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LAW DAY 2023

Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration


Each year, the American Bar Association sponsors Law Day, and regional bar associations, including the Dallas Bar Association, host various events, programs, and contests to commemorate the chosen theme. Law Day not only educates students and citizens about our government, but also the legal system itself. One of its main goals is to focus students’ attention on important constitutional principles.

As part of the DBA’s Law Day celebration, the association sponsors essay, art, and photography competitions for DFWarea students in grades K-12. Here are some of this year’s winning entries, which depicted the Law Day theme of “Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration.” Not pictured is the winning essay, written by Andy Park, 8th grader at DeWitt Perry Middle School.

Dallas Bar Association

Community Involvement Committee

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