Architectural Design Portfolio

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DESIGN MANIFESTO The exercise was to advertise ourselves in architectural magazines. It gave us a moment to think about who we were, and our capabilities At that point of time. The intent was also to look at the different architectural magazines available.

Sit in a quiet , comfortable place, where you can relax and think about yourself, the thoughts that pass by in the sub-conscious mind, the past, present and the future.

OBITUARY This is how the semester started. Many a things have changed at the present day, still this exercise gave us an opportunity to look at what we wanted to be.

MY DEFINITION Here i put forward what I've understood about design and architecture. Also i quote two other interesting definitions of the same.

Theory of Design

An exercise done during the first semester of my third year.


Residence Design Residence Design Done as part of our Second year First Semester Studio Program, the brief was to design an Iconic House for ourselves. The project aimed at showcasing our iconic character in the form of a Residence.

Residence Design

IGBC-Design Competition IGBC-Design Competition- Brief Albert Einstein is known to have said “The onli source of knowledge is exherience�. It is now time to put your experience to use. As students of design, you would have been experiencing working and living conditions at your college premises. For various reasons, ranging from the time when it was built, the stages it was built in, the maintenance of the structure etc., it is likely that your department building may not be ranking high on the sustainability report card. The challenge before you for The IGBC Green Design Competition 10 is to carry out a sustainability and energy audit of your department building and evolve a design which will make it a zero-energy premises and an autonomous structure. You could choose to retrofit the existing structure or begin afresh with the existing site plan. Your design solution should justify your choice.

IGBC-Design Competition

Intervention at Iqbal Maidan

Intervention at Iqbal Maidan, Bhopal Done in our Third year First Semester Studio Program, the brief was to revitalize Iqbal Maidan, an open public space by creating opportunities for the local people to generate an active public space by creating A museum, Library, Gallery and other public facilities.

Intervention at Iqbal Maidan

Mixed Land Use Development

Spiretec- Mixed Land Use Development- Brief To design a unique 62,750 square metre mixed use area that is part of an IT office complex, spread across 85,000 square meters of land; with a built potential of approx. 1,75,000 square meters. The project is in Greater Noida; part of the Delhi National Capital Region (NCR).

M i xe d L a n d U s e D e v e l o p m e n t

Hotel Design

Hotel Design Done in our Third year Second Semester Studio Program, the brief was to design a hotel complex with given area program, responding to the context.

Hotel Design

Transparence 2011

Transparence 2011 To design a unique housing complex, that suits both its residents and neighbourhood and complements the surrounding neighbourhood. A design that will meet high aesthetic standards, whilst minimizing energy consumption. The landscaped area should be appropriately hard‐scaped, soft‐scaped; It should be designed with water bodies, a children’s hlai area, jogging track, recreational area, Club house (with gym & swimming pool) and a multipurpose hall. A design that incorporates attractive Architectural features which include sustainability, flexibility and quality is sought.

Transparence 2011

Graphic Design

Graphic Design Works

Various graphic design works like college cultural posters, invitations, ID Cards made during the past 3 years.

Graphic Design Works

Delhi, a city filled with opportunities; I may say it

Photography Works

is one of the main reasons for helping me create a passion for photography.

Playing with the camera for a while, was never specific of what I was clicking. Visually aesthetic, using some different technique to shoot a particular photograph, experimenting were some of the reasons I gave myself for my photography. Here are a set of different moods of the sky that were caught in my Camera.

Photography Works


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