The anchor april 2014

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We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. Hebrews 6:19 - 20 NIV

Church of Our Lord Newsletter April 2014 Editor: Lynne Damant email:

Producer: Richard Montgomery


Ascension Day

XV Easter dawn He blesses every love that weeps and grieves And now he blesses hers who stood and wept And would not be consoled, or leave her love’s Last touching place, but watched as low light crept Up from the east. A sound behind her stirs A scatter of bright birdsong through the air. She turns, but cannot focus through her tears, Or recognize the Gardener standing there. She hardly hears his gentle question, ‘Why, Why are you weeping?’, or sees the play of light That brightens as she chokes out her reply, ‘They took my love away, my day is night.’ And then she hears her name, she hears Love say The Word that turns her night, and ours, to Day.

We saw his light break through the cloud of glory Whilst we were rooted still in time and place, As earth became a part of heaven’s story And heaven opened to his human face. We saw him go and yet we were not parted, He took us with him to the heart of things, The heart that broke for all the broken-hearted Is whole and heaven centered now, and sings; Sings in the strength that rises out of weakness, Sings through the clouds that veil him from our sight, Whilst we ourselves become his clouds of witness And sing the waning darkness into light; His light in us, and ours in him concealed, Which all creation waits to see revealed. Malcolm Guite SOUNDING the SEASONS Seventy Sonnets for the Christian Year Canterbury Press Norwich 2012

Malcolm Guite SOUNDING the SEASONS Seventy Sonnets for the Christian Year Canterbury Press Norwich 2012


GOD WALKS, LISTENS AND TALKS WITH ME by Agnes Duke Put your hand in the hand of the man who walked on water Put your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee

The lines from this well-known song, although not familiar to me as a small child, would have applied, for one day I posed this question to my mother, “Where is God, ‘cause I can’t see him?”. Her answer, “No, you can’t, but he is as close as breathing.” Without hesitation I blew in my hand, held out that hand and said, “O.K. God, let’s go for a walk.” Then down the road we went, finding a good place to sit to start a conversation, or rather, as I recall, I did all the talking and God listened. That was the scenario that lasted for many years before God spoke to me. Much happened after that childhood time...working years and marriage later. With a husband, a family, their marriages and then grandchildren, my time was full. This was a happy time which should have been a truly joyous time had the Lord God filled all our hearts. However, one day there was a knock on my door which brought an invitation to a seminar that changed my life. That seminar brought me into a life filled with the Holy Spirit and eventually to finally hearing God’s voice - but only after I had called out to him in desperation when visiting a hospital patient as a volunteer ... I found a woman who was beyond conversation and I decided there was little use in a visit. God had other plans and put a hand on my back and guided me to the head of her bed. His word to me was, “at least touch her” - but when I did, she sprang to life and placed unwanted very slobbering kisses on my hand and arm. When I cried out to God that I couldn’t love this woman, he replied, “NO, YOU DON’T - I DO!” - at which time he filled me with his love. The following day I returned to share with this woman his gift of love. To think I lived so many years knowing only my own selfish love not realizing there was a greater love to have and to share. Was my heart so clouded that in years before while listening to Charles Wesley’s beautiful hymn, these words had meant little? Love Divine, all loves excelling Joy of heaven, to earth come down Fix in us Thy humble dwelling All Thy faithful mercies crown

Jesus Thou art all compassion Pure unbounded love Thou art Visit us with thy salvation Enter every trembling heart.

God’s love now filling me brought me to a whole new way of spending my time. I started volunteering in many ways and suddenly found I was asked to fill many capacities in the church: teaching primary Sunday school, writing a children’s page for the monthly newsletter, and even being asked to speak to a group of ladies, a really new experience for someone who used to be too timid to ever do such a thing. Then came a period when I was unable to enter very little church activity or even go to church. Rob, my husband of 30 years, developed cancer and as his caregiver I found little time for anything else. Nevertheless God used this time to bring Rob to know him fully. It wasn’t until after Rob’s death that I was able to get back to church - but only for a few years as I developed serious eye trouble, with several operations eventually ending with cornea transplants in both eyes. Prior to final recovery I lived a life of near blindness unable to read my bible, unable to see the T.V. However there was nothing wrong with my ears and I was able to find One Hundred Huntley Street on the T.V. and so kept in touch with a Christian program. By 1998 I was back to good sight again but having sold my car decided perhaps not to buy a new one - and became dependent on friends driving me to church. I soon became involved in leading the Alpha course. Eventually I volunteered in 2001 to take the Alpha course to William Head Prison and now with my friend Pam I am still doing so, although the program has changed. I close with the last verse of the hymn written by Frances Jane Crosby called, “All the way my Saviour leads me” - for Yes, my Saviour leads me all the way! All the way my Savior leads me O the fullness of His love! Perfect rest to me is promised In my Father’s house above. When my spirit, clothed immortal, Wings its flight to realms of day This my song through endless ages— Jesus led me all the way; This my song through endless ages— Jesus led me all the way.

“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.”

John Bunyan 2

RETURN TO NEPAL 2014 by Marjorie Woodroffe

Why Nepal? I have been asked this question over the years as I continue to visit this small country, situated between China and India. After trekking there in 1999 I knew that I would like to return but did not know when or why. I had to wait for God to show me the way, and the why. I was approaching retirement, working as a nurse at Victoria Hospice, when a physician gave a presentation about his visit to Nepal, assessing the needs of the developing hospice programmes there. With increasing excitement I realised that this was what I could do. In the spring of 2006, I returned to Nepal and spent two months there supporting, teaching and just soaking up the atmosphere of the newly formed hospice at the B.P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital near Bharatpur in the south of Nepal. I have recently returned from my fifth visit there and I am so happy and encouraged to see how far they have come since my first visit in 2006.

rounding countryside. All these adventures were thanks to a young Nepali man I have known for many years who runs a trekking/tour company there. He and his family are Christians and good friends of people I have met there over the years. We then flew south west down to Bharatpur where the cancer hospital is situated. As usual we were greeted at the small airport by hospital staff bearing flowers and we were soon on our way for the short drive to the hospital. For me it is always quite emotional returning there, seeing familiar faces and being greeted so warmly. We arrived on a Friday and the course we were helping to teach was to start on the Sunday. Saturday is the only day off for Nepalis and so it is also the day when the local Christian community gathers to worship at Koinonia Bharatpur Church. I have made connections there over the years and was eager to go there again. Our Sunday School at COOL had been busy making bookmarks for the children there and so I stayed after the service to greet the children and hand out the bookmarks. Something new this time was a small music group, made up of young boys from the Sunday School. They are all so appreciative that they are thought of by other children so many miles away. An interesting development at the hospital is the opening of a multi-faith chapel/temple in the grounds. Outside the small building there are representations of the different faiths including Christ on the Cross. You would never have seen this a few years ago.

Victoria Hospice is now officially twinned with this hospice and, on my last two visits I have been accompanied by other members of staff. This time there were four us—a physician, a counselor, a nurse, and myself - the retired nurse and unofficial tour guide! Before going down to the hospital we spent a few days in Kathmandu adjusting to the hustle and bustle of life there and enjoying just being “tourists”. We visited some of the main sites of interest in the Kathmandu Valley including Swayambhunath (the “monkey temple”), Bodnath, Pashupatinath, and the Durbar Squares in Bhaktapur and Patan. We also went on two day hikes, north and south of Kathmandu, to visit some old monasteries and to see some of the sur-

The course we were teaching was titled, “Basic Palliative Care Training”. The participants had come from Kathmandu and other smaller places around Nepal, as well as from their own hospital. They were a lively group, most quite young, and they enjoyed teasing the Canadian “elders”. It was fun! 3

I was also privileged to once again be able to donate some items for the breast cancer patients and I met with some of them, which is always a humbling experience for me. The nurse, who is so committed to their care, told me that my visits mean so much to these women. I know that it is not me, personally, but what I represent that makes the difference. As a two-time survivor, living life to the full, I represent hope.

My eldest, Connie, met her husband-to-be, Terry, at Huron College (Western) - he was in philosophy, she in psychology. He was heading for Divinity school but they were married before graduation and he was still Mr. DeForest. Then off they went to the Episcopal Divinity School by Harvard Yard My middle daughter Peggy met Jonathan at McGill where they both received music degrees. He headed to Theology (a classmate of our Ron) and she into medicine. He was still Mr. Gibson when they married. At their wedding where Jennifer was Maid of Honour there were many questions posed to her, primarily “Where's the Anglican priest in your future?” Her adamant reply was, “I have better things to do than get married and when I do it will NOT be to an Anglican priest.” I can only guess that this was too good an opportunity for the Good Lord to let slip by.

While staying at the hospital we are treated royally and much is done to make our stay enjoyable. We were taken on a jungle safari in Chitwan National Park, which included a two hour elephant ride. We saw crocodiles as we crossed a river, and also many wild boar, barking deer, monkeys and even a rhino with her young offspring. It was a lovely peaceful interlude during our busy life there. All too soon it was time to bid farewell to our friends and colleagues and to return to Kathmandu. On our return flight back to Kathmandu we were very lucky with the weather and had marvelous views of the Himalayas. Thank you for this opportunity to once again share some of my experiences in Nepal. I am so blessed to be able to return there every couple of years, to enjoy more adventures and to see first-hand how God is “working His purpose out” in this small country. _____________________________________________

GOD’S SENSE OF HUMOUR by Elspeth Thomson

When my husband died suddenly forty years ago at the age of 42 our children were 4, 7, 11, and 16. Their heavenly Father took over and has nurtured us all ever since. As they became adults He allowed Himself to manifest His sense of humour as all three of my daughters eventually married Anglican priests. (I often wondered if He knew I needed all the help I could get!)

Jen had obtained her degree from Mount Allison, and stayed in the Maritimes to work for a while afterwards. When she did return God already had set His plan in motion to bring into her life the Rev Bob Wismer. Bob, a friend of Jonathan and Peggy, had seen Jen’s picture when visiting the Gibsons. As well, he had been at St George's Church on the West Island of Montreal and used to visit a member of the congregation: my octogenarian Mother, still living in her own home in Baie d'Urfe. One day when he drove by her home on the Lakeshore Road he noticed this unknown woman crossing her garden, so he swung in, parked and came across to meet her. Finding I was no threat to his Scrabble friend we finished a very pleasant encounter and went our separate ways. At that time Jen was still in New Brunswick. And I used to write homey letters. This day I wrote facetiously that I had just met this delightful Anglican priest. In fact I think I said, “I've found the Anglican priest for you.” God made sure that Jen's was the only one of my daughters’ wedding invitations which read “… to the Rev ...” and as they approach their 25th wedding anniversary this year they still have my letter ... or should I say, His letter? (Editor’s Note: This delightful story came to me because Elspeth Thomson happened to be sitting at a table with Bishop Rob Badham after our church AGM and as they chatted, she told him how she comes to be the mother-in-law of 3 Anglican priests! Bishop Rob urged her to send it to me for The Anchor. I was delighted to print it here!) __________________________________________________ 4

RECOMMENDING A BEAUTIFUL BOOK “I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God.” Abraham Lincoln

The visual designer of this book is a magnificent artist. It’s so much more than a ‘coffee table book’ and would make a beautiful gift or presentation for a special: occasion. Anne Graham Lotz sums it up at the end of the book: “In a fresh, astounding way, this book has caused my head to bow, my knees to bend, my will to yield, my hands to serve, my mind to worship, and my heart to fall in love all over again with the One whose glory is revealed in the heavens!” And to close, below are the inspiring words from Henry and Richard Blackaby, in Discovering God’s Daily Agenda, quoted on page 161 of The Heavens Proclaim His Glory:

He is the Creator of the universe and the Designer THE HEAVENS PROCLAIM HIS GLORY is created and compiled by Lisa Stilwell. When the book was released in September 2010, the publisher, Thomas Nelson, said: “Our world displays the handiwork of God all around us—in the land and sea, the animals and the plants. But in respect to the sky, the heavens, the universe…there’s a realm of beauty and creation man has not been able to witness, until now. The Heavens Proclaim His Glory is a compilation of stunning photography taken by NASA’s Hubble Telescope capturing striking images of stars, galaxies, cosmic events, planets, and more. Vivid up-close photographs are paired with a romantic Psalm or quote, as well as a short description of the image. The Heavens will open up a whole new world of worship and praise for our God. Contributors include: Francis Chan, Mike Huckabee, John MacArthur, Stephen Mansfield, Sarah Young, Max Lucado, Jenna Lucado, Henry & Richard Blackaby, Robert Morgan, Kirk Cameron, Homer Hickam, and more.” Sheryl Craig Merrett recently offered me her copy of this glorious book to borrow and enjoy.

of the human body. He is the Author of salvation history and the Sovereign over world history. He sits enthroned as the ultimate Victor over sin, death, and pain. He keeps planets in their orbits …. and your heart beating. Yet this Almighty God, enthroned in the heavens, bends down to listen to the entreaty of one of His children. It’s amazing that our Almighty God has any thoughts at all toward His creatures. But consider what the psalmist said: “Your thoughts which are toward us cannot be recounted to You in order; if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered” (Psalm 40:5). The fact that God’s thoughts toward us are innumerable is more than we can fathom. God sits exalted above the universe. We are weak and needy creatures. Yet the Lord thinks of us, hears our cries, brings us up out of horrible places, sets our feet on rock, and puts a song of praise in our mouths (vv.1-3). He is our Help and our Deliverer. Go to Him now with praise!

I was bowled over! This introductory quote come from Anne Graham Lotz: "As you turn the pages of The Heavens Proclaim His Glory, be prepared for your heart to soar into the stratosphere of space, worshiping the God who created it all." My heart does soar every time I look at this book! It is magnificent. The pictures are aweinspiring, incredibly beautiful, and truly proclaim the Glory of God. The Hubble telescope reveals God’s amazing design of far distant galaxies, and the pictures give testament to the breathtaking glory of His handiwork. The images of stars, galaxies, planets are truly awesome. These sublime photographs are complemented by extracts from the Psalms and other books of the Bible, and by poems and comments from famous people like Anne Frank or Charlotte Bronte.

Days pass and the years vanish and we walk sightless among miracles. Lord, fill our eyes with seeing and our minds with knowing. Let there be moments when your Presence, like lightning, illumines the darkness in which we walk. Help us to see, wherever we gaze, that the bush burns, unconsumed. And we, clay, touched by God, will reach out for holiness and exclaim in wonder, “How filled with awe is this place and we did not know it.” ______________________________________________

Lynne Damant ___________________________________________


A WEEK IN CUBA, March 2014 by Rev. Rod Ellis

Bishop Trevor Walters invited me to be part of an ANIC delegation to Cuba to assess how we could partner with the increasing number of Cuban churches. We acknowledge Bishop Charles and Mrs. Claudia Dorrington whose dedication and regular annual visits have helped lay a solid foundation for the growing Church. All our practical arrangements were taken care of by the organisation, Hungry for Life. With smooth flights and successfully connecting as a team, on arrival in Havana we met up with our hosts, Archdeacon William Mendez Suarez, and Rev. Walter Serrano Gonzalez who also served as our translator.

We had no trouble at customs with the extra suitcases of medicine and clothing supplies. After piling into a van that would not stretch to fit us in, we rented another car only to find that the van wouldn’t start. Late and tired, our hearts sank. Thankfully it was a standard and with a push start we were on our way and relieved to book into our hotel. An early breakfast, a 5 minute refreshing dip in the pool, and we headed for our first meeting at the home of Lay Leader Gianni Torrente and his wife Hetty. Their one roomed home served as a bedroom for themselves, their daughter, a kitchen, and meeting area for the Aposento Alto congregation. We started our regular format of introducing ourselves, and then asking questions regarding the ministry, future hopes and vision, and practical needs. Gianni was the son of the first Archdeacon Ramone, who seemed to have attracted a contingent of young Nazarene pastors to the REC. Sadly, he died and Gianni inherited a few families after a church division. Outreach was primarily through house to house visitation and spiritual warfare prayer.

He shared a need that was repeated by most of the pastors with whom we met – the desire for a bigger meeting room. He would like to build an extension.

We next met in the home of Lay Leader Claudio and Nellie Sotero Otero of the Pan De Vida Congregation. They shared on their ministry to seniors, and were most grateful for the medicines that are brought in by each delegation. We then headed for the Havana airport in good time for our flight to Holguin. We waited and waited as hour after hour went by with no communication and wondered if we would make it out that night. Eventually we were called to board after midnight, and arrived at our destination around 1.30a.m. We checked into a very comfortable B&B and hit the sack around 3 a.m. While Walter attended to some pastoral needs the team had a late breakfast, enjoyed fellowship, and a time of prayer. Here we started to get to know one another. Charlene Stinson and Jessica Gossulak were HFL Canadian team leaders along with Mike Bell, USA director. It was great to have Rev. Andrew Hewlett from Open Gate Victoria, Rev. Brian McVitty from Celebration Church, Barrie Ontario, and Rev. Chris Schutte from Christchurch, Phoenix USA who made up our ANIC/ ACNA delegation. A wonderful team spirit developed among all of us and we saw the Lord’s hand guiding our trip step by step. Our afternoon meeting was with another bright young pastor couple, Rev. Javier Serrano, Alecia and their very active baby daughter. Their Espiritu Santo Congregation met in a rented facility nearby but faced many obstacles. Outreach included house to house visitation and working with marriages. We booked into a Church of God facility which included a chapel, personal living space for the pastors and staff, and very spacious high quality rental rooms as part of a B&B. Ideas were flowing among the team as to how this could be a model for our churches to combine a hospitality ministry with providing income. As transport is such a challenge, we also saw the horse and buggy taxis as another means of providing income while meeting people. 6

The next day we set off for the three hour drive to Moa where we enjoyed the hospitality and lunch in the home of Archdeacon William and his wife Reina. Their finance manager gave us an introduction to the Nuevo Eden Farm and how this provided much needed resources for the people of the region. We stopped in at the church building and then drove to the farm. As we approached we were told to keep quiet, as foreigners were not allowed to visit the countryside. We were about to board the horse and buggy to take us to the farm when we were hurriedly told to return to the van immediately. Evidently an informant was spotted who would have reported us to the police with the consequence of a heavy fine for our hosts. We had dropped off the farm manager so his was an honest explanation of why we were there. It was disappointing to miss seeing the farm, but such is the reality of living with constraints on freedom of movement.

We began our long drive back to Holguin. As supper was not ready, some of us gathered in the cafe/pub across the road. Here the “Council of Moa” engaged in deep theological discussion where not only did we help Brian write his sermon, but we solved most of the world problems. Later after supper, some of the kitchen helpers joined us in some English/Spanish singing of praise songs. Instead of driving halfway down the island and returning to Holguin to fly back to Havana, we decided to drive. In another shockingly humourous moment at a pit stop, we learned in no uncertain terms that ****ing turkey sandwiches were not on the menu. It was the staple cheese and ham. Our first stop was with Rev. Juan Ezequiel of the San Juan Apostol Congregation in Florida. We were all impressed with his visionary and strategic thinking. He had a largish church with a building, had a poultry pig farm to create income, and was teaching Rick Warren’s, The Purpose Driven Life. Then it was on to Rev. Ricardo Martin and his wife of the La

Nueva Jerusalen Congregation. Deacon Alexei, Juan’s son, sat quietly before he opened up and demonstrated the same clear thinking of his father. He had 5 preaching stations, which sounded like our house groups, but was looking for a place to consolidate. He and his wife also reached out by helping married couples. We continued driving to Ciego de Avila and checked into our comfortable hotel and a very late supper. The following day we drove on to Venezuela to meet with a sharp young couple, Rev. Pablo and Milesy Ulloa and their daughter, of the San Lucan Congregation. Pablo had a clear entrepreneurial vision to create income through a livestock farm, and was negotiating for 13.2 hectares of land. His challenge was to pump water from the water table up into the storage tank. I thought of someone from our congregation who might be able to offer his expertise. We returned to our hotel for lunch, and then blessed, prayed for and bid farewell to our hosts, William and Walter. Then it was on to the 5/6 hour trip back to Havana. Saturday was a day off. I managed to get in some lengths before breakfast, and then we went into Old Havana for sightseeing. The next day it was off early to the airport, smooth travels back to Vancouver, and onto the 7 p.m. ferry back to Victoria. We’ll miss the team and our Cuban friends. It was a great privilege to meet with these godly saints who showed such a depth of spirit and love for our Lord. Their commitment was an example to all of us. Whenever asked about what were their needs, they mentioned spiritual not material or financial things. They wanted to be closer to God, know more of the Holy Spirit, and be more effective in their ministry. They were hungry for good teaching and we recommended a number of resources, including the Alpha course. Our team also has numerous suggestions of how we can assist with a different model of provision i.e. a hand up rather than handouts, and in particular how to combine ministry with ways to create income. Here at Church of Our Lord we shall consider involving ourselves with a church and these projects. We praise the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the God of all nations for what He is doing in and through the people of Cuba. We look forward to seeing how we can work in partnership in learning from and serving one another. In the words of the hymn we sang one evening, “All to Jesus I surrender, I surrender all”, as we entrust this ministry to Him. _____________________________________________



The family tree of Jesus Christ, David’s son, Abraham’s son: Abraham had Isaac, Isaac had Jacob, Jacob had Judah and his brothers, Judah had Perez and Zerah (the mother was Tamar), Perez had Hezron, Hezron had Aram, Aram had Amminadab, Amminadab had Nahshon, Nahshon had Salmon, Salmon had Boaz (his mother was Rahab), Boaz had Obed (Ruth was the mother), Obed had Jesse, Jesse had David, — and David became king.

The Gospel of Matthew relates to us the genealogy of Jesus right down through all the generations. I have been engrossed with this family tree to see who God had chosen to fulfill the blood lines that brought forth Jesus Christ. At the beginning it is very simple to see that Abraham had Isaac, then Isaac had Jacob then Jacob had Judah then Judah had Perez, then Perez had Hezron and Hezron had Aram and Aram had Amminadab and he had Nahshon who in turn had Salmon and he had Boaz and Boaz’ mother was Rahab. We all know the story of Rahab who hid the spies that Joshua despatched to scout out the land of Canaan. But what do we really know of this woman. Some theologians have tried to prove that this Rahab was a different woman from the one spoken of in the Bible as a harlot. Some say she was an innkeeper. But she is recorded as a harlot in the book of Joshua. A woman of loose morals. A woman who gave her favours to men. How and why is she listed in the genealogy of Jesus? What right did she have to be listed as one of Jesus descendants? If we return to the story of how she shielded the spies that Joshua had sent out to see what Jericho was like, we find that she knew the story of how God had brought the Israelites out of Egypt, the miracle of the Red Sea, and the overthrow of Sihon and Og, and how God had fed them in the desert for forty years – and now this gigantic host of people were encamped across the Jordan River waiting to cross over and attack Jericho.

We ask ourselves, why did the spies seek out her house of ill repute, and the answer seems obvious. Rahab’s clients did not want their identity to be known to the public, so these spies could be fairly certain that their visit would not be known to the inhabitants of Jericho. Rahab recognised that these two men were men of God, the true God of this Universe, and she decided to hide them from their pursuers. She took them up to the roof of her house and hid them under the flax that had been set out to dry. When the pursuers traced the spies to her house she met them with plausible explanations telling them, “Yes they were here, but they have left by way of the Eastern gate and if you hurry you will be able to catch them. You may search my house if you wish,” she said. As soon as the pursuers left and as soon as it became dark, she let the spies down from the window in the wall where her house was located. The book of Joshua, 2: 9-11, tells us that she said to the men, “I know that the Lord God has given you the land and that your terror is falling upon us. The Lord your God he is God in heaven above and in the earth beneath.” She acknowledged God as the saviour of mankind. This knowledge was given to her from above and she felt a distinct call from God to do what she did. God set her apart from her people to accomplish His plans for Israel. It was such a dramatic call that she willingly sacrificed her own nation to side with the God of Israel. She made a declaration of Faith, an Act of Faith. This placed her in a unique position because she willingly sacrificed her old beliefs and accepted her new beliefs in the true God of the Universe. Rahab knew that Jericho was doomed. This was a clever plan that she had devised. She wanted the kindness she had shown to the spies to be reciprocated, and the spies promised her that they would look after her. They told her to place a scarlet ribbon outside her window and all that were in her house would be saved. The colour of the ribbon was scarlet, a sign of safety. We are reminded that God spoke to Moses in Exodus 12:13 saying, “When I see the Blood on your lintel I will pass over and not harm you.” Hebrews 9:19-22 speaks of the sacrificial work of Jesus and how he gave of His life blood to save sinners. We know the outcome of the story of Rahab and that she and all her household were saved when Israel attacked Jericho. Rahab and her family were accepted into the host of Israel and she married Salmon, who was reported to be one of the spies in the story. Rahab was 8

now a changed woman because of her faith in God. She had been saved from a life of despair. She became an ancestor in the royal line from which Jesus descended. Rahab’s great courage in doing what she did for God, was rewarded with by Him. She is an example of someone who had great faith in God. Her name became sanctified and included in the genealogy of Christ. This is the story of how God took a defiled woman and changed her into a saintly figure for His purpose. God did not look at the outward appearance of Rahab, but looked into her heart. In 1 Samuel 16:7 THE MESSAGE Bible says this: But God told Samuel, “Looks aren’t everything. Don’t be impressed with his looks and stature. I’ve already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.” Yes, God looked into Rahab’s heart. If God could do this for Rahab, then He can do the same for all sinners. He has made such a promise – that all who turn to Him in repentance through the Blood of Jesus shall inherit Eternal Life. _____________________________________________

WHICH GENDER IS GOD? by Jack Krayenhoff

“God’s gender?” Most of us will say, “If anything, it is masculine.” Jesus talks about doing his Father’s will, and he told us to pray to our Father in heaven, not our Mother. Those feminists who talk about God as ‘She,’ have no biblical grounds for it. And I used to agree with that. Those Women’s Libbers were very irritating. And yet, and yet … We all agree that God is not a man or a Man, any more than He is a woman or Woman. He is beyond gender. “God created man in His own image,” it says in Genesis 1, but here ‘man’ does not mean ‘a person of the male gender’ but rather ‘mankind,’ for then it says, “Male and female created He them”. Therefore, ‘male’ and ‘female’ were both aspects of God’s image. That means then, that our question ‘Which gender is God?’ must be answered ‘Both male and female’. Those feminists may be irritating, but they do have a point.

But now let us forget about Women’s Lib and ask if God’s gender is of any practical implication to us ordinary Christians? You have probably heard of Christian writers or speakers who recommend to harried, worried or tense believers to ‘rest in the arms of our loving Heavenly Father; to become as little children again and let Him comfort you’. I have heard this advice, but I have to confess that I was unable to profit from it. The reason? It goes back to my childhood. I cannot remember one occasion that I took my troubles to my father expecting to find comfort from him. Advice – yes. Exhortation – yes. But for comfort, for a pair of loving arms around me – I went to my mother. Now – could I go God as my Mother? Here are some scriptures. Psalm 131:2 (David talking to God:) “I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a child quieted at its mother’s breast; like a child that is quieted, is my soul.” Isaiah 66:13 (Thus says the Lord:) “As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.” Luke 13:34 (Jesus addressing Jerusalem:) “How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!” We may be adults, but are there not times that we want not advice or a talking-to, but help, comfort and affection from somewhere? And who is there but God – Mother God? It takes a while for me to get used to this image of God who is not only my Father, who is strong and reliable, who wants me to be the best man I can possibly be, in fact: like Jesus, who was as masculine a man as they come; but also as my Mother, who loves me without any reservation or holding back, to Whom I am precious, even when I am weak, even when I have been disobedient, Who loves to see me coming and opens Her arms to me. Like I said— that takes a while to get used to. _____________________________________________

"The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history." Andrew Murray 9

FROM PEW 20 by Mike Damant

I enjoy the TV Weather Reports. I gloat every time the pundits get it wrong – I know I shouldn’t, but somehow to see them standing there pointing at their charts and diagrams and telling us how awful – or how glorious the coming days will be only to have the opposite happen just “tickles my fancy”. It’s probably a sin, but really, I do enjoy it. So here I am, looking out of the window and it’s raining. For once the Weather Man was right. My thoughts turn to Christianity, Not because it’s raining, but because this is meditative weather, a time to just sit and look out of the window and think. In the beginning Jesus left us just one faith. Faith in His promise and His redemptive sacrifice for all humanity – if we would repent and turn to the one true God, believing and following Jesus’ teachings. But who was waiting in the wings? None other than Satan in his comfortable wellworn clothes and with his easy friendly manner. We read how almost from the first moment he whispered in the ears of the Jews who believed; that Jesus had not really meant it when He said He came for all humanity, what He really meant was that he had come for all Jews who repented and believed, so we read of the first disputes between Christians. The Jewish believers insisting that converts had to be circumcised and follow the Law of Moses – until God spoke through Peter and put them right. Down the ages we find enthusiastic and well-meaning Christians going off the rails again and again. Think of the time of two Popes – one in Rome and one in Constantinople – elbowing each other in the eye and claiming exclusivity. Think of the Spanish Inquisition. It’s hard to comprehend how people who professed to be followers of Christ could be as narrow minded and misguided to actually perpetrate the unspeakable cruelties of which they were guilty, on others, believing that by doing so they might redeem the unfortunate’s soul from Hell. Just letting one’s mind roam through history throws up instance after instance when Satan has whispered in the

ears of Christians suggesting that “the gang down the road” are not true believers because they do, or don’t do, such and such, and we fall for it. It seems so easy for us to judge and we don’t think “Why would God create such divisions in His Church? ” I am wryly amused when I read of another brawl in the Holy Sepulchre between the various Christian factions who have allotted territories there. How Satan must roar with laughter and God shake His head. I am bemused when I read that Eastern Orthodox Christians regard those from western cultures as false believers because when we cross ourselves we make the horizontal stroke of the cross from left to right whereas they do it from right to left. One can go on and on – the one true faith is riven with division after division across the world and, quite frankly, I just cannot fathom why the leaders of the different “brands” of Christianity just don’t or won’t realise that Jesus left one faith, and that a simple one, and that any and every split and division must be the work of Satan. Surely it must be true that every person who states “ I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his ,his only Son our Lord,” and goes on to affirm the fundamental beliefs of Christianity with sincerity and conviction, must be a Christian, no matter how that belief is manifested? The different ways in which we come to worship, and the different in our Church hierarchies and the different structures of our Churches and all similar things are surely all “manmade” and not from God. I believe that it is long past time for all Christians to focus on the simple foundation which Christ gave us and come together in the one true Church, united in faith and worship, waiting in unity for the Saviour’s return. There are no God-given reasons for (for instance) excluding women from the priesthood, or for insisting that all clergy must be single. A moment’s thought should be sufficient to reveal that these – and similar restrictions and practices – are by their very nature completely contrary to God’s all-encompassing love and plan for His creation which He loves so completely that He has sent His Son to redeem us and deliver us from all our wilfulness and stubborn stupidities. Christians need to come together now, not later, and we need to be very aware that Satan is real and constantly attacking God’s Church and send him packing! _____________________________________________ 10

ORDAINED TO SERVE by Rev. Lynne Ellis

In the preface to the Ordination service it states: “three Orders of ministry have existed in Christ's Church: Bishops, Priests and Deacons.” And it adds, “no one might presume to execute any of them, without being first called, tried, and examined, and ascertained to have such qualities as are requisite for the same.” We are reassured by these words that those who are ordained to lead the church forward are purposely chosen by God. In my mind, apart from the fact that I'm his mother, it is clear that Jonathan Ellis is called and chosen by God to be a minister of the Gospel of Christ. His birth was only made possible by the miraculous healing that enabled me to have children. For this reason I have always felt sure that God had a purpose for our son, which is why at Jonathan's baptism, just as Hannah did with Samuel, I dedicated him to the Lord and to His service, whatever that purpose might be. We did not tell him this, so that he would not feel pressure to choose the ministry. The only advice I gave him about the direction of his career path was to choose what he was most passionate about. Along the way he seemed to enjoy a wide range of passions! When he was 2 1/2 he followed behind me as I hung washing on the line in Durban. “Mommy,” he said in an enquiring tone, “God is in heaven, but where does the devil live?” It was the first of many searching theological discussions Jonathan initiated with me and his father. For fun, I made him a cassock and surplice with red stole and clerical collar to look like his Dad at a “fancy dress” day at our church. He looked adorable! But that didn't automatically lead to his decision to enter the ordained ministry. In fact, at 9 he announced he had decided to be an elder instead of a minister, “Because elders can earn more money than ministers,” he explained. There was also the time he was lead singer and electric guitarist in a rock group, and the five months he went on a surfing-safari in South Africa and lead groups of inexperienced tourists down the whitewater rapids of the Orange River. He did quite a bit of acting and even modelling while he completed training as a teacher and worked as T.O.C. And in short-term contracts. All this time he served in the church with us, as youth leader and as worship leader and later as an intern with

The Table church. He did the Artizo course, which in turn lead to his desire to study theology at Regent College. Rod and I were simply delighted to hear he had decided to become an ordinand. Then last September he was appointed as an intern curate under Bishop Ron Ferris' guidance at Church of the Ascension in Langley. It is an understatement to say he's been stretched as he juggled theological studies with part-time ministry – which we all know tends to expand beyond the intended parameters – and his family life with his lovely wife, Becky and their beautiful, energetic, brilliant daughter, Esther, who is more grown up than her two years should allow! But through it all, Rod and I have watched our son develop a deeper walk with the Lord and mature into an inspiring Bible teacher and warm, effective young pastor. Bishop Ferris and the congregation must have seen in him the qualities that are required for ordination, because only 6 months into his internship they suggested he be ordained as Deacon right away. In accordance with procedure, Jonathan met with all those who have the authority to discern his calling and the date for his ordination was set for 23rd March.

Sunday 23rd March was bathed in sunshine and the Milner Chapel in Langley, rather like a very small version of Church of Our Lord, lent a warm and intimate setting for the congregation, our family and a good number of Jonathan's friends since his school days. Archdeacon Dan Gifford lead a private reading and signing of all the legal documents surrounded by all the clergy, Bishop Ron and Bishop Trevor before we all processed into the sanctuary in our clerical dress. I have to say the alb looked good on Jonathan! 11

It was my joy and privilege that Jonathan asked me to preach at his service. The readings JEREMIAH 1:4–10 and ACTS 6: 1–7 assigned to me reaffirmed Jonathan's calling and assured me that what I had believed from before he was born, was indeed falling in line with God's plans for his life, especially the fifth verse: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Well, I'm not suggesting my son is the next Jeremiah, but there is no doubt that God has called and appointed him. The whole service was very sincere. From my vantage point on the dais, I was deeply moved to see the Bishop lay hands on my son to set him apart as an ordained servant of the Lord, and his wife put the red stole over his shoulder, indicating he was a Deacon. I had this sense of peace and inner recognition that my son had become a man I could look up to. Along with this newly invested authority as a spiritual leader in the church, I pray that the Lord will bless Jonathan daily with the fullness of the Spirit and with wisdom, to carry out the ministry of service as a Deacon as he continues to prepare for the day he will be ordained as Priest in the Church. _____________________________________________

Margaret’s Prayer Now, into the keeping of God I put All doings of today. All disappointments, hindrances, forgotten things, negligences. All gladness and beauty, love, delight, achievement. All that people have done for me, All that I have done for them, my work and my prayers. And I commit all the people whom I love to his shepherding, to his healing and restoring, to his calling and making; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Margaret Cropper, 1886-1980 The Oxford Book of Prayer, OUP 1985, p.103

Good Friday Am I a stone, and not a sheep, That I can stand, O Christ, beneath Thy cross, To number drop by drop Thy blood's slow loss, And yet not weep? Not so those women loved Who with exceeding grief lamented Thee; Not so fallen Peter weeping bitterly; Not so the thief was moved; Not so the Sun and Moon Which hid their faces in a starless sky, A horror of great darkness at broad noon I, only I. Yet give not o'er, But seek Thy sheep, true Shepherd of the flock; Greater than Moses, turn and look once more And smite a rock. Christina Georgina Rossetti (1830-1894)

The Musician A memory of Kreisler once: At some recital in this same city, The seats all taken, I found myself pushed On to the stage with a few others, So near that I could see the toil Of his face muscles, a pulse like a moth Fluttering under the fine skin And the indelible veins of his smooth brow. I could see, too, the twitching of the fingers. Caught temporarily in art’s neurosis, As we sat there or warmly applauded This player who so beautifully suffered For each of us upon his instrument. So it must have been on Calvary In the fiercer light of the thorns’ halo: The men standing by and that one figure, The hands bleeding, the mind bruised but calm, Making such music as lives still. And no one daring to interrupt Because it was himself that he played And closer than all of them the God listened. R.S Thomas (1913–2000) 12

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