Grand Portia's Newsrelease - Kezia Elsty

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Sep-Dec 2013

We’ll always be there wherever you are


The Most Awaited Moment of The Year Christmas and New Year Edition

Special Year-End Promotion Experience Year_End Moment with Grand Portia : Let’s Make Gingerbread Christmas Decoration New Year’s Eve Fireworks Party

Grand Portia’s Achiements Grand Portia committed to Social and Green Involvement

Table of Content 03

General Manager’s Foreword

04 06

Special Year-End Promotion Just For You



Experience Year-End Moment with Grand Portia

Grand Portia Hotel’s Achievements

09 10

Glance of Grand Portia Hotel

Did You Know That ...

Grand Portia Committed to Social and Green Involvement


Dear guest, Christmas will come soon and not longer after that we will end the 2013 year. Time goes so fast and here we are in the most awaited moment of the year. Many things will come through our mind if we talk about year-end holiday moments. Start from the the famous Santa Claus, Christmas tree, mistletoe, until fireworks, all these things couldn’t be separated from the Christmas and New Year Celebration. In the next few pages you will know many upcoming attractive offers and events that The Grand Portia Hotel will present. We will be pleased to spend these amazing year-end moments with all our beloved guests. We will make you all fell so close to Christmas and New Year feeling that you will never forget. From the decoration, to the service and the delicacies such as the savory delight like roast turkey and the sweets such as gingerbread, eggnog and many others mouthwatering delicacies. Furthermore there are some update news from the hotel and we are exciting to share will all of our guests. We present all those memories and experiences just for you and we hope you’ll always keep in your heart whereever you go. Because we are The Grand Portia Hotel, we’ll always be there wherever you are.

Kezia Elsty General Manager Grand Portia Hotel


Glance o f Grand P

ortia Hot el

Grand Portia Hotel is a business hotel that located in strategic location in West Jakarta. Grand Portia Hotel is a business hotel with eco-friendly concept, a perfect place for guest to stay and relax in the middle of the hustle bustle Jakarta City.

Grand Portia Hotel has total 100 rooms -Grand Superior -Portia Deluxe -Grand Portia Suite -Residence of Portia

1.900.000 IDR 2.100.000 IDR 2.599.000 IDR 2.999.000 IDR

*All rates are subject to 21% Government Tax & Service Charge

Grand S uperior

Experience Your Dining at Our Restaurants Portia and Two Restaurant (Buffet Restaurant) 2nd floor operation hour : 07.00-21.00 Twenty Sky Restaurant and Cafe at 20th floor operation hour : 10.00-23.00


ortia Hotel P d n a r G f o e Glanc Grand Portia Hotel Facilities’ ready to accomodate your needs Grand Portia’s Function Rooms There are 3 Grand Portia Meeting Rooms and 2 Grand Portia Ballrooms that ready to accomodate more than 1.000 guests

es are

Faciliti Others

ce en Terra d r a G p Roof To tia Lounge or Grand P usiness Centre sB 24 hour undr y Express La Express Pool Centre vice Fitness ntal Ser e R r a C d Valet an

For further information, reservation and promotion please contact our marketing staff (021) 580 7771 Grand Portia Hotel Jalan Raya Taman Aries No.1-5 Jakarta Barat 11610, Indonesia Telp. (021)5807777 Fax (021) 5807788


Special Year-End Promotion Just For You

Culinary Promotion Enjoy Wonderful Christmas Dining Experience at Portia and Two Restaurant with Special Christmas menus from 23-26th December 2013. You can Enjoy one whole Roast Whole Turkey for only 125.000 IDR. Don’t miss 35 % Discount using BCA platinum card at Twenty Sky Restaurant and Cafe from 15-31 December 2013

Room Offers

Stay at Grand Portia Suite between 23-25 December 2013 and you will get the one pax free Special Christmas Dinner on 25 December 2013. Spend your Christmas time with your family at Residence of Portia during 15-31 December and you’ll get one mini Gingerbread parcel and free two pax Special Christmas Dinners on 25 December 2013


Grand Portia Hotel Telp. (021)5807777 Fax (021) 5807788

Experience Year-End moment with Grand Portia Is it pos Let’s Make Ginge rbread sib your ow le to make gin gerbrea n? It is p d by os Gingerb read. Yo sible, so Let’s M u involve ake could d in the making Gingerb of Gian re t Portia L ad that would be exhib obby du ring Ch ristmas it on the Grand time. If you w ant to jo in, plea least un se regis til 30 O tered yo ctob Grand P urself a ortia’s g er 2013 (appli t es only uests) for

ecoration Christmas D

cember 2013, se to you. During De clo so as tm ris Ch e th u room Feel ristmas Santa and yo Ch a as s es dr d ul wo our staff You’ll could Christmas ornament. will be decorated with bby ever y as Live Music at the lo tm ris Ch e th y jo en o als . So, what are you weekend at 07.00 p.m d Portia Hotel and waiting for, stay Gran as experience that enjoy all the Christm you’ll never forget.

New Year’s Eve Fireworks Party

Imperceptibly , the end of th e year 2013 Spend the New will come soo Year ’s Eve with n. Grand Portia at Restaurant an o ur Twenty Sky d C af e. There will b e Fireworks Par on the roof to ty p garden terrac e above the Jakarta’s beau tiful night sky and get one fr beverage for ev ee er y guest who stay in our hotel and join the party duri ng that date. Your New Year ’s eve will never be the same agai n.


Grand Portia Hotel’s Achievements Recently in 2013, the readers of TTG (Travel Trade Gazette) Asia voted Grand Portia Hotel, West Jakarta as ‘Best Business Hotel’. Clinching this coveted award is evidence of Grand Portia Hotel dedication towards commitment and service

It is an honor for Grand Portia Hotel, recently we has voted to be the winner of Indonesia Leading Green and Business Hotel 2013 in the event of Indonesia Travel and Tourism Indonesia 2013/2014. Thank you for all the votings and support.

l... e t o H ia t r o P d n a r G Support een tel in winning National Gr Support Grand Portia Ho inM eaded by the Indonesia Hotel award 2013 spearh en tive Economy, we are chos istry of Tourism and Crea to be one of the finalist.


“Did You Know That . . . Grand Portia Hotel as eco-friendly hotel, we are really co ncern about environment. We are recycle rainwater using the technology from USA called The Freeflow Water Re cycling System that could collect an d store rainwater. Instead of letting rainwater just flow w ithout using it, Grand Portia Hote l could used the recycle water to supply water need in the entire hotel such as flush the toilet, water ing our gardens and plants, an d for other washing needs. We co uld feel good knowing we are help ing the environment, recycli ng water and conser ving water. Fo r all guest stay in this hotel, thank you that you all also helping the environment. business a is Hotel ia rt o P o ec -friendly Grand the offer West at th of hotel heart the in can’t t en m environ environment sy u B rand G Jakarta. Jakarta, from lax ed re at d ar p an se calm be rovide the ia p rt o to P y d n tr Gra Portia our guests. l at al th r a fo rt ka ce ambien w hotel in Ja ly of the very fe u would rare Hotel is one l garden. Yo al . w ty d ci an sy e u b ac f iddle o m arden terr g e p th to in f o lly d ro provide us especia r of Hotel an dly hotel like the 20th floo n o d te ca lo find eco-frien e our hotel. garden terrac you stay at en h w t en Our roof top m calm environ feel the green





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REN IN Grand P NEED ortia Ho tel supp goods a o nd mon rt socia l organis ey breakfa a st produ : bread and ot her bak tion by donatin cts that to sever ed good g both are not al orpha s fr sold are na events, picked u om our Grand P ge Karang Ten pa ortia Ho g children tel tr y to ah and Cengka nd then distrib by orga reng are uted raise aw nising e han a. For arne vent to events in s like baking La ss for social pro special ming jects help sev Jakarta. All pro ton Cake for Ra for ceeds a eral orp madre th han Jakarta. So wait age and Rumah en donated for ano Singgah and ma the ke sure in you invo r social involve need. ment lve to h elp othe rs in


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