Contributed by Matthew Riordan, Professional Physical Therapy & Training
he Fourth of July, or Independence Day, is my absolute favorite holiday. Of course I enjoy being with family, going to parades, fireworks and barbecues. I also like that it’s not super hyped up and commercialized as many other holidays are. Our simple beautiful flag hung at our door is as much decorating that is needed. It reflects our patriotism, gratefulness to live in this great land as well as our honor and respect for our fellow Americans wherever they may be. The real reason I love Independence Day is because it is a reminder that we all are able to make our own choices. We can create our own destiny. I feel fortunate to know that, within our civil liberties, if there is something that I really want to do, my determination and creativity are my only limitations. We all have this innate desire for our own independence. Unfortunately, it can also easily be taken for granted. We must diligently protect and maintain our independence or it can easily slip away from us. The same is true when speaking of being physically independent. From the moment we are born, through every stage of life we are always striving to gain and maintain our independence. From learning how to roll over and take our first steps as babies through struggling to take our final steps in our last years. The high value we place on being physically independent is universal at all ages and socio-economic status, but most lack the focus to tend to it and inability sneaks in. The loss of physical independence is most often associated with traumatic and debilitating injuries or an aging family
member whose gradual decline becomes sudden. In the latter case, the slow loss of physical independence started significantly longer than most people realize. It is usually only after one becomes reliant on others to help with daily tasks do they finally take action and restart the fight for their independence. Most people spend their entire working career spanning 30-40 years highly focused on attaining financial independence with little to no attention on improving or even maintaining their physical independence leaving them unable to actively and fully enjoy the fruits of their financial planning when the time comes. Don’t let this be you! Don’t let your abilities, health and physical independence slip away so subtly each day that you don’t even notice it. Don’t let a nagging discomfort in your back, knee, neck etc. become a chronic pain. Don’t let that chronic pain limit your independence, because if you don’t do something about it, sooner or later, it most certainly will. And never accept when the doctor says just rest it or you’re just too old and have to live with it. As a physical therapist, I do many things to help people. But the true essence of what I do, is help people improve and maintain the most valuable thing that anyone can ever have; their independence. It’s never too late to restart the fight for your independence and it’s never too early to stop it from slipping away. We help men and women age 40+ improve and maintain their independence to live the active and full life that they want.
August 2020 | 15