New York City TEL 516-728-3664 EMAIL
Justin Wagner Web Develope r & G raphi c De si gne r
Por t folio github linkedin
Time lin e The If List Front-End Developer
Ru b y o n Rai ls Sin a t ra RSp e c
JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 2014-Present
A c tive Re cord He roku A ma zo n S 3 Po s tg reS Q L
Crush Social Management Freelance Graphic Designer
Web Design, HTML5, CSS3, Adobe Suite 2013-2015
Git HT M L5/ HAM L CSS3 / S ASS J a va S c r i p t jQ u e r y Aj a x Ph o to s h o p I l l u s tra to r I n D e si gn D rea mwea v e r
Micky London Website Manager Experience
S ki lls
Harmonia Junior Designer
+ Social Media + SEO + Branding + Responsive Design
Print Design, Adobe Suite 2011-2012
Panopticon Gallery Design Intern
Pro j ec t s
Web / Print Design, HTML, CSS2, SEO 2010-2011
Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, jQuery, PostgreSQL, HTML5, SASS, RSpec 2014
Sentimentoll Surveys based on feelings
c od e
Sinatra, Ruby, JavaScript, jQuery, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS3, Alchemy API 2014
Twitter Random Twitter Application
cod e
Sinatra, Ruby, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, HTML5, CSS3, Twitter API 2014
Three Sentences Outlining Tool
c od e
German Performance Service Junior Designer Web / Print Design, HTML, CSS2, SEO 2012-2013
Afte r Effe c t s + Peer Programming + Agile Development + Object Oriented Design + Test-Driven Development
Web Design, SEO, Social Media 2012-2013
Dev Bootcamp 18 Week Intensive Web Development Course 2014
Northeastern University Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design 2007-2012
Inte re sts P ia no
Fil m
Drawing Reading