Free backlink generator online

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Free Backlink Generator Online. April 13, 2015

Do you have a website or blog and are looking for a free backlink generator online? Stop searching and Pay Attention, because your about to learn the how to create backlinks that are going to help you accomplish your goal online and get free backlinks to your site. Maybe you want to share your passion and make money at the same time or build a brand, whatever it is, it’s okay, My goal is to help your business or website grow using a free backlink generator online.

Quick Story I remember when I first started blogging to build an income stream and not knowing what a backlink was and having no idea what kind of tool I needed to get me ranked on the search engines. I struggled in the world of backlink generation and blogging for quite some time honestly.

Maybe you can relate… But I decided to never give up on this powerful marketing strategy because I knew the power of being able to dominate search rankings.

A Very Long Road I don’t know about you, but it took me months to finally understand what blogging was and how to add backlinks to your site. And although it was a very long road, I want to help you shorten your learning curve and get you to the results you want faster. Because I didn’t understand it I spend a long time on other strategies instead of mastering blogging. I would still blog, but just not to the level where I could generate leads and a good income. After spending a lot money and with little conversions I went back the blogging and said… “I am going to master this no matter what!” I have learned a lot and am still learning, but let me share with you some of the tools and tricks that have helped my website and blog through free backlink generators online.

Check out this epic info graphic to understand more about link building and the nature of what is working before you scroll down to see some awesome free tools and how to create backlinks…

Great information right?

1 – PDF Document Sharing Sites After you create a blog post or page on your website a great idea to generate free backlinks is to learn how to turn your blog post into a PDF and share it on authority sites linking back to your website.

“What are the best PDF sites?” My personal recommendations: 1. Scribd 2. DocStoc 3. Adrive 4. Media Fire 5. iSSUU 6. Box 7. SlideShare By sharing your articles on these sites your will be getting free backlinks to your site and get help ranking. When ever I wrote a blog post I see that DocStock is ranking on it’s own along with my own blog post. That mean at least 2 out of 10 spots are being filled by my content on the front page.

2 – Blogging Communities or Niche Communities On of the most beneficial tools and recources I can possible give you is the power of blogging communities. These alow you to share your articels and content with other interested bloggers. These bloggers will share your content and comment on your posts resulting in free backlinks to your site and better search rankings.

Not to mention, just becuase google love these sites, by posting on them you might show up in the search results without any hard work.

Don’t want to find communities on your own? I got your back… 1. kingged 2. ibotoolbox 3. blokube Are my favorite blogging communities for building free backlinks and getting traffic. I think ibotoolbox is my favorite just because the traffic and page rank is higher which means simple sharing your post on the site via press release will rank. Not all the time though. It depends on what your keyword is and the kind of blog you are using. Your best chance to get the results you want is to use this blog platform.

3 – Ping and Index Sites For some of the easiest free backlinks you can possibly get using index and ping sites are the best. They literally take seconds to use and you can move on in a flash to other tools. I don’t know exactly how these work, but they do. When you post a link in the area needed your posts get submitted to all sorts of sites that tell Google… “Hey, check out this post and rank it accordingly.”

What are the best ping sites to use for free backlinks? No matter what you should always use: 1. indexkings 2. pingler They are some of the best and easiest free backlink generator online you can use.

4 – Social Media Sites Posting on the top social media sites are also a good idea to generate free backlinks to your website. Google+ will give you the best advantage for seo and traffic. 1. Facebook 2. Google+ 3. Pinterest 4. Twitter

Are the main ones that will help you add backlinks to your site.

5 – Other Social Bookmarking sites. Aside from the common social sites other popular sites to share your blog or website to generate free backlinks are social book marketing sites. 1. reddit 2. tumblr 3. digg 4. stumbleupon 5. newsvine 6. delicious 7. It is pain to have to submit each blog post to every single social site and bookmarking site out there. That is exactly why I use OnlyWire to auto-submit to a ton of sites for me. Check it out and see if it’s right for you.

P.S… Do you want to learn how to generate more backlinks, traffic and leads to your website? Check out this powerful tool I am using that is helping me do exactly that. You will meet my partner Mars who will talk to you about how this system can work for you and get you the results you are missing.

Justin Leon Temple If you would like to connect, reach out to me on Facebook...

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