Pinterest Marketing Strategy. Justin Temple
Are you looking for a A Simple Pinterest Marketing Strategy? Funny thing‌ you might be SHOCKED to realize just how simple it is to drive traffic with Pinterest. As you continue you are going to discover the 5 steps that I learned from a mentor of mine that helps me get more traffic with a simple Pinterest Marketing Strategy. But first‌ I thought you might enjoy this quick infographic sharing a little bit of background on Pinterest.
Pinterest Marketing Strategy. How To Use Pinterest To Drive Traffic To Your Blog. Okay, let’s get into the actionable steps you can take today to start marketing on Pinterest for your business.
Step 1: Set Up Your Pinterest Account. Just like setting up any other social media account, it’s really easy. Just in case you want a sure fire step by step guide, check out the video below:
Step 2: Do A Search For Your Niche Inside of Pinterest If you business is in the realm of blogging then search for related terms around blogging and you will find plenty of results. It doesn’t matter what kind of niche your in, you can bet there will be a group of people who are interested in your type of service or products.
Step 3: Click The Pinners Button Next you want to click the “Pinners” button to see other accounts that are related to your search. Look at how many followers each account has and chose one that has a good amount. Over 500 is a good place to start but you are most likely going to see accounts with thousands. Click on the account and then click on followers to view a list featuring that accounts… followers.
Step 4: Follow Others. Go through and start following people. The fact that they an account has a ton of niche related followers means that all of the people who are following are interested in that topic and are perfect for you. These people are also likely to share your posts on there boards too.
Pinterest Follow Limit. You can only follower 300 people per hour. Which in my opinion is a crap load and not very limiting compared to other social media sites. So just by spending… eh, around 15 minutes a day, you can reach out to other account and they will probably follow you back because it is good manners to follower your followers, right?
Once you have followed a few thousand Pinterest accounts you will see that you have a good amount of people who decided to follow you back. Do this long enough, and you also see your pins and boards get all sorts of interaction so long as you are pinning often.
Step 5: Pin Tons of Content. If you want to be seen as a cool Pinterest marketer, you want to share other niche related content on your boards. 10 per day is a great number. The goal is to build up your boards to over 100 pins at least, but don’t stop there. There more you share the more gain. What I really love about Pinterest is that when you share or post your content doesn’t disappear down the news feed like Facebook. You have the option to categorize your topics and people can see everything you have done no matter how old it is. If you want you easy outsource this to someone while you focus on other things.
Other Cool Pinterest Marketing Tips. When you set up your Pinterest account you have access to analytics. This means you can see which Pins are most popular on your profile and see how many people are visiting your account. By keeping a close eye on this every few days you can see whether or not you are growing your traffic. The more traffic to your social media accounts, the more traffic you get that will click your website and visit your blog.
Thats pretty much everything there is to a great Pinterest marketing strategy.
Thank you for reading and have a great day.
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