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letter from the Estate Manager

Greetings Homeowners!

I trust that you have had a great start to the new year. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your beloved ones well for the new year.

As we welcome the new year, we gladly welcome some changes in estate. I would like to welcome Bomikazi Gangxa to the Blue Hills Equestrian Office in her capacity as the office administrator. Bomikazi has been in training and is able to assist you will your administrative requests. A contact number for her will be distributed shortly.

The landscaping upgrade on Mopani Road has been completed. STM, the external service provider who is responsible for the upgrade is currently maintaining the area. The landscaping upgrade is in accordance with the discussion held during the AGM. STM will be moving into the estate to the corner beds and to the Contractor’s gate thereafter.

Most homeowners would have noticed work has started around the tennis court area. The estate has approved for drainage to be installed around the courts as water and moisture has caused damage to the courts. The one tennis court will be resurfaced while the other will be converted to a multi court. The sports included will be soccer, basketball, and Netball. We are hoping the kids will love this. Lighting has also been included in the upgrade for the courts.

Work on the contractor’s gate had processed well towards the end of 2022, however we have not seen great improvement in January. We are hoping to see the completion of the new gate towards the end of February 2023. I will keep you posted!!

Now that operations have resumed onsite, the reality is that contractors are also back onsite. We’d like to request that homeowners ensure that your contractors familiarize themselves with the rules and guidelines of the estate. The rules will be enforced stringently henceforth. You are welcome to contact the Estate office should you require any information. Not knowing the rules is no excuse!

Speeding within the estate is still a huge concern despite the installation of the speed signage around the estate. Residents are reminded that this is a community and that we need to be mindful of those around us. Speeding puts those around us at great risk. The speed limit within the estate is strictly 40km per hour. Homeowners are also reminded that they are responsible for their visitors, employees and contractors. Offenders will be penalised in accordance with the estate penalty schedule. Continued transgression of the estate guidelines have resulted in the responsible parties being escorted out of the estate and in some instances access even being denied in the interest of the safety at the estate.

Our landscaping company have been hard at work trying to maintain the estate as best as they can taking into count the heat waves and the recent level 1 water restrictions.

Homeowners are advised that you may not water gardens during the day with municipal water due to the water restrictions. Watering is permitted before 6am and after 6pm until further notice from municipality.

Constructions stands need to ensure regular sweeping of the roads as the roads are in need of much attention currently. Construction stands also need to ensure regular grass cutting, fence maintenance and rubble removal from their stands.

There are an increasing number of pets that have been found either roaming the estate or escaping their stands unaccompanied by owners. Owners must ensure that fencing is adequate to secure your pets within your properties and to take the necessary precautions when entering and exiting your property. Pet owners are also required to clean up after their pets especially when they defecate on the common area.

Stands are reminded that pets need to have identification tags on their collars. Let your pet not be a bone of contention between you, your neighbours and other owners, residents or visitors. The board of directors shall have the right to prohibit, restrict and control the keeping or removal of any pet which they regard as dangerous or a nuisance to other residents of the estate.

I am extremely happy to advise that there were no security breaches within the estate during the last year and the festive period. We encourage you to be vigilant and take the necessary precautionary measures for your home, well-being and your possessions.

The estate still offers a “follow me home service”. Homeowners may call the security control room on 010 109 0935 or 076 904 5511 to arrange with a security reaction officer to follow them to the estate entrance from an agreed location. Homeowners however will need to call at least 15mins in advance to arrange for the service unless in the case of emergency. Terms and conditions apply.

Homeowners are reminded that the biometric system is fully operational. Kindly contact the estate manager for an appointment to enrol on the system. For those residents who children go to the school, their children and or helpers will also need to be re-registered at the office since the system has changed. As of 01 February 2022, the school gate will no longer be opened, users will need to be registered on the system for access. In the case of minors, parents, guardians or helpers / employees who accompany the child to school will need to be registered on the system.

Kindly note, pedestrians who use the main entrance are required to use the turnstiles and not the booms, even if you are a resident. Those residents who use the contractors gate for access are required to use the biometric readers or their phones for the automated booms. The manual boom is not permitted to be used.

As a reminder, there are several stands who have completed their construction but have not arranged for their Completion Certificates. Homeowners can contact Studios Architects to arrange for a final inspection of their property and to arrange for their Completion Certificate. inspections@studious.co.za

A friendly note, if you are not in possession of a Completion Certificate your stand is considered a construction stand in terms of the estate and will still be liable for a late building penalty. This still applies if you are living in your home and are in possession of an Occupation Certificate from council.

Security is an integral part of the estate and requires a holistic approach. Unfortunately, our guards are being abused for performing their duties which is unacceptable. Security works under certain protocols and any requests or arrangements that deviate from these protocols needs to be made via the appropriate channels. We appeal to homeowners to not vent your frustrations onto the guards and to please be mindful that the guards are acting upon instruction. You may contact the estate manager or the onsite control room to make the relevant arrangements timeously. Homeowners are requested to contact the control room as per the numbers provided should you wish to contact security for promote assistance.

General consideration by all residents for each other will greatly assist in achieving a happy community and a pleasant environment. Harmonious community living is only achieved when residents can use and enjoy their private property as well as the public areas of the estate while not negatively impacting fellow residents.

Please be vigilant at all times and report any suspicions to the office or to security.

Kind regards,

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