5 minute read
from July 2023
Kosher Senior Café and Programming. In-person lunches 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday – Thursday at the Dwares JCC, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence, and Fridays at Temple Sinai, 30 Hagen Ave., Cranston. In-person (and on Zoom most Tuesdays and Thursdays) programming from 11 a.m.-noon followed by lunch and a guest speaker or discussion noon-1 p.m. The second Tuesday of the month is “Susie’s Corner” with Susie Adler. Every Wednesday is chair yoga with Neal. The third Thursday of the month is a book chat with Neal Drobnis. Friday, 7/28, is a field trip to Goddard Park for a picnic. Suggested donation: $3 per lunch for those age 60 and older as well as for younger adults with a disability. Other adults may purchase a meal for $6.50. The Kosher Senior Café is a program of Jewish Collaborative Services and is supported by the Jewish Alliance of Greater RI and Blackstone Health. Information and RSVP, Neal at neal@jfsri.org, Elaine at elaine@jfsri.org or 401421-4111, ext. 107.
Project Shoresh Ladies’ Partners in Torah Night.
Sundays 7:45-8:45 p.m. Providence Hebrew Day School, 450 Elmgrove Ave., Providence. Partner-based study group. On-site facilitators available. Free. Information, projectshoresh.com or Rabbi Naftali Karp at naftalikarp@projectshoresh.com or 401-632-3165.
Temple Emanu-El Mahjong. Tuesdays 11 a.m.-1 p.m. New and advanced players are welcome. Drop-ins welcome. Information, Shosh@teprov.org.
Project Shoresh TNT (Tuesday Night Torah). Tuesdays 7:45-8:45 p.m. Ohawe Sholam, 671 East Ave., Pawtucket. Warm yourself up with the flame of Torah. If you would like a study partner or to be a part of a learning group, please contact Rabbi Naftali Karp. Drop-ins welcome. Refreshments served. Information, Rabbi Naftali Karp at naftalikarp@projectshoresh.com or 401-479-6953.
Project Shoresh Lively Kabbalat Shabbat. Fridays. Services will begin at the commencement of Shabbat. Be in touch for exact timing each week. Providence Hebrew Day School (side entrance), 450 Elmgrove Ave., Providence. Welcome Shabbat with a few inspiring words, melodious songs and traditional services. Open to all. Information, Rabbi Naftali Karp at naftalikarp@ projectshoresh.com or 401-6323165.
Temple Sinai Shabbat Evening Service. Fridays 6 p.m. 30 Hagen Ave., Cranston. Song, prayer and reflection offered in person or on Zoom. With Rabbi Jeffrey Goldwasser and Cantor Deborah Johnson. Zoom link at templesinairi.org. Information, dottie@templesinairi.org or 401942-8350.
Cape Cod Synagogue Shabbat Services. Fridays 7 p.m., except second Friday of the month 6:30 p.m. when Family Shabbat Services take place. 145 Winter St., Hyannis, Mass. With Rabbi David Freelund. In person and livestreamed on website, Facebook, Cape Media, YouTube and Community Television Comcast channel 99. Information, 508-775-2988 or capecodsynagogue.org.
Temple Beth-El Shabbat Morning Service. Second Saturday of the month 9-10:30 a.m. 70 Orchard Ave., Providence. Shabbat morning minyan with lay participation incorporating study, Torah and Haftarah readings. In person or via Zoom. Information, Joie Magnone at jmagnone@temple-beth-el.org or 401-331-6070, ext. 100.
Temple Beth-El Torah Study. Saturdays except second Saturday of the month 9-10:30 a.m. 70 Orchard Ave., Providence. Delve into the weekly portion with Rabbi Sarah Mack and Rabbi Preston Neimeiser. In person only. Information, Joie Magnone at jmagnone@temple-beth-el.org or 401-331-6070, ext. 100.
Temple Sinai Shabbat Breakfast & Torah Study. Saturdays 9:30-11 a.m. Temple Sinai, 30 Hagen Ave.,
Cranston. Breakfast followed by interactive discussion at 10 a.m. with Rabbi Jeffrey Goldwasser or others in our community. Information, dottie@templesinairi.org or 401-942-8350.
Temple Habonim Torah Study. Saturdays (no Torah Study on 7/8) 10-11 a.m. Rabbi Howard Voss-Altman leads weekly Torah study on current portion. Via Zoom. Information, Adina Davies at office@templehabonim.org or 401-245-6536.
Cape Cod Synagogue Shabbat Services. Saturdays 10:30 a.m. 145 Winter St., Hyannis, Mass. With Rabbi David Freelund. In person and livestreamed on website, Facebook and YouTube. Information, Cape Cod Synagogue at 508-775-2988 or capecodsynagogue.org.
Temple Sinai Shabbat Morning Service. Saturdays 11 a.m.-noon (10:30 a.m. when celebrating a Bar or Bat Mitzvah). 30 Hagen Ave., Cranston. In person and via Zoom. Information, templesinairi. org or Dottie at 401-942-8350.
Friday | July 7
Temple Beth-El Kabbalat Shabbat Service. 5:45-6:30 p.m. 70 Orchard Ave., Providence. In person, via Zoom or on Facebook Live. Information, Joie Magnone at jmagnone@temple-beth-el.org or 401-331-6070, ext. 100.
Congregation Agudas Achim Kabbalat Shabbat. 6:30-8 p.m. 901 N. Main St., Attleboro, Mass. Kabbalat Shabbat with singing, readings, a prayer for healing and Mourners’ Kaddish. Information, office@agudasma.org.
Sunday | July 9
Project Shoresh Brunch with Tzafrir from Israeli MoMENtum Trip. 11 a.m. Location upon RSVP. While visiting the USA, Tzafrir will share his experience as an Israeli citizen. Information and RSVP nkarp@projectshoresh.com.
Tuesday | July 11
Newport Classical Day: “Journey with My Jewishness.” 11 a.m. Temple Sholom Synagogue, 223 Valley Road, Middletown. Free talk by world-renowned Israeli cellist Amit Peled. Includes a mini-concert of Jewish music. Information, Devorah Phillips at dphillips@jewishallianceri.org or 401-421-4111, ext. 163.
Newport Classical Day: Classical music concert with world-renowned Israeli cellist
Amit Peled. 4 p.m. Newport Art Museum, 76 Bellevue Ave., Newport. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. Optional post-concert cocktails and appetizers at 6 p.m. at Stoneacre Brasserie (no cost for those who attend the concert), 28 Washington Square, Newport. Tickets: $55. Information, Devorah Phillips at dphillips@ jewishallianceri.org or 401-4214111, ext. 163.
Thursday | July 13
Screen on the Green: “How to Train Your Dragon.” 8:20 p.m. Field behind Dwares JCC, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence. Watch this PG-rated movie under the stars. Come as early as 7 p.m. to grab a spot and enjoy lawn games and Palagi’s ice cream. Information, Devorah Phillips at dphillips@ jewishallianceri.org or 401-4214111, ext. 163.
Friday | July 14
Temple Torat Yisrael Virtual Kabbalat Shabbat Songs & Torah Service. 5:45-6:30 p.m. Lay-led service via Zoom. Information and Zoom link, Temple@toratyisrael. org.
Temple Beth-El Kabbalat Shabbat Service. 5:45-6:30 p.m. 70 Orchard Ave., Providence. In person, via Zoom or on Facebook Live. Information, Joie Magnone at jmagnone@temple-beth-el.org or 401-331-6070, ext. 100.
Saturday | July 15
Temple Torat Yisrael Virtual & In-person Saturday Morning Shabbat Services. 9:30-10:30 a.m. 1251 Middle Road, East Greenwich. Lay-led services in person or via Zoom. Information, Temple@toratyisrael.org.
Congregation Agudas Achim Shabbat Morning Services. 10 a.m.-noon. 901 N. Main St., Attleboro, Mass. Services will include misheberach l’holim, a prayer for healing, as well as Mourners’ Kaddish. Information, office@ agudasma.org.
Tuesday | July 18
Jewish Alliance & Temple Beth-El: Young Professionals Happy Hour. 5-7 p.m. Hot Club, 25 Bridge St., Providence. Celebrate summer with a drink at the Hot Club while meeting other young professionals, and learn about upcoming events. Cost: $15 (includes 1 drink). RSVP (by 7/17) and information, Devorah Phillips at dphillips@jewishallianceri.org or 401-421-4111, ext. 163.
Friday | July 21
Temple Torat Yisrael Beach
Kabbalat Shabbat. 5:30-7 p.m. Goddard Memorial State Park, 1095 Ives Road, East Greenwich. Informal, interactive family service with lots of singing. Information, Temple@toratyisrael.org.
Temple Beth-El Shabbat Under the Stars. 7-8:15 p.m. 70 Orchard Ave., Providence. Gather together on the Julie Claire Gutterman Biblical Garden patio to greet Shabbat with song and stories. Information, Joie Magnone at jmagnone@temple-beth-el.org or 401-331-6070, ext. 100.
Congregation Agudas Achim Kabbalat Shabbat. 7-8:30 p.m. 901 N. Main St., Attleboro, Mass. Join us in the sanctuary for Kabbalat Shabbat with singing, readings, a prayer for healing and Mourners’ Kaddish. Information, office@agudasma.org.
Saturday | July 22
Temple Torat Yisrael Virtual & In-person Saturday Morning Shabbat Services. 9:30-10:30 a.m. 1251 Middle Road, East Greenwich. Lay-led services in person and via Zoom. Information, Temple@toratyisrael.org.
Friday | July 28
Temple Beth-El Kabbalat Shabbat Service. 5:45-6:30 p.m. 70 Orchard Ave., Providence. In person, via Zoom or on Facebook Live. Information, Joie Magnone at jmagnone@temple-beth-el.org or 401-331-6070, ext. 100.
Temple Torat Yisrael Virtual Kabbalat Shabbat Songs & Torah Service. 5:45-6:30 p.m. Lay-led services via Zoom. Information and Zoom link, Temple@toratyisrael.org.
Saturday | July 29
Temple Torat Yisrael Virtual & In-person Saturday Morning Shabbat Services. 9:30-10:30 a.m. 1251 Middle Road, East Greenwich. Lay-led services in person and via Zoom. Information, Temple@toratyisrael.org.
Congregation Agudas Achim Shabbat Morning Services. 10 a.m.-noon. 901 N. Main St., Attleboro, Mass. Services will include misheberach l’holim, a prayer for healing, as well as Mourners’ Kaddish. Information, office@ agudasma.org.