Document Living

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About J Volden


What is a Documentary Session?


How a Session Works




My Story


Top 5 things to do in Phoenix


Top 5 tips for a better session


Beauty of Everyday


Session Ideas






Fun Corner


J Volden Photography Family

I look forward to working with you during your Document Living session. I want to capture images that will show you in this moment.

You won’t need matching outfits, tons of makeup, or fancy hair styles for our session (unless that is normal for you). I believe images that capture you should reflect the real you. The idea is to look, and act, as you do every day. Images should reflect your inner beauty, strength, and happiness being in your element.

My one and only goal is to make you feel comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera in order to bring you the best images and highest quality products that will last a lifetime. I believe in keepsakes. You won’t receive just a USB that gets tossed in a desk and forgotten about (although you can purchase a USB if you'd like). You will get beautiful prints, gorgeous canvases, and a lovely album. There are items you can touch, feel, and pass down to your children. You can show them off. You will have images and products that you are proud of and want to share.

I look forward to working with you and showing just how amazing you are.

J Volden Photography strives to capture a moment in time by documenting the real-life moments while offering the highest quality items you can hold, cherish, and pass on.


I never cared to be popular. I didn't really pay the popular people much attention. I've always seemed to move to the beat of my own drum. To do my own thing. I


don’t try to be different, I just am.


Derd? Nork?

I've always been happiest with a small group of friends. Those that get my sense of humor a little goofy, a little dry and sometimes a little dark. And if my friends weren't available I can always find friends in books.

In high school, I claimed was anti-fashion. I wore cargo pants, skater shoes and oversized t-shirts. I didn’t want to look like anyone else in my school. I then moved into a punk rock stage and upgraded to dickies and band shirts (plus more accessories than one person should wear at a time). My style has slowly evolved into a little bit rock n roll and a little bit hippie, with a splash of corporate since I still have a day job. Mostly in the black and gray color family. I once tried to start a fashion blog. I was not very good at that. I am currently obsessed with fun sneakers.

I try to stay active. I love running and hiking. I have ran several half marathons but have not reached my goal of a full marathon yet. Someday. I also like to lift weights and pretend I am a badass. I try to eat healthy most times but will not turn down bacon, cheese, tacos, margaritas or a delicious gluten free brownie. Huh, that list is quite long..

Why gluten free? I have celiac disease, an autoimmune disease in which my body attacks itself when I eat gluten. There is no cure and the only way to not have symptoms is to not eat gluten. Sounds easy, right? It is. Kind of.

I am obsessed with coffee. I like to say I literally run on espresso. I would love to retire to Hawaii and grow my own coffee. Not that I know how to grow, roast, and process coffee but I’m sure I can find info on the internet. I would only need a few plants, just enough to keep me in coffee while I read on my porch.

I am based out of Phoenix, Arizona and have a slight case of wanderlust. I would be a nomad but I am just a tad to practical for that. And I like my creature comforts. I live with my boyfriend and our two ginormous dogs, Sheila and Ulysses. We spend our winters going to Coyotes games and summers at the Diamondback games.


Documentary Session And why do I need one? When most people want a photography session, they start looking for a photographer and think they want a typical posed session. They want to wear matching outfits, go to the park, pose, and smile as if we were in a 1950s sitcom. You know what I’m talking about. We’ve all seen those photos. There’s nothing wrong with that type of session but you aren’t typical. You’re a rebel. You do things differently.

I’ve never been one follow the crowd and to be honest, I didn’t want to do portraits. Ever. I thought I had to do the pose and smiles in the park portraits. It didn’t speak to me and it made me anxious thinking about being that kind of portrait photographer. But one day I came across documentary portrait sessions and immediately knew what I must do. My heart skipped a beat. I knew what I had to do. I have to document people’s lives.

Think of a documentary session as a day in the life of you. It can be as vague as just documenting a typical day or more specific as an activity you enjoy doing. Sunday brunch. Bed time. Movie night. Family baseball game. Target run (because who doesn’t love a good Target run?). If you enjoy it, I can (most likely) document it.

A documentary session is meant to capture you as is. To capture life and living, the everyday moments. Life is constantly changing and sadly, memories fade. Documentary sessions find all those little moments and emotions that you don’t want to forget (but usually do).

Documentary sessions aren’t for everyone. I get that. But for those that want something different, something outside the norm, look no further. Get your memories captured, in print, for you and future generations to share. If you want authentic moments, this is for you. If you want real emotions, this is for you. If you want actual prints and albums, this is for you.

Documentary sessions are meant to show you as you. To show real feelings and emotions. Love. Kindness. Strength. Joy. And even sadness. The whole spectrum.

Dare to be different. Step out of the box. Color outside of the lines. Show the world your awesomeness with a documentary session.



A session with me is full service. As stated before, I won’t just show up, snap some pics, and send you a USB a few weeks later. I will walk you through each part of the process and be there for any questions you may have.

It all starts with a client meeting, we can do it in person, over the phone or on Skype. We will pick a date that works for both parties, go over/sign the contract, and pay the nonrefundable retainer. We will discuss what you like to do in your free time and what activity would work best for your documentary session. I have included a survey for you to complete to help make it easier to figure out what you like to do. Please bring the completed survey to our pre-consult.

I will confirm your date and time approximately 72 hours prior to our scheduled session.

On the day of your session, I will spend approximately 15-20 minutes getting to know you and your family before your starting shooting. This allows me to hang out with you, without my camera, so we can all get comfortable. My camera won’t come out of the bag until the first 10-15 minutes have passed. We can have some coffee and talk about the weather, tv, movies, books, whatever you want to get settled in.

Once your session actually starts, I will grab my camera and you will start your activity. I don’t give much, if any, directions. I am there to document what you do, not pose you. It’s best if you pretend I’m not there but if you feel more comfortable talking to me, please do so! This is all about making you feel relaxed and at home.

After your session, I will do basic editing on your photos, color & exposure, for your reveal session. Your reveal will take place about 2-3 weeks after your session. You won’t see any sneak peeks because I am telling your story. You need to see all the images to get the true emotional impact. You can’t get that with a one-off sneak peak.

Your reveal session and design consultation will include only the best images that tell your story. You will place your package order at the reveal session. Once you pick your products and final payment is made, your products are ordered.

You will receive your products approximately 3-4 weeks after the final edits and payment is made. Sounds simple, right? It really is and I will be here every step of the way to help and answer any questions you may have.

Client Policies What is required to book a session? Signed Contract Non-Refundable Retainer Client Survey

If the session is in your home, you must be a non-smoker or never smoke in your home. Please do not smoke right before or during your session. This policy cannot be waived. If I show up to your session and detect smoke, I reserve the right to leave. I have asthma and cigarette smoke is a trigger. If you smoke in your home, we can plan a session outside or at another location.

Please do not do drugs or alcohol prior to your session. If you are impaired, your images will not be flattering. You need to be present for your session. I reserve the right to leave if I arrive and you are too impaired for your session.

I love pets and am all for including them in sessions! Please let me know ahead of time if you want to include your pets. If your pets do not like strangers and will not be included, please make sure they are kept out of the way.

Please do not have extra friends, family, or pets hanging around who are not part of the session. If you must have someone else around, they will be photographed and become part of your story. Only invite those you want memories of.Â

Timeliness is of the essence. Please be ready on time. Running late makes you stressed, not relaxed. Your session time will not be extended if it does not start on time.

Story MY

I love technology. I love being able to pull out my phone and capture every little thing I do. But you know what I miss? The feelings of prints and flipping through a photo album. I decided to start printing my digital memories because what happens if your phone dies unexpectedly, your computer crashes or that usb becomes corrupt?

We all know moments are fleeting and memories fade. Life moves fast and

Technology changes and your current CDs may already be outdated.A news article discusses current or recent news of either general interest (i.e. daily newspapers) or

changes happen every few months. I

of a specific topic (i.e. political or trade news

find those moments and save them for

magazines, club newsletters, or technology news

you to cherish for a lifetime. The quality


of the keepsakes you purchase can be I truly believe everyone should have real prints. How

passed down to the family to look back often do you flip through your computer files and think

on. I give you a memory of your life that would otherwise fade with time.

back to that day or vacation? I’m willing to bet almost never. I’m more apt to pull out my photo albums than open a file on my computer.

Think back to your childhood, what is

Pull out those old, dusty albums and

your earliest memory? For me, it’s a

boxes and share them with your kids. I

struggle. I have vague clips of memories

bet they get a kick out of the photos,

from an early age but nothing really

the fashion, and the stories that go with

concrete. I don’t remember my first time


doing back to school shopping. I remember having different birthdays but I can’t recall which clips go with what age. But photo albums help fill in those gaps and memories. And I don’t have photos from all the day to day family time. Family game nights, Christmas tree decorating and baking are memories I have but no images to go with them. I wish I had those photos. What moments do you wish you had photos of?

Let me tell your story.


Around Phoenix Living in a city as large as Phoenix means there is always something competing for your time and money. The city and surrounding areas offer so many activities, it can be hard to decide where to go and what to do with your free time.

Here are five places or activities that are fun for all ages!

1. Phoenix Zoo There are several places to see animals in & around Phoenix but the zoo is in the heart of Phoenix and has undergone some major renovations the last few years. They have different events throughout the year, like ZooLights and Roars & Pours. The Zoo is non-profit and committed to conservation. Hours vary by season. Â General admission is $24.95 for adults and $14.95 for kids.Â

TOP FIVE THINGS TO DO 4. Phoenix Art Museum

2. Hiking Between the city and county parks the amount of hiking trails and difficulty levels is nearly endless. Nine months of the year we have perfect weather for getting out and exploring. Enjoy a challenging hike with your partner or take your kids on an easy stroll to find some hieroglyphics. And don't forget your pup! There are several trails that also allow dogs. Be sure to

A great place for date night or a fun family outing. See great works of art and fashion. With exhibits constantly changing, there is always something new to see. They also offer several times to enjoy for free! Wednesdays from 3 pm - 9 pm, First Fridays from 6 pm - 10 pm and Discount Tire Sundays from 12 pm - 5 pm. General admissions $18 adults, $9 kids.

watch the weather, take plenty of water, and don't go when it's over 100 degrees. $0 - $6 per vehicle.

5. Fun runs/walks Almost every weekend, even in the summer, you can find a 5K somewhere in the valley of the

3. Sports You can find pretty much every professional sport league in Phoenix. There is some game you can attend year round. Grab your kiddos and head out to a spring training game or take the snowbirds to see their favorite hockey team. Fall means tailgating before the Cardinals game. You can also see the Suns, Mercury, a plethora of college sports. Prices will vary.

sun. Some even have mile races for the youngest members of the family. Why not start a family Turkey Trot tradition? Get out and walk/run before your stuff your face! Prices will vary.


You are investing a lot for a documentary session and want to make sure you get great photos, right? Getting in front of the camera is always hard. We have insecurities about our bodies, we are afraid we will look silly and aren't sure what to do with our hands in that pose.Â

But documentary sessions are different. They are about you being you and going about your life.Â

How can you act natural and relax when your personal paparazzi is sitting in the corner?

Best Session 1. Get to know your photographer.

4. Go with the tried and true.

I'm not a robot behind the camera! I want to

Don't do anything new on the day of your

have a connection with you and your family.

session. You want to do something you usually

Please be sure to use our pre-consultation,

do to help you feel relaxed. And since this is

emails and phone calls to get to know me. I'll

about your life, you will want to wear what you

be asking you all kinds of questions to get to

normally wear. No need to go out and buy a

know you, feel free to ask me about myself. I

new outfit. You also don't need to worry about

am an open book.

putting your kid in fancy clothes. Let them run

And don't forget, the first 15-ish minutes of your

around in their diaper if that's what they do!

session will be us just talking. I recommend

Stick with your usual hair and makeup (if you

coffee (for me, you can have something else),

wear it) and lastly, be true to yourself and be

and talking. I want you to be relaxed and


comfortable around me. 5. Bend and breathe. 2. Stay in the moment.

Basically, relax and act normal! Being stiff and

You know everyone is preaching being present

posed are not your friends. You need to move

nowadays and so am I. It is so important to be

around. This is why it is helpful to plan an

present and not worried about how you look or

activity you normally do. Do you bake muffins

getting your kids to look at the camera. Please,

every Sunday? Do that! This is about capturing

don't encourage them to look at me. I want

life as it is. You don't want to move around with

natural interactions amongst you and your kids!

perfectly stiff limbs, like a Barbie. I will repeat

I want you to play with your kids, talk to your

myself but try to forget the camera is there.

partner, and just go about your day. Try to

Pretend I'm not there or think of me as a friend,

forget I'm there and be in the moment.

not a photographer, whatever helps you relax!

3. Don't be afraid to show emotion.

The biggest thing to remember about a

For me, the best images are those with natural

documentary session is this is about your life.

smiles and laughter (and sometimes even

What do you want to remember in 20 years?

tears). Do you normally dance around the

What moments do you want to leave your kids?

kitchen with your daughter to get her to laugh?

Keep those thoughts in mind when planning and

Do it! She will want those memories. And so will

executing yout session!Â

you when she is a teenager, rolling her eyes at her weird mom.


Or my life is boring, why do I need a documentary session?

You probably think your life is fairly boring. We all do. You are thinking, we do the same thing week after week. We get the kids ready, and they head off to school while we head to work. Then we spend the evening making dinner before the bedtime rituals begin. Why would I want to document that?!? I live it every day.

And you do.

But you know what? Every day is just a little bit different. You, your kids and your pets get a bit older each day. You don't really notice it from day to day but what about month to month? The changes are there, albeit subtle, we are changing every day. You probably don't want to think about think about this part but... eventually, the kids move on. Pets leave us and maybe new ones fill the void. How will you remember Mr. Fluffy? Or the cat you nicknamed Satan? The day will come, and you will wish you had photos of all those boring moments.

Why not capture those little moments now?

Your son and the dog explore the yard every weekend. You think I don't need a photo of that. I can look out the patio door and watch them at any time. Until your son is too old for that and would rather spend his time in his room, with the door shut.Â

Maybe you and your kids spend each summer at the pool. All day long. Every single summer. Until you don't. Those summers will soon be a distant memory. Your kids will get jobs. They will want to hang out with their friends. Get those summer pool images now, before it's too late.Â

You may think these everyday moments aren't worth remembering. They aren't worth getting on film (or digital). But they are. These are the moments you, your spouse, your kids, and other family members will want to look back on. And laugh over the moments, the clothes, the hair. Do you remember looking at your parent's photo albums as a kid? Those weren't all special moments and yet they meant way more than the wedding album. Why? Because it's your parents, as they were. Not dressed up for the camera. Not posing. Living life.

These are the moments you'll want to share at your kid's graduation. Or wedding.

The moments to remember are the small ones. Not the, here we are at a park and wearing matching shirts moments. No one is going to remember that or even why you did it. But they will remember those late summer nights in the yard with the dog. They will remember taking over the train park with their best friend. They want to remember feeding the ducks and the Paw Patrol birthday you planned and executed. They want to look back at the time pop-pop took them to the pool.

These are the moments you need to document.Â

Session Ideas Not sure what to do during your session? Here are a few ideas to get your juices flowing!

Indoor Fun Game night Nap, story or bed time Arts & Crafts Furniture Building Dessert Bar

Outdoor Fun at home Sprinkler or pool time Gardening Backyard "camping" Blowing bubbles Sidewalk chalkÂ

Outdoor Fun Hiking adventure Coffee date Target trip Trip to the park Farmer's market

Holiday Traditions Making cards of gifts Egg dying Christmas tree trimming Birthday parties Pumpkin hunting


Investment Do you remember pulling out photo albums and box of prints when you were a kid? You'd spend time looking through black and white images of your grandparents and that 1970's photo of your parent's wedding. Maybe you made up stories about the photos or asked your parents about them. Maybe you laughed at your dad's 'stache or cried that you never had the chance to meet your beautiful grandmother.

You did not hire me to get a USB that will sit in the junk drawer and eventually get misplaced. You want keepsakes, works of art that your kids and grandchildren can look through in 30 years. You want to gift those same feelings you got looking at old photos to your kids.

You will get to pick from three different collections and several add on items.

You are not getting photos, you are getting memories.

Slice of Life Session Up to two (2) hours 15 minutes of unposed group photos followed by your choice of activity and 15 minutes of individual unposed portraits. $200 non-refundable retainer

Half Day in the Life I spend 4 hours with you, documenting your day. This could be a morning wake up and breakfast, mid-day activities, or bedtime stories. $300 non-refundable retainer

Day in the Life I spend 8 hours with you, basically morning wake up to goodnight stories. $500 non-refundable retainer

Take me me on vacation! Vacation can both be fun and stressful. Let me take one worry off your shoulders. I will hang out with you and document your entire vacation! $700 per day with a three day minimum plus you cover airfare, hotel, and entrance fees/tickets. (Photographer will buy her own food and coffee). $2400 non-refundable retainer (incl 3 day minimum + album + online digital downloads). Additional days due 5 days prior to vacation.

NEW: Seasons of Life One session every three months $1750 (valued at over $8000) includes four sessions, one wooden keepsake box with USB and 4x6 prints with images from each session, and four accordion albums (one per session) $875 non-refundable retainer to start planning your sessions and book your first date Additional due when booking each subsequent session ($291, $293, and $291)

The non-refundable retainer covers the session, reveal and design session, and basic editing.

Please choose a session that fits what the activity you want to do for your session. This will be discussed during your pre-consultation.

The reveal and design session will be set about 3-4 weeks after your session. Your images will be revealed at your session and you will get to pick your favorite images and collection!

Please note images and products are not included in your retainer. They are purchased separately. Collections will only be available on the night of your reveal and design session so start thinking about what collection you would like!

Not seeing what you want? I wanted to make things simple for you. I was overwhelmed with choices and imagine you were too!Â

If you don't see something you must have (metal print, fine art print, Christmas cards etc) just ask me! I am happy to put together a custom item for you!

My goal is to make sure you have the memories you want, in the way you want.

FAQ Can I get some posed images?

Do you offer a payment plan?

I don't offer fully posed sessions

Yes! For any session or additional

as I am more interested in

products you order, we can do a

capturing your life but will do a

payment plan for up to six months.

few posed shots if you'd like. For a

You would need to put 25% down

snapshot session we can do 10

and your balance would be

minutes of posing, for day in the

divided over the next six months.

life (full or half) we can do 20

You could also set up a three, four

minutes of posing.

or five month plan if you prefer. Your credit card would be

Do we feed you?

charged each month on the

Since I have celiac diseae and

agreed upon date. Sessions

require a strict gluten free diet, I

cannot be held until paid in full.

do not want you to go through the trouble of replacing your entire

Do you do birthday parties?

kitchen. I bring my own food. I do

Yes, I can document your small

require coffee in the morning and

events, like birthday parties!

diet coke/water during other times.

Should I clean my house? Only to the extent you normally do! My rule of thumb is, if you don't want it in the background of an image, clean it. If you don't care, leave it. I'm just there to capture your life, not judge.

Should I open the blinds? I love natural light for photos but am comfortable with whatever you want! Open blinds help me but aren't required.

Fun Corner

Take this quiz to see if a documentary session might be right for you!

1. Do you love looking at old photos and asking your relatives about them? A- not really B- sometimes C- OMG, YAS!

2. How do you feel about prints and albums? A- Just give me the digitals B- They're ok but I can't post them on Facebook C- I love having something to hold

3. Do you want to see your family's personalities, quirks and mannerisms in images? A- Not really B- Hmmm... I dunno? C- Yes please!

4. Memories are important to me & I want something to help when things get fuzzy. A- Yes, but can't I just look on Facebook? B- I hadn't thought of that but, yes? C- Totally.

5. I want images where my kids match & aren't covered in pb&j. A. YES! B- I like some shots like this. C- Ugh, that sounds like a lot of work.

Fun Corner

Don't worry... there are no right or wrong answers with this quiz. Everyone wants something different and that's ok!

Mostly A's You definitely like traditional portrait photography. You love putting together coordinating outfits and finding the perfect park for your family photos. While a documentary session may not be right for you, you can always do my free pre-consultation to get to know me, my style, and ask any questions you may have.Â

Mostly B's You are on the fence about a day in the life session. You love your traditional photoshoots but are curious about trying something new. A snapshot session might be the perfect way to dip your toe in the world of documentary sessions. Pick your favorite activity and have fun!

Mostly C's You are all in! You want to capture all those little moments before it's too late and they are gone forever. You could jump right into a day in the life session.Â

Interested in learning more? Contact me by email or phone 480382-9267. I will be happy to set up a pre-consultation with you!

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