Koben-haven Garden

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GROUP 10 Clinton Oh 561297 Jowett Zhao 582241 Justine Lenkiewicz 389679


“a unique opportunity to demonstrate new ways new green

LITY] // CARBON NEUTRALITY The Danish Government has set out a series of initiatives that aim directly at actively reducing the amount of Denmark’s greenhouse gas emissions, ensuring Copenhagen becomes the first carbon neutral capital by 2025. The LAGI Competition was founded in 2008 with the goal of providing a platform for the design and construction of public art installations with the added benefits of clean energy generation. The brief requires the production of a site-specific public artwork that functions as a power plant; and in doing so, increases liveability by stimulating local economic development while simulatneously addressing ecological issues through cross-disciplinary integration.

s in which communities can be transformed to a n reality.�

kø·ben·ha·ven [koh-puhn-hey-vuhn] the garden of copenhagen

Currently, Refshaleøen exists as an empty and vacant island with little purpose besides providing a site for temporary creativ venues.

The Køben-haven project reintroduces life and function into the barren landscape by transforming it into a garden of solar energ As the flowers shine and glisten in colourful response to daylight, they become a direct expression of the amount of sola Visitors are encouraged to roam around the enormous structures, interacting with the diversity of sizes; in turn inspiring the production through a process of articial photosynthesis.

ve entrepreneurships and cultural and recreational

gy generating flowers. r energy produced on site. e active contemplation of clean, biomimetic energy

kø·ben·ha·ven [koh-puhn-hey-vuhn] the garden of copenhagen

We developed three flower species to populate our garden with and varied them in scale across the site based on their proximity to the central path. The garden arrangment is heliotropic; the bigger flowers with the greatest surface area of solar panels are located towards the west where they are most exposed to the sun. The dye within the panels has been optimised to function as an expression of the sun energy generated on site. Colours with lower visible wavelengths were chosen due to their capacity to absorb higher amounts of photon energy.


dye sensitised solar ce //artificial photosynthesis

The structure will generate energy through the use of Dye Sensitised Solar Cells (DSSC) built into the zinc structural frame. The main component of a DSSC is the light-absorbing dye embedded within the cell. As sunlight enters through the transparent surface, photons cause the dye to enter an excited state (01), causing an electric current to be carried across to a metal-oxide surface (02). Positively charged electrons located in the TiO2 band are then diffused amongst TiO2 molecules along an electron concentration gradient, where they form the anode layer on top (03). The oxidised photosensitiser (S+) accepts electrons from the electrolyte liquid substance (I-), regenerating the ground state (S) to an oxidised state (I3-) (04): /01 S + hv -> S* /02 S* -> S+ + e- (TiO2) /03 S*+ e- -> S /04 I3- + 2e- -> 3I-

ells wavelength (nm) photon energy (eV)











570 590










nm = nanometres eV = electron volts

glass substrate anode compact TiO2 layer electrolyte cathode dye covered TiO2 molecules

materiality and tecton // 28.5m2

Dye Sensitised Solar Cells (Petals)

Zinc Aluminium Frame

> embedded with coloured dye that has a photon- > cells are slotted within the zinc-coated aluminium absorption response to solar radiation, causing frame with high electrical conductivity properties electrons to enter an excited state, giving the solar and protection against corrosion cell a coloured appearance

Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Structural Aluminium Axis (Stem) > main structural element which upholds the flower petals > clad in a 100 nanometres thin ITO film allowing it to function as a transparent electrical conductor

> bolted down into a pad footing system which allows the electrical current to be fed through to underground channel

nics Typical Galvanised Solar Cell Mount > ensures cells are fastened with a rigid connection within the frame, as well as protection against corrosion

> conceals connecting elements within an aluminium sphere > typical rigid connections are used to transfer the loads from the petals to the footing




Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Structural Aluminium Axis (Receptacle)

//renewable energy can be beautiful

Assuming the sun consistently shines at its maximum during peak daylight hours, providing a high photon influx; coupled with our optimisation of the thickness of the conductive glass substrate and the dye colour coefficient to ensure a maximum absoprtion rate, we estimate the site to generate an approximate 40000kWh of clean solar energy per annum. According to census data from 2010, the average individual consumed 1340kWh in one year. While the current DSSC technology operates at a rate of 9-10% efficiency, ongoing research has seen the potential of the technology to develop to a rate of 15%. The cost effectiveness, the simplified, environmentally susitainable manufacturing process requiring low embodied carbon, and finally its aesthetical appeal, is quickly making these third generation solar cells the more popular altnerative to their silicon-based counterparts. As a leading city in green transition, Denmark presents a strong opportunity to promote the benefits of clean, renewable energy harvesting. We hope our proposal illustrates these benefits in a visual and tacticle experience, that shows the public renewable can be beautiful.

REFERENCES “Average Solar Radiation”, accessetd 26 May 2014, <http://www.pveducation.org/pvcdrom/properties-of-sunlight/averagesolar-radiation> Bertoluzzi, L and Ma, S (2013) “On the methods of calculation of the charge collection efficiency of dye sensitized solar cells”, Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys., 15 4283

‘Climatemps’, accessed 14 May 2014, <http://www.copenhagen.climatemps.com/>

City of Copenhagen (2012) ‘Copenhagener’s energy consumption’, accessed May 2014, < http://subsite.kk.dk/sitecore/content/Subsites/CityOfCopenhagen/SubsiteFrontpage/LivingInCopenhagen/ClimateAndEnvironment/CopenhagensGreenAccounts/EnergyAndCO2/Consumption.aspx> CSIRO (2011), ‘Dye-sensitised solar cells: third generation solar technology‘, accessed 24 May 2014, <http://www.csiro.au/ Outcomes/Energy/Renewables-and-Smart-Systems/dye-sensitised-solar-cells.aspx#aHeading_3> Encyclopedia Britannica, ‘Fraunhofer lines‘, accessed 24 May 2014, <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/217627/ Fraunhofer-lines> Hara, Kohjiro and Arakawa, Hironori (2005), ‘Chaper 15, Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells’. in A. Luque and S. Hegedus, Handbook of Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, John Wiley & Sons Land Art Generator Initiative (2014) ‘Design Guidelines’, accessed 3 March 2014 < http://www.landartgenerator.org/competition2014.html>

“Thin-FIlm PV - Leading the way to Affordable Solar Energy” , accessed 20 May 2014 <http://www.pvthin.org/ >

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