COAST Community News 055

Page 1



April 9, 2013

Your independent local newspaper


Issue 55

Ph: 4325 7369

Gosford Council under new management Open for business osford Council has launched a new campaign which general manager Mr Paul Anderson said would change the way business is done in Gosford City.


Mr Anderson said the campaign was about increasing efficiency and accountability and making it easy to do business in Gosford. "Since beginning in my role as general manager earlier this year, I have come to see the great potential in Gosford City," said Mr Anderson. "As a community, we must seize the opportunities that exist to help our region thrive and prosper, actively seeking out prospects for economic sustainability. "Making ourselves an attractive area for investment and growth must begin with improvements within our organisation. "We need to become a more accessible council to prospective investors and more importantly to our residents who utilise our services day to day. In line with increasing efficiency within the community, Council has adopted a new organisational structure. "We need to change the way we do business," said Mr Anderson. "At this point, we have

Gosford Council is under new management Photo: ValsPix

relocated business units so that we are a whole heap easier to do business with. "We need to align our economic outcomes to have the development of our community. "We need to change our culture and public perception. "We need to deliver

on the commitments we make and we need to let this be the indicator of our success. As part of its campaign, Council staff have determined 808 development applications worth over $135 million in the past six months. "These developments

indicate that investor confidence is alive and well in Gosford City; things are looking up," said Mr Anderson. Mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna said the developments illustrated "that confidence is returning to the Gosford CBD and that Council's CBD strategy is starting to

show results". "We know the community needs to see things changing to fully support the Open for Business initiative and we hope they can see the changes this campaign brings. "It's an easy thing to talk positively about where we live and that is the first step

in the right direction," said mayor Cr McKinna. Mr Anderson has also thanked previous Councils for providing a strong foundation as the platform for moving forward. "Hopefully we can build on the relationships established by the previous Council and work together in realising the aspirations of our community. "This campaign isn't about me, or about Council, it is about our entire community coming together to revitalise, rebrand and re-emerge as leaders to make Gosford a major competitor on a regional, national and international scale," said Mr Anderson. Mr Anderson also pledged Council's support to the latest proposal for the Gosford Waterfront development. "Council is happy with the latest proposal for the redevelopment of Gosford Waterfront as it allows each stage to be managed in consultation with affected parties and the broader community. "It is exciting to all of us that things are happening on the Gosford Waterfront and across the Gosford CBD; finally we are beginning to see changes for the better in our city, said Mr Anderson. Media Release, 8 APR 2013 Gosford Council


Page 2 - April 9, 2013 - Coast Community News

Chance to Win!

Gosford LGA emergency services directory

Ambulance, Police, Fire 000 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Organisations

G-line - Gambling Helpline 1800 633 635 Credit Helpline 1800 808 488 Child Support Agency 13 12 72 Australian Injury Helpline 1800 223 363 Veteran Affairs Network 1300 551 918 Mens Domestic Violence 1800 000 599 Sexual Assault Resource 1800 199 888 Gay and Lesbian Counselling 1800 184 527 Gay and Lesbian Support 1800 249 377 Youth Sexuality Network 4320 2856 Vietnam Veterans 1800 043 503 Victims Support Services 1800 633 063 Translation and Interpreting Service 13 14 50

Aboriginal Legal Service 8842 8000 Community Options 4351 3388 Bungree Aboriginal Association 4351 3388 Mingaletta 4342 7515 Aboriginal Home Care 4352 1153 Drug & Alcohol rehab 4388 6360 Respite Care Options 4351 3388 Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Health 4351 1040 Darkinjung Local Land Council 4351 2930

Accommodation Dept. of Housing Gosford 4323 5211 Cassie4Youth 4322 3197 Coast Shelter 4324 7239 Pacific Link Com Housing 4324 7617 Rumbalara Youth Refuge 4325 7555 Samaritans Youth Services 4351 1922 Youth Angle • Woy Woy 4341 8830 Youth Accom Hotline 1800 424 830 Temporary Accommodation 1800 152 152

Family and Relationships

Animal Rescue


Parents Helpline 132 055 Centacare Gosford 4324 6403 Gosford Family Support Service 4340 1099 Horizons (For men with children) 4333 5111 Interrelate - Family Relationships 1300 736 966 Uniting Care Burnside Gosford 1800 067 967

Wildlife Arc 4325 0666 Wires 1300 094 737


oast Community News is giving six readers the chance to win a copy of Night Watchers valued at $24.99.

Night Watchers, the engaging debut novel from Sydney author Miles Rothwell, is set on an island where the traditional ways are increasingly under siege by encroaching western influences. The Night Watchers support and protect life until the dawn of the new day. When something goes amiss in the fabric of the Night Watchers, small disturbances start affecting the lives of a group people. Though seemingly unique and individual, each of these people soon discover how interconnected they are in the land of the Night Watchers, where no one goes unobserved or unprotected. To win one of the six copies of Nigh Watchers, write your name, address and phone number on the back of an envelope and send to Coast Community News Night Watchers competition PO Box 1056, Gosford, NSW, 2250, by the close of business Friday, April 19. Prize winners may be required to pick up their prize from our Gosford office. Entries may be passed on to prize providers for marketing purposes.



Your independent local newspaper, published fortnightly on a Tuesday and focusing on issues specifically affecting post code areas; 2250 - Bucketty, Calga, Central Mangrove, East Gosford, Erina, Erina Fair, Glenworth Valley, Gosford, Greengrove, Holgate, Kariong, Kulnura, Lisarow, Lower Mangrove, Mangrove Creek, Mangrove Mountain, Matcham, Mooney Mooney Creek, Mount White, Narara, Niagara Park, North Gosford, Peats Ridge, Point Clare, Point Frederick, Somersby, Springfield, Tascott, Ten Mile Hollow, Upper Mangrove, Wendoree Park, West Gosford, Wyoming and 2251 - Avoca Beach, Bensville, Bouddi, Copacabana, Davistown, Green Point, Kincumber, MacMasters Beach, Picketts Valley, Saratoga, Yattalunga 2260 - Foresters Beach, North Avoca, Terrigal, Wamberal

Gosford Hospital 4320 2111 Cancer Hotline 131 120 Mental Health info Service 1300 794 991 Sexual Health @ Gosford Hospital 4320 2114 Beyond Blue (Depression) 1300 22 4636

Counselling Mensline - talk with a bloke 1300 789 978 Lifecare Family Services 1300 130 225 Centacare: 4324 6403 Relationship Australia: 1300 364 277 Interrelate: 1800 449 118

Problems, Habits & Addiction G-Line Telephone Counsel 1800 633 635 Gamblers Anonymous 9726 6625 Alcoholics Anonymous 4323 3890 Narcotics Anonymous 4325 0524 Quitline 131 848

Emergency Police Assistance Line 131 444 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Woy Woy Police Station 4323 5599 Energy Australia 13 13 88 Gas Emergency 131 909 Gosford City Council 4325 8222 Marine Rescue - Central Coast 4325 7929 SES - Storm and Flood Emergency 132 500

Publisher/Editor: Cec Bucello Journalist: Kaitlin Watts Sub Editor: Lachlan Snell

Welfare Services Donnison St. Restaurant 4325 3540 Gosford Family Support 4340 1585 Horizons Family Services 4334 3377 Meals on Wheels Gosford 4363 7111 Woy Woy 4341 6699 Department of Community Services Gosford - 4336 2400 The Salvation Army 4325 5733 Samaritans Emergency Relief 4393 2450 St Vincent De Paul Society HELPLINE 4323 6081

Crisis Services and Helplines Lifeline - 24 hr. 13 11 14 Suicide Helpline 1800 191 919 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Parents Helpline 13 20 55 Indigenous Call Centre 136 380 Family Relationship Advice Line 1800 050 321 Family Drug Support 1300 368 186

Community Access Edition 314

News Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

Contributions welcomed Letters to the editor and other contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to: COAST Community News PO Box 1056, Gosford NSW 2250. Contributions should be in Word format sent via email to:, on disks or by handwritten letter if these facilities are not available to you. Contributions must Include the date, your name, a ddress and phone numbers. Name and Suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in edited form.

Ettalong’s senior citizens’ centre was identified as fourth priority on the list, while three Peninsula Leisure Centre systems identified as priorities nine, 10 and 11 and two systems on Patonga Camping Ground were placed at number 15 on the list. In August last year, Council adopted an emissions reduction target of 20 per cent on 2010 emissions by 2025 as part of its Climate Change Mitigation Strategy. Implementation of the Strategy is underway with projects designed to reduce Council’s emissions through energy efficiency, renewable energy and direct abatement technologies. Council’s water and sewer director Mr Rod Williams reported that one of the better opportunities identified in the strategy was to

replace electric hot water systems with solar and heat pump hot water systems. “The solar hot water opportunity was assessed as having a potential to reduce Council’s emissions by 469 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per annum and deliver financial savings through reduced energy costs,” stated Mr Williams’ report. Gosford Council has agreed to apply for the maximum amount of funding available from the Local Government Energy Efficiency Program which was announced late last year by the Federal Government. The grant is for 60 per cent of the capital cost to install solar and heat pump hot water systems on community facilities. A requirement of the Local Government Energy Efficiency Program is for Council to use local suppliers to undertake the installation works. The program is a one off, noncompetitive grant with all eligible applications to be approved. Gosford Council identified a total of 22 hot water systems at 16 different sites as appropriate for

replacement using this grant. The maximum grant amount available is $61,000 with a required Council contribution of $40,667. Mr Williams’ report stated that this would allow for the replacement of 13 to 22 hot water systems depending on the actual cost of replacement. “The hot water systems identified for replacement have been prioritised based on asset age (oldest first) and hot water usage (high usage first) to maximise cost savings to Council. “The Local Government Energy Efficiency Program provides a cost effective opportunity to replace old fossil fuel powered hot water systems with new low emissions hot water systems. “The Local Government Energy Efficiency Program is estimated to reduce energy costs by approximately $13,000 per annum. “The simple payback based on Council’s cash, project management and contingency contribution is 4.6 years.” Gosford Council Agenda, WAT.13, 26 Mar 2013

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A tree in Umina is still awaiting removal, nine months after it was scheduled for removal by Gosford Council.

Three community facilities in the Peninsula area have been identified for five projects of 15 in a priority list to replace electric hot water systems with solar panels and heat pumps.

ISSN 1839-9045 - Print Post Approved - PP100001843 - Printed by New Age Printing


Tree awaits removal, nine months later

Peninsula facilities identified for solar hot water

Sales Manager: Val Bridge Sales: Peter Smith

Ph: 4325 7369 Email: Next Edition: Coast Community News 056 Deadline: April 19 Publication date: April 23

also, see the Not for Profit organisations directory inside Peninsula

Graphic design: Justin Stanley Debra Forest

The tree was initially brought to the attention of Council in 2010 by a resident of Harold St. “At the time, the tree was assessed as being in a satisfactory condition,” said Gosford Council’s maintenance coordinator Mr Mark Smith. “In June 2011, the resident at 5 Harold St complained that the tree was dangerous and it was inspected immediately. “The tree was found to have some upper canopy decay and was subsequently approved for removal. “As for each tree works request, the tree is assessed using certain safety criteria and then given a ranking to determine a timeframe for removal. “The tree in question was scheduled to be removed within 12 months. “After further requests, the customer was recently advised that the tree was now scheduled for removal by the end of April. “This is still the case, although that is qualified as being subject to availability of resources and weather conditions,” said Mr Smith. Mr Smith also said that at the time of the original notification, the

customer was given the standard advice that: “Council is unable to provide a specific date as to when works will be undertaken as all works are subject to availability of funding and resources taking into account storms and/or other urgent works.” Mr Smith said given the number of tree work applications and the list of trees assessed to be removed, Council prioritised all tree removals to ensure urgent works were carried out first. “The local government area is also subject to severe storms that cause tree damage and branch drop, sometimes blocking roads and damaging other vital services,” said Mr Smith. “This work is a priority and does impact on the planned works program. “Unfortunately, resources do not allow all trees to be attended to immediately and some trees may not be attended to within the nominated time frame. “Council is currently reviewing how it addresses the many requests it receives for tree works from residents and it hopes to be able to reduce response times in the future,” said Mr Smith. Kaitlin Watts, 28 Mar 2013 Interviewee: Mark Smith, Gosford Council

Solar pool heating is completed Gosford Council has been told that the installation of solar pool heating has been completed at the Peninsula Leisure Centre. Gosford Council’s director water and sewer Mr Rod Williams’ report to Council on Tuesday, March 26, stated that the Peninsula Leisure Centre was one of Council’s top 10 energy using sites. The project involved the installation of solar thermal collectors on the Centre’s roof which provide the primary source of heat, with heat pumps and gas used as a backup. “The cost savings are estimated to be approximately $54,000 per annum giving the project a 2.6 year simple payback. “The project is also estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 139 tonnes CO2-equivalent per annum,” he wrote.

Mr Williams stated that the Peninsula Leisure Centre building management system and heat pump control upgrade was currently underway and would involve the installation of improved pool temperature probes to control the pool heat pumps. The project is expected to reduce overheating, saving approximately 10 to 15 per cent on energy. Council also has completed a number of projects across the whole local government area such as improving streetlight efficiency, improving its carbon and energy management system, a public lighting efficiency trial, a revolving energy fund and a community energy efficiency program. Gosford Council Agenda, WAT.12, 26 Mar 2013

THIS ISSUE contains 56 articles - Read more news items for this issue at

Your independent local newspaper

April 9, 2013


Ph: 4325 7369

Issue 55

Open for business


osford Council has launched a new campaign which general manager Mr Paul Anderson said would change the way business is done in Gosford City. Mr Anderson said the campaign was about increasing efficiency and accountability and making it easy to do business in Gosford. "Since beginning in my role as general manager earlier this year, I have come to see the great potential in Gosford City," said Mr Anderson. "As a community, we must seize the opportunities that exist to help our region thrive and prosper, actively seeking out prospects for economic sustainability. "Making ourselves an attractive area for investment and growth must begin with improvements within our organisation. "We need to become a more accessible council to prospective investors and more importantly to our residents who utilise our services day to day. In line with increasing efficiency within the community, Council has adopted a new organisational structure. "We need to change the way we do business," said Mr Anderson. "At this point, we have

Gosford Council is under new management Photo: ValsPix

relocated business units so that we are a whole heap easier to do business with. "We need to align our economic outcomes to have the development of our community. "We need to change our culture and public perception. "We need to deliver

on the commitments we make and we need to let this be the indicator of our success. As part of its campaign, Council staff have determined 808 development applications worth over $135 million in the past six months. "These developments

indicate that investor confidence is alive and well in Gosford City; things are looking up," said Mr Anderson. Mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna said the developments illustrated "that confidence is returning to the Gosford CBD and that Council's CBD strategy is starting to

show results". "We know the community needs to see things changing to fully support the Open for Business initiative and we hope they can see the changes this campaign brings. "It's an easy thing to talk positively about where we live and that is the first step

Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369

March 27, 2013

Issue 17

New 109 lot development at Menindee Ridge

Gosford Council under new management in the right direction," said mayor Cr McKinna. Mr Anderson has also thanked previous Councils for providing a strong foundation as the platform for moving forward. "Hopefully we can build on the relationships established by the previous Council and work together in realising the aspirations of our community. "This campaign isn't about me, or about Council, it is about our entire community coming together to revitalise, rebrand and re-emerge as leaders to make Gosford a major competitor on a regional, national and international scale," said Mr Anderson. Mr Anderson also pledged Council's support to the latest proposal for the Gosford Waterfront development. "Council is happy with the latest proposal for the redevelopment of Gosford Waterfront as it allows each stage to be managed in consultation with affected parties and the broader community. "It is exciting to all of us that things are happening on the Gosford Waterfront and across the Gosford CBD; finally we are beginning to see changes for the better in our city, said Mr Anderson. Media Release, 8 APR 2013 Gosford Council


arkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) at Wyong is building a new 109 lot development at Menindee Ridge, Blue Haven.

Following the sale of almost all stage one lots in less than six months at Menindee Ridge, Darkinjung LALC is preparing to release stage 1A lot sales in the coming months. Commenting on the December 2012 Housing Affordability Review commissioned by Pacific Link Housing, Darkinjung LALC’s CEO Mr Sean Gordon said that developments such as Menindee Ridge were essential to the future planning for the region. The research projected that the Central Coast’s population would grow by 39% in 2036, presenting a number of infrastructure challenges and highlighting the need to prioritise affordable housing. “It is concerning to hear that by 2036, the Central Coast will need more than 50,000 new houses to accommodate the population’s growth,” said Mr Gordon. “Menindee Ridge demonstrates a real opportunity to meet the growth needs of the Central Coast and Darkinjung is proud to be planning for the future of

our region.” A discussion paper released by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure titled Sydney over the next 20 years has revealed that Sydney’s population estimates for 2031 are far higher than anticipated in its 2005 Metropolitan Strategy, resulting in demand for more than 570,000 new homes. In response to this, Mr Gordon said that the Central Coast must be prepared to accommodate the on-flow of Sydney’s burgeoning population. “As the largest land owner on the Central Coast, we understand that it is our responsibility to work with other key stakeholders to ensure the region is prepared for the future,” said Mr Gordon. “In addition to Menindee Ridge, Darkinjung is continually exploring opportunities to offer affordable housing options to the region. “We are currently in the process of working through a development application with our land holdings at Halekulani through the future establishment of a Manufactured Home


Estate comprised of 251 dwellings. “Along with delivering affordable and sustainable residences to the local community, this project will create a number of employment and enterprise development opportunities,” he said. Media release, 18 Mar 2013 Alison Orren, Brilliant Logic

April 4, 2013

Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369

New regional sport and recreation facilities for Tuggerah

Issue 051

Athletes receive scholarships

Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

April 4, 2013

Seniors Week concert at Ettalong Robyn Creswell, Vietnam Veterans, Peacekeepers and Peacemakers Association of Australia, Gosford City Sub-Branch Richard Mehrtens, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP

Garry Mensforth, Donnica Clarke Foundation

Wyong Council

ew regional sport and recreation facilities are being considered for land on South Tacoma Rd in Tuggerah following an agreement made by Wyong Council to proceed with the compulsory acquisition of Crown land in the area.


Councillors said they felt that the area was in great need of a quality sporting and recreation complex and the more quickly Council moved to secure the land, the sooner funding could be sourced to deliver an outcome for the community. The Crown requires some lots to be compensated at market value and Council agreed that it would compensate the Crown at market value as determined by the Valuer General for lots where this was required. Council has been in discussions with Crown Lands Division concerning the possible transfer of the land, located near the Pioneer Dairy, to Council for the purpose of pursuing the public benefit development

of the site as a sporting precinct. The Crown Lands Division suggested that it would consider allowing Council to acquire the property for nominal consideration. It is the usual policy of the Crown Lands Division to allow Council to acquire Crown Land by compulsory process and, where agreement on the amount of compensation had been reached, compulsory acquisition would proceed pursuant to Section 30 of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act. The site is identified as a suitable location for development of a sports precinct with part of the site also developed as a commercial precinct. According to Council, the proposal for a commercial precinct was on the basis that the whole area was not required for the sports precinct and that the return from the commercial precinct would offset some of the development costs of the sports precinct. Acquiring the land is the first step and development will only proceed with State funding to a level suitable for Council to invest.


he annual Seniors Week Concert was held on Thursday, March 21, at the Ettalong Leisure and Learning Centre.

Class of 2013 (absent Tori Pendergast, Jai Opetaia, Alex Fitch & Brittany Tait)

ighteen athletes were announced as recipients of the Donnica Clarke Foundation sporting scholarship at a function in Mingara on Wednesday, March 27.


Kevin Moore and Jamie Carr were selected in athletics while Riley Mackay

was selected in barefoot skiing, Joshua Barty in Australian rules, Joshua English and Jai Opetaia in boxing, Alexandra Fitch in snowboarding and Jai McNamara and Brittany Tait in water polo. Jack Moyes and Jack Waddell were selected in surf lifesaving while Timothy Schofield was selected in royal lifesaving

(pool rescue) and surf lifesaving, Travis Smedley in cycling, Zac Stolz in golf, Riley Fitzsimmons in surf lifesaving and kayaking, Nicola McDermott in athletics (high jump), Jake O’Brien in surf lifesaving and OZTAG and Victoria Pendergast in paralympic snow sports and surf lifesaving. This year’s scholarships

took the total to 74 annual scholarships awarded over the past five years. This totalled $115,500 in payments to 41 Central Coast athletes from 22 different sports during the period since the Foundation commenced. The Foundation’s major Gala dinner fundraiser will be held on Saturday, August 3, at Mingara.

Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill said she was happy to host the Seniors Week Concert again this year with Chris King. “This is always such a wonderful day out, and this year was bigger than ever,” said Ms O’Neill. The 200 guests enjoyed local musical acts and performances, as well as a complimentary lunch. The contributions of long-serving community volunteers were also

recognised with an awards presentation. Three local Vietnam Veterans were presented with awards by Patricia Amphlett, also known as Little Patty. The veterans, Alan Ball, Jack Chalker and Pat Bright, have all been members of the Vietnam Veterans’ Peacekeepers and Peacemakers Association of Australia Gosford City Sub-Branch for over a decade each and have spent those years working to help other veterans on the Central Coast. The Sub-Branch has a Drop-in Centre on the corner of Beach

St and Broken Bay Rd, Ettalong, where diggers from all theatres of war and peacekeeping, in which the ADF was involved, can receive assistance with their pension applications and welfare assistance for themselves and their families. “The concert is not just about having a good time, it is a wonderful opportunity to come together to recognise the great work of so many that work tirelessly in our community and often don’t get the recognition they deserve,” said Ms O’Neill.

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Coast Community News - April 9, 2013 - Page 3

Gosford Race Club to upgrade facilities $4.5 million development application for a new multipurpose function and dining room and associated facilities on the grounds of Gosford Race Club is currently being advertised for public submissions.


If approved, the development will include the demolition of a number of buildings on the site including the existing administration offices, a two story tote and dining room north of the betting ring and a brick turnstile. Once the demolition is complete, construction will begin on a new multipurpose function and dining room which would be linked to the public and members’ stands, new administration offices, alterations and additions to the female jockey area, a new covered betting ring space, a new member bar and a new turnstile entry into the racecourse. The new dining room would result in a 180

An artist’s impression of the Gosford Race Club upgrade with the roof removed

seat capacity which is an additional 20 seats above the existing, and an additional 33 viewing seats. Gosford Race Club chief executive Mr James Heddo said it had taken 18 months to come up with a plan that the Club was happy with and that would improve the

its customer facilities. “By linking the public stand with our member stand we can offer an improved race day experience as well as implementing an improved function centre for weddings, conferences and other non-race day functions,” said Mr Heddo.

“We think it’s very important that we are able to provide these facilities which will improve our revenue and we particularly feel that there is an opportunity to increase our non-race day functions through an improved facility. “We are prepared to fund

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the entire development out of our own funds which have been generated through many years of astute financial management. “We are fortunate that we do have those funds available and it is part of an entire racecourse infrastructure masterplan

that we are hoping to complete within the next 12 to 18 months. “We were recently rezoned to have up to 14 separate non-race day events in our infield area which could include concerts, caravan and camping shows, food and wine festivals and similar type of events, so we think this development is part of a massive overhaul of the entire facility,” said Mr Heddo. The development application will remain on public exhibition until Wednesday, April 10. If more than five objections to the application are received, the application will be determined by Gosford Council, otherwise the development will go ahead. “We have only had positive feedback so far from this initiative and we don’t envisage any problems with going forward,” said Mr Heddo. Kaitlin Watts, 5 Apr 2013 Interviewees: Gary Chestnut, Gosford Council James Heddo, Gosford Race Club

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News Dog strategy adopted with the exception of four areas Page 4 - April 9, 2013 - Coast Community News

osford Council discussed the Dogs in Open Space Strategy at its meeting on Tuesday, April 2, and resolved that the Strategy be adopted, other than the recommendations for four dog exercise areas in the Gosford LGA.


The Strategy is based on research, site visits and consultations with the community including surveys, interviews in public places and meetings with interest groups undertaken from December 2011 through to April last year. According to the report to Gosford Council’s by director city services Mr Stephen Glen, the Strategy confirmed that dogs were extremely important to the community and there was general community support for the provision of dog off-leash exercise areas in parks and on beaches by dog owners and by people who did not own a dog. “There is also a desire however, for increased management of dogs in open

Council resolved that the off–leash exercise area at Umina Beach (Kiddies Corner) should remain in its current size and location, further environmental and risk assessments be undertaken for Copacabana - MacMasters Beach, Pippi Point, Illoura Reserve and Avoca Beach - North Avoca Beach off-leash exercise areas. Councillors spoke to a packed gallery of concerned dog owners dressed in red to support the Strategy. The Dogs in Open Spaces Strategy aims to guide Gosford Council and interest groups on the management of dogs in open spaces and the provision of off-leash dog exercise areas.

enforcement,” stated the report. Following the recent exhibition period, 411 written submissions and six petitions were received from individuals and organisations during the exhibition period. Many submissions gave reasons of the health benefits and social opportunities for dogs and their owners as reasons not to make changes to some of the off leash areas. Cr Gabby Bowles spoke to the gallery and said the issue was a “highly emotive” one. “It is difficult to find a balance and accommodate those in the community. “But I feel we have reached a decision which manages the needs of people and their feelings about dogs,” said Cr Bowles.

spaces (particularly in onleash areas and dog exclusion areas) and a desire for dog owners to pick up after their dogs and control their dogs in general,” stated the report. “The Strategy provides principles, strategies and specific recommendations relating to the provision for and management of dogs in open spaces. “A particular focus is placed on assessing the suitability of and guiding improvements to existing offleash dog exercise areas. “In addition, consideration is given to establishing enclosed off-leash dog exercise areas and directions are provided for dog exclusion and on leash areas, as well as public awareness and

Kaitlin Watts, 2 Apr 2013 Gosford Council Agenda CIT.13, 2 Apr 2013

The dog off leash areas to MacMasters Beach that will undergo further assessment

Council to borrow State Government reaffirms policy of no forced local government amalgamations $52 million osford Council has resolved to borrow $51.9 million to help fund existing infrastructure projects across the Local Government Area.


Projects included in the scheduled works include Maitland Bay Dr at Killcare Heights, Scenic Highway, Terrigal, North Burge Rd at Woy Woy, Saratoga Public Hall, Point Clare Public Hall and amenities at Tascott and Terrigal Lake. Funds will also cover upgrades to the region’s water and sewer treatment plants.

Greens Cr Hillary Morris put forward a Notice of Motion at the ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday, March 26, which expressed her concern at Mr Page’s previous statement that he would take the Better Stronger Local Government Case for Sustainable Change document to cabinet for approval despite the State Government promising before the 2011 election that


Part of the loan relating to road and building renewals is subsidised under the NSW Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS), which aims to provide a 4% interest subsidy to assist councils with infrastructure backlogs to cover the cost of borrowing. Email, 2 Apr 2013 Gosford Council Media

3 for $20

with Wyong Council. “Obviously we have learnt quite a lot from pervious forced council amalgamations that are quite geographically large, as is the case with Gosford and Wyong. “If we can work better together, that’s regionalisation and that’s why we must not have forced council amalgamation,” said Cr Doyle.

osford Council has unanimously agreed to write to the Minister for Local Government Mr Don Page and thank him for his recent statement reaffirming the State Government’s policy of no forced local government amalgamations.




there would be no forced amalgamations. Mr Page, however, reaffirmed the Liberals and Nationals policy of no forced amalgamations on Thursday, March 21, in the wake of “numerous erroneous claims and unwarranted concerns that the Government was planning forced amalgamations”. Ms Morris spoke to the


2 $




meeting and said any forced amalgamation was “really doomed to fail on a number of fronts”. “We already work quite collaboratively with Wyong Council and have a number of joint ventures,” said Ms Morris. Cr Craig Doyle expanded on Ms Morris’s sentiments and said Gosford Council currently had 96 joint ventures

Kaitlin Watts, 26 Mar 2013 Gosford Council Agenda NM.1, 26 Mar 2013 Media Release, 21 Mar 2013 Johnathon Porter, Office of Don Page MP




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Coast Community News - April 9, 2013 - Page 5

Online petition for Chinese detainee arara resident Ms Lisa Zhang has set up an online petition requesting help for her mother who is currently being detained in Beijing for her belief in Falun Gong.


The petition, which had 330 signatures at the time of press, requests help for the “immediate and unconditional release of Falun Gong practitioner Ms Fengying Zhang who is incarcerated in the Beijing Tiantang He Women’s Forced Labour Camp�. “After nearly two months of illegal detainment in the detention centre, on the morning of January 22, Zhang Fengying was secretly transferred to the number four division of Beijing Tiantang He Women’s Forced Labour Camp in Daxing District,� said Lisa. “In the forced labour camp, she is being deprived of sleep. “When my family visited her, she looked extremely exhausted and has lost a lot of weight. “However, when she is allowed to sleep, and only for a very short time, police force her to keep in one position and she is not allowed to turn around which has resulted in the right hand

side of her face becoming swollen. “In the daytime she is forced to sit on a child’s small stool and is not allowed any movement. “Mum’s physical condition is deteriorating due to the brutal torture in the labour camp. “Her blood pressure is getting abnormally high and she is suffering from abnormal uterine bleeding. “Mum is able to seek medical assistance outside of the forced labour camp, and we have applied for her a few times, but the police in charge is rejecting our application on the account that only by serving half of the time are we allowed to do that, which is obviously breaching the articles stipulated by the laws relevant to application for outside medical assistance. “Letters sent to mum and those sent to my family have been illegally concealed by the police and she is not allowed to make any phone calls to my family in Beijing.

Sewers on Avoca Dr to be upgraded otorists entering and leaving Avoca Beach via Avoca Dr are being advised to expect minor delays over the coming months.


Fengying Zhang

“On March 18, when my family visited her, she implied that she was being tortured by the police. “The visit was cut down to just 20 minutes and my family was chased out of the meeting room. “After the exposure of live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Government and its state-

owned large hospitals to make profits in organ transplant, mum is in an extremely dangerous situation. “This crime committed by the Chinese Communist Government is even more evil than the genocide of Jews by Hitler,� said Lisa. Email, 3 Apr 2013 Lisa Zhang, Narara

Gosford Council has started building part of a new $5.2 million sewer pipeline along Avoca Dr. One lane of Avoca Dr has been closed, between Hillside Rd and The Round Dr, to allow these works to be completed. A temporary eastbound lane is in place on Avoca Dr to allow traffic to enter Avoca. Westbound traffic leaving Avoca will be diverted off Avoca Dr at The Round Dr and detoured via Karani Ave and Hillside Rd before re-entering Avoca Dr at the corner of Hillside Rd and Avoca Dr. Warning signs will remain in place at all times and traffic controllers will be onsite during the day to help direct traffic in these areas. These temporary traffic measures and diversions

are expected to be in place until June. Further traffic measures will need to be implemented as works move along other parts of Avoca Dr. The new pipeline is part of the Council’s $30 million Coastal Carrier System Upgrade Project. The pipeline will be around 3km long and run from Ficus Ave, around Heazlett Park, along Avoca Dr, underneath the Scenic Highway and through Picketts Valley before linking up with the existing system. The works are expected to improve the operation of the existing system located in the vicinity of Avoca Lake and protect the community and environment against overflows and odours. Media Release, 5 Apr 2013 Nathan Slade, Gosford Council Water and Sewer

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Page 6 - April 9, 2013 - Coast Community News

Update on Council gains ownership of Hunter Park Council’s energy challenge G commitment osford Council has agreed to the transfer of Hunter Park at Avoca, from the Department of Planning and Infrastructure.

Hunter Park was acquired by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure in 1975 for the purpose of open space. Council was maintaining the area without a formal agreement for the management of the land. “Gosford City Council has significant public land assets in this area and

adjacent to the Park, and it is clear that the parkland forms an integral part of the proposed Avoca Beach Southern Foreshore Master Plan and the Avoca Beach precinct,” the director of corporate services Mr Nic Pasternatsky said in the report to Gosford Council. Gosford Council Agenda COR.21, 26 Mar 2013

osford Council is currently involved in the Do Something! 10% Challenge to reduce its fuel and energy use with nine projects completed and five currently underway.


The Do Something! 10% challenge aims to get those involved to reduce their emissions by 10% and recognise the need for a transition to a clean energy economy. Council adopted its Climate Change Mitigation Strategy in August last year with an emissions reduction target of 20% on 2009-10 levels by 2025. Implementation of the Climate Change Mitigation Strategy is underway. Council’s director water and sewer Mr Rod Williams’ report stated that greenhouse gas reduction and energy management was a major issue for Gosford Council in terms of corporate commitments, energy related operational costs and management of

assets. “This is being driven by increasing costs, new technologies and higher expectations from community and regulators. “The objective of the Climate Change Mitigation Strategy is to reduce Gosford Council’s greenhouse gas and assist the community to reduce its footprint in an achievable and sustainable manner. “Energy efficiency, demand management and renewable energy projects form the core of the strategy. “The adopted strategy is a reduction of 15,755 (20%) tonnes CO2-e from the 2009-2010 level,” said Mr Williams’ report. Gosford Council Agenda, WAT.12, 26 Mar 2013

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Coast Community News - April 9, 2013 - Page 7


Deborah O’Neill MP Member for Robertson

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HOW THIS HELPS YOUR BUSINESS What is this? The Federal Labor Government has increased the instant asset write-off threshold from $1,000 to $6,500 and simplified depreciation arrangements for small businesses. All small businesses can benefit from the new tax breaks.

How does this At tax time you will be able to write-off any eligible benefit my business asset you buy for your small business costing small business? less than $6,500. There is no limit to the number of assets costing less than $6,500 you can write-off, meaning less paperwork, and more cash in your pocket sooner.

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Assets (except buildings) that cost $6,500 or more can be depreciated in a single pool at a rate of 15% in the year of purchase and 30% in following years. If you buy a motor vehicle costing more than $6,500, you can immediately deduct the first $5,000 and depreciate the remainder at 15% in the year of purchase and 30% in following years.

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Last Year

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$3,000 (full value)

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How do I claim You can claim the instant asset write-off as a tax the instant asset deduction when you lodge your tax return. write off? What about assets that cost more than $6,500?

The new small business instant asset tax write-off means less paperwork and more cash in your pocket sooner.

Under the old arrangements you would have only been able to write off $450 in the first year. This is Labor’s way of making sure small local businesses get a fair share of Australia’s wealth.

TAX CUTS Small businesses operating as sole traders, partnerships or trusts are already benefitting directly from the Federal Labor Government’s personal income tax cuts effective from 1 July last year. As well as tax cuts for all taxpayers earning up to $80,000, the trebling of the tax free threshold from $6,000 to $18,200 will mean more money in peoples pockets, less paper work for small business, and better cash flow. This year, someone earning $80,000 a year will be paying $1,553 less in tax than when Labor came to office in 2007.

To find out more about these and other Federal Labor Government initiatives supporting small business call the Australian Tax Office on 13 28 66 or visit

Deborah O’Neill Authorised by Deborah O’Neill 91 Mann Street, Gosford

If I can assist you with any Federal Government matter, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 91 Mann Street, Gosford NSW 2250 PO Box 577 Gosford NSW 2250 Phone: 4322 1922 Fax: 4322 2066 Email: Deborah.O’


Page 8 - April 9, 2013 - Coast Community News

Council’s visions come at a cost read the editorial in the Express Advocate “Despair is in the air” (CCEA, April 3) with considerable disappointment and frustration.


We actually enjoy a fabulous lifestyle on the Central Coast and are fortunate to live in one of the best places on this planet, so why should we despair? Gosford City Council has indeed had many plans and visions over the last 25 years. One can only speculate what this has cost ratepayers; Council won’t tell us. Over the last 25 years, Council has done nothing to turn any of these expensive visions and plans into the reality of a revitalised CBD. In a democracy, the community is entitled to have a say about what happens on its land. Brad Hazzard, Minister for Planning said,

“communities should have a real say in setting the vision and future direction for their community”. There is no reason, other than petulance and a lack of commitment from councillors, why Gosford Waterfront will remain as it is, with the empty and deteriorating Iguana’s as its centrepiece. A short trip to two parks on the Gold Coast or a walk along the waterfront at Burleigh Heads will show what can be done with a little vision and creativity. Or, closer to home,

visit the waterfront at The Entrance, which hosted 25,000 people at the recent Country Music Festival. The CBD needs revitalisation on vacant land within the CBD. The waterfront could do with a makeover too, it’s not for sale. The message is simple; Council should get on with revitalising the CBD and upgrading the waterfront. If this organisation cannot do the job is was elected to do, it should get out of the way and make way for someone who can give the community what it wants and deserves. Email, 4 Apr 2013 Kevin Armstrong, West Gosford

Community democratic rights under threat greatly appreciate the scenic beauty of Gosford Waterfront but I am told that I am against progress.


I would like to see the Gosford Waterfront developed for open space recreation for all future generations but I am told I am a naysayer. I am against any rezoning of Gosford Waterfront land unless the specific proposed developments are first specified to the community, but I am told this view is negative. I do not want to give up my existing democratic rights to support or oppose future developments on the

Gosford Waterfront because the CCRDC’s new proposal for rezoning would nullify any future objections if the developments met the CCRDC proposed zoning requirements, but I am told I should not oppose change. I do not want to see the Gosford swimming pool relocated as I understand is

being discussed. I am told that I will be the only person that will submit an objection regarding the latest CCRDC proposal to Mr Malcolm MacDonald at the Department of Planning and Infrastructure, GPO Box 39 Sydney, stating that I oppose the latest CCRDC proposal that I understand will irrevocably overrule future community democratic rights. Am I alone? Letter, 22 Mar 2013 Cathy Moss, Gosford

Brisbane Water Residents Are you experiencing excessive home insurance increases? Has Flood Cover been declined for your home?

he thousands of Central Coast residents, who last year signed a petition that aimed to protect our beautiful waterfront and retain open space, might be surprised to learn that a new proposal has been advanced by the Central Coast Regional Development Corporation (CCRDC) with the support of Gosford Council.


However, this time there has been no fanfare or advertising - unlike last time when CCRDC used several full-page advertisements to promote their proposal. It would seem that this endeavour to rezone a substantial part of the Gosford waterfront for a range of developments is a well-kept secret that ensures there will be little public comment as the closing date was April 5. The exhibition time was quite short and interrupted by Easter. I have struggled to obtain all the information I felt I needed to make a submission; some has not been available the whole exhibition time All local people are

Letters to the editor should be sent to: Coast Community News PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 or See Page 2 for contribution conditions

entitled to have a say in decisions about how our community develops, especially when proposals concern rezoning and possible sale of prominent waterfront land. Why has there been so little publicity? Even with the limited

facts available, it is certain that this proposal has nothing to contribute to the revitalisation of Gosford CBD which is crying out for attention. The drive to establish a new precinct on the waterfront is ill-conceived and simply shifts the focus away from the CBD, creating competition to an already failing centre. Why not start looking at the CBD itself and getting more buildings there (on already vacant land) and thus more people in town? Leave the waterfront for open space and recreation for everyone to enjoy. Email, 3 Apr 2013 Carey Buls, Saratoga

Oval works better as wetlands would like to express my feelings at the thought that Gosford Council would allow two or three 27m high lighting towers anywhere near the Saratoga wetlands peninsula which is home to 14 listed wetlands birds such as the Bush Stone-curlew.


Three hours a night, three days a week and only in the winter months, doesn’t add up to $274,000. The ground is known as an oval, but in my opinion, [it] is a grassed, water

to your ankles in water, however, these conditions allow the ibis and wild duck to feed and are part of the wetlands. logged paddock where, in wet weather, you sink

Letter, 14 Mar 2013 J Church, Saratoga


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Coast Community News - April 9, 2013 - Page 9

Greens call for planning powers to return to Council he Central Coast Greens, while congratulating concerned citizens on their victory over last year’s proposal for development of the Gosford waterfront, have called on the Minister to abandon the SSS process and return planning powers to Gosford Council.


“Nearly a year after the Gosford community overwhelmingly rejected the Landing proposal, with its extensive alienation of public lands, blocking of public access to the water, destruction of heritage items and overdevelopment through high-rise residential finger-wharves, the Central Coast Regional Development Corporation (CCRDC) has quietly lodged its low-key, noplan response,� said Central Coast Greens representative Ms Kate da Costa. “Although the grand design has now shrunk to simply a rezoning application for the Gosford Public School site, the Gosford Wharf and the parklands, the State Government retains effective control, denying the community any say in proceedings. “Central Coast Greens are concerned that the CCRDC and Minister intend to enforce a spot rezoning through the use of a State Environment Planning Policy which will exist for only one day. “Where is the plan? “The community developed the Gosford Masterplan Challenge to guide the revitalisation of Gosford City. “The State Government took control over the Waterfront Precinct as a State Significant Site (now Site Significant Development) because it was such a large site. “The CCRDC has now exhibited a rezoning plan covering only 7.7 ha of land. “This is well within Council’s normal scale of business and planning powers should be returned to the local community. “Despite repeated assertions by representatives of the CCRDC that Gosford

Council is the consent authority, one of the documents making up the rezoning response is the SEPP Gosford Waterfront 2012 draft. “This small four page item redefines B5 and RE1 zones, which covers the wharf and parklands, sets height limits on the School site to 48m above sea level and will allow buildings normally banned in the RE1 recreation zone. “It will not be approved by Gosford Council, because SEPP documents are gazetted by the Minister. “Even more insultingly, this SEPP will exist for only one day, just to bring in a spot rezoning which the Council could do, but which the Minister will not risk giving back to Council in case the community demands it be stopped. “In 2012 the CCRDC took out full page advertorials extolling the wonders of its now defunct plan. “This time around they claim they cannot afford a single ad to tell the community that the exhibition of the rezoning documents ended on April 5, just after Easter. “Few Gosford residents are even aware that the new Landing, or waterfront project was on exhibition. “The CCRDC staff claim that only the Minister can allow an extension of time for exhibition and community comment. “The Central Coast Greens call on Minister Brad Hazzard to end this flawed planning process and start again, with Council as the true consent authority. “Failing that, he should act immediately to extend the exhibition by 30 days and provide enough funding for the CCRDC to take

out advertising in the local newspapers to alert citizens so they can make informed comments. “CCRDC spokesmen Rob Kitchen and Graeme Inchley have told concerned citizens that they are not providing a plan to guide the revitalisation project. “Instead, they are setting wide guidelines and hoping that the market will come up with a solution for Gosford. “Clearly their main aim is to sell off public lands as quickly as possible. “The failure of the market to have any interest in planning is the reason Gosford is in the state it is. “The market built Erina Fair and pulled all the shopping out of Gosford. “The market is based on profit. “It is the role of government, Council and State, to provide clear planning goals to support the make-over of Kibble Park and the plans for the new knowledge University and Library centre in the old Market Town building. “Gosford Council produced the Challenge document, which CCRDC has ignored. “They are just hoping the right kind of developer comes along. “The same logic applies to the CCRDC’s stealthy application to subdivide land at Mt Penang Parklands. “The Council and community have no idea what CCRDC is talking about with developers up at Kariong, but this gateway site is about to be sold off; there is no planning, only a land sale,� said Ms da Costa.

Council seeks grant to replace inefficient heating systems osford Council has identified a total of 22 hot water systems at 16 different community sites across the Gosford LGA in a top 18 priority ranking list for the installation of solar and heat pumps for hot water systems as part of Gosford Council’s Climate Change Mitigation Strategy.


Implementation of the Strategy is underway with projects designed to reduce Council’s emissions through energy efficiency, renewable energy and direct abatement technologies. According to Gosford Council’s report by director water and sewer Mr Rod Williams on Tuesday, March 26, one of the better opportunities identified in the Climate Change Mitigation Strategy was to replace electric hot water systems with solar and heat pump hot water systems. “The solar hot water opportunity was assessed as having a potential to reduce Council’s emissions by 469 t CO2-e per annum and deliver financial savings through reduced energy costs,� stated Mr Williams’ report. Gosford Council has agreed to apply for the maximum amount of funding available from the Local Government Energy Efficiency Program which was announced late

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last year by the Federal Government. The grant is for 60% of the capital cost to install solar and heat pump hot water systems on community facilities. A requirement of the Local Government Energy Efficiency Program is for Council to use local suppliers to undertake the installation works. The Program is a one off, non-competitive grant with all eligible applications to be approved. Gosford Council identified a total of 22 hot water systems at 16 different sites as appropriate for replacement using this grant. The maximum grant amount available is $61,000 with a required Council contribution of $40,667. Mr Williams’ report stated that this would allow for the replacement of 13 to 22 hot water systems depending on the actual cost of replacement. “The hot water systems

identified for replacement have been prioritised based on asset age (oldest first) and hot water usage (high usage first) to maximise cost savings to Council. “The Local Government Energy Efficiency Program provides a cost effective opportunity to replace old fossil fuel powered hot water systems with new low emissions hot water systems. “The Local Government Energy Efficiency Program is estimated to reduce energy costs by approximately $13,000 per annum. “The simple payback based on Council’s cash, project management and contingency contribution is 4.6 years. “The project will also reduce Council’s carbon footprint by 48 t CO2-e,� stated Mr Williams in his report to Council. Gosford Council Agenda, WAT.13, 26 Mar 2013


Media Release, 27 Mar 2013 Kate da Costa, Central Coast Greens



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Page 10 - April 9, 2013 - Coast Community News

Council recovers CDO investments uring the month of February, Gosford Council received a capital repayment on seven of its CDO investments following the out of court settlement of litigation involving the Lehman brothers.


In total, Council received $13.68m from its initial $12.8m investment on the CDOs. The seven CDOs comprised two Coolangatta, two Merimbula, one Endeavour, one Global Bank Note and one Miami. Endeavour had matured in August 2011 and was not included in the number of securities held. As at February 28, Council’s Investment Portfolio had a market valuation of $55,358,306 and a face value of $64,182,722. The face value of $64,182,722 was made up of $3,165,000 from the Coastal Open Space fund, $13,559,098 from the Combined Collections General Fund, $1,245,005 from Employee Entitlements, $5,294,270 from the Financial Strategy Projects Loan, $1,922,978 from the Financial Strategy Sinking Fund, $73,313 from the Gosford Foundation Trust, $12,428,337 from the Section 94 Contribution Plans, $2,564,569 from Security Deposits, $3,907,458 from the Somersby Industrial Estate, $52,826 from Unexpended Loans, $117,000 from the Trust Fund, $1,525,133 from the Property Development Reserve, $2,799,629 from the Combine

Collections Sewer Fund, $3,046,547 from the Sewer Contribution Plans, $2,647,578 from the Combined Collections water Fund and $9,833,981 from the Water Contribution Plans. Eleven of these were in the category of Restricted Assets and Reserves, totalling $39,829,321 while two were Unspent Loans with a value of $5,347,096 with the remaining three being Committed Funds and Unspent Grants with a value of $19,006,305. According to Gosford Council’s investment report of Tuesday, March 26, Council currently has a total investment market value of $55,358,306.24 which includes $24,193,013.54 of term deposits and $25,160,509.18 of cash accounts and 20 securities. Council’s total face value was at $64,182,722.06 which included $24,000,000 of term deposits and $25,160,509.18 of cash accounts. Council’s CDO, Capital Protected, FRN and Subordinated Debt and Senior Bond investments had a total market value of $6,004,783.52 and a total face value of $15,022,212.88. Council’s report by director corporate services Mr Nic Pasternatsky

also stated that when compared to the previous month, all of the 17 structured securities currently held, showed an increase in their market value. “The net market value increase for the period was $12,698,640, including the lump sum payout on the CDOs. “These investments were previously valued at close to zero due to the uncertainty in relation to the legal action. “The lump sum payout on the securities caused the portfolio’s performance to surge in February, effectively reversing several years of declining value in those investments in one month. “Without markedto-market influences, Council’s investment portfolio yielded 3.26 per cent per annum during the month. “Removing the effect of the CDOs mentioned above, Council’s portfolio yielded 4.51 per cent per annum during February. “Council’s investment strategy is continuously monitored in order to ensure that the investment returns achieved are maximised with minimum risk involved,” said Mr Pasternatsky’s report. Gosford Council Agenda, COR.20, 26 Mar 2013

Investments return graph as of February 28

Company selected for restoration in Somersby Holgate construction company has been selected for the supply and installation of approximately 300m of stormwater drainage pipes, construction of drainage pits, road restoration and associated works in Somersby.


Tenders for the Debenham Road Somersby Stormwater Drainage Works closed on March 12 and were assessed based on price, financial details, insurances, subcontractors, referees, previous experience, Workplace Health and Safety and environmental management.

Council’s report by director corporate services Mr Nic Pasternatsky said the tender from Delcare Constructions Pty Ltd presented the best value to Council. The company is currently undertaking road reconstruction in Gallipoli Ave, Blackwall, and has

completed numerous projects for Gosford Council including raised intersection treatment on Old Gosford Rd, Wamberal and The Bartizan Umina Beach Drainage Improvement Works. Gosford Council Agenda COR.19, 26 Mar 2013

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Coast Community News - April 9, 2013 - Page 11

Tender accepted for sewage pump upgrade

Erina studio to produce Doctor Who episodes

osford Council has accepted a tender from Saratoga’s Carey Constructions for the upgrade of a sewage pump station in Bundara Ave, Wamberal.


The upgrade is part of Gosford Council’s Sewage Pump Station Upgrade Program as part of its commitment to protect public health and the environment by improving the reliability, capacity and performance of the region’s sewer network. According to the report to Gosford Council by director water and sewer Mr Rod Williams, reliability of the station had decreased substantially with maintenance of the pumps and other equipment increasing. “Complete failure of the station would increase the risk of Dry Weather Sewage Overflows. “Under the operating licence for the Council, no Dry Weather Overflow is allowed and substantial penalties apply. “Upgrade works are also required to ensure the SPS meets the future sewer service needs for the catchment,”


stated Mr Williams’ report. The main components of works include the connection of a recently constructed sewage rising main, the establishment and maintenance of a temporary sewage bypass system, including preparation of a sewage bypass plan to be approved by the Superintendent prior to installation, the removal and replacement of all pumps, pipe work, valves and fittings, the construction of a new switchboard room and installation of new switchgear and control gear assembly and the application of protective coating system to all concrete surfaces within the wet well as well as commissioning works. The construction period is 20 weeks and the work is scheduled to commence this month. Gosford Council Agenda WAT.10, 26 Mar 2013

rina based animation house, Planet 55 Studios, has a raft of commissions from BBC Worldwide to produce animated Doctor Who episodes, recreating episodes lost from archives but now considered to be lost treasures by Doctor Who fans.


Doctor Who – The Reign of Terror episodes, produced by Austen Atkinson and his team, were released in February, completing a project which started in June 2011 and concludes with the 50th anniversary of the Doctor Who television series. Production of the Doctor Who episodes requires the reimagining of the process of animation from the ground up, with Austen taking the 2D animation process of yesteryear and bringing it into the 21st century. Planet 55 Studios’ animators, most of whom Austen recruited from the Central Coast, developed a totally new process of animation, combining existing technologies with innovative new ones, to create a process they called Thetamation. Planet 55 Studios has created its animation

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combined with a top secret colour palette and fivetone shading system called Sigmacolour. “We have developed a core team of creative people who are fuelling innovation and success allowing us to develop massive new brands and projects that will compete on the world stage,” said Mr Atkinson. Planet 55 Studios is currently producing the fourth episode called Doctor Who – The Tenth Planet. One of the holy grails of Doctor Who, recent previews of the work being completed now at Erina, produced rave reviews and excitement across the globe. The release of Doctor Who – The Tenth Planet is keenly anticipated and will be released in Quarter Four of 2013. Following the new studios’ success with an international brand like

Doctor Who, Australia’s own ABC Television has commissioned a new 26 part science fiction adventure series from Planet 55 titled Prisoner Zero which is coming to the end of its first development block. Mr Atkinson said the additional work meant that the studio would need to add to their work force and recruitment and training was very much on his mind. “We have some very talented young people here on the Central Coast and they are very inventive,” he said. “It’s one of the reasons I want to continue operating here, there’s a pent up demand for work of this kind. “My gang just love getting on with their work every day; who wouldn’t? “Offered freelance work, they get paid to draw spaceships and action heroes and can work

wherever they want. “They can sit on the beach and animate if they like, so long as they deliver the goods. “Can you animate? “Can you draw and want to learn to animate? “Then we are the guys for you.” Planet 55 Studios recruit through universities, high schools, youth connections and word of mouth. “We operate a really successful intern program and offer training opportunities to people that are not available anywhere else in Australia, simply because we do things no one else does,” Mr Atkinson said. “The enthusiasm of these young people is tremendous and the quality of work we are producing is so good that our partners have vested their trust in us to continue producing these high end products for them.” Magazine, Mar 2013 Edgar Adams, Central Coast Business Review

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Page 12 - April 9, 2013 - Coast Community News

Man flown to hospital with the bends

Garage sale to raise hospital funds urimbah Hospital Auxiliary will hold its annual garage sale on Saturday, April 20, at 22 Walker Rd, Wyoming.


“From 8am, you can be sure you will bag a bargain and will be supporting the hardworking Auxiliary members raise money for Gosford Hospital,� said Central Coast Health District

fundraising and donations manager Ms Jan Richens. “For over 60 years, this Auxiliary has been fundraising for the local hospital, assisting with the purchase of medical and

therapeutic equipment and items to benefit the local community.� Media Release, 22 Mar 2013 Jan Richens, Central Coast District Health

Free event to promote healthier living Sydney man was flown to hospital on Sunday, March 24, suffering a suspected case of the bends after he made two dives on the ex-HMAS Adelaide in Terrigal.


A CareFlight trauma team landed at a park near Terrigal Sailing Club to join ambulance and police teams who were caring for the man. The 42 year old, from inner city Redfern, told the CareFlight doctor he “made a second dive on the former

HMAS Adelaide three hours after making a rapid ascent from a dive 32 meters down the scuttled ship�. He said that when he surfaced from the second dive to 22 meters, he “felt a sudden onset of pain, similar to symptoms of the bends�.

He was then flown by CareFlight to the Prince of Wales Hospital at Randwick for further assessment by staff at the hyperbaric unit. Media Release, 27 Mar 2013 Ian Badham, CareFlight

Free Tai Chi classes to continue at Erina


osford City Library, in partnership with Energize365, will be offering free Tai Chi at the Erina Community Trust Hall from April 10.

The popularity of the free classes, which started in March, has seen them extended throughout April. Classes will run each on Wednesday April 10, 17 and 24, from 9am to 10am and be coordinated by instructor, Rita Hart-Smith.

Tai Chi features a series of slow, controlled movements or postures and acts as a means of stress management and exercise. The low impact stretching assists with common ailments including anxiety, arthritis, fatigue,

joint stiffness, stress and poor posture. Bookings are not essential and there is no cost to attend the class. Media Release, 4 Apr 2013 Gosford Council Media

ne Healthy Step at a Time, a community project that aims to make positive impacts on the health food choices of the community, will see a free event held at the Imperial Shopping Centre in Gosford on Saturday, April 13.


As the name of the project suggests, the theme of the event is all about taking a new step towards a healthier life. At the event, healthy refreshments will be on display for the community to enjoy with recipes available for all refreshments. “We welcome everyone to the event,� said One Healthy Step at a Time event organiser Mr Peter Gray.

“We will have a large array of healthy and amazingly tasty food on display, so come along and give your taste buds a work out. “The event will be held in the Imperial Shopping Centre at Centre Court and will run twice, once from 10am to 11:30am and then from 1pm to 2:30pm. “Different refreshments will be on display each time, so we hope to see you at

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he Red Cross Avoca Beach Club will hold its annual Charity Golf Day at Shelley Beach Golf Course on Monday, May 6.

Participants will help Red Cross improve the lives of vulnerable people as well as have a fun day of golf with food, drinks and entertainment. The golf day will be playing Ambrose in teams of four with a shotgun start and all teams must have

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Media Release, 27 Mar 2013 Peter Gray, One Healthy Step at a Time

Charity Golf Day at least one player with a handicap. There will be prizes for the winning individual, longest drive and nearest the pin. A raffle will also be held on the day to support the work of Red Cross with prizes to be won.

Serviced Copying & Printing Minimum Transaction $2

both. “The event is on the same day as the Gosford City Markets, so it will be a fantastic way to spend a Saturday morning by coming into Gosford and being a part of both events,� said Mr Gray.

Companies interested in becoming a Hole Sponsor are entitled to place a small banner on one of the holes, and have their business name on all the score cards. Numbers are limited so anyone interested should register by calling Maurie Davies on 0409 854 117 or Michael Hook 0418 457 185. Media Release, 5 Apr 2013 Bruce Wardley, Red Cross

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Education Lisarow students seek community assistance for wetland care

Coast Community News - April 9, 2013 - Page 13

Infrastructure improvements for the new Gosford PS osford Council has received an update regarding proposed infrastructure improvements associated with the relocation of Gosford Public School.


These improvements include road widening, retaining walls, curb and guttering, raised pedestrian crossings on both Faunce St and Batley St and the provision of 129 parking spaces in Faunce St. Upon completion of the construction plans, a tender will be issued to undertake the works. It is anticipated that the tender will be evaluated during April with the tender


recommendation to be brought to Council in May. Construction would then be expected to commence in June and extend until September-October 2013. The works along Faunce St between Racecourse Rd and Batley St including the pedestrian crossing in Batley St are estimated to cost in the order of $1.2 million. Council’s share of these works would be in the

vicinity of $550,000 with an allocation of $251,000 made in the 2012-13 CWP and an additional $350,000 identified in the 2013-2014 financial year. A further $300,000 is proposed to be allocated in the 2014-15 financial year for the additional works along Faunce St, east of Batley St. Gosford Council Agenda SF.2, 2 Apr 2013

Point Clare bows out of PSSA cricket

tudents from Point Clare Public School played students from Umina Public School at the PSSA Cricket Knockout held at McEvoy Oval on Thursday, March 18.

“It was an exciting and extremely close match,” said team coordinator Mr Steve Rayner. “Although the boys didn’t win, they were in with a chance right up to the last few overs of the match,” said Mr Rayner. After losing the toss and being sent into bat, Point Clare were all out for 48 runs. Mitchell Wood top scored with 17 runs, with Jack Hunter and Alex Shedden also contributing. “Mitchell Wood and Sam Lappan opened the bowling with such accuracy and speed that after their allowed three overs each, Umina was six wickets for

six runs,” said Mr Rayner. “It was a fantastic performance from both boys.” After 21 overs, Umina were nine wickets for 44 runs thanks to wickets by Jacob Lenton, George Parris and Nathan Kop. “With three overs to go, Umina, on nine wickets for 49 runs, had passed our total and won the match,” said Mr Rayner. “A special mention must go to Senjay Turner who did a fantastic job in the wicket keeping position. “Led outstandingly by Mitchell Wood, the boys played well as a team and I’m extremely proud of the way they represented our

school. “At the end of the game Mr Murphy from Umina Public School congratulated the boys on their sportsmanship and the positive attitude they had displayed throughout the match. “On behalf of the team I would like to thank Damien Hurd, a former Point Clare student, for his help at training sessions and for being our scorer on the day. “The support from our parents who provided shade, drinks and cheering was greatly appreciated,” said Mr Rayner. Newsletter, 26 Mar 2013 David Harris, Point Clare Public School

isarow High School is seeking volunteers from the community to join a Bushcare group to help look after the Lisarow Wetland.





assist the student volunteer groups and some Duke of Edinburgh award participants in various wetland activities. Gosford Council will also provide workshops in weed and waste management

with the aim to improve biodiversity and educational importance of local natural features. Newsletter, 2 Apr 2013 Michael Strappazzon, Lisarow High School

Wyoming PS opened to the community new Schools as Community Centres (SaCC) program has opened in the grounds of Wyoming Public School.


This program, which is funded by Families NSW and Department of Education and Communities, offers parenting programs, story time, music classes for toddlers and dads’ group. SaCC is for all families with children aged zero to eight years with the aim of enhancing the local community’s access to quality childcare and associated services through

effective management, community involvement and commitment to community services.

Email, 25 Mar 2013 Philippa Skipper, SaCC




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Page 14 - April 9, 2013 - Coast Community News

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Coast Community News - April 9, 2013 - Page 15

Primary school rugby sevens day held


Interschool Chess Challenge

he Primary School Rugby Sevens event was held at Sir Joseph Banks Oval in Bateau Bay on Wednesday, March 27, and was contested by eight teams from Central Coast schools.

This event is contested throughout NSW and open to all Year 5 and 6 primary school students in the State. The Central Coast event had teams from Green Point Christian College, Kariong Public School, St Mary’s Catholic Primary School at Toukley and Wyong Christian College participate. For many of the participants it was their first experience of rugby union, so the event provided an opportunity for the sport to showcase its Olympic pathway to the next

generation. Wyong Christian principal Mr Ian Liney said he was delighted with the way his boys went at the event as they eventually took out the Shield competition. Central Coast Referees CGB chair Mr Ron Nicholle said he was also impressed. “My grandson played for Green Point today at Sir Joseph Banks Oval and was very excited his school had won the final. “It was his first day of rugby so I am so impressed with the way the day went.” Green Point Christian

College capped off a great day when its One team took out the event with a 15-10 victory over St Mary’s One. This followed their win the previous year in the event which led them to become PS7 State Champions. Other winners on the day were Kariong Public School for the Plate competition and St Mary’s Catholic Primary School for the Bowl competition. Media Release, 27 Mar 2013 Michael Magriplis, Australian Rugby Union

Former student talks about political campaign tage three students from St Philips Christian College were visited by Liberal candidate for Robertson Ms Lucy Wicks on Tuesday, April 26.


Ms Wicks spoke about how a political campaign is conducted and why she was running in the Federal election. The visit was part of the government unit stage currently being studied by the three students in Human Society and Environment. “The children were interested to hear what Mrs Wicks was doing to get to know the local citizens and also what she is hoping to achieve in the seat of Robertson if she is elected,” said middle school teacher Ms Jenny Batt.

“Some students had questions for her and Mrs Wicks was impressed with their knowledge of Government. “Mrs Wicks is a past student of our College and

a previous school captain,” said Ms Batt. Newsletter, 28 Mar 2013 Michelle Kelly, St Philips Christian College

number of St Philips Christian College students from Year 3 to Year 8 participated in the Interschool Chess Challenge on Monday, March 18, at Maitland Grossman High School.


“Our College representatives were really put to the test as they competed against others who were far older than we were,” said head of middle school Mr Stephen Babbage. “Our students were clearly up for the challenge; they played well, represented our College with excellence and refused to give in. “The seven games were very useful practice for our students and were a great opportunity to learn about what chess is like at a competition level. “The main aim of the day was not to win, (although winning was certainly nice and a welcome feeling) but to play some games and get our feet wet ready for the Hunter Region Independent School Chess Tournament to be held later this year. “We have already started the process of training after the event with a visit from chess master, Bevan Clouster, who coached us in the importance of developing our pieces early,” said Mr Babbage. Newsletter, 22 Mar 2013 Michelle Kelly, St Philips Christian College

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Out & About

Page 16 - April 9, 2013 - Coast Community News

Gosford ANZAC service arrangements osford RSL Sub Branch will hold its annual ANZAC Day service and dawn service at Gosford Cenotaph on Thursday, April 25.


The dawn service will begin at 6am following a short march, which will commence at 5:45am from near the Gosford Police Station, along Mann St to the Cenotaph. Members from the Air Force Cadets will participate in this service. The parade for the main service will form at 10:15am at the Gosford Library end of Donnison St and will march off at 10:30am.

Melbourne Ballet Company to perform in Wyoming he Laycock St Community Theatre will host the Melbourne Ballet Company for a performance on Friday, April 12, and Saturday, April 13.


The company will present Infinite Space, which takes audiences on a choreographic journey through four original works including, In One Day, Dark Before Daylight, Phrased Without Word and the company’s signature piece, Infinite Space. Gosford Council’s acting manager arts and entertainment Mr Alan Flores said it was an honour to have a world class ballet

company performing at the Laycock St Community Theatre. “The Melbourne Ballet Company has grown into one of Australia’s most loved and regarded dance companies and consists of a team of highly experienced classical dancers who consistently deliver breathtaking performances. “Infinite Space is a classic masterpiece reinterpreted to be relevant and inspiring for

both modern and loyal ballet audiences. “We are delighted to be bringing a show of this calibre to Gosford City and are encouraging people to purchase their tickets early to ensure they don’t miss out on this great opportunity,” Mr Flores said. Media Release, 4 Apr 2013 Gosford Council Media

The march will proceed along Mann St to the Cenotaph with the service to begin at 11am. Vintage cars are being made available for veterans who are unable to march. The parade will be led by Sub Branch president Mr Greg Mawson and the three 2012 Kokoda Trek recipients Ms Laine Edwards, Ms Shelby Baker and Mr Eithan Clifford. Volunteer badge sellers

will once again be selling badges around the Gosford area. Sales from these badges contribute to the welfare of Veterans and ex-Service men and women and serving members of the Defence force. Media Release, 15 Mar 2013 Jacquie Miller, Gosford RSL

Historical Society open day he Brisbane Water Historical Society will hold an open day on Tuesday, April 16, from 11am to 2pm as part of the celebrations of Community Milestones, the 2013 National Trust Heritage Festival.


The open day will be held at the Society’s grounds in Henry Kendall St, West Gosford, with the theme, Brisbane Water Railways. An exhibition of local artifacts, images and stories of steam-to-electrification will be on display. Refreshments will be

provided for a gold coin donation and a special guest speaker from the Australian Railway Historical Society (NSW) will be there on the day. The exhibition will be on display during normal opening days on Wednesdays, Saturdays

and Sundays from 10am to 3pm following the event. With inquiries, phone Margaret Pearce 4384 3271. Media Release, 1 Apr 2013 Margaret Pearce, Brisbane Water Historical Society

Where do you get it? Following is a list of all good outlets where you can get your free copy of Coast Community News Avoca Avoca Cinema Avoca Hotel Avoca Shops Avoca Surf Club Avoca Primary School Bottle Shop Service Station Sul Rondo Café Bensville Bensville Shops Coast Christian School Central Mangrove Memorial Golf Club Copacabana Copacabana Shops Kiosk East Gosford East Gosford Cafes East Gosford Hotel East Gosford Olympic Pool East Gosford Shopping Centre Gosford Regional Gallery Gosford Sailing Club St Edward College High School St Josephs Girls College High School Erina Bob Jane Central Coast Adventist School Central Coast Grammar School Dulux Erina Fair Library Erina Leagues Club Erina Mall Fitness 2000 Fountain Plaza Jacks Bar and Grill McDonalds Organic Plus

Red Rooster Shell Service Station Singos Meats Tarragal Glen Village The Bungalows Woodport Inn Woodport Retirement village Forresters Beach Retirement village

Monti’s Officeworks Public School RSL Retirement Village and Community Centre Spotlight Tourism Information Centre West Gosford RSL

Kariong Central Coast Regional Development Corporation Green Point Chemist Aldi Kariong Cafe Broadlands Kariong Liquor Store Green Point Christian Kariong Neighbourhood College Centre Green Point Community Kariong Supermarkets Centre Kariong Tavern Green Point Village Langford Drive Service Mr Catering-Greenway cafe Station Mt Penang Tourist Gosford information Centre Anaconda Shell Service Station Bite Me Take Away Caltex Service Centre Kincumber Central Coast Leagues Brentwood Village Club Holy Cross Catholic Primary CRS Australia School Ducks Crossing Kincumber High School Publications Kincumber Hotel Duttons Tavern Kincumber Library Gateway Takeaway Kincumber Nautical Village Gosford Bowls Club Kincumber Primary School Gosford Court House Kincumber Shopping Gosford High School Centre Gosford Hospital Mitre 10 Gosford Hotel Multi Purpose Community Gosford Library Centre Gosford Police Shell Service Station Headquarters South Kincumber Shops Gosford Senior Citizen Take away Food Outlets Centre Gosford Showground Kulnura Gosford Tafe General Store Gosford Uniting Church Imperial Centre Laguna Little Bottler General Store

Lisarow B.J Howes Metal land Lisarow High School Lisarow Plaza Shopping Centre Narara Narara Community Centre Narara Service Station Parsons Rd Narara Valley Nursery Narara Valley shops Narara Take Away Narara Home Central Service Station - Manns Rd/Merinee Rd Niagara Park Multi Sports Centre Niagara Park Community Centre Niagara Park Library Niagara Park Primary School Niagara Park Shopping Centre Sara Lee Niagara Park Tavern Jenny Gee School Wear North Gosford Hinterland Real Estate Network Video North Gosford Private Hospital North Gosford Shops Mangrove General Store Peats Ridge Corrugate Café Point Clare Aldi Acorn Garden Centre

Aubrey Downer Chemist Fairhaven Services Meat Discounter Liquor Shop Point Clare Community Hall Point Clare Real Estate Point Clare Shopping Centre Point Clare Thai Takeaway

West Gosford Bakery - Manns Rd Bazzas Pet Shack Beacon Lighting Blockbuster Bunning Warehouse Caltex Service Station Chemist Clearview Glass Coles Saratoga/Yattalunga/ Crazystu Electronics Davistown Davo’s Seafood Alloura Waters Village Domain Davistown Bottle Shop Drummond Golf Davistown RSL Formulae 1 Motel Saratoga Shopping Centre/ Golf Club Cafe/Newsagent Gosford Carpet Warehouse Saratoga Community Hall Gosford Motor Inn Saratoga Shell Service Gosford Palms Motor Inn Station Gosford Tools Yattalunga Shopping Centre Hungry Jacks Husqvarna Somersby Indoor Sports Centre General Store JB Tyre & Auto KFC Spencer Lin Brothers General Store Master Builders McDonalds Springfield Metro Service Station Ozone Express Michel’s Patisserie Springfield Shopping Mobil Service Station Centre Newsagent Red Rooster Tascott Settlers Tavern Convenience Store Subway Supercheap auto Terrigal West Gosford Motel Surf Club West Gosford Tavern Hotel Rugby Club Library Zanziba Cafe Bowling Club Crowne Plaza Wollombi High School General Store Wamberal Country Club

Woy Woy Peninsula Leisure Centre

Peninsula Community Centre Cempbells Home Hardware Wyoming Adelene Village Aldi BP Service Station Brisbane Water Legacy Nursing Chapmans Fruit Shop Community Centre Fitness Centre Wyoming Grange Hotel Henry Kendall Village Image Motorcycles J&B Noodle Bar KFC Laycock St Theatre McDonalds Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School Recreational Car Accessories Ten Pin Bowling Westpac Bank-City gate Willows Hotel Woolworths Service Station Wyoming Caravan Park Wyoming Medical Centre Wyoming Public School Wyoming Shopping Village Wyoming Shops corner of Maidens Brush Rd and Warrawilla Wyoming Youth Centre

Call 4325 7369 if you would like to be added to this list.

Coast Community News - April 9, 2013 - Page 17

Menhir Spanish Tapas is a Modern Restaurant specialized in Spanish Cuisine. Our kitchen delivers the best and freshest food with top quality local and imported ingredients all made & baked in house from the scratch. Our menu is constantly evolving to ensure that only the best and seasonal produce is used. You can choose to enjoy a traditional entree, main course and dessert dinner or indulge in our sharing platters between friends or family. Our bar area features over 100 different wines from all over the world starting from just $25 a bottle as well holding one of the biggest and more rare collection of spirits that focuses on premium gins, vodkas, single malts, whiskies and unique spirits. We also deliver the best breakfast in town so don’t miss out on our Flamenco Eggs cook to order on our Spanish Oven Bake Clay Dishes and Lavazza Coffee, freshly baked goodies & deliciously nutritious fresh squeezed juices. Open For breakfast every Saturday & Sunday Morning. Our unique decor and location is perfect for corporate functions, weddings, birthday parties and romantic dinners. Take advantage of our Specials: Tuesday & Thursday $20: Choose between our “Paella of the Day” Or our Fresh Hot & Cold Seafood Special Thursday it’s Cocktail Night. Enjoy any Classic Cocktail for just $10. Friday & Saturday Night at the Bar choose from a range of tapas & cocktails just for $9. Like US on Facebook to keep up to date with events & specials. Up Coming Events: * Big Paella Cook Live at the Central Coast Italian Festival * Jazz & Wine Dinner * Spanish Film Festival * Cigar, Bubbles, Cognac & Art

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Page 18 - April 9, 2013 - Coast Community News

Not for Profit Organisations Directory Art

safety and small business opportunities. Point Clare Community Hall - 2nd Thurs Bi Monthly. 0411 266 325

Central Coast Art Society Lectures, demonstrations and discussion. Weekly paint-outs Computer Groups Tuesdays 4349 5860 for AACC Computer locations Club Inc. Workshops - 4363 1820 9.30am - 12.30pm 1st and Help with Computing 3rd Wed Social Meetings problems - Program demos 1.30pm 4th Wed Gosford + Q&A sessions. Monthly City Arts Centre. meetings held from Feb to 4325 1420 Nov 2nd Wed Windows 7 to 10pm Narara Valley H S, Fountains Rd, Narara Community Groups 4th Thurs Social + ABC - “The Friends” Windows 12.15 – 3.15pm Support group for Public East Gosford Progress Broadcaster. Hall, Webb Rd Aims. safeguard ABC’s 4362 1918 or 4324 2740 independence, funding, & standards. Meetings through the year + social Seniors Computer afternoons Club Central Coast Well-known guest speakers Inc. 4341 5170 Beginners class PC or Mac Mon or Tues. Classes Mon Central Coast to Fri for most programs – Lapidary Club Inc. see website. 10am – 12md Learn silverwork, or 1pm - 3pm Kincumber Cabochons, Faceting, & District Neighbourhood Enamelling, Stone Centre. Mthly Meetings, Tumbling and Polishing Guest Speaker at Fieldtrips and fossicking Kincumber Hotel 1st Mon Weekly Workshops Tue, 4369 2530 Thur & Sat 9 - 2.30pm Thur 7 - 10pm Health Groups 4362 2246 Alcoholics Anonymous Gosford Politics in he If you want to drink, Pub that’s your business. Come and solve the If you want to stop, problems of the world over that’s our business. a friendly drink and a bite to Meet every Sat - Progress eat. Guest speakers. Hall Ronald Ave, First Thurs 6pm Dutton’s Wyoming 8pm Tavern 161 Mann St, 4323 3890 Gosford 0438 363 108 Asbestos Diseases Found. of Aust. Rotary Club of Central Coast Asbestos Kariong/Somersby Diseases Support International service Provide info, advocacy, club improves lives of safe environment, a communities in Australia positive atmosphere and and overseas. Fun-filled humour. Ourimbah RSL 4th activities, fellowship and Wed friendship breakfasts. 4344 4489 Phillip House, 21 Old Mount Penang Rd (opp Dying with Dignity Shell) - Fri 7:15am 4340 NSW, Central Coast 4529 Working to give those suffering unrelievedly from terminal or incurable illness Wyoming Community the legal right to request & Centre receive medical help to die Programs and activities Quarterly Meetings incl. Tai Chi, Yoga, Zumba, 4369 8053 Blokes Breakfast’s, Community Markets, Out Meals on Wheels of School Hours Care, Play Delivered meals and Group 4323 7483 flexible food options for people with a functional disability Kincumber 4382 9401 Neighbourhood Centre Central Coast • Personal development Prostate Cancer • Community Garden Support Group • Counselling (Gosford) • Meditation Meet last Frid Terrigal • Support and friendship Uniting Church 9.30am to Groups 12 noon • Music and Movement for 4367 9600 under 5 • Rooms for hire History Groups 4363 1044 Brisbane Water Historical Society Koolewong, Point • Coach tours • School Clare & Tascott educational tours • Annual Progress Association Street Stalls • Participation Aims to provide resources in History Heritage Week for communication. Celebration Margaret Special guests, community Pearce involvement, heritage, 4325 2270 diversity, education,

Fellowship of First Fleeters Central Coast For anyone interested in early history or early family histories. Don’t need to be a First Fleeter. Wyong RSL Club 2nd Sat 10:30am 4323 1849 Central Coast Family History Society Inc. All the resources, information and advice needed to study your family’s history available. 8 Russell Drysdale St, East Gosford. 1st Sat 1pm Lions Community Hall E Gosford 4324 5164

Music Central Coast Concert Band Every Tues 7:15 - 9:30pm Community playouts with four concerts a year at Laycock St Theatre. 0407 894 560 or 0411 272 640 Soundwaves Men’s acapella 4 part harmony chorus - for all ages, all welcome 7:00pm Mon Central Coast Leagues Club 0405 030 945

Spirit of the Coast singers Small A Cappella Vocal Ensemble. All welcome Every Wed 7.15 - 9.30pm. Central Coast Leagues Club 0400 801 554 or 0412 820 484

Political Party Central Coast Greens Branch of Greens NSW, active regarding ecological sustainability, social and economic justice, peace and non-violence, grassroots democracy and getting elected 3rd Thur

Probus Clubs All Probus clubs have interesting guest speakers, friendly atmosphere, make new friends, fellowship. intellectual stimulus, and social activities. Probus Club of Avoca 10am 3rd Mon Avoca Beach Bowling Club 4368 6157 4384 3741 Probus Club of Brisbane Water (Gosford) 1st Wed 10am - Legacy House, Opp Gosford Swimming Centre 4365 0044 Probus Club Erina 10:30am 2nd Tues Tarragal Glen Country Club, 110 Karalta Rd, Erina 4360 1441 Probus Club Nth Gosford 4th Tues Central Coast Leagues Club 10am 4329 0766

Ourimbah combined Probus Club Mthly meetings 1st Wed 10am Niagara Park Community Centre 4332 1538 www.probussouthpacific. org/pcourimbah

Terrigal Ladies Probus Club Rotary Hall, Duffy’s Rd Terrigal - 1st Mon 1.30pm 4385 3395 Probus Club West Gosford 2nd Thur Narara Community Centre, 2 Pandala Rd Narara 10am 4362 7227

Public Speaking Develop confidence by improving your speaking skills. Meetings are entertaining and educational. Coastal Communicators Toastmasters Club 1st and 3rd Sats Avoca Beach Bowling Club 10.15am. 4341 6842

Blue Gum Flat Toastmasters Mthly meetings 1st and 3rd Mon 7.30-9.30pm Ourimbah RSL 4362 7227 Brisbane Waters Breakfast Toastmasters Club 8:30am-10:30am 2nd and Last Sat each month - The Hive and Library Erina Shopping Centre 0459 240 183

Pandala Rd Narara - 8pm 4340 5157 Central Coast Handweavers, Spinners and Textile Arts Guild Spinning and weaving, patchwork and quilting, felting and other fibre and fabric crafts, community quiting bees - Day and Night Groups 4325 4743

Central Coast Campus Friends Inc Post school learning, advocacy, dinners, discussions, speakers, awards, newsletters and special projects 4324 0023

Country Women’s Association (CWA) Quilting, spinning, knitting, Crochet and more Every Fri, Terrigal Bowling Club 4385 9503 4384 3696 Gosford RSL Ladies Indoor Bowls Social indoor bowls Frid 10am - 2pm RSL Club 4344 5812 0412 773 441 Gosford RSLSubbranch Women’s Auxiliary Raise money for the welfare of veterans and their families. RSL Club West Gosford 4th Mon 2pm 4323 7336

Gosford Business Improvement District Aims to make Gosford a safer, cleaner, commercially vibrant, attractive regional city through regular festivals and events, mthly markets, beautification and business retention projects. Markets 2nd Sat & seasonal events throughout the year. 200 Mann St Gosford 4322 7726

Inner Wheel Club of Gosford North Women making a difference with friendship, personal service and international understanding. Social activities combined with fund raising for local, national and international projects. 2nd Wed 7pm Phillip House Kariong

4324 7176

Indoor Bowls Mixed Social Central Coast Leagues Club - Come learn this friendy game for all ages! 5 sessions weekly 4363 2360 43686811

Inner Wheel Club of Terrigal Share friendship, social activities as well as fundraising for local, national and international projects. 2nd Tues, 7pm Terrigal Rotary Hall, Duffy Road Terrigal 4384 1553

Matcham Garden Club Monthly Meetings and Garden Visits with speakers and discussions Diggers@ Soroptimist relating to rare and unusual The Entrance International plants. Toastmasters SI is a dynamic New comers welcome Convenient daytime organisation for Every 2nd Thur meetings 2nd and 4th professional and business 12noon to 2.30pm Mondays 10.30am to women, through advocacy, 4361 6292 12.30pm awareness and action. 2nd 4365 2751 Travel Thur 6:45pm - Breakers Country Club, Dover Rd A travel club with a Gosford City Wamberal difference! Toastmasters Travel in small groups and 2nd & 4th Thurs, Gosford 4367 6331 stay with friends in 370 Bowling Club 4340 1929 clubs around the world. Kincumber View Club We in turn host small For ladies looking for a groups from other Special Interest place to make friends. Friendship Force clubs. Central Coast 4399 3625 4388 9435 Interesting speakers, lunch, Amateur Radio Club bus trips, movie days and Join the world wide home functions. 4th Tues hobby of Amatuer Radio? Women’s Groups Davistown RSL Club 11am Dandaloo St, Kariong Girl Guides 4369 7363 Saturdays 11am to 4pm Women 18 + needed for 4340 2500 leadership & admin roles. Terrigal View Club Make a contribution to the Luncheon meeting young women of tomorrow, followed by a guest CCLC Bridge Club share your skills and make speaker 1st Wed, Also Duplicate Bridge-partner new friends. No previous outings and functions not required for most experience required, full mthly. Breakers Club Dover sessions. See www. training available. Rd Wamberal 4328 3247 4358 5500 Central Coast Leagues Club 12.30pm Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri Sat 1.30pm Wed 7.15pm Mon 4323 3456

Australasian Native Orchid Society Cultivation and conservation of Aust Native Orchids. 2nd Wed, Narara Community Centre, 2

If you would like your Community Organisation listed here, see html for the forms or contact COAST Community News on 4325 7369

Coast Community News - April 9, 2013 - Page 19

Out & About

Four Seasons Film and Art Night - Autumn he Kariong Eco Garden will hold its third Four Seasons Film and Art Night - Autumn, with the Central Coast Arts Barn and the Community Environment Network, at the Kariong Eco Arts Hub on Saturday, April 13, from 6pm to 9pm.


The event will commence with a performance of Autumn from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Concerto, played by the Senior Strings Ensemble from the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music. Gavi Duncan will then tell stories around a small fire and play the didgeridoo before a showing of Bimblebox, about the frontlines of Australia’s battle against coal and gas expansion. An Art Show from

students at the Kariong Mountains High School will be in the Arts Barn and the Community Environment Network will present talks on their projects, Climate Change and the work of the Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre. Bag It, a documentary on society’s dependence on plastic will then be shown at 8pm. Also showing in the garden will be Dirtgirlworld, as seen on ABC TV. Entry to the event is

free and refreshments will be available thanks to the Kariong Scouts. The final performance, Winter, will be held on June 1 with similar programs and will coincide with the Footprint Festival held from 3pm to 6pm which will include workshops on art, crafts, and food demonstrations. Media Release, 4 Apr 2013 John Wiggin, Kariong Eco Garden

Wide musical variety on Kincumba Mountain he next Brackets and Jam event will be held on Friday, April 19, on Kincumba Mountain and will feature Raymond Mizzi, Shane Shepherd, Genevieve Little with Adrian Kyneur and Jacob Pearon Band.


The Gosford Diary For events in post code areas 2250, 2260 and 2251 If you’ve got something happening in Gosford LGA area over the next few weeks, let us know about it and we’ll list it here for you, for free. Contact details are on page 2.

Tuesday April 9 Solace meeting, Central Coast Leagues Club, 2pm4pm Bush Stone-Curlew census activity, Davistown Progress Hall, 5:30pm

Wednesday April 10 Central Coast Potters Society committee meeting, 6:30pm, East Gosford Member for Gosford Chris Holstein community meeting, Mooney Mooney Old School Hall, 9:30am Member for Gosford Chris Holstein community meeting, Peats RidgeMangrove Mountain Golf Club, 11:30am Youth Week Basketball Competition, Wyoming Youth Centre, 3:30pm5:30pm Youth Arts Forum, Gosford Regional Arts Gallery, East Gosford, 6pm-8pm Tai Chi class, Erina Community Trust Hall, 9am, free

Thursday April 11 Grants workshop, Neighbourhood 9am-12pm Member for

Writing Kariong Centre, Gosford

Chris Holstein community meeting, Kulnura Hall, 9am Member for Gosford Chris Holstein community meeting, Mangrove Mountain Hall, 10:30am Member for Gosford Chris Holstein community meeting, Spencer Fire Station, 12:30pm Youth Week Rising Stars Mixed Martial Arts event, The Hub, Erina, 4pm-6pm Youth Week Basketball Competition, Wyoming Youth Centre, 3:30pm5:30pm

Friday April 12 The Metrodome, Youth Arts Warehouse Premier Ensemble Showcase, Anglican Church, Gosford, 7pm Youth Week Basketball Competition, Wyoming Youth Centre, 3:30pm5:30pm KDCAT Band Night, Kincumber Youth Centre, 7:30pm-10:30pm Film Global, The Hub, Erina Fair, 6pm-9pm Melbourne Ballet Company’s infinite Space, Laycock St Community

Saturday April 13 4 Seasons Film and Art Night, Kariong Eco Garden,

6-9pm Fellowship of First Fleeters Central Coast meeting, Evergreen Life Care, West Gosford, 10:30am Melbourne Ballet Company’s infinite Space, Laycock St Community Central Coast Bush Dance and Music Association Jane Austen Theme Night, East Gosford Progress Hall, 7:30pm Doggie Funday, Gosford Dog Paws, Pateman Rd, Erina, 10am-3pm One Healthy Step at a Time, Imperial Centre, Gosford, 10am-11:30am and 1pm-2:30pm, free

Raymond Mizzi is a singersongwriter and covers originals in an eclectic mix of jazz, rock and classical. His style swings from Jeff Buckley to Jack Johnson, Cold Chisel to Bob Marley. Shane Shepherd is quickly building a reputation on the Coast as a folk song writer who writes catchy melodies that you just have to tap your feet to. His music is often described as naturistic and socially topical and, although Shane has been involved in music since the age of eight, he only began performing solo late in 2011. With the use of instruments such as vocals, acoustic guitar, mandolin, harmonica and ukulele, Shane’s music is interesting and intriguing to listen to. As a singer, Shane has learnt and gained much confidence through

numerous local open mic events and is also the front man of the Central Coast’s very own hard core folk band, The Chiefs. Genevieve Little with Adrian Kyneur have performed regularly both nationally and internationally for a number of years. Little has been challenging the strengths of her songwriting by diversifying her experiences and exposure to audiences across the globe. In 2007 she completed a world tour through North America and Europe, performing in venues across 10 different countries including New York’s infamous Crash Mansion and The Bitter End, and Paris’s Australian Embassy. Upon return and through 2008 Little embarked on a National Australian tour supporting Mushroom Music’s Blanche DuBois

through Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart and Adelaide, and many smaller scale tours. Jacob Pearson, with his indie – pop - soft rock blend with subtle lashings of Folk, will perform as the final act on the night. Pearson had success with his debut EP Crumbs of the Rendezvous in 2011, selling 10,000 copies throughout Australia, the UK and USA. He shared stages with some notable names, including the likes of Richard Clapton, Rai Thistlethwayte, Israel Cannan and Gossling. Now one year on, Pearson presents Places We Know, his second EP release in a flourishing repertoire of musical eminence, set to be just as alluring and affective as it is predominant. Media Release, 8 Apr 2013 Noel Plummer, Brackets and Jam

Sunday April 14 Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, The Rhythm Hut, 4pm-6pm

Monday April 15 Kids Holiday Musical Fiesta, The Rhythm Hut, 10:30am-12pm WilderQuest Waterbugs Detective activity, Brisbane Water National Park, 9am-11am

Tuesday April 16 Brisbane Water Historical Society Open Day, Henry Kendall St, West Gosford, 11am-2pm

See the Peninsula News for events in post code areas 2256 & 2257 and the Wyong Regional Chronicle for events in post code areas 2258, 2259, 2261, 2262 & 2263

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Coast Community News - April 9, 2013 - Page 21

Local athletes receive sponsorship

Alegria V in the lead in ocean yacht race ompetitors are making slow progress in the 39th Hempel Gosford to Lord Howe Island Yacht Race which began on Saturday, April 6.


The fleet is starting to spread out as tacticians try to thread their way through the light and variable breezes. As of 7:30pm Sunday morning, Alegria V had moved into the lead for Line Honours, while Southern Excellence II was headed south looking to pick up a southerly airstream. Both had covered around

100 miles of the 416nm race distance and averaged a little over 5.5 knots, but were well apart on the racetrack. A high pressure system was dominating the NSW East Coast and will continue to do so for the next two to three days, making for a long and tedious slog across the southern Tasman sea. The overall placings for IRC have been changing

hour by hour but one constant in the mix has been Roger Hickman’s Wild Rose. Hicko has maintained a top three position since the turning mark at Terrigal and currently leads the race from Alegria V and Rob Reynold’s DK46 Exile. Website, 7 Apr 2013 Gosford Sailing Club

McGlinchey receives Damien Brown Medal he inaugural Central Coast Men of Football



Damien Brown Medal was awarded to Mariners player Michael McGlinchey on Saturday, March 30, at the Central Coast Leagues Club


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following the final A-League game of the season. Over 300 hundred Men of Football members had voted weekly during the 2012-13 A-League season for their choice of Mariners Player of the Match and McGlinchey finished well ahead of second placed Daniel McBreen with Trent Sainsbury a close third. Former Mariners favourite, and current youth development officer, Damien Brown, presented the Medal to McGlinchey before a boisterous crowd. The Damien Brown Medal was named following a vote by all Men of Football members who were asked to nominate a suitable Central Coast football identity who deserved recognition for services to the local game.

ighteen athletes, 12 of which live in the Gosford LGA, were announced as recipients of the Donnica Clarke Foundation sporting scholarship at a function in Mingara on Wednesday, March 27.


Kevin Moore and Jamie Carr were selected in athletics while Riley Mackay was selected in barefoot skiing, Joshua Barty in Australia rules, Joshua English and Jai Opetaia in boxing, Alexandra Fitch in snowboarding and Jai McNamara and Brittany Tait in water polo. Jack Moyes and Jack Waddell were selected in surf lifesaving while Timothy Schofield was

selected in royal lifesaving (pool rescue) and surf lifesaving, Travis Smedley in cycling, Zac Stolz in golf, Riley Fitzsimmons in surf lifesaving and kayaking, Nicola McDermott in athletics (high jump), Jake O’Brien in surf lifesaving and OZTAG and Victoria Pendergast in paralympic snow sports and surf lifesaving. This year’s scholarships took the total to 74 annual

scholarships awarded over the past five years. This totalled $115,500 in payments to 41 Central Coast athletes from 22 different sports during the period since the Foundation commenced. The Foundation’s major Gala dinner fundraiser will be held on Saturday, August 3, at Mingara. Media Release, 2 Apr 2013 Garry Mensforth, Donnica Clarke Foundation

Media Release, 31 Mar 2013 Ray Sandell OAM, Men of Football

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Page 22 - April 9, 2013 - Coast Community News

Mariners gain crucial win in Champion’s League entral Coast Mariners outclassed China’s Guizhou Renhe in Gosford on Wednesday, April 3, securing a crucial 2-1 AFC Champions League Group H victory.


The Mariners enhanced their chances of qualifying for the knockout phase of Asia’s premier club competition via second half goals from defensive duo Pedj Bojic and Trent Sainsbury. Following the game, Central Coast Mariners boss Graham Arnold said his team knew the game against Guizhou was a “must win”, and expressed his delight in his team’s performance against one of China’s biggest clubs. “Three points was a must tonight,” Arnold said.

Several rescues required arine Rescue Te r r i g a l ’s rescue boat crew made a number of rescues on Sunday, March 24, with Harry Sims skippering the Mary George.


The rescue crew was deployed early Sunday morning to assist a man off Copacabana whose outboard motor would not lower to return to its operating position. The boat was towed to

Terrigal Haven. Around noon, a local resident called the Point Clare Base to report a canoe capsized 50m off Noonans Point with two people in the water. Central Coast 20 was on a training exercise nearby and responded immediately. By the time the boat arrived, the people were already wading ashore. The volunteer rescue boat crew from Point Clare Base aboard Central Coast 20

Add one hour to the times below when Daylight Saving is in force

LAT 33° 51’ S - LONG 151° 14’ E - TIME ZONE - 1000 Times and Heights(m) of high and low waters Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m) TUE - 9 WED - 10 THU - 11 0120 - 0.41 0205 - 0.39 0246 - 0.39 0727 - 1.62 0810 - 1.57 0850 - 1.52 1336 - 0.37 1412 - 0.40 1445 - 0.44 2030 - 1.73 2105 - 1.74

FRI - 12 0328 - 0.41 0930 - 1.45 1517 - 0.49 2140 - 1.73 MON - 15 0530 - 0.54 1128 - 1.28 1701 - 0.66 2331 - 1.60 THU - 18 0112 - 1.48 0807 - 0.64 1412 - 1.19 1946 - 0.80

SAT - 13 0407 - 0.44 1008 - 1.39 1550 - 0.55 2215 - 1.70 TUE - 16 0615 - 0.58 1214 - 1.23 1745 - 0.72

SUN - 21 0420 - 1.48 1051 - 0.53 1710 - 1.40 2305 - 0.65

MON - 22 0512 - 1.53 1134 - 0.47 1753 - 1.52 2357 - 0.55

FRI - 19 0214 - 1.45 0908 - 0.63 1521 - 1.23 2100 - 0.79

SUN - 14 0447 - 0.49 1046 - 1.33 1624 - 0.60 2251 - 1.65 WED - 17 0017 - 1.54 0708 - 0.62 1308 - 1.20 1840 - 0.77 SAT - 20 0320 - 1.45 1003 - 0.59 1621 - 1.30 2208 - 0.74 TUE - 23 0600 - 1.57 1214 - 0.41 1833 - 1.65


and skippered by Anthony Porter was kept busy during the afternoon with three runabouts requiring help. Around 1:10pm, Marine Rescue Broken Bay advised that two people on a 4.5m runabout needed a tow to Lions Park, Woy Woy, due to a mechanical problem. At 1:30pm, the Water Police from Broken Bay called to request help for a 4.8m runabout at Daleys Point needing a tow to Lions Park. Another runabout called in around 1:40 pm. The two men on-board had anchored off Box Head and waited for help until the rescue boat had completed the first tow. This vessel was also towed to Lions Park. Media Release, 24 Mar 2013 Ron Cole, Marine Rescue Central Coast

play their next AFC Champions League fixture on Tuesday, April 9, away to Guizhou Renhe in Guiyang. With Japan’s Kashiwa Reysol having dismantled Korea Republic’s Suwon Bluewings 6-2 in the other Group H game played on Wednesday, a positive result in China would further enhance the Mariners’ hopes of reaching the last 16 of Asia’s top club competition. Media Release, 4 Apr 2013 Tyson Scott, Central Coast Mariners

Saratoga sailors compete in NSW Hartley TS16 Championship he NSW Hartley TS16 Championship was conducted over the Easter long weekend on the waters of the South Lake Macquarie Amateur Sailing Club (SLMASC) at Sunshine which saw six boats from the Saratoga Sailing Club (SSC) participate.


Of the 20 registered sailing boats for the competition, the six SSC boats consisted of Matrix, Benni, Raptor, Jabiru, Doreen and Woodpecker. John Horler and Gary Bowles on Matrix finished in fourth spot overall while Norm Thompson and Alan Barrett on Benni finished in sixth spot overall. Wayne Butler and his alternating crew of Brad Anthonisz and Alison Horler finished in second spot on handicap and seventh spot

overall. Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley on Doreen finished in fourth spot on handicap. Saratoga’s youngest sailor Brad Anthonisz also picked up the Young Sailors Encouragement Award. The winds over the Easter break were varying from one knot to 10 knots which resulted in a few delayed starts for competitors. These results are the highest achieved by SSC in a Hartley TS 16 State


hold a regular class every Wednesday from 7 to 10pm at the Church of Christ Hall, Henry Parry Drive, Wyoming

Championship. “This is an indication that the Saratoga Hartley fleet is increasing their sailing skills while building a strong camaraderie,” said SCC spokesperson Mr Gary Bowles. The boys on Matrix are the current third placed National Champions of the Hartley TS16s which was held over the Christmas period at Boreen Point, Lake Cootharaba, Queensland. The wind was mostly above 20 knots and, on days, in excess of 30 knots which made for tough sailing. SSC welcomes new members with varying sailing experience to join their club. Media Release, 1 Apr 2013 Gary Bowles, Saratoga Sailing Club

$5 per Night Come and join in on the fun! No experience or partner necessary No special clothes - just soft shoes Lively music

Ettalong 40 min, Rip Bridge 2hrs - Wisemans Ferry 2 hrs 30 min, Koolewong 2 hrs 10 min

In view of the variations caused by local conditions and meteorological effects, these times are approximate and must be considered as a guide only. They are not to be relied on for critical depth calculations for safe navigation. Actual times of High and Low Water may occur before or after the times indicated

“It was either three points or bust for us. “To be able to get the three points and perform that way was exceptional. “It could have easily been three or four nil before they scored. “It was a very sloppy goal to give away. “We gave them energy to get back into the game, but overall it was a fantastic performance. “I think we’ve shown over the last three years that we belong in the (AFC) Champions League.” Central Coast Mariners

Contact Janice on 4388 2253

Big Cash Prizes Sporties @Woy Woy The Old Pub Woy Woy The Lakes Hotel, The Entrance

Coast Community News - April 9, 2013 - Page 23

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Page 24 - April 9, 2013 - Coast Community News

Cricket museum opens in Mt Penang he Central Coast Cricket Museum and Historical Collection opened in Cottage nine at Mt Penang Parklands on Friday, March 15, in the presence of local politicians, life members of the Central Coast Cricket Association (CCCA) and helpers and contributors to the project.


Central Coast Leagues Club chairman Mr James Ryan performed the opening ceremony and paid tribute to the Friends of the Long Room Trust who spent years accumulating the majority of the collection. CCCA past chairman, and the man who had the idea for the museum, Mr David Smallman spoke glowingly about the volunteers who worked hard to put the collection in its new site. He paid tribute to Di and Malcolm Emerson for their artistic contribution and to Steve Cummings for extensive cataloguing of the collection. Mr Smallman appealed to the local politicians to ensure they do everything they can to support any project that provides new and improved sporting facilities for the youth of the Central Coast. He also emphasised that historical collections, such

as the museum, provided an inspiration and example to the young. The Gosford Men’s Shed was recognised for their assistance in building two racks for the display of cricket bats and past members of the CCCA Brian Semple and Ray Davis were congratulated for their early work on the site. CCCA executive officer Mr Aidan Cuddington spoke about how the CCCA appreciated the support of the Central Coast Leagues Club in what is a work in progress with volunteers undertaking ongoing maintenance. He also thanked all display contributors, including Sea FM for a Sachin Tendulkar framed and signed tribute bat, the family of the late Jim White for the Emu Club items and local real-estate identity Frank Serra. “We are always happy to welcome volunteers

Aidan Cuddington and David Smallman with the Sea FM donated Tendulkar bat

who can help with anything from garden maintenance to polishing trophies, to sorting and arranging items for display,” said Mr Cuddington. The display includes a library with a variety of books and DVDs on assorted cricket matters that are available to hire, records of matches on the Central Coast and historic memorabilia dating back to the 19th century. “Unfortunately the legendary Arthur Morris was unwell and therefore unable to attend but he sent his apologies and has supported us by lending a great range of items for display,” said Mr Cuddington. The museum is now open to the public on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Media Release, 23 Mar 2013 Aidan Cuddington, CCCA


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