SMEStorage Cloud File Server for the SMB business: More than just Cloud Storage
How SMEStorage Cloud File Server is more than just Cloud Storage: SMEStorage Cloud File Server is not a pure play storage solution. Most storage solutions are silo’d and the vendors sole motivation is to sell you more storage. SMEStorage Cloud File Server take as a different approach. It provide a Cloud File Server just like the one that used to sit in the corner of your office except it now resides in the Cloud. It allows you to plug in your own storage and information clouds so that you can manage them from a single files system. These can be public storage clouds and private storage clouds ie. The local files that you store somewhere in your office. If you don’t have any storage or also require public storage for Archive or backup then SMEStorage can provide storage on you preferred Cloud, by default it uses Amazon S3 object Storage system.
How SMEStorage Cloud File Server promotes business agility and productivity The Cloud File Server help make SMB business more agile. and productive The “File Server in the Cloud” approach provides true “always on” access and the mobility solutions that are available to access your files are truly all encompassing – iPhone / iPad, Android, Windows Mobile 7, and BlackBerry native clients. This is not to forget the native desktop integration for Windows Mac and Linux systems. Each Operating system gets native integration at a drive level effectively bringing the Cloud into a users desktop.
Administering a Cloud File Server The Cloud File Server can be administered just like a normal fileserver. You can setup users, assign shared folders, set permissions, set notifications, track file events (audit) and GEO Locations, and much more.
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Managing the information explosion The SMEStorage Cloud File Server is set to help you manage the information explosion. Most companies and users have more than one information Clouds. This may be more traditionally what is referred to as Storage Clouds but there are other Clouds, such as email, and social Clouds such as Evernote and Instapaper. SMEStorage enables you to aggregate your storage and information clouds and easily manage the data from one virtual cloud files system.
Using with existing Storage such as ReadyNas SMEStorage SaaS or on-premise solution can easily work with your existing storage using WebDav. This means you can make your own internal storage easily accessible from the plethora of desktop and mobile clients that SMEStorage supports. To know more about how individual professionals, businesses and resellers and ISP’s have benefited using the Cloud File Server, visit now, and specifically the Cloud File Server home page at:
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