Time Table for ICPD Reports and Events 2013-2014 2013 February 20th -- Identification of Thematic Groups 28th -- Preparation of TORs and composition of thematic groups March 15th - 28th June -- Thematic Group work on ICDP Review Report 22nd -- First meeting of thematic groups: Briefing on global survey and breakout respective group meetings 28th -- Draft Global Survey Report April 2nd - 14th -- Draft regional reports by Regional Commissions 5th -- Thematic Group interim deliverables: annotated list of information sources, topics and key messages 12th - 28th June -- Drafting of thematic chapters 22nd - 26th -- 46th Commission on Population and Development May 17th -- Draft of full thematic group reports June 1st -- Comments from the Lead Author on draft full thematic group reports 14th -- Revisions on thematic group draft reports 24th - 26th -- Regional Conference UNESCWA & League of Arab States, Cairo, Egypt 28th -- Completion of drafts of thematic group reports July 1st - 2nd -- ICPD beyond 2014 UNECE Conference. Enabling choices: Population priorities for the 21st century, Geneva, Switzerland 7th - 10th -- ICPD Review International Conference on Human Rights, The Hague, Netherlands 31st - 30th September -- Consolidation of draft of the ICPD Review Report August 12th - 15th -- Regional Conference UNECLAC, Montevideo, Uruguay September 2nd - 6th -- Regional Conference UNECA & African Union, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 16th - 20th -- UNESCAP 6th Asia and Pacific Population Conference, Bangkok, Thailand October 31st -- Clearance and quality assurance of the ICPD Review Report November 29th -- Draft Secretary General's Report (Summary of the ICPD Review Report) December 30th -- Finalization of ICPD Review Report 2014 January 21st - 24th -- 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, Manila, Philippines April 14th - 18th -- 47th Commission on Population and Development, New York, United States 23rd - 25th -- International Parliamentarians' Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD, Stockholm, Sweden September 22nd -- Special Session of the General Assembly on the follow-up to the Programme of Action of the ICPD beyond 2014, New York, United States