Design Works (Summer Portfolio v2) - John Wieser

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design works John S Wieser

M.Arch 1 // University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Design exercise (2008)

Profile My education:

7 facts about me that you will

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL

not know just by reading my

Master of Architecture, First Professional Degree,

2010 - 2012


Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies,

2006 - 2010

1. I am trying to obtain dual-

UIUC Study Abroad Program at Versailles, Versailles, France Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Versailles

citizenship in the United States and 2008 - 2009

Italy. 2. I like to travel and have visited 38

My experience: [major] cities in 14 countries. Teaching Assistant, Design - UIUC School of Architecture

2010 - 2012 3. I grew up near Chicago, but have

Champaign, IL lived in Los Angeles, Saint Louis, Peckham Guyton Albers & Viets, Inc. (PGAV)

Summer 2011

Saint Louis, MO

and France. 4. Je peux bien parler le français. 5. I drink iced coffee even during the

Walt Disney Imagineering, SQS Office

Summer 2010 winter.

Anaheim, CA 6. I am a classically trained pianist. Aumiller Youngquist, P.C., Architects & Designers (AYPC) Chicago, IL

Summer 2008

7. I am deuteranopic (red/green colorblind).

I know how to use these computer programs very well:

And I can, among other abilities

AutoCAD 2013

Google SketchUp® 8 Pro

think critically about design challenges,

Adobe® CS5

MS® Office

sketch and draw by hand,



build models,



develop and deliver presentations,



write well,

After Effects®

Revit® Architecture 2013

design with a narrative in mind,

Premier Pro®

I have experience with:

communicate with excellent interpersonal skills

Acrobat X®

digital fabrication

eagerly take on new challenges,

Rhinoceros 4.0®

3D printing

learn new skills quickly,


shop drawings

& respect and commit to deadlines.

My name is John Wieser and I have just earned my M.Arch 1 degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The following are some examples of projects that I have worked on for my studios, work, and competitions.

I would love to meet you to discuss my work, opportunities, architecture, and anything else.

I hope you enjoy my work!

Contents 1

ITC_Intermodal Transit Center


eco[sublime]: The Grimsel Hydroelectric Dam Project


Théâtre Urbain


Low Resolution Chair


The Network: Chicago


Sketching / Drawing

ITC_Intermodal Transit Center Sch o ol of the Ar t Institute of C hicago AIADO F a c ilitie s, Stud ent Recreation C enter, Stud ent Dor m itor y, & Rail Tr ansit Station C hicago, Illinois Pr ofessor T F Tier ney 11 Weeks S2011

This project examines the idea of the “Network City” as originated in the discourse of “spatial practice” popularized in the 1960s. Looking at the city as a communication system, the project centers upon Chicago’s response to the incorporation of a high speed rail corridor in Illinois.

: Local ITC & Freight

Students develop a proposal for an intermodal transit center (ITC) which operates as an access c District Transfer point to local, regional, commuter, light-rail, and the o CTA Red Line proposed high speed rail. The center performs as a launch point for travelers into Chicago. Students : Long Distance ITC must propose a secondary program to occupy the ation above-grade portion of the site. I have selected a rminal consolidated facility for the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Designed Objects programs (SAIC AIADO), as well as the Activities & Recreation Center (ARC).

enter Route (Bus & Truck)

Students must conduct extensive research to shape the development of all programmatic elements, presented via infographics.

05_Combined Layered Program Vs. Context

Millennium Park Nichols Bridgeway

Original Art Institute of Chicago

Intervention: ITC SAIC AIADO SAIC ARC SAIC (Painting Studios) The Modern Wing

Grant Park Layered program vs. immediate context


04_Site Development and Programmatic Strategy

Initial Plot

Planar Cuts

Shifting of the Plane Accommodates existing infrastructure & provides sub/super-terrain access SAIC AIADO

SAIC Rec Center ITC_Intermodal Transit Station

Blocking diagram

What is an “Intellectual Community?”

“A collection of intellectual, technological, & informational resources...”


Summer Flow

Knowledge Centered Relationship Based Thinking Through Ideas Values of Teaching Failure Connection to Applied Field Shared Purpose Diverse Intangible Flexible & Forgiving Respectful Generous

All-Year Flow

Perimeter & Road Flow Denser dashes indicate more frequently traveled routes

Constituent Groups? Thinkers Scholars Researchers Students What These Groups Do... Refine Human Knowledge Freely Exchange Ideas Theoretical Debate Solutions Interpretations


University/School Research Group/Facility Collection of Intellectual, Technological, & Informative Resources

Trust Intellectual Ownership Security Genesis of Ideas

Based on “The Importance of Intellectual Community,” Baylor Institute, ppt & “Academic Integrity at Princeton,” Princeton University (2008)

[Intellectual Community]

The research for this proposal centers around the existing climate of the AIADO, and examines pre-existing conditions near the site. Striations from existing rail lines, urban chasms, and secluded oasises are revealed in the analysis. Understanding the relationships on which the communities utilizing the proposed facilities permits thoughtful programmatic deployment.

[Local Striation: Rail, Access Route, and Apparent Striation]

“The Intellectual Community”

[Pedestrian Density] Pedestrian flFlow ow &and density Pedestrian density is apparently higher north of the site, owing to the popularity of Millenium Park as a tourist attraction. Further attractors are Michigan Avenue to the west and of course, the Art Institute. During winter the south and east conditions (Grant Park, Congress Parkway, and Buckingham Fountain) recieve relatively low pedestrian flow. However during the summer months and particularly during festivals (Lollapalooza, Taste of Chicago) these areas are far more densely active than nearly any other open space in Chicago.

Local condition: existing railroads, access route, and apparent striation

John B & Alice BPedestrian Sharp Bldg (SAIC) [Pedestrian Flow Density] Flow and and Density

Pedestrian density is higher north of the site, owing to the popularity of Millennium Park and shopping. Further Pedestrian is to apparently higher of the site, owing to thethe popularity attractors are Michigandensity Avenue the west and thenorth Art Institute. During winter south andofeast conditions Millennium Park asParkway, a touristand attraction. Further attractors are Michigan Avenue to the west (Grant Park, Congress Buckingham Fountain) receive relatively low pedestrian flow. However andthe of summer course, the Art Institute. During during winter festivals the south(Lollapalooza, and east conditions (Grant Park,these areas are far during months and particularly Taste of Chicago) Congress Parkway, and Buckingham Fountain) receive relatively low pedestrian flow. more densely active than nearly any other open space in Chicago. However during the summer months and particularly during festivals (Lollapalooza, Taste of Chicago) these areas are far more densely active than nearly any other open space in Chicago.

Thinkers Scholars Researchers Students

[Local Striation:


Local St and

SAIC AIADO Current Condition

Street access is limited by the elevation of the AIADO facilities. Furthermore proximity to food and supplies is relatively poorly accommodated.

Understan He mass segm andOthe ex [Facilities

What These Groups Do...


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Leasing Agent: John Harkins

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John B & Alice B Sharp Bldg (SAIC)




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Street Level Separation

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e Importance of Intellectual Community,” Baylor Institute, ppt Integrity at Princeton,” Princeton University (2008)


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36 N Wabash

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7th Floor Fashion Design Dept. Gallery 2

Trust Intellectual Ownership Security Genesis of Ideas

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12th Floor AIADO Architecture & Interior Design Departments

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Freely Exchange Ideas Theoretical Debate Solutions Interpretations

[Local Striation: Rail, Access Route, and Appare


SAIC AIADO Current Condition SITE

Street access is limited by the elevation of the AIADO facilities. Furthermore proximity to food and supplies is relatively poorly accommodated. MADISON

Local Striation: Rail, Access Route, and Apparent Striation

Understanding what is on the site can inspire exciting formal resolutions. Here the existing pathways through the site can be later applied as a mass segmenting tool, providing a relationship between the new structu andOrganization] the existing site condition. [Facilities


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Administ control Childrens’ Activity

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Programm segreg Layering of Spa




Street Access (Visual)


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Constituent Groups?



Flexible & Forgiving Respectful Generous

Iterative Evaluation Analysis

Longitudinal Striation in[Interior the Vicinity Surrounding the Site, Progression of Sectional Voids Streets: Progression of Sectional Voids] MONROEE

The Modern Wing -


e on eph Tel Fax aphics

This analysis investigates particular thru-way beneath current SAIC interior spaces provide an escape The diagra Longitudinal striation in theavicinity surrounding the site,the progression offacilities. sectionalThe voids Transmittive Means from the intensity of the city, and are defi n ed largely by the dramatic scale of the heights of buildings in comparison to responses Process Order analysis investigates a particular thru-way beneath the current SAIC facilities. Interior spaces provide an escape from the This Associated Analytical Medium The Modern Wing - Education Department Expressive Medium humans. of p Longitudinal Striation in[Interior the Vicinity Surrounding the Site, Progression of Sectional Voids Facilities Organization: The Modern Wing Streets: Progression of Sectional Voids] intensity of the city, and This areanalysis defined largely bythru-way the beneath dramatic scale of theThebuilding in comparison to pedestrians. investigates a particular the current SAIC facilities. interior spacesheights provide an escape The diagramming of facilities adjacent to the site reveals some designed from the intensity of the city, and are defined largely by the dramatic scale of the heights of buildings in comparison to humans.


responses to key site-specific principles, namely the organization of program in relation to the street, natural lighting, and security requirements.

ional Tradit Starting at street level we can begin to investigate ordered spaces


Street level

Visual Access

12th floor lounge Visual access

Computer labs & digital fabrication labs

Gallery & reception

Wood shop & fabrication

Studio facilities

Computer Labs & Digital Fabrication Labs

Gallery & Reception

Wood Shop &

36 S Wabash Classrooms public



Experience and procession: SAIC AIADO architecture facilities



Computer Lab METRA Rail Electric District Transfer

LL1_Lower Level Mixed Program Critique Space & 1: Internal Underground Link to CTA Gallery Red Line Lecture Hall (Upper Level)

ITC_Intermodal Program by Level Transit Center

Main Concourse Retail 02_Second Floor: SAIC Mixed Program Ticketing Level 3: Long Distance ITC LL3_Lower Waiting Areas SAIC Rec Center ITC_Intermodal Transit Station Room Free Weights & Machine SAIC High Rec Center: Speed Rail Room Terminal Cardio Machine & Light Weights Aquatics Center AMTRAK Terminal Changing Rooms SAIC AIADO Racquetball Courts Classrooms, Seminar Rooms, Faculty Offices Basketball Courts Informal Gallery/Lounge Dance Studio Fabrication Lab Lecture Hall (Lower Level) Designed Objects Studio (2) Graduate Architecture Studios (3)

3 2 1



01_Ground Level: Public Plaza ITC_Intermodal Transit Center LL2_Lower Level 2: Local ITC & Freight Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zip Car ITC_Intermodal Transit Center Dedicated Access Route (Bus & Truck) SAIC Rec Center Bus Transfer Entry & Administration Freight Transfer METRA Rail Electric District Transfer SAIC AIADO Underground Link to CTA Red Line Entry & Administration Security Welcome Center Public Gallery

LL3_Lower Level 3: Long Distance ITC ITC_Intermodal Transit Station High Speed Rail Terminal LL1_Lower Level 1: Mixed AMTRAK Terminal ITC_Intermodal Transit Center Main Concourse Retail Ticketing Waiting Areas

3 2 1

SAIC Rec Center: Aquatics Center Changing Rooms Racquetball Courts Basketball Courts Dance Studio


t Center

Lecture Hall (Lower Level) Designed Objects Studio (2) Graduate Architecture Studios (3)

01_Ground Level: Public Plaza ITC_Intermodal Transit Center Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zip Car

03_Third Floor: SAIC Mixed Program SAIC Rec Center SAIC Entry Rec Center & Administration 1/3 Mile Track SAIC AIADO SAIC AIADO Entry & Administration Interior SecurityArchitecture Studios (3) Computer Lab Welcome Center Critique Space & Internal Gallery Public Gallery Lecture Hall (Upper Level)

MATIC DISTRIBUTION 02_Second Floor: SAIC Mixed Program LL1_Lower Level 1: Mixed Program SAIC Rec Center ITC_Intermodal Transit Center Room Free Weights & Machine Main Concourse Cardio Machine Room & Light Weights Retail SAIC Ticketing AIADO Waiting AreasSeminar Rooms, Faculty Offices Classrooms,

t Center

Informal Gallery/Lounge SAIC Fabrication Rec Center:Lab Aquatics Center Lecture Hall (Lower Level) Changing Rooms Studio (2) Designed Objects Racquetball Courts Studios (3) Graduate Architecture Basketball Courts Dance Studio

01_Ground Level: Public Plaza 03_Third Floor: SAIC Mixed Program ITC_Intermodal Transit Center SAIC Rec Center Drop-Off/Pick-Up 1/3 Mile Track Zip Car SAIC AIADO SAIC Interior Rec Center Architecture Studios (3) Entry & Administration Computer Lab

LL2_Lower Level 2: Local ITC & Freight

Critique Space & Internal Gallery SAIC Lecture AIADO Hall (Upper Level) ITC_Intermodal Transit Center Entry & Administration Dedicated Access Route (Bus & Truck) Security Bus Transfer Welcome Center 02_Second Floor: SAIC Mixed Program FreightGallery Transfer Public METRA Rail Electric District Transfer SAIC Underground Rec Center Link to CTA Red Line Free Weights & Machine Room Cardio Machine Room & Light Weights

LL1_Lower Level 1: Mixed Program


• SAIC AIADO Student Housing • Running Track (Body Studio) • Link Gallery (Existing Condition • Aquatics Center (Body Studio) • Ticketing/Retail (ITC) • The Inclined Plane • Freight Rail • CTA Bus

• METRA Rail • Amtrak • High Speed Rail


on the ntext as well etwork

tural access individual e also permits rogram and DO to the f the ITC e Rec Center.

LL3_Lower Level 3: Long Distance ITC ITC_Intermodal Transit Station High Speed Rail Terminal AMTRAK Terminal

Sectional deployment of program 3 2 1



Programmatic model







01 Plaza

1 Entry plaza 2 to ITC


3 SAIC AIADO reception 4 Faculty offices & admin.

5 Student gallery 6 Lecture hall

7 SAIC Body Studio entrance 8 Member services & admin.

2 1 3 5 4

02 SAIC AIADO & Body Studio 5’

Selected plans

1 Designed Objects Studio 2 Lecture/Seminar Rooms

3 Computing/fabrication lab 4 Interior architecture studio

5 Free weights, light weights, Cardio equipment, & machines






9 Multipurpose room 10 Aquatics center

View from studio

Programmatic assembly

1 3



LL3 High speed rail + Amtrak 5’

1 Access ramp 2 Vertical circulation

3 Amtrak platform 4 High-speed rail platform


1 3



LL2 METRA Rail, CTA bus, & freight 5’

Selected plans

1 Access ramp 2 Vertical circulation

3 Metra Rail platform 4 Metra - CTA transfer

5 Freight transfer

Longitudinal section - looking west



5 6 4



LL1 SAIC Body Studio + ITC 5’

1 Access ramp 2 Vertical circulation

3 ITC entrance 4 Retail + ticketing

5 Changing rooms 6 Basketball courts

7 Racquetball courts




03 SAIC Body Studio 5’

1 Architecture studio I 2 Architecture studio II

3 1/3-mile indoor running track

top left: 1” = 50’- 0” (1:600) right: form development bottom: studio view


eco[sublime] time-based animation (scan here!)

[eco]sublime A Str ategy for Ecological U r b anism T h e Grimse l Hydroe le c tric Da m Proje c t G rim selsee, C anton of Ber n, Switz er land Pr ofessor R H ub eli w/ Max -E m anuel Mantel 14 Weeks Gradu ate D esign A war d N om inee - U IU C SoA R yers o n Trave ling A war d (H onor ab le Mention) - U IU C S oA F eat u red in exh ibit ion , “Manufactur ing Land scap es,� C hicago, I L ( Ma y 2012) S2012

The Swiss Government is interested in raising the height of the hydroelectric dams in Grimsel, Switzerland by 23m (75.46ft) in order to impound a greater mass of water and increase the powergenerating capacity of the facility. The effort meets resistance from the Swiss Green Party who argues that raising the water level will destroy hundreds of thousands of square meters of vegetative ecologies bordering the artiďŹ cial lake. This proposal leverages the idea of integrating architectural infrastructure with existing ecologies of the Grimsel Region. The building acts both as a container for program (a hotel and research center), as well as an artiďŹ cial substrate to support ecologies displaced by risen lake water. The circular module intentionally exaggerates interstitial void spaces which are harnessed as spaces for ecological incorporation (through the impregnation of ecological substrates), areas of increased mass to resist the lake impounded behind, and building system chases. Over time the reorganization of ecologies on the site will interact unpredictably with the building structure, changing its appearance and altering the architectural expression and experience for visitors and residents. The unusual formal arrangement offers people a new way to experience the ecologies of the Grimsel Pass while offering opportunities for architectural and natural phenomena to blend in new ways, reecting the profound sublime qualities of massive infrastructure and indeed the Swiss landscape itself.

Canton of Bern


Switzerland lake area (current)

Arch Dam (Site)

lake area (post-expansion)

Gravity Dam


Site: Grimselsee / Canton of Bern / Switzerland - 1:1500


1 Entrance hall 2 Administration 3 Restaurant 4 Kitchen 5 Kitchen storage 6 Kitchen office 7 Breakfast/café 8 Elevator 9 Hotel room 10 Laundry 11 Spa (upper level)



8 10

3 4


7 11


6 2 1


00 / Entry Level


Open Cylinder


1 2 3 4

Hotel room Floor lobby Service room Spa (lower level)



Concrete solid-fill Ecological substrate fill






-01 / Hotel




1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2 1 7

5 6






-05 / Research

Laboratory Lab support Office Lounge / kitchen Small conference room Large conference room Conference lounge

Model CNC-milled styrofoam Concrete Acrylic 3d-printed starch insert model Print time: 11h57m45s

To valley

Original Size - 36" x 96" Original Scale - 1:50

Construction Section (B-B')

01_construction 01_ construction

Cylinder Cap Detail scale 1:20 2

4 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6

1 1 Wall / fasteners 2 Precast concrete cap 3 Skylight

7 8 4 Ecology 5 Substrate 6 Gravel

7 Bituminous foil 8 Insulation

1 2 3 4

Floor / Wall Joint Detail scale 1:40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Interior finish In-situ concrete fill Rigid foam insulation Precast concrete formwork Precast joint (bolts) Floor finish Acoustic insulation Floor slab

a b c d e

Fresh air Air exaust Electricity Drainage Radiant floor heating

5 6

a b c d e



9 10 11

Façade Detail scale 1:40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Concrete (smooth) Rigid foam insulation Masonry tie Concrete (porous) Interior finish Extruded aluminum block Neoprene gasket Window (glass) Floor finish Acoustic insulation Reinforced slab





Placing the Outer Ring

Placing the Inner Ring

Capping the Wall

The precast outer ring physically bonds the cylinders to one another. One level below this construction an inner ring of insitu concrete construction is rising. This second layer bonds the precast pieces together and gives the wall the mass and water-tightness necessary to behave as a massive structural stronghold against the immense force of the impounded artificial lake.

A precast dome is set upon the finished wall by the tower crane. When construction is complete the tower crane is removed with a special jack that lifts the pieces down the tower, where they are transported out of the building.

After part of the original dam is removed and the footing placed, the tower crane lifts the first levels of precast concrete formwork into place. The in-situ concrete placing rig is nested inside of the precast ring, and suspends a flexible inner ring mold which will retain the cast-in-place inner layer of the wall as the concrete hardens.

The wall thickens in its descent to combat greater lateral forces (from water) and to satisfy the slenderness ratio requirement of the structure.

The tower portion of the crane remains part of the building and becomes structure for vertical transportation systems (elevators). The tower must also be braced at every other level to resist lateral forces imposed by the elevator cabs.

Construction sequence

Outer ring precast units

Unit assembly

Outer ring precast units

Cylinder pack ceiling (different inďŹ lls)

Cylinder (habitable space)

Foam cap (temporary form)

Negative form of ceiling


Ecological substrate + plants (potential future guest room expansion zone)

Removable concrete plug

Ecological substrate + plants (potential future guest room expansion zone)



Tower crane/ elevator track


Solid fill concrete


Guest room (TYP) 6.0m dia. DENSITY


Elevator (TYP) 5.0m dia.



Guest bath (TYP) 3.0m dia.

HVAC/ plumbing chase

+2 yrs


Initial Ecological Argument









e f







7 C

4 2










Kraftwerke Oberhasli (KWO) System

1 2 3 4 5 6

POWER PLANTS A Grimsel 1 B Grimsel 2 C Handeck 2 D Handeck 3 E Handeck 1 F Fuhren G Hopflauenen H Innertkirchen 1

Oberaarsee Grimselsee Raeterichbodensee Totensee Gelmersee Steingletscher

MOUNTAINS 1 Titlis 2 Fuenffingerstoecke 3 Sustenhorn 4 Diechterhorn 5 Ritzlihorn 6 Hangendgletscherhorn 7 Sidelhorn


+4 yrs


HOTELS & ATTRACTIONS A Restaurant Mountain House Oberaar B Oberaar Lodge C Moutain & Adventure-Hotel Hospice D Kids & Family Hotel Handeck

Ecological substrate (potential future guest room expansion zone)

Removable concrete plug

HVAC/ plumbing chase

Guest room (TYP) 6.0m dia.

Vegetation targeted for architectural incorporation native to the Grimsel Region. (from left to right) - Drosera Rotunidolia, Purple Rock Cress, Loiseleuria Procumbens, Vaccinium Oxycoccus, Carex Curvula, Polytrichum Sexangulare, Crocus, Rock Pinks, Rhynchospora Alba, Salix Herbacea


Théâtre Urbain 250 Seat C om m unity Theater & Public S pa c e 15e Ar rond issem ent Par is, Fr ance Pr ofessor J-B Viaud w/ C hr is Quinlan 8 Weeks F2008

Longitudinal section - looking northwest

The project was to design a 250-person theater in the 15e arrondissement of Paris, France. Students working in pairs were required to complete a full analysis of the site and surrounding quarter, research and adhere to Parisian building codes, and develop the facility and adjacent outdoor space. A particular challenge was the reconciliation of the tall pinion walls neighboring the site.

Immediate context

21 Rue Paul Barruel, Paris, France 75015

M - Mezzanine & Backstage

04 - Practice Stage

03 - Performers’ Facilities

Selected Plans

02 - Administration


Low Resolution Chair Designing the Object steel, brass, acrylic, automotive paint, neoprene rubber Professor JS Poss 7 Weeks Graduate Design Award Nominee - UIUC SoA Featured as 1st Honorable Mention, Anonymous.d: “The Next Anonymous Designer” Competition, January 2011 F2010

Drawing inspiration from pixilation, Low Resolution Chair employs a modular system which at first glance appears simple. Closer investigation reveals complex layers of detail which challenge the chair’s name-inconcept, and demonstrate its departure from “low resolution” representation. The frame of the chair is fabricated from heli-arc welded, cold-rolled steel, finished with two coats of powder. The chair’s support structure derives its shape from a fragmented approximation of a quarter sphere. The frame’s simple cross configuration minimizes material use and reduces the frame’s physical presence in the overall piece. The austerity and thinness of the welded steel frame communicates fragility, while its materiality ensures structural integrity. Heat-formed transparent acrylic modules interwoven with galvanized steel cable form the seat and backrest of the chair, which are slung between the ends of the cross brace at four pin connections. These connector units are structurally reinforced with a 3/8” acrylic backer plate, connected to the 1/8” unit by four 3/16” diameter, 1/2” long brass binding posts. A 3/8” barrel diameter, 1 9/16” long brass architectural sex bolt secures the unit to the frame, and four distributed 1/16” neoprene washers distribute the compressive force of the bolt across the unit. A single transparent red module disrupts the otherwise calculated order of the piece, and introduces and element of tension.

Concept sketches

Formal development and experimentation (pg. 62, left to right) Row 1: “Campfire Chair” frame studies, Textile samples (felt, cotton binding) Row 2: “Low Resolution Chair” frame studies, connection studies Row 3: “Low Resolution Chair” alternate concept (pg. 63, clockwise) Cushion studies (acrylic, brass, vinyl)

Design development Sketch resolution (left) Connection + scale exploration (above) Shop drawings for steel fabricator (across)


“Low Resolution Chair”

The Network: Chicago I n t eractiv e Boutiq ue H otel & Pub lic Oasis C ap stone Thesis Project C hicago, Illinois E arl Priz e D esign Award Recip ient, UIUC SoA Pr ofessor MW N ier m ann 15 Weeks F2009

Reception + café

My concept uses the existing social context of the historic neighborhood of Edgewater located in Uptown Chicago as the foundation for a fully interactive, technologically integrated boutique hotel experience. The building establishes a centralized node of social activity within the neighborhood, drawing the community together with an interactive media facade. Technological design considerations encourage guests to communicate with one another, and with patrons in the underlying plaza. The plaza acts as a public gathering spot with the building as a mechanism of triangulation, itself an ever-changing artistic gesture. The Capstone Thesis is the culmination of the design studio sequence at the undergraduate level. The capstone studio is the student’s opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills attained in areas of design, technology, structures, and history into the development of a comprehensive design process. 5948 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL 60660

Typical Unit Concept Sketches (underlay)

1/8” = 1’-0”

3/4” = 1’-0”

HVAC schematic (guest oor)

Schematic structural plan

Axonometric structural detail Axonometric structural diagram

Facade detail - balcony & spandrel marquee

Slab, sprinkler, and duct conďŹ guration, typical unit

Facade detail - balcony & spandrel marquee

1/25” = 1’-0”

Plaza from Sheridan Rd

Sketching / Drawing

John S Wieser 419 Kensington Court Palatine, IL 60067 847 404 9332

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