1 minute read

Playful social distancing


Social distancing has become a focus of attention in the built environment, and many people are trying to solve the problem of how to illustrate and enforce distance between people in a meaningful way.1/2 Painted lines and signs with friendly reminders have guided us through the pandemic so far, but most of these solutions only serve to remind the user of a rule.


In Japan’s capital, Tokyo, the ’social design activists’ NOSIGNER have made an attempt to turn social distancing into a game. They have created an installation, Social Harmony, that aims to accustom us to social distancing, using interactive audio as the tool. At the entrance to a trade fair hall, NOSIGNER has installed an oversized sheet of music on the floor. The notes play when a visitor steps on them, and if visitors keep the right distance to each other, they will play Erik Satie’s Gymnopédie nº1. People can also work together – at a distance – to create their own melody.

The innovative installation shows that the way we interact with our surroundings can change our behaviour and experience. By turning social distancing into a game, NOSIGNER has created a new way of learning and remembering the rules – without stripes and signs.


Sphere: Culture/Leisure

Timescale: Tactical, Short Term

Type: Graphic Application, Smart Solution

User Group: All user groups

Social Harmony Installation uses notes to mark safe distances

Typical markings: safety as the primary argument

Note demarcation: interaction as the primary argument

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