4 minute read
Western Australian News
from 2023 March K9online
December and January have been quiet for shows in WA. We only had a couple of shows over New Year and then nothing until the end of January.
On 31 December 2022 and 1 January 2023 the Dobermann Club of WA conducted two Championship Shows with a mix of both interstate and local judges. General Specials at the show on the 31st was judged by Tim Thomas from Queensland and Best in Show was awarded to Rick and Kathryn Berwick’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Sup Ch Sennen Oops I Did It Again.

Runner-up Best Neuter was Denise Ball’s Dobermann, Ch & Neut Ch Aegis Harley Quinn.
The second show had General Specials judged by Mr Duncan McAllister from Queensland. Best in Show went to Jo Kramer’s Whippet, Ch Arjai Heart of Glass.

On 27, 28 and 29 January the Canine Fund Raisers committee conducted three shows, once again using a combination of both interstate and local judges.
At the first show (run in the 1-4 system) General Specials was judged by Mrs Helen Weil from Qld who awarded Best in Show to Debbie Wilkes’ & Paige Hopkins’ American Cocker Spaniel, Sup Ch Staryanks Heir Apparent.

Berwick’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Sup Ch Sennen Oops I Did It Again.
Runner-up Best in Show was Jenny Whitney’s Pug, Sup Ch Kabova Courage Unda Fire.
Best in Show Neuter, at his first show weekend in about two to three years and first weekend in Neuter, was the Standard Poodle, Ch Sylvenus Armd W Attitude owned by Mark & Jeni Sach.
Best Neuter in Show was Julie Harris and Ashlea Stanton’s Shetland Sheepdog, Neut Gr Ch Luri keen Talkn About My Girl.
The second show was run in the usual manner and Best in Show was judged by Mr David Weil (Qld). Mr Weil awarded Best in Show to Ms A Lewis & Mr P & Mrs R Bacich’s Afghan Hound, Ch Aviva Vampire Tetra (AI).

Runner-up Best in Show Neuter was again Julie Harris and Ashlea Stanton’s Shetland Sheepdog.

Linda Buckley (ACT) judged General Specials at the final show for the weekend which was once again run in the 1-4 format. Best in Show this time was awarded to Tracy Roberts’ German Shepherd Dog, Ch Dewalt Domino.

Runner-up Best in Show was again the Bernese Mountain Dog owned by Rick & Kathryn Berwick.

Club ran their first show weekend of the year. They conducted three shows over three nights with an interstate judging panel. The first show was judged in the 1-4 format and had General Specials judged by Ms C Rafton (NSW). Best in Show was awarded to Rick & Kathryn Berwick’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Sup Ch Sennen Oops I Did It Again.
Best Neuter in Show was Julie Harris and Ashlea Stanton’s Sheltie once again.

Special mention for the weekend results goes to Justine Boreham with her young Greyhound, Ch Kanati Storm Magic (AI) who in his last show in Puppy at the first show was awarded his first Best in Group award and at only his second show in Junior was Best in Group 2nd. I’m sure there are many more great wins in this team’s future.

Runner-up Best in Show was Karlyermai Kennels’ Australian Silky Terrier, Sup Ch Karlyermai Gotta Bea Rokstar.
On the first weekend in February Fremantle Dog

The Shetland Sheepdog this time going Runner-up Best Neuter in Show.
Best Neuter in Show was Julie Harris & Ashlea Stanton’s Shetland Sheepdog, Neut Gr Ch Lurikeen Talkn About My Girl.
The second show was run in the normal format and General Specials was judged by Jo Rasche from South Australia. Best in Show was again awarded to the Bernese Mountain Dog. This time Runner-up Best in Show was awarded to Pam Campbell’s Whippet, Harroway Sublime.

Mr Guy Spagnolo (NSW) judged General Specials at the final show, which was once again judged in the 1-4 format. He awarded Best in Show to Debra Turner’s Golden Retriever, Gr Ch Parkridge Its All About Me. The Bernese Mountain Dog was this time Runner-up Best in Show.

Best Neuter in Show was Jackie Cook’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Neut Ch & Ch Staffegan Gems Pride.
Best Baby in Show was Kym Prendergast’s Maltese, Pender Eye Candy.
Best Puppy was Kris & Jordyn Black’s Siberian Husky, Inuusik About Damn Time.
The Shetland Sheepdog was once again Best Neuter in Show.

On 18 and 19 February the Albany All Breeds Dog Club held the first of their two show weekends for the year. Mr Ben Luxton (SA) and Mrs J

Armatys (Qld) were the judges. Mr Luxton judged General Specials on the Saturday and awarded Sandria Einam’s Australian Kelpie, Gr Ch Huntarush Blossom Point, Best in Show.

Runner-up Best in Show was Desiree & Steve Case’s Siberian Husky, Dencasstique Takeme To the Bank (AI).
On Friday and Saturday, 24 & 25 February Hills
Kennel Club of WA ran two championship shows with interstate and one NZ judge. General Specials at the first show was judged by Mr Ashley Reid from Victoria who awarded Best in Show to Pamela Campbells Whippet, Ch Harroway Sublime, handled by Steve Warry.

On the Sunday Mrs Armatys also awarded Best in Show to Sandria Einam’s Kelpie.
Runner-up Best in Show this time was Vansitar Dobermann’s Vansitar Glimmer In The Fire (AI) (IID NZL)).
Best Neuter at both shows was Ashlea Stanton and Julie Harris’s Shetland Sheepdog, Neut Gr Ch
Lurikeen Talkn About My Girl.
Runner-up Best in Show was Blackboy Kennels’ Labrador Retriever, Sup Ch Blackboy Absolut Viktor (AI).
Best Neuter in Show was Jodie Delaney’s Yorkshire Terrier, Neut Ch Yetholme Lunas Snowpea. Runner-up Best Neuter in Show was Mark & Jeni Sach’s Standard Poodle, Ch Sylvenus Armd W Attitude.

On the Saturday night Mr Glenn Wilshier stepped in to judge General Specials in place of his wife, Jodie, who unfortunately fell ill. For Best in Show Mr Wilshier chose Sue Van Dinter’s Shetland Sheepdog, Sup Ch Sunland Star Witness.
Runner-up Best in Show went to Chelsey Primrose & Rodney Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Sup Ch Miniatura Ember Rain.
Best Neuter in Show was Denise Ball’s Dobermann, Ch & Neut Ch Aegis Harley Quinn.
Runner-up Best Neuter in Show was Jackie Cook’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Neut Ch Staffegan Gems Pride.
The coming weekend is a long weekend in WA and is our big Western Classic weekend featuring international judges and lots of stalls. More on this next issue!
If anybody has news they wish to share please either PM me on Facebook or email me at kaasha@ aapt.net.au
Jeni Sach