Wednesday, november 3, 2010
Daily Citizen Serving Searcy and White County, Ark., since 1854
Race headed to runoff
Election results
Searcy Mayor race Runoff: nov. 23
STaTe SeNaTe District 29 dismang, R Prater, d
67.8% 32.2%
LaForce, Morris to face off Nov. 23
By Warren Watkins warren@thedailycitizen.com Searcy Mayor Belinda LaForce and challenger David Morris will be in a Nov. 23 run-off, according to unofficial results from Tuesday’s General
Searcy Mayor race reSULTS
Unofficial election results as of 12:15 a.m. Wednesday.
Belinda LaForce 38 percent
United States Senate Searcy Mayor Blanche Lincoln, d John Boozman, R
David Morris 34 percent
United States House
Kyle Reeves 28 percent Unofficial results from the Searcy mayoral race as of 12:15 a.m. Wednesday.
Continued on Page 3a
LiNcoLN re-eLected judge
Unofficial results as of 12:15 a.m. Wednesday.
Continued on Page 3a
68.91% 26.65% 2.41% 1.98%
State Senate
District 29 Jonathan dismang, R 67.80% Sandra Prater, d 32.20%
District 49 Jesse Boyce, d Jeremy gillam, R District 50 Monty Betts, d Mark Biviano, R District 59 Steve Choate, d John Johnston, R
33.73% 66.27% 49.05% 50.95% nR nR
county Judge
Johney gibson, d 30.52% Michael Lincoln, R 69.48%
county JP
District 3 Cameron Cooper, R 67.31% travis amos Prothro, d 32.69% District 4 archie Johnson, d 37.25% allen King, R 62.75% District 6 Steve Lang, d 33.13% Shane Sellars, R 66.87% District 7 Kenneth R. Horton, d 50.10% Ray Woodard, R 49.90%
Bald Knob Mayor earnest L. Storey Willie gilbert doyle Wallace Robert Carpenter Barth grayson
6.90% 6.90% 35.11% 32.92% 18.18%
Beebe alderman
Ward 2, Position 2 delbert (deb) Wisdom44.76% tracy Lightfoot 55.24%
White County Judge Michael Lincoln visits with Joel Hoggard during a watch party at Robbins-Sanford Grand Hall Tuesday evening. Jacob Brower/jbrower@thedailycitizen.com
Michael Lincoln to return to judge’s office
By Warren Watkins warren@thedailycitizen.com nofficial results show White County Judge Michael Lincoln, a Republican, was re-elected to his third term with a decided victory over Democrat Johney Gibson. By 11:30 p.m. White County Election Commission Chairman Winston Collier announced that with 34 of 34 precincts
reporting and with a “minute” amount of provisional ballots remaining to be counted, Lincoln received 13,522 votes, 69 percent of votes cast, and Gibson 5,941 (31 percent). First elected in 2006, Lincoln was sworn in on Continued on Page 3a
republican Biviano wins rep. district 50
State representative candidate Mark Biviano, third from left, watches national election results on television during a watch party at the Robbins-Sanford Grand Hall Tuesday evening. He is pictured with wife Barbara; daughter Sarah, 15; and son Zachery, 14. Jacob Brower/jbrower@thedailycitizen.com
Today: Partly sunny. Highs in the mid 60s. north winds 5 to 10 mph. Tonight: Mostly clear. Lows in the lower 40s. north winds 5 mph. Vol. 156, no. 263 ©2010 the daily Citizen
District 2 tim griffin, R Joyce elliott, d Lance Levi, i Lewis Kennedy, g
State representative
dismang elected to State Senate
By Luke Jones ljones@thedailycitizen.com Republican Jonathan Dismang has been elected to State Senate in District 29. His opponent was Democrat Sandra Prater. Of course we’re excited and, to be honest, a little bit tired at this point,” DisMang Dismang said. “We’re looking forward to serving the people of District 29.” Dismang begins his work Thursday, and in the meantime, plans to spend time with his family. “My wife has been critical to my race,” he said. “I’ve sure appreciated her support.” He was satisfied with the race. “It was better than we could have imagined,” he said. “The support we received was incredible. We were humbled, so many people believed in us and our campaign.” Prater conceded to Dismang Tuesday evening. “I ran a positive race and I wouldn’t have run it any other way,” she said. “I congratulated Jonathan and I was glad he ran a positive race. I think it was a lot of anti-democrat sentiment, but I gave it my best shot.” Prater is looking to the future. “I enjoyed meeting a lot of really, really good people in this district,” she said. “I made a lot of new friends, friends I’ll
34.95% 58.36%
By Luke Jones ljones@thedailycitizen.com Republican Mark Biviano was elected as State Representative for District 50 after a very close race. His opponent was Democrat Monty Betts. “I am excited about the opportunity to serve the citizens of district 50,” Biviano said. “I appreciated the race that Monty ran.” Biviano said he will attend a legislative session, talk to some constituents in legislation, then get prepared for next year when he starts his term. “I’m very excited about the
STaTe HoUSe District 29 Mark Biviano, R Monty Betts, d
50.95% 49.45%
Unofficial results as of 12:15 a.m. Wednesday.
opportunity to serve the community,” Biviano said. “I want to thank everybody that voted for me and supported me in the race and I want to thank my opponent for a very positive race.” Betts conceded to Biviano at about 11:30 p.m. “I told people I’m too Continued on Page 3a
Contact: 3000 E. Race, Searcy, AR 72143, Phone: 268-8621
Ward 3, Position 2 Leslie e. Cossey 59.72% James Rainbolt 10.73% Jonathan gordon 29.55%
Bradford Mayor Shirley Bratcher arthur dunn
22.16% 77.84%
Garner alderman Position 2 Carla Johnson otis Barnes Position 3 dorothy Hanner Jennifer Hurt Position 5 Peggy Price Katheryn Smith
81.54% 18.56% 66.67% 33.33% 65.63% 34.38%
Georgetown Mayor Ron Snyder William ditto
66.67% 33.33%
Kyle Reeves david Morris Belinda LaForce
27.58% 34.15% 38.26%
Searcy alderman Ward 1, Position 1 Carl nutter Logan Cothern Ward 1, Position 2 nicholas H. Horton Mary ann arnett Ward 2, Position 1 dan Hodges Jim H. dixon Ward 2, Position 2 david Philpott Robert allen Steve Sterling Ward 3, Position 1 dale english derek glover Ward 3, Position 2 Jackie W. Liles donald P. Raney Ward 4, Position 2 Mike Chalenburg Mark derrick
Mike Beebe, d Jim Lindall, g Jim Keet, R
38.44% 61.56% 43.83% 56.17% 47.35% 52.65% 16.68% 33.22% 50.10% 63.32% 36.68% 46.78% 53.22% 45% 55%
64.16% 2.02% 33.61%
Lietanant Governor
Mark darr, R 50.43% Shane Broadway, d 49.57%
State attorney General Rebekah Kennedy, g 27.19% dustin Mcdaniel, d 72.10%
ark. Secretary of State Pat o’Brien, d Mark Martin, R
State Treasurer Bobby tulls, g Martha Shoffner, d
47.02% 52.98%
34.44% 65.56%
State auditor
Charlie daniels, d 69.66% Mary Hughes-Willis, g 30.34%
Lands commissioner
L.J. Bryant, d 46.58% John M. thurston, R 53.42%
Supreme court associate Justice tim Fox Karen Baker
Issue No. 1 For against
Issue No. 2 For against
Issue No. 3 For against
39.77% 60.23%
82.24% 17.76%
63.04% 36.96%
61.69% 38.31%
Mcrae Mayor
Robert “Bob” Sullivan 55.05% Weylin Bradford 17.17% Jocarol Johnson 27.78%
Georgetown recorder/Treasurer
Mcrae alderman
Georgetown alderman
Pangburn Mayor
Judy Stephenson Katy Burroughs
Position 2 elizabeth Hampton James R. Burroughs Position 5 Charles Lang Crystal Butler (ditto)
38.89% 61.11%
57.41% 42.59% 68.52% 31.48%
Higginson alderman Position 5 dennis usery Josh Pylant
Kensett Mayor Max Mcdonald, d don Fuller, i
60% 40%
55.66% 44.34%
Big creek Township constable Jimmie altom, d John H.Vaughan, R timothy Beebe, i
32.91% 56.27% 10.82%
Ward 2, Position 1 Lena Rohrscheib Benny R. Ward
John (ed) goree James Williams gary F. Sharp Harold e. glenn
50.80% 49.20%
13.71% 47.72% 14.72% 23.86%
Pangburn alderman
Ward 3, Position 2 Rick Matthews 45.21% Laney Whitehead 54.79%
russell Mayor darrell Lutner dennis Pierce
45% 55%
russell alderman Position 4 Calvin e. Klotz Renee garr
40.32% 59.68%
Harrison Township constable
Roger gray, d 45.29% William Chestnut, R 54.71%
Page 2A • Wednesday, October 3, 2010
ElEction 2010
Nutter, Reeves campaign Tuesday afternoon
Searcy Alderman Carl Nutter, left, wife Mary Ellen and Searcy mayoral candidate Kyle Reeves campaign outside the Downtown Church of Christ Tuesday afternoon. Jacob Brower/jbrower@thedailycitizen.com
Gov. Beebe thanks Searcy voters after win
By Erica Sirratt Special to The Daily Citizen LITTLE ROCK — More than 250 people applauded as Gov. Mike Beebe walked onto the stage with his family to give his acceptance speech Tuesday night after winning his re-election bid over Jim Keet. Beebe spoke to his supporters at the Embassy Suites in Little Rock thanking all of them for their efforts and for the efforts of those that were not present. After his speech, Governor Beebe said a special thanks to the voters of Searcy. “I want to give a big thank you,” Beebe said, “White county launched me years ago on this journey that I’ve been on. I was in Searcy for all those years — I still am in Searcy; it became the place we call our home. Searcy launched me on my political career and I’m very grateful to the people associated with White county. They are my family.”
Election official Diane Thomas asks Gov. Mike Beebe if he had used an electronic voting machine before, drawing a smile from both. Beebe was voting at West Race Baptist Church at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday. Warren Watkins/warren@thedailycitizen.com
Boozman beats Lincoln in senator race
By Andrew DeMillo The Associated Press LITTLE ROCK — Voters in Arkansas took out their frustration with the economy and health care Tuesday on Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln, electing the state's second Republican senator since Reconstruction. An Associated Press analysis of exit poll data showed that Lincoln was defeated by U.S. Rep. John Boozman, a five-term congressman, while Beebe beat Little Rock restaurateur and former legislator Jim Keet. Boozman had 56 percent of the vote with 44 percent of precincts reporting, while Beebe had nearly 66 percent of the vote with 41 percent of precincts reporting. In addition to toppling a U.S. senator they had targeted for at least two years, Republicans won a congressional seat in central Arkansas and took an early lead for a seat in eastern Arkansas — both held by retiring D[m 7Zc_ii_ed (&& WALT DISNEY’S
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Democrats. The change would mark Arkansas' greatest political shift since the 1870s. Lincoln was considered one of the most vulnerable incumbents in Washington after casting a key vote in support of a federal health care overhaul championed by President Barack Obama. In recent days, she appeared on television saying she didn't cast votes with her political future in mind and somberly acknowledged that many expected her to lose. Many voters who cast a ballot for Boozman cited Lincoln's support of the health care overhaul as their chief reason for opposing her. "He's about as bland as you can be, but he hasn't made me mad," said Fred Whitmore, a retired power company engineer from Little Rock who said he voted for Boozman after supporting Lincoln six
years ago. In his race, Beebe argued that Arkansas weathered the economic downturn better than most states. The state's unemployment rate is lower than the national average, and the state has avoided the massive cuts and layoffs faced elsewhere. The state also cut its sales tax on groceries while Beebe was governor. Before he took office, Beebe had been a state senator and attorney general. Election officials predicted 54 percent of Arkansas' 1.6 million registered voters would cast a ballot — the highest turnout for a nonpresidential election since the GOP won control of Congress in 1994. In central Arkansas, RepublicanTim Griffin defeated Democrat Joyce Elliott for the 2nd Congressional District seat being vacated by retiring Democratic Rep. Vic Snyder.
In east Arkansas, Republican Rick Crawford was leading Democrat Chad Causey 52 percent to 44 percent for the 1st Congressional District, with 35 percent of precincts reporting unofficial results. The two were running for the seat left open by retiring Democratic Rep. Marion Berry. The race could end up being one of the closest of the evening, with both national parties focusing heavily on the seat with advertising and get-out-the-vote efforts. In the race to replace Boozman in the 3rd Congressional District, Republican Steve Womack defeated Democrat David Whitaker. The state's only incumbent congressman seeking re-election, Democratic Rep. Mike Ross, is favored in his race against Republican Beth Anne Rankin in the 4th Congressional District.
The Daily Citizen
Alderman arrested for stealing signs
By Warren Watkins warren@thedailycitizen.com A Beebe alderman has been arrested for stealing his opponent’s campaign signs. Alderman Leslie Cossey is opposed by James Rainbolt and Jonathan Gordon in his re-election bid for the Ward 3, Position 2 seat on the council. Aldermen are elected at large, not by ward, and run as independents. C o r p o r a l Cossey S t e v e Hernandez, public information officer for the White County Sheriff’s Office, confirmed Cossey’s arrest. “He was arrested about 4 a.m.,” Hernandez said at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Polls opened in the general election at 7:30 a.m., but early voting has been ongoing for two weeks, seeing at least 5,000 cast ballots county-wide. “Apparently this is an ongoing thing between him and Jonathan Gordon,” Hernandez said. “About four this morning, Jonathan Gordon’s wife observed him with the signs in his coat so she called the Beebe Police Department and the Beebe Police Department got out there and he still had the signs tucked in his coat. My understanding is he never denied anything. They called their chief and because he is an active city council member they wanted us to handle it. Our deputy went out there and there’s not much you can say when the signs are still tucked in your coat. He was transported to the Beebe Police Department and issued a citation for theft of property and given $1,000 bond and bonded out there at the Beebe Police Department.” Hernandez said Cossey has been given a Dec. 9 court date in White County District Court, Beebe Division. Theft of property is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a $1,000 fine and one year in jail. “I caught him and he was taken to the Beebe Police Department,” said Rene Gordon, Jonathan Gordon’s wife. “Last night, my husband and a friend of his came to city hall to put signs up, and they did, because that’s where our voting poll is, one of them. I came back up there about 9:30 p.m.
and all six signs that were placed were gone. I drove around town checking on our other signs. The opponent, Les Cossey, saw me driving around and followed me back home. I went inside, waited about 10 minutes, and got into my husband’s vehicle. I drove down the street, which is near where Mr. Cossey lives, and he was walking up the street toward a friend of mine’s house that had several of our signs in his yard. I kept driving. I made a loop back around, turned off my lights and saw him peek around the corner, I guess to see if the car had gone. He didn’t come out for a few minutes so I turned my lights on and drove up to where I thought he was at and he was hiding in the bushes holding four Jonathan Gordon signs in his hand, folded. He had folded them up. I rolled down my window and called the police. I yelled at him, ‘I caught you, Les Cossey.’ The dispatcher sent two units over. He was walking in front of my vehicle with the signs folded up in his jacket. The police pulled up and stopped him and one officer talked to him and the other officer took my report. Two White County deputy sheriffs came to the scene and the chief of police of Beebe came to the scene. The White County Sheriff’s Office was there because there was a conflict of interest. The chief read Les Cossey’s statement and my statement and turned it over to White County. He also called the prosecuting attorney to find out what the charges were. The Beebe police officer told me they had turned it over and Corporal [Brandon] Grimes talked to me about what’s going to happen, and then the Beebe police left. Les Cossey was put in the back of the sheriff’s car. Officer Grimes returned my signs to me.” Attempts were made to reach Cossey at his home, which is also the office for Cossey Construction, but he could not be reached in reference to this article. Jonathan Gordon was asked if bad blood existed between him and Cossey before Cossey’s arrest. “No sir, I’m actually good friends with the man’s sons.” Gordon said. “I’ve not said one bad thing about him or anybody.”
Public Notice The City of Kensett is giving public notice of its intent to file an application for financial assistance with USDA Rural Development and Arkansas Economic Development Commission. The proposed project involves rehabbing and replacing approximately 3.2 miles of old concrete gravity sewer lines to reduce inflow and infiltration into the collection system. City of Kensett Max McDonald, Mayor
The Daily Citizen corrects factual errors promptly and courteously. If you have a correction or clarification, please call Editor Jacob Brower at (501) 268-8621 or e-mail him at jbrower@thedailycitizen.com.
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The Daily Citizen
Gillam takes State Rep. 49
By Luke Jones ljones@thedailycitizen.com Republican Jeremy Gillam was elected as State Representative for District 49. His opponent was Democrat Jesse Boyce. “It’s kind of overwhelming right now,� Gillam said. “You prepare all year for this moment and it gets you out of left field.� Gillam was elated. “I’m honored that the voters of district 49 selected me to represent them,� he said. “This past year was such an amazing experience for all of us and I’m truly getting to know the people of my district a lot better. I’m so proud of the race that Jesse and I were able to run.� Gillam’s new position begins this week. “We’re going to go down to Little Rock on Thursday and Friday
for orientation and committee selections. We’re focused on getting the organization part this week, then we’ll hit the ground hard and begin the process of representing this district.� Boyce conceded around 10:30 p.m. He declined to make a statement to The Daily Citizen. “I think I’ll let [Gillam] make the comments,� he said. “I just am so appreciative of the opportunity that the voters gave me to get to know them and share my ideas and visions to help this district,� Gillam said. “It’s something I’ll never forget. I’m very grateful for it.� State House District 49 is the south portion of White County, including Bald Knob, Beebe, Center Hill, Garner, Happy, Plainview, Romance, West Point and Worden.
Judge: Lincoln wins
Continued from Page 1a
Jan. 1, 2007. “I’d like to once again thank the citizens of White County for putting their trust in me,� said Lincoln. “I pledge to do the very best job I can for all the citizens. I appreciate the campaign Mr. Gibson ran and the service he
has given the county serving as justice of the peace.� Gibson has served as District 6 Justice of the Peace until choosing to run for the judge’s office this year. “I offer my congratulations to Mr. Lincoln,� Gibson said.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 • Page 3A
ElEction 2010
Searcy mayoral candidate David Morris visits with Keith Baker and Nancianne Moore outside of the First Assembly of God Tuesday afternoon. Jacob Brower/jbrower@
Searcy Mayor Belinda LaForce laughs with friends and family members, including grandson Cannon LaForce, 2, during a watch party at her home Tuesday evening. Jacob
Mayor: Searcy mayor race headed to a runoff
Continued from Page 1a
Election. LaForce garnered 2,189 votes, or 38 percent of votes cast in the race, Morris 1,954 (34 percent), with Kyle Reeves receiving 1,578 (28 percent). “The voters have spoken and put forth a great slate
of council members,� said LaForce. “I appreciate those who have given their support. I will continue to run a campaign on my merits and experience and I would welcome any opportunity to discuss the issues in a public forum or State Rep. Monty Betts, third from left, watches U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s concession speech during a watch party at his home Tuesday evening. He is pictured with, from left, campaign volunteers Melissa Lacy and Bubba Haney. Seated to Betts’ right is Betts’ brother-inlaw Larry Moore. Jacob Brower/jbrower@thedailycitizen. com
additional ‘Q and A.’� Morris had worked for the Arkansas Association of Counties until taking a leave of absence to run for the mayor’s office this year. “We feel really good about the numbers,� Morris said of
race. People wanted me to go negative. I refused to do that, and I feel good about it.� “I wish Mark real well and like I say, I was a winner either way,� he contin-
ued. “If I won I would go down to Little Rock, and if I lost I would get to travel more.� “I thank everybody, I thank the people that help me,� he concluded. “I’ll
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serve until the new session and I’ll do my best to serve the constituents in this district until that time.� State House District 50 includes Searcy, Higginson and Kensett.
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Continued from Page 1a
blessed to be stressed,� Betts said. “I had a great run, I didn’t say one negative thing about anybody— about my opposition or anyone else — and I feel good about that. I ran a positive
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Biviano: Republican Biviano wins Rep. District 50
the results. “We came within 235 votes of the incumbent mayor. We’re going to hit the ground in the morning running. Voter turnout will be essential in this run-off election.�
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Jonathan Dismang, right, visits with visits with Joey Lambert during a watch party at the Robbins-Sanford Grand Hall Tuesday evening. Jacob Brower/jbrower@thedailycitizen.com
Senate: Dismang wins
Continued from Page 1a
have for a lifetime.� Senate District 29 is the south portion of White County,
including Beebe, Garner, Kensett, Higginson, McRae, Searcy and West Point.
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Page 4A • Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Daily Citizen
Taking a closer look at presidential finalists
he three finalists for president of Arkansas State University have quite a generation gap. The youngest is about 37; the oldest is about 66. Both ages are estimates based on previous news reports because official information about candidates for a job doesn't give ages. But the third candidate lists his date of birth; he's 59. The youngest is Dr. Charles "Chuck" Welch, president of Henderson State University at Arkadelphia. The oldest is William B. Richardson Jr. of Baton Rouge, La., chancellor of the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center and a 1966 A-State graduate. Figuring he must have been about 22 then, he is about 66. Our "middle man" is Dr. Richard Federinko of Dadeville, Ala., senior vice president of student services and administration at Troy University. ... Welch has been in the ASU system previously. He was vice chancellor for academic affairs at ASU-Beebe from 2003-05. And his Facebook page shows another connection: He graduated from Jonesboro High School in 1991. The other two finalists were pretty far along on their career paths in 1991. But Welch, who earned his bachelor's degree in political science from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, was appointed chancellor of the UA Community College at Hope in 2005 and served there for three years before Henderson hired him. ... Richardson also has ASU ties, earning both bachelor's and master's degrees here before taking a Ph.D. in vocational education from the University of Missouri. ... That was just a starting place. His application to ASU and Curriculum Vitae covers 28 pages, more than double that of the other two finalists combined. I won't try to cover any more of that, but we're attaching all three applications below. ASU has strong competition for Richardson's services. He is one of three finalists for vice president for agriculture at UA-Fayetteville, which is nearing the completion of a nationwide search. .. I haven't found any Arkansas connections for Federinko, but he also has an impressive resume, including stints as president of three 2-year colleges before taking his present position. A Troy news release dated Sept. 27 announced that he was retiring effective Oct. 1, but he has told ASU officials that he is staying on there until Dec. 31 to aid in the transition and wants another presidency before he retires. ... Federinko and Richardson will be interviewed by the trustees next Monday, Welch the next day. Each will be invited to speak publicly first, then will be interviewed jointly by the board and Presidential Search Advisory Committee. Any discussion by the board can be held in closed session. The trustees would like to have a new president by the end of the year for the position, which pays $225,000 annually. So let's hope these top candidates are as strong as they look on paper. ... — The Jonesboro Sun
Today in history
Today is Wednesday, Nov. 3, the 307th day of 2010. There are 58 days left in the year.
Today's Highlight in History: On Nov. 3, 1900, the first major U.S. automobile show opened at New York's Madison Square Garden under the auspices of the Automobile Club of America. On this date: In 1839, the first Opium War between China and Britain broke out. In 1852, Japan's Emperor Meiji (may-jee) was born in Kyoto. In 1936, President Franklin D. Roosevelt won a landslide election victory over Republican challenger Alfred M. "Alf" Landon. In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 2, the second manmade satellite, into orbit; on board was a dog named Laika (LY'-
kah) who was sacrificed in the experiment. In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson soundly defeated Republican Barry Goldwater to win a White House term in his own right. In 1960, the Meredith Willson musical "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" opened on Broadway with Tammy Grimes in the title role. In 1970, Salvador Allende (ah-YEN'-day) was inaugurated as president of Chile. In 1979, five Communist Workers Party members were killed in a clash with heavily armed Ku Klux Klansmen and neo-Nazis during an anti-Klan protest in Greensboro, N.C. In 1986, the Iran-Contra affair began to come to light as Ash-Shiraa, a pro-Syrian Lebanese magazine, first broke the story of U.S. arms sales to Iran.
Serving our readers since 1854 Mike Murphy Publisher Jacob Brower Editor Jessica Pruitt Marketing Manager
Contact us: • Publisher Mike Murphy: mmurphy@thedailycitizen.com • Editor Jacob Brower: jbrower@thedailycitizen.com • Managing Editor Warren Watkins: warren@thedailycitizen.com • News Editor Wendy Jones: editor@thedailycitizen.com • Interim Sports Editor Annette Whitehead: awhitehead@thedailycitizen.com
The purpose of the Opinions page is to provide a forum of various viewpoints. We encourage letters to the editor, but ask that submissions be 250 words or less. The opinions of columnists are not necessarily shared by our staff. If you have an opinion, send a letter to Editor, The Daily Citizen, 3000 East Race, Searcy, AR 72143 or by e-mail to editor@thedailycitizen.com
Long trip to first vote
y the time you read this column, written before voting ended, Arkansans will have gone to the polls or chosen not to. Grace Morrissey was hoping to be among those who voted. A native of El Salvador, Grace had come to America with her two children in 2002 on a work visa, gotten a job and eventually obtained permanent residency status in hopes of becoming a citizen. She married an American, Mark, which a lot of people probably would assume would make her a citizen automatically. It didn’t. In fact, it slowed the process. According to Grace, becoming a citizen is a lot harder than it used to be. Since 2002, she has completed too many government forms to count, all of them warning that failure to respond in a timely manner would end the process for her. Fearful of some important form getting lost in the mail, she had the Immigration and Naturalization Service send two copies of each letter — one to her, and one to her immigration lawyer. Yes, the lawyer. In order
to complete the process, Grace hired an attorney. In fact, she estimates that she spent $10,000 through the years on all the various expenses associated with becoming a citizen. That includes the gas she burned driving from her home in Beebe or from her office in Little Rock to the nearest Immigration and Naturalization Service office in Memphis, often to be fingerprinted and photographed. She went so often that she jokes her car now could make the trip on automatic pilot. Sometimes she went just to be sure she wasn’t making a mistake completing the forms. “When you called the immigration number, any time you called, you talked with a different person, and they don’t tell you the same thing,” she said. “You call the
same day and ask the same question. One is going to tell you one thing, and one is going to tell you another one. And then you don’t want to risk it, and you just drive to Memphis and ask questions.” Grace was asked questions as well. At her final interview, she was required to pass a test in English to make sure she understood basic facts about American history and government. She also answered questions orally, also in English. It was during this interview that she learned the first time that she would be required to renounce her El Salvadoran citizenship. “Some people think that you have dual nationality,” she said. “It doesn’t happen here. I mean, you totally lose your previous one and embrace American citizenship‚ which I said I agreed, and I’m proud of it, too. I mean, the United States is a wonderful nation.” Grace was told her case would go before a panel and then was kept waiting another three weeks until she learned that she and her children would become American citizens. On Sept. 17, she raised
her right hand with about 100 other new Americans and swore an oath of allegiance to this country. She recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and, for the first time, sang the national anthem that was now hers as much as it is yours and mine. It was, she said, “a very emotional moment when you analyze the implications. It’s like being reborn.” Grace completed a voter registration form soon afterwards but hadn’t heard from her county clerk’s office at the time of our interview. She planned to go to the polls Tuesday with her husband to see if the registration process was completed on time. If so, she would vote for the first time, knowing in ways most of us don’t, that freedom really isn’t free and isn’t even cheap. For most voters that day, it cost an hour or two out of their busy lives. For Grace, it cost eight years and $10,000. Steve Brawner is a former newspaper editor and a former aide to former Gov. Mike Huckabee and Lt. Gov. Win Rockefeller. His column for the Arkansas News Bureau appears weekly.
Free-speech war
The national, sharply discordant aftermath of NPR’s firing of Juan Williams continues with the possibility it may lead Congress to cut government funding of not only National Public Radio, but also the Public Broadcasting System and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But what if the heads of NPR were removed, and more Americans across party lines realized how much they would lose if PBS and NPR would clearly show the record of their continuous independence under present partial government funding? I will show some of that valuable record. Here, as of this writing, is the panicked state of the top NPR current management led by president and CEO Vivian Schiller. She handled the Juan Williams expulsion with the finesse of Joe Biden’s ad-libbing. I telephoned a first-rate NPR reporter and news analyst who, like his other colleagues, has never been accused of political bias. When I asked what he thought of Williams’ termination, there was an embarrassed silence — and then: “I’m not allowed to say anything about that.” On National — Public — Radio, opinions are now as classified as the CIA’s? Not to be silenced, as the Oct. 23 Washington Post reported, were senders of “thousands of e-mails and phone calls” to NPR’s Washington headquarters, “The majority expressing outrage.” And NPR station affiliates around the country were disturbed by the firing’s impact on NPR’s Pledge Week. On Nov. 11, there will be an NPR board meeting, and the current clueless CEO may be looking for a new job. In any case, this furor has led to a strong movement among some leading Republicans in the House to cut off any government funding from all public radio and television on the ground that no taxpayer money should subsidize any news media, especially controlled by biased liberals. Syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin bluntly summarized this attitude among some other
Americans as well: “Not one more red cent of public money should go to NPR, PBS and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.” (New York Post, Oct. 23). I heard directly from readers who agree with her and the congressional cutters after my column last week on the firing of Juan Williams — so independent that while he was at NPR and also guesting at Fox News, he angered some Fox News analysts during panel discussions by rebutting their views. Among the scalding e-mails to me from readers appalled at my trying to retain government partial support of NPR and PBS, there was also an accusation — just one line — that I had made this reader ashamed to be Jewish. Please let me know, dear reader, just how this proud Jew did that? A clear, rational response to this shouting to free the taxpayers came from Michael Meyers, executive director of the New York Civil Rights Coalition -- the most independent news analyst I’ve ever known. He said (New York Daily News, October 22): “Withdrawal of public dollars ... would only strangle independent voices on public radio, and ... television.” Such independent voices as PBS’s “Frontline,” which singularly continues — and often exceeds — the penetrating journalism standards of CBS’ Edward R. Murrow. National and global in scope, utterly free of political correctness, “Frontline,” for example, has documented attacks on our civil liberties by both the Bush and Obama administrations. NPR, a primary focus of my own columns is the rescuing of our consti-
tutional liberties, and NPR’s straight reporting continually gives me leads to check out and validate for further research. I know of no other news source equal to NPR, for example, in tracking government (past and present) contempt for our Fourth Amendment protections from government unconstitutional searches and seizures of our private personal information. This has resulted in the Fourth Amendment now being on life support. Williams’ firing by a vaporous CEO, who makes me wonder how she ever got that job in the first place, has cleared the air — not for the Michelle Malkins and certain House Republicans — but for those of us who know how much we would lose if NPR were seriously weakened. An Oct. 29 New York Times editorial, “The Noise About Public Radio,” speaks urgently of “the worst possible outcome of (this) clumsy contretemps.” The surge of accusations about bias and unfairness at NPR and PBS ignore these “vitally important sources of information in the nation’s cacophonous democracy.” The editorial makes the often missed point that the 797 NPR member stations around the country — “which played no role in the firing — rely on federal support for about 10 percent of their annual budgets, $90 million in all.” That’s no small amount, as indicated by the importance to those stations of the pledge weeks, which also ask for what they have to pay NPR for certain programming on a subscription basis. “Anyone who listens regularly to NPR news and its local stations,” the Times concludes, “can hear the due diligence to fairness in its reports. Any cutback in federal support would hurt the American public.” I hope those members of Congress of either party who listen often to NPR, its local stations and PBS will act accordingly. Nat Hentoff is a nationally renowned authority on the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights.
The Daily Citizen
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 • Page 5A
Cousin’s wedding invitations brings up past
EAR ABBY: A male cousin sent me an invitation to his wedding. I have met his fiancee a few times at family reunions and weddings, and she seems very sweet. The problem is my cousin sexually abused me for many years when I was younger. I have no desire to attend his wedding. Am I obligated to send a card or a gift? I don’t want his fiancee to think I don’t like her, but it makes me sick to think of celebrating his marriage after what he did. What do I say when other family members ask why I’m not going? Am I obligated to tell her what he did? NEEDS TO KNOW IN TEXAS DEAR NEEDS TO KNOW: A young man who sexually abuses someone “for years� is a predator.
send a gift or a card.
AbiGAil VAn buren deAr Abby
And while the news may not be greeted warmly, you should say something to your cousin’s fiancee before she marries him. You could benefit from talking to a counselor who specializes in sexual abuse to make sure the effects of what happened to you don’t affect you in the future. The counselor can help you decide what to do from there. If you don’t attend the wedding, you are under no obligation to
Two women close to my age, plus one college-age girl, are trying to pursue me. I’m afraid if I don’t leave this area, Margaret will allege that I left her for one of them. Your thoughts, please. KEEPING MUM IN CLEVELAND
DEAR ABBY: I could never figure out why “Margaret,� my wife of 20 years, married me. After our wedding she tried to give me an image makeover. She’d buy me clothes I left hanging in the closet. She’d contradict and correct me in public. In general, she’d find fault with almost everything I did. She put me down often, and if I reacted, she would either claim it wasn’t what she meant to say or tell me, “You do it, too.� I finally gave up and left her. Margaret has an excellent reputation, so people try to pry into why I left her. When I tell them I won’t bad-mouth her, they tell me she says plenty about me. My response is, “Then you know all there is to know, don’t you?�
DEAR KEEPING MUM: You didn’t mention how long ago your marriage ended or whether your divorce is final. But regardless, aren’t you tired of worrying about what your ex is saying about you? The marriage is over — kaput! A move isn’t necessary. An effective way to ensure that no one spreads a rumor that you left Margaret for one woman would be to spend time being seen dating all of them. DEAR ABBY: My husband
and I have been together for two years, and he still doesn’t know my mother’s last name (it’s different from my maiden name), nor does he know the names of all of my siblings. He doesn’t think it’s a big deal. What is your opinion? NAME GAME IN KNOXVILLE, TENN. DEAR NAME GAME: Either your husband is not much of a family man or he’s not detail-oriented. Remembering someone’s name is a sign of respect, and it appears your husband of two years has little of that for your family. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www. DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Reader feels vitamin D column needs major clarification DEAR DR. GOTT: I read about how much vitamin D to take from your Sept. 30 column. In the information about research on D, you state it is linked to thyroid disorders, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, heart failure and colon cancer, among other things. I have read vitamin D fights off these disorders, not contribute to them. Was this a misprint?
DEAR READER: In essence, yes it was. The article should have indicated, “As research unfolds and theories are validated, deficiency is thought to be linked to thyroid disorders ...� The word “deficiency� did not appear in print. I spoke of insufficient amounts of D at the beginning of the paragraph, but the way the information appeared would lead a person to think just as you did. Thank you for pointing this out. It’s readers like you who keep me on my toes, and I’m grateful you took the time to write. DEAR DR. GOTT: You recently wrote about lichen planus and gold as a risk factor. I’ve had lichen planus for more than five years, and you
dr. Peter Gott
are the only reference I’ve encountered that claims gold could be a problem. I have two gold bridges and two gold caps. Could these be contributing factors? DEAR READER: This inflammatory condition can affect skin and mucous membranes. When on the skin, it resembles raised, flat bumps or lesions that are itchy and somewhat purple in color. They can crust or scab, resembling poison ivy or other forms of plant dermatitis. When mucus membranes of the mouth are affected, white patches that resemble lace can appear and be quite painful. Lichen planus occurs when the immune system attacks the cells of the skin or mucus membranes. As I previously reported, triggers can include allergens, tattoo pigments, specific medications for hypertension,
arthritis or heart disease, and the use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen. One source of information for the gold connection I reported on is Medline Plus, which states that risks include “exposure to medications, dyes and other chemical substances (including gold, antibiotics, arsenic, iodides, chloroquine, quinacrine, quinide, phenothiazines and diuretics).� Furthermore, an Oct. 1, 2010, New York Times article indicated a risk of lichen planus from gold. There have been reports of gold caps causing the breakout, but I cannot find sufficient legitimate documentation to support this. Therefore, I suggest you return to your dentist for his or her opinion.
Attendees can receive oneon-one counseling about their personal education needs or the needs of their family members and friends. Visitors will also be able to register to win a “Super Sunday in Big D� prize package, valued at $10,000. For more information call 1-877-963-4GED (1-877963-4433) or visit www. aalrc.org.
God's Word
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.� 1 Peter 2:9
Source: biblegateway.com
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For your recipe to be considered for publication in The Daily Citizen, please submit it to News Editor Wendy Jones at editor@thedailycitizen.com
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DireCtioNS: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). 2. In a large, resealable plastic bag, mix rosemary, garlic salt, thyme, and pepper. Place pork roast in the bag, seal, and toss until thoroughly coated with the garlic salt mixture. Transfer to a medium baking dish. 3. Cook pork roast 1 hour in the preheated oven, or to an internal temperature of 160 degrees F (70 degrees C).
Dr. Peter H. Gott is a retired physician and the author of several books, including â&#x20AC;&#x153;Live Longer, Live Better,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dr. Gottâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s No Flour, No Sugar Dietâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dr. Gottâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s No Flour, No Sugar Cookbook,â&#x20AC;? which are available at most bookstores or online. His website is www.AskDrGottMD. com.
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iNGreDieNtS: n 1 1/2 tablespoons fresh rosemary n 2 teaspoons garlic salt n 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme n 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper n 3 pounds boneless pork loin roast
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might also be an indication of diabetes. Those that curve inward may be associated with iron-deficiency anemia. Vertical ridges that extend from the cuticle to the tip of the nail are common and can occur with advancing age. Speak with your physician. Ask whether laboratory testing is appropriate. If no abnormalities are found and you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have other symptoms, you will at least have some peace of mind. If some-
DEAR DR. GOTT: I have fingernails with horizontal ripples and lines, and they are concave. Any ideas? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been to several doctors who couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t help me.
Ark. Adult Education launches bus tour T illett â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
LITTLE ROCK â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Arkansas Adult Education has launched a statewide, seven-week bus tour to promote free Adult Education classes. A 23-foot mini-bus, wrapped to promote Adult Education and the tour, will make 20 stops throughout the state including Staples, 3500 E. Race Street in Searcy today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
DEAR READER: There are a number of reasons why fingernails become ridged or concave. They include injury, extensive exposure to moisture or nail polish, fungus and bacterial infection, kidney or liver disease, and various other possibilities. Depressions across the fingernail and horizontal ridging are known as Beauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lines, which can occur following illness, malnourishment or direct injury to the nail. Horizontal ridges
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Page 6A • Wednesday, November 3, 2010
“ Our Town
Anita Jean Henderson
Anita Jean Henderson, 50, passed away Nov. 1, 2010. Son, Stephen Henderson; daughters, Angela Rutherford and Laura Henderson; brothers, Tom and Clay Hester; sister, Kathleen Osborn; grandchildren, Syler and Ryland Rutherland; former husband and friend, George Henderson. Memorial service Saturday, 3 p.m., Olmstead Chapel. Olmstead Funeral Home. www.olmstead.cc
Debbie Funkerson
Debbie Funkerson, 50, of Kensett, died Monday. She is survived by her husband, William Fulkerson; two daughters, Pam Mendenhall and Amanda Davidson and two grandchildren. Memorial services will be Friday, 10 a.m. at FBC, Kensett. In lieu of flowers, donations to FBC Kensett to offset expenses are welcome. www.powellfuneralhome.net
Billy Charles Mosley
Billy Charles Mosley, 65, son of the late Marion J. and Dessie Vaughn Mosley of Kensett, Ark., died Monday, Nov. 1. He was born Aug. 14, 1945 in Kensett. Billy is survived by his spouse, Judyth and their four children, Billy R. Mosley of Heber Springs, Susan Hogan (Joshua) of Booneville, Thomas Mosley (Carrie) of Clarksville, and Kristina Mosley of Russellville. He was also survived by two grandsons, Johnathan Mosley and Micah Hogan; two granddaughters, Carol Mackey and Rhema Hogan; and four sisters, Bettie Bush (Ben) of Muskegon, Mich., Bonnie Bargar, Lendel Dutton, and Mary Mosley, all of Kensett; and many family members and friends. Funeral services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Powell Funeral Home Chapel of Searcy. Visitation will be Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. www.powellfuneralhome.net CONTINuED ON PAGE 7A
“I yelled at him, ‘I caught you, Les Cossey.’” Rene GoRdon
wife of candidate Jonathan Gordon, regarding catching her husband’s opponent stealing his campaign signs.
Bunny (Jackson) Ringer
Bunny (Jackson) Ringer, 71, of San Antonio, formerly of Searcy, died Oct. 28, 2010 in the care of a compassionate group of healthcare providers at Christus Santa Rosa Hospital in San Antonio. She was born Sept. 3, 1939 in Stuttgart, Ark. the daughter of late Clifford Norris RIngER and Frances Adkins who preceded her in death. She worked in the healthcare profession in the cities of Stuttgart, Searcy, and Conway and had a deep admiration of those in the nursing profession which resulted in the encouragement of both of her daughters becoming nurses. She is survived by her husband, Rick Ringer of San Antonio. There were married on Sept. 1, 1989. Their love for the outdoors led them to many days on the lakes and rivers of Arkansas fishing, camping, and enjoying nature. She is also survived by her children, Charlotte Merritt and Carol Rodriguez of San Antonio, and Denise and Robert Kendrick of North Little Rock. Grandchildren, Kyle (Shannon) Kendrick of Searcy, Ross (Lexie) Kendrick of Cabot, Tyler Merritt of Searcy, Taylor Merritt of San Antonio, Dan (Jackie) Ringer and Mike (Erin) Ringer of Claremore, Okla. and Brenda (Joey) Hale of Corpus Christi; 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, and brothers Danny Norris of Searcy and Bud Norris of Stuttgart. A visitation will be held Saturday, Nov. 6 from 1-2 p.m. at Roller Daniel Funeral chapel in Searcy with a memorial and celebration of life to follow. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that memorials be made to Arkansas State University College of Nursing and Health Professionals, P. O. Box 910, State University, AR 72467 where a memorial scholarship for excellence in nursing is intended.
The Daily Citizen
Today: Mostly cloudy. Highs in the mid 60s. Tonight: Mostly clear. Lows in the lower 40s.
Thursday: Sunny. Highs in the mid 60s. Thursday night: Clear. Lows in the mid 30s.
Friday: Sunny. Highs in the upper 50s. Friday night: Clear. Lows in the lower 30s.
Andrew Baker, the Executive Director of the Encouragement Foundation at Harding University spoke at the regular meeting of the Searcy Rotary Club and presented a program on Shockwave. Shockwave is a program for 8 to 12 year old boys that will be coming Jan. 15 to Searcy to help build character in this age of boys. The coming program will bring 3,000 boys to Searcy and Harding to hear various sports figures, motivational speakers, national figures all in a fun-serious meeting. Herb Bacon/Special to The Daily Citizen
Scholarship program: College bound seniors in high school, with a 2.5 grade point average or above, who have a talent, interview skills and are physically fit, are welcome to participate in the Distinguished Young Woman Scholarship Program, formerly Arkansas Junior Miss Program. Visit www.ajm.org for more information or call Nancy Thompson, State Chairman, at (501) 268-6292. Music: A ‘Radio Show’ featuring big-band swing music from the 1930s and 1940s will be held Nov. 12 at the Searcy High School Auditorium. Cost is $8 per ticket, which can be purchased at the Humane Society’s Barkin Barn, Audio Express and the Harding Music Department. All proceeds benefit the Searcy Animal Shelter.
Hydrant testing: The Searcy Fire Department will be flow-testing fire hydrants in the City of Searcy through Nov. 19 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Citizens should let their water run for a few minutes to ensure that it is clear before cooking or washing clothes. Exhibit: The Searcy Arts Council’s new exhibit “Mid-Southern Watercolorists” will be on display at the Searcy Art Gallery, 300 East Race Street through November. The gallery is open Tuesday-Friday from 1-4 p.m. and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is free. For more information call 279-1094. Book sale: The Second Time Around Bookstore will be open through Nov. 5 at 109 E. Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The store offers used paperback and hardback books of all kinds. All proceeds support the Literacy Council of White County, where volunteers teach adults to read and English as a second language. Donations of books accepted. For more information call (501) 278-5500. Road work: The White County Road Department will be working on a bridge project on Conway Road through Nov. 12. Drivers should consider alternate routes. For more information call (501) 279-6200. Activities: The White County Aging Program, The Lightle Center, 2200 E. Moore, will hold bingo at 10 a.m. Nov. 3. Theme is “Deviled Eggs Day.” A program about Sleep Disorder Education will be held at 11 a.m. Lunch is served at 11:30 a.m. Board games begin at 1 p.m. Transportation is available. For more information call (501) 268-2587. Library closed: The Searcy Public Library will be closed Nov. 3-7 for remodeling. It will reopen Nov. 8 at 9 a.m.
Chair aerobics: Chair aerobics will be held at the White County Medical Center Nov. 3 from 3:30-4:15 p.m. in the Carder Buick Building. Classes will be held Mondays and Wednesdays. For more information call (501) 278-8570 or (501) 230-1734.
Thrift store and flea market: The Barkin Barn Thrift store will be open Nov. 4-6 at 108 N. Gum Street from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sponsored by the Humane Society of Searcy, the Barkin Barn has 4,000 square feet of merchandise. All proceeds directly benefit the animals at the Searcy Animal Shelter. Habitat Restore: The Habitat Restore will be open Nov. 4-6 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 210 W. Mulberry in Searcy. Bring donated items that are tax deductible. All proceeds go to building homes for the needy. Donations are sold back to the public at bargain prices. They also recycle appliances and metal. Large items can be picked up Wednesday in the Searcy area. For more information call (501) 278-5530. MOPS meeting: The Searcy Mothers of Preschoolers group will meet Nov. 4 from 9-11 a.m. at the Downtown church of Christ. The group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month during the school year. Dancing: The Beebe Senior Center, 836 South Apple St., invites all seniors to go dancing in Searcy Nov. 4, every Thursday night, at 7 p.m. A bus or van is available for transportation for a donation of $2. Meeting: The White County Civil War Roundtable members and friends will meet Nov. 4 at 7 p.m. at Harding Place Scott Akridge will speak on the Eliot Fletcher Family, and the toll the Civil War took on this formerly rising family. For more information call 279-1245. Activities: The White County Aging Program, The Lightle Center, 2200 E. Moore, will hold exercise at 10:15 a.m. Nov. 4. Theme is “National Men Make Dinner Day.” Lunch is served at 11:30 a.m. Wii fishing will begin at 1 p.m. Transportation is available. Dancing with the Sugarloaf Band will be held at 7 p.m.
F Upcoming
Flu shot clinic: A flu shot clinic will be held Nov. 5, from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Beebe unit, 306 Gum Street. Those who have Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance cards should bring them, however, there
is no charge. For more information call (501) 882-5128. Mini flea market: There will be a mini flea market Nov. 5 from 12:30-4:30 p.m. and Nov. 6 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. sponsored by Paws Inn, 2909 Hawkins Drive. This will be an inside sale. Clothes, 25 cents, shoes and purses 50 cents. Re-stocking all day long, never know what can be found. All proceeds will go towards the future shelter. Tax receipts given for donated items. For more information call 230-3342. Pageant: Deadline and practice for the Searcy Holiday of Lights Pageant is Nov. 5 at 6 p.m. Cost for entry is $30 for pageant only and $40 for pageant and photogenic. The pageant will take place at 11 a.m. Nov. 6 at the Carmichael Center, 801 S. Elm St. For more information, call (501) 724-5694 or (501) 283-0999. Activities: The White County Aging Program, The Lightle Center, 2200 E. Moore, will hold bingo at 10 a.m. Nov. 5. Theme is “Sadie Hawkins Day.” Dr. Jason Boldings’ will present senior oral care at 11 a.m. Lunch is served at 11:30 a.m. The Notebook, a movie, will be show at 1 p.m. Transportation is available. For more information call (501) 268-2587. Music: Kenny Crider & the Bottom Land Band will perform at the Country Magic Jamboree, Highway 367 N. in Judsonia, Nov. 5 from 7-10 p.m. Admission is $6. For more information call (501) 7291212. Meeting: The White County Chapter 1257 of NARFE (National Active and Retired Federal Employees) will meet at 11 a.m. Nov. 5 at Ryan's Restaurant on East Race Street. All Active and Retired Federal Employees are invited to join together for fellowship, lunch and a presentation by a musical ensemble composed of dulcimers and guitar and a speaker from the White County Historical Society. Call Joe Goldman for more information at (501) 268-4720. Breakfast: Eaton (Vickers) employees will meet for breakfast at 8 a.m. Nov. 6 at the Country Kitchen in Kensett. Singing: A benefit singing will be held Nov. 6 at the Carmichael Community Center, 801 S. Elm St. in Searcy, at 5 p.m. Groups include The Hannah’s, Arkansas Edition and New Voice. A love offering will be taken. For more information call Johnny Bell at (501) 305-0020 or (501) 368-3075. Fundraiser: The Lowe’s team will be waiting tables at Larry’s Pizza on Nov. 6 from 5-9 p.m. All tips and $1 from every buffet sold will go to buy Christmas gifts for foster kids in White County. For more information call (501) 281-2899.
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Saturday: Sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. Saturday night: Clear. Lows in the upper 30s.
Sunday: Sunny. Highs in the mid 60s. Sunday night: Clear. Lows in the lower 40s.
Monday: Sunny. Highs in the mid 60s. Monday night: Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 40s.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 60s. Tuesday night: Clear. Lows in the upper 40s.
sunrise/sunseT Sunrise today — 7:32 Sunset today — 6:13 highs/Lows Tuesday’s high, 61F, 16C; Tuesday’s low, 47F, 8C. Monthly rainfall amount, 0.48 inches. Yearly rainfall amount 21.67 inches. Courtesy of Time and Temperature (501) 268-5532. Weather Info Line, (501) 305-2144. POLICE REPORTS Reports filed with the Searcy Police Department from Oct. 1617, 2010, include the following:
Saturday, Oct. 16 n DWI; officer pulled a man over the man failed to his turn signal, the man was intoxicated; Searcy; 5:04 a.m. n Terroristic threatening; woman reported two males blocked her vehicle with theirs and began screaming threats and obscenities at her; 600 block of South Main Street; 6:23 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 17 n DWI, improper turning, driving with no seat belt; officer pulled a man over and found him to be intoxicated, the vehicle’s front tire was blown out and the man claimed he had had three beers; Searcy; 12:21 a.m. n Battery, third degree; woman’s boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend tackled her and pulled her hair, then began punching her; 700 block of West Vine Street; 2:02 p.m. n Criminal mischief, second degree; woman reported a known male had punched her apartment window out after an argument; 2000 block of East Park Street; 5:39 p.m.
To announce an event for your group or organization in the calendar, mail (3000 East Race, Searcy, AR 72143), e-mail (editor@thedailycitizen.com), or fax (501-268-6277) your information to The Daily Citizen. Please tell us what the event is, who is holding the event, and when and where the event will be held. Also include a contact phone number for readers to call for more information. Items must be received one week in advance. Contact us at 268-8621, 1-800-400-3142 (ISSN 0747-0401) Periodicals postage paid at Searcy, Ark. Published daily and Sunday (except Monday) by The Daily Citizen, 3000 E. Race, Searcy, AR 72143. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Daily Citizen, P.O. Box 1379, Searcy, AR 72145. The entire contents of each issue of The Daily Citizen are protected under the federal copyright act. Reproduction of any portion of any issue will not be permitted without express permission of The Daily Citizen.
The Daily Citizen
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 â&#x20AC;˘ Page 7A
All dressed up
Store Wide Savings OVEMBER
Select Group of Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry at Extraordinary Savings! * Excludes All Caerleon Jewelry
319 Spruce St. Downtown Searcy
WCC Bear Cub Preschool students got in the spirit of Halloween and wore costumes to school recently. One of Willy Wonka's Oompa-Loompa, aka Leslie Williams, gave each of the children candy while Jayna VanWinkle kept a watchful eye on the children as a black cat. Contributed photo
HU Homecoming weekend to feature variety of activities
Harding University will have its yearly Homecoming celebration themed â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Great to be at Harding,â&#x20AC;? the weekend of Nov. 4-6. It will be filled with activities for alumni, visiting families, and both current and future students. Be the Match Bone Marrow Drive will be on campus to add more people to their registry. There are no needles involved, and it only takes 15 minutes. They will be in Heritage rooms 209 and 210 Thursday and Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and in the Ganus Athletic Center Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. High school juniors and seniors will get the opportunity to experience a weekend on the Harding campus at Bison Daze. Students in town for Homecoming are encouraged to visit www.harding.edu/ admissions for more details and registration information. The Heritage Circle Banquet will be held in the Founders Room on Thursday night at 5:30 p.m. Golden, Emerald, Platinum, and Platinum Plus Circles
Who: Harding university When: nov. 4-6 Theme: â&#x20AC;&#x153;itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s great to be at Hardingâ&#x20AC;?
Induction and Reunion will honor several different classes. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inductees receive two free tickets, and other members of the Heritage Circle may purchase their tickets for $14. The Lady Bisons volleyball team will play Ouachita Baptist in their last home game of the season. They will play at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 4, in the Rhodes Fieldhouse. Good News Singers will perform at 4:15 p.m. on Friday afternoon in front of the Benson Auditorium. Their repertoire includes hymns, southern gospel songs, spirituals, devotional songs and original tunes. Hardingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s outstanding and distinguished alumni will be honored at the annual Black and Gold Banquet. As emcee for the evening, Dr. Howard Wright will take a look back at
some favorite Harding memories and celebrate heroes of the Harding community. The banquet starts at 5:30 p.m. on Friday in the cafeteria, and tickets are $16. The Homecoming musical this year is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thoroughly Modern Millie,â&#x20AC;? featuring graduate student Elizabeth Harrell in the lead role. Performances will be in the Benson Auditorium at 8 p.m. on both Friday and Saturday night. Tickets are $10, $12 or $15 depending on seat location. Attendees are invited to join the cast, crew and orchestra after the show for a complimentary coffee hour in the student center. For ticket information call (501) 279-4255 or visit www.hardingtickets. com. On Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m., there will be inflatable games and a petting zoo on the lawn in front of the Ganus Athletic Center. The Harding singing group Belles and Beaux will be in the Administration Auditorium at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. They perform a wide variety of music ranging from pop to
country, and classic and current rock favorites. The Harding Homecoming Showcase will be held in Ganus Athletic Center Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Visit the booths for information and items for sale from departments, groups, vendors and social clubs on campus. Harding will host the Bison Stampede 5K run on Saturday at 9 a.m. Registration will be in front of the Thornton Education Center beginning at 8 a.m. The cost is $15, and each participant will receive a T-shirt. Contact jdyingling@ harding.edu for more info. At 2 p.m. on Saturday, the Bison football team will play Arkansas Tech University at First Security Stadium. Tickets are $7 for general admission and $10 for reserved seating. Attendees are encouraged to wear black and gold and bring grills to cook outside. ARAMARK will also be grilling burgers and hotdogs. For a complete list of Harding Homecoming events, visit www.harding.edu/homecoming.
Bald Knob chief of police retires
Animal shelter receives grant, still making strides
By Julie Kohl Special to The Daily Citizen BALD KNOB â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The city has an interim police chief after the chief of police retired. Assistant Police Chief Tim Sanford was appointed as the interim police chief and Chris Calhoun as assistant chief at the city council meeting Monday night. Chief Larry Landis resigned last week. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He was going to retire at the end of the year,â&#x20AC;? Mayor Bob Carpenter said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He said he was ready to go and had enough vacation days saved up so he could go ahead and leave.â&#x20AC;? The move prompted a restructuring of the force by the council and a look at the current pay scale for the department with approval of new pay rates. Sanford will receive $15 per hour for Sanford and Calhoun $12 per hour with a 50-cent raise at their 90-day review. The council approved the request for officer Stephanie Vaughn to receive K9 training at a school in Little Rock. Vaughn is currently working with the departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s K9 unit and
BaLd KnoB city counciL Next meeting: 6 p.m. dec. 6 Location: Bald Knob City Hall
the training will give her the certification needed to continue as the K9 unit officer for the city. Her pay scale was approved at $11.50 per hour with a fifty cent raise at 90 days. Regular officers will receive $10 per hour, animal control $9 per hour and dispatch $8.50 per hour each with a 50 cent raise possible after a 90-day trial period. In other business, the animal shelter is being improved, according to alderman Chuck Bradford, who reported that a lot of positive things are continuing to happen with the Bald Knob Animal Shelter on Liberty Valley Road, a non-profit shelter run by the city. Bradford indicated that the shelter had received a $100 grant from Wal-Mart which will be used towards the purchase of an additional 10 x 10 kennel to house some of the puppies. Bradford also mentioned that winterizing of the shelter building has been completed. The shelter is working with several area vet clinics and the South Arkansas Pet Adoption to see that all animals in
their care are receiving all of their shots, are being spayed and neutered and are being placed in the best possible homes. The clinic is also seeking short-term foster homes to house animals after surgery and permanent adoptive homes for pets. The current adoption fee is $60. The Bald Knob Animal Shelter is open to many different kinds of donations. Monetary Donations can be made to Tammy Wools at city hall. Other donations and adoption arrangements can be made by contacting Anita Bradford at (501) 281-3689. Two faulty fire hydrants will be replaced in the city at a cost of $1,500 each. The old fire hydrants will be saved and used for parts in the event other hydrants need to have repairs made. A laptop will be purchased for the court clerk as recommended by the judge at a cost of $1,300 and the city will also purchase a software program to aid in determining building specifications and certification documents needed for individuals wishing to build in any flood plain areas in Bald Knob. The next scheduled meeting of the council will be 6 p.m. Dec. 6 at the Bald Knob City Hall.
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Social Security program Obituaries: Local deaths Priced to sell! Getting ready for Christmas! workshop to be held Lynn Kyles Johnston Continued from Page 5a
Heather Williams, Public Affairs Specialist with Social Security will be presenting information and assistance for persons who would like to know more about the Social Security Extra Help Program. The workshop will begin at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 9 at the Lightle Senior Center, 2200 East Moore in Searcy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;SSA wants you to know about a new â&#x20AC;&#x153;twistâ&#x20AC;? in the law that may make you eligible for Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug costs, even if you didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t qualify before,â&#x20AC;? said Williams.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thanks to this new twist in the law, one no longer has to count as a resource, any life insurance policy, and no longer count as income the help you receive when someone else provides you with food and shelter or someone else pays your household bills for food, mortgage, rent, heating fuel or gas, electricity, water, or property taxes.â&#x20AC;? For more information visit www.socialsecurity. gov/prescriptionhelp. To apply by phone call 1-800-772-1213 or visit the nearest Social Security office.
Lynn Kyles Johnston, 86, of Bald Knob, Ark. died Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010. He was born Aug. 14, 1924 in Bald Knob to the late John Kyles and June Rowlene R o w l a n d JOhnstOn Johnston. Mr. Johnston was a wood craftsman by trade. He was US Army veteran having served in World War II . He was of the Baptist faith. Mr. Johnston is survived by his wife of 64 years, Alma
Alline Farnsworth Johnston; one son, John Robert Johnston and wife Elizabeth; a grandson, Craig William Johnston (Patricia) of Bald Knob and one step-grandson, Donnie Ray Tempel of Pine Bluff. Visitation will be held 6-8 p.m. Thursday at the chapel. Services will be conducted 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 5, 2010 at Bald Knob Funeral Home Chapel in Bald Knob. Interment will follow at Shady Grove Cemetery in Bald Knob. Express you condolences at www.baldknobfuneralhome.com.
1627 E. Beebe Capps, Searcy â&#x20AC;˘ 501-268-2290 Mon-Fri 10-5:30; â&#x20AC;˘ Sat 10-4:00
Page 8A â&#x20AC;˘ Wednesday, November 3, 2010
ElEction 2010
The Daily Citizen
Candidates make last-minute push Several candidates for local office campaigned at polling sites Tuesday
Jackson Kirker, 4, grandson of State Rep. Monty Betts, uses one of his grandfather's campaign signs as wings while impersonating Buzz Lightyear Tuesday afternoon outside of West Race Baptist Church. Dale English, candidate for Ward 3, Position 1 Searcy Alderman, and Kenneth Prater, husband of State Senate candidate Sandra Prater, campaign outside the Carmichael Center.
Election Day began with cold rain. At 10 a.m. Logan Cothern, left, was wearing some of his flyfishing foul-weather gear as he manned the poll at Downtown Church of Christ. Cothern was a candidate for Searcy City Council, Ward 1 Seat 1. Also pictured is Bige Wray.
Derek Glover, candidate for Ward 3, Position 1 Searcy Alderman, makes a last-minute push for votes outside the Carmichael Center.
Amanda Kiihul of Searcy casts her vote at the West Race Baptist Church.
Photos by Jacob Brower/jbrower@thedailycitizen.com and Warren Watkins/warren@thedailycitizen.com Searcy Ward 1, Position 2 alderman candidate Nick Horton visits with campaign volunteer David Fort outside of Downtown Church of Christ Tuesday afternoon.
Daily Citizen
Wednesday, november 3, 2010
SECTION B Interim Sports Editor Annette Whitehead 501-268-8621 awhitehead@thedailycitizen.com
HARding AcAdEmy looks AHEAd to plAyoffs
Hogs work to eliminate penalties
By Robbie Neiswanger Arkansas News Bureau Arkansas quarterback Ryan Mallett glanced up at the scoreboard in the fourth quarter last Saturday night and was surprised by what he saw. It had nothing to do with Arkansas’ point total, its passing yards, or, even how few yards Vanderbilt had compiled. Instead, Mallett noticed the penalties. “That’s a lot of penalties,” Mallett said. “I didn’t realize we had that many penalties. That’s the little things that we always talk about we can’t do because it’s going to hurt us. So we’ve just got to look at it and see what we did and work on that. “We’ve definitely got to eliminate them, though.” Arkansas finished with 13 penalties, which tied a season-high set previously in the win against Texas A&M. The mistakes totaled 130 penalty yards as well, drawing obvious disappointment from coach Bobby Petrino after an otherwise solid night. Petrino said after the game it was the team’s “number one” negative. He added more Monday, when asked how Arkansas planned to eliminate the mistakes. “We just work at it,” Petrino said. “Work on our discipline, our communication and practice hard.” Arkansas is the most penalized team in the Southeastern Conference, committing 71 infractions for 593 yards. Its penalty yards a game (74.3) is 20 more than Auburn, which ranks 11th in the league (53.8). The Razorbacks’ offense was responsible for nine of the 13 mistakes against the Commodores.
Harding Academy running back Trent Finley finds a hole during week eight's contest at Riverview. The Wildcats are 8-1 overall and will host Rose Bud Thursday. Kickoff will be at 7 p.m. Jacob Brower/jbrower@thedailycitizen.com
Wildcats hold strong at No. 1
By Annette Whitehead awhitehead@thedailycitizen.com he Wildcats already get to look forward to a No. 1 spot in the playoffs going into their last regular season game. Harding Academy boasts an overall record of 8-1, with its only loss coming in week two of nonconference play against Heber Springs. The Wildcats latest win was last week when they traveled to Brinkley and dominated the game, with a final score of 48-6. “Brinkley has struggled all year,” said head coach Roddy Mote. “We were able to play everybody. We had a solid performance early.” Senior quarterback Seth Keese said the team played well, but could’ve done a few things better. “The defense played pretty good,” he said. “It was a good performance. There are things we need to work on. We turned the ball over too much. But a win’s a win.” Harding’s final regular season game will be played at home
“Every play can make a difference." SETh kEESE
Harding Academy quarterback regarding getting ready for the playoffs.
Thursday against Rose Bud, a team with a 2-7 record. Coach Mote said Rose Bud’s record doesn’t matter. “We want to perform well against Rose Bud,” he said. “We want to perform well every time we play. It doesn’t make a difference who you play.” Keese said those thoughts are the same as the players’. “Every game, the goal is to get better,” he said. “We always try to improve, no matter who we’re playing.” Even with one more game, the Wildcats are looking ahead to the postseason. “We want to finish strong and go into the playoffs and play well,” Mote said. “We feel good about the position we’re in. We’re looking to compete in the playoffs. We’re ready to compete at our best.”
The Wildcats’ first playoff game will be at home on Nov. 19. “We’ll have two weeks to prepare,” Mote said. “We’ll polish things we’re not doing well during the biweek. We’ll practice in our normal routine Monday through Thursday. Thursday’s workout will be heavier than normal. They’ll have Friday off. Then we’ll go into our typical game week.” Mote said they’ll continue working on the basics. “We’ll get better at fundamentals during the extra week,” he said. “We’ll try to take advantage of the extra time. We want to tackle strong and take care of the ball and we’ll try and create turnovers.” Keese said the team has confidence and focus. “We feel good,” he said. “We’ll work on tackling, ball security and get our pass routes down. We’ll try and make everything perfect; make it the way it should be and practice like we’re playing. The coach pushes us about playing fast. We’ll work on
being as fast as we can and going to the right place.” Mote said his team has been fortunate to not be dealing with any injuries, other than the “normal bumps and bruises,” but says they’ll take the extra time to heal. As a senior, Keese is playing his final games at Harding Academy. He said he tries to lead his team by example. “I try to practice what I preach,” he said. “If I see someone slacking, I have to check myself before I say something. I could never respect someone who doesn’t do as they say.” Keese said it’s good to have the home field advantage heading into the playoffs. “The game has to be played no matter what,” he said. “But it’ll be fun at home. If we win, all our games will be at home. Playing at home always helps. We always have a big crowd and we’re used to the turf. Some teams aren’t used to that.” “We’ll come to play,” Keese said. “Hopefully we’ll be at the peak of our performance. Every play can make a difference.”
Arkansas Express closes out fall season
Harding's Mollie Arnold had a career-high 27 kills in Tuesday's match against Henderson State in Arkadelphia. The Lady Bisons improve to 9-2 in the GSC West Division. Harding takes on Ouachita Baptist tomorrow. HU Sports Information
Justin Holtz, a junior at Searcy High School finished a 35 game summer/fall season with Arkansas Express Baseball, with the final games being played on the newly installed playing surface at Bear’s Stadium at University of Central Arkansas in Conway. Holtz pitched three innings and was the winning pitcher in a 20-2 win over the Mid-South Prospects. He pitched three innings facing the minimum number of batters and striking out six. Holtz hit .500 for the fall season with a slugging percentage of .647. The Arkansas Express is a team made up of high school baseball players from across the state and have played games at college campuses around the state. Contributed photo
Razorbacks’ Horton steps up
By Robbie Neiswanger Arkansas News Bureau FAYETTEVILLE — Arkansas freshman receiver Julian Horton couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t redshirting. Through the first few weeks, Horton hadn’t done much in Arkansas’ offense. He was practicing hard and playing on special teams, but was felt there was no hope of catching passes with an assortment of veterans ahead of him. Junior Jarius Wright grinned about the conversa-
tion he had with Horton as the two walked off the practice field Tuesday. That’s because the freshman got a welcomed dose of reality against Vanderbilt, when he caught two passes for 59 yards in place of injured receiver Joe Adams. “He told me he wasn’t expecting to play this season,” Wright said. “This is the SEC, though. Everything doesn’t go as planned and everything isn’t perfect. People do get hurt and people do drop out. That’s when we need other reliable players to
step in and take their place.” Arkansas’ depth has been checked already this season with offensive stars like Adams, Ryan Mallett and Dennis Johnson all missing time with injuries. Another test comes Saturday at No. 18 South Carolina with leading receiver Greg Childs out because of a patella tendon injury. Adams is still on the mend, too, although he is optimistic he’ll play against the Gamecocks. Childs’ absence is the type of blow capable of crippling an attack.
Lady Bisons defeat Henderson State 3-1
By Nathan Looney Special to The Daily Citizen ARKADELPHIA – Freshman outside hitter Mollie Arnold had a career-high 27 kills as the Harding volleyball team defeated Henderson State 3-1 in Gulf South Conference action on Tuesday. Harding improved to 16-10 on the season and 9-2 in the GSC West Division. With one match remaining in the regular season, Harding currently sits in the second spot in the GSC West Division. Arkansas Tech defeated ArkansasMonticello also on Tuesday to wrap up the No. 1 seed and win the West Division. Harding will have to defeat Ouachita Baptist on Thursday to capture the No. 2 seed in the upcoming conference tournament on Nov. 12-13. Sophomore outside hitter Bailee Graham was the only other Lady Bison to end in double-figure kills as she tied a career high with 13. Harding had a great defensive night, ending with 86 digs. Senior defensive specialist Emily Tate had her fourth career match with more than 30 digs as she ended with 33. Sophomore setter Amber Schinzing had a career-high 16 digs for the Lady Bisons. Arnold ended with 14
digs, picking up her 13th career doubledouble. Schinzing controlled the Lady Bison offense with 51 assists in the match. It was the fourth time in her career she has had over 50 assists. Henderson State outhit Harding. The Lady Bisons had 64 kills on 174 attempts with 30 errors for a .195 hitting percentage. Henderson State (14-12, 5-6 GSC West Division) had 49 kills on 151 attempts with 15 errors for a .225 hitting percentage. It was the second time this season Harding has been outhit by their opponent but has still walked away with the victory. Robin Law, who leads the GSC in kills per set, had 20 kills and 15 digs for the Lady Reddies. Shawana Watkins ended with 14 kills and Michelle Long ended with 12 kills for Henderson State. The Lady Reddies defense was led by Ashley Totten, who had 26 digs. Harding will be back in action on Thursday as they host Ouachita Baptist at 7 p.m., in the Rhodes Field House. After the match the Lady Bisons will recognize two seniors, Emily Tate and Samantha Anderson, for their contribution to the Harding volleyball program.
Page 2B â&#x20AC;˘ Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Football n Searcy High School hosts Mountain Home at 7 p.m. n Riverview High School hosts Arkansas Baptist at 7 p.m. n Bald Knob High School hosts Harrisburg at 7:30 p.m.
November 5
Football n Beebe High School at Batesville
Lady Bisons at Lipscomb University n Riverview High School at Southside (Jamboree)
November 7-9
Soccer n Harding University in GSC Tournament in Pensacola, Fla.
November 8
Golf n The Three Rivers Senior Golf Association will play a tournament at Tannenbaum Golf Club at Drasco. Golfers will use Tannenbaum's carts at this tournament.
November 12
November 6
Football n Harding University hosts Arkansas Tech University at 2 p.m. Cross-country n Harding University in Gulf South Conference Championship in Birmingham, Ala. Basketball n Harding University
Basketball n Harding University Bisons against Christian Brothers in Memphis, Tenn.
November 13
Football n Harding University hosts University of North Alabama at 2 p.m. Basketball n Harding University Bisons
against Christian Brothers in Memphis, Tenn. n Riverview High School hosts Bradford at 10 a.m.
November 15
Basketball n Harding University Lady Bisons host Central Baptist College at 5:30 p.m. n Riverview High School hosts Cave City at 5:30 p.m.
November 16
Basketball n Searcy High School at Nettleton at 6 p.m.
November 18
Basketball n Harding University Lady Bisons host Lambuth University at 5:30 p.m. n Harding University Bisons host Lambuth University at 7:30 p.m. n Searcy High School at Vilonia at 6 p.m. n Riverview High School at Mountain View at 5 p.m.
ARKANSAS RIVERS AND LAKES Flood stage Arkansas River Basin Arkansas River Van Buren 22 Ozark l/D tw 357 Dardanelle 32 Morrilton 30 Toad Suck tw 275 Little Rock 23 Pine Bluff 42 Pendleton 31 White River Basin White River Norfork -- Calico Rock 19 Batesville brg 15 Newport 26
7 am stage
24hr. chg.
19.49 0.01 337.69 -0.15 4.78 0.08 9.52 0.23 249.40 -0.16 7.41 -0.08 30.99 -0.28 26.30 -0.01
6.20 4.35 6.19 3.72
1.11 0.46 -0.98 -1.01
Augusta 26 Georgetown 21 Des Arc 24 Devalls Bluff -- Clarendon 26 St. Charles -- Little Red River Dewey -- Judsonia 30 Arkansas River Basin Lakes Blue Mtn. Lake Nimrod Lake White River Basin Lakes Beaver Lake Table Rock Lake Bull Shoals Lake Norfork Lake Greers Ferry Lake
15.92 3.53 5.62 5.65 11.43 8.55
-0.15 0.17 0.40 0.52 0.49 0.46
2.70 4.48
-0.21 0.08
384.06 337.11
-0.04 -0.02
1115.80 914.18 651.72 549.64 454.86
-0.04 -0.05 -0.19 0.01 -0.03
Loss of Greg Childs hurts Razorbacks bad
ITTLE ROCK â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Reviewing Bobby Petrinoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s list of candidates to make plays in lieu of Greg Childs, one image kept getting in the way. It was Childs, as graceful as Texas shortstop Elvis Andrus going behind second base to field a grounder, reaching down to snag a zinger from Ryan Mallett at the Ole Miss goal line. For someone who is 6foot-3 like Childs, grabbing a knee-high pass while in full stride is difficult. The junior receiver has become so adept at his craft that you expect him to catch everything and he does. A year ago, Childs led Arkansas with 48 catches, but he occasionally dropped one that he should have caught. This year, he has been brilliant and consistent. And, on passes over the middle, he could be counted on to turn upfield in pursuit of additional yardage. In fact, he was doing just such a thing when he was injured against Vanderbilt. With 46 catches so far and five games to play, Childs had dead aim on J.J. Meadorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; school record of 62 catches in one season. The question is whether Cobi Hamilton, or Chris Gragg, or one of Arkansasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; promising freshmen can get the job done against South Carolina on Saturday night. Addressing Childsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; status on Monday, Petrino was highly complimentary of the receiver from Warren and admitted that Arkansas will have to replace him â&#x20AC;&#x153;with a number of people.â&#x20AC;?
The speedy Hamilton made a spectacular catch against the sideline in the fourth quarter of the Ole Miss game, but it is Childsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; catches in traffic for 10 or 12 yards that are so valuable. A secret weapon of sorts, Gragg has caught three passes all year for a total of 111 yards. Childs was the starter for a reason. Like everybody else on the first unit, he is better than the player on the second unit. His absence might prompt Petrino to make adjustments. If so, the coach can and will. One of the subplots on Saturday was going to be Childs vs. Alshon Jeffery, the leading receiver in the Southeastern Conference with 52 catches for 935 yards. It was Jeffery who turned a short pass into a 70-yard touchdown that broke a 24-24 tie with Tennessee last week. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what impact, game-changing players do,â&#x20AC;? said Tennessee coach Derek Dooley. Jeffery suffered a slight knee sprain against the Vols but is expected to play. For Arkansas, the one consolation about losing Childs is that pass defense is not a strength of South Carolina. For instance, in the Gamecocksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 31-28 loss at
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Kentucky, the Wildcats had fourth-and-7 at the South Carolina 24 in the final minutes when Mike Hartline faked a slant to Chris Matthews. The defense bit and Randall Cobb was wide open at the goal. Hartline does not have Mallettâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arm nor Mallettâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s receivers, but he was 32-of-42 for 349 vs. the Gamecocks. Three times in the last four games, South Carolina opponents have thrown for more than 300 yards, including Tennesseeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 312 last week. Twice, backup quarterback Tyler Bray completed passes of more than 60 yards. Cornerback Chris Culliver, a senior starter, will miss the Arkansas game with a shoulder injury. South Carolina head coach Steve Spurrier said Mallett and his teammates â&#x20AC;&#x153;have got to be licking their chops when they see tape of our last several games.â&#x20AC;? For sure, if Childs was available.
Game postponed for safety concerns
By Brian Mahoney The Associated Press NEW YORK â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Orlando Magic-New York Knicks game at Madison Square Garden was postponed Tuesday because of safety concerns after debris fell into the arena during overnight cleaning of asbestos-related materials. The work was done by maintenance staff in the attic above the ceiling following the New York Rangers' game and prevented workers from laying down the hardwood floor. The ice surface was still down as of Tuesday afternoon. Saying it was using "an abundance of caution," MSG released a statement saying it consulted with the NBA and decided to postpone the game, and wouldn't reopen the building until it was assured the arena was safe. "We will be working with the city and independent
experts, ATC Associates and GCI Environmental Advisory, to evaluate and determine the most appropriate course of action," the statement said. "As the safety of our customers and employees are our top priority, we will not reopen the Garden until we are absolutely assured the arena is safe." Calls to the two agencies were not immediately returned. No makeup date has been announced. MSG said it would announce information about future events once they have been determined. The Knicks are scheduled to play at home against Washington
on Friday. The arena will host Roger Waters: The Wall Live on Saturday, and the Knicks and Rangers will play a doubleheader Sunday. Opened in February 1968 and known as "Garden IV," the Garden is in the early stages of a renovation that began last summer. It's expected to cost between $775 and $850 million, with extensive work slated for the summers of 2011 and 2012. It's the second recent arena-related postponement for the Magic. The exhibition game against Miami that was scheduled for the St. Pete Times Forum in Tampa, Fla., was canceled because of slippery court conditions after arena officials said an oilbased cleaning solution was mistakenly applied. The Knicks told ticket holders to retain their tickets and to check the team's website, www.nyknicks.com, for rescheduling information.
By Chris Jenkins The Associated Press MILWAUKEE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Milwaukee Brewers have hired Los A n g e l e s Angels bench coach Ron Roenicke to be their new manager, a person with knowledge of the situa- Roenicke tion told The Associated Press on Tuesday. The person requested anonymity because the team has not yet announced the move. An announcement could come this week. The 54-year-old Roenicke has been a member of the
Angels' coaching staff for the past 11 seasons, including the past five as bench coach. He was seen as a long shot candidate in the Brewers' search to replace Ken Macha, who was fired after two disappointing seasons. The Chicago Sun-Times first reported the hiring. Other reported candidates for the Brewers' job were Chicago White Sox bench coach Joey Cora, former New York Mets manager Bobby Valentine and former Seattle Mariners and Arizona Diamondbacks manager Bob Melvin. Roenicke has never been a full-time major league manager, but has subbed for Mike Scioscia on occasion when
the Angels manager was away from the team. Roenicke was the Angels' third base coach for his first six seasons with club and became bench coach when Joe Maddon left to become Tampa Bay's manager. He began his coaching career with the Los Angeles Dodgers and went on to coach in the minor leagues, including five seasons as a manager. Roenicke also played for six major league teams over eight seasons. He was a career .238 hitter with 17 homers and 113 RBIs in 527 games. He reached the postseason in 1984 as a member of the NL champion San Diego Padres.
Brewers hire Roenicke as manager
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The Daily Citizen
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The Daily Citizen
Reunion ends as Vikings cut ties
By Dave Campbell The Associated Press EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; In his last act with Minnesota, Randy Moss stepped to a podium to fawn over the New England Patriots, criticize the Vikings for ignoring his strategic advice, and announce his plan to interview himself the rest of the season instead of letting reporters do it. So much for that boost to Brett Favre's passing attack. Moss's second go-round in Minnesota was far less successful than the first, not to mention swift and, simply, bizarre. After four games and three disappointing losses, coach Brad Childress showed Moss who was boss by telling Vikings players in a team meeting Monday afternoon the six-time Pro Bowl wide receiver was being let go. "This decision was made based on what we thought was in the best interests of the Minnesota Vikings, both in the short and long term," Childress said several hours later in a team-issued statement. "We wish Randy the best as he moves forward in his career." Just four weeks ago, Moss was gushing about his return to Minnesota, where he looked forward to seeing those purple No. 84 jerseys in the crowd more than five years after the Vikings first dumped him in a trade. The deal that brought him back last month from the Patriots cost the Vikings (2-5) a third-round draft pick and more than $1.5 million for
those four games. "I was shocked by it a little bit, but again I think it was something we have to stand behind," linebacker Ben Leber said, adding: "I'm not sure what the motivation was or what they're thinking, but it certainly is a surprise when you think you trade for a guy a couple weeks ago and then release him a few weeks later." Moss, who was fined $25,000 last week for failing to cooperate with the media and make himself regularly available for interviews, hugged several former Patriots teammates as well as coach Bill Belichick on the field Sunday after the Vikings lost 28-18. Then Moss repeatedly expressed admiration for Belichick and his players while chiding the Vikings for not paying enough attention to his tips on how to play the AFC East leaders in the runup to the game. "I know how hard these guys work here in New England, and the only thing that I really tried to do was
take what the best coach in football history has brought upon me, or the knowledge that he has given me about the game of football, and I try to just sprinkle it off to the guys the best way I know how," Moss said. Moss had one catch for 8 yards against the Patriots, giving him a four-game total of 13 receptions, 174 yards and two touchdowns. "I'm definitely down that we lost this game. I didn't expect we'd lose this game," Moss said. "I don't know how many more times I'll be in New England again. But I leave coach Belichick and those guys with a salute: 'I love you guys. I miss you. I'm out.'" Childress didn't mention the move when he talked to reporters Monday and said Moss was staying in the Boston area for a few days to spend time with family. Asked whether he regretted acquiring Moss, the coach said "not at present." Moss's contract called for a $6.4 million base salary this season â&#x20AC;&#x201D; leaving the Vikings on the hook for at least $1.5 million. If Moss is claimed on waivers, the team that signs him is responsible for the remainder of his salary. If he clears waivers, then he can sign as a free agent under new terms. Claiming priority is based on inverse order of the current standings, so the Patriots â&#x20AC;&#x201D; who lead the league at 6-1 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; would be last. Belichick declined comment Monday.
Moore is 2-time unanimous preseason All-America
By Doug Feinberg The Associated Press Maya Moore has proven throughout her career at Connecticut that she is in a class by herself. On Tuesday, the UConn senior became the second player to be a two-time unanimous choice on The Associated Press' women's basket- Moore ball preseason All-America team, receiving all 40 votes from a national media panel. "Wow, that is really something special," said Moore, who joined Duke's Alana Beard in that select club. "It's such an honor." Moore was joined on the preseason squad by Baylor's Brittney Griner (36 votes), Stanford's Nnemkadi Ogwumike (34), Ohio State's Jantel Lavender (21) and Oklahoma's Danielle Robinson (18). Moore has already made the postseason All-America team in her first three years and was the AP's player of the year as a sophomore. She averaged 18.9 points and 8.3 rebounds last season in helping UConn to a second straight 39-0 record. The Huskies are again No. 1 in the preseason poll. "I would be hard pressed to find somebody who's had a better career than that at Connecticut or anywhere else for that matter," UConn coach Geno Auriemma said. Last season, Moore became the seventh unanimous choice, joining Courtney Paris, Chamique Holdsclaw, Diana Taurasi, Beard, Seimone Augustus and Candace Parker. Moore also became the fifth threetime selection on the preseason team, which began in 1994. Griner may be the next member of that group. She burst onto the national scene last season as a freshman. She broke the NCAA record for blocks and helped Baylor reach the Final Four. The 6-foot-8 star changes the game on both ends of the court. "I thought she handled herself beautifully as a freshman," Baylor coach Kim Mulkey said. "She's a bet-
ter offensive rebounder, has gotten stronger and understands the intensity level that you need at this level." Griner is only the second Baylor player ever to earn preseason honors, joining Sophia Young in 2005. Ogwumike led Stanford to the national championship game last season. She scored 38 points in the semifinal win over Oklahoma and averaged 18.5 on the season, earning Pac-10 player of the year honors. The junior had 9.9 rebounds per game.
"This is well-deserved recognition for Nneka to be named a preseason AllAmerican," Stanford coach Tara VanDerveer said. "Nneka is a great leader and unselfish team player here at Stanford, and she has only continued to improve heading into her junior season." Robinson averaged 16.8 points and 5.3 assists as a junior last season. The 5-9 guard shot 84 percent from the free throw line and 47 percent from the field.
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Chiropractic Care Clinic 2924 Hawkins Drive â&#x20AC;˘ Searcy, AR 72143 www.SearcyChiropractor.com
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 â&#x20AC;˘ Page 3B
Ireland named Academic All-District
Harding University sophomore Josh Ireland was named to the ESPN Academic AllDistrict VI Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Soccer Second Team on Tuesday. He has not declared a major but has a 3.79 grade point average. Ireland moved from midfield to forward for his second season with the Bisons. He has played in all 15 games for the Bisons with 13 starts. Ireland has one assist this season after scoring two goals and adding two assists as a freshman. Ireland is the fourth Harding menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s soccer player to earn Academic All-District honors since the program began in 2000. HU Sports Information
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Page 4B • Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Daily Citizen
Big Nate
Frank ‘n Ernest
The Born Loser
The Grizzwells
Is it as easy as it seemed?
By Phillip Alder A.N. Onymous said, “It’s easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas.” This column emanated from an idea I had about yesterday’s deal. In that column, West had a singleton diamond king. South, in three no-trump, took the first trick with dummy’s club queen and ran
the diamond 10. This cost the contract because when West shifted to a spade, declarer had to win with dummy’s ace (else East would win the trick and return a club for down two) and take a second diamond finesse. This worked, but West discarded, leaving South with only seven tricks: one spade, three hearts, two diamonds and one club. The winning play was a low diamond to the eight, nine or jack on the first round of the suit. Then, when in the dummy with the spade ace, declarer could have run the diamond 10, staying in the dummy to take a third finesse in the suit. I started to wonder about this layout. Suppose, after leading a low diamond to the jack, West -- the genius -- played low. (Since he expects South to repeat the finesse, this would usually be the best play.) How should declarer continue now? In the auction, three clubs is artificial, asking opener if he has three spades. South must guess. If East started with honor-doubleton, declarer must cash the diamond ace and play another diamond. But if West has king-doubleton, South must continue with a low diamond. Finally, if West has queen-doubleton, the contract can no longer be made -- declarer had to run the diamond 10 at trick two! Nothing is as easy as it seems.
Beetle Bailey
Baby Blues
Crossword Puzzle
Conceptis Sudoku
Astrograph AstroGraph Your Birthday Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Your skills for managing or supervising things for others will be vastly improved and extensively utilized in the coming days. Additionally, this development will greatly advance your own personal interests as well. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) - Being the intense person you are, you can sometimes get overly concerned about achieving what is important to you. Don’t let any negative thoughts dominate your life. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) - Until you’re sure that a misunderstanding you had with a friend is totally gone from his/her mind, it may not be too smart to con-
fide in your pal about anything sensitive. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Don’t be too demanding of yourself, because it is likely that some kind of self-created obstacle is still preventing you from completely doing what you want. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) - If you find yourself facing a similar situation you faced once before, stop and think about how it turned out. Make adjustments as to what went wrong, and you won’t repeat any mistakes. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) - Financial matters should not be treated indifferently at this juncture. Make sure you move cautiously and prudently in order to make certain all of your efforts are founded upon logical assumptions. ARIES (March 21-April 19) - Even if it isn’t easy to do, if a friend who has always been there for you asks for help, make the time. It may be your one opportunity to even the score. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - Be careful what you ask for because you might get it, but at a very hefty price tag. It generally can be a mistake to fulfill one ambition at the expense of another.
Dennis the Menace GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - Put on your best smile if you find yourself faced with meeting a rather influential group of people, some of whom could provide valuable new social contacts. One among them might be special. CANCER (June 21-July 22) - Get as many family members together as you can, and try to resolve a longstanding problem that periodically pops up. Conditions are favorable for finding that sought after answer. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Think before opening your mouth, because if you’re not careful you could blatantly express yourself in an offensive manner and not be able to convince others that it wasn’t intended. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - If you are in the market for purchasing something big, use your common sense regarding what you truly can afford. Base your ability to acquire it on what you have, not on what you hope to get. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - Don’t get discouraged if something you’ve been hoping to accomplish is much more difficult than you had anticipated. Regroup your forces and repeat the procedures until you’re victorious.
The Daily Citizen
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 â&#x20AC;˘ Page 5B
501-268-8621 800-400-3142
GaraGe/eState 0151 SaleS
CLOCK REPAIR(501)268-4026
BIG YARD sale: 807 W. Center, Bald Knob. November 4-6, Thurs & Friday, 8am-4pm, Saturday 8am-noon. NO EARLY SALES! Quality, variety of items, downsizing antique flea market booths.
COME JOIN us for a night of Christmas shopping & refreshments. This is an open house so please invite your friends & family as well. Several local merchants & artist represented at the Indulge Your Diva Holiday Sale, 1602 W Arch, Searcy, Thursday, November 4th, from 5-8. 501-593-5756
ESTATE SALE Inside, rain or shine, 3629 Ferren Trail (rock house behind Holiday Inn). Thursday November 4, 3pm-6pm, Friday & Saturday, November 5th & 6th, 10am-6pm. Come & do your christmas shopping. Complete household & house is full! All priced for quick sale. Cash only, Dealers welcome.
0107 Special Notice 16X63 TRAILER, 2" ball, 3500lb axle, 6'3 ramps, sell for $950. 501-728-2010
HAVE MORE fun! Rent costumes 1 or 2 person; guest equipment, chairs, table, silver service, glassware, beverage or chocolate fountains, santa suits etc. See www.AAArentallandsales.com. AAA Rent-All, Searcy, 501-268-8445, Batesville, 870-793-2147
YARD SALE: November 4-5, Friday 7am-4pm, Saturday, 7am-2pm. New Bethel General Baptist Church, 739 Hwy 167N., Bald Knob. NEW FLEA market in 501-724-6326 Beebe with booths to Y A R D SALE: rent. Also accepting Thursday-Saturday, items for consignment. 7am-5pm. 1802 Evening Call 501-556-2142 for St, Judsonia. Home deinfo. cor, furniture, TV's, chil-
SALE LEFTOVERS? Bring your items such as furniture, small appliances, clothing, books, etc. to the Human Society of Searcyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Barkin Barn located at 108 N. Gum Street in Searcy. All donations go to help save animals. The Barkin Barn store is open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9 am to 2pm (except holidays).
dren's & adults namebrand clothes, bedroom suite, something for everyone.
THRIFT STORE and flea market: The Barkin Barn Thrift store will be open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (except holidays) at 108 N. Gum Street, across the street from the Searcy Police Department. The hours are from 9 am to 2 pm each day. Sponsored by the Humane Society of Searcy, the Barkin Barn has 4,000 square feet of merchandise. There are thousands of great items of clothes, suits, furniture, nick nacks, books, small appliances, shoes, luggage, and much more at the best prices in town. All proceeds directly benefit the animals at the Searcy Animal Shelter. Help us save animals.
HOME/RANCH MAINTENANCE, Repairs, Projects. References available. Call Steve, 830-998-0975
GaraGe/eState 0151 SaleS
0212 profeSSioNal A1 CLEANING, reasonable rates, 20yrs experience, references, 501-207-1744
Medical/ 0220 deNtal SEARCY HEALTHCARE Center has two full-time RN management positions available. We will train on-site for both positions. Supervisory and assessment skills preferred. Positions are Monday through Friday day shift only. Competitive wages and benefits. Contact Pam Murphy at pmurphy@searcyhc.co m.
0232 GeNeral Help ANIMAL LOVER needed full/part time. Apply in person 3-5pm, Mon-Fri. Must have own transportation, some weekends required. Humane Society, 112 Johnston Rd. No phone calls please.
3447 HWY 157, 1 mile north of Central School, Judsonia. Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 9am-5pm. ARKOMA SERVICES is 4 FAMILY Inside Garage now hiring experienced Sale Thursday & Friday, night shift Class A CDL 244 Hwy 385N, Judsonia. Vacuum Tank drivers. Qualifications include Lots of Jr clothing 2yrs verifiable experi4 FAMILY sale Thursday- ence & clean driving reSaturday 7:30am-? 6 cord. Benefits include, Apache Dr, Searcy. pd health insurance, Wet/dry vac, carpet holidays & vacation. shampooer, high pres- Please call Jason at sure washer, antiques 479-431-8037 or bring a copy of MVR to 4673 BARGAIN GARAGE Sale. Hwy 36W., Joy. Also hirLots of new store items: ing a roust-a-bout Baby clothes, christmas hand. For information tree, willow, Hallmark, call Bobby 479-650-8644 shoes, misc. gifts, jewerly, knives, tools, glass- COUNTRY KITCHEN in ware, too much to Kensett is looking for mention. 117 Choctaw help. Looking for Cooks (Cloverdale) Thursday or someone willing to November 4th, & Friday learn, needs to be deNovember 5 t h , pendable. Apply in person. 8am-2pm.
MiSc. iteMS for 0563 Sale
0232 GeNeral Help
0232 GeNeral Help
0264 cHild care
AREA MANAGER Arkansas Hospice is now hiring an Area Manager for our new Searcy office. This position is responsible for the administration of home-care services, delegating responsibility as appropriate to coordinators. The preferred candidate should be a licensed RN in Arkansas and have a minimum three years experience in a hospice or related program.Interested candidates may submit a resume/application to:Arkansas Hospice14 Parkstone CircleNorth Little Rock, AR 72116 Fax 501-748-3490 www.arkansashospice.o rgCompetitive Salary and Benefits/EOE/Drug Free Workplace
EXPERIENCED PAINTER â&#x20AC;&#x201C; with Industrial Coatings; 5 years min. Must be familiar with airless spray equipment, coating inspection procedures and inspection equipment. Knowledge of chemical handling and disposal. Call TIGG Corporation 501-362-8602.
CHILD DAY-CARE, available. Great rates, good 1985 DODGE Ram Prospector, excellent body, food, 501-380-8035 $1500 OBO. 4-wheeler, $700 OBO. 4ton OTC, part-tiMe 0268 eMployMeNt new, cherry picker lift, 1yr warranty, $700 OBO. HELP WANTED, part 2 step concrete step for time bus driver, must house/trailer, $50. Call have valid Arkansas Eddie, 501-454-6190 Class B with passenger endorsement, drug 270 DEER Rifle, custom testing, criminal back- 3X9 Weatherby scope, ground check. A people like new, many extras, person is a plus. Apply $400 OBO. 501-278-0323 in person at Harding ANTIQUE CLAW foot Place. bath tub, $70. 12X4 Gal-
AREA MANAGER Arkansas Hospice is now hiring an Area Manager for our new Searcy office. This position is responsible for the administration of home-care services, delegating responsibility as appropriate to coordinators. The preferred candidate should be a licensed RN in Arkansas and have a minimum three years experience in a hospice or related program.Interested candidates may submit a resume/application to:Arkansas Hospice14 Parkstone CircleNorth Little Rock, AR 72116Fax 501-748-3490 www.arkansashospice.o rg Competitive Salary and Benefits/EOE/Drug Free Workplace
- Inside shop work out of the elements - Medium Duty Diesel - Truck & some auto experience -5yrs Real experience - Early & later shift available - Full benefits
0288 elderly care
FLEET MAINTENANCE Services Diesel Truck Mechanics
CAREGIVER AVAILABLE COLLECTOR AMMO Windays/nights. Have refer- chester, Black Talon ences. 501-593-9387 9mm or 357 Mag, $40 box. 501-279-3058 IN-HOME CAREGIVER needed f r o m EARTH CAST Iron wood Monday-Saturday, burning fire place insert 4pm-8am in Pangburn w i t h fans, $500. for elderly. Must have 501-268-6052 references & be able to cook h o m e c o o k e d READER'S DIGEST Video meals. $270 week. No VHS 28 unused, $30. heavy l i f t i n g . Multiple audio, unused tapes, $30. GPS Black501-268-1166 bird, $50. 501-268-4742
0320 catS/doGS/petS
Call Chuck at 501-743-1000, or apply in person at 204 S. Gum, Searcy.
FEMALE REGISTERED yorkie, 1yr old, 4lbs, house broken, loves children. $350 pictures can be email. Call HIRING P A R T - T I M E 432-853-5025 (Searcy) on-call staff to work with developmentally 0330 pet ServiceS disabled residents in Searcy, AR. Must pass PATTI'S PUPPIES, pupbackground c h e c k , pies for sale, also drug test, clean driving grooming, boarding, record, valid driver's li- etc. 501-278-7665. 1517 cense, high school di- E . Race, Searcy. ploma or GED. Evening Tues-Friday, & weekend hours. For 11:30am-6pm, Saturday information c a l l 11:30-5pm. 501-279-2586 or apply at 96 N. Sawmill Rd, Searcy, FARM ARKANSAS HOSPICE has AR. Mon-Fri., 8am-4pm. immediate openings for Deadline 11/4/10. EOE marketing professionMERCHANDISE als:Community Out- OFFICE MANAGER: Able reach Representative to multi-task in fast For more information paced clinical environHouSeHold on either position con- ment. Previous office 0509 GoodS tact Kelley Bogan at experience preferred. HS diploma or GED re501-748-3433 MAYTAG WASHER & quired. EOE/Excellent Benefits/Drug Free aca_recruiter@yahoo.co dryer set $275. Call 405-627-4210 (Searcy) m Workplace www.arkansashospice.o RIGGER NEEDED for es- 0527 SportiNG rg GoodS tablished Oilfield Crane ARKANSAS HOSPICE has Service. Must have good HORTON HUNTER Crossimmediate openings for driving record & willing bow, with scope, new marketing profession- to work numerous string & 6 new bolts. als: Community Out- hours. Experience pre- Good condition, $200. reach Representative. ferred but not required, 501-284-0911 For more information will train. Send resume on either position con- to: 0533 furNiture tact Kelley Bogan at P.O. Box 177, Rose Bud, 501-748-3433 EOE/Excel- AR. Any questions call 3 F T X 5 F T WHITE lent Benefits/Drug Free 479-414-6033 wood/wicker dining taWorkplace. www.arble & 6 chairs, excellent RMH&T IS currently hir- condition, ideal for sunkansashospice.org ing class A CDL Drivers r o o m , $350. ARMY NATIONAL Guard, with clean MVR and 2 501-322-0045 years experience in currently offering $10,000 Bonus. 100% Newport area. Excellent GLASS TOPPED table & College Tuition Pd, no pay call 501-283-4009 or hanging light combined. Unusual & beauGED required. Contact 501-283-0739 tiful, great christmas SSG TJ Bowen, gift. 501-724-5202 501-380-5128, 3105 S. Main St, next to airport. BRENDA SCHRAND if you read this ad please get back in touch Ray McFadden I interviewed you in a October 2009 and would like to take to you again please call me at 501-940-3379
CDL DRIVER wanted, Little Field Oil Co. is looking for a Class A or B CDL driver for the Conway/Greenbrier area. Requires 1yr experience with Tanker/Hazmat endorsement. Call 1-800-687-0581 or visit www.littlefieldcompanies.com FINISH CARPENTER needed. Call 501-804-5910
vanized cattle gate, $55. 501-270-0802
TREADMILL LIFESTYLER, auto incline, 2800, $65 OBO. Bicycle exerciser triumpth, $150 nice. 501-281-7766
2BR/1BA, ALL electric, no pets, $400mo, $400dp. Water & trash paid. 501-278-1724
2BR/1BA, CENTRAL H/A, 1 car carport, range, dishwasher, refrigerator, utility room with w/d hookups, nice interior, hardwood floors, antique clawfoot tub, etc. $550mo, $450dp., 6mo. lease. 505 N. Spring St., Searcy.
APARTMENT FOR rent, 40 Stoneybrook. 2BR/1BA, $400mo. 501-207-2091
BEAUTIFUL TOWNHOUSE, 2BR/2BA, $525mo, 2BR/2BA, LIVING room, $300dp. 505 W. Vine, den. $500dp, $750mo 501-230-1585 501-268-3313 FOR RENT: 1BR, 1BA, $325/mo. 2 B R / 1 B A , 3BD/2BA/2CAR, GOOD starting at $400mo, location in Valley Elms, $300dp. Water paid. 418 Village DR, clean, 2 living areas, fenced 501-207-1496 backyard, 1535 sq/ft, LARGE VERY nice 1BR $ 9 7 5 m o , $800dp. Apts., convenient to 501-268-6315 Walmart & Eastline Rd 3BR, 2BA, 2 car garage, area. 501-230-4485 fenced backyard, Western Hills Addition. Meadow $900/mo. 501-207-3423 Lake
Great location located off South Main (Max. Income Guidelines No Longer Apply) Spacious 1 & 2 BR. Apartments Washer/Dryer Included On-Site Management
Apply Online: lindseymanagement.com Professionally Managed by Lindsey Mgmt. Co. Inc.
St. Charles Place
real eState for 0605 reNt
PUBLISHERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S NOTICE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. State laws forbid discrimination in the sale, rental or advertising of real estate based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
ŠSNI 81951 SW Â&#x2039;61,
uNfurNiSHed 0610 apartMeNtS 1BR, 1000SQ/FT, 203 W. Market, $500mo, water paid, no pets. 501-279-7784 1BR/1BA $325, 2br,2ba $430, no pets, 501-279-7784
ofworkers workersgo gointo intowork worksick sickbecause because of theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;reafraid afraidtheyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;dlose losetheir theirjob jobififthey theydonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. .
HoMeS for 0620 reNt
TWIN FLEXA bed, cost, $2000ea, take $1500. One massage, life time warranty. Call after 1pm. 501-279-9421
2BR, 1.5BA townhouse with w/d hookups. No pets, No Smoking. $425/mo + $200/dp. Wa0539 firewood ter & trash paid. WOOD FOR sale, 4X8X18, 501-268-5942 $50. 501-230-2361 2BR, ALL electric, clean, W/D, ideal for 1 or 2 waNted to 0554 reNt/Buy/trade people, no pets, rent ROUTE SALES $400, ref. required, Established Territory WANTED JUNK Autos. 501-268-6315 Home every night, off Now paying up to $150. weekends. We pay you cash & haul 2BR, STOVE, refrig, dishAbove average income. 'em off (870)251-6249 washer, garbage disSales experience posal, mini blinds. needed. MiSc. iteMS for $ 4 5 0 m o , $450dp. 0563 Leave message 501-281-7766 Sale 479-890-5715 16FT FLAT bottom Ald- 2BR/1.5BA T.H. all applimonom boat, wide bot- ances, w/d hookup, 0260 reStauraNt tom, also portable $450/mo, no pets, no chicken pen & House. smoking, available Oct. SEARCY COUNTRY Club 501-593-1510 11th. 501-288-0567 is accepting applications for AM & PM Wait COMPUTER STATION, L 2BR/1BA APT, $400mo, staff. Apply in person shapede with drawer $350dp. Call Johnnie between 2-5pm Tues- and book shelf, black & Beavers, American Real day- Saturday. No gray, 48"X39", $40. Estate, 501-279-8394 501-279-1249 501-268-0600 phone calls please
uNfurNiSHed 0610 apartMeNtS
Luxury 2BR Townhouses & Apartments. Fireplace, central H & A, W/D connections.
268-3900 268-3900
268-1654 1654 268-1654
STONEGATE APARTMENTS, 721 S. Elm, Searcy. 2BR Apartments for rent, rental special first month free, $250/dp, water, trash & sewer paid. No pets. 501-283-1854 TRIPLEX- LARGE, Clean, 3bedroom, walk-in-closets, all appliances, W/D, no pet, $575mo, $400dp. 502 North Pecan, 501-268-6315
furNiSHed 0615 apartMeNtS STUDIO APT., utilities included, no smoking, no pets, $500mo. 501-827-0999 501-207-2265
HoMeS for 0620 reNt
3BR/1BA, $600MO, $500dp. 12mo lease, no pets. 1401 W. Academy, Searcy. 501-279-7784 4500 SQ/FT House for rent: 3266 Hwy 36 in Searcy, $1750/mo. Call 501-279-3705 BEAUTIFUL NEW 3BR/2BA homes in Stonehenge and Saddlebrook Estates, family dog is welcome, starting at $1375mo + deposit. 501-827-1007 FOR RENT/SALE/LEASE to own 3bd 1ba 410 N. Olive, Searcy. 1700 sq. ft. fenced yard storage building completely remodeled inside and out $1000.00/deposit $675./month (501)268-2241 FOR RENT: 2BR/1BA, 2460 Hwy 267 S., $425mo, $250dp. 501-278-6116 FULLY REMODELED Home: 3BR, 1.5BA. 281-1224 HOUSE F O R rent: 2000sq/ft, no smoking, no pets, $1200mo. 501-827-0999 501-207-2265 NEW 3BR/2BA, Saddlebrook Subdivision, Searcy, $1390mo, 501-230-3524 SEARCY WEST Prestigious 5BR/3BA, 2 story brick, all formals. Fireplace, deck, hot tub, 2 car garage. 2 beautiful acres, $1500mo + deposit. 501-207-3200
1700 SQ/FT house in 0625 coNdoMiNiuMS for reNt Skyline Meadows, 3BR/2BA, double ga- 2BR, 2BA luxury condo rage, split floor plan, ref in River Oaks. 1 car gareq. 268-2672, 230-9949 rage, lawn care in2 & 3BR Houses in cluded, $975/mo + Searcy & Heber Springs, $500/dep. Available Nov starting at $500/mo. Call 15. Call 278-5422 David Lorton, 2BR, 2BA w/ garage in 501-230-1613 Exit NatuRiver Oaks Condo. Call ral State Realty. Tyler at 284-0021 501-279-9929 CONDO: 11 River Oaks 2BR & 3BR mobile Trace for rent, homes for rent in Bald 3BR/2.5BA, $975mo. Call Knob. 501-827-3325 or Barbara, 501-413-1222 or 501-827-1788 Virgil 501-920-3328. Cen3BR/2BA, $ 7 5 0 M O , tury 21 Real Estate Un$750dp. 501-305-4745 limited. 501-843-4473
Rose Lawn Apartments Searcy, Arkansas
43500 - No Application fee! 250 Deposit.
We pay water, sewer AND trash! OfďŹ ce Hours Fitness center - basketball court - playground Mon-Fri: Picnic tables - grills - swimming pool 9 am - 5 pm Saturday: All electric - washer & dryer - icemakers - dishwasher By Appt. TWO & THREE BEDROOMS - 6 MONTH LEASE - $300 Deposit. Call 501-268-9800 | roselawn@cablelynx.com www.arkansasapartments.net
Page 6B â&#x20AC;˘ Wednesday, November 3, 2010 roommate 0655 wanted ROOM FOR rent: Share 2BR apt. $125-$150/wk. Searcy 501-281-6152 501-827-7758
HomeS For 0710 Sale
The Daily Citizen
0734 lotS & aCreage 0955 legalS SEARCY, QUITMAN, Floyd, Vilonia: 1, 3 or 9 acres. Some with septic, creek, woods. Owner finance 501-835-8613
FOR SALE/LEASE to own 3bd 1ba 410 N. Olive Searcy. 1700 sq. ft. fenced yard storage building completely reBuSineSS inside and moBile HomeS 0670 plaCeS/oFFiCeS modeled out. Will pay up to 0741 For Sale $4000.00 closing cost if 2 BUILDINGS for rent, purchased (501)268-2241 16X72 SPIRIT Mobile 25x50 $300/mo, 50x50 home, 2BR, 2BA, with $500/mo, warehouse FSBO JUDSONIA 8th & garden bathtub & restroom and office, Monroe. $69,900. 2-3BR, french doors in lg bathfreeway excessiable all new inside, new room, storm windows, 501-278-7573 stove & dishwasher. 2 lg bay window, dishFOR LEASE: 1525 E. Race car garage 501-291-0154 washer, newly painted, St., 1660sq/ft. 1st (use area code when di- good condition. $12,000. month's rent FREE. Call aling) www.forsaleby- 501-230-3749 after 4pm owner.com 501-281-5455 2BR/2BA, 14X60', '92 OFFICE FOR rent, newly FSBO JUDSONIA 8th and Spirit, New Floors,Sinks Monroe. 69,900. 2-3 bed& Fixtures, $8,500 OBO, decorated, 1000sq/ft. room, all new inside, Buyer Pays Moving 501-230-7126 new stove & dish- Fees, 207-2838 WORK AND live at same wahser. 2 car garage location! Race St, next 501-291-0154 (use area 3BR, 2BA, doublewide to Harding. Approx. code when dialing) with storm cellar on 3 3000sq/ft, 2Kitchens. Internet forsaleby- acres. $58,000. Call 501-281-2000/2002 501-268-7260 or owner.com 501-230-1970 moBile HomeS FSBO: PRICE Reduction: 0675 For rent 1807 Kamak Dr, Beebe, CommerCial/ $122,500. 3BR/2BA Brick 0754 oFFiCe 2BR, 2BA mobile home, Ranch, 2 car garage & Searcy, all electric, avail- shop in fenced rear FOR RENT 106 South able now. $500/mo + yard, 501-230-3173 Spring downtown area. $400/dep. Call Building has 6,000 sqft FSBO: REDUCED $119,900 for business offices. 501-279-9184 4BR 2BA completely re- $3,000 a month plus de2BR/1BA IN West Point, modeled, in Searcy posit. 268-6381 $350mo, $250dp. 501-278-0659 501-281-3477 monumentS/ FSBO: SEARCY Westside, 0793 3BR/2BA, $450MO, CemeterieS lovely 3BR/2BA brick $450dp. No pets. Dep & Ranch, formal living SINGLE PLAT in Prayer Ref required, Kensett. room with 15ft fire- Garden of White Co. Me3BR/2BA, $550mo, place, built in kitchen, morial Gardens, $500. $500dp, Judsonia area, all electric, french 501-593-3293 water/trash pd, all elecdoors, 30X30ft den, burtric. 501-278-1724 ber carpet, 2 utility TRANSPORTATION BY WALMART Super rooms, covered patio, 2 Center, 1BR, 1BA, fur- car carport, fenced in nished, washer & dryer. yard, 2 storage buildreCreational All utilities p a i d . ings, 1 acre, only 0816 veHiCleS 279-2007 $142,500. 501-358-2172 FOR SALE or trade: 1985 FOR RENT: 2 & 3BR mo- R I V E R O A K S , 105 Chevy Motor home, bile homes, deposit re- Blackoak Pl., 4BR/2.5BA, good condition, low quired. 501-827-6408 LR, DR, kitchen, sun- m i l e s , $4500. room, oversized garage, 501-593-7620 MOBILE HOMES for rent, approx 2500sq/ft, sprin2BR/1BA in Bald Knob, $300mo, 501-724-2024 or kler system, security 0820 CamperS/ 501-283-2389, ask for Mia system, built in 2005, trailerS $259,500. 501-388-3042 2002 JAYCO Eagle, 30ft, NEWLY REMODELED 3BR/2BA mobile home, SEARCY BY owner, Loca- new tires, battery, elec$625mo, 6mo lease with tion, Location, Location! tric jack, hitch included, $200dp. No p e t s . Hwy 36W, beautiful 2 great condition, $4995. story brick, colonial, 501-388-1382 501-380-8866 4BR/3BA, formal living 501-993-2251 room, dining room, 2007 25' Trailer with sin2 master suites, gle slide out. Like New REAL ESTATE FOR SALE kitchen, den, library/office, fire- and Fully Loaded Rear place, 2 car garage, Kitchen w/microwave deck, patio, hot tub, and ice maker. Full enHomeS For professionally land- tertainment system. 0710 Sale scaped. New heat Queen bed with topper. 3BR/2BA, NEW con- pump. Setting on 1.5 Heating and air. $12,465 struction in River Oaks. acres only $225,000. 501-249-6043 Granite tops, 9ft ceil- 501-288-4777 Sport utility ings, privacy fence, 0856 veHiCleS 1603sq/ft, $159,000. 0720 duplex/aptS 501-279-6428 2003 C H E V Y TRAIL1 BEDROOM Furnished: 4BR/3BA, SAFE room, Weekly/Monthly: Searcy BLAZER LT 4WD, 1 OWNER, 129,000 MILES, recreation room on 827-7758, 281-6152 BLACK, 6 DISC CHANGER large lot, sod, 3150sq/ft living, $275,000. Coy 2BR, HAS washer/dryer. $7500.CALL 501-281-2570. Lackie Construction, 1BR, Furniture, washer $350. No pets $365mo. FINANCIAL 50-268-5176 501-268-4488 FSBO: 27 Country Club Circle, 4BR/4.5BA, PET OK! 1 or 2BR, utiliLEGALS paid. Searcy 4400sq/ft, $389,000. t i e s 827-7758 or 281-6152 501-230-3008
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF WHITE COUNTY, ARKANSAS CIVIL DIVISION CITIMORTGAGE , INC. PLAINTIFF vs. No. CV- 2010-711-3 SARA GRAY AND DON GRAY DEFENDANTS WARNING ORDER TO THE DEFENDANT(s): Sara Gray and Don Gray On August 18, 2010, a complaint was filed against you by CitiMortgage, Inc. in the Circuit Court of White County, Arkansas, for the purpose of reviving and reinstating a deed of trust and to cancel a previous foreclosure on the deed of trust for the real property described as follows: Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 7 North, Range 9 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian of White County, Arkansas being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter fo the Southeast quarter of Section 20, T-7-N, R-9-W; thence South 87 degreees 25 mintes 00 seconds East a distance of 834.50 feet to a point; thence North 62 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 62.70 feet to a point; thence South 88 degrees 58 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 245.00 feet to an existing 1/2 inch rebar being the point of beginning; thence South 88 degrees 58 minutes 00 seconds East a distance 99.50 feet to an existing 1/2 inch rebrSouth 00 degrees 54 minutes 35 seconds West a distance of 185.11 feet to an existing 1/2 inch rebar; thence North 89 degrees 15 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 100.0 feet to an existing 1/2 inch rebar; thence North 01 degrees 03 minutes 45 seconds East a distance of 185.63 feet returning to the point of beginning, containing 00.42 acres more or less. The real property is more commonly known as 119 Lake Barrnett Road, Romance, Arkansas 72136. You are hereby warned to appear and defend by filing an answer or other responsive pleading with this Court within thirty (30) days from the date of the first publication of this Warning Order.
0955 legalS
first publication of this Warning Order. Your failure to file a written answer within thirty (30) days may result in a default judgment being entered against you for the relief sought in the complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal as Clerk of the Circuit Court of White County, Arkansas on this 7th day of October, 2010. Tami King White County Circuit Clerk By: Bridgett Bennett, D.C. Deputy Clerk SUBMITTED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C. 1882 North Starr Drive Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 (479) 521-5820 By: H. Keith Morrison (84210) Blake E. Pennington (2008223) Attorneys for Plaintiff
REMEMBER THE OLD SAYING The More You Tell. . . The More You Sell!
Call 800-400-3142 to place your ad today!
Home improvement & repair
Cleaning ServiCeS HOUSE CLEANING, Commercial, RV's, New Construction. Reasonable rates, references available. Call 501-207-2750 or 501-530-0387
FenCe inStallation
A&E METAL Roofing & Handyman Services: WOOD FENCING in- Painting, remodels, stalled/repaired Call custom backsplashes, flooring, & everything 501-278-7865 in between. Free estimates, free 2yr warHandyman ranty on roof installation. 501-230-9110 HANDYMAN: DEPENDABLE Honest work, Free Estimates. Call 24/7 for HOUSE LEVELING: Muskfriendly courteous esti- rats Under Structural Repairreplace damaged mate. (501)428-0642 wood, install joist, sills AB443689-A08C-341B-piers. Call James Gore, 2BDE-9B59790816F3 (501)207-8234 1.03.01 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? Check the Classifieds
lawn/landSCape/ tree SvC Stump Removal
lawn/landSCape/ tree SvC Brushhogging
BUSH HOGGING & Groom Mowing SEARCY & Surrounding Area. No job too big or too small. Full service lawn care. Garden Tilling. Best rates available, w/free estimates. Call anytime 268-8901 or cell 501-388-1470.
STUMP GRINDING Call for Free Estimates Roger Harris 501-268-5139 or 279-8910 www.geocities.com/cu stomstumpgrinding/
STUMP GRINDING Call for Free Estimates Roger Harris 501-268-5139 or 279-8910 www.geocities.com/cu stomstumpgrinding/ THE STUMP STOPS HERE! CUSTOM STUMP GRINDING Reasonable Rates!!! Roger Harris call (501)268-5139 OR 279-8910
B-C SANTITATION Dependable $15mo/$45 QTR (5) 30 gal bags/week 501-268-0666 501-268-3295
legal ServiCeS UNCONTESTED DIVORCE, $250 + filing fee. Michelle Harkey Attorney At Law, 870-307-4425
The tools and resources you need to find the jobs you want. In the places you want them.
Find everything you need at thedailycitizen.com
The Daily Citizen
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 â&#x20AC;˘ Page 7B
Stocks rise on Election Day, Dow near high the past two weeks but failed to close above that level each time. Small companies performed especially well. The Russell 2000, the index that tracks the performance of smaller corporations, jumped 2 percent to 712.89. The index is up nearly 14 percent for the year, roughly double the return of the Dow and the broad Standard and Poor's 500 index. Uncertainty over the effects
By David K. Randall and Stephen Bernard The Associated Press NEW YORK â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Major stock indexes rose Tuesday as investors awaited the results of Congressional elections, putting the Dow Jones industrial average near its highest point of the year. The Dow Jones industrial average rose more than 60 points. The Dow has now traded above its 2010 closing high of 11,205 four times over
of the midterm elections and the size of the Federal Reserve's expected stimulus program due Wednesday have kept the market from ending with either big gains or losses in recent days. Eric Thorne, an investment adviser with Bryn Mawr Trust Wealth Management, said many traders have been using the end of the day to take short-term profits. With the economy still looking weak, there's no guarantee stocks
will continue to climb. An expected win for Republicans in the House of Representatives could set up a scenario that leads to gridlock in Congress, meaning there could be a slowdown in new government spending and regulatory reform. Exactly how the election will play out is still uncertain, which is part of the reason stocks have wavered recently. Analysts say companies have avoided hiring new
workers because of questions surrounding taxes and costs associated with health care and financial regulatory overhauls. Election results could provide some more clarity about those issues. High unemployment remains one of the biggest obstacles to a strong recovery. The government said last week that the gross domestic product, the broadest measure of the nation's economy, grew at a 2 percent annual rate dur-
ing the third quarter. That's well short of what is needed to create a significant amount of jobs. Traders are also waiting for the Federal Reserve to wrap up a meeting where it is expected to announce plans to stimulate the economy. There is uncertainty about exactly how big a bond-buying program the Fed will announce, which has also tempered movements in stocks in recent days.
Stocks BPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oil spill costs grow, Gulf residents react THE MARKET IN REVIEW By Brian Skoloff and Jane Wardell The Associated Press BILOXI, Miss. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; BP PLC is once again reporting profits even with an estimated $40 billion price tag for the response to its blown out well in the Gulf of Mexico. In this waterfront city, where many lost their livelihoods to the summer of oil, a mixture of relief and melancholy greeted the news Tuesday. A financially healthy BP means jobs and compensa-
Dow Jones industrials Close: 11,188.72 Change: 64.10 (0.6%)
11,120 10,960
10,800 10,400
tion, but residents still reeling from the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history are waiting for some good news of their own. BP said that costs related to the April 20 oil spill dragged down its third-quarter profit by more than 60 percent. The London-based company earned $1.79 billion from July through September, compared with $5.3 billion a year earlier. But the fact that BP returned to profits at all, coming after a loss of $17.2 billion in the
10,000 9,600
52-Week High Low 11,258.01 4,827.45 413.75 7,743.74 2,118.77 2,535.28 1,219.80 852.90 12,847.91 745.95
9,614.32 3,546.48 346.95 6,355.83 1,689.19 2,024.27 1,010.91 651.78 10,573.39 553.30
Dow Industrials Dow Transportation Dow Utilities NYSE Composite Amex Market Value Nasdaq Composite S&P 500 S&P MidCap Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000
YTD %Chg %Chg
11,188.72 +64.10 4,818.62 +61.70 406.65 +4.90 7,582.14 +72.93 2,111.81 +25.67 2,533.52 +28.68 1,193.57 +9.19 837.82 +9.18 12,606.54 +113.69 712.89 +14.33
+.58 +1.30 +1.22 +.97 +1.23 +1.14 +.78 +1.11 +.91 +2.05
+7.29 +17.54 +2.17 +5.53 +15.72 +11.65 +7.04 +15.30 +9.16 +13.99
7,582.14 +72.93
2,111.81 +25.67
12-mo %Chg +14.50 +27.14 +12.40 +11.29 +20.36 +23.15 +14.17 +25.04 +17.10 +24.93
NASDAQ 2,533.52 +28.68
Vol (00) Last Chg
Citigrp 2011632 BkofAm 1701870 S&P500ETF1358493 SprintNex 762982 Pfizer 690365 Motorola 563065 FordM 536749 SPDR Fncl 533648 GenElec 489743 iShR2K 489282
4.17 +.02 11.40 -.10 119.48 +.95 4.10 -.04 17.45 -.17 8.00 -.02 14.43 +.20 14.60 +.04 15.94 -.01 71.27 +1.45
Vol (00) Last Chg
NovaGld g RareEle g NwGold g GenMoly DenisnM g GoldStr g NthgtM g PhrmAth KodiakO g LibertyAcq
57309 11.91 50779 10.27 37807 7.75 35269 5.07 32352 2.32 32020 5.12 27892 2.85 24582 3.21 23966 4.35 22043 10.50
+.29 +.22 +.14 -.35 +.15 +.05 +.09 -.24 +.11 +.01
Vol (00) Last Chg
SiriusXM ArtTech Intel Microsoft PwShs QQQ MelcoCrwn BrcdeCm Cisco Oracle Dell Inc
809105 611386 593896 521359 447651 317012 303009 285184 234727 197129
1.57 +.03 5.95 +1.85 20.34 -.23 27.39 +.44 52.78 +.56 6.63 +.11 6.21 -.20 23.17 +.25 29.53 +.40 14.37 -.05
* * >3 $/ 2C"12 $/ 3G9?= $1B4 4E DC? $/ # $/ <3?1 $/ <CA91 $/ =213 8 $/ A; 5BC $1B4 AC*538 $1B4 DC?0?>5 $/ ;?6 = $/ 1A,9G)8* $/ ?59>7 $/ A345 = $1B4 85EA?> $/ 9B3? $1B4 9C97A@ $/ ?31 < $/ ?> -1H $/ ?> 7A1 $/ ?>?3&89< $/ ??@5A*9A5 $/ 5<< >3 $1B4 A) 51A AB $/ 9A > 51A $/ AG D<< B $/ 9B>5H $/ D&?>C $/ !?41; $/ =5AB?> < $/ >C5A7H $/ GG?>#2< $/ ?A4# $/ 5> <53 $/ 1<<92AC> $/ 59>I $/ 5F<5CC& $/ ?=5 @ $/ D>C $1B4 9)8 #;CB $/ 9)8( ! $/ >C5< $1B4 # $/ >C&1@ $/ &#?A7 8 $/ ?8> > $/ !9=2 <; $/
YTD Div Yld PE Last Chg %Chg
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
Total Assets Name Obj ($Mlns) NAV Alliance Bernstein GrowIncA m LV 1,172 3.19 American Cent GrowthInv LG 4,414 24.32 American Funds CapIncBuA m IH 57,298 50.44 American Funds CpWldGrIA m WS 53,561 35.73 American Funds GrthAmA m LG 62,279 29.31 American Funds IncAmerA m MA 50,016 16.55 American Funds InvCoAmA m LB 46,302 27.23 American Funds WAMutInvA m LV 36,847 26.23 Dodge & Cox IntlStk FV 39,751 35.42 Dodge & Cox Stock LV 40,048 101.90 Eaton Vance LrgCpValA m LV 8,638 17.17 Federated AdjRtInst UB 902 9.84 Federated StkBondA f MA 137 17.01 Fidelity Contra LG 58,191 65.44 Fidelity GlobBal d IH 541 22.16 Fidelity GrowInc LB 5,356 17.10 INVESCO SelEqA m LB 167 16.77 Janus J LG 2,806 28.44 Janus WorldwideJ d WS 1,063 45.56 MFS ARMuniBdA m SL 201 10.10 MFS GAMuniBdA m SL 68 10.74 PIMCO TotRetIs CI 147,053 11.71 Pioneer ValueA m LV 1,500 10.84 T Rowe Price EqtyInc LV 16,351 22.18 Vanguard 500Inv LB 46,538 109.99 Vanguard InstIdxI LB 50,875 109.29 Vanguard TotIntl d FB 39,442 15.67 Vanguard TotStIdx LB 65,975 29.81
YTD Div Yld PE Last Chg %Chg
Total Return/Rank 4-wk 12-mo 5-year +4.6 +15.7/B -0.4/D +5.2 +19.5/B +4.3/A +2.9 +12.6/D +4.9/C +4.1 +13.0/D +5.8/A +4.8 +15.6/D +2.6/C +3.0 +16.4/A +4.6/B +4.2 +14.3/D +2.4/B +3.3 +16.5/A +1.7/B +5.1 +16.6/A +5.8/A +4.4 +14.3/B -0.4/D +2.8 +10.1/E +1.3/B -0.1 +1.9/C +4.1/A +3.8 +12.7/D +4.4/B +5.0 +21.4/B +4.8/A +3.4 +14.1/C +6.7/B +4.7 +15.2/C -5.9/E +4.7 +15.2/C -1.4/E +5.3 +18.2/C +3.2/B +3.7 +21.9/B +2.7/D -0.5 +6.7/C +4.8/A -0.4 +6.3/D +4.5/B +1.1 +11.7/B +8.9/A +4.0 +9.5/E -2.6/E +2.8 +14.7/B +1.8/B +4.2 +16.6/B +1.7/C +4.2 +16.8/B +1.8/C +3.9 +13.9/B +5.3/B +4.4 +18.9/A +2.3/B
Pct Min Init Load Invt 4.25 2,500 NL 2,500 5.75 250 5.75 250 5.75 250 5.75 250 5.75 250 5.75 250 NL 2,500 NL 2,500 5.75 1,000 NL 1,000,000 5.50 1,500 NL 2,500 NL 2,500 NL 2,500 5.50 1,000 NL 2,500 NL 2,500 4.75 1,000 4.75 1,000 NL 1,000,000 5.75 1,000 NL 2,500 NL 3,000 NL 5,000,000 NL 3,000 NL 3,000
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second quarter, indicated the company's operations remain solid despite the spill. "That's real good news they're making money because at least we know they have the ability to pay us over a long period of time because we've still got a lot of problems," said shrimp processor Rudy Lesso, whose Biloxi, Miss. business is down about 25 percent because many are still afraid to eat Gulf seafood. BP has set up a $20 billion compensation fund to pay victims of the oil spill, cutting roughly $1.7 billion in checks so far. But the process has been slow.
Page 8B â&#x20AC;˘ Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Daily Citizen
Searcy, Arkansas 2205 West Beebe Capps Expressway Open 6:00 A.M.-10:00 P.M. 7 Days A Week Phone: 501-305-4900
" + *+ '$+ &"$ + ! + + #+ '$+ !& $ + + + + + USDA Inspected
Boneless Whole Rib Eyes
Bone In Boston Butt Pork Roast
Family Pack Fine $ 99 Ground Round
5 $ $ 99 2 $ 99 $ 79 2 6 $ 99 6
$ 19
Black Angus
Boneless Eye Of Round Roast or Steak
16 Oz. Mild or Hot
12 Oz. Pkg.
Bar S Hot Dogs
Black Angus, Family Pack
Boneless Rib Eye Steak
$ 99
Libbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Vegetables
Domino Sugar 4-lb. bag
$ 99
Flavorite Soup
10.510.75 oz. cans
Paper Towels 8 roll bundle pack
$ 99
Mrs. Smithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Assorted Varieties
Fruit Pies
$ 99
37 oz. each
BAKERY and DELI Deli Perfect
Vegetable Oil
48 oz. bottle
Plain or Self-Rising
Gold Medal Flour
$ 12-Pack Fried Chicken.................... Chester
3 Breast, 3 Wings, 3 Thighs, 3 Drumsticks
12-Pack Cokes
3 10 $
1/2 Liter Bottles
46 Oz. Jug
24-Pack Ozarka Water
V-8 Fusion
$ 99
$ 99
Layâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Assorted Varieties
Angel Soft
Potato Chips
Bath Tissue
$ 99
Homo, 2%, 1%, Buttermilk
Pie Shells
Coleman Milk
$ 59
10-12 oz. pkg.
$ 99
10.511 oz. bag
Flavorite Regular or Deep Dish
64 oz. carton
$ 69
Golden Ripe Bananas
$ Anna Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pound Cake...................ea
12 Oz. Cans, Dr. Pepper, Sprite or
$ 39
24 roll bundle pack
$ 99
5-lb. bag
$ 99
Lemon or 5 Flavor
$ 99
Deli Sliced Turkey
Ore Ida
Mountain King, US No. 1
Cello Lettuce
¢ hd
Butter Red Potatoes
$ 59 5-lb. bag
Regular or Thick, 12 Oz. Pkg.
Carolina Pride Sliced Bologna
88 ¢ 49 ¢
Sold In 10-Lb. Bag
USDA Fryer Leg Quarters
5-lb. bag
Chicken Noodle or Tomato
Williamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sliced Bacon
14.5 Oz. Cans
Wrightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sliced Bacon
Boneless Beef Rump Roast
$ 99
12 Oz. Pkg.
Stack Pack, 24 Oz. Assorted Varieties
Black Angus
Williams Roll Sausage
Fresh USDA 85%
Black Angus, Sliced Free Upon Request
Assorted Varieties
Blue Bell Ice Cream
$ 99
half gallon
Aunt Jemima
Corn Meal Assorted Varieties
5-lb bag
$ 39
Family Pack Cakes
Little Debbie Selected Varieties
12 Oz. Cans, Dr. Pepper, Sprite or
20-Pack Cokes
$ 99
Assorted Varieties
Yotastic Yogurt 6 oz. each
31 $
* ") $+ ! $ *+ %+ $ % + & "'!& $ + '& "'$+ & & $+ "' &+ & + $ %
&+ $( "'!& $+ ! *+ & "'$+ * ") $
!+ $ *