Lismore Local Produce weekly market!

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LISMORE PRODUCE MARKET A friendly weekly market in the heart of Lismore's CBD Markets held every Thursday at The CON & Lismore QUAD JOIN YOUR FAVOURITE LOCAL FOOD PRODUCERS FOR THE WEEKLY MARKET!



All your favourite stalls will be there, do your whole weekly shop at the Lismore Produce Market every Thursday!

Lismore'scentral businessdistrictwitha rangeofstallsselling 100percentlocally grownseasonalgoods.
Markets are all about peoplethe stallholders, the customers, the community. AboutcomingalongLismore ProduceMarketeveryThursdayis thatyoucanchattoafarmer, growerorproducerandfindoutwhy theydowhattheydo. Takethetimetosayhiandaska questionortwo-chancesareyou’ll getsomegreattipsoradvice. The Best thing Shop Fresh Support Local
Howtodecorateyourhome Veggies, fruit, meats, dairy,breadandpastries, pasta, macadamia products, Seedlings, olives, rice, flowers and more. Meet the stallholders
ShoplocaleveryThursdayfrom3pm-6pmatthe CON&QUAD,EntryalongKeenorMagellanStreets. Tapestry Road
See you at the Lismore Produce Market
takehome ahotdinner whileyou’re whileyour here tasty treats
& Local Rice Grower The Doyle's THIS WEEK EveryWeek weintroduce youtoa Stallholder Goolmangar S P O T L I G H T

FrankBoyle,afourthgenerationfarmer,haslived onthepropertyMarlivalein Goolmangerallhislife,whenit wasoriginallyadairyfarm.

After deregulation of the dairy industry, he andwifeAndreadecidedtokeepfarmingbut werelookingforanalternativetodairy.

While many farmers in the region were moving to macadamias, Frank and Andrea decided on pecans, as where they are located, they had frosts and their existing beefcattlecomplementedapecanorchard (oncepecantreesare5 6yearsold,theycan happily co exist with cows as they are no longerabletoreachthem).

Startingoffwith20treestheBoyle’snowhave 1500.Theyinitiallybegansellingtheirkernels and nuts in shell to wholesalers but quickly realisedthiswouldn’tbefinanciallyviableand so once the Farmers Market movement beganintheregionthiswaswheretheysold theirproduct.

The customers went crazy for their pecans andbecausethiswassoencouraging,Frank and Andrea figured they must be doing something right and were motivated to expandthebusiness

They began looking into different products and while Frank was working as an Ag AssistantatWoodlawn,hetravelledtoaField DayintheRiverinawherepeoplewerelooking foranareawithhighrainfalltogrowrice.

Thinkingthiswouldbeagreatprojectforhis studentstobeinvolvedinhethendiscovered thatgrowingricewasn’ttoodifferenttothe othercroppinghewaspractisingonhisfarm with soybeans and corn and so brown rice cropswereplanted.

The first time Frank bought along locally grownbrownricetohismarketstallhesold50 kilosin30minutes,suchwastheappetitefor locallyproducedgrains

“Peoplearereallypassionateabout eatinglocalfoodinthisregion,thereare manythatwanttodotheirwholeshopat theFarmerMarketsandbecauselocallygrownriceissuchasmallindustryup here,it’sincrediblypopular”.

They now produce many value added products including rice cakes, crumbs and pecanmuesliandspreads

Buyingriceinasupermarketmeansyouwill havefumigated,treatedricethatcouldbeup tofouryearsold.

FrankandAndrea’syoungestdaughterSophie andherhusbandMacarenowworkingonthe farmandarekeentotakeittothenextlevel andbroadentheircustomerbase.

“IfeelmostproudwhenIcanseethe nextgenerationiskeentocontinue farmingandproducingfoodonthis property”.

Like many farmers in Shire, Nimbin Valley Pecans and Rice run their farm with sustainablepractices Theylookaftertheirsoil and their land and they don’t ship their productsallaroundtheworld.TheBoyle’ssell alloftheirproductslocally within50kmof wheretheylive.

YoucanpurchaseNimbinValleyPecansand RicethroughyourlocalFarmersMarket includingNewBrighton,Ballina,Byron, MullumbimbyandLismore

Asanessentialserviceallarestilloperating SayhellotoFrank,helovesattendingthe Marketsandmeetingcustomersoneonone, “tomeit’smymentalhealthday”.

Frank, Andrea, Mac and Sophie, two of five generations of farmers living and working from the Marlivale homestead on Widjabul Wia-bal country. Goolmangar,NSW,2480

Joinyourfavouritelocalfoodproducersforthe weeklymarket! ShoplocaleveryThursdayfrom3pm-6pmat theCON&QUAD,EntryalongKeenorMagellan Streets.

TheMarketprovidesvisitorsandresidentswith top-quality, fresh, and local produce at fair prices; encourages healthy eating and active lifestyle values; educates consumers about farmingandlocallysourcedfoods;andprovides customerswithopportunitiestointeractdirectly withfarmersandproducers.

The Market also promotes local activities, communityissuesandbusinesses,andprovides opportunitiesforthecommunitytogatherand visit.

A friendly weekly market in the heart of Lismore's CBD Markets held every Thursday at The CON & Lismore QUAD


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