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Areas for future research 130
Site ID Site Name
Feature Type
04-4-0084 Manewells Road Isolated Find; MR-IF; Artefact 04-4-0085 Boorie Creek Canoe Tree; BC-CT; Modified Tree (Carved or Scarred) 04-4-0086 Borton Road 2;BR 2; Artefact 04-4-0087 Jiggi 1 Artefact 04-4-0088 Borton Road 1;Modanville; Artefact 04-4-0089 Borton Road 2;?; Artefact 04-4-0090 Booerie Ck. Canoe tree;?; Modified Tree (Carved or Scarred) 04-4-0097 Lismore Flood Levee 1 Shell 04-4-0098 Lismore Flood Levee 2 Shell 04-4-0099 Lismore Flood Levee 3 Artefact
04-4-0103 Hospital hill Camp/Rotary Park Camp 04-4-0106 Wollongbar Aboriginal Ceremony and Dreaming, Habitation Structure, Potential Archaeological Deposit (PAD)_____
04-4-0109 Showground Camp
04-4-0110 Dunoon Road Reserve
Aboriginal Ceremony and Dreaming Habitation Structure, Potential Archaeological Deposit (PAD) Habitation Structure, Potential 04-4-0111 Boorie Street Archaeological Deposit (PAD) 04-4-0112 North Lismore Fringe Camp Habitation Structure 04-4-0113 Gundurimba Habitation Structure
Habitation Structure, Potential 04-4-0114 Cubawee Archaeological Deposit (PAD) 04-4-0115 Jerusalem Mountain 1 BMP-05-0099 Habitation Structure 04-4-0116 The Window BMP-05-0100 Aboriginal Resource and Gathering 04-4-0117 Mt Matheson (upper) BMP-Q5-01Q1 Habitation Structure 04-4-0118 Mt Matheson (lower) BMP-05-0102 Habitation Structure 04-4-0119 Dirangah Rocks BMP-Q5-Q103 Habitation Structure 04-4-0127 Cubawee Aboriginal Place Habitation Structure
Table 4: AHIMS Search Results
The sites located tended to be located either close to water sources or along high ground/ridge lines, although some sites did not conform to this model entirely. Section 4.2 discusses this in more detail.