s p e c i a l
2013 Ad close date:
March 27, 2013 Material due date:
March 29, 2013 Issue date:
May 2013
s ta k e h o l d e r
Going for Green Environmental Innovations Guidebook The Going for Green Environmental Innovations Guidebook is a unique directory that will highlight the key elements of how industry stakeholders are innovating around key technologies, processes and policies to ensure our hydrocarbon resources are developed in a sustainable and resourceful way. While the scope of Going for Green is the entire range of environmental services, it will highlight key aspects of the oilsands, shale oil and shale gas sectors.
Official Stakeholder Opportunity
DISTRIBUTION 12,000 copies will be available for distribution for this annual guidebook and will be distributed to industry professionals at domestic and international trade shows and conferences, via targeted mailing, through key government trade and consular offices and by way of CSUR and CHOA.
As a recognized authority in the area of environmental services, your firm has the opportunity to be positioned alongside a small group of key industry entities that chart the course for this area and show industry leadership in innovation. By participating as an offical stakeholder for the Going for Green Environmental Innovations Guidebook, your firm will receive a premium sponsorship position within Going for Green that will align your technology and capabilitites in this area with the best in the industry. Alberta in particular is a showcase for world-class leadership in the environmental services space—and your firm can be highlighted as being at the forefront of this innovative leadership.
As one of a very small group of Going for Green Environmental Innovations Guidebook official stakeholders, your firm will receive: The opportunity to have your own corporate introductory letter published at the beginning of Going for Green that speaks to your firm’s leadership and innovation in the industry.
$ 3,890
A full-page advertisement within Going for Green.
$ 6,390
A professionally written and produced full-page article that will profile the highlights of your firm’s capabilities in this field.
$ 7,670
A one-year leaderboard ad positioned at the top of a dedicated Going for Green web page, in rotation with five other ads, that links back to your website.
$ 2,050
Total value of stakeholder program
$ 20,000
Total actual investment
$ 15,000
For further information, please contact: Monte Sumner, Sales Manager | JuneWarren-Nickle’s Energy Group Phone direct at 403.516.3473 or email msumner@junewarren-nickles.com 2013/03/05
o pp o r t u n i t y
* Prices in Canadian dollars.
Going for Green is a unique venture between JuneWarren-Nickle’s Energy Group, the Canadian Society of Unconventional Resources (CSUR), the Canadian Heavy Oil Association (CHOA) and the Government of Alberta. The guidebook’s content and focus are the results of the combined skills and expertise of the respective partners, ensuring comprehensive coverage. The partnership dynamic ensures both depth and breadth across the environmental services spectrum— with a specific focus thematically on how the industry and government collaborate on key initiatives. In many ways, this is what sets Alberta apart from the rest of the world in terms of environmental stewardship.