THE HOPE: Young Australian university students taking up mission Cover Story on page 4
Editorial Coordinator Mayrose Abraham, JY National Office Editorial Assistance Tisly Rose Thomas Photography Jerin Joseph
Cover Story
Mission Manila
CCR Golden Jubilee
Regional Events
National Events
Design Ajesh Abraham Address 140 Westbourne Grove, Northcore, VIC 3070
This newsletter is an initiative of Jesus Youth Australia and is produced by Jesus Youth Australia National Council. For any comments or suggestions contact us at: Jesus Youth Australia acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians in all Australian communities.
Jesus Youth Australia extends our gratitude for their ongoing support to:
Young people are the hope of mission. The person of Jesus Christ and the Good News he proclaimed continue to attract many young people. They seek ways to put themselves with courage and enthusiasm at the service of humanity. Pope Francis
2 Daybreak - JY Australia Newsletter | November 2016 | Volume 08
From the
Coordinator When the newly elected Pope Francis appeared at the window before the cheering crowd in St Peter’s Square and promptly bowed down asking the people to pray for him, most of the public at large was charmed but puzzled. In the “charismatic” galaxy, prayer is offered and asked for in this way by people of all levels—specifically, prayer for a renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Pope Francis’ frequent mentions of the Holy Spirit—whom he has described as someone who “annoys us” and “moves us, makes us walk, pushes the Church to move forward”—as well as his unprecedentedly frequent references to the devil (rather than to a generic “evil”), indicate his affinity for the Charismatic Renewal. The election of such a back-to-basics man as Supreme Pontiff provides us with an opportunity to look at the road travelled by the
Charismatic Renewal and to “hold on to what is good” (1 Thess 5:21). In this 50th Anniversary of Charismatic Renewal in Catholic Church, let us thank God for all the Gift He showered through all the Charismatic Movements in the Church. The Second Vatican Council affirmed the legitimacy of charisms, both ordinary and extraordinary. A charism is simply "a grace freely given by God to build up the Church," as opposed to the graces given to sanctify the individual. St. Paul gives a list of charisms in 1 Cor. 12. They include ordinary charisms like teaching and administration and extraordinary ones like healing, miracles, and tongues. These things by themselves don't make the person holier; rather they enable him or her to serve others.
Thus, the Church, on the one hand, recognizes that the Holy Spirit moves where He will, and so she does not want to oppose His working, and on the other, that the Church must discern the authenticity of each charism, lest it becomes a deception of the evil one. For this reason, to say that the Church approves the Charismatic Renewal is not a blanket approval of every alleged charismatic gift or every charismatic group or individual within the Church. The discernment of the Holy Spirit's action is an ongoing necessity within the Church and the Charismatic Renewal. Jesus Youth also an offshoot of the Charismatic Renewal - “International Youth Movement with charismatic spirituality”. The strength of the movement is its unique focus on a life centred on Lord Jesus Christ: beginning with an experience of God nourished by prayer, the Word of God, the sacraments, and fellowship, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. Movement
places emphasis on having a personal relationship with Jesus and expressing the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This Jubilee Year of Charismatic renewal is a time of grace for our movement when Jesus Youth is taking a leap forward responding to the call of the Lord and placing all trust in His providence. May this renewal of formation styles that Jesus Youth undertakes of Faith help the movement accompany this generation more effectively, listening to the Spirit and walking under the guidance of the Lord.
Anoob Joseph
National Coordinator, Jesus Youth Australia
From the
Priest To my new friends in Jesus Youth, I would like to express my gratitude to you and your families because you have made it possible for the love of God to spread and transform the hearts of many Filipino families. At the same time, I am inspired by the way you have allowed the love of the poor to change you as well. When I asked you about the highlights of your time with the indigenous people of
Mindoro and the poor families of St. Benedict Parish, this is the common response that I received from you: “They have so little, yet they are so happy, so full of life and very generous in loving us.” In hearing such response, you have inspired me to persevere in my ministry as a priest of the Missionaries of God’s Love. I felt in my heart, a new surge of energy to provide opportunities for people to immerse themselves with the poor families. Amidst the typhoon, delayed
flights, many hours of waiting at the pier, ever-changing schedules, very simple food, language barriers and the variety of challenging situations, you did not deter in pursuing your firm intention of changing hearts in and through your faith in Jesus Christ. You have touched so many lives through your very joyful and prayerful presence. Most importantly, witnessing the smile on your faces and the newfound joy you have discovered by being with and reaching out to the poor, you have allowed me to enjoy the meaning of loving our Lord Jesus in and through the least of our brothers and sisters again.
You are indeed Jesus’ Youth*Thank you for your friendship. Please forgive me if I have not served you well. I pray that we can be partners in mission again. God, bless you and your Jesus Youth Family.
Fr. Alex Nolasco, MGL
Daybreak - JY Australia Newsletter | November 2016 | Volume 08 3
-Cover Story-
4 Daybreak - JY Australia Newsletter | November 2016 | Volume 08
There are so many everyday ways that you bring value to the world around you, and therefore also tap into new life and hope in your own experience of life too.
o you ever stop to think what it is that brings you the most joy? My guess is that when you do, you’ll realise that you feel most ‘full’ when you’re in some way adding value to the lives of those around you and ultimately to the world. One simple example from my experience is that of recommending a good restaurant - I’m not sure what brings me more joy – the experience at the restaurant itself, or the pleasure of being able to share this ‘good news’ with others, so they can also experience the same joy. It seems to me that we are hardwired to bring good news and good things to others; this is an essential ingredient to being human. This, of course, is what also motivated Jesus to do what he did for us. He possessed a joy which he knew would rock our world, so he did everything he could to share it with us, “so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (Jn 15:11). Nothing was more satisfying for Jesus than sharing the news which he knew was good for all people in all places. Not even the threat of death would prevent him from pursuing this joy of bringing value (life!) to the world. “For this I was born,” says Jesus (Jn 18:37). Guess what? “For this” you were born too! Which is why bringing life to others usually also brings life to you – the life and joy you experience are a sign
that you’re cooperating with God’s design for you. This mission of bringing life to the world, which we’re all created and redeemed for, is the origin of true and lasting hope. Hope flows into our lives when we are connected to a life and a purpose which is bigger than ourselves. How tragic it is that our contemporary culture often promotes the opposite: obsession with our own lives, often at the expense of others. Now you might think that you don’t have any particular ‘value’ to offer the world? Maybe you think that because you can’t save lives like doctors can, or advocate for the vulnerable like lawyers can, or preach the Gospel like priests or missionaries can, that maybe you don’t have anything much to contribute? Hardly! The truth is that you have Christ in you, and therefore God will use you to bring his life to the world, regardless of what your gifting: the only condition is that you make yourself available to him. One of the most obvious and everyday ways you can do this is through your daily choices. Every day you have the opportunity to cooperate with the Christ-in-you and make simple choices that release God’s aroma to those around you. The way that you talk to the waitress at the Café. The effort you give to listen to the person sitting
next to you in the lecture theatre. The time you take to talk with the individual who is socially awkward. Your offer to pray for those who are hurting. The risk you take in sharing the source of your hope and joy. Your generosity in sharing your talents and treasures with others. There are so many everyday ways that you bring value to the world around you, and therefore also tap into new life and hope in your own experience of life too. Let’s be honest though. Sometimes you don’t feel like doing this stuff. Sometimes that all seems too hard. You’d rather just focus on yourself. It’s easier. It’s safer. If that’s where you’re at, it’s good to be honest about it. But then ask, am I happy? Am I fulfilled with living this kind of life, or do I feel there is more for me? If you desire more, start by asking God every day to give you a heart for others and a passion for bringing his life to the world. Then, even if you feel unequipped, step out in some way. Sometimes the best way to stoke the fire within is to step out of our comfort zone. Maybe you could take advantage the JY Mission opportunity? Missions are a powerful way of stoking the fire! Jesus himself seemed to draw upon this strategy with his early followers. When he sent out the 72, they were far from ‘ready’, but he sent
them anyway, and upon their return, they were filled with a new joy and confidence in the power of God at work in and through them (Lk 10:124). In what way can you step out now, so God can use you to bring his aroma to the world, and in doing so experience a complete joy?
Fr Daniel Serratore (MGL) Fr Dan Serratore grew up in Sydney and worked in the hotel industry for eight years. When the lure of God’s call became too strong to resist, he joined the Missionaries of God’s Love in 2008. Ordained as a priest in 2016, Fr Dan has a passion to raise up a young generation of leaders in the Church.
Daybreak - JY Australia Newsletter | November 2016 | Volume 08 5
Jes us Youth
P H I L I P P I N E S M I S S I O N 2016
Our mission immersion to Mindoro Island and Manila was such a pleasant experience. One thing that most of us were blown away by was the people we encountered. We lived with people who were poor, but their love, hospitality and generosity toward us made them rich. We were strangers, but to them, our presence in their home was a blessing.
prayerfulness and great trust in God, as well as his passion for mission. He made me realise you don't have to be a powerful presence to make an impact, but you must make God powerfully present through your life and prayer. Fr Paul MGL was also a great inspiration with his passion for his mission with the poor at Payatas.
The youth leaders from St Benedict's (Manila) and San Pedro (Mindoro) were great 'companions on the journey'. Fr Alex MGL, our faithful leader and guide touched me deeply with his humility,
I was so impressed with the way each member of our group threw themselves into each and every experience. There were many moments where pride welled within me as I watched them being
What is your most memorable moment?
congested. My host family was so kind to accommodate me despite having 5 kids as well as both parents living in a space smaller than many bathrooms in Australia. Sachin Richards, JY SYD
When we were serving food for the homeless children at the “He cares” foundation. I witnessed a child around the age of 10 eating only a little portion of her lunch and packing the rest so she could take it back to her starving family. Sachin Richards, JY SYD
Most difficult moment? Living in the slums of Manila was a real challenge as they didn’t have proper toilets or place to take a shower and the living spaces were highly
One thing you learnt? Don’t try and live a fancy lifestyle when many kids in the street don’t have access to food or fresh water. Sachin Richards, JY SYD
One person who challenged you to be
6 Daybreak - JY Australia Newsletter | November 2016 | Volume 08
totally present and really loving the people we were encountering. I am also very grateful for the beautiful moments I had with members of our group and for the friendships I made with them. Mission is truly an invaluable experience, especially for the young, because it opens their minds and hearts to a world outside themselves. Western culture tends to be self-absorbed, and we forget that there is a whole world out there. Experiencing a different culture, seeing real poverty, but most importantly immersing and interacting
a better Catholic and how? Fr. Paul MGL - Seeing him give up his life for the people of the slums, watching him go in there and treat people like his own family; that really touched me and made me re-evaluate how much effort I was putting into my faith and helping others. Emmanuel Joseph, JY Melbourne
What is your view on the need of Mission now after having experienced it yourself?
with the people of this vast and diverse world, can help change lives and perspectives for the better, and contribute to making the world a better place, one person at a time.
Alyssa Crawford
This is where the beauty of Mission comes into play. When you are seeking to show the love of Jesus through evangelisation to a foreign country and its people, they will be moved by seeing that people have travelled so far to come and visit them. This is something that cannot be recreated by the local community because we, as Australian Catholics, bring with us all the culture and experiences we've had from our homeland to wherever we go on Mission. Touching the heart of people is not something money can buy. Emmanuel Joseph, JY Melbourne
"When we we re s e r v i n g fo o d for t he homeles s chi ld ren a t the “He cares� fo u n d a ti o n . I w i tn es s e d a child aro u n d the a ge o f 1 0 eatin g on l y a l i ttle p o r ti o n o f her lunch a n d p a cki n g the re s t so she cou ld ta ke i t b a ck to h e r sta r v i n g f a mi l y." Sa c hin Ri ch ard s , J Y Syd n ey
Daybreak - JY Australia Newsletter | November 2016 | Volume 08 7
Are you inspired by the mission stories of young people in the previous page? How about taking this challenge this year? This will be a great way to kick-off the Year of Youth 2018 as a young person.
Mission Location: Mindoro, Manila, Philippines. Date: 26th December (Tuesday) to 7th January (Sunday) Contact:
YEAR OF YOUTH 2018 Th e Au s tral i an Bi sho ps have id e n tif ie d t he l i t urgi c al year o f 2 0 1 8 , begi n n i n g o n t he fi rst Su n d ay o f Adven t ( 3rd D ec emb er 20 1 7), a s a n at i o n al Year o f Yo u th.
Year of Youth Aims The Year of Youth invites the Church into prayerful discernment about the importance and life-giving presence of young people in the local Church and society. It calls for dialogue and active engagement focused on the reconnection and renewal of a new generation of young people in the life of the Church. The national launch for Year of Youth will be held in Sydney, at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival, 7th-9th December.
8 Daybreak - JY Australia Newsletter | November 2016 | Volume 08
prayerfully discern the Australian Bishops vision for ministry with young people, Anointed and Sent
authentic and personal engagement by Church leaders in the challenges and success in young people’s lives
acknowledging the Holy Spirit at work in the lives of young people, and young people acting upon the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church;
upholding the dignity of young people, ensuring a safe environment from physical, emotional and spiritual harm
Have you registered for ACYF? The registrations have already crossed 12000 of the goal of 15000. For more information visit: The Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) is a national gathering of Catholic young people established by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC).
Purpose of ACYF The Australian Catholic Youth Festival exists to:
-Jesus Youth-
NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING Sy d ne y , 10 D e ce mber 20 17
Provide a high quality formative and experiential opportunity for young Catholics to encounter Jesus Christ, in the context of the Catholic Church in Australia;
Listen to and discuss the issues and challenges in the lives of young Catholics in Australia;
Evangelise young people and empower them to be evangelisers;
Provide young people with local examples and connections of vocations, social action, liturgy and prayer, catholic music and catechesis.
A gathering of young adults associated with Jesus Youth Movement from different parts of Australia. Generally held after the ACYF, this is a wonderful opportunity meet and greet fellow JYs from other parts of Australia.
Daybreak - JY Australia Newsletter | November 2016 | Volume 08 9
THE CCR GOLD EN J UBI LEE C ELE B RATIONS WI TH A TR ULY CHARISMATI C HOLY F ATH ER Manoj Sunny, Director of Formation, Jesus Youth International. Member and treasurer of the Int’l executive of Catholic Fraternity of communities; He was also a part of the Central Organising Committee of the Golden Jubilee of CCR
The streets of Rome were filled with bright red and yellow colours. People flocked in from all continents, from 128 countries, singing songs of praise in their languages. They came at the invitation of the Holy Father - to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal - their faces glowing with joy, rejoicing in the way the Lord had led them down the years, thanking God for this family gathering. We could hear different groups praying together in tongues, a language of prayer that transcended the barriers of culture and tradition. It was the Holy Father who hosted this Jubilee celebration and invited the pilgrims to Rome! Though he gave the mandate of organising this event to Catholic Fraternity and ICCRS, Pope Francis was deeply involved in the proceedings, keeping track of every step of the progress and looking into the finest details pertaining to the Jubilee - from deciding the registration fee to making suggestions for the design of the backdrop of the Vigil stage. We have a true shepherd who is concerned about even the smallest needs of his flock!
The Jubilee celebrations started with the general audience on 31st May. On the 1st and 2nd, we had the Jubilee celebrations of different communities and initiatives, ecumenical gatherings, theological symposiums and workshops on various themes, including the Jubilee of Catholic Fraternity, Schools of Evangelisation and the Jubilee of the Youth in CCR. MasterPlan, the Jesus Youth band from UAE, composed the theme song for the Jubilee, sharing the first prize with a Brazilian band. MasterPlan animated the music ministry for the Youth Jubilee and the Catholic Fraternity Jubilee gathering in St John Lateran Basilica and led worship sessions during the vigil on Friday and Saturday on the main stage in Circo Massimo. These were proud moments for the entire Jesus Youth movement, and it was heartening to see that there are younger bands to follow the footsteps of the RexBand! Everyone appreciated their musical quality, professionalism, prayerfulness and spiritual depth when they ministered. Praise God!
The large gatherings with more than 50,000 people started on the evening of 2nd May at Circo Massimo, Rome, with the ‘Worldwide Jubilee Charismatic Gathering’. The testimonies of Patty Mansfield and David Mangan, the first witnesses of the Charismatic Renewal at the Duquesne weekend in Feb 1967, the invocation to the Holy Spirit by Ralph Martin and Vinson Synan (Evangelical leader), the healing prayer by Sr Briege McKenna, the prayer of repentance for the divisions in the CCR, the Holy Mass celebrated by Cardinal Kevin Farrell, etc., helped people in experiencing a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the graces of the Jubilee in a deeper way. On the morning of Saturday, 3rd May, the Holy Father had a special meeting with evangelical leaders. One of the most beautiful moments of the Jubilee was the Vigil with the Holy Father on the same evening. The backdrop of the stage with the words ‘Veni Creator Spiritus’ (Come Creator Spirit) was changed to 'Jesus is Lord’ in different languages. There were around 60 similar chairs on the stage and the Holy Father sat on one of them between Patty Mansfield and
Michelle Moran (President of ICCRS) and the rest of the chairs were occupied by the leaders of Evangelical Churches (except for a few cardinals and members of the organising team) who came from different parts of the world at the invitation of the Holy Father. There was no prayer session led by the Holy Father, no Papal blessing, just a short message. He was one among the leaders on stage, praying with open hands like any other Charismatic leader, singing along with the choir. The Pope was introduced by the leader of a Pentecostal Church in Italy - Pastor Giovanni Traettino, a friend of his since they met at an ecumenical charismatic gathering in Buenos Aires in 2006. Fr Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher to the Papal household for the last 37 years and Pastor Giovanni talked on 'the work of the communion of the Holy Spirit’ and led the prayer to Father God, "seeking forgiveness for sins of divisions among Christians". Pastor Giovanni prayed for the growth of the renewal in the Catholic Church.
MasterPlan, the Jesus Youth band from UAE, composed the theme song for the Jubilee, sharing the first prize with a Brazilian band.
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Finally, Fr Cantalamessa led a powerful prayer of proclamation quoting Rom 10:9: "If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved,". The prayer was repeated several times in Italian and English by everyone who was present there - without any differences of denomination, nationality, language and culture. The prayer ended with a powerful prophecy from Patty Mansfield in the presence of the Holy Father “Lift up your eyes and see that the fields are white for harvest. And if you would obey me, and if you would obey the prompting of my Spirit, you will yet see infinitely more than you can ask or imagine. But I need your obedience, I need your docility, I need your faith, and you will yet see marvels that will astound you, infinitely more than you could ask or imagine for the glory of my name” We have a truly Charismatic Pope!. This was one of the most beautiful, prophetic moments during the Jubilee celebrations. Personally, I believe the Holy Father surely brought out the true meaning of ecumenism, which involves not only the Episcopal Churches but includes the Pentecostals too. The Jubilee celebrations concluded with the Holy Mass on Pentecost day celebrated by Pope Francis at St Peter’s Square, where he prayed for ‘New people, new hearts’. Looking back, what are some of the things I take home, especially in the context of Jesus Youth movement after this Jubilee? Let me share 4 areas... [Please see the insert with this newsletter.]
Daybreak - JY Australia Newsletter | November 2016 | Volume 08 11
A 7 Day Training organised by Jesus Youth Australia for university students, which aims at equipping them to stand firm for Jesus while on campus.
What 'Trendsetters' changed in your life? Lukewarm. That’s the general reaction to God. Naturally, we tend to believe in Him when it’s convenient for us- when we need that extra push to get something we want. And in this case, I plead guilty. However, Trendsetters managed to change that. The retreat chiselled through the wall around my heart; a construction that I’d been building for eighteen years, and planted a
seed of faith within the broken organ that has since refused to stop growing and repairing. Trendsetters has made me want to help it grow too, and all that’s required is a diet of prayer and mass, to strengthen my faith in God. Anju Reji, JY Melbourne
What was the best part of TS17? Meeting JY’s of the same age from different states of Australia and NZ, who were relatable, kind of on the same boat of searching for the truth about God, refreshing their faith, and having fun before heading out into the challenging world of Uni. However, the opportunity for an excellent Confession; the regular Prayer sessions,
Mass and Adoration being the centre helped keep me closely connected to God and was one of the best moments at TS17.
3 things you have been able to take away from TS17 1. 2.
Many answers to my heart questions regarding my Catholic faith. The experience of a well-prepared Confession, moving Adoration and a fully attentive Mass. The deep knowledge and love the guest speakers have for Jesus, the passion with which they proclaimed the Word of God and their personal encounters of Jesus.
Teresa Tom, JY Perth
What is 'Trendsetters'?
SYRO-M A L A BAR DI O CE S A N J E SU S Y O UTH T E AM 12 Daybreak - JY Australia Newsletter | November 2016 | Volume 08
The team was constituted to work with the parishes of the Syro Malabar Diocese. Bp Bosco has appointed Fr Sabu as the chaplain of the team. Its members are present throughout Australia and will be coordinating Jesus Youth groups and programs to support the parish priest in his pastoral plans. They will have a special focus on youth activities encouraging them to be more involved in the parishes through spiritual formation.
The team members are: Jento (Coordinator, Melbourne) RejiKotukapilly (Brisbane, Animator), Rajesh Thalapillil (Melbourne, Animator), Rojo (Adelaide), Shiju (Perth), Vijoy(Melbourne), Jasmine (Brisbane) and Fr SabuAdimakiyil (NSW, Chaplain).
FO R MA T I O N : T R UL Y A ‘FO R M’ C H A N G E R F O R JESUS YOUTH It is becoming more and more evident from experiences from various parts of the globe that formation was the change the movement needed. Unification of the vision and mission of the movement was the need of the hour and formation promises to facilitate that.
The formation plan devised by the International Formation Team ensures spiritual growth via a smooth transition through various stages.
The different courses of formation offer a naturalistic and step by step progress in the faith journey of an individual JY in line with that of a larger community with the same vision. Ranging from the Philip course which encourages a personal encounter to the missionary discipleship courses which envisage more specific roles, the package is sound and wholesome. After a period of prayerful preparation, the formation
was rolled out in Melbourne. The first Philip course was held in of March. The work of the Spirit was evident right from the word go, and it augured to be a blessing for the participants and organisers alike. Feedback from the participants reflected how it touched their hearts. One participant thrillingly testified that the course answered a lot of questions he had which other Charismatic retreats could not. Another participant
described it as life-changing specifically to experiencing the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Let us all readily suffer the pains of childbirth till Christ is formed in all Jesus Youth (Gal 4:19) Dr Abish Antony, Formation Base Team Coordinator, [Adelaide, Perth and Melbourne]
S T ANDR E W S C O U R S E St Andrews Course is a weekend training program for University students equipping them to be missionaries in their university life.
St Andrew’s was much more than I expected it to be, both emotionally and spiritually. The thought-provoking speakers and testimonies instilled a curiosity in me to learn more about my faith and my relationship with God. With a vibrant,
welcoming atmosphere I felt at home as I was introduced into a community with a passionate faith and wealth of knowledge. My journey with Jesus is forever continuing and I’m so happy I was able to take part in this experience. Stephanie Kunnel.
St Andrew's weekend was an amazing weekend to sum it up. It wasn't anything that I expected. I've been to a couple of Jesus Youth retreats, but this one threw all my expectations of JY retreats out the window. I finally learned what it means
to be a disciple of Jesus. It drove me to the realisation that I couldn't just show up to these retreats to be active in my faith, that I needed to be confident in and be working on my faith 24/7, even around my non-Catholic friends. Hanson Wilson
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Youth Vibes, Melbourne
Melbourne Youth Vibes
April 1, 2017 | Little Sisters of the Poor, Northcote The theme surrounding this month's Youth Vibes, was that of taking on a mission. Many stories were shared from people who had been on mission and all of them proved to be touching and heartfelt testimonies. The part that most deeply resonated with me were the words of Emmanuel Joseph who had gone in December on a mission to Manilla and has said: "although we might be able to send money and resources to those who are in disadvantaged situations, the only we to send them the love of god and our own love is to be there with them and show them that they’re not alone in their journey". This struck me because it certainly is true that if we send them money for them to build their own infrastructure and set up self-sustaining services that it’s better for their economy but we cannot send them our love that way. Ricky Joseph John
Family Growth Retreat April 28-30 was a jam packed long weekend filled with testimonies and inspiring sharings which challneged families to strive towards becoming a family focused on Christ. Manoj & Beena Sunny were guest speakers for this retreat held at Alexandra Heights, Alexandra.
Brisbane New Regional Council Brisbane has a new Regional Council. The new council member are: 1. Shaan Gomez (Coordinator) 2. Arun Babu (Asst. Coordinator) 3. Dijo Joy 4. Johaan M Xavier 5. Diana Sony 6. Jasmin Santhosh Reji Joseph (Animator) Fr. Alex op (Chaplin)
14 Daybreak - JY Australia Newsletter | November 2016 | Volume 08
Canberra New Regional Council The JY Canberra Reconstitution took place on the 11th of Feb 2017. The newly elected Team consists of: Roby Ray Joshua (Coordinator) Niju Varghese (Ast coordinator) BabithaGeevarghese Anju Cyriac Joly P Jose Nimin Joy Suresh Jose (Animator) Mary Jacob (Animator)
‘Ablaze’ A 3 day Family Retreat was held from April 24-26 in Narrabundah hall. The Retreat was conducted by Manoj Sunny and Beena Manoj who focused on how to grow as Christ-centered families and helped form a vision towards their family mission and commitment to church.
JY @ Youth&Vocations Expo, Brisbane
Instagrace: Teens Retreat A three-day retreat called Instagrace was held for teens from Yr. 9 to Yr. 12. The program was conducted at Green Hills Centre, Stromlo ACT from 19– 22 April. Archbishop Christopher Prowse was our main guest for our program. The invited speakers who supported the entire program were Cyril & Litty, Ellen Hales and Sarah Pinto. The speakers led the children to a deep encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Perth Kids Way of the Cross JY Perth kids ministry conducted a Way of the Cross for and by kids at Schoenstatt Shire Armadale
Hours of Grace @ Charles Darwin University, Darwin. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28 ‘Hours of Grace 2017’ Eucharistic Adorations being true to its title was indeed the Hours of Grace, silence and peace; I needed for quite some time. It was a beautiful
and a reassuring experience, sitting and meditating in front of the Blessed Sacrament and being able to feel the plethora of emotions that we tend to numb out these days. It is said that ‘Silence is God’s first language’. It’s in silence that God reveals himself and reveals what’s in our heart. And it was in
Jesus Youth Re-commitment day is for it's members to deepen their call to discipleship through pledging their commitment to the movement and faith formation. The commitments taken during the ceremony are to follow the six pillars of Jesus Youth movement, praying the Jesus Youth Prayer every day and
undergoing the faith formation by Jesus Youth. In 2017, members of the movement took commitment/re-commitment in 7 cities across Australia. In most cities the ceremony was conducted on the Pentecost Day.
these few hours of silence and praying that I found the hope, strength and peace of mind I had been seeking. The Adoration reassured me that - even when we don’t know how to express our thoughts, our worries and intentions and no matter how broken we may feel, Jesus will listen and understand and give us
the strength we need. He will comfort and console. Offer it all to Him, and he will work miracles amid the brokenness. -Sharon Shibu About her experience of participating in HOG 2017 in Perth.
JE SU S YO U TH SU MME R E XCHANGE Jesus Youth National Exchange Program 2016 was a fantastic experience as we consider it as a spiritual, fun holiday. Through the nineday journey, we met many JY families and saw how they lived their day-to-day lives. We were amazed as we were welcomed into their home as if we were their family. Part of the big wide JY family. This trip has provided us with an opportunity to recall and refresh our experience that initiated our journey into faith and Jesus Youth.
We had fun sharing our experience and listening to the experience of the JY families. Through their testimonies, we were able to understand the importance of the Word of God and personal prayer. We were fortunate to go sightseeing to Surfers Paradise in Gold Coast, Marian Valley and Brisbane City. We are blessed to be the pioneers of Jesus Youth Australia National Summer Exchange Program. Ebina & Ginelle
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The association strives to cultivate in its members a life of missionary discipleship, urging them to become joyful witnesses of the Gospel in the contemporary world. 7.
CONTRIBUTE Every year, Jesus Youth reaches out to hundreds of youth and teens across not just Australia, but also in our mission places in PNG and Nauru. By the grace of God, these young people are able to encounter Christ, grow in discipleship and ultimately experience the beauty of the Church, through our many initiatives. We are forever grateful for all the prayers that are offered on our behalf. We also encourage you to consider a regular financial contribution to the Movement, so that we may be able to continue reaching out and spreading the Good News.