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On Friday 20th March, like every other school across the country, KAA had to close it doors due to the COVID-19 lockdown in the UK.

On Monday 23rd March we launched KAA@Home lessons using Google Classroom on our KAA Online portal. The academy issued over 500 chromebooks to students who needed them in the first week, followed by over 40 Wifi internet dongles to support students in accessing their learning online.


Students showed incredible resilience and excellence attending Google Meet seminars and completing their Google Classroom lessons in order to continue their education during this difficult time.

Students completed 65,826 individual sessions on KAA@Home between 20 March and the end of the summer term. This included 585 individual active Google Classrooms, 23, 982 lessons posted by teachers, and 2,764 individual Google Meet seminars, virtual mentoring sessions, tutorials and form time meets.

In addition to these timetabled virtual lessons, students have competed in numerous interim house competitions, contributed to the virtual summer art exhibition, recorded new episodes of KAA News and created new choir performances to share with the school community. Without a doubt, our students have exhibited our core values of resilience, excellence, creativity and citizenship in the way they have dealt with the circumstances this term. Whilst all of the staff at KAA are looking forward to seeing our students back at school in September, we are also very proud of the way our students have risen to the challenge of learning online for the latter half of this year.

Our thanks must also go to our fantastic IT department and committed teachers for the creation of our online school.

Above: KAA@Home lessons via Google Classroom went live on Monday 23 March

Below: In addition to the provision of timetabled lessons, students & staff have also participated in Year 6 & Year 12 induction day lessons and transition work, as well as the Anti -Racism lessons & podcasts made available in the Sum2.

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