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Moving on, moving up! JCDSRI
from July 2023
The Jewish Community Day School of Rhode Island in Providence is so proud of its fifth-grade graduates! JCDSRI reports that the fifth graders “have accomplished so much during their time at JCDSRI, and we cannot wait to watch them continue to grow, learn and explore. We know that these incredible humans will make the world a better place and we are grateful that we got to be part of the journey!” Graduation took place on June 14.
Some of the kindergarten graduates.

Students from the littlest to the biggest took part in end-of-year festivities at Providence Hebrew Day School on the East Side. Pre-K students graduated with a ceremony on June 12. Kindergarteners participated in a “Moving up Day” on June 13. Eighth grade boys and girls grad- uated in the annual ceremony on June 20. Congratulations to all on the completion of another school year.

Pre-K graduation.