Why you need best dog trainer for your pets?

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Why you need best dog trainer for your pets? Dog Training is the unique world that involves the relationship between humans and dogs. It is important to get the relationship right; this involves the harmony and balance in between humans and dogs. A Professional Dog Trainer is experienced in developing this relationship. One of the key areas that a professional dog trainer should speak to owners of dogs about is “Pack Law”.

Pack Law is about the way a dog sees and interacts in the world today. Dog’s even though, though out selective breeding and dog training, a dog is domesticated. A dog still retains all of its primitive instincts, to varying degrees. One of those instincts is the survival of the pack. Your dog believes it has a role in the survival in its pack. Which now has human members and

leaders, a dog knows that a pack must have a strong leader and if the dog sees a weakness in the human leader, it may try to fill the role of the leader of the pack. But being a pack leader is not just being the boss and forcing your will on others. It’s about taking responsibility, not only for who does what, but sorting things out when things go wrong. A leader protects the pact and ensures that each member is comfortable and happy.

If you are the pack leader, you are taking on the total responsibility for the dog welfare. This means you have a duty to understand your dog and learn how your dog sees the world. A dog which sees its owner/s as pack leaders will respect and follow you without question. A good pack leader will not bully or hound the dog and force him to stay inferior. By becoming educated in canine (dog) related behavior and information, you will automatically act as a pack leader.

Why is this so important to be a good pack leader? A dog who thinks he is the pack leader will start to make their own decisions, they will become out of control and in general start acting likes a spoilt child, dog acting like this will try all manner of things to get their own way. In today’s society having an out of control dog may become an extreme liability not only socially but legally. A well behaved obedient and compliant dog is a pleasure to own and in general much happier than one which is in conflict with its owner and human society.

Dogs are a different species of animal to humans; they appear to share similar social structure to humans, which allows them to fit in so well with human society. But they most certainly view the world differently. It is important for good pack law, if the owner/s of the dog is unsure or not

familiar with the dog’s world on how they view it. An experienced professional dog trainer is a blessing. It helps educate not only dog owner’s but sets up positive habits but sets up the pack in the family environment, which can only lead to good Dog

Training Sydney.

We at K9 TRAINING use a PROVEN staged training system ensuring 99% success rate of all dogs trained. Each of the stages is tailor made to each dog. Every dog is an individual and no two dogs are exactly the same. Why apply one training technique, when that training technique just doesn't work for every dog. The system is dog friendly, no harsh methods and is a humane system for training dogs. 1st STAGE: Teaching in Positive Reinforcement/ Reward base: Before you can expect your dog to complete a command, the dog must learn exactly what the command means and what is being asked of the dog. This is achieved by giving the dog a positive motivating experience.

2nd STAGE: Training Phase: Once your dog understands and has been taught how to do an exercise, it must then be trained over and over until it becomes a habit. Dogs learn through repetition, motivation and praise, so when the command is given the dog completes the task every time.

3rd STAGE: Proofing (Distraction phase) Once your dog has completed the training phase and is well trained, Proofing is applied by tempting or distracting during exercises. Examples of this are: The dog must not move from the command with distraction put in place i.e. tennis ball rolled past, another person enters the training area etc. 4th STAGE: Final Phase Your dog is now, your best friend, happy, confident and controlled a pleasure to have. You will be the envy of the neighbors and your friends. The problems of old are no longer. Imagine no more jumping on you, not getting dragged down the road, your dog not running away and no more nuisance barking. Imagine the smile on your face.

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Contact Us

K9 DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING Gosford, Central Coast, 2250 New South Wales, Australia T: 0414-088-128 Email: k9trainingaustralia@gmail.com Web: www.dogobedience.com.au

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