Guide to Jewish Living 22-23

Page 7


Without these advertisers, we would have no voice. Jewish Rhode Island depends on our advertisers for support and you, our readers, for the valuable news and information that goes into making a newspaper and this guide. Together we are able to cover the breadth and depth of our Thiscommunity.year,you will be able to see the entire Guide and its ads online at This makes this resource even more useful as we can make timely updates to the listings and the ads.

Each organization, program, service and offering is part of a caring community that promotes quality Jewish living. Use this Guide regularly to discover much of what Jewish Rhode Island has to offer. And be sure to mention to the advertisers that you “saw them in the Guide!”

Peter Zeldin

We hope you, our readers, will turn to the Guide when you need a resource. And please support the advertisers in the 2022-2023 Guide to Jewish Living by letting them know that you saw their ad and rewarding them with your business. Once again, it’s been a tough year for all of us due to the coronavirus pandemic. Quarantine and closures continue to affect the entire community. We thank the advertisers who have stuck with us.

Dear Friends,

and CEO Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island

Jewish Rhode Island’s 2022-2023 Guide to Jewish Living is a directory of all things Jewish in the Rhode Island community, and a voice for our advertisers and us. It’s a comprehensive listing of the programs and resources available in our area. And it’s a showcase for the advertisers who support them.


Peter 401-421-4111,pzeldin@jewishallianceri.orgZeldinext.160


JEWISH RHODE ISLAND (ISSN number 1539-2104, USPS #465-710) is published monthly and twice in May, August and September.

Volume XXIX Issue XI


Cynthia Benjamin COVER PHOTO

Glenn Osmundson

In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you at the Jewish Alliance’s Dwares JCC and beyond!


Thank you for your support.

Rhode Island is published by the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island.



Seth Chitwood

TCI Press, Seekonk, Massachusetts

Jewish Rhode Island’s staff strives to meet the needs of our community every day. Let us know how we’re doing!

All editorial photos appeared previously in Jewish Rhode Island. The Guide can be found online at

Alex afoster@jewishallianceri.orgFoster


PERIODICALS postage paid at Providence, POSTMASTERR.I.Send address changes to: 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence, RI Jewish02906.

Fran 401-421-4111,fostendorf@jewishallianceri.orgOstendorfext.168

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 5

We are pleased to present you with the 2022-2023 Guide to Jewish Living. Whether you are new to the area or you’ve been here for years, the Guide is an excellent resource to navigate greater Rhode Island’s strong and vibrant Jewish community.



Elliot Gerber (

Fran Editor,OstendorfJewishRhode Island

6 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living


Hebrew Education: 14

Preschools & Nursery Schools: 6 Day Schools: 7 College & GeneralResources:Campus9Education: 11


David C. Isenberg Family Early Childhood Center at the Dwares JCC 401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906 401-421-4111, ext. mcicchitelli@jewishallianceri.orgprogramMichellejewishallianceri.org178Cicchitelli,chiefofficer


Aprogram of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode


NOTE: Many synagogues offer religious school and Hebrew school. See Chapter 3: Synagogues & Congregations.

Island, the David C. Isenberg Family Early Childhood Center (ECC) provides a safe, welcoming, play-based educational program infused with Judaic values for children ages three months through pre-kindergarten (4 years old by Sept. 1). Students are given opportunities to explore the world independently and with guidance from teachers. We offer a balance of socialization, science, math, literacy, creative arts, social studies, motor skills and more. Kosher vegetarian lunches and snacks are included in tuition. All are welcome regardless of religious and cultural background or physical, social, emotional and cognitive ability. The ECC is licensed by DHS and accredited by BrightStars and National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).



New England Academy of Torah (NEAT)

450 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

Rabbineaths.org401-331-5327PeretzScheinerman, Mgibber@phdschool.orgMarshaheadRabbipscheinerman@phdschool.orgdeanGideonGoldberg,ofschoolGibber,principal

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 7

Jewish Enrichment Program

Warwick, RI

An all-girls college preparatory high school. Provides an excellent Judaic and general studies curriculum and an array of extracurricular activities. We accept a limited number of boarders. Call for details.

every child and family receives here begins with our personal virtual visits. Schedule your visit today to learn more about what makes our program so special!

Jewish Learning

85 Taft Providence,Ave. RI 02906


Jewish Community Day School of RI (JCDSRI)


At the Jewish Community Day School of Rhode Island, we empower our children each day to design the world of tomorrow. We prepare confident, collaborative, critical thinkers for the 21st century. Our experienced and loving faculty employs a progressive curriculum that nurtures each student’s innate creativity and curiosity while promoting academic excellence and developing personal character. Our thoughtful and expansive social-emotional curriculum focuses on our school’s five values: kindness, community, respect, responsibility and justice.

Pre-Hebrew school-age children meet monthly at the Chabad CHAI Center in Warwick (near East Greenwich). Each month focuses on nurturing a mitzvah through arts and crafts, baking, singing and group play.

3871 Post Road

We welcome students ages 3 through grade 5, and their families, to join our special community. The unique and individualized experience that

Shayna Fel, director of admission and sfel@jcdsri.comcommunity


Jewish Learning


Rabbiphdschool.org401-331-5327PeretzScheinerman, MiriamheadRabbipscheinerman@phdschool.orgdeanGideonGoldberg,ofschoolEstherWeiner,principal Adual-curriculum community school from preschool through grade 8. PHDS is a member of Torah Umesorah, the national society of Jewish day schools.

Providence Hebrew Day School (PHDS) 450 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

8 2022–2023

Striar Hebrew Academy 100 Ames St. Sharon, MA admissions@striarhebrew.orgengagementofAmistriarhebrew.org781-784-872402067Blaszkowsky,directoradmissions&community

Jewish Living

Aco-educational, Modern Orthodox Jewish day school that provides a dual curriculum of general and Judaic studies for students in nursery (2.9 years old) through grade 5.

Guide to

Brown RISD Hillel 80 Brown Providence,St.RI 02906

Chabad House of College Hill 12 Olive Providence,St. RI 02906

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 9


Welcomes Jewish students attending Brown University, Rhode Island School of Design and Johnson & Wales University, regardless of background or affiliation.

growth during students’ time on College Hill and in their lives after graduation. Brown RISD Hillel operates from the award-winning Glenn and Darcy Weiner Center, a 25,000 square foot facility in the heart of Brown’s campus.

Jewish Learning


ffers religious, cultural, social, educational and other programs and services to help meet the needs of Jewish members of the Bryant University community throughout the year. These programs include

Rabbi401-743-4725Mendel Laufer, spiritual rebmendel@chabadbrown.comleader

Bryant University Hillel 1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield, RI Rabbihillel@bryant.edu401-232-655302917-1284StevenJablow,director of campus ministry & Hillel director

Brown RISD Hillel, the center for Jewish life at both Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design, is an integral part of campus religious, social, cultural, educational, and political life. It encourages and supports a diversity of students as they explore, develop, and deepen their Jewish identities. We are committed to having Judaism serve as a source of meaning and

interfaith activities and learning, sponsorship of campus-wide activities, informal learning and the opportunity for pastoral and personal connections with the fulltime campus rabbi.

Jewish Learning

10 2022–2023

Hillel creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere where students at the University of Rhode Island are encouraged and empowered to explore Judaism in personally significant ways.

Roger Williams University Hillel One Old Ferry Road Bristol, RI hillel@g.rwu.edurwu.edu401-254-572302809

In building meaningful Jewish relationships, and through its social, cultural, religious, community service and Israelrelated programming, Hillel helps students connect to a community of Jewish friends, increase their Jewish knowledge and literacy, hone their leadership skills, engage in social justice, gain reallife job experience and build a relationship with Israel and the global Jewish people.

Citizen Bank Center for Student Involvement, CBCSI (2nd floor)


232 Weybosset St. Providence, RI 02903

Guide to Jewish Living

RWU Hillel enriches the lives of Jewish students by building community on campus and connecting to Hillel nationally and globally. Student-led and student-run, it is a recognized club on campus and interacts with the RWU Student Senate. Students gather regularly for Shabbat, Jewish holidays and an annual Passover seder. Other opportunities to educate the larger campus community about Judaism include a collaboration with the RWU Roving Eye Film Festival and FLICKERS: RI International Film

Johnson & Wales University Hillel

EachFestival.semester (in November and April), a three-day film festival on the Jewish experience is organized, with screenings of the latest documentaries and short and feature films open to the campus and general public. In addition, RWU Hillel inaugurated an annual Yom HaShoah lecture in April 2018. The office engages an affiliated chaplain for the Jewish community who supports Jewish students’ spiritual life and works with multifaith programming on campus.

Coordinates Jewish activities and programs on campus.

Kelly Dunn, director of student Kelly.Dunn@jwu.edu401-598-2162engagement

Hillel Foundation at the University of Rhode Island

6 Quarry Road Kingston, RI Amyurihillel.org401-874-274002881Olson,executive director, director of Jewish student life (he/him) hebrewcollege.edusimcha.halpert-hanson@rabbinicSimchamichaels@uri.eduHalpert-Hanson,intern(they/them)

401-421-4111, ext.

Alliance Educational Services

Alliance Library of DVDs and CDs


Avast collection of media, offering a variety of feature films, documentaries, educational “trigger” films, TV shows and music CDs available for loan to individuals and institutions. Items are available in English, Yiddish, Hebrew and Ladino. We offer selections starring Kermit the Frog, Woody Allen, Roberto Benigni, Kirk Douglas, Dudu Fisher, Yehoram Gaon, Mandy Patinkin, Gregory Peck, Itzhak Perlman, Molly Picon, Monty Python, Barbra Streisand and many more.


401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906 401-421-4111, ext.

401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 11

Jewish Learning Visit us at to read the latest edition of Jewish Rhode Island!


Aprogram of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island. Services include professional development for educators, teacher resources, a DVD library, consultations, school services and information on Israel travel for youth and young adults.

262 Blackstone Blvd. Providence, RI 02906

The JLI is accepting, interactive, accessible and academically challenging. JLI offers three courses a year on an array of topics, including Jewish ethics, mysticism and philosophy. JLI courses uncover timeless wisdom, equipped with the modern tools of today – comprehensive textbooks, streamlined curriculum and multimedia presentations –prepared by experts in the field of adult Jewish education.

12 2022–2023

New England Rabbinical College (NERC)

Rabbi Eliezer Y. Gibber, dean Chana Faiga cftwersky.nerc@gmail.com646-942-6388401-274-1361administrativeTwersky,director(mobile)

Gift of Israel (GOI)

3871 Post Road Warwick, RI, RabbimyJLI.com401-884-788802886YossiLaufer, local rabbilaufer@gmail.comdirector

Partner with your synagogue and the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island to give your child the gift of Israel. Start a GOI savings plan while your child is young, to allow for future educational travel opportunities in Israel; participating congregations and the Jewish Federation Foundation subsidize the fund. Enrollment begins as early as grade 3 for children in the greater Rhode Island Jewish community who attend an approved Jewish Studies program. Contact the Jewish Alliance to learn more about eligibility. Every annual “family gift” of $150 is matched by $250 from the community. Family gifts are fully refundable.

Jewish Learning Institute

Guide to Jewish Living Jewish Learning


Eides Family J-Space After School Program

Offers a post-high school intensive program of Talmud and rabbinics. NERC offers classes and programs for adults and children in the greater community. The Rabbinical College administration and its students serve as resources for Jewish communal needs.

401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

Safe, fun, after-school program for children in grades K-5. Provides a setting focused on academics, social skills, sports, arts and fun. Enhanced curricula and enrichments include monthly themes, individualized homework help, CATCH (Coordinated Approach To Children’s Health), outside play, swimming, arts and crafts, pottery, gardening, select school pickup, healthy snacks and more. J-Space is DHS-licensed and BrightStars-rated.

401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906 401-421-4111, ext. jrawl@jewishallianceri.orgschoolJimjewishallianceri.org140Rawl,directorofageprograms

401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906 401-421-4111, ext. lursillo@jewishallianceri.orgLyndseyjewishallianceri.org141Ursillo

PJ Library and PJ Our Way

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 13

Jewish Learning

Project Shoresh of RI 15 Hart Providence,St. RI rnoachkarp@gmail.com401-429-8244andRabbinkarp@projectshoresh.com401-479-6953youngRabbiShoresh)Facebook(MostProjectshoresh.com02906currentinfoisonpage:ProjectNaftaliL.Karp,director,professionalprogrammingNoachKarp,youngfamilyyouthcoordinator

Created and supported by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Library is an award-winning Jewish literacy and outreach program for families with children ages 6 months through 8 years. Each participating child receives a free, high-quality, Jewish-themed book in the mail each month. PJ Our Way is the “next chapter,” and offers exceptional, Jewish-themed books to kids ages 8½ to 12; in PJ Our Way, participants choose books based on their interests and reading level.

Project Shoresh was founded to encourage, enable and facilitate Jews of all ages to connect to their Judaism. Yearround educational and social programming for all, with an open-door policy. We aim to bring the entire community together, strengthening Jewish unity and identity.

Through our programs, we work daily to fight injustice and eliminate hate. Contact us to visit our library; learn about programs for teens, community members or educators to earn PLUs; or to arrange for a speaker.



Providence Kollel 450 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI

14 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living Jewish Learning

Tamar, the Providence Hebrew Ulpan, has moved to online teaching. For more information email Ruth Ben-Yehuda Adler.

The goal of the Kollel is to enhance and enrich Jewish life in Rhode Island by providing relevant and stimulating educational programs that appeal to people regardless of age, background or level of observance.


Iprepare students and officiate at Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies. Having 30 years of experience, I work with families, both Jewish and interfaith, in Rhode Island and all over New England. No previous education in Hebrew or Jewish studies required. I have a Torah and prayer books that can be used. I also work with a cantorial soloist, if desired. I am able to tutor remotely and officiate at a Zoom ceremony, if preferred.

Ruth Ben-Yehuda Adler

Using lessons learned from the Holocaust, The Sandra Bornstein Holocaust Education Center works to reduce prejudice. Our survivors and second-

generation survivors speak at schools, community centers and religious organizations, telling their stories and creating meaningful dialogue that is relevant today. Our programs inspire students by educating them and opening their minds.

Sandra Bornstein Holocaust Education Center, The 401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906


Sandra Freedman

Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island (the Alliance) 401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

Financial Resources & Philanthropy: 19


Senior Housing: 20



General Social Services: 16

16 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living

1165 North Main St. Providence, RI 02904

Food Pantry: 19

HarrispresidentAdamjewishallianceri.org401-421-4111Greenman,&CEOChorney,chair of the board

Jewish Collaborative Services (JCS) is a striveneedchallengesnutritional,facinghelpsandsolutions-orientedcomprehensive,socialserviceseniorhousingagencythatindividualsandfamiliesphysical,emotional,financialorothergettheservicestheytorecoverandthrive.Wetoprovideanopenand

Media: 19

Senior Services: 20

the world. Our goal is to build a strong and vibrant Jewish community that is committed to social justice and experiencing Jewish life together in a spirit of joy and generosity. Our partners – here and around the world – are making a transformative impact on individual lives and in the local and global Jewish community.

Other Senior Resources: 20

Jewish ServicesCollaborative(JCS)

The Alliance works to ensure a stronger, more vibrant Jewish community, building and sustaining Jewish community by maximizing philanthropic resources and volunteer efforts. Part grant-maker, part fundraiser, part think tank, part gathering place, part provider of essential services, the Alliance distributes funds from its Annual Campaign to more than 60 local organizations and hundreds of others around

Hospital: 19

Senior Kosher Meals: 20

Most of the clinical and social service programs are located at the North Main Street headquarters. The West Bay campus on Shalom Drive in Warwick includes our enriched assisted living residence and affordable HUD housing for seniors.

Individuals in the community looking for resources to improve their lives or who need financial assistance will receive a comprehensive assessment, along with recommendations and referrals to appropriate services by a licensed social worker. Seniors and caregivers will also receive guidance and support from our knowledgeable case manager. JCS has COVID-19 specific funds that can be used for rental assistance for qualified individuals and families. If you have had increased hardship due to COVID-19, contact us.

1165 North Main St. Providence, RI 02904


P.O. Box 2568 Hyannis, MA

Community Resources

Adoption Options, a JCS program

Carol401-331-5437Wild,adoption coordinator

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 17

Adoption Options is a private, nonprofit, nonsectarian program of Jewish Collaborative Services. Adoption Options is licensed in Rhode Island and Massachusetts and serves all people touched by adoption. Adoption home studies and preparation are specialties. Even during this difficult time, feel free to reach out to us so we can provide information and talk more about your adoption options.

Case Management - Basic Needs Assistance, a JCS program

welcoming setting, regardless of religious affiliation, beliefs or background. JCS provides peace of mind by ensuring that everyone who comes to us can gain access to the resources they need.

Jewish Federation of Cape Cod

1165 North Main St. Providence, RI 02904 401-331-1244

Dwares JCC 401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906 jewishallianceri.orgmemberservices@jewishallianceri.org401-421-4111

The Counseling Center provides counseling services to adults, children, families and couples by licensed, experienced professionals. This nonsectarian program is available to residents of greater Rhode Island regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or economic status. Most third-party insurance is accepted, and a sliding scale fee is offered when appropriate. Due to COVID-19, JCS is offering telehealth to its clients.

18 2022–2023

Kesher (“connection”) is a synagogue-based program that offers short-term counseling, support groups, educational programs and referrals to the communities of Temple Torat Yisrael in East Greenwich, Temple Sinai in Cranston, as well as Temple Emanu-El and Congregation Beth Sholom, both in Providence. All Kesher services are provided free of charge. Kesher is designed to sustain, nurture and strengthen the wellbeing and stability of families and individuals through local synagogues.

Temple Torat Yisrael, & Temple Sinai, Temple Emanu-El & Congregation Beth Sholom Tara Watkins, LICSW tara@jfsri.org401-331-1244

The Jewish Alliance’s Dwares Jewish Community Center is greater Rhode Island’s resource for a wide spectrum of programs and events, including fitness and aquatics, personal training, family programs, educational resources, cultural events, Israel travel opportunities, early childhood education, summer camp for children and teens, social opportunities and Kosher meals for seniors. We provide for

The Counseling Center at JCS 1165 North Main St. Providence, RI 02904 Laurie401-331-1244McNiff, MSW, LICSW

Guide to Jewish Living Community Resources

Kesher Outreach,CongregationalaJCSprogram

Shalom Baby

The Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island helps connect new parents to programs available in the local Jewish community. Your new addition is welcomed to our Jewish community with a baby gift and valuable information about the programs and services we offer. If you know of a family with a newborn who would benefit from this program, please contact Lyndsey Ursillo.

the social, cultural, educational, recreational and wellness-related needs of greater Rhode Island’s Jewish communities. The Dwares JCC serves the whole family and welcomes people of all ages, faiths and backgrounds.

401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906 401-421-4111, ext. lursillo@jewishallianceri.orgLyndseyjewishallianceri.org178Ursillo


The Full Plate Kosher Food Pantry, a JCS program 1165 North Main St. Providence, RI 02904 Marcie401-621-5374Ingber, program



available to others at a nominal fee. Also publishes the annual Guide to Jewish Living and Celebrations, a guide to simchas.

Jewish Rhody Media 401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

Lends money at no interest to those with short-term financial needs. Complete confidentiality assured.

Greater Providence Hebrew Free Loan Association 2845 Post Road Suite Warwick,105 RI. gphfla2018@gmail.com401-384-725102886



Community Resources

Jewish Rhode Island 401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

University and a founding partner of the Lifespan health system.

Founded in 1926 by Rhode Island’s Jewish community, The Miriam Hospital is a teaching hospital for the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 19

Award-winning newspaper covering the Jewish community of greater Rhode Island. Published monthly by the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island. Home delivery at no cost to Jewish residents of Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts;

Video and podcast series of Jewish interest recorded in the Residential Properties LTD Studio at the Dwares Jewish Community Center in Providence as well as throughout Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts. Content is available online at Podcasts are also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

The Full Plate Kosher Food Pantry is the only Kosher food pantry in Rhode Island. The pantry helps eliminate the strain on community members who need help putting Kosher food on the table. The Kosher food pantry provides Kosher food and other essentials to hundreds of foodinsecure individuals and families. Pantry hours vary; call for the schedule. We offer delivery service to home-bound individuals.


Brianjewishrhody.org401-421-4111Sullivan,chief content officer



Miriam Hospital, The 164 Summit Ave. Providence, RI 02906

Shalom & Shalom II Apartments, a community of JCS 1 & 2 Shalom Drive Warwick, RI SusanJCSRI.org401-738-441402886Bazar,executive director

Enriched affordable housing for the elderly and those who are mobility-impaired in a secure suburban setting. Among available programs and services are a noon meal site, a computer room, beauty salon, resident service coordinator, activities, library, exercise equipment and an active tenants’ association.

Tamarisk is a Kosher assistedliving facility with full services including Renaissance, a memory support unit, Celebrations Adult Day Services and respite care.

The Phyllis Siperstein Tamarisk Assisted Living Residence (Tamarisk), a community of JCS 3 Shalom Drive Warwick, RI Tamariskri.org401-732-003702886

Cranston401-338-3189site: Fridays Only Temple Sinai - 30 Hagen Ave Cranston, RI Neal@jfsri.orgnutritionNealJCSRI.org401-743-000902920Drobnis,Koshercoordinator

Guide to Jewish Living Community Resources

Jewish Eldercare of Rhode Island (JERI), a JCS program 1165 North Main St. Providence, RI 02904 susie@jfsri.orgcoordinatorSusie401-621-5374Adler,program



Kosher Meals on Wheels, a JCS program Neal401-338-3189Drobnis, Kosher nutrition Neal@jfsri.orgcoordinator

Kosher meals are delivered to homebound, Jewish seniors Monday through Friday by volunteer drivers. Home delivery is available to residents of Providence, Pawtucket, Cranston and Warwick.

JERI staff and volunteers visit Jewish seniors in nursing homes, hospitals, assistedliving residences and private homes. They assist seniors with observance of Jewish traditions and holidays, conduct religious services and offer personal visits.

Kosher Senior Cafes, a JCS program

These two Senior Café sites offer Kosher lunches at noon for seniors and adults with disabilities. Local Kosher caterer, Ahava Catering, ensures meals are both tasty and nutritious. Each site also provides a variety of programs following lunch. Reservations are required two days in advance. A suggested donation of $3 per meal is appreciated, but there is no charge for scheduled social activities. Transportation to and from each site can be coordinated for residents. Visit for monthly calendars, virtual opportunities and meal deliveries.


For a list of non-denominational senior and assisted living resources in Rhode Island, contact the Rhode Island Department of Elderly Affairs/Office of Healthy Aging at 401-462-3000 or

1165 North Main St. Providence, RI 02904

Fall River Jewish Home 538 Robeson St. Fall River, MA 02720



Lifeline RI is a personal emergency response system for individuals in Greater Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts. Lifeline RI enables people to live with greater independence in their own homes, assisted living residences or senior housing.

Lifeline RI, a JCS program

Providence site: Mon.-Fri. Dwares JCC - 401 Elmgrove Ave Providence, RI 02906


Our tradition is caring for Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

20 2022–2023

Congregation Sons of Israel and David, known as Temple Beth-El (TBE), is located on Providence’s East Side. TBE began in 1854 as a small gathering in the home of Providence merchant Solomon Pareira. In 1877 it became affiliated with the Reform Jewish movement. This thriving congregation reflects and celebrates the diversity and vitality of Jewish life today. TBE houses the William G. Braude Library and Helene and Bertram Bernhardt History Gallery. TBE’s cemetery is owned and operated by the synagogue for its members. Established in 1849, it is the second oldest Jewish cemetery in Rhode Island (RI Historic Cemetery #6).

7 Hatchville Road East Falmouth, MA 02536


165 New Meadow Road Barrington, RI 02806

70 Orchard Ave. Providence, RI 02906

The Newport Havurah celebrates Shabbat and holidays and provides a variety of adult learning experiences.

Reform: Reconstructionist:22 24 Conservative: 24 Orthodox: Unaffiliated:2631

Temple Habonim

Newport Havurah



22 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living


Falmouth Jewish Congregation (Member Union for Reform Judaism)



Temple Beth-El


Temple Habonim, founded in 1960, is the Reform synagogue of the East Bay and southeastern Massachusetts. We offer worship services for all ages, including monthly Tot Shabbat and Family services, religious school (grades K-10), Bar and Bat Mitzvah services, Temple youth group, adult education, and Sisterhood. Temple Habonim is an inclusive and diverse congregation, welcoming Jews by birth, Jews by choice and spouses of other faiths.

Synagogues & Congregations


In these unprecedented times, finding a community of meaning has become more important than ever. Come and explore our welcoming, inclusive and spiritual Jewish community as we celebrate, worship and share our heritage and our values. All Friday night services are in-person and streamed online. You can “join us” virtually on our YouTube page, which is accessible from the very top of our website in the purple banner.


Temple Sinai 30 Hagen Ave. Cranston, RI

Reform congregation in Cranston with members from Pawtucket to Newport. Offers spiritual and joyful worship for Shabbat and holidays. Services every Friday night. Torah study every Saturday morning. Religious school, adult education, Sisterhood, Brotherhood, volunteer choir, social action, concerts and social events. Extensive online offerings on Zoom and our website.

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 23

Shoshana Jacob, program SharondirectorSock, congregant relationship specialist


Paul Stouber, executive director Rachel Cohn, director of youth education and engagement

Conservative synagogue offers adult education, Hebrew school, gift shop, Sisterhood and Jewish library. Zoom services available upon request to the office.

Hazzan Brian Mayer


Temple Emanu-El is a vibrant Conservative congregation in Providence that’s been at the heart of the Rhode Island Jewish community for almost 100 years. We are a pluralistic and egalitarian congregation offering weekly Shabbat services, morning and evening minyan, and personal life-cycle events. We are dedicated to warmly welcoming people regardless of faith or background. No matter where you are on your Jewish journey, there is a place for you at Temple Emanu-El.

Temple Emanu-El 99 Taft Providence,Ave. RI 02906

While we honor traditions, we embrace modernity and are motivated by the Jewish mission of repairing the world. We are deeply committed to innovative education for all ages, community-building, spiritual life and social justice. Whatever your age or interest, we offer a full variety of activities so you can engage with others in our community.

Congregation B’nai Israel 224 Prospect St. Woonsocket, RI 02895


Athoughtful, warm and welcoming Reconstructionist community, serving congregants with diverse backgrounds from southeastern Massachusetts and northern Rhode Island since 1911. Active, egalitarian community promoting Jewish education, social justice and lifelong learning. Hebrew School for pre-K to grade 7.


Temple Beth El of Fall River 385 High St. Fall River, MA 02720

24 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living Synagogues & Congregations

Michael Fel


Conservative synagogue welcomes interfaith families. Offers egalitarian services, cemetery and library.

Congregation Agudas Achim 901 North Main St. Attleboro, MA Rabbioffice@agudasma.orgagudasma.org508-222-224302703TalyaWeisbard Shalem, spiritual rabbi@agudasma.orgleader


Guide to Jewish Living


Rabbiti@tinewbedford.orgtinewbedford.org508-997-3171RaphaelJ.Kanter & Cantor Nathaniel Schudrich, spiritual leaders

Temple Torat Yisrael

1251 Middle Road East Greenwich, RI 02818

spiritual leader

Tifereth Israel Congregation


Congregation Beth Sholom is a traditional and dynamic Jewish partnership of families and individuals creating empowering and relevant spiritual experiences. We are fueled by the varied talents and diversity of our members. We actively seek to collaborate with local Jewish and other organizations to build a thriving community.

Congregation Jeshuat Israel at Touro Synagogue 85 Touro St. Newport, RI Rabbicji@tourosynagogue.orgtourosynagogue.org401-847-479402840Dr.MarcMandel,

Oldest synagogue in the United States is a National Historic Site. Modern Orthodox synagogue hosts Hebrew school, Bar and Bat Mitzvah lessons, weddings and adult education classes and programs. Year-round Shabbat services; daily services during summer months and all Jewish holidays. Check website for service times.

Synagogues &

145 Brownell Ave. New Bedford, MA 02740

An egalitarian serviceUSY/Kadima.minyanim,congregation.ConservativeTwice-dailyreligiousschoolandCheckwebsitefortimesandotherdetails.

26 2022–2023

spiritualRabbiwelcome@toratyisrael.orgtoratyisrael.org401-885-6600DavidBarnett,leader Adiverse, gradereligiousEastlocatedconservativemulti-generationalsynagogueinabeautifulbuildinginGreenwichwithanactiveschoolfrompre-Kto7.


Congregation Beth Sholom Mailing address: 55 Cromwell St., Suite 1D Providence, RI 02907 Services held: 401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

Rosh Chodesh Shacharit at 6:30 a.m.

Chabad CHAI Center of West Bay 3871 Post Road Warwick, RI rabbi@rabbiwarwick.comRabbirabbiwarwick.com401-884-788802886YossiLaufer


671 East Pawtucket,Ave.RI 02860

Congregation Mishkon Tfiloh

Women’s and Girls’ wedding-wear Gemach located on premises. By appointment only. Contact Nita Pliskin 401-725-3886 or Linda Kessler 401-556-3216 for information.


Services: 6:30 a.m., Monday to Friday; Saturday 8:30 a.m.; Sunday, 7:30 a.m.

203 Summit Ave. Providence, RI 02906

Synagogues & Congregations


Congregation Ohawe Shalom

Project Shoresh Rabbis Rahmat Noorparvar, gabbai David Pliskin, Weekdaydgpliskin@gmail.com401-725-3886presidentShacharitat6:45

Friday Evening Mincha and Maariv at 10 minutes before candle Shabbatlightingmorning Shacharit at 9 Shabbata.m. afternoon Mincha at 25 minutes before sunset, Maariv at Sundaynightfall morning Shacharit at 8 a.m.

Large social hall and small foyer available for rental. Rhode Island Kosher-certified kitchen.

Warm, friendly atmosphere for people to come and grow in their connection to their Judaism. Serious and lively prayer, sermons to help provide people with real tools for growth, Kiddush following prayers every Shabbat morning, and invitations for Shabbat meals available every week.

Since 1962, Congregation Mishkon Tfiloh has played a significant part in Jewish life on the East Side of Providence. The congregation was founded by a group of families that wanted a strictly Orthodox shul. These people would walk from all ends of the East Side to daven in Mishkon Tfiloh, one of the only Orthodox shuls in the neighborhood at that time. The Rabbanim in the shul organized classes, and this led a number of people, many of whom still live in Providence, to keep Torah and mitzvot.

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 31

Congregation Sha’arei Tefilla 450 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI Rabbishaareitefillaprov.org02906EliyahuMarcus, spiritual orgRabbiMarcus@shaareitefillaprov.leader


Congregation Sons of Jacob 24 Douglas Ave. Providence, RI 02908


32 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living

Rabbiwww.chabadsri.com401-515-5833MendyandLieba Reinitz

Chabad Rhode IslandProvidence 360 Hope Providence,St.RI 02906 believeinprovidence@gmail.comleaderRabbichabadriprovidence.com401-273-7238YehoshuaLaufer,spiritual

Chabad of Southern Rhode Island is a place where every Jewish person is welcome, regardless of affiliation or level of knowledge. Our sole purpose

Chabad House of Southern RI 370 Woodruff Ave. #2 South Kingstown, RI 02879

For service calls, classes, Shabbat and holiday programs open to all. Educational materials for Jewish holidays available. Meals provided after all Shabbat and holiday services.

Chabad House Barrington-Newportof 401-273-7238 or 401-884-7888

Programs include Shabbat services, Kiddush luncheon, Sunday school, after-school day care, camps, women’s programs, outreach visits, workshops and holiday events.

The Chabad House of Barrington – Center for Jewish Life welcomes all, regardless of affiliation or knowledge. Offers classes for children and adults, workshops and Shabbat and holiday programs.

Chabad at the University of Rhode Island

100 Fortin Road, Unit 4 Kingston, RI Rabbichabaduri.com401-212-151702881AvrahamAdam Goldstein


Synagogues &

Congregation Beth David of Narragansett

Chabad House of northern RI is conveniently located in Lincoln to serve the needs of the Jewish community in northern RI regardless of affiliation or background, with love and warmth.

Serves as a full-time resource to engage the Jewish community at URI, including students, parents and families, faculty and staff, and alumni and provides a venue for “tikkun olam,” (repairing the world) through good deeds, community service, and peace, love and open-mindedness for everyone. We aim to provide a safe space and community for Jewish students of all backgrounds and levels of observance to experience Judaism.

Chabad House of Northern RI 1767 Old Louisquisset Pike Lincoln, RI 401-499-257402865

is to create a warm, welcoming environment to explore and experience our heritage in a non-judgmental and inviting atmosphere.

102 Kingstown Road Narragansett, RI 02882 spiritualRabbicbdri.org401-789-3437EthanAdler,leader

We are an egalitarian Jewish community and officiate most life-cycle events in both Rhode Island and Massachusetts. We come together as a community for High Holy Day services, which will be held at Stonehill College in North Easton, Massachusetts.

United Brothers Synagogue

Bristol’s historic synagogue holds Shabbat services on the first Friday of the month. We meet in person as well as streaming on YouTube. Proof of vaccination must be provided to attend without a mask. If you have not been vaccinated, we will provide a mask. If anyone who is not a congregant would like to attend a virtual service, they can email us, and we will send an invitation.


Congregation Sons and Daughters of Ruth P.O. Box 525 Block Island, RI 02807 Elliot401-439-0003Taubman, cantor Sherrietbi@me.comMaxman, president 917-957-8459

Non-affiliated, egalitarian and inclusive “kehillah” congregation that follows contemporary and progressive tradition; offers religious services, adult education, social activities and a gift shop.

205 High St. Bristol, RI spiritualCantorubsbristol@gmail.comunitedbrotherssynagogue.org401-253-346002809Dr.JoelGluck,leader

No charge for all services; open to all Jews and their families. Every Friday, starting Memorial Day through Yom Kippur, 7 p.m. Services at St. Andrew Parish Center on Spring Street. Membership $36, Family $72. Founded in 1980. Services are ordinarily on the porch with the view toward Jerusalem over the ocean.

Synagogues & CongregationsTemple

Conservative-style congregation; religious school. Summer members welcome. Check website for all information regarding COVID-19.

Congregation Sharah Zedek 6 Union St.

Zoom and in-person services held the first Friday of every month and High Holy Days. Email for link.

Hayom Cantor401-640-4299Denise Hayomhh2020@gmail.comHeitmann

223 Valley Fredricgmail.comtempleshalomrhodeisland@Abigailtempleshalomrhodeisland.orgspiritualRabbi401-846-9002Middletown,RoadRI02842DanielKripper,leaderAnthony,presidentScheff,cantor

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 33

P.O. Box mlewiss@lewisslaw.comMatthewcongregationsharahzedek.org401-345-1544Westerly,1694RI02891Lewiss,president

Nationally owned, but locally operated to serve the greater Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts Jewish communities with dignity and compassion.



34 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living

Mohel: 36

Cemeteries: 35

Sugarman-Sinai Memorial Chapel 458 Hope Providence,St.RI 02906 401-331-8094 or 800-447-1267, funeral dignitymemorial.comjacquelyn.aubuchon@director

Family-owned; the only Jewish independent funeral home in greater Rhode Island.

Mikvahs: 36

Funeral Chapels: 34 Burial Society: 35

Eruv: Rhode37Island Board of Rabbis: 37

Shalom Memorial Chapel 1100 New London Ave. Cranston, RI,AdamG.SmithRebeccaL.Falvey,funeral


401 Reservoir Ave. Providence, RI 02910

1965 Mendon Road Woonsocket, RI 02864

Less than 20 minutes from Providence, our cemetery is committed to meeting the needs of today’s Jewish and interfaith families. Traditional, interfaith and cremation areas welcome both affiliated and unaffiliated Jews and their extended families. For more information about B’nai Israel Cemetery, write to P.O. Box 250, Slatersville, RI 02876 or to

Operated by Temple Beth-El of Providence.

Ken401-331-6070Orenstein, chairman of cemetery management

James Herstoff, M.D., jk.herstoff@yahoo.compresident

JoiecommitteeMagnone, director of communications & jmagnone@temple-beth-el.orgengagement

Chevra Kadisha of Newport County


B’nai Israel Cemetery


NonprofitarrangesorganizationJewishburials and manages the care and upkeep of Jewish cemeteries in Newport County.

Congregation Sons of Israel and David Cemetery

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 35

Religious Life

Rhode Island Mikvah 401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

Rabbi Shmuel Taitelbaum 401-861-1403

Lincoln Park Cemetery (Chased Schel Amess Association)

Sharon Memorial Park, located in an idyllic setting above the Neponset Valley in Sharon, Massachusetts, has been providing peace of mind and spiritual comfort to the Jewish community since 1948. The beauty of the lush garden-style grounds and the continuous dedication to community, faith and memory has made Sharon Memorial Park the premier Jewish memorial park in New England.

1469 Post Road Warwick, RI Beth401-737-533302888Veltri,executive beth@lincolnparkcemetery.comdirector

Religious Life

36 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living

Cemetery comprising 55 organizations and congregations, past and present, and a Jewish War Veterans memorial. Chased Schel Amess is the caretaker of the Lincoln Park Cemetery, which includes graves owned by individuals and various organizations.

Certified mohel is also a certified Torah sofer.


Limited to married Jewish women in a sensitive and private fashion.

Mailing address: P.O. Box Providence,603194 RI 02906

Gan Adina Women’s Mikvah 3871 Post Road Warwick RI mrslaufer@gmail.comShoshana401-447-744502886Laufer

Sharon Memorial Park Dedham Street Sharon, MA info@sharonmemorial.comsharonmemorial.com781-828-721602067


The mikvah is available by appointment for ritual immersion, conversions and dish koshering (toiveling). It’s located behind the JCC, in the parking lot area.



Religious Life

Rabbi401-236-7536BarryDolinger, rabbi@bethsholom-ri.orgpresident

Support themadvertisers,ourtellyousawtheiradintheGuidetoJewishLiving!

The Board of Rabbis of Greater Rhode Island c/o Congregation Beth Sholom 55 Cromwell St., Suite 1D Providence, RI 02907


Association of rabbis of all denominations who live in or serve greater Rhode Island.

Providence Eruv Corporation 401-621-9119, ext. 8 (mikvah proveruv.orghotline)

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 37

Maintains symbolic enclosure of the community to enable movement of objects on Shabbat. Map can be found at Weekly notification available Friday afternoon via, email list on yahoo groups,(

BBYO New England jhast@bbyo.orgregionalAliyaJeffregions/,regionaldirectorGottehrer-Cohen,associatedirector

38 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living

With year-round activities in hundreds of local communities and inspiring worldwide travel experiences, BBYO’s broad program menu enables teens to explore areas of leadership, service, civic engagement, Israel education and Jewish values.

Camp JORI 1065 Wordens Pond Road Wakefield, RI Karainfo@campjori.comcampjori.com732-690-003402879Liberman,director

J-Camp at the Dwares JCC 401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906 401-421-4111, ext. Jimjewishallianceri.org140Rawl,directorofschool age jrawl@jewishallianceri.orgprograms

Children and Teens: 38 Adults: Historical40 Resources: 41 Israel Resources: 42


BBYO is the leading pluralistic Jewish teen movement aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in meaningful Jewish experiences. BBYO’s network of Jewish teens, alumni, parents, volunteers and philanthropists serves as the Jewish community’s most valuable platform for delivering to the post Bar/Bat

mitzvah audience fun, meaningful and affordable experiences.


Camp Gan Israel of West Bay 3871 Post Road Warwick, RI Laufer,

Day camp offers sports, a water playground, swimming, arts and crafts, field trips, Jewish culture and family events.


Jewish coed summer camp for children ages 5-16 includes day and overnight programs. Offers swimming, archery, crafts, ceramics, sports, theater, Jewish cultural activities, evening activities, special events and field trips.

Summer J-Camp provides a diverse and welcoming


Find out if your child is eligible for a grant of up to $1,000 toward his or her first summer at Jewish camp. One Happy Camper, a joint program of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island and the Foundation for Jewish Camp, provides grants to any of more than 160 nonprofit Jewish camps in North America.

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 39

Using an experiential learning model, campers will delve into JAMS exploring team building, sports, community, cooking, science and much more. The daily schedule will rotate and include a variety of activities, including swim and electives that focus on the specific interests of campers. Field trips and special guests are based on the weekly themes. We are also excited to bring back American Ninja Warrior specialty camp!

TigerSharks Swim Team

P.O. Box 14777 East Providence, RI 02914

One Happy Camper

Jewish Committee on Scouting (Narragansett Council) Boy Scouts of America

Activities & Volunteering

Rachelteprov.org401-331-1616Cohn, director of youth education & engagement

401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906 401-421-4111, ext. Emilyjewishallianceri.org153O’Connor,head coach, aquatic eoconnor@jewishallianceri.orgdirector

environment for all our campers. Each week, J-Campers will participate in a wide variety of happenings that will support their growth into well-rounded, lifelong learners. In this healthy, creative, and active environment of Judaic and secular values, J-Camp is built on four pillars, or JAMS: Judaism, Arts, Movement, and STEM.

401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906 401-421-4111, ext. Larryonehappycamper.org179Katz,directorof Jewish life & lkatz@jewishallianceri.orglearning

USY of Temple Emanu-El Providence, RI 02906


Promotes, supports and strengthens Scouting for Jewish youth served by Narragansett Council and develops a positive program to accomplish the objectives of Scouting under Jewish auspices. Inspiring Scouts to find meaning and value in their lives through Jewish experience so that they have the skills to become committed leaders within the Jewish community.

Our competitive swim team offers high-quality coaching and technique instruction for

swimmers age 6-18. Our goal is to provide every member of our team the opportunity to improve swimming skills and achieve success at his or her level of ability, from novice to national competitors. Our 2022–2023 Fall/ Winter season starts at the end of September and runs through the beginning of April. Athletes develop confidence, self-discipline and physical endurance in a fun, but competitive atmosphere.

40 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living Activities & Volunteering


Hadassah Rhode Island hadassah.org857-404-0599

Programs include Chaverim (grades 3-5), Kesher (grades 6-8), and USY (grades 9-12). Offers opportunities for participation and leadership for all Jewish youth regardless of synagogue affiliation or membership.

CoreConnectsRI 296 Taber directorElissaCoreConnectsRI@gmail.comCoreConnectsRI.com401-241-9631Providence,Ave.RI02906Felder,founderand

Our goal is to deepen women’s connections to one another, to Jewish wisdom and to Jewish values. We seek to empower each other to find greater meaning, purpose, possibilities in life and cultivate unity without uniformity. If you are a Jewish woman in the area please join us.

Aprogram of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island, the CRC works to preserve the rights of all by promoting a fair and just society through Jewish values and ideals, including


a commitment to tikkun olam –repairing the world.

Community Relations Council (CRC)

Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, is committed to a partnership with the people of Israel through its support of medical care and research at the Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem. Hadassah empowers its 330,000 members, associates and supporters, as well as youth in Israel and America, through opportunities for personal growth, education, advocacy and Jewish continuity. The Rhode Island chapter offers a monthly book club and educational and fundraising opportunities. We welcome new members and are happy to include an array of Hadassah virtual activities.

401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906 401-421-4111, ext. Stephaniejewishallianceri.org127Hague,chief policy shague@jewishallianceri.orgofficer

Activities & Volunteering

Kate-Lynnerijha.org401-331-1360Laroche, executive Jaimeklaroche@rijha.orgdirectorWalden,office manager

Touro Fraternal Association 45 Rolfe Square P.O. Box Stevaninfo@tourofraternal.orgtourofraternal.org401-785-0066Cranston,3562RI02910Labush,chairman of board of directors

Contributes to the physical and mental well-being of patients at The Miriam Hospital.

Sara Masri, smasri@jewishallianceri.orgdevelopmentchiefofficer


Women’s Alliance of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island

Oldest veterans organization in the U.S., established 1896, is “the patriotic voice of American Jewry.” Maintains the JWV Memorial Wall of Honor in Lincoln Park Cemetery.

Raises funds and offers diversified programming.


Miriam Hospital Women’s Association, The 164 Summit Ave. Providence, RI 02906

Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association (RIJHA)

New England’s largest independent Jewish fraternal association offers programs for Jewish men; serves the community and its members through social, cultural and public service programs.

401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906 collectsAmembership-basedorganizationthatprocures,andpreservesRhode

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 41

401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906 401-421-4111, ext. 223

Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. Department of Rhode Island P.O. Box Commander401-265-2330Cranston,100064RI02910IraJ.Fleisher


AIPAC – The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, New England Region aipac.org617-399-2562


Island’s Jewish history. RIJHA publishes an annual journal and quarterly newsletters, sponsors lectures and workshops and maintains an archive and library of books, documents, photographs and artifacts on local Jewish history. Open to the public.

The Rhode Island Jewish Museum is housed in the Sons of Jacob Synagogue building that was founded in 1896 by newly

42 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living

At this time, a LIVE VIRTUAL TOUR is available on the website to experience original murals, furnishings, artifacts and objects that were used since the building’s first occupants gathered to pray in Please1906.

Rhode Island Jewish Museum 24 Douglas Ave. Providence, RI 02908

visit us online where we will announce the re-opening of the museum when the renovation plans are completed.

Touro Synagogue is the nation’s oldest synagogue and a National Historic Site. The adjacent Loeb Visitors Center offers interactive and multimedia exhibits about the synagogue, the origins of religious freedom and the separation of church and state in colonial America. The Touro Synagogue Foundation helps maintain the synagogue and hosts programs about religious diversity, colonial Jewish history and religious freedom in America. Please check our website for the latest information about services and tours.

Touro Synagogue, a National Historic Site 85 Touro St. Newport, RI tours@tourosynagogue.orgtourosynagogue.org401-847-479402840

arrived immigrants from Russia, Poland and Austria. There were two dozen other synagogues chartered in the city in the same era. Now, only memories for those who are still around to remember. The 24 Douglas Avenue Synagogue is the only one still intact and is architecturally significant as an example of early 20th century Orthodox culture.

Activities & Volunteering

The Israel Desk at the Jewish Alliance offers travel grants and scholarships to teens and young adults interested in studying or traveling in Israel. The Israel Desk shares resources on all aspects of Israel travel and study opportunities, including summer trips, travel during high school or college semester breaks, gapyear programs, academic studies and post-graduate travel and internships.

Rhode Island Coalition for Israel (RICI) ri4israel/Facebook:directorHowardricoalitionforisrael@gmail.comRicoalitionforisrael.org401-338-3916Brown,

401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living 43Activities & Volunteering

401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

promote Jewish and democratic values.

AIPAC works with Congress and the administration to support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship. A strong friendship helps ensure a safe and secure Israel and benefits the U.S. because of shared values and strategic interests.

RI-basedorganizationindependentwhosemembers are activist grassroots Jews and Christians volunteering their time and energy in the unshakeable belief that the Jewish people


Alliance Israel Desk Israel Travel Grants & Scholarships


J Street Rhode Island ssklar@equalexchange.coopSusan401-644-8094Sklar,chair

JStreet Rhode Island organizes and mobilizes pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be the secure, democratic homeland of the Jewish people, promotes human rights for the Palestinians, and envisions a two-state solution to the IsraelPalestine conflict. J Street advocates in American politics and the Jewish community for policies that advance shared U.S., Israeli and Palestinian interests, and

Birthright Israel provides the gift of free, peer-group educational trips to Israel for young Jewish adults ages 18 to 26, who are visiting Israel for the first time. This program was created to send thousands of young Jewish adults from all over the world to Israel as a gift, in order to diminish the growing division between Israel and Jewish communities around the world, to strengthen the sense of solidarity among world Jewry and to strengthen participants’ personal Jewish identities and connections to the Jewish people. Registration takes place in mid-September for winter trips, and in mid-February for

Birthright Israel

summer trips. Pre-register online so that you may be informed of the exact registration dates. Please be advised that waiting lists often start forming shortly after registration begins.

44 2022–2023

Avi401-486-1152Nevel,president and CEO

have a right to a safe and secure homeland in Israel. RICI’s mission is to promote Western, JudeoChristian values in America, fight antisemitism with a special focus on RI, and support America’s alliance with Israel. We oppose the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and expose proBDS activity among individuals and organizations in the state. RICI is a “community partner” with the civil rights team in the state’s Attorney General’s office and maintains an antisemitic activity tracking tool.. RICI exposes and fights all forms of antisemitism, including “white supremacy” on the right and Islamic-, Black Lives Matter-, and BDS-inspired Jewhatred on the left. RICI maintains working relationships with other organizations with shared values, including both veterans groups and parents groups which oppose

the teaching of Critical Race Theory in public schools. RICI acts through educational activities, including public statements, handouts, films and lectures. RICI is not affiliated with the Jewish Alliance of Greater RI or the RI State Council of Churches.

The organization is a notfor-profit chamber of commerce. The collaborative fosters and strengthens trade, business, academic exchange and research between Rhode Island and Israel. RIIC does this by building and strengthening the relationships between government organizations, businesses,

Guide to Jewish

Rhode CollaborativeIsland-Israel(RIIC)

StandWithUs is an international and non-partisan Israel education organization that inspires and educates people of all ages and backgrounds, challenges misinformation and fights antisemitism. StandWithUs empowers and energizes students and communities with leadership training and educational programs on hundreds of college campuses, high schools, and middle schools. StandWithUs informs through social media, print and digital materials, films, weekly newsletters and missions to Israel.

entrepreneurs, investors, members of academia and the research community in Rhode Island and Israel.

StandWithUs Rhode Island StandWithUsAviavip@standwithus.comstandwithus.com212-514-9200Posnick,executivedirectorNewEngland


Activities & Volunteering


Full-service grocery store featuring grocery items, prepared foods and a full-service deli counter. Rhode Island’s only location for hand-sliced nova. When it has to taste like home, come to Bubbie’s.

Catering & Food: 46 Kosher Certification: 50

Basil & Bunny 691 Main St. Warren, RI basilandbunny.square.site02885

Gifts, Gowns & Judaica: 50


Beatnic 223 Thayer St. Providence, RI 02906

46 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living



Accounting for Taste Providence, RI 02906


An all-vegan menu of sandwiches, sweets and more is served in a cheery space with communal seating. Certified by the International Kosher Council (IKC).

East Side of Providence caterer is supervised by Rabbi Michael Fel of Temple Emanu-El.

Distinctive and creative certified Kosher caterer. Catering events from 5-500 people, including corporate events, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, weddings. Food made with love. Under the supervision of RI Kosher.


Comfort food inspired by multicultural flavors and entirely plant-based under the kashrut supervision of Rabbi Barry Dolinger of Lighthouse Kosher.

Bubbie’s Market & Deli 727 Hope Providence,St.RI 02906


Entertaiment: 51 Music & Music Lessons: 51


Ahava Catering

450 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

Vegan food market featuring restaurants, bars, bakery and coffee shop, plus a grocery store under the kashrut supervision of Rabbi Barry Dolinger of Lighthouse Kosher.


225 Dyer Providence,St.RI 02903

Like No Udder

170 Ives Providence,St. RI 02906

Rebelle Artisan Bagels 110 Doyle Providence,Ave.RI 02906

Food & Fun

Mitzvah Matzos


Vegetarian café is under the kashrut supervision of Rabbi Barry Dolinger of Lighthouse Kosher.

Guide to

165 Pitman Providence,St.RI 02906

Garden Grille Café

Eastside Marketplace



334 S. Water St. Providence, RI 02903

Bagels and some cream cheeses are Kosher and produced under the supervision of Rabbi Barry Dolinger of Lighthouse Kosher. Limited store hours. Bagels are available for online ordering and weekend pickup. Also available at some farmer’s markets.

Jewish Living 47

727 East PawtucketAve.RI


Manufactured locally, Kosher for Passover soft matzah, sending all profits to fight human trafficking. Engages in education programs to raise awareness for modern-day slavery.


Packaged certified Kosher meat from Empire Kosher. Kosher frozen items also available.




Plant City

Vegan bakery and juice bar is under kashrut supervision of Rabbi Barry Dolinger of Lighthouse Kosher.

Dairy and pareve baked goods under supervision of KVH (New England Vaad).

Wildflour 727 East Pawtucket,Ave.RI 02860 wildflourveganbakerycafe.com401-475-4718

homebound community members. All food is prepared under supervision of Vaad Harabbanim of America.


6 Newport,BroadwayRI rootonbroadway.com401-847-272702840

Offering Synagogue.ofunderpresentationfoodsapproachable,thoughtful,plant-basedwithanemphasisonquality,andcustomerservicethekashrutsupervisionRabbiMarcMandelofTouro

Veggie Fun 123 Dorrance St. Providence, RI 02903 401-270-4700

Pan-Asian vegetarian restaurant under the kashrut supervision of Rabbi Barry Dolinger of Lighthouse Kosher. Only take-out on UberEats. Search “Veggie Fun” on Facebook for more information.

TA’AM to Go Kosher catering, owned and operated by The Phyllis Siperstein Tamarisk Assisted Living Residence, provides Glatt Kosher foods. In addition to special events, TA’AM offers Kosher catering for nursing home residents and ill or

TA’AM to Go, a JCS program

Tova’s Catering, Inc. 253 Mansfield Ave. Norton, MA planner@tovascatering.comTovatovascatering.com508-286-224202766Yarmush,owner

Kosher catering that offers fully-catered weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, birthdays, graduations and any other special occasion. Individually prepackaged meals available for all events. All menus available online. Drop-off/delivery available for events as well.


48 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living Food & Fun

3 Shalom Drive Warwick RI JCSRI.org401-732-003702886

Stop & Shop Supermarket

Kosher market and caterer features fresh-cut meats and poultry along with fullservice catering, freshly prepared foods and specialty groceries. Supervision by The Rabbinical Council of New England (KVH). Deliveries throughout New England – will do anything a customer needs (e.g., delivery, drop-off, curbside, in-store needs). Call with any accommodations needed.

333 West River St. Providence, RI 02909 401-861-9300, ext. 1

Zayde’s Market at Cobb Corner 15 Washington St. Canton, MA zaydes_market@zaydesmarketZaydesmarket.comzaydesmarket@aol.com781-603-705102021onTwitteronInstagram


RabbiRikosher.org401-830-3570ShaulGallor, Kashrus

Miriam Hospital Gift Shop, The 164 Summit Ave. Providence, RI 02906 401-793-2520

Lighthouse Kosher 55 Cromwell St., Suite 1D Providence, RI 02907

Many synagogues have gift shops, “white elephant” sales and/or holiday bazaars.


We’re an orthodox rabbinic Kosher supervision service that partners with area food businesses to provide Kosher certification. We promote thoughtful connection to food, community and the land that feeds us. We provide free Kosher supervision, fight for environmental stewardship and animal welfare by shining light on the ways we eat and source our food, and promote spiritual connection in an age of disconnection. For a full list of certified businesses, consult the website.

Wedding Wear Gemach of Pawtucket Congregation Ohawe Shalom 671 East Pawtucket,Ave.RI 02860


50 2022–2023 Guide to Jewish Living Food & Fun

Rhode Island Kosher 401 Elmgrove Ave. Providence, RI 02906

RabbicoordinatorRaphie Schochet, rabbinic coordinator

Rhode Island’s premier Kosher certification agency serving southern New England. Check our website for pop-up kosher catering events!

Sells classical gifts and Judaica items. Proceeds benefit the hospital.

Teaches clarinet, guitar, mandolin, ukulele, flute, harmonica, saxophone, recorder and to read music; beginners through advanced, all ages welcome.

Nita Pliskin at 401-725-3886 or Linda401-439-8574Kessler at 401-556-3216

Lends wedding gowns, evening gowns and children’s gowns; $250 for a wedding gown, $95 for an evening gown and $35 for a children’s gown requested. Donations of gently used wedding and evening wear appreciated. By appointment only.

401-273-7076 (no text) 401-439-7281 (mobile with text) steve@absteve.comSteveklezmer.brown@gmail.comSchwartz,contact

Yarmulkazi Brown University Klezmer Band

Guide to Jewish Living

Food & Fun



Mark Binder has been called “a master at spinning old

Jewish Storytelling by Mark Binder/Izzy Abrahmson izzyabe.commarkbinderbooks.commark@markbinder.com401-272-8707

Available for simchas, parties and other events.


Fishel Bresler’s Music Lessons breslersmusic@gmail.com401-273-9814


tales and everyday events… into storytelling gold.” His stories of Izzy Abrahmson’s Village Life have delighted seniors and families, adults and young people of all ages and backgrounds. Blending reading, storytelling and song, Izzy’s programs are suitable for all ages, and often adjusted based on the season.

One Happy Camper – 39 Other Senior Resources – 20

Camp Gan Israel West Bay – 38 Camp JORI – 38

Case ChabadNeedsManagement-BasicAssistance–17CHAICenterof

Alliance Educational Services – 11 Alliance Israel Desk – 43 Alliance Library of DVDs & CDs – 11 Basil & Bunny – 46 BBYO New England – 38 Beatnic – 46 Binder, Mark – 51 Birthright Israel – 43 B’nai Israel Cemetery – 35 Board of Rabbis of Greater RI – 37 Brown RISD Hillel Foundation, The – 9 Bryant University Hillel – 9 Bubbie’s Market – 46

Providence Kollel – 14

Rhode Island Jewish Museum – 42 Rhode Island Kosher – 50

Providence Eruv Corporation – 37

PJ Library | PJ Our Way – 13 Plant City – 47 Project Shoresh – 13

Chevra Kadisha of Newport County – 35 Community Relations Council (CRC) – 40 Congregation Agudas Achim – 24 Congregation Beth David of Narragansett – 32 Congregation Beth Sholom – 26 Congregation B’nai Israel – 24 Congregation Jeshuat Israel – 26 Congregation Mishkon Tfiloh – 31 Congregation Ohawe Shalom – 31 Congregation Sha’arei Tefilla – 31

Lincoln Park Cemetery (Chased Schel Amess Association) – 36

New England Rabbinical College (NERC) – 12 Newport Havurah – 22

Providence Hebrew Day School (PHDS) – 8

Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association – 41

David C. Isenberg Family Early Childhood Center – 6 Dwares JCC – 18 Eastside Marketplace – 47 Eides Family J-Space After School Program – 12 Fall River Jewish Home – 20 Falmouth Jewish Congregation – 22 Fishel Bresler’s Music Lessons – 51 Freedman, Sandra – 14 Gan Adina Women’s Mikvah – 36 Garden Grille Cafe – 47 Gift of Israel (GOI) – 12 GreaterHebrewProvidenceFreeLoan – 18

Accounting for Taste – 46 Adler, Ruth Ben-Yehuda – 14 Adoption Options – 17 Ahava Catering – 46 AIPAC – 42

Louis and Goldie Chester Full Plate Kosher Food Pantry – 18 Mikvah, Gan Adina – 36 Mikvah, Rhode Island – 36 Miriam Hospital, The – 19 Miriam Hospital Gift Shop, The – 50 Miriam Hospital Women’s Association, The – 41 Mitzvah Matzos – 47 New England Academy of Torah (NEAT) – 7

Hadassah Rhode Island – 40 Hayom – 33 Hillel Foundation at URI – 10 J-Camp at the Dwares JCC – 38 Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island – 16 Jewish Collaborative Services (JCS) – 16 Jewish Committee on Scouting – 39 Jewish Community Day School of Rhode Island (JCDSRI) – 7 Jewish Eldercare of Rhode Island (JERI) – 20 Jewish Federation of Cape Cod – 17 Jewish Enrichment Program – 7 Jewish Learning Institute – 12 Jewish Rhode Island – 19 Jewish Rhody Media – 19 Jewish War Veterans – 41 J Street Rhode Island – 43

Rebelle Artisan Bagels – 47 Rhode Island Coalition for Israel (RICI) – 43 Rhode Island CollaborativeIsrael(RIIC) – 44

J&W University Hillel – 10 Kesher Program – 18 Kosher Food Pantry – 19 Kosher Meals on Wheels – 20 Kosher Senior Cafés – 20 Lifeline RI – 20 Lighthouse Kosher – 50 Like No Udder – 47

West Bay – 31 Chabad House of Barrington – 32 Chabad House of College Hill – 9 Chabad House of Northern RI – 32 Chabad of RI Providence – 32 Chabad House of Southern RI – 32 Chabad URI – 32

52 2022–2023

Guide to Jewish Living Guide Entries

Congregation Sharah Zedek – 33 Congregation Sons and Daughters of Ruth – 33 Congregation Sons of Israel and David Cemetery – 35 Congregation Sons of Jacob – 31 CoreConnectsRI – 40 Counseling Center – 18

Temple Beth-El – 22

Taitelbaum, Shmuel, Rabbi – 36

Tova’s Catering – 48 United Brothers Synagogue – 33 USY of Temple Emanu-El – 39

Wildflour – 48

Touro Fraternal Association – 41 Touro Synagogue – 42

Zayde’s Market at Cobb Corner – 48

Wedding Wear Gemach – 50

Temple Torat Yisrael – 26

Guide to Jewish Living

Tamarisk Assisted Living Residence – 20


TA’AM To Go – 48

Temple Beth El of Fall River – 24 Temple Emanu-El – 24


Rhode Island Mikvah – 36 Roger Williams University Hillel – 10 Root – 48

Temple Sinai – 23

Tifereth Israel Congregation – 26 TigerSharks Swim Team – 39

Stop & Shop Supermarket Bakery – 48 Striar Hebrew Academy – 8 Sugarman-Sinai Memorial Chapel – 34

Temple Shalom – 33

Guide Entries

Veggie Fun – 48


Temple Habonim – 22

Sandra Bornstein Holocaust Education Center, The – 14 Shalom Apartments I and II – 20 Shalom Baby – 18 Shalom Memorial Chapel – 34 Sharon Memorial Park – 36 StandWithUs – 44

Women’s Alliance of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island – 41 Yarmulkazi Brown University Klezmer Band – 51

Bryant University Hillel – 10 Camp JORI – 29

Congregation Beth David – 22 Creative Circle Media – 19

Lifeline RI, JCS – 45 Massage Envy – 29 Mutual Engineering – 30

Iz Schwartz Appliances – 7 Jewish R.I. Patron Campaign – 15 Lazarus, Diane/Lazarus Group – 2

Adler’s Hardware – 17 Alliance Campaign – 4 Alliance Event Rentals – 49 Alliance Early Childhood Center – 32 Alliance Gift of Israel – 43 Alliance Dwares JCC – 50 Alliance PJ Library – 39

Brier & Brier – 18

Delve Deeper – 35

Lexus of Warwick – 56


Franklin Rogers – 55 Gem Paving – 33 Gerber Design – 33 Grebien, Pawt. Mayor Donald – 24 Highlands on the East Side – 3

Whitehouse, Sen. Sheldon – 44

Sugarman Sinai – 26 Sundaes – 48

Cohen Camps – 13

Temple Beth-El – 28 Touro Fraternal – 31

This Guide would not be possible without the help of these advertisers. Please patronize their services... and tell them you saw their ad in Jewish Rhode Island! Listing

Providence Hebrew Day School – 9

Right at Home – 41 Roberts, Carroll, Feldstein & Peirce – 47 Rosenstein, Halper, Maselli – 51 Rustigian Rugs – 16 Ruth’s Lingerie – 37

Sandra Bornstein Holocaust Education Center – 14

Delman Watch Co. – 7

R.I. Jewish Historical – 12 Reed, Sen. Jack – 34

Schwartz Tree Care – 30 Shalom Memorial Chapel – 40 Sharon Memorial – 42

Guide to Jewish Living

Bath Splash Showroom – 37

54 2022–2023

Providence Marriott Hotel – 15 Providence River Animal Hospital – 27

Tamarisk, JCS – 25

Brown RISD Hillel – 23

Urban Greens – 11

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