URA German Marshall Fund Cities in Transition: Equity and Inclusion Study Tour - Hamburg, Germany

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German Marshall Fund Cities in Transition: Equity and Inclusion Study Tour Karen Abrams Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh Manager, Community and Diversity Affairs Thursday, May 21, 2015

Equity and Inclusion in Urban Regeneration: A Case Study of Hamburg, Germany : October 2014

Cities in Transition: • Pittsburgh, PA • Youngstown, OH • Cleveland, OH • Flint, MI • Detroit, MI

Mission 1. Learn innovative practices of equity and inclusion 2. Engage in peer to peer dialogue around success and challenges of equitable and inclusive 3. Identify opportunities to translate innovative practices to ongoing work

How is Hamburg ensuring that while the city grows economically and physically, that the population is thriving alongside this growth?

Sternschanze Neighborhood, City of Hamburg

Neighborhood Revitalization

Gentrification and Resistance

Urban Protest in Hamburg: Anti-Gentrification Resistance “Gentrification is, without a doubt, an emotionally loaded issue for those affected, and claims on space find their expression in collective and individual, often spectacular and sometimes illicit acts.� “The excitement offered by the subcultural actors engages in illicit resistance eventually contributes to the image of Sternschanze as an authentic, exciting, individual space and finally represents a consumable image of radical alternative lifestyle and non-conformity. With this, the commodification of resistance in Sternschanze becomes even more profitable. Laura Naegler, Gentrification and Resistance: Cultural criminology, control and the commodification of urban protest in Hamburg.

St. Pauli Neighborhood, City of Hamburg

Still some graffiti‌.

But more “street art”

Ministry of Urban Development and the Environment (Hamburg’s URA)

Quick Facts and Stats City of Hamburg


• 1.7 million people • 2 million by 2030 • Welcoming migrant populations (Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan) • 50% of indigenous population is over 45 • More than 50% of immigrant population is under 45

• 78% residents rent • 925,000 housing units • 50% single person households • 31% two-person households • 42% of residents eligible for affordable (social) housing • 30% housing must be affordable • 2K of 6K units build in 2014 were affordable (mixed income) units

Department of Land and Landscape + Department of Planning

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Education: A Holistic Approach • Ensures an inclusive education system at all levels: assistance, therapy, full-time education • Dedicated to lifelong learning, regardless of need or influence • Parents’ right to choose the best school for their child’s education

• Improve transition from elementary to primary school, primary school to secondary and then to higher education • Work closely with Ministry of Urban Development and the Environment as well as the Ministry of Labour, Family and Integration Social Affairs

Ministry of Labor, Family and Integration: Youth Unemployment Agency •

96% of youth are in the education system (by law) at a cost of $650 million Euros

50% students do not get certificate to attend university

State will pay for housing, provide stipend and support youth while in training for employment

Agency is a one-stop-shop for all youth employment needs

A welcoming place for immigrant populations

Overall goals to provide opportunities for all and strengthen social infrastructure

International Building Exhibition: IBA Hamburg

International Building Exhibition: IBA Hamburg

IBA Hamburg • Public Private Partnership • Experiment with sustainability (environment, equity and economic vitality) • Creating an international urban community: immigrant pop. • Ministry of Urban Development and the Environment moved its office from downtown to the island

• Metrozones • Climate Change + Energy Conservation • Social Integration • Housing • Education


Education: The Helmut Schmidt Grammar School

Education: The Helmut Schmidt Grammar School

District Energy: Energiebunker

District Energy: Energiebunker

HafenCity University: The “G” Word

HafenCity University of Hamburg • Urban Planning • Urban Design • Civil Engineering • Culture of the City • Future of large metro areas

Mei Ling Liem: Strategic Advisor, City of Amsterdam •

Amsterdam likes gentrification

800,000 in the city

10,000 people migrating each year

50% of housing is affordable (although only 30% required)

Investments are made in the city, not on the outskirts

Recognized need to talk about export of poverty to the suburbs

Conversation is one of diversity and inclusion rather than gentrification

Andreas Kaufmann: Urban Planner, Leipzig, Germany •

Leipzig is fighting gentrification

1930 population at 700,000

1990 population at 400,000

2014 population at 540,000

City “recruited” artists and creatives to make Leipzig a destination

City growing due to younger people being displaced from other cities

Same artists and creatives are being displaced

Speaker identifies as a gentrifier


City of Hamburg

Food: Breakfast

Food: Lunch



Race Forward: Facing Race ConferenceNovember 2014 • 15 people from Pittsburgh metro area attended • 1,600 people in attendance including non-profits, artists, government officials, elected officials and foundations • Very diverse racially and ethnically

Some of the workshops…… Gentrification Focus

Equity and Inclusion Focus

City of Seattle Office of Civil Rights – Racial Equity Toolkit Training, March 20, 2015 •

Racial and social justice leadership training

Understanding racial disparities

Determining the values of the city

Crafting a language to discuss

Each city department and agency goes through a history of racism in the US

Equity vs. Equality

Racial Justice Toolkit

Upcoming Event: Governing for Racial Equity Conference, Seattle, WA –June 2015 •

For government employees only

Learn what other jurisdictions are doing to achieve racial equity and eliminate institutional and structural racism

Share their successes, struggles and learnings

Build the collective knowledge of government employees as we work to achieve racial equity.

Governing for Racial Equity Network: a regional partnership of government jurisdictions working to achieve racial equity

Upcoming Event: PolicyLink Equity Summit, Los Angeles, CAOctober 2015 • By 2043, people of color will be the majority population in the United States • Pulling together a delegation from Pittsburgh metro area • Follow-up to P4 Conference in April 2015 • Build powerful partnerships for building an equitable and prosperous city

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