Top important seo factors to keep in mind while designing a website

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Top 4 SEO factors every web developers should keep in mind Every brand everywhere is looking for all the best ways out there to promote their business, and what is the most lucrative means right now? It’s the web ofcourse! That is why you see and hear every one talking about SEO, because it is through SEO that your websites are going to reach anywhere good on this web. So, to get your website on the “Good” let’s have a look at the four key factors that affect your website’s SEO strongly. Dominate with your Domain First and foremost, one of the main things of getting your SEO right is choosing the right domain name for your website. A domain name plays an important role in all your SEO related works, and it can also be said as your address on the web (just like your company’s address on the physical world). Hence, it is mandatory to remember that it represents your brand. So, get wise and come-up with a suggestive name that highlights you, your services, or your brand itself – which is why most companies use their brand/company name (because it usually comprises of all those factors) as their domain name. Another strong reason for choosing your “company’s name” would be because that’s going to be your strongest keyword for SEO. Having your primary keyword on the domain is thus going to kick-start your SEO process onwords in the right direction. While creating a domain name it is always suggested that you try to keep it as unique as possible (i.e. irrespective of your brand or product name), simply because it helps people remember your brand better, and that keeps it easy for them to help you spread through words and mouth. Also keep it short. One more factor that influences the Google when it comes to domains is that, the older your domain the more its preference by the search engine, because it thinks that older the domain the more established the organization is. So, definitely if you have already got an existing domain, then you are going to do better by optimizing it than going with a newer one.

The Key to Keywords Keywords have always been the catch point of working with SEO, and that stays strong inspite of what some might say. It means from the title, the headers, to the footer and tags one must maintain the play with keywords but, always stay

within the density limit, because that’s very important when it comes to Google thinking it as legit or stuffed. Keywords are the essence to working with SEO for your website; so, taking time to think them through and working out how competent your words are going to be, is vital, as for an example some top brands are going to be already leading on certain keyword searches, it may not be sensible to target those keywords immediately, however, it may not stay the same throughout. So, you must be constantly on to the updates and keep yourself engaged with the current scenarios. So, how do you analyze which keywords might work and which may not? To do that you will need to first concentrate on the ones that directly relate to your brand, your services, etc., but these words would already have heavy competition from significantly stronger and older websites. What’s best that you can do at this stage would be to think laterally and search for openings in related phrases (e.g. if “web designing” is your term, then you can lookout for “web designing services”, “best website designing” and so on). To assist you with this research, use either the free (Google Keyword Tool, Google Adwords Traffic Estimator, SEO Book, etc) or paid (SEO Moz, Keyword Discovery, etc) tools; you will eventually hit on few that casts your website to the limelight. With newer Google algorithms, you can concentrate on long-tail keywords as well, which are actually keywords that are laid out to form a conversational or searchable sentence that are similar to how users actually search using Google search engine. Contents that Content Google “Content is always the King” with that said, who do you write those contents for though – the Google or the People? This has to be one of those dreadful questions for which you will get insurmountably contradicting answers; but then, that’s why it is so important as well. Arguably, can you provide a 100% new content every time you post that like how Google seeks? Probably not, but then how can Google ask for it and how do people achieve it? That’s the secret of using content for SEO. For that you need to first understand Google Search Algorithm. Google’s algorithm, on every newer updated seem to make changes on to how the bot crawls through your content in order to provide the searcher the best results. So, there you have it, Google ultimately (even though it may look completely out of proposition) is working on providing the “people” with the best possible results for their every search. So, you understand to whom you must be concentrating the contents for? Google will keep updating its algorithm until it achieve this purpose, and if you are going to write content for a particular algorithm then you are most probably in trouble when the next update changes the basic. So, ultimately concentrate on giving the visitors your best contents. Best contents can be defined as something that is Original or Unique or give the visitors a better understanding of the subject it tries to clarify. It is also time that you understand the difference between the Original and the Unique contents. What qualifies as an original content is something that is written about a completely new discovery, a research, etc., and is submitted to the web – a piece of knowledge that is never before written; whereas a unique content can be said as something that is already available on the web but is explained to the people in your own words, so that it provides a unique point of view. Now that you have a better understanding of the SEO functions of your written contents, let’s have a look at other stuffs related to content posting that can help boost your page ranking. They include added stuffs like related images, graphs, charts, and more; things to add uniqueness and catch flairs to your posted contents. While you at it, also watch out for ignored punctuations, grammar and spelling mistakes on you written content, as they could dampen your content’s quality.

Get Social with Social Media The next most critical part of today’s SEO is engaging with the social media, as the algorithms seem to concentrate more and more on the satisfaction of the visitors, they are now directly looking into how well your contents do on the social media. Getting a like on Facebook, a retweet on Twitter or a +1 on Google+ is going to be greatly appreciated by Google. Conclusion All these four factors crucially affect how your websites performance with the search engines; ensuring that you concentrate on providing fresh and unique contents on all these fronts will clearly accelerate your position and page ranking on the search results. When you are ready to SEO your website, you can do all those steps by yourself or get an expert web designing company to do it for you!

Author Bio: This article is written by Deepak Vasan, a passionate writer with fondness towards the new and exciting changes happening to the digital space – especially the spaces occupied by the web and app development industries. He works as Technical Writer at K2B Solutions.

K2B Solutions, No.5, Lakshmi Ammal Street, Ayavoo Colony, Aminjikarai, Chennai – 600029.Contact No: +1 (860) 730 3280, 9600007006

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