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Slides: Twitter: @mvolpe

Blogging for Business Mike Volpe VP Marketing HubSpot

Agenda 1 Why 1. Wh is blogging important? 2. The 3 Keys to Success 3. Measuring Results

Outbound Marketing

800-555-1234 Annoying Salesperson

Inbound Marketing Blogg


Social Media

Rethinking Marketing Outbound Marketing • Telemarketing • Trade shows • Direct mail • Email blasts • Print ads • TV/radio ads

Inbound Marketing • SEO / SEM • Blogging • Social Media • RSS • Free tools/trials • Public Relations



Blogging is Inbound Marketing • Blogging helps with ith SEO • Blogging helps with Social News Sites • Blogging helps with Social Networking Sites • Blogging is Permission Centric

Flickr:: Annie Mole Flickr

Agenda 1 Why 1. Wh is blogging important? 2. The 3 Keys to Success 3. Measuring Results

3 Keys to Blog Success



W iti Writing

Reading Other Blogs 1. Get an RSS Reader ( 2 Set reader as homepage 2. 3. Search for relevant blogs • • •

4. Subscribe to blogs g

RSS Simplifies Reading Your Industry Blogs

RSS = Distributed Content • RSS = Reall Really Simple S Syndication ndication • Users consume content how they want • Unlocks content from a URL • Anonymous subscription

3 Keys to Blog Success



W iti Writing

Tips on Comments Increase the value of the article: • • • • • •

Share an example Add a point Add a useful link Disagree Ask a question Use your real name (not company)

Example (Not Great)

I am also a huge fan of my espresso machine, it is by far my favorite wedding gift we received. Mine is a fully automatic machine, so you just dump water and whole coffee beans in the top and it does the rest.

Why Leave Comments? • Karma • Get noticed by other bloggers • Get noticed by other blog readers • Get links back to your blog • Thought leadership

3 Keys to Blog Success



W iti Writing

Key Blog Software Features Blog Functionality: • Uses your o rb business siness URL URL, not a subdomain s bdomain of someone else's URL • Allows subscriptions by RSS and email • Automatically integrates with social media • Automatically sends new blog posts to your subscribers by email HubSpot does it all

Key Blog Software Features Analytics functionality: • Reports email and RSS ssubscribers bscribers o over er time • Tracks each article (links, comments, views) • Measures visitors and leads from your blog • Tracks rank for keywords in search engines • Tracks your competition as compared to you HubSpot does it all

Key Blog Software Features Support and expertise: • Support S pport people that answer ans er technical / support questions • People, articles and videos that provide marketing expertise on how to succeed with your blog

HubSpot does it all

When to Blog • Start before you o ha have e a prod product ct • Start before you have a website • Start before you have anything • All you need: a rough market and some ideas • A blog can launch a company

Biggest Blogging Mistake Using a “free” URL from Blogspot or Typepad • – NO! • – NO! • – Yes • HubSpot com/Blog – Yes • – Yes

Blog Article Titles • F Funny: nn “GoDaddy's “GoDadd 's 16-Step 16 Step Checko Checkout: t Brainless Marketing At Its Finest?” • Enticing: “12 Quick Tips To Search Google Like An Expert” • SEO: “Free Advertising on Google”

6th Most Popular HubSpot Blog Article l

Blog Frequency • Steady Stead readership? •

At least weekly, more is better.

• SEO focused? •

Frequency is less important.

Blog Topic Ideas • • • • • • •

List of 5 ideas, trends or thoughts P blish a list of links Publish Take a recent experience and share it Answer questions you received recently Comment on other blog articles Turn a press release into a blog article Check your email outbox

Bonus Section – Promote Your Blog

Flickr:: ClintJCL Flickr

Blog Promotion • • • • • •

Email friends and family Replace email ne newsletter sletter with ith blog Trade guest articles with similar blogger Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon Facebook & LinkedIn Twitter (automatic with Twitterfeed)

Social Media Blog Article Promotion

Agenda 1 Why 1. Wh is blogging important? 2. The 3 Keys to Success 3. Measuring Results

Measurement • Overall O erall Blog Performance • Individual Article Performance

SEO & Blog Ranks

Subscribers & Visitors

Blog Article Performance

Blog Article Analysis

Blog Article Analysis

Blog Article Analysis

HubSpot Blog Stats • • • • • •

4,200 RSS Subscribers 1 000’s Email S 1,000’s Subscribers bscribers Top 0.4% of websites (Alexa Traffic) Top 0.02% of blogs (Technorati Rank) 6 Front Page Digg Articles Nominated for 2 SEMMY Awards We want to help you with your blog.

Thank You! HubSpot makes everything that we just talked about a lot easier to do, so check out Mike Volpe VP Marketing HubSpot p Facebook: LinkedIn: www linkedin com/in/mikevolpe Twitter:

Additional Blogging Articles 1. 2. aspx Blogging.aspx 3. 4. for SEO asp Article-for-SEO.aspx 5. 6. Bl 7. 8. Experts-with-Podcast.aspx t ith P d t 9. 10. dH T A id Th

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