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elcome into my world, a creative space build around and inspired by travel, culture, people, photography, art and design. Insassiable learner & traveler, curious about the big picture as much as of all those smaller things that get people going, I am in a constant « soif d’aventures et de connaissances ». Who defines the limits? Living day by day, but always having new ideas leading to new projects. Is it to proud of oneself to declare : « I am an Artist. » ? I feel like I am an Artist, that is who I am inside, and how I see myself. I will take you on a walk, don’t be scared, immerse yourself; From my personal iner projects to the conformism and trend of landscape photos and street life, explore the leaves of my realm, and ask yourself if you are in need of a Touch of « JustMagd»...
Welcome Into My World by JustMagd
TOC 2 coming soon Experiences & Skills Meet Me / Find Me Personal Projects Mentions & Awards In French
5 & 6 7 & 8 9 & 10 11 12
EXPERIENCES & SKILLS Exhibition @ ArtLab, Glitz Entertainment, Vancouver, Canada, April 2014 Workshop “travel Photo” with Jacques Sierpinski, Eyes in Progress, Toulouse, France, February 2014 Designer for online magazine “Unscene” Seoul, South Korea, 2012 Photo contributor “10magazine” Seoul, South Korea, 2012 Photo Assistant, Kakuu Basic, Seoul, South Korea, 2012 Photographer for Ibiza IFF (Ibiza International Film Festival), Ibiza, Spain, May 2011 Internship at Konkordanz, design agency Ibiza, Spain, 2010 1st price, photo competiton “Automn in Lafrancaise”, France, December 2009 Photo Exhibition “Tokyo dans mon Keitai” Under the patronage of the French Ambassy Lovers Rock Cafe, Tokyo, Japan, April 2009 Freelance photographer in fashion shows Seoul, South Korea, 2012 Sydney, Australia, 2005 Montreal, Canada, 2002
Design, lay out, merging and publishing pdfs. Taking, editing, retouching pictures. Organisation of shooting (finding locations/models), helping during shooting with the model/ light/ cloths... Taking and editing photos, sending them to magazines, uploading them on social network. Taking photos for flyers, ad’s making off, hotels, labels. Good knowledge of Photoshop Cs5, Lightroom 4, as well as InDesign Cs5. Moderate user of Illustrator. Basic user of the other Cs5 programs. Moderate knowledge of Webacappella. Mac user.
French : Native. English : Good speaking/reading. Moderate writing. Spanish : Moderate speaking/reading. Basic writing.
Graphic designer, Formasup’82, Tarn et Garonne, France, 2010 AEC [degree in photography] Montreal, Quebec, 2002 Baccalaureat ES, Melle, France, 2000
ind me on line, JustMagd is on : Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, F Issuu, etc... But also on Nanafro.com, competencemac/sur-la-luneapple, La Depeche, Le Petit Journal, primacia.org, NatGeoChannel instagram, Glitz Entertainment, StreetView Photography USA, 10mag.com, ohkpop, Sa Talaia, etc..... www.JustMagd.com
M ost of my projects come from my dreams. I love
dreaming, and I usually remember well. Some morning I wake up shivering and murmuring, coming out of my imaginery sphere.... And i know instantly that it will be a project. I take notes as it is still clear in my head. It’s being said that dreams are a reflect of iner deepest feelings : sadness, happiness, or fears.... They mix with real life, daily problems, concern and joy, what has happened in a close circle or in the world. Those projects are just a mirror image of how i feel inside, balanced with humanity’s living, and how it affects me. Death, life, and life after death, soul, body, religion, belief, people, etc.... A constant questionning on Identity, who we are to ourselves and to the rest of the society. Nowadays, we can transform ourselves, change, hide, etc... what becomes to the body in relation with the soul, are they forever linked ? or can one be separated from the other ? I’m not trying to answere those questions, but I want to make you wonder who you really are, and in what do you really believe, to not be scared of finding out, to not be scared of death.
O n another note, I love exploring historic site, cities, national park, and «in Vogue» venue, where I can learn about past & present, life style, and citizens’ habits, who they were, and who they became, how custom can be so different from then to now and how is the society influencing one’s own choices. Again questionning the individuality and character of human being in their environment.
M entions and Awards 2015 -HONORABLE MENTION 2015 Best of Photography Contest sponsored by SIGMA Photographer’s forum, Serbin communications : http://pfmagazine.com/wp-content/plugins/p-gallery/index. php?level=picture&id=44045
-2 photos FINALIST Contest “Garden of the World” (Jardin du Monde) St Antonin Noble Val, France, September 2015: http://www.cotenobleval.org/concours-photo-images-dun-palmares/ http://www.cotenobleval.org/concours-photo-la-galerie/insolite-magdeleine-ferru-copie/ http://www.cotenobleval.org/concours-photo-la-galerie/collectif-magdeleine-ferru-copie/
-1 Photo EXHIBITED on the PhotoPassion booth “Salon de la Photo”, Paris, France, Novembre 5th to 8th 2015: http://www.photopassion.fr/salon-de-la-photo-les-photos-exposees-2
-1 Photo SELECTED for the PhotoPassion Advent Calendar, 15th of Decembre 2015 : http://www.photopassion.fr/calendrier-de-lavent-3
-1ST PRIZE Contest “Landscape along the Dordogne River From Bort-les-Orgues to Argentat” (Les paysages au fil de la Dordogne de Bort-les-Orgues à Argentat); smartphone categorie : http://www.dordogne-villages-barrages.fr/pages/concours-photo/
RESPONSABILITES : Exposition collective.
Apprendre et avoir des conseils d’un pro de la photo de voyage. Faire la mise en page, publier les pdfs. Photographier, éditer, retoucher. Organisation des prises de vue (Lieu, modèles, ...)et aide pendant la séance. Photographier, éditer, retoucher, publier sur les réseaux sociaux. Photographier pour flyers, publicités, site web, etc... Bonnes connaissances de Photoshop et InDesign Cs5. Connaissances intermédiaire de Illustrator. Connaissance de base des autres programmes Cs5. Connaissances intermédiaire de Webacappella.
LANGUES : Français : langue maternelle. Anglais : très bon parlé et lu. assez bon écrit. Espagnol : intermédiaire parlé et lu. débutante écrit.
EXPERIENCES PROFESSIONNELLES: Exposition @ Artlab, Glitz Entertainment Vancouver, Canada, Avril 2014 Atelier “photo de voyage” avec J. Sierpinski Eyes in Progress, Toulouse, France, Fevrier 2014 Designer pour un magazine en ligne “Unscene” Séoul, Corée du Sud, 2012 Photo pigiste “10magazine” Séoul, Corée du Sud, 2012 Photo Assistante, Kakuu Basic, Séoul, Corée du Sud, 2012 Photographe pour Ibiza IFF (Ibiza International Film Festival), Ibiza, Espagne, Mai 2011 Stage à Konkordanz, agence de design Ibiza, Espagne, 2010 1st prix, concours photo “Automne à Lafrancaise”, France, Décembre 2009 Exposition “Tokyo dans mon Keitai” Sous le patronage de l’ambassade de France Lovers Rock Cafe, Tokyo, Japon, Avril 2009 Photographe Freelance lors de défilés de mode Séoul, Corée du Sud, 2012 Sydney, Australie, 2005 Montreal, Canada, 2002
JustMagd Photographe Designer www.facebook.com/JustMagd FORMATIONS : Graphique design, Formasup’82, Tarn et Garonne, France, 2010 AEC [Attestation d’études collégiales] Montreal, Québec, 2002 Baccalauréat ES, Melle, France, 2000