6 minute read
from March 2023
Kosher Senior Café and Programming. In-person lunches 11 a.m.-1 p.m. March only, Monday – Friday (except 3/31) at the Dwares JCC, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence. On 3/31, at Temple Emanu-El, in Providence; park on Poplar or Larch St., and enter through Morris Ave. entrance across from 308 Morris Ave. In-person and Zoom programming from 11 a.m.-noon followed by lunch and guest speaker or discussion noon-1 p.m. The second Tuesday of the month is “Susie’s Corner” with Susie Adler. The third Thursday of the month is a book chat with Neal Drobnis. Suggested donation: $3 per lunch for those age 60 and older as well as for younger adults with a disability. Other adults $6.50. A program of Jewish Collaborative Services, supported by the Jewish Alliance of Greater RI and Blackstone Health. Information and RSVP, Neal at neal@jfsri.org or Elaine at elaine@jfsri.org or 401-421-4111, ext. 107.
Temple Torat Yisrael Jewish Literacy and Culture. Sundays 10:30-11:15 a.m. 1251 Middle Road, East Greenwich. Taught by Rabbi David Barnett. Based on the idea that there are a certain number of informational items necessary for functional and cultural literacy, Joseph Telushkin put together a curriculum to apply this approach to the Jewish world. Individual class sessions will be distinct. Information and RSVP, deanna@ toratyisrael.org.
Project Shoresh Ladies’ Partners in Torah Night. Sundays
7:45-8:45 p.m. Providence Hebrew Day School, 450 Elmgrove Ave., Providence. Partner-based study group. On-site facilitators available. Free. Information, projectshoresh. com or Naftali Karp at naftalikarp@ gmail.com or 401-632-3165.
Let’s Talk Hebrew Spring Session. Mondays and Tuesdays. Mondays thru 4/17; Tuesdays thru 4/18. 6:30-7:30 p.m. In-person classes at Dwares JCC, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence. Monday evening beginner level in person; Monday evening intermediate level virtual; Tuesday evening advanced beginner level in person and virtual; Tuesday evening advanced class in person. Information, Toby Liebowitz at tobyaane@gmail.com.
Project Shoresh TNT (Tuesday Night Torah). Tuesdays (except holidays) 7:45-8:45 p.m. Ohawe Sholam, 671 East Ave., Pawtucket. If you would like a study partner or to be a part of a learning group, contact Rabbi Naftali Karp. Drop-ins welcome. Refreshments served. Information, Rabbi Naftali Karp at naftalikarp@projectshoresh.com or 401-479-6953.
Let’s Talk Hebrew Spring Session. Wednesdays thru 4/20. 9:3010:30 a.m. Advanced Intermediate level. Via Zoom. Information, Toby Liebowitz at tobyaane@gmail.com.
Temple Habonim “The Wisdom’s Literature.” Wednesdays 11 a.m.noon. Study the texts found in the Writings, the final section of the Hebrew Bible. These texts offer perspectives on our relationship with God and the meaning and purpose of our lives. Via Zoom. Information, Adina Davies at office@ templehabonim.org or 401-2456536.
Temple Sinai “Big Issues of Our Time.” Fourth Wednesday of each month 7-8 p.m. thru 5/24. Rabbi Jeffrey Goldwasser leads this adult education course on Zoom. Each class will tackle an issue in our society and probe Jewish perspectives and impact on the Jewish community. Zoom link at templesinairi.org. Information, dottie@ templesinairi.org.
Temple Habonim Lunch and Learn. Thursdays noon-1:15 p.m. 165 New Meadow Road, Barrington. In person Torah Study on Pirke
Avot: A Modern Commentary on Jewish Ethics with Rabbi Howard Voss-Altman. Free. Information, Adina Davies at office@templehabonim.org or 401-245-6536.
Delve Deeper: Adam & Eve in the Jewish Tradition. Thursdays 7:309:30 p.m. thru 3/23. Dwares JCC, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence. Taught by Michael Satlow, Ph.D., Brown University Professor of Religious Studies and Judaic Studies, this course will focus on how Jews and Christians have interpreted this story. Presented in cooperation with the Jewish Alliance of Greater RI and Congregation Beth Sholom, Temple Beth-El, Temple Emanu-El, Temple Habonim, Temple Sinai and Temple Torat Yisrael. Information, Morty Miller at mortymiller1945@ gmail.com.
Project Shoresh Lively Kabbalat Shabbat. Fridays. Services will begin at the commencement of Shabbat. Be in touch for exact timing each week. Providence Hebrew Day School (side entrance), 450 Elmgrove Ave., Providence. Welcome Shabbat with a few inspiring words, melodious songs and traditional services. Open to all. Information, Naftali Karp at naftalikarp@gmail.com or 401-632-3165.
Temple Sinai Shabbat Evening Service. Fridays (except 3/24 –Joint Reform service) 6 p.m. 30 Hagen Ave., Cranston. Song, prayer and reflection in person or on Zoom. With Rabbi Jeffrey Goldwas- ser and Cantor Deborah Johnson. Zoom link at templesinairi.org. Information, dottie@templesinairi. org or 401-942-8350.
Cape Cod Synagogue Shabbat Services. Fridays 7 p.m., except second Friday of the month 6:30 p.m. when Family Shabbat services take place. 145 Winter St., Hyannis, Mass. With Rabbi David Freelund. In-person and livestreamed website, Facebook, Cape Media, YouTube and Community Television Comcast channel 99. Information, 508-775-2988 or capecodsynagogue.org.
Temple Beth-El Shabbat Morning Service. Second Saturday of the month 9-10:30 a.m. 70 Orchard Ave., Providence. Shabbat morning minyan with lay participation incorporating study, Torah and Haftarah readings. In person or via Zoom. Information, Joie Magnone at jmagnone@temple-beth-el.org or 401-331-6070, ext. 100.
Temple Beth-El Torah Study. Saturdays except second Saturday of the month 9-10:30 a.m. 70 Orchard Ave., Providence. Delve into the weekly portion with Rabbi Sarah Mack and Rabbi Preston Neimeiser. In person only. Information, Joie Magnone at jmagnone@ temple-beth-el.org or 401-3316070, ext. 100.
Temple Sinai Shabbat Breakfast & Torah Study In-person and via Zoom. Saturdays 9:30-11 a.m. Temple Sinai, 30 Hagen Ave., Cranston. Breakfast followed by interactive discussion at 10 a.m. with Rabbi Jeffrey Goldwasser or others in our community. Zoom link at templesinairi.org. Information, dottie@templesinairi.org or 401942-8350.
Temple Habonim Torah Study. Saturdays (no Torah Study when there is a Bar or Bat Mitzvah) 10-11 a.m. Rabbi Howard Voss-Altman leads Torah study on current portion. Via Zoom. Information, Adina Davies at office@templehabonim. org or 401-245-6536.
Cape Cod Synagogue Shabbat Services. Saturdays 10:30 a.m. 145 Winter St., Hyannis, Mass. With Rabbi David Freelund. In-person and livestreamed on website, Facebook and YouTube. Information, Cape Cod Synagogue at 508-7752988 or capecodsynagogue.org.
Temple Sinai Shabbat Morning Service. Saturdays 11 a.m. (10:30 a.m. when celebrating a Bar or Bat Mitzvah). 30 Hagen Ave., Cranston. In-person and via Zoom. Information, templesinairi.org or Dottie at 401-942-8350.
Friday | March 3
Kosher Senior Café Purim Party. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Dwares JCC, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence. Featuring karaoke and dancing. Prizes for best solo and group performances as well as for best costumes. Suggested donation: $3. The Kosher Senior Café is a program of Jewish Collaborative Services supported by the Jewish Alliance of Greater RI. Information and RSVP, Neal or Elaine at 401-421-4111, ext. 107.
Temple Habonim Silly Shabbat. 5:45 p.m. 165 New Meadow Road, Barrington. 5:45 p.m. Tot Shabbat followed by 6:15 p.m. Shabbat pizza dinner (with gluten-free option) and 6:45 p.m. family service. Information, Adina Davies at office@templehabonim.org or 401-245-6536.
Temple Torat Yisrael Virtual Kabbalat Shabbat Songs & Torah Services. 5:45-6:30 p.m. Led by Rabbi David Barnett. Information and Zoom link, Temple@toratyisrael.org.
Temple Beth-El Shabbat Service. 7-8:30 p.m. 70 Orchard Ave., Providence. In person, via Zoom or on Facebook Live. Information, Joie Magnone at jmagnone@temple-beth-el.org or 401-331-6070, ext. 100.
Saturday | March 4
Temple Torat Yisrael Shabbat Services. Saturdays 9:30-10:30 a.m. 1251 Middle Road, East Greenwich. Both virtual and in person. Led by Rabbi David Barnett. Information, Temple@toratyisrael.org.
Sunday | March 5
Temple Torat Yisrael Torah Sprouts: Purim/Hamantaschen Baking. 9:15-10:15 a.m. 1251 Middle Road, East Greenwich. With Morah Leah. For children ages 3-5 and their parents. Open to all. You do not need to be a member of the synagogue. Cost: $12 per session. Information and RSVP, Temple@ toratyisrael.org.
Sandra Bornstein Holocaust Education Center’s Baxt Lecture Series: NEVER AGAIN? Antisemitism’s Explosive Return and My Parents’ Painful Legacy. 10 a.m. Dwares JCC, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence. Presented by Deborah Gastfreund Schuss, the daughter of Holocaust survivors and an award-winning journalist who has written and lectured extensively on antisemitism. Information, info@ hercri.org or 401-453-7860.
Temple Emanu-El Purim A-Mazeing Race. 10 a.m.-12:15 p.m. 99 Taft Ave., Providence. Meet the stars of the Purim story, and race your way through new games and challenges.
Activities include bounce house, face paint, michloach manot, sand art and more. Cost: $10 per child in advance | $12 at the door. Information, Rachel Cohn at rcohn@teprov. org or 401-331-1616.
Temple Habonim Purim Carnival and Shoreshim: Roots Pre-K Program. 10-11 a.m. 165 New Meadow Road, Barrington. Come in costume for some fun and games. All are welcome. Information or RSVP, office@templehabonim.org or 401-245-6536.
Congregation Beth David Purim Carnival. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Narragansett Community Center, 53 Mumford Road, Narragansett. Annual Purim Carnival with games, food and prizes. Information, Michelle Neri at michelleneri11@gmail.com.
Temple Torat Yisrael Purim Carnival. Noon-1:30 p.m. 1251 Middle Road, East Greenwich. Kidfriendly lunch and hamantaschen. Carnival games, pop-a-shot, prizes, music and more. Wear a costume. Everyone welcome. Information, Temple@toratyisrael.org.
Monday | March 6
Temple Beth-El Purim Carnival and Celebration. 5:30-7 p.m. 70 Orchard Ave., Providence. Annual carnival filled with games, face-painting and more. Stay for a costume parade, Megillah reading, singing and our Beth-El Purim Spiel. Dinner included. For all ages. Information, Rachel Mersky Woda at rmerskywoda@temple-bethel. org.
Temple Habonim Encanto Purim Spiel. 5:45 p.m. 165 New Meadow Road, Barrington. Mac & Cheese dinner with some Encanto Colombian flare and hamantaschen followed by Encanto Purim Spiel at 6:30 p.m. Come in costume. Bring unopened boxes of mac and cheese for your groggers that afterward will be donated to TapIn. Dinner RSVP, office@templehabonim.org. Information, Adina Davies at office@ templehabonim.org or 401-2456536
Temple Beth-El Purim Spiel. 6:45-8 p.m. 70 Orchard Ave., Providence. Get into a Shushan State of Mind at the Megillah Reading and Purim spiel. Information, Joie Magnone at jmagnone@temple-beth-el. org or 401-331-6070, ext. 100.
Temple Beth-El’s Shushan After Dark. 8-9:30 p.m. 70 Orchard Ave., Providence. Adults 21+ after-party with cocktails and a nosh following the spiel. Information, Joie Magnone at jmagnone@temple-beth-el. org or 401-331-6070, ext. 100.