How to Combat Depression

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The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about ​300 million people worldwide​ suffer from depressive disorders. As the leading cause of disability, it would be safe to assume that treatment for this mental health disorder would be commonplace and frequently discussed. That, however, is not the case; ​studies​ show that about 18% of employed individuals between the age of 15 and 54 have experienced symptoms of mental health disorders in the month before the survey, and many of them don’t seek out treatment in fear that doing so would jeopardize their jobs. With the ever-increasing expenses that come with clinical medicine and therapy, turning toward activities that can be done from home isn’t uncommon. What, then, are some things that can be done at home to relieve symptoms?

Don’t let yourself wallow for long Depression can lead to your mood dropping considerably. You can feel empty or hopeless, or extremely sad for no particular reason, and that’s perfectly normal. Suppressing these emotions can be unhealthy, so letting yourself feel them won’t hurt you. However, you can’t let yourself wallow for an undetermined amount of time. Finding a balance between allowing yourself to feel these symptoms and pushing past them is essential. For example, some people decide to journal both their good and bad feelings​ to keep track of the ups and downs of their moods and give themselves a method to push these feelings away from building up in their minds.

Set attainable goals for yourself Depression can be energy-draining and make the simplest of tasks seem Herculean. If you can’t bring yourself to put your laundry away, consider sorting them into colors or folding them instead. If your house needs to be cleaned, do one chore rather than going through the entire home; taking out the trash or doing your dishes is easier than scrubbing your home from top to bottom, and requires less energy to do so. Breaking tasks down into smaller parts can make what needs to be done seem less overwhelming as well.

Get yourself into a healthy sleep routine The average person should get between seven and eight hours of sleep a night. For people with depression, their sleep pattern can range from getting far too little sleep to sleeping the day away in the literal sense. Both of these are unhealthy and can contribute to a lack of energy and motivation. Sticking to the seven-or-eight-hour mark will help ease out your sleep schedule, create a routine if you go to bed and wake up at the same time daily, and revitalize the energy you feel when you wake up in the morning. Of course, all of this is easier said than done. Depression, while common, hard to combat when it affects your mood and way of living as it does. If clinical care isn’t an option, though, taking steps to better yourself is the next best way toward a healthier, happier life.

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