K9 DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING - Sydney Australia Mail or call us today
✆0414-088-128 k9trainingaustralia@gmail.com
When you Travel How to Care About Your Dog? Everyday pet owner are facing lot of problem for traveling with animals so lots of people are depending local dog kennel or boarding’s for his puppy safety. Most of the people going with dog traveling other city or other location that time pets have many health issues suffer. When you decide travel with your pets some important factors are maximum 100 kilometers bellow you travel with your dog because long journey is dangerous for your pets. Time to time eats and drinking your dog and your vehicle glass open for fresh oxygen.
After you reached your destination proper care your pets and when you come back go to your regular vet for normal check up. When you think about Dog Boarding
Sydney organization some important factors are before you join check organization reputation for your local markets. Dogs will not understand a sentence and will on pick up on the inflection of a syllable. i. e. you might say to your dog “I want you to sit”. He will only comprehend the last part of the word sit, which is “It”. The dog will sit because he has been trained to understand what those two letters mean. However your dog will also sit if you say “I want you to fit”. The way we deliver the command, and then physically make the dog respond, ties the action required to the command given. We back these commands with praise or correction to enforce their queered response. As a dog owner you try to your dog training for your responsibly when join a training program check your command should be delivered 1second before expecting a response and correction or praise should be given no longer than 1 second after the right or wrong response. If the timing is any longer your dog many no longer associating the command with the exercise and become confused with what is expected from him.
Prepare yourself. This means thinking about the action you are about to ask your dog to carry out. If it is “sit” exercise you should expect him to sit when you say the command. Select the right command and say the command using a tone of voice and with inflection your dog is familiar with. Once you have applied the command let him have time to respond. This should take no longer than 1 sec.
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If he responds you should then apply either verbal or physical praise or both depending on the situation. If he does not respond you should apply a correction (this will be tempered to match his age, physical size and mental strength) after allowing the same time for response. You will develop an individual Dog Obedience training Central
Coast, one that suits your own physical and learning ability. The principles of training taught will always remain the same no matter which dog you work with, but they can be applied with individuality. For more details about dog behaviour training just move on
www.dogobedience.com.au Contact Us
K9 DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING Gosford, Central Coast, 2250 New South Wales, Australia T: 0414-088-128 Email: k9trainingaustralia@gmail.com Web: www.dogobedience.com.au
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