2255 - 0.31 THU - 17 0030 - 0.26 0644 - 1.62 1254 - 0.31 1901 - 1.59


Ettalong 40 min, Rip Bridge 2hrs - Wisemans Ferry 2 hrs 30 min, Koolewong 2 hrs 10 min

In view of the variations caused by local conditions and meteorological effects, these times are approximate and must be considered as a guide only. They are not to be relied on for critical depth calculations for safe navigation. Actual times of High and Low Water may occur before or after the times indicated

community. “Council also provides $20,000 each year to Central Coast Surf Life Saving to aid its operations. “This equates to a $65,000 annual investment which we believe is vitally important in helping to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all our residents, as well as our ever growing tourist population. “Last summer saw over 2.2 million people visit our beautiful beaches while surf club members and council lifeguards were in attendance. “Council’s ongoing support of our surf lifesaving clubs has become a benchmark for other local government areas within Australia,” said mayor Cr McKinna. Using the Water Safety Levy, council has also purchased a range of equipment for use by both council lifeguards and surf lifesaving volunteers. Equipment includes seven Kubota 4WDs, oxygen equipment valued at $1600 each unit for each of the nine surf clubs and rescue boards for lifeguard operations. “This support has helped to prepare and equip our lifeguards and volunteers for the upcoming summer season,” said mayor Cr McKinna. “Let’s continue to encourage safety on our beaches by getting the message out there to visitors and locals alike to always swim between the red and yellow flags and carefully follow the directions of volunteers and lifeguards. “Remember, if they can’t see you, they can’t save you,” mayor Cr McKinna added.

In June, council resolved to undertake a competitive tender process for its beach safety service – at the existing service standard – while requesting new service models to be identified by the tenderers. Staff were permitted to make a bid for the beach safety service, which they duly submitted along with two other organisations. Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton said that by going through the tender process, council would save a total of $660,000 over three years when compared to the existing lifeguard services. “Our lifeguards do a wonderful job and this

whole process was never a question of the great work they do in our community,” Cr Eaton said. “What we wanted to achieve by putting the service out to tender was to look at a more efficient way of providing a lifeguard service, while ensuring there was no compromise on the safety levels provided at our six patrolled beaches. “To their credit, staff have gone away and identified a number of operational efficiencies and come up with a very competitive tender. “The tender process forced staff to look at the way the service was operated and how it could become more efficient while providing the same level of service. “They have come up with some innovative savings which total $660,000 over the three year tender contract period, which is not only a wonderful result for council, but also our public.

“These savings will be put into a special account for additional coastline and beach environmental work which is a further win for our community.” Lifeguard patrols have resumed for the school holidays, with Shelly, Toowoon Bay, The Entrance, The Entrance North, Soldiers and Lakes Beach all serviced by professional lifeguards. Wyong Shire Council lifeguards have an enviable reputation of never having lost a life within two kilometres of a beach which they have patrolled. “The safety of our beaches under this new arrangement will mirror what we do today,” Cr Eaton said. “The community will still be in great hands, and we are operating a more efficient service which will see money flow back into the Shire. “It’s really a win all round.”

Five of six positions filled by women Allan Wilson, Killcare Surf Club

t Killcare Surf Club’s July 10 annual meeting, five of its six executive positions were filled by women.


Those voted in at the meeting were president Ms Leah Fotofili, honorary secretary Ms Tegan Spackman, honorary treasurer Ms Michaela Hofer, chief instructor Ms Laura Washington and training officer Jacqui Payne. These appointments were later endorsed at an August committee meeting. The girls each joined the club four years ago, and the “fabulous five”, as

they have become known have participated in regular patrols and beach events. The girls have also competed at an elite level in the Masters category at various World, Australian, State and Branch levels since the 2009-10 season under the guidance of the club’s beach events coach John Bourne who has been involved for 30 years. The girls won gold at April’s national Surf Life Saving Australia event at North Kirra, Queensland, in the Australian Masters 140 years (combined ages) beach relay championship. Each of the ladies lives in Killcare and between them

have 13 children ranging in age from three to 15 years. Throughout the surfing season, the daily running of the club, plus administrative duties, meetings, training and patrols, fill in a full week for these members. The fifth executive position at the club is presently filled by club captain, Mal Cooper, who has occupied the post for the past three years. When asked about the current makeup of the board, possibly unrivalled in the surfing world, he said it was “pretty easy to work with the ladies; just let them have their own way”.

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October 3, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P10

Lifesavers travel to Japan and win test series

Harrison wins at swimming championships

Jenny Schofield, Terrigal Surf Life Saving Club

our competitors from the Central Coast joined lifesavers from six other countries in Japan on Monday, September 16, to compete in a three test series.


Avoca Surf Life Saving Club’s Lachlan Tame,

Terrigal Surf Life Saving Club’s Rachelle King and Tim Schofield competed in the Open Australian Team while Elyssia Gasparotto, also from Terrigal Surf Life Saving Club, competed in the U20 Youth Team. The Open Team and the Youth Team won all three tests During the trip, the

teams visited the local Onjuku primary school and participated in a lifesaving education day. Open Exhibition Event, “Lifesaving Onjuku Moon Cup”, was also held which saw the Open Australian team finish in second place with the Australian Youth team in fifth place.

Team wins resuscitation manikin Jenny Schofield, Terrigal Surf Life Saving Club

errigal Surf Life Saving Club competed in the Central Coast Surf Life Saving’s Mingara Pool Challenge on Friday, September 20.






Johns, Lochlan Jonquieres, Savannah Wheeler, Jade Van Dartel, Jazmyn Rodwell, Zak Van Dartel, Megan King and Clayton Schofield competed in races including manikin relays, boogie board relays and an obstacle race. For their efforts on the

Andrew Jones, Lakes Grammar School

a r r i s o n Williams of Lakes Grammar at Warnervale has returned home from the School Sport Australia Swimming Championships in Adelaide not only with medals but also with good race times.


At the NSW PSSA Championships held in April this year, Harrison finished third in the 50m freestyle and first in the 50m backstroke ensuring his selection in the PSSA team. In Adelaide, Harrison finished third in the 10 years 50m freestyle and third in the 10 years 50m backstroke. Both swims saw Harrison beat his personal best times, 30.62 in the freestyle and 36.45 in the backstroke. Harrison was also rewarded with gold medals in the 10 years and under boys medley and freestyle relays, with the freestyle relay breaking the national record. A demanding training schedule sees Harrison in

Lachlan Tame and Tim Schofield

night the team won a new resuscitation manikin for Terrigal Surf Club. The event is described as a fun event, where prizes are drawn out of a hat, regardless of where the team placed.


the water several times a week at Mingara. The hard work has seen him perform well throughout the winter short course season, collecting medals at the NSW Country, NSW State Age Championships and a win in the 50m

freestyle at the Queensland Championships. Harrison is now preparing for the summer season with competition at the NSW Championships in January and several surf lifesaving events, where he also excels.

Payne is NSW U16s Longboard champion Craig Coulton, Ocean Beach Malibu Club

hree surfers from the Ocean Beach Malibu Club competed at the NSW Longboard Titles held at Rainbow Beach in Bonny Hills from June 18 to 22.


Tom Payne, Kai ElliceFlint and Hayden Emery were each selected at the end of the competition


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to represent NSW in the Australian Titles in August. Payne is the newly crowned NSW Cadets U16s champion and easily outpointed his opponents in the final to claim first place. Tom also contested the U18s and progressed to the final where he finished in fifth spot. Kai continued his recent form to claim second place in the final of the under-18s

and claimed third place in the Open Loggers against much older competitors. Despite being knocked out of his semi-final by just 0.23 of a point, Emery, surfing in the Men’s Open High Performance was still selected for the NSW team to contest the Australian Titles.


P9 - GRANDSTAND - October 3, 2013

Tony Shoebridge claims his first Zone title in a thriller Kevin Dring, Bowls Central Coast

ony Shoebridge from Avoca Beach Bowling Club claimed his first Zone title by defeating Wamberal’s Wayne Hensley 31-30 in the Bowls Central Coast Champion of Club Champion Singles in a five hour marathon played at Halekulani Bowling Club.


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The Champion of Club Champions Singles is one of lawn bowls most prestigious events with club champions progressing to Zone, State and National play-offs. There were a number of new faces amongst the Central Coast club champions that took to the greens at Halekulani Bowling Club in the sectional knockout rounds the previous weekend. The competition was intense and the first round saw two highly fancied contenders in Terrigal’s Darren Morrison and Ettalong’s Harley McDonald defeated by Bill Hopley

Tony Shoebridge (left) standing with Wayne Hensley is hailed by an appreciative crowd of spectators as the Bowls Central Coast Champion of Club Champion Singles winner for 2013

Munmorah and Tyson Nicholson Toukley RSL respectively, in close encounters. The competition was wide open and it was evident that there was a new generation of bowlers starting to make their mark. In Section One, the up and coming Wayne Hensley

from Wamberal proved too consistent with good wins over Jarrod Bates Woy Woy (31-17), Wayne Hughes Mooney Mooney (31-25) and Guy Robins Gosford City (31-13) to move into the final. In Section Two, it was the experienced Number One Pennant grade and Zone

skipper Tony Shoebridge from Avoca Beach that led the way with convincing wins over David Taylor from Davistown RSL (31-13), Peter Lyddieth from Mingara (31-24) and Tyson Nicholson from Toukley RSL (31-16) to gain the other final berth. The final was played under clear blue skies with

both players attracting a loyal gathering of supporters from their respective clubs. Shoebridge was the first to gain the upper hand with some draw shot bowling to lead 13-6 after the first 12 ends, but Hensley settled to come back strongly winning eight of the next 10 ends to lead 22-15 and many of the

spectators were preparing for an early finish. But the competitive spirit of both players was keen and the game turned into an arm wrestle with Shoebridge clawing his way back to 23all. From there on in it was shot for shot as both players strived their way towards the magic “31” shot up winner’s target. The scores were again levelled at 28 all and on two occasions over those closing ends Hensley held game and Shoebridge saved. As the shadows stretched across the green and the spectators were putting on jackets in the cool of the evening the scores drew level at 30-all for a cut throat final end. With Shoebridge holding game, Hensley had to sit out the shot bowl to reverse the result but the narrowest of misses cost him the title. Both players were mentally exhausted after a five hour battle that didn’t deserve to record a loser.



The men will play a four day carnival at Avoca Beach Bowling Club, Ettalong Memorial Bowling Club and Terrigal Bowling Club on Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday. The ladies (two days) at Davistown RSL Bowling Club and Everglades Bowling Club on the Friday and Monday.

SUNDAY 6th OCTOBER Munmorah Bowling Club Lunch 11.30am bowls after lunch DRESS MUFTI

Would you like to enter a team of 4 in this carnival? If so, are you a past President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer of a Bowling Club, then you can become a full member of the PP’s, if not you can join as a Social Member and play in this prestige event.

SUNDAY 15th NOVEMBER Avoca Beach Bowling Club UNIFORM WEDNESDAY 18th DECEMBER Xmas party at Ettalong Bowling Club 10.00am Party after DRESS MUFTI

CONTACT: Gordon Robertson 4341 5889 or Peter Arnold 4341 5379 or

October 3, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P8


Ettalong’s Sherriff and Trethowan make it back to back titles

Representative squad defeats NSW RSL

Kevin Dring, Bowls Central Coast

Kevin Dring, Bowls Central Coast

B o w l s Central Coast representative side (five teams of four) put up a strong performance to defeat the NSW RSL side by six shots on the master scoreboard at Davistown RSL Bowling Club on Saturday, September 28.


A team meeting prior to the commencement of the game gave emphasis and commitment to the last five ends known as the

“championship ends” when games can easily be won or lost. A classic example of such commitment was played out by the Central Coast team skipped by Wayne Beard who trailed 4-18 but fought back to win 24-20 with Wayne turning a three down to two up with a trail on his very last bowl. The all Wyong team skipped by Mark Wheatley performed strongly to win by seven shots while the other rinks, led by Peter Coombes (-1), Wayne Hensley (-1) and Guy Robins (-3), only went down by the narrowest

of margins. In the morning, the Selectors also took the opportunity to field three rinks of emerging players in a composite side with two teams from Davistown RSL Bowling Club. These teams performed with credit to only lose on the big board by four shots. In this game several new players who still qualify to play in the Rookies competition had their first experience of competitive play in a team environment and the Selectors were pleased with their efforts.

Triples completed at Umina Ian Jarratt, Umina Beach Men’s Bowling Club

mina Beach Men’s Bowling Club held its Triples Championship on Friday, September 6, with Lee Patterson skipping his side of Dale Phillips and Rob Andersen to a win in his second


championship this year.


The lead up to the final saw Lee’s team defeat Alan Rhodes side 29-14 and Brian Burrows skip his team to a 23-19 win over the team skipped by Denis Longman. The final was a closely fought contest with “the seniors” Brian Burrows, Terry

Murphy and Max Sheldon taking up the challenge of the young brigade of Lee Patterson, Rob Andersen and Max Sheldon. Scores fluctuated during the course of the game until the last few ends where the young guns got over the top of their opponents to win by 28-21.

A Peninsula newspaper with in-depth Peninsula area news! Peninsula Community Access Edition 325

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Peninsula Community Access 2 September 2013

Both parties promise to redevelop oval The redevelopment of Woy Woy oval will proceed with Federal funding of $3.5 million promised by both Labor and Liberal candidates. Minister for Sport Senator Don Farrell and Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill have announced $3.5 million million in federal funding for the redevelopment of Woy Woy Oval. “Federal Labor has a strong commitment to community sport and the Woy Woy Oval is an important piece of community infrastructure,” said Minister Farrell. “This funding is recognition of the great community support that the Member for Robertson Deb O’Neill has garnered in her work with members of Woy Woy’s local rugby clubs.” Ms O’Neill has been working for over a year with representatives of Country Rugby League and local rugby union clubs who share the use of the oval towards receiving a funding commitment. “I’ve had more than 2000 Coasties sign my petition to show the Federal Government just how important this piece of infrastructure is for the Peninsula. Meanwhile, Liberal candidate for Robertson Lucy Wicks

announced a $3.5 million funding commitment to the redevelopment of the Woy Woy Oval grandstand. “I am very pleased to be able to announce that a Coalition government would provide this vital funding for Woy Woy Oval, which is in desperate need of redevelopment and renewal,” said Ms Wicks. “I have listened to the Woy Woy community and fought hard for this funding. “The progressive redevelopment will see the oval capable of accommodating up to 10,000 spectators. “This will be fantastic for the local community and surrounding areas.” The funding for Woy Woy Oval

is part of the Coalition’s Growth Plan for the Central Coast, which Ms Wicks said would strengthen the local economy with more jobs, more investment and better services. “Redeveloping and renewing the Woy Woy Oval will provide much needed investment in community and sporting infrastructure on the Central Coast. “The redeveloped oval will be a civic centerpiece of Woy Woy and contribute to job creation in the area,” said Ms Wicks. Peninsula Chamber of Commerce president Mr Matthew Wales has welcomed the news. “The redevelopment of the Woy Woy Oval grandstand was one of the Peninsula Chamber’s

Peninsula stands to lose $41 million in broadband, says campaigner The Peninsula stands to lose more than $41 million in broadband infrastructure investment if the Federal Coalition wins the election, according to broadband campaigner Mr David Abrahams of Organise Internet. Mr Abrahams said the figure was the difference between the value of work currently contracted to take place on the Peninsula, and what would be delivered by the Coalition broadband policy of only providing Fibre-To-TheNode. “Stopping the NBN at this stage will be a massive blow to the Peninsula and leave the area with internet speeds a mere 2.5 per cent of those that will be available in the Gosford CBD from December,” said Mr Abrahams. “Local firms would also lose more than $100 million in contract payments under the Coalition’s watered-down NBN

policy.” Mr Abrahams said he had sent his calculations to candidates for the federal election and to all Gosford and Wyong councillors. “After more than a decade of lobbying and business planning and having infrastructure plans signed and published the Central Coast now risks a massive deinvestment. “Furthermore, the region is set to be dotted with hundreds of large street cabinets if the Coalition’s plans go ahead.” These cabinets were the socalled nodes in the alternative NBN plans. “They are much larger than the current NBN fibre cabinets as they will require power supplies for the old copper network.” In the UK, the cabinet dimensions are 1.8 metres high by 2.2 metres wide and one metre deep. Mr Abrahams said about 1000 of this street furniture would be installed on the Central Coast. “Local community groups and

councillors need to be aware of the consequences of the alternative NBN plans,” said Mr Abrahams. “I’m a local small businessman, not a politician or party member, though I do recognise good and poor policy. “The Central Coast has suffered poor service and expensive telecommunications costs for decades. “Indeed many areas in the Gosford LGA are still suffering. “I’m particularly appealing to independent candidates and councillors to recognise the damage the alternative plans will do to our local economy. “De-investment is a serious business in any project as it sends the wrong signal to the investment community. “Gosford has had its fair share of this over the years, but if the rollout is scaled back the Peninsula will miss out again,” said Mr Abrahams. Media release, 28 Aug 2013 David Abrahams, Killcare

three key election projects, so the news that a Liberal Government would provide $3.5 million towards this project is welcome news,” said Mr Wales. “This election commitment is in addition to the $1.75 million already committed by Gosford City Council as part of a $6 million project. “Our understanding is that these funds will ensure that stages one and three of the Woy Woy grandstand redevelopment can be completed which will include seating for 800 people, club facilities, change rooms, sports ground amenities and importantly, commercial areas for potential leasing. “This project has the potential to re-activate the Oval Ave

precinct and create a link between the sports ground facilities and commercial centre”. “The Chamber has been pushing hard to ensure key infrastructure such as the Woy Woy Oval become part of an integrated approach to the revitalisation of the old Woy Woy town centre. “The funding commitment by the Liberal candidate Lucy Wicks will ensure that this revitalisation process will get a healthy start and the Chamber will continue to lobby the NSW State Government for matching funds to fully complete the project. “We are still hopeful that further funding commitments will be made by the federal candidates including monies towards the upgrading of the Peninsula’s roads and key intersections and the construction of the new ferry wharf at Bangalow St on the Ettalong Beach foreshore,” said Mr Wales. Media release, 29 Aug 2013 Richard Mehrtens, office of Deborah O’Neill MP Media release, 28 Aug 2013 Mary Doherty, Office of Lucy Wicks Media release, 29 Aug 2013 Matthew Wales, Peninsula Chamber of Commerce

Local schools would receive $38.2M less, say teachers Schools in the Robertson electorate would receive $38.2 million less education funding under a Coalition government than under Labor, according to the Ettalong-Woy Woy Teachers Association Association secretary Mr Chris Wright said the shortfall would come because Tony Abbott has only committed to fund four years of the six-year NSW Gonski funding agreement. “Mr Abbott is trying to deceive people into thinking he will implement the full Gonski funding model if he wins the federal election,” Mr Wright said. “The problem with Mr Abbott’s political shift is that the NSW Gonski agreement runs for six years, with $3.2 billion of the total of $5 billion of additional funding not due to be paid until the last two years.” “Four years of funding means

an Abbott Coalition government will spend two thirds less than the funding provided in the agreement signed by NSW Liberal Premier Barry O’Farrell. “An Abbott government won’t just be ripping funding from public schools that need it the most. “Catholic and independent schools will also lose.” Mr Wright said that under a Labor government, schools in the Robertson electorate would receive $54.6 million in funding. He said that should Mr Abbott be elected Prime Minister on September 7, Robertson schools would receive only $16.4 million in funding. “Mr Abbott’s position is simply unacceptable,” Mr Wright said. “Gonski is meant to provide extra funding for more support and individual attention for students.” Email, 26 Aug 2013 Chris Wright, Ettalong-Woy Woy Teachers Association

THIS ISSUE contains 68 articles - Read more news items for this issue at

Edition 326

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Peninsula Community Access 16 September 2013

Edition 327

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1 October 2013

Lucy Wicks wins Robertson Liberal candidate Ms Lucy Wicks is set to be the new Member for Robertson having recorded 52.92 per cent of the two-party vote in the federal election held on Saturday, September 7. After distribution of preferences, she had received 42,658 votes as of Friday, September 12. Former Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill has conceded defeat. At the time Peninsula News went to press, counting of postal and absentee votes for the Robertson electorate had not been finalized and the result of the poll had not been declared. With just a 0.05 per cent increase in the Liberal party vote, Ms Wicks received 43.58 per cent of the first preference votes with a total of 35,133, which was 6574 more than Ms O’Neill received. Ms O’Neill suffered a swing against her of 4.33 per cent and received 35.43 per cent of first preference votes or 36,578 after distribution of preferences. Ms O’Neill, said it had “been a great honour to serve the people of Robertson for the last three years”. Ms Wicks said she was “humbled by the people of Robertson” for choosing her as their representative, and promised that the people of the electorate would no longer be taken for granted. “That stops now and I promise to be the strong voice in parliament that the people of the Central Coast need. “I’m proud that the first thing the Coalition government will do is scrap the carbon tax because it was the biggest issue residents raised with me. “I’m also looking forward to working with my Liberal counterparts on delivering the Coalition’s $21 million growth plan for the Central Coast. “I’d also like to thank everyone for their support. “I couldn’t have done it without the strong Liberal community and volunteers and my family,” said Ms Wicks. However, despite the strong vote for Ms Wicks, she was the preferred candidate at only six of 16 polling places around the Peninsula. Ms O’Neill said she has been overwhelmed with good wishes from locals. “I am proud of the work we have been able to accomplish in three years,” said Ms O’Neill. “Working to make a difference

for the people on the Coast whose voices were so often silenced under the previous Coalition Government. “We have delivered $55 million in health infrastructure for the Coast, $7 million for the GP Superclinic, $28.6 million for the Regional Cancer Centre, and $19.55 million to bring the Woy Woy Rehab back to life. “In the last term of the previous Liberal Government, Gosford Council received only $1 million. “Under Labor, in just three years, we have delivered $58 million for local roads, services and infrastructure. “Our local schools also received a much needed boost of $80 million for new classrooms, libraries and vital refurbishments. “The Labor Government of the 43rd Parliament delivered for the Central Coast. “We as a community need to make sure that the Abbott Government deliver on the few commitments he made and deliver the promises already in the Budget. “The F3-M2 Missing Link and the Kariong exit lane widening is already in the Budget and must be built. “Kibbleplex is in the Budget, and must be built. “And vague promises of a Regional Performing Arts Centre need to be clarified and fought for. “However, John Singleton’s influence is clear, by funding former Independent Lawrie McKinna, who delivered his preferences, secured the seat for the Liberal Party. “Labor stands for a fair go for all, not just for some. “I look forward to continuing to work for the people of the Central Coast, now and into the future. “I once again thank everyone for their support over the last three years,” said Ms O’Neill. As of Friday, a total of 94.13 per cent of the 85,636 votes were formal with 5.87 per cent listed as informal. About nine per cent of the votes were cast at the Woy Woy Pre-poll Voting Centre. Website, 12 Sep 2013 Australian Electoral Commission Media statement, 9 Sep 2013 Mary Doherty, Office of Lucy Wicks Media statement, 9 Sep 2013 Richard Mehrtens, Office of Deborah O’Neill

The Gospel Garden Sanctuary in Umina

Voters and campaigners at the Umina Uniting Church Community Centre

Deborah O’Neill remains more popular Labor’s Deborah O’Neill remained the more popular candidate on the Peninsula in the Federal election despite losing the seat of Robertson. Ms O’Neill received 11,811 votes at the Peninsula’s 13 polling booths, 51.87 per cent of the two-party vote of a total of 22,772 counted as of Friday. Ms O’Neill was also the preferred candidate at nine of the 13 booths. At Booker Bay Preschool, a total of 705 formal votes were received with Ms Wicks receiving 56.39 per cent with a total of 397 votes. Ettalong Beach Primary School recorded a total of 2555 formal votes with Ms O’Neill receiving 53.35 per cent with a total of 1363 votes. At Woy Woy South Primary School, Ms O’Neill received 1189 of the 2029 formal votes with 58.60 per cent. Umina Beach Public School recorded a total of 2052 formal votes with 1073 going to Ms

Former Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill

O’Neill and 979 awarded to Ms Wicks. Patonga Progress Association saw one vote difference between Ms Wicks and Ms O’Neill with Ms Wicks recording 100 votes and Ms O’Neil 101. At Pearl Beach Community

Centre 172 of the 339 votes went to Ms Wicks with Ms O’Neill recording 49.26 per cent. Umina Community Hall recorded 1096 votes with 595 going to Ms O’Neill and 501 to Ms Wicks. Brisbane Water Secondary College’s Umina campus recorded 878 of the 1519 votes to Ms O’Neill and 641 to Ms Wicks. At Umina Uniting Church Community Centre, 926 of 1749 formal votes went to Ms O’Neill and 823 to Ms Wicks. Brisbane Water Secondary College’s Woy Woy Campus saw 829 of the 1547 votes awarded to Ms O’Neill and 718 to Ms Wicks while the Bays Community Hall saw Ms Wicks awarded 146 of the 290 votes and Ms O’Neill 144. Woy Woy Pre-poll Voting Centre saw Ms Wicks receive 4141 of the 7842 votes and Ms O’Neill 3701 while the Woy Woy South Progress Association saw Ms O’Neill receive 445 of the 848 votes and Ms Wicks receive 403. Website, 12 Sep 2013 Australian Electoral Commission

THIS ISSUE contains 76 articles - Read more news items for this issue at

Gospel Garden sets $400,000 target The Gospel Garden Sanctuary committee is attempting to raise $400,000 by Christmas to buy the Umina building to avoid it being torn down for commercial development.

Gospel Garden Sanctuary founder Mr Danny DeMoreta said the committee had asked Gosford Council for assistance to buy the building for Umina. “The talks aren’t over. “However, all we’ve received so far are reasons why they may

not be able to help,” said Mr DeMoreta. “For two years now, dedicated volunteers have run the Gospel Garden Sanctuary in Umina Beach, without the aid of any government grants or assistance. “It’s been hard work and it’s

been worth it too. “The Gospel Garden Sanctuary has become a unique open-door social centre in the heart of Umina Beach, where people can come and feel free to enjoy events and social activities.” He said people interested

in helping could contact the committee by email at Media release, 27 Sep 2013 Danny DeMoreta, Gospel Garden Sanctuary

Submissions made about wharves study Three submissions have been received about local maritime facilties after Gosford Council exhibited its Brisbane Water Public Wharves and Boat Ramps Usage Study. The study, which aimed to prioritise upgrades and identify sites for added infrastructure, has now been adopted by council. One submission nominated improvements to the Blackwall Point boat ramp facility. These improvements included the need for toilets, a longer slipway for low tide launching, double ramp width and the extension of the manoeuvring area to allow for more vehicle waiting capacity. In his report, Council’s director of city services Mr Stephen Glen stated that the site was unsuitable

for upgrading to a regional facility due to difficult road access and site limitations. “The Blackwall Point facility is considered difficult for vehicular access and would require significant improvement before this site would be considered suitable for improvement to a regional facility,” stated the report. Another submission stated that the study should be extended to include commuter user ferry needs and a hierarchy of wharves requiring higher standards. The submission also recommended the relocation of the existing Ferry Rd wharf to the alternative Bangalow St site when the Ferry Rd wharf had reached its useful life and required replacement. Mr Glen responded and said the submission had been noted

regarding the relocation of the wharf, however, the Better Boating Program grant conditions for the study applied only to the assessment of public recreational maritime facilities and could not be extended to commercial activities. One submission identified the need to upgrade Empire Bay’s Kendall Rd wharf as well as the need to improve the Empire Bay Reserve area. Mr Glen reported that this had been identified as a priority to be upgraded. However, grant funding from the Better Boating Program was restricted to providing maritime infrastructure and other funding sources would be required to improve the public reserve area. The report stated that Council was responsible for 23 boat ramps

and 43 public wharves within Brisbane Water. The study, which was publicly exhibited between February 20 and March 20 this year, found most maritime facilities within Brisbane Water were in an average condition. The replacement value of existing maritime assets in the study area was estimated at $6.9 million. A total of 22 wharves and boat ramps were identified as priority for replacement in the near future, at a total cost of $2.7 million. These included Woy Woy Town Centre wharf, Ferry Rd wharf, Kendall Rd wharf and boat ramp, Killcare wharf, Woy Woy cargo wharf, Hardys Bay wharf, Wagstaffe wharf, Lions Park wharf No.2, Woy Woy Bay wharf, Phegans Bay wharf, Oroo St wharf, Pier St wharf and Rawson Rd wharf.

Mr Glen said the need for replacement of public wharves and boat ramps should be given to high priority facilities only, due to the limited funding allocations. “Any decision to replace low priority works or create new infrastructure should be considered against the priority of other capital works items which will result in already identified projects being deferred,” stated Mr Glen’s report. The council was successful in receiving grant funding under the 2010-11 Better Boating Program to undertake a detailed investigation of the existing maritime infrastructure, boat usage patterns and fishing amenities within Brisbane Water. A total of eight submissions were made in response to the study. Gosford Council Agenda CIT.28, 17 Sep 2013

THIS ISSUE contains 76 articles - Read more news items for this issue at

Lee Trethowan and Aron Sherriff

ttalong Bowling Club’s Lee Trethowan and Aron Sherriff, the reigning 2012 Bowls Central Coast Champion of Club Pairs title holders, made it back to back wins by defeating The Entrance pair of Mark Jennings and Peter Whitfield (2717) at Halekulani Bowling Club on Saturday, September 21.


The event attracted 18 club pairs champions from across the Central Coast with teams divided into two qualifying sections. In Section One, Trethowan and Sherriff proved far too strong in defeating Toukley District’s Clifford and MacFetters (23-8), Everglades Cain and McDonald (31-8) and Mooney Mooney’s Goddard and Raby (19-10) to gain their place in the final. In Section Two, The Entrance pairing of Jenning and Whitfield demonstrated their consistency by defeating Ourimbah Lisarow’s Wiseman and Walker (19-16), Gosford City’s Stephen and Robins, and Wyong’s Elliott and Hesling (21-15) to win their section. The final produced some good draw bowling on a wellmanicured 14 second green with The Entrance’s Mark Jennings taking it up to his more experienced opponent in Lee Trethowan and Peter Whitfield not allowing International champion Aron Sherriff to dictate the tempo of the game. The Entrance lads were right in the game leading 13-10 after 12 ends and an appreciative spectator crowd was starting to sense that an upset was on the

cards. After 18 ends The Entrance were well still well in touch only trailing 17-19 but a weighted shot by The Entrance skip Peter Whitfield cut the jack into a group of Ettalong’s bowls to drop a costly six shots to seal the game in favor of the

Ettalong pair. At the presentation Aron acknowledged Lee Trethowan’s outstanding form right throughout this event and congratulated Peter and Mark in taking the final right down to the wire.

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P7 - GRANDSTAND - October 3, 2013

Bat & Ball

Marlins win first match and lose second Central Coast Marlins Media

Jake and Jordan selected for Country squad Sudesh Arudpragasm, Cricket NSW

he Central Coast Marlins baseball team were no match for the defending champion Ryde Hawks, going down 14-6 at ELS Hall, Ryde, in their second match of the State Baseball League season.


Marlins jumped out of the blocks in the top of the first inning, scoring two runs to lead 2-0. By the bottom half of the first inning, Ryde had replied with three runs of their own. Marlins’ pitchers and

defence couldn’t contain the potent Ryde hitters, who scored multiple runs in every inning. Trailing 14-3 into the seventh, Marlins hitters showed some fight, scoring three runs, but it was all too late. Their first game of the season, however, proved more successful with the Central Coast Marlins recording a 10-0 victory over Manly. Pitcher Kurt Eden had the start on the mound and didn’t disappoint. He fired six scoreless innings, allowing the Marlins’

bats to take control of the match. Marlins scored two runs in the bottom of the first and another two runs off the bat of Pat Maat in the second to lead 4-0. The hits kept coming for the local side, playing a further two runs in the fourth, sixth and seventh innings. In a polished team performance, Maat (three hits) and Jason Rees (two hits) led the way offensively. Youngster Matt Hudson also threw a scoreless inning on the mound.

wo Central Coast residents were selected in the Country squad to contest the City vs Country cricket series held at Blacktown International Sportspark on


October 1 and 2. Jilliby’s Jake Scicluna was selected as captain of the side and was joined by Bensville’s Jordan O’Donnell. The City and Country squads were chosen based on performances at the U19 State Challenge which was held at Raby Oval in Campbelltown from

September 24 to 26. The U19 City vs Country series consisted of two Limited Overs matches (50 overs). Both games were played on Blacktown International Sportspark No.2. At the time Central Coast Grandstand went to press, results were not available.

Bardsley and Rowlands win major NSW awards Cricket coaches selected for rep squads C

Aidan Cuddington, Central Coast Cricket Association Inc.

Aidan Cuddington, Central Coast Cricket Association

he Central Coast Cricket Association has announced the appointments of Junior Representative Coaches for the Sydney District Cricket Association (DCA) and President’s Cup competitions for


season 2013-14. Stuart Owen has been selected as the U11 DCA coach while Mark Hallum has been chosen as the U11 President’s Cup coach. In the U12s, Trevor Allison will coach the DCA while David Hatcher and Daniel Drew will coach the President’s Cup. The U13s will see John Rainger coach the DCA and Damian Hedges the

President’s Cup. The U14s DCA will be coached by Steve Glassock and Tim Shelley and the President’s Cup by Jamie O’Donnell. Ray Faraga and Peter Foote will coach the U15 DCA and President’s Cup respectively while Steve Byfield will coach the U16 DCA and Robert Hands and Chris Killen will share the President’s Cup coaching.

Umina District Cricket Club back in premier league William Gregg, Umina District Cricket Club

mina District Cricket Club’s top team has worked its way back into the Central Coast Cricket Association’s Premier League Competition for the


2013-14 season. The decision was made to promote the team following its success in first division last season. This will be the first season of the Central Coast Cricket Association’s elite eight team premier league. Since its establishment in

1969, Umina District Cricket Club has won nine first grade premierships and nine other senior grade premierships. Two of Umina’s junior teams made last season’s grand finals, with the 13B team winning the competition.

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entral Coast locals Lily Bardsley and Glenn Rowlands were honoured at the 2013 Country Cricket NSW Annual Dinner in Gerringong

on Saturday, August 17.

Bardsley, 18, was named the NSW Women’s Country Cricketer of the Year after she led NSW to victory at the Cricket Australia U18 Female National Championships in January.

Rowlands was presented with the John McMahon Award as the NSW Country Coach of the Year after guiding NSW to victory at both the 2012-13 and 2011-12 Australian Country Cricket Championships.

St Pat’s participate in cricket day Catherine Kyle, St Patrick’s Catholic College

o r t y - e i g h t s t u d e n t s from St Patrick’s Catholic College in Gosford recently participated in the T20 Blast Cricket Day held at Erina


Oval on Tuesday, August 20. Students from Year 5 and Year 6 participated in a number of cricketing activities which catered for all ability levels. “Many students who had not played cricket before

attended and enjoyed the day immensely,” said sports coordinator Ms Catherine Kyle. “Thank you to Cricket NSW who organised and provided all the equipment required for the day.”


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October 3, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P6

In the ring

Hain wins gold Kido athletes bring home medals at Auckland F International

Pete Acciari, KIDO Mingara Judo Academy

Pete Acciari, Kido Mingara Judo Academy

Mingara Academy is celebrating after wins from 17-year-old highschool student Caroline Hain at the Cadet World Championships and the Auckland International Open Championships on Saturday, August 3.


ido Judo

Hain, of Hexham, is a rising indigenous athlete who travels four times a week to Tuggerah and Sydney for training. She entered in two age divisions at the Auckland International Open Championships after easily making her 48kg weight check straight after arriving from the airport. Hain took Gold in both the 48kg Cadet (U18) and Junior

Women (U21) categories. She also represented the U17s National Team to contest the fourth Cadet World Championships in Miami, Florida, after a year of intense training at the Tuggerah KIDO dojo gym. After a draw and a loss, she gained some insightful learning experiences which has made her more determined to train hard in Texas for two weeks before her return to the Russian Coaching Clinic at Tuggerah on September 15. Hain is the second youngest representative from Tuggerah’s Kido Dojo at a Cadet World event and head coach Pete Acciari said he believes she has the determination and drive to follow in the footsteps of former successful club members at the international level.

our members of the Kido Mingara Judo Academy in Tuggerah competed in the 2013 Southern Cross International Open Championships held in Melbourne on August 10 and 11.

Yasue Fujita won gold in the senior women 57kg while Daniel Villani won gold in the U15 Senior Boys. Kaisea Naidoo won silver in the U15 Aenior Girld and Angelina Yokoyama won bronze in the Cadet 57kg category. Fujita, the Academy’s resident Japanese coach and former Junior World medalist, hadn’t been on the mat in nearly two years and said she thought she would have a go to test her fitness level. In her first round she faced off against a nationally ranked S.A junior player. Looking sharp and dominating the grips from the start Yasue threw her opponent with her fast

uchimata and transitioned into kesa katame to hold for the win. She took only marginally longer to break down S. Stuart, the strong but defensive nationally number two ranked player; throwing with tai otoshi to holding In the finals Yasue showed her experience in grip fighting by setting up her opponent for a well-timed ko uchi gari and another quick transition into osea kome for the win. “In her bouts she clearly showed that she hasn’t forgotten anything, applying her lightning fast uchimata throw with devastating effect,� said Kido head coach Pete Acciari. “The opponents had no answers on the ground either, where Yasue’s hold-downs clamped them immovable on the mat, ending all in full point wins for her first gold medal at an Australian ranked points competition.� In the U15 Senior Boys, 12-year-old Daniel Villani

made short work in the finals by dispatching the Victorian player in under 20 seconds. “He was trying a new speedier attack tactic which worked so well that he pressed it home with a solid throw landing the Victorian squarely on his back with harai goshi for ippon full point score for the gold medal,’ said Mr Acciari. Angelina Yokoyama had an interrupted preparation but nevertheless played 57kg, one weight up due to the amalgamation of divisions. “Here in the Cadets she found the going tough matching strength with the larger opponents to gain the opportunity to commit and create a clean throwing entry,� said Mr Acciari. “Her defense against submission techniques was not strong enough thus losing by juji gatame a key bouts and being relegated to the repechage round. “Here she fought hard and although a scrappy fight, was able to turn her

opponent over with kesa ketame for a hold-down score and the bronze medal. “In her Junior Women fights, Angelina could not overcome the strength and experience of her opponents on this meet,� he said. Wyong’s Kasiea Naidoo had a cautious start in the 57kg division faced off against two Victorian players in a round robin draw. In her first bout although ahead with good attacks, was hesitant in finishing them. “Although dominating, with this pattern it was only a matter of time that she would be countered, which eventuated in her only loss on the day,� said Mr Acciari. “Early in her subsequent bout she was scored against which fired Kasiea up. “She became more decisive in her gripping and attacking actions and after a deep committed entry threw her opponent with O uchi gari for ippon to take the silver.�

Nigel Benn visits Umina PCYC Alex wins karate P competition David Harris, Point Clare Public School

oint Clare Public School student Alex Budge competed in the Black Belt Martial Arts (BBMA) tournament at Central Coast Grammar School recently and finished first in the 10 years individual

kata beating competitors.



This was Alex’s first appearance at a karate tournament and was joined by fellow classmate Ben Turner. Alex also placed third in the 10 to 11 year Kumite (point sparring) and fourth in the synchronised kata. Over 300 students competed in the competition.

rofessional boxer Nigel Benn visited Umina Beach PCYC Boxing Academy on Saturday, August 3, as part of his campaign to support the youth of Sydney and the Central Coast.

Nicknamed the Dark Destroyer, Benn is an ex-British soldier and professional boxer. He is a former World Boxing Organisation middleweight champion and World Boxing Council supermiddleweight champion.

Michael Blaxland, PCYC NSW

He holds the Guinness world record for successfully defending, in the 1990s, the World Boxing Council title the greatest number of times. Benn is now based in Sydney studying theology and working as a volunteer ambassador for PCYC committed to assisting with the boxing programs. “I’m interested in helping disadvantaged and

disenfranchised youth to get into positive and healthy activities and the PCYC boxing programs are a great way to achieve this,� he said. “I’ve made a commitment to help grass roots boxing through the PCYC programs and hope this will help produce a future Australian amateur or professional champion.� He has also taken under his wing, the current World

Boxing Council supermiddleweight champion, Sydney’s Sakio “the Scorpion� Bika, who started training in North Sydney PCYC under trainer Mark Pitts. The pair is traveling to a number of PCYC clubs this month to meet and encourage the young people involved in PCYC boxing programs.

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Issue 65


Kibbleplex funding a key to Gosford revitalisation


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Your independent local newspaper

even million dollars has been secured towards the Kibbleplex project, a learning and development centre in Gosford based at the former Gosford Town Centre shopping precinct, to help grow local jobs on the Central Coast.


August 13, 2013

Minister for Families and Community Services Ms Jenny Macklin and Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill announced the funding on Monday, August 19. Kibbleplex is expected to help revitalise the Gosford central business district and be a centre of excellence for innovation on the Central Coast. Minister Macklin said the rollout of the National Broadband Network on the Central Coast would underpin local jobs growth into the future. “The National Broadband Network will make local businesses more productive – their internet services will be accessible, fast and cheap,� Minister Macklin said. “It will mean new ways of doing business here on the Central Coast and that is where the Kibbleplex comes in. “Kibbleplex will harness the new opportunities presented by Federal Labor’s NBN by creating a

hub for business, education and innovation all under one roof.� The Rudd Labor Government will partner with Gosford Council, the University of Newcastle, and private enterprise to

Ms O’Neill said that it would be a one-stop shop for innovation in Gosford. “The rollout of the NBN has breathed new life into Gosford, and Kibbleplex will change the way we do business here on the

It which will involve the refurbishment of the ďŹ rst oor of the former Town Centre building to create space for a regional library, ofďŹ ces, classrooms, and meeting rooms, as well as a teleworking hub.

opportunities for telework and making sure that locals can cut their commute and work close to home,� Ms O’Neill said. “People on the Central Coast are hardworking and innovative.

Your independent depe enden nt local loca al newspaper new wspap per - Ph: Ph h: 4325 432 25 7369 9 creating new Central Coast, deliver the project.

“We have already seen high paying research and development jobs coming to Gosford. “Kibbleplex will build on that, and will help Gosford to reach its potential and create more local jobs and Iss sue 64 4 Issue training opportunities.� Funding for this project is from the latest round of the Regional Development Australia Fund, which is provided for in the budget. Gosford Council general manager Mr Paul Anderson welcomed the funding and

Lawrie McKinna cKinna to stand as an independent ndent for Robertson osford mayor L a w r i e McKinna and former international test cricketer Nathan Bracken will run as Independents in the marginal seats of Robertson and Dobell in the September 7 federal election.


Mr McKinna will contest the seat of Robertson while Mr Bracken will be running for the seat of Dobell. Both Lawrie and Nathan said they believed the Central Coast has been overlooked by Labor and the Coalition for far too long. They said they would seek to draw attention and action to the neglected needs of the people of the Central Coast. Mr McKinna is currently the mayor of Gosford and has been closely aligned with the Central Coast for the past nine years as coach and ambassador of A-League Premiers Central Coast Mariners. Former International test cricketer Bracken has been a resident of the Coast for nine years and currently lives at Hamlyn Terrace with his wife and five-year-old son. Lawrie and Nathan said they believe that neither major party has shown any significant support to

the region in the past, and Team Central Coast would be giving Labor and the Coalition an opportunity to make a solid commitment to the people of the Central Coast. Team Central Coast is being funded by high profile businessman Mr

John Singleton. “l am funding this campaign because l believe the residents of the Central Coast have been overlooked and forgotten by both major parties during my whole long lifetime,� said Mr Singleton.

“Of course in a Federal Election, we expect representatives of the major parties to be focused primarily on federal-national issues. “That is as it should be. “But it is surely not unreasonable for the people of the Central

Coast to also expect from candidates who seek to represent us in Canberra, recognition of the major challenges and opportunities our region faces and a genuine commitment to doing something about them? “The Central Coast

opportunity is right now lost on both major parties. “Our population lives in a depressing present and is faced with a limited future, only because of lack of leadership. “I know something has to be done before the Central Coast becomes a lost and forgotten opportunity. “I want to see the beginning of a better future in my lifetime. “I realise the odds are against our winning either of the seats we are contesting. “But we will have succeeded if the major parties understand that your votes, and our candidates’ preferences, will go to them only if they can demonstrate a real commitment to the future of the Central Coast. “I stand to gain no more and no less from my actions than any other resident of the Central Coast which I believe has more, or as many, natural assets than anywhere in Australia. “This is a greater risk for Lawrie and Nathan than for me. “And thus a credit to them both,� said Mr Singleton. Media release, 12 Aug 2013 Monique Marks, Team Central Coast

the wide ranging beneďŹ ts of the NBN and be a stateof-the-art hub for education and business while also promoting job creation here in the city centre,â€? said Mr Anderson. Central Coast Regional Development Corporation (CCRDC) chairman Mr John Taylor said the organisation viewed education as a key driver for economic growth and vitality within the Central Coast region. Earlier this year, CCRDC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Newcastle to establish a university presence in the Gosford city centre. “A university campus in Gosford would improve the vibrancy of both the regional city and the regional economy. “The Federal government’s contribution of $7 million towards the establishment of Kibbleplex is great for the revitalisation said the project would of Gosford. “CCRDC will continue move ahead regardless of the result of the September to work with University of Newcastle and other key 7 election. “Kibbleplex is set to partners, such as Gosford give new life to the Gosford City Council, to realise CBD, generating new the provision of higher business on the back of education in Gosford,â€? said Mr Taylor10, 10 0, 2013 3 September the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN). Media release, “The early rollout of the 20 Aug 2013 NBN along with this new Gosford Council Media project will beneďŹ t already Media release, established business and 19 Aug 2013 those looking to relocate to Richard Mehrtens, OfďŹ ce of Deborah O’Neill MP Gosford. “Kibbleplex will tap into


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Issue 67

Council takes over youth club under controversial circumstances FREE

Your iindependent ndepe en local newspaper


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Issue 66

Debo Deborah O’Neill conc concedes defeat

iberal candidate for the Federal of seat Robertson, Ms Lucy Wicks said she is by “humbled the


people of Robertson� for choosing her as their representative with 52.52% of Two Candidate Preferred Votes recorded in her favour as of Monday, September 9. Former member Ms O Deborah O’Neill, who had a total of 47.49% of Two Candidate Preferred votes and 35.61% of first preference votes at the time Coast Community News went to press, conceded defeat and said it had “been a great honour to serve them [the people of Robertson] for the last three years�. Ms Wicks, who received 43% of first preference votes, said the people of Robertson would no longer be taken for granted. “That stops now and I promise to be the strong voice in parliament that the people of the Central Coast need. “I’m proud that the first thing the Coalition government will do is scrap the carbon tax because it was the biggest issue residents raised with me. “I’m also looking forward to working with my Liberal counterparts on delivering the Coalition’s $21 million growth plan for the Central Coast.

Your independent local newspaper

September 24, 2013

“The F3-M2 Missing Link and the Kariong exit lane widening is already in the Budget and must be built. “Kibbleplex is in the Budget, and must be built. “And vague promises of a Regional Performing

Central Coast Youth Club (CCYC) at Niagara Park

osford Council assumed anagement of the Central Coast a Arts has Centre need to bemanagement clarified and for. Youth Club (CCYC) atfought Niagara Park, ark, prior to tthe development of a “However, John a new multi-million Community Facilities Hub in the area. munity Facilitie Singleton’s dollar influence is m


“I’d also like to thank everyone for their support. “I couldn’t have done it without the strong Liberal community and volunteers and my family,� said Ms Wicks. Ms Wicks was the preferred candidate at 31 of 49 polling places in Robertson in the Two Candidate Preferred votes with Ms O’Neill the preferred candidate in the remaining 18 polling places in the electorate.

Ms O’Neill said she has been overwhelmed with good wishes from locals. “I am proud of the work we have been able to accomplish in three years,� said Ms O’Neill. “Working to make a difference for the people on the Coast whose voices were so often silenced under the previous Coalition Government. “We have delivered $55 million in health infrastructure for the

Coast, $7 million for the GP Superclinic, $28.6 million for the Regional Cancer Centre, and $19.55 million to bring the Woy Woy Rehab back to life. “In the last term of the previous Liberal Government, Gosford Council received only $1 million. “Under Labor, in just three years, we have delivered $58 million for local roads, services and infrastructure.

clear, by funding former Independent Lawrie who wing few w Sixty years ago, McKinna, the For delivered the following his preferences, secured atted small Central Coast Leagues years, a dedicated the seat for the Liberal c Club (CCLC) formed Party. and group aided by councillors “Labor a e sponsored the CCYC, of stands the dayforpushed ed forward fair go for all, not just for an arrangement which some. to see council build a “I look to stadium continued until some new forward $3 million at st continuing to work for 20 years ago when the thepeople Niagara of thePark. Central Coast, nowCCYC and into the sponsorship of the CCLC became the ame future. ceased. operator of this facility acility and a “I once again thank A grant/loan allowed a from 2005 paid a small everyone for their support last three years,â€? new facility to be builtover at thepercentage of commercial ommercial o said Ms O’Neill. Terrigal and CCYC split with to aenable e services As of rent Monday, total of the 2,000 members joining 79,564 the of to 100,761 ourish. votes had been counted with new Gosford Basketball Former board d member results from four polling be returned. Club located at Terrigal. places yet Mrto Chris Holstein n said he 94.10% of the votes Photo: ValsPix were formal with 5.90% “Our local schools also listed as informal. received a much needed Robertson was boost of $80 million for expected to have been new classrooms, libraries lost by the Labor party in and vital refurbishments. the previous election but “The Labor Government did not follow the national of the 43rd Parliament trend and was retained by delivered for the Central Labor with a slim margin Coast. of 1.2%. “We as a community need to make sure that the Website, 9 Sep 2013 Abbott Government deliver Australian Electoral on the few commitments Commission he made and deliver the promises already in the Budget.

only hoped that “council has give all due consideration given m in making their decisions�. “ am not privy to the “I reas reasons or rationale on why they have made that decision and can only hope dec that that decision was made on the best interests of not only the centre but the community as a whole,� he com said. said According to the report A to council by economic and c community development com

director Ms Colleen WorthyJennings, the costs of running the facility and dwindling income had seen the Board of CCYC unable to meet their ďŹ nancial obligations in recent times. “Council is not convinced that the Board, whose directors are as hardworking and well-meaning as they are, have the capacity and resources to alter the current situation and council must protect this facility and services that need to be provided by this facility for the communities of Narara, Niagara Park, Lisarow and Wyoming,â€?

said the report to Council by Ms Worthy-Jennings. “After careful consideration of the facts and the latest CCYC Business Plan, council is not conďŹ dent that protection is afforded by the current lesseesâ€?, she said. When contacted by Coast Community News, an ofďŹ cial of the CCYC said the club did not accept the cancellation and was seeking further advice and cited lack of assistance from Council and its ofďŹ cers over many years as the reason for the club being in its present situation.

Sources within the club also stated that a loss of income brought on by two major tenants vacating the club’s premises was seen by Council as a reason to take over the running of the club before the Board had had the opportunity to replace those tenants. The matter was discussed at a strategy and policy meeting at Council with members of the public and the media excluded. Gosford Council Agenda SF.21, 17 Sep 2013 Kaitlin Watts

Rugby League

P5 - GRANDSTAND - October 3, 2013

Roos are Coast Division Shayne Hayne appointed Rugby League to referee NRL Grand Final Club Champions John Brady, NRL

Matt Lavin, Wyong Rugby League Club Group

yong Roos took possession of the Central Coast Division Rugby League Club Championship trophy at the Central Coast Leagues Club Medal Presentation on Wednesday, September 18.


The award capped a successful return to the Central Coast for the Roos after 10 years in the Newcastle competition. Wyong narrowly secured the prestigious award from a resurgent Erina. The trophy was received on behalf of the club by football manager Mr Matt Lavin. Mr Lavin acknowledged

entral Coast based referee Shayne Hayne has been appointed as one of the referees for the 2013 NRL Telstra Premiership Grand Final on Sunday, October 6.


This season Hayne, who is the Central Coast Rugby league director of referees, became the fourth referee to officiate 300 first grade

games at the highest level. This will be his third NRL Telstra Premiership Grand Final. NRL Referees elite performance manager Mr Daniel Anderson has congratulated the Match Officials on their appointments. “The performances of the four referees last week was excellent, which made this decision extremely difficult, but Shayne and Ben

Cummins have performed at a high level consistently through the season and they are very experienced,” Anderson said. “The last time they were paired together was in the final Origin match and they performed well there and along with Steve Carrall, Russell Turner, Ashley Klein and Luke Patten they deserve the opportunity to represent the Match Officials squad on Grand Final day.”

the closeness of the competition and gave credit to the Erina Club for its strong performance in all grades throughout the season. Wyong eclipsed Erina by 10 points in the Club Championship competition, with the result not determined until completion of the final round of first grade matches in the home and away season. The Roos also received awards for the minor premierships in reserve and open age competitions and the trophy for the most tries scored by a club during the 2013 season (477). Roos’ Damon Goolagong was the only Wyong player to collect an individual award, being named Central Coast

Under-18 Representative Player of the Year. Former Wyong half Alex Moore, now with Berkeley Vale Panthers, received the Central Coast Leagues Club medal as the best and fairest first grader for the 2013 season. Past Wyong players to have won this award include Morry Breen, Bill Scott, Merrick Lindsay, Les Hannah, Paul Melross, Bill Martin, Tony Keevill, Doug Edwards, Danny Barnard, Shane O’Grady and Dean Amos. Chris Hyde from Woy Woy was named Central Coast Division representative player of the year and Terrigal’s Gavin Spain was named coach of the year.

Four Tigers selected to represent NSW Adam Kidd, NSW Rugby League

our players from The Entrance Tigers Rugby League Club have been selected to represent the NSW Rugby League in the Ron Massey Cup Representative team to play the Fiji Warriors on


Smo kin g Drag on

Saturday, October 12, at St Mary’s Stadium. Rhys Pritchard will play wing, Jake Fitzpatrick will play half back, Scott Jones will play hooker and Alan Munro will be the 18th man. The boys from The Entrance Tigers are four of 19 players from NSW clubs selected

including Cabramatta ‘Two Blues’, Windsor Wolves, Wentworthville Magpies, Western Suburb Magpies, Mounties and Burwood North Ryde United. Jamie Forbes and Along Chong, both of The Entrance Tigers, were also selected as coach and trainer respectively.

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October 3, 2013 - GRANDSTAND - P4


Former Mariners named in Socceroos squad Football Federation Australia

o c c e r o o s head coach Holger Osieck has named a 24-player provisional squad for the upcoming inter national friendly matches against France and Canada next month, including former Central Coast Mariners’ players Oliver Bozanic, Tom Rogic and Mat Ryan.


Jackson Irvine, 20, received his first call-up to the Socceroos squad after starting in all three of the Young Socceroos matches at the FIFA U-20 World Cup in Turkey in June this year. Bozanic, son of former Socceroo Vic Bozanic (Cap number 294), received

his second call-up to the Socceroos squad after being selected for his first ever squad in August 2009 when the Socceroos played the Republic of Ireland in Limerick. Mathew Leckie and Nikita Rukavytsya both return after last appearing for the Socceroos against the Korea Republic in November last year and also scoring for their club FSV Frankfurt last month. David Carney and Jason Davidson also both return after varying periods of absence and Dario Vidosic was named for the first time since his move from Adelaide United to FC Sion in Switzerland. Tim Cahill and Luke Wilkshire have been included after they both missed the recent match

against Brazil due to injury. Lucas Neill is set to equal Peter Wilson’s record of 60 matches as Socceroos captain should he lead the Socceroos out against both France and Canada. The international friendly against France will kick off at 6am on Saturday, October 12, (AEDT) at the Parc de Princes, Paris, while the match against Canada will be played at Craven Cottage, London, on Wednesday, October 16 (AEDT) from 6am. This will be the fourth match between France and Australia at senior men’s international level and the ninth match between Canada and Australia. Both Socceroo matches against France and Canada will be broadcast live and exclusive on Fox Sports.

Home games to be played at Tuggerah Football Federation Australia

he Central Coast Mariners National Youth League (NYL) team will play all nine of its home games at the Centre of Excellence at Tuggerah with the 2014 Season Draw for the Foxtel National Youth League released by Football Federation Australia.

T 24-player provisional squad for the upcoming international friendly matches against France and Canada

Kalik selected for Young Socceroos Football Federation Australia

oung Socceroos head coach Paul Okon has selected a 23-player squad for the upcoming AFC U19 Championship Qualifiers which includes 15-year-old Anthony Kalik, who has recently signed a three-year deal with the Central Coast Mariners.


Kalik, an attacking midfielder, signed the deal seeing him become the youngest professional footballer in Australia and will be part of the A-League championships following the completion of his Australian Institute of Sport program early in 2014.

The team departed Australia on Friday, September 17, for the Qualifiers which are held in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. The competition will begin on Thursday, October 3, with the team’s first game against Hong Kong. Okon has selected 16 Australian-based players from the Hyundai A-League clubs and the Australian Institute of Sport and seven overseas-based players from England, Italy and Spain. “This will be the first time that we will have overseasbased and Australian-based groups of players together for the tournament,” said Okon.

The newly developed stadium will host games for the Mariners in rounds one, three, four, six, nine, 10, 13, 16 and 17.

Round one for the Mariners NYL team will kick off on Sunday, October 27, against Adelaide United.





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P3 - GRANDSTAND - October 3, 2013

Mariners robbed of Menpora Cup he Central Coast Mariners’ 2013 Menpora Cup campaign came to a controversial conclusion on Sunday, September 29, with the team on the end of two highly contentious penalty calls and countless other suspect refereeing decisions as they lost 2-1 to Arema FC in the competition’s Final.


St Kitts and Nevis attacker Keith Kayamba Gumbs converted both dubiously awarded penalties to lift the popular local side to victory in front of 38,438 vociferous

supporters at Kanjuruhan Stadion. Marcos Flores produced a moment of magic just before half time to level proceedings shortly after Gumbs scored his first penalty of the night, however, with the weight of the refereeing decisions clearly favouring the Indonesian Super League side, Central Coast assistant coach Phil Moss said it was obvious any chance of a Mariners victory would have to come against all odds. “It is clear that only one side was meant to win tonight’s Final – and it most certainly wasn’t us,” Moss said post game. “We have had a great time in Indonesia - the tournament has been well organised

and the Indonesian people have been very friendly - but unfortunately the nature of the referee’s performance tonight leaves us with a sour taste in our mouths. “Many of the Arema players and staff felt compelled to apologise to our boys after the game, so that should give people some indication of what’s gone on tonight.” Arema FC, like Central Coast, had opportunities to score on their own merit in the first 45 before referee Oki Dwi Putra Senjaya began to leave his impression on the 2013 Menpora Cup Final. In the 41st minute, John Hutchinson won the ball with a sliding challenge inside the box, however was adjudged to have felled his Arema

opponent. Gumbs subsequently stroked his chance from 12-yards into the back of the net. The fleet footed Flores equalised for Central Coast in the 45th minute when he danced through the Arema backline before sliding a shot beyond custodian Ahmad Kurniawan. However referee Senjaya gave Arema another gift 10 minutes after the break when he ruled that Mariners’ skipper Hutchinson had handled the ball in the box. Gumbs held his nerve to convert his second spot kick of the night. Despite having only 11 players available for the Final – Zac Anderson was a late

Mariners lose to Jets in friendly Central Coast Mariners Media

rent Griffiths’ second half goal direct from a Michael McGlinchey corner wasn’t enough to prevent the Central Coast Mariners from going down 2-1 to Newcastle Jets in Tamworth on Sunday, September 29.


Craig Goodwin netted twice in the first 45 to provide his team with a handy lead, before Griffiths got a goal back for Graham Arnold’s

team in Australia’s country music capital shortly after the hour mark. Goodwin’s first of the game came in the 19th minute when he struck a right foot shot on the halfvolley beyond Liam Reddy. Just four minutes later, Goodwin scored a diving header from a precise Scott Neville cross. Most of the Mariners’ best chances came in the second stanza, with diminutive New Zealander Michael McGlinchey flashing a shot across the face of goal just

five minutes after the restart. McGlinchey was integral to Central Coast’s only goal of the game in the 65th minute, as he sent a sweet corner into the area which Griffiths thundered into the back of the net to bring the Mariners back into the contest. Arnold’s experimental team in Tamworth almost equalised late in the game, however, two crucial blocks from Jets defender Taylor Regan ensured Gary van Egmond’s charges won the friendly encounter at Scully

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Park. Despite the defeat, Arnold said he was ecstatic with the hit-out against the Jets in Tamworth. “Obviously we have half of our squad still in Indonesia, so for us it was an opportunity to give all our boys 90 minutes before the first game of the season against Western Sydney Wanderers,” he said. “It was a great hit-out and we now have 21 players who have played a full 90 minutes against quality opposition before our first match.” “It also gave us the opportunity to give our young boys a game against a Hyundai A-League team, so they can see the level that they need to get to.” Newcastle Jets 2 (Goodwin 19’, 23’) Central Coast Mariners 1 (Griffiths 65’) Scully Park, Tamworth

Central Coast Mariners Media

withdrawal for the contest due to a stomach bug – the Mariners continued to press until the conclusion of the match. However, Moss’s men became increasingly frustrated late on as play was suspiciously halted for innocuous looking injuries, and legitimate Central Coast attacking raids were called back for offside. While the performance of referee Senjaya in the Final left a stain on the match, Moss said he was overjoyed with the performance and mental strength of the players in extremely trying circumstances. “There were so many positives to come out of tonight, none more so than the fact it was perfect preparation for the Western Sydney Wanderers game as it was played at such a high intensity. “We didn’t have a bad player out there tonight – from young Tommy Slater who at 17 was not overawed by the occasion, to Marcos Flores who was outstanding and continues to understand more and more our structures and patterns of play. “He (Flores) is so important to the way we want to play.” Moss added that overall the tournament had been a positive experience for the Club. “We’ve played some real high quality games with short turnarounds between the matches and in front of some very hostile crowds,” he said. “Every player in the squad has got the game time required to be fit and ready to push for selection for round one against Western Sydney Wanderers on October 12. “I’m delighted - as I know Arnie (Graham Arnold) is - with the attitude and the performance on and off the field of all of our players over the past two weeks. “This camp in Indonesia has given Arnie and the staff a chance to get a lot of invaluable work done in our preparations for the Hyundai A-League season.”

To make it to the final, the Mariners first defeated Sriwijaya FC 2-0 at Stadion Si Jalak Harupat in Bandung and then Malaysia’s U23 National Team (Harimau Muda), also by 2-0 in Bandung. They advanced to the final after a 3-3 draw with Persib Bandung at a raucous Stadion Si Jalak Harupat in West Java, Indonesia. Central Coast Mariners departed Indonesia on Monday, September 30, and recommenced training in Tuggerah ahead of Hyundai A-League 2013-14 season on Thursday, October 3. Central Coast Mariners 1 (Flores 45’) Arema FC 2 (Gumbs 43’ (pen), 56’ (pen)) Stadion Kanjuruhan, Malang, Indonesia Central Coast Mariners: 1. Justin Pasfield (Gk), 3. Josh Rose, 7. John Hutchinson (C), 8. Nick Montgomery, 10. Marcos Flores, 11. Nick Fitzgerald, 15. Storm Roux, 16. Trent Sainsbury, 19. Matt Simon, 21. Mile Sterjovski, 22. Tom Slater Substitutes not used: 5. Zachary Anderson, 17. Andrew Clark Yellow cards: Montgomery, Sainsbury, Simon Red cards:Nil Arema FC: 31. Ahmad Kurniawan (Gk), 32. Victor Igbonefo, 2. Purwaka Yudi, 6. Thiery Gatusi, 19. Benny Wahyudi, 44. I Gede Sukadana, 12. Hendro Siswanto, 40. Keith Kayamba Gumbs, 10. Christian Gonzales, 9. Beto Goncalves (8. Egi Melgiansyah 88’), 7. Greg Nwokolo Substitutes not used: 69. M. Natshir, 53. Munhar, 23. Gilang Ginarsa, 41. Dendy Santoso, 88. Irsad Maulana, 5. Edmar Garcia Yellow cards: Goncalves, Gonzalez, Nwokolo Red cards: Nil Attendance: 38,438 Referee: Oki Dwi Putra Senjaya

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$7,500 in sporting sponsorship divided between four Gosford Council Media

s part of Gosford C o u n c i l ’ s Developing and Recognising Talent (DART) Program, five sporting teams and three Gosford City residents have received a total of $7,500 in sponsorship to participate at both national and international sporting events.


Robert Stott of Matcham received $500 to represent NSW at the Australian All Schools Swimming Competition held in Adelaide from September 8 to 14. Robert trains eight times a week and placed first and second at a number of qualification trials to make the team. Saratoga resident Alister

Trendell was awarded $1,000 to represent Australia at the Para-triathlon World Championships held in London from September 11 to 15. Alister competed as the guide for visually impaired athlete John Domandl. E x c e p t i o n a l performances resulted in Alister and John placing 11th at the championships. Green Point resident Matthew Baker was awarded $1,000 to take part in the Australian Junior Triathlon European Tour at the World Championships held in London on September 14. Matthew qualified for the team after his performance in the Australian Junior Series which included four races held in NSW, Queensland, South Australia and New Zealand. A 20 person strong contingency was awarded a

total of $5,000 to represent Australia in the TransTasman Oztag Series held in Auckland from the September 27 to 29. The members made up part of five teams in total ranging from women’s and men’s U16s right through to the senior tournament. The DART sponsorship program supports residents of the Gosford Local Government Area to represent the city in sporting and cultural pursuits. DART offers funding for individuals and teams attending sporting and cultural events where selection is merit based and of regional or greater significance. In return for sponsorship, the recipients promote the Central Coast in the local, interstate and international arenas. Alister Trendell (front) and John Domandl (back).

Council teams up with Academy Wyong Council Media

yong Council has entered into an agreement with the Central Coast Academy of Sport aimed at helping to develop the next generation of sports stars and promote a healthy lifestyle for the Shire’s youth.


Council will outlay a total of $60,000 over the next four

years to the Central Coast Academy of Sport in a move which aims to foster sport throughout the Shire. “This move is as much about promoting an active lifestyle amongst our youth as much as supporting our elite young athletes,” said mayor Cr Doug Eaton. “We want to be able to play our part to help our elite athletes and, by entering into an agreement with the Central Coast Academy

of Sport, we anticipate the funding being available to provide our talented young residents with elite coaching. “However, the agreement will also assist in the promotion and administration of sporting events and programs aimed to deliver benefits to participants in the Shire, through the Academy. “I congratulate the Academy of Sport on the job they are doing in not

only promoting sport, but also providing a pathway for young athletes to live out their dreams of becoming an elite sports person.” Central Coast Academy of Sport managing director Mr Ian Robilliard said he was delighted to have secured a four year agreement with Wyong Council. “In terms of risk management, the ability to secure recurrent funding is paramount in building the

strength of the organisation,” Mr Robilliard said. “The Board of the Academy of Sport are delighted that Wyong Shire Council has recognised the work we do for the Central Coast and the important role we play in providing access to opportunity for aspiring sporting champions. “The Central Coast Academy of Sport provides training scholarships for approximately 350 athletes

on an annual basis across 15 sporting disciplines and this funding goes a long way in supporting those people to train locally under the guidance of some of the best coaches we have available. “Our thanks go to both the councillors and staff at Wyong Shire Council who have supported the organisation over many years,” said Mr Robilliard.

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October 3, 2013

Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369

Issue 063

Slingsby and Bundock help to win America’s Cup

Courtesy of America’s Cup website

wo sailors hailing from the Central Coast were among the Oracle Team USA crew who recently took out sailing’s biggest trophy, the 34th America’s Cup.


Tom Slingsby and Darren Bundock both grew up on the Central Coast, where

their passion for sailing began. Their sailing careers recently hit another highlight when their crew, Oracle Team USA, managed to create what has been labelled one of the greatest comebacks in the history of sport, when they defeated their challenger Emirates Team New Zealand by 44 seconds in the final of 17

America’s Cup races. Tom Slingsby joined Oracle Team USA in October 2011 as a tactician and currently serves as strategist onboard with the race crew. His sailing career has skyrocketed in the past 12 years with six world championships under his belt, as well as winning the 2012 Australian Institute of

Sport Co-Athlete of the Year. Slingsby also won gold in the Laser class at the 2012 Olympic Games. Gosford-born Darren Bundock started sailing at the age of eight and joined Oracle Team USA in 2011 as a coach and helmsman. His sailing career has seen him win two Olympic medals in the Tornado catamaran class, 14

world championships, five European championships and four Australian Male Sailor of the Year awards. Oracle Team USA is made up of 24 members from various international countries, eight of whom are Australian and seven who come from New Zealand. Surprisingly, only two

crew members on the Oracle Team USA crew were from the United States. Other Australian crew members include captain James Spithill, Will McCarthy, Sam Newton, Joe Newton, and Kyle Langford, the youngest sailor of the crew who grew up in Lake Macquarie.

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