Alaska JustTransition History
What IsTheAlaska JustTransition Collective?
TheAlaska JustTransition Collective (JTC) is an intersectional cohort of regional and state-wide organizations that collaborate through an aligned vision for the future We recognize Indigenous knowledge as essential to our work and look to intersectional Communities of Color for guidance on the path forward. We work to build a practice of centeringAlaska Native languages, knowledge, and values, which hold a deep relationship to lands and waters
The Collective’s Core Partners are: Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition, Alaska Public Interest Research Group, Native Movement, Alaska Community Action OnToxics, TheAlaska Center, and Native Conservancy.
What IsThe JustTransition Framework?
“JustTransition strategies were first forged by labor unions and environmental justice groups, rooted in low-income communities of color, who saw the need to phase out the industries that were harming workers, community health and the planet; and at the same time provide just pathways for workers to transition to other jobs. It was rooted in workers defining a transition away from polluting industries in alliance with fence line and frontline communities ” - Climate JusticeAlliance
The JustTransition principles exist with the understanding that the problems we face (climate change, health disparities, and worker exploitation, for example) are connected.Therefore, the tactics we use to solve problems must encompass these connected systems
“JustTransition” is another way of saying “fair and equitable shift.”The JustTransition framework is a set of guidelines for communities to shift away from extractive economies and toward regenerative economies
The word “economy” derives from the Greek words for “care and management of home ” “Extractive economies” create jobs and systems in our home that take from lands, waters, workers, and families without giving back in return.There is a lack of balance in extractive economies, which is why transitioning away from industries that deplete lands and cultures is important.
“Regenerative economies” show us how care and management of home can be balanced Resources and labor are sustainable because of this balance. In regenerative economies, industries value the offerings of lands, waters, and people and give back to them without stripping our home of resources or harming communities for profit
Equitable regenerative economies have existed in communities of color inAlaska for millenia, so we use the phrase “Remembering Forward” as a reminder that the solutions to economic crises already exist within the fabric of our communities. We must lay the groundwork for a
transition to an economy that cares for communities and the land Transition is inevitable Justice is not.
HowTo Get Involved
Alaska JustTransition holds regular online gatherings and a biennial in-person summit to connect community members from aroundAlaska who are committed to a better future Visit to learn more, sign up for our newsletter, and join us to learn how you can be a part of a JustTransition in your community Learn more about the JustTransition Principles
For a more complete list of how to get involved with the JTC, please see the section on Points of Entry & Structure
Mission & Vision Vision
TheAlaska JustTransition Collective strives to illuminate a path forward for interdependent social and economic movements, guided by self-determined, regional leadership on the front lines of intersectional crises inAlaska and beyond “JustTransition” means uplifting multi-racial, working-class, queer, and Indigenous place-based knowledge systems while we shape regenerative economies, steward lands and waters, and build more just and equitable communities for all
TheAlaska JustTransition Collective stewards collaborative networks and spaces for movement growth by providing equitable access to leadership development, organizing tools and added capacity Our goals are centered on creating a broad movement to connect change-makers across regional issues to move our communities toward economic, social and political transition
What We Do
TheAlaska JustTransition Collective:
- Facilitates collaborative spaces to transition communities from an economy based on extraction and exploitation to one rooted in care.
- Builds networks of local leaders to foster collaboration on a large scale
- Cultivates a broad movement to connect different change-makers and move communities toward economic, social, and political transition
Points Of Entry & Structure
As the JustTransition Collective (JTC), we recognize there are many intertwined movements with the same goal: a just, transformed society that prioritizes community health and wellness over extraction and profit Core Collective Partners drive the JTC’s strategy, events, and communications. Beyond that, our developing network is made up of Members, Tables/Caucuses, and Project-Based Collaborators who support each other through reciprocal and non-hierarchical relationships of information sharing, strategic leadership, and both in-kind and financial support of the broader movement. We also intend to align with, collaborate with, and support the communities we serve whether or not they interact through points of engagement listed here Our larger community can join us for in-person events like the Just Transition Summit, as well as monthly virtual gatherings.
Alaska JustTransition has the following levels of engagement:
Core Collective
TheAlaska JustTransition Collective is an intersectional group of organizations that work on narrative development, outreach, and convening The Core Collective Partners commit to meeting regularly, organizing collaboratively, and weaving our work together These organizations have dedicated staff time to focus on supporting and developing JustTransition work inAlaska with time commitments including daily correspondence, biweekly meetings, and regular events
Tables are made up of collaborators who are aligned and working on specific issue areas or sectors ACaucus is a group of collaborators who are aligned over a shared identity that represents a segment of the population Table/Caucus groups join with the JTC to receive communications support and cohere with the JustTransition movement on specific targeted areas or issues affecting specific identities inAlaska
Project-Based Collaborator
Project-Based Collaborators align with the JTC and organize, teach, and share alongside our network for specific one-off projects or campaigns.These groups are in relationship with the JTC and their campaigns align with JustTransition framework, but this is a short term commitment to amplify specific projects
Members are individuals and organizations who want to stay updated, be involved, and support/be supported when possible, but do not have capacity to commit to the Collective or a Table/Caucus regularly Members are part of regular member meetings Organizations as members agree to learn, teach, and share with us and with our larger network, but may have
limited capacity to commit to JustTransition coordination and events Member Organizations may not necessarily work on every JustTransition principle, but may do work that aligns with the JustTransition framework
How Core Collective Partners Join
Criteria for New Organizations To Become Core Collective Partners
● The organization must be in alignment with the JustTransition framework and our OnboardingAgreement.
● The organization must maintain our minimum required level of involvement:
■ JTC bi-weekly meeting
● If the organization has two consecutive and unexplained absences without letting us know, the JTC Coordinator will schedule a check in
● If the organization then has two more consecutive and unexplained absences, the JTC Coordinator will ask them to consider redefining their level of commitment and partnership.
■ Summit assistance
● The organization must have at least one staff member available to help organize regular JustTransition Summits.
● The organization must commit to dedicating staff capacity for involvement
● At least one staff person within the organization must include JTC in their work plan; ideally, this person is not an Executive Director.
Perks Of JoiningThe Collective
● Amplification through our newsletter (3,000+ on our listserv), website, social networks, and collaborative publications including zines
● An opportunity to vision, plan, and participate in the JustTransition Summit, highlighting your work and amplifying across the state
● Bi-annual retreats acrossAlaska with other Collective members
● Broad collaboration and connection across a growing network.
● Opportunity to be a key visionary in defining what JustTransition looks like in Alaska
● Collaborative fundraising means that Partner orgs may receive monetary support, when available, to participate in the Collective This is not guaranteed
ProcessTo JoinThe Collective
● Upon completing the OnboardingAgreement at the end of this document, candidate organizations must complete the JTC Intake Form, which is reviewed by the Collective; OR, the JustTransition Collective reaches out to organizations directly with interest in collaborating
● After initial review of the JTC Intake Form, the JTC schedules a listening session to let candidates know what to expect and listen to what their needs and expectations would be
● Adecision is made by the Collective.
HowTables/Caucuses Join
Tables are made up of collaborators who are aligned and working on a specific issue area or sector Examples include groups working on climate justice, environmental justice, and carceral abolition.
ACaucus is a group of collaborators who are aligned over a shared identity Examples include groups who are Black-led and focus on campaigns that impact the Black community, LGBTQ2S+ groups, and groups led by and for union workers
Table/Caucus Criteria
To qualify as aTable/Caucus, a group must:
● Include more than one organization who have agreed to collaborate.
● Work on at least one area of JustTransition with goals that reflect the goals ofAlaska JustTransition (even if not explicitly stated or framed in that way) and in a way that is aligned with JustTransition values and principles.
● Want to join a larger network of JustTransition aligned collaborators who work in reciprocity with one another
● Have a clear process for adding/removing members from theTable.
● Identify a clear point of contact who has capacity to meet with someone from the Just Transition Collective regularly.
Perks Of JoiningAsATable/Caucus
1. Connection to other organizations andTables that work in the JustTransition framework.
2 Media amplification through the JustTransition Collective social media, newsletter, and printed materials, as well as developing collaborative communications strategies that allow us to develop a shared narrative inAlaska.
3 Funding support, as available, from the JustTransition Collective This is not guaranteed
ProcessTo JoinAsAPreexistingTable/Caucus
1. TheTable/Caucus expresses interest in formalizing collaboration with the JTC by completing the OnboardingAgreement at the end of this document, followed by completing the JTC Intake Form; OR, the JTC reaches out directly with interest in formalizing collaboration.
2 Arepresentative from the JTC sits in at one of yourTable/Caucus meetings
3 After the initial discussion, theTable/Caucus decides if they are interested in moving forward with the relationship.The JTC representative also makes a decision with the JTC
4. TheTable/Caucus and the JTC draft a written agreement of joining as a JTCTable, explicitly stating:
a What area of JustTransition theTable/Caucus works on
b. Acommitment to JustTransition and JustTransition Collective agreements, frameworks, and protocols
c An identified point person to attend regular Collective–Table meetings
d. An identified organization to receive and disburse funds for theTable as needed.
e Information about how individuals join thatTable/Caucus, for the JTC to share with interested parties as appropriate
5. TheTable/Caucus and the JTC consent to the written agreement and set up a regular time to revisit, modify, and re-consent to the collaboration agreement
ProcessTo CreateATable/Caucus
There are many active initiatives aroundAlaska vital to a JustTransition that might benefit from greater coordination and collaboration.There are also many issues that are not currently being addressed through the JustTransition framework In order to create aTable, focused on policy issues, or a Caucus, focused on issues facing a certain segment of a population, the following is required:
1. Anetwork of collaborators interested in forming aTable/Caucus.
2. Ability to demonstrate that there is not a group already focused on the same issue with a JustTransition lens, and that the issue fits within an area of JustTransition
3. Commitment to meet consistently and have at least one representative at JTC–Table/Caucus coordination meetings
4 Acommitment to JustTransition and JustTransition Collective agreements, frameworks, and protocols.
5 Clear protocols for other individuals and organizations to join/leave the Member Table/Caucus
How Project-Based Collaborators Interact
Project-Based Collaborator Criteria
To apply as a Project-Based Collaborator, a group must:
● Present a clearly defined project, which: ○
Explicitly states project goals and metrics for measuring success ○ Has clear start and end dates. ○ States howAlaska JustTransition can support the project and what kind of collaboration the group envisions
● Work on at least one area of JustTransition with goals that reflect the goals ofAlaska JustTransition (even if not explicitly stated or framed in that way) and in a way that is aligned with JustTransition values and principles
● Want to connect with a larger network of JustTransition aligned collaborators who work in reciprocity with one another.
● Identify a clear point of contact who has capacity to meet with someone from the Just Transition Collective for the duration of the project or campaign.
Project-Based Collaborator Perks
● Connection to other organizations that work in the JustTransition framework.
● Organizing tools and resources for your campaign or project
● Media amplification through the JustTransition Collective social media, newsletter, and printed materials, as well as developing collaborative communications strategies that allow us to develop a shared narrative inAlaska
● Funding support, as available, from the JustTransition Collective.This is not guaranteed
ProcessTo BecomeAProject-Based Collaborator
● The Project-Based Collaborator candidate expresses interest in formalizing collaboration with the JTC by completing the OnboardingAgreement at the end of this document, followed by completing the JTC Intake Form; OR, the JTC reaches out directly with interest in formalizing collaboration
● Arepresentative from the JTC sits in at one of your project meetings or schedules a discussion with a representative from the group
● After the initial discussion, the Collaborator candidate decides if they are interested in moving forward with the relationship.The JTC representative also makes a decision with the JTC
● The Collaborator candidate and the JTC draft a written agreement of details, metrics, and timelines of collaborating, including:
The campaign or project goals and timeline
The project’s relationship to one or more JustTransition principles
Acommitment to JustTransition and JustTransition Collective agreements, frameworks, and protocols
An identified point person to attend regular Collective–Collaborator meetings.
An identified organization to receive and disburse funds for the project or campaign as needed
● The Collaborator candidate and the JTC consent to the written agreement and set up a regular time to revisit, modify, and update the collaboration agreement until the project has concluded
How Members Join
Membership Criteria
Membership toAlaska JustTransition is designed for people in our community who want to stay updated, get involved, volunteer, and interact with the JTC more actively than passively receiving updates via social media and email These are folks and organizations inAlaska who may amplify the JustTransition narrative, take part in JustTransition work in their own communities, and align with some or all the JustTransition principles, but do not necessarily make a living doing JustTransition or nonprofit work Organizations that are not actively working in opposition to our framework are welcome. Members are community constituents who want to be more involved
Membership Perks
New Members receive a brief onboarding and more information about the JustTransition principles, as well as the link to the virtual JTC Member Meeting, where the JTC regularly shares updates and calls to action, hosts special guests, and connects with the community and occasional Member-specific emails and activities
ProcessTo BecomeAn Member
In order to become an Member, an individual or organization must:
1. Have a desire to learn more about, understand, uphold, and commit to the Just Transition Principles
2. Review our website and toolkit.
3 Agree to and uphold the OnboardingAgreement at the end of this document, followed by completing the JTC Intake Form
Screening Process
Upon committing to the onboarding agreement as part of this document and engaging in the onboarding process, the new Member is initially considered a candidate.The JustTransition Collective will regularly review Member candidates to ensure safety in our community and have the right to revoke membership. See more on accountability below.
Expectations Of Members
Members are encouraged to get involved with our events, messaging, and volunteer opportunities to the best of their desire, ability, and capacity This is a low time commitment level of engagement for people who may be in alignment with the JustTransition principles and are excited about being a part of a community who organizes around this framework. Joining as a Member builds power across regions and increases our capacity to hold local events in different areas.The door is open for members to attend Monthly Member Meetings when they are able and have interest, but there is not a required level of engagement to retain Membership status, nor is there a required financial commitment
The JustTransition Principles cover many sectors, so it makes sense that the framework impacts, involves, and needs different people from different industries and backgrounds in Alaska We expect Members as well as everyone involved inAlaska JustTransition to be respectful of one another and of lands and waters, and we hope we can safely hold each other accountable to this standard. Membership may be revoked for those who practice harmful behaviors inside or outside of our events and meetings Members are expected to not only agree to but abide by the OnboardingAgreement. Email with questions or concerns
Accountability & OnboardingAgreement
As allies to Communities of Color acrossAlaska, it is crucial that Core Collective Partners, Tables/Caucuses, Project-Based Collaborators, Members, and the general public with whom we collaborate and interact do not perpetuate systemic racism, power hierarchy, and/or other forms of white supremacy It is our role, as theAlaska JustTransition Collective, to listen and learn from Black, Indigenous, working class, gender expansive, and Disabled communities and amplifyAlaska Native economic values Indigenous Peoples have lived in good relationship with the land, waters, air, plant and animal relatives for millennia, establishing knowledge systems that provide a path forward in the JustTransition.
TheAlaska JustTransition Collective also recognizes that a JustTransition must include the justice liberation for Black lives and are, therefore, accountable to Black communities. We are committed to the principles of anti-racism and work to combat anti-Blackness We know that we will make mistakes and call for a commitment to public learning
Alaska JustTransition Collective recognizes that JustTransition strategies were first forged by labor unions and environmental justice groups who saw the need to phase out the industries that were harming workers, community health, and the planet; while also providing just pathways for workers into new livelihoods.This original concept of JustTransition was rooted in building alliances between workers in polluting industries and fence-line and frontline communities We also understand that we live in a system that perpetuates white supremacy, capitalism, and racism and it is our responsibility to actively dismantle and decolonize.The Collective empowers individuals, communities, and partners to dedicate energy to their own healing and wellness as an act of resistance against these oppressive systems. It is a first step in reconciling historical injustices, supporting Indigenous Sovereignty, and centering Indigenous knowledge systems
Advancing a JustTransition inAlaska requires the work of a broad collective of organizations and communities filling vital roles & holding different pieces.As we advance a JustTransition,
we intentionally build & strengthen relationships with collaborators, as well asTribes, organizations, community movements, and other individuals who are advancing a Just Transition even if separate from the JTC By building stronger networking opportunities and more dialogue, we create alignment in JustTransition Principles and framework.
We strive to create a safe and welcoming space for BIPOC, LGBTQ2+, and frontline communities.To do so, we abide by the Jemez Principles and the Defend the Sacred Principles:
Jemez Principles
1. Be inclusive 2 Emphasize on bottom-up organizing 3 Let people speak for themselves 4. WorkTogether in Solidarity and Mutuality 5 Build Just RelationshipsAmong Ourselves 6. Commitment to Self-Transformation
Defend the SacredAlaska Principles
1. Unlearn, dismantle, heal, and create: DECOLONIZE 2 Organize from the bottom up 3 Uplift a matriarchal, decentralized, and marginalized leadership 4. Grow an inclusive movement for all 5 Create space for people to speak for themselves 6. Work together in unity, solidarity, and accountability to each other 7 Strive to build just relationships in our organizing 8 Uplifting marginalized and oppressed voices that align with Defend the SacredAlaska values 9 Commit to a just and equitable transition away from an extractive, oppressive economy toward a regenerative, holistic, living worldview 10.Acknowledge that we exist in a tangible system of racial injustice and that it is our responsibility to dismantle it 11 Be soulful
Please ensure you’ve thoroughly read and agree to these onboarding principles before proceeding at justtransitionak org/getinvolved