Studying English with a personal tutor is getting increasingly popular: it enables you to have a native speaker “in your pocket�, always available for a lesson. Not everyone can find a native speaker living in the neighborhood, which makes being connected to a tutor at the click of a button priceless.
PERFEcT FOR THOSE wITH AUdITORy MEMORy If you copied Mickey Mouse’s voice when you were young, then it is likely you have good auditory memory. This means that you remember most of what you hear and notice sound details more than other people do. For you, tutoring with a native English speaker is one of the best ways to study the language. One of the things we love (mostly) about children is their honesty. If a child hears a foreigner speaking with a strong accent, the foreigner will be criticized.
ExPOSURE TO ENGLISH PHONETIcS You will quickly realize the practical difference between your books and the reality of an English speaker talking. The language uses complex sounds structures, diphthongs, intonation etc., and this can be hard to comprehend – but always worth it. Humans have sensitive hearing when it comes to language, and minor differences in accent strike one’s ear. This is what you can expect when studying English with a native speaker. Your tutor will immediately point out your mistakes.
cONTAcT US Christine Frederikke Vej 18 6100 Haderslev Denmark CVR: 28707264 Phone: +4520874543 Email: team@justlearn.com